The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 08, 1914, Image 1

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110 10 BAKER
IVrit HiHbtr llirl,
Clow ColM-! Iw lil Saloon
t Mil K UlffMI I W IKIHU
Siilc MililU I" Camp
jt Fnl i :ift' iii.m the hi.jiI
gf ar ; i!t'''t fnmi M'iu
(Vim-'.. ,.!. HaUr fount).
Ort-Llitt. Mi' I ''HI
fftao' t" ' '' ' r""r '".t,
I., t'..i i.. II. i.f
Jut' M.Ut ;. I liM- ii.intu
pti an. I U i' t.f Or.
f,n N.n,t''!'ti.r. I.i'i I.- I in '!
jrrf'n'1'l "t - "''!" . "'"I
titlnn u'i i"1 -n" t'"- S l'"
jIuh) an, I On- mayor un. I 1 1
cuutwiliivn ! ' I iin l. r .rr.-4.
J,H w;ii ,i'ii!'!i i'l in II fi'rt
minute a't. r M.m.r Sir art, a
rvfu.'K'il t r.1 urn Inn
mivi.r. t!Il l lv H'i i.f
iliee a
it II.lluT
'itv itl'in -
MUh ll"t 'l- i'irl.-.l frmtt S:i
i m 1 1 r s
l!.- "!jMIK,
h'l i U i-n iiii s.iiin-
Dn if Will': I 'T
inti-niii'ii.-- If I I
nvinth K- i-:i:i
MiM II I .! I It :r I l'r iin
rtnn. I i-'ti r. f u' (
I'hn cl tin- tn 'i j
uti'li-r rn'i'l! i! I.iva . n'ul
iftiTAiir I tf t it v il!u i:i!r
i w r.'
I .-.!,
tKUlM U-itH? 't;in III fn.lil of
whof t! - ii A .li patch to III.-On-fotinu
'.n iiv. r sixty
per f.-fit "f tt .' )mi'iI.' rri'
jinol, at .I t i , - tniiiti.i h. . trrli. 'I
fit ttn- rcii'l.'iiN nf
thrif i-j;m' , ,,f wnr. '1 lien-
no r. i i t- . ''.
ThH.r:i! : s f..ll.iws h
linilhcr t,n.
II M nt in h w.-ll kiunv n in
llii!liru, I,, r p;ir.-iit; r.'ti.litnf
lomi'.- .si nf thm fit v. tn-ar
uricy Stali..n. .-n the liii-. tni-
Wh.-n tl,. .i,:it.i,.-4 first
ltitf.1 tfiat .Ji,k I...Im wat
irit to r..,..T:i.-!.. tli- mayor
ind ctmncil ..f that citv. n.-arlv
111 of h.oii arc s.ii, to 1m- in the
!i Im.m.s. t.Mik thf ail'air
uijiik.-, an. I ivai.'. a Htatcrni-tit
tfwit thf v',. crnor'H .rivatc tor.
Miry woul.l I..- in.-t with ii .li-l.'.
ntion rarryiia Uiuoin ts of rut
IWm. M-t Hui.t.H M-t at
thf ImMn. -i .inn (v imyiiu' tio
itti-ntimi tu tl,.. 'Will tnliiit.-M.
After In r ini . ,i,.!i vva-i ata'om
p!ihH s!;,. t.N.k it-.- train hack
to HaUr I it v. an. I from th.-rf
me t.a.'k t.. it,,. Vall.-v
KwiN for . we.-k hav.
rattle. 7si .,k.,4
-ni;shrri, .T, l'J.
Lives!,- l I, .nu t. .I ;.t.
wla-st , ttaH iv,)lt
W W customary; the hulk ship.
P-rsplannnl to speml the holi
"y at hoin.. U HistNiiiet
jWinit to mark. t until early in
i'w year.
The .miii,. ii-n.i.. i,.... i
i " ii iui.t in-l-o
"ir .oni.,.ral.e HtrtMipth
enty. as killern have Hon
""yclenriiiir up their mi.l-Di'.
'"T surplus. The .lomnnrl
",r wt'f is i,t srmr enough,
2'r lo elovate prices on
"'"I ""lv tin- priffH of
j have mlvatu'eil. P.est
wra snl.i Iroin 7 7. In K Id will.
Z Klk al to 7.'.H).
"KhlT Shirk lu.,1 .-. .tow ;,..
Slltililv .
ftwU 1 "laineii very nine
Stl1,-7'rl"llU f'-l.. 5.75. ami
clvw 7.r,n in n
il he..8wi,"'."arlvet took a mu!-
tmiA.'i " . '"l ,vin
111. . ' .
1. vu
M) was a
wrai ton r., i ... i. ;.r .
' iMiirv tii iiniut
I In 1 1 b t i
I ' Miir ll
I .
j . iw. lint eleven hunts rami'
till""1'."" ,mrkvt Fri,lay 11,1,1
F'I1(!1 Hinee. ,'.m,.u i,...,! ..n
I'anev lamlis sell-
k.T. fi-:n
ntiired. Mutton
to nl
Wil teinnorai-ilv ilull.
"I t reeeiiit. nml ihn mn.
fiiiv r. i i
111 I'll..
how" n" ly B,,,'P n.l lambs.
li1"1;1 V"l- are nil on a
"e year ('"mm(',u,! 1,10
PHy. ;(.,r:li,,:,1ll',''".of Orison
I to .
the A reus New
HothuH . " an,l an order for
i i'iir
MrH. M;iImI JanifM ..f
, . " i
lan.l. luxt tn.lay ttivt-n a tie
it..- .f .livorr.' from . K.
.lam.s. t..k.tir with $7. ali
nionv. to U in $'Jf, monthly until,
I In- .aw wan on., that trtruritcl
many m..-n, ami Ju.lifi Cump
l II. in jiaHNinif. Mm.! that n-ith-
r i iititl.-.l to a .livorr.-. hut
n. ith.-r wan of iiroM-rly Hi.- .lulnn of a nup
uai ur. rni'iil. However, he
ori. lw.l. il. he nai.f. to never tl,.,
knot, iin, I ..-ive the alimony t
$7.ViriMli-a.l of at .HilO, an auk-
e. l.y tin- m if.-. I he UHiial moth-
r in law muh irivolve.l. on the
n.e ot the Wife. Jumt-H ha l
hi if lul uf witiieHHe in hlH Im-
nail, all (.r whom jtave him
i r.-.lit for U-irijf a kmm hunhaml
in many r.-xMTt. Jam.n own
(roiM-rty ,.mri near livranl. jmrn--rty
in Southern Un-imri, ami in
i ..rviann, an or wruch m more or
I. -Hi tiruinUrt-.l (Ine of i,
l.-ature of the ease wan the t-vi
I l .... : v
..I i,n irisri woman, a
r..itntik' honm- larullaily. who
wis a mutual fru-ml of htw
ham! an. I wife. She iraye Jariien
n haikinir. am! to tn
iu.-i ti..n of why a woman mar
rti-.l. nhe Mii.J: " hy. Ju.ltfe. to
N tth.-r h-r ron.lition, of rourse.
I'm a wi.low meseif, ami hhure,
it arry her honor, or any
ith. r I'iritl.'tnan in theroort nmrn
if he was a ila.-ent fellow ami
!i!, make me an asi.-r life, for
I've always Uen a har.l working
I'ran,u. tte walnut lre- Kraft
I on I'alifi.riiia I'.lat-k ImiI the
I'"' '"fikin.i that t'rowH viiforoiis ami
.-ars h. u v erni.i h.-re in U'.Kt.
. rn lJ.-. etilly I re
niv.,1 a I. -Iter from a party
m ar Vam-oiiv .-r. Wali., ntatine
Hat he hare,te. ami weik'h-.-.I
:r.'ii iuiih of nut.i I nun .Vi
tr.-.-M av. rak'iriK' 17 yearn old, m-t
"J I f.-. t apart. .K i upyimf li acre.
that Hoi, I for rent. ier kmiiii,
makinif a ross inrome of IT'Jll.
Can you hint this with any
oth.-r en? My first ami Hi-eoml
plantiiu's, ,'i an.l years ohl are
Im inniii t U ar. 1 alno have
vi'trh s. iil in small or larire iiian-titn-s.
I'.r.l limiicr, Hillslmn).
Uc-vron. Koute 2. ihone Se hoi 1.4
'.'." line 111.
Ilenrv I-isy. of Sweet, Idaho,
was in the city Friday. He w ill
remain here until next month,
isitini with his relatives. Thcw.
Ilinton and wife, Iwii;lit Tom
erov and wife, of north of town,
and 1 1. I'.. ,eisy, of South Tua
latin. He says that crops were up his w ay last Fall. Henry
cam.' .low n to visit his mother,
w ho is ipute aired, and says that
his annual visit ihwn this way
always cheers him up. He was
Uirn and raised out in the 1eisy
v ille section.
I represent Spirella corsetd -not
.sold in stores. Will cull at
homes on request, and do the
littintr, and teach how to adjust
and wear the corset. Our tailor
ed made to-inea-sure corse Ls, in
cludink' the latest fnmt lace, with
an cterience.l corse Tier service,
cost no more than hik'h class cor
sets purchased in stores. Mrs.
M. V.. Caudle., Fifth
and Jackson Streets. Phone No.
fS. Mir
II. D. h'dford departed Satur
day evening for San Jose, ('al.,
where he enters theemplov of
('apt. Mcl'ann. the Forest (Imve
horseman. He exiects to re
main there until the nit-inn sea
son opens in the North next
Will leach shorthand and typo
writing in HillsUmi providing
enough mpils w ill join a class.
Address "School ol Shorthand,"
Wit llth Street, Portland. Ore
Homer I,. Smith, of near date
way, Fasten) Ongoii, writes
from his homestead that he
wants a year of the family jour
nal. For sale Al team of horses,
brown mare and gelding, 6 years,
weight, :?'.!(KI. Address John Ol
son, Portland, li. 2. One mile
east of Cedar Mill. 40-2
John Wismer, of near Cedar
Mill wns no to the citv batur
dav.' conferrimr with Sheriff
Uet'ves on business connected
with that ollice.
Stevens '22 cnl. rifle for sale
reasonable, or will exenange for
chickens-llox (!.r llillshom. Or.
i :;i,.iun llnirer and Gotfried
Schlaelli. of above Mountain-
dale, were city visitors Saturday
li. 11. Greer gives no premiums
after Jan. 1. Instead, he gives
you prices. Investigate. 41-J
I.V...I itmwn. of bevond North
Plains, was a county seat caller
C. 11. P.radley. of below New
ton, was in the city Monday,
era! ItarrrU ol IWe In Shcr-
Ollk, Wanlrd by IMaintiff
SImII Ii ValM4 at SJM nd Wind
Danttri la Sam ol I'M
An who of the raid upon the
aker driitf ntore. of Custom
owned ,y )r. J. A. I!uk.-r. hy a
tMfial aent of Ijovernor West.
ho for the tune U-inj: conduct
i a rentaurant at the vlllaire on
Wapato Ike. a year or more
uk'o. came, rriday. through the
hannels of a lilinif in circuit
court Several ham-Is of w his
key, some hlackherry cordial.
and aome ler were confiscated
hy the state and hrouK'ht down
iere hy Constahle McOuillan.
and the contrahaml was placed
n the nherifl s ofltcf, where it
baa since rejKJsed.
Haker was tfiven a heavy fine,
Ahich was uaid. and nothing him
hcen done about the ow nership
ii the liquid refreshments.
Hailey & Hare are attorney
for Haker. and plaintiff sues for
"l.Vl-L'allon w hiskev l.nrrel mnrk.
ed SherhnMike histillinir (!o.t con-
tainink' about 10 or 15 gallons of
whiskey: one fiO-irallon barrel full
of whiskey; one IlO-Kallon harrel,
eontainintr 20 gallons of black-
iK-rry cordial; z harrels full of
.My Maryland Whiskey; one
arrel full of ouart bottles of
whiskey with no laU-ls. all of
the value of ilf, ami $2lN) dam
ages for wrongful detention
thereof, and the costs and dis
bursements of the action.
District Attorney K. It 'roniriie
and Oeputy, Thos. H. Jr.. as
counsel for the county, w ill de
fend the case In-fore circuit courL
The Southern Pacific schedule,
as now running, is as follows:
To Portland
McMinnville pass'ger, a. m
Sheridan train, a. m
1'illamook train, p. m
I'Airvallis overland, p. m 4:57
On Sunday, McMinnville pas
senger does not leave Hillsboro
for Portland until 8:50.
From Portland
Corvallia passenger, a. m....8:22
Tillamook passenger, a. m.. 10:00
Sheridan passenger, p. m...5:14
M Mmuville passenger, p. m- 0:45
For sale-Snan mares. 2400 lbs:
harness, nearly new; 14-hoe Ti
i?ar drill: 14-inch walking ulow:
Winona wagon, nearly new; 3
section steel harrow; 2-horse
lisc: mowing machine: Ueering
rake, new; new milk cart, 2-inch
wheels. lioy Hays, Hillsboro,
Ore., one mile south, on Jackson
Bottom, between bridges, at Con
denser pumping plant, on left
hand side, going south. 42tf
C. C. Smith, of this city, has
hoinrht a moving picture house
over at Tillamook, and takes im
mediate possession. He and Mrs.
Smith will move there this week.
Both have made many friends
tiirinir their residence in Hillsbo
ro, and their departure is a mat
ter of regret to their -many
If voti want a range that beats
the world for the money, call on
David Corwin, Hank Annex
Building, and see his Quality
Ranges, all the way from $25 to
$55. These are the best ranges
ever placed on the market in
Hillsboro. Call in and see them.
Theodore E. Hoehler, manager
of the Everfresh Co., of this
citv, returned the last of the
ith n hriita. He was
married. Dec. 31. 1913. to Miss
Theresa Wetzel, in I'ortlamt, trie
ceremony being performed at St.
....'., Pnihnlio f'hiiri'h I hev
will make their home in Hillsbo
On and after Jan. 1, 1914, R
H. Greer will not give away pre
mi.ima nr trading stamps, nor
anything else of that nature to
induce people to iraue wim mm,
k.. instead, will make a far
greater inducement in the price
of trrocenes.
tceondpnthal. of below
Newton, was in town the first of
the week, and says mat ms uoi-
. . i ia nw on nlanH sen
ium mnu m -
and he expects his newly ordered
ntnmru-var rn nrnvc 111 a itn
Dtvauiuuui wW
davs. so he can steam arouna ai
ter his stock.
li. r. Duns rn'Kir, the Orenco
IKiultry man. was in the county
seal aiomiay.
Emit Stalder, of near Cedar
Mill, was a city caller Saturday
Chris SVhindl.-r. of near li-th.
any. was uu to the citv S.-.tnr.lav
on business at the clerk's ollice."
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hartlev
of Hanks, were citv visitors th.
last of the week.
Wanted: Will buv a liiht 2.
seat sorinif watron. ami alsriK.mi.
yearling heifers. V rite II. Odar-
matt. Ilillsloro. Ore.. I'outc 1
or phone Walter P.ros. Farmer,
asl. Jhn-e mil.-s northeast of, on liralH-l place. 42-4
Miss Ona departed the
last of the week for an extend
ed visit at Umatilla, the truest- oi
lier brother, Albert Foord, and
E. T. Turner, the Laurel mer
chant, was in town Saturday.
E. T. is hoping for the day when
he'll have rock roads all the wav
through to the village to the
south of us.
Wm. C. Ingles and Geo. J.
Wilcox, of Greenville, were in
tow n the last of the week. Hoth
have siK-nt many years in that
The North Side Dairv w ill de
liver you milk on city route. Pure
milk ami cream. Iry us. Our
product is first hand -we milk
and then deliver. Tel. Farmer
i.'5fi.- I). M. Gillcnwar,er. 41-0
T. li. Oavis. of Jolly Plains,
was in town Monday. He made
the trip in via I.eisvville. as ht
found the Jolly Bridge impossi
ble of travel, owing to the high
For the best values in hard
ware of nil kinds, call on Dave
Corwin, who can sell you the
I test at the lowest ligues. Plumb
ing given prompt attention.
Second Street, south of Main.
Peter Grossen, of near Helve
tia, was in town Monday. He
n'iorUi sloppy roads all the way
to town, with all the low places
in the country carrying a big
volume of water.
The K Hand Power Stump
Puller is being demonstrated
laily on the George V. James
farm, four miles southeast of
Cornelius. If interested, call or
write for descriptive literature.
Address Gustav Krause, Corne
lius, li. 2. 42-5
Hon. B. P. Cornelius says:
The storm Friday. Saturday
and Sunday was the heaviest
since January, isy;, when the
big freshet cost Washington
County nearly twenty thousand
lollars for the repair of bridges.
new oridges and me replacing oi
Mr. and Mrs. John Beauchamp,
of Portland, w ere fn town Mon
day, ennnite to Wheeler, on Ne-
hnlem Hav. I hev came as far
as Hillslvoro. and could proceed
no farther, owing to a bridge in
trouble at bchiellelin, on the r.
li. & N. John formerly resided
here, and ho put in the day
greeting oldtnne friends.
Attorneys Geo. Ii. Bagley and
Thos. H. Tongue Jr. started for
Tillamook, Sunday .morning, but
went only as far as limber, as
slides on the track in the moun
tains prevented the train making
its schedule. The train out of
Tillamook proceeded no farther
than Bay City, where it was
held up. Two other slides were
reported in the hills between
Wheeler and limber.
Supervisor Chas. Meacham was
in from north of town, Monday.
He said that Monday morning
the Jolly Bridge was all under
water excepting about ten feet
at the highest point of the
structure, liural carrier Milten
berger was forced to go around
by the way of Leisyville, and
had to miss several patrons on
the route because of the high
F. H. Bower, well known at
Hillsboro. Cedar Mill, Mountain
dale and Scholls, years ago.
writes from Pairie Citv. Idaho.
as follows: "We like Idaho fine
had a dandy crop last year.
We dry-farm and I raised Bl
bushels of oats per acre, and my
wheat averaged 35 bushels. We
ni-e rnisinu cattle and horses, and
some hogs, and am just getting
out alfalfa for the latter. 1
homesteaded here three years
ago and have a school section
run to.1 10 cents for mv
pork, and pigs average from 80
to 120 pounds at iu montns.
Snow usually last from Decem
Uimk tn March here, so we mar-
iot nnr nil's in the Fall. Have
put out an orchard ot small fruit
and vegetables, ana tne trees
have done finely."
Mi I hi
Wdl Known Bacona Man Crush
ed by Falllnc Pole
Weal Doa ! CaUlaraia Several MmIIm
A With JeffetM
Henry Hoffman, a popular young
man of Bacona, and son of Mr.
and Mrs. Peter Hoffman, met
death last Thursday, at Marys-
ville, taL while setting electric
light poles. The youne man
worked for his father at the Ba
cona mill, for a number of years,
and was industrious, sober, and
of excellent habits.
Some time ago he departed for
Marysville to work under Engi
neer Jeppeson, who had charge
of work in the California city.
W hile at work last Thursday a
pole which was being erected
broke loose from it miv.mnM
and fell on Hoffman, crushing
mm so that he lived but a few
The remains were nhinrH in
Washington Countv for hurial
and the funeral took nlare Tum.
day, interment being in the Kaf-
r . .
ieiy cemetery.
Henry Hoffman was rirartical.
ly raised in the mountains, and
was an expert mill man for one
of his years. He had a wide cir
cle of acquaintance, and his un
failing good nature made him a
general favorite, Mr. and Mrs.
Hoffman and family have tho
sympathy of all of their friends
in their bereavement
Miss Margaret Littlehales was
married Jan. 1. 1914. to Gordon
brown, at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H.
Littlehales, Forest Grove. The
ring ceremony was used, and
Principal H. L. Bates, of Pacific
University, officiated. The bride
was attended by her sister. Miss
Minnie Littlehales, and Clifford
Brown, of Boise, a brother of the
groom, was best roan. After
the ceremony a wedding dinner
was served, and at 1 o clock Mr.
and Mrs. Brown departed for
Vernon, B. C, where Mr. Brown
is located as horticultural expert
in Okanogan valley for the Cana
dian government Mrs. Brown
was a member of the Bachelor
Girls' club of Forest Grove, or
ganized a few months ago, and
is the first member to launch her
bark on the matrimonial sea.
For the past year she has been
in the employ of the Forest
Grove National Bank. Mr.
Brown is a graduate of Pacific
University and Oregon Agricul
tural College. He is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. 0. Brown.
The Washington County Teach
ers' Association will meet at
Beaverton, Saturday, Jan. 10,
with a program as follows:
9:30. Singing.
9:45, Favorite Memory Gems;
answer to Roll Call.
10:00, Report of Spelling Con
test Committee.
10:15, Penmanship Lesson, C.
W. Burtt
11:00. Address, Prof. M. S.
Pittman. Monmouth.
1:15, Special Music.
1:30, Nature Study as as In
troduction to Sex Hygiene.
2:30, Departments: Grades, J.
H. Jack; High School. C. C.
Ailor; Principals, C. F. Grover.
This meeting is first and best
U. R needed.
R L. Wann, President
To Portland
6:24 am
6:59 am
8:45 am
10:49 am
1:19 pm
3:55 p m
6:15 pm
8:20 pm
9:l8... pm
From Portland
7:48.. am
9:07 am
11:25 am
2:28 pm
4:48 pm
6:24 pm
7:38.... p m
9:22 pm
12:30 am
Geo. M. Hunter,
Plains, was in town
the week,
of North
the last of
If yoi don't want to come to town, just phone vonr
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if you
called ia person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders
and you can get a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
Rexall Remedies by Parcel Post Prepaid without extra
The Delta Drug Store
.. . ......iw,(;....,..v;-,-. w 1 a
between the bank-book and the pay envelope.
They should be made to travel hand in hand
in a mutual prosperity that re-act to the ever
lasting benefit of them an possessed of both.
Keep your pay envelope acquainted with one
of our bank books. You know we pay the
highest rates of interest.
American National Bank J
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banking in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De
posit Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
II votl want ft watrh thnf vmi
can be proud of carry a
Waltham Watch
Tie Waltham has been awarded
highest honors at every Interna
tional Exposition and has taken
every Gold Medal offered in
America since 1875.
mltt Tim You Own Waltham
IWt W wtcfc befon lalk
i with u-.. Complete mart
. aw.1 ui WiUkaa WMk to all
NO. 42
MUimboeo, Ore.
Hillsboro. - Orerfon