i iniuLLseara NO. 41; OLXX HILLSBORO, ORKGON, JANUARY 1, 1914 i i Vi RHOGET MEETING JOIill I the Civil War. who resided at inn I ITT CAT.IDl.AV ton Batumi! for a number of END LAbl ufllUnlllll di.nl at the &Idien-Uom... IILkU t Orting, Wash., last week. IV- I ceuaea WM IlL'tNl alalilt 7.r Veant I . VealnM Twnv UnJ hm! failing in h..atth $ Johns ly Celebrated WUh OF WIS AND STAR UDIESOF STAR SIKVE BANOlIT IWckWf'i Jarall Onfctlr I mainhcil Msak lor Ouinlos gainst tw item i ,-'.-"" t-rn wrei; urchasc of roal machinery anil ceived a struck for hauling rock fur near Van aou nau wen tailing in neaun ---- Machinery for some time. Il last resided IndiKtton ol Oftkcr. Saturday at Raymond. Wash., before go- von 0 u W l i ,H.ion of $30 iter month th re- maining years of hi life. A son. Puiiiic in Vault lr Silciy si I David Kuhn, resides at Ray- r I ........I UV-h II.. i... .;f l , iiumui, nift-nt. liu itma xniv viiiiti iSitr l. I.-.,., i ... ... in iniiMK'ru, aeu iv years, anu .t -. .ft..- . lft . - V . .- . . . iwiemoin-r, mn. rntna iveisev, i , . .... ,-,.nvr iwile attended lh u entitled to a pension for nit Saturday. Dec. 7, was St. Johns I - l in... mm. I i...ti :.. -... tuikt't discussion in me eir-i years, ior ine support, a guar- I -'., " un- niwiiiv iininmi """" . II..... A ...ill l. ... - I -. I I .ft . v iv .. .. t. . ,.i ..liu Siluruav. JUuce I "" ninKiMi i -j mauvianu me wnit-roi r.uHU'rn riar ittuM f. tlirt inaiiftn lmraii I ft- i i ; r . i. i mr uresidva ut the session, I" w "" inema joini insiauauon oi oiueers ...... .f., IK. I h ninmift l VLBinut lrt4 irrmft. I in tK.i Kf n.vri. Hull ...-..m.I um.I th' Ileitis wtrv ftni.., - --"- V ,, . ,t ' ' I awl tn I u ilitpht ICIalr I? jft.ftt . t hti I aft i! . i.p i I -i -.linit.k! I'v the taxpayers. V ,iT , -1 asninmon. wenwr a juvenile of the Ii present vut. f ' fiwS. .,U, Hlat,, letter from a iarty nu auer insiauauon ine la.n.s aneouver. Wash., atatinu of the Star served a Huletulnl . ft ft . -ft -. I. mm nt narvitiiKi inn wiMirn. i .liiam. I I "tllO i.uik.Ij rf nnlj t.,m TJl I ... m -hiikkt fnr One of the features of the eve l TIW niau r .. . I trees averatni; li years oki, aeii I. ... ...i..., i f,,rini-. um -M . ....... i .. In nit was the nreaentatum of a Uviftl avraiiwt. Judu Uea- that sold for WJcenta tHr inind, cane to Judge It, ,1 ramlall. a ttiHi!it I a eommiiiif matkinif a urons inronw oi ii-u- i .i -ni i.-ik-n .... ,Xlf i ! l i i i i 1 1 . ...... t.: I vim m llr K' A Itiiili'V mail. fOOSBO" ..I. ..i. ..- it.. .u......l I lVi iirtHU.ntalutit ul.lri.t lit lilt 1 Uinif J. A. imoi ie, Jiimi-s I tuiivr iivj i mi iiim mm -auihi ..... t r .- . . i i. i.. i .: . r. . it ...... ..i uaim iiftftptft.rail'iMiii ii.riii in ilirk r 11. a;'pi"k.lon ann I iianiinKs, ami years win -...-........ . ' 1.. .. .... i,r..w..nl ,Hin. I liiinniiiir t. Iwiir I also have Masonic otlteers - Vr.. i i, . in.... .i.K U...I v i-t.-h h.4h! in small or larire uuan- W J (Irew'ir, worshipful master; (WWllS. V . .. . i n:ii.i U I' Will..., ..i,i.- uiir.l..n- Wm Sfin IrwviduiK' lire pnf vaults Orevon, lliiute 2. phone Seholls Ujotleih, junior warden; I r l w". . .. . iL.. I r.rr. I W imwI. Herrt'tarv : Dr r A Ituilev. fnr the tireserv anon oi un- muu '. i; ..v. , Iur Mtr 'i- 1 I I ..j, I l Mni'Pilili.l. u.'lilnr l -. 1 1 - I tl L'l " . r,r"' l.. f,'V " .ft"' f.w . V deacon; Willis Ireland, junior jonnson iiiusiM.nH iw. -o. iao, Jp . M H lUr(li w.nior Htt.w a son. I he young fe low was a H,nHl.llt jllnior Ktl.Wttri very welcome thnstmas grt c K lK.ichmat ly,.r. and had he arrived hy iwrcels ,... a.ui Ht he would have contributed postage for 11 pounds in the original package. The happy father, who is a member of the lirm of the Wilkes Abstract Co , was busy Friday, handing out ciirars to his friends. Mother and child are doing well. t archives. As it will take at least IIO.UM) t.. take fare of this nmfmial the court may add a lit- .- , . .i - .... tie more to it arm ptu n me. un 0. to the new annex, pmviding r.,,lt is well. If new vaults ut built and they must be if no sew building is eiinstrm-t.nl. -turn the new buiMing in" tone these will have to U torn oat. The original budget wasf.li'..- 000, aside frm the sehool bu I- let which isti-l by law. ami outside of trie spinal school ami road district levi.s. lhe atsive two items were the only ones to which there was serious ob jections. As I climax to the senwneni displayed on the building fund budget, a couple f Forest Grove citizens called on the county nuirt Momhiv morning, and of AGED HISTER BREWS i:ito n'l ore6o:i so::g PAST THREE SOME AND TEN Hi PrtulMi ia WaialaftM CMly Palplta Miijr Year Mr. and Mrs. J. W. (.oodin. of North Plains, were in the city Saturday. Win. Matzke, of south of 5a- vertbn. was a city visitor. Sat urday. 11 oh. TalUit, of Cornelius, was! J- tlarrl.ua. ol Abovt hanks. Past I mi.ii.lmg with the tax tm.lget Seventy, Indites 0l to Orefon tniH-iing lasi ,-viiuniujr, C. K. t' Ceishirt. West Union. was a county seat caller the lust of the w k. J. I. P.arngrover. the Vurley onion grower, waa in town trie J.Carngua. the well known min- 1 1 l.-I orii-r, i nni Bumiir, ! . . .i..ftL-.. in ih.. nmniv H. !ii ii. wter of the gospel, above Itankii. last of the week. has passed his 71st year, but still takes his blace in the Duluit oc- lU.l l H I , oi ' i urn' 'II inwuir - - tain, was a Hillslioro visitor the casionally, and his pen has not last of the week. vet lost its cunning. For a man 11. 1. Ledford came down who has lived hia allotted three- fmm tb. Crove to stK-nd Christ mir..nnd.tn Mr. Carriirus Is I mas with home folks. l.ilburn Job. of near Center ville. for the Winter, was in the city (hristmas. Ceorge Sinclair, of near I,eisy ville, wus in town the last of the week. pirOiler Star Otikors: Mrs Adah Moore, Worthy Matron; Dr F A ttnitfV. Worthv Patron: Mrs Kl- zora Magruder, AssiK-iate Ma tron; Mrs Helen Peiehman. Sec retary; Mrs draee ool. I reus urer: Miss (.race Peiehman, Cndiirtress; Mrs F.lizahetli I I'ron.l.ll ( 'hmilitin ; Mrs W N II a nniM Ihul Ik.B 1 4 I l(.r..l I A, lull' lll II.Wl' CllVI1. the world for the money, call on Kuth; Mrs Minnie Barnes, hsUier; I. .. i ii at t 1 . It..i l.,i Pavid t-orwin, nana Annex mrs nenrieua uregK, mmoia. lUiilding. and see his Quality Mrs Klsie Frentzel, F.lecta; Mrs Ranges, all the way from $25 to Nelia Trullinger, Warder; C : . . . . .1 h a u . h'l .... k.1 A , . . . I . W . I B ft i 1 h $.!. These are the oesi ranges peicnman, jH-nnnei ever placetl on the market In Linklater, Organist; IlillslMiro. Call in and we them, httenger. Marshal. mii I, ... ....(lam I " lhe reuerais. me nwHi. ,!fMN enuu: TWAINS ftihir-h itv.l still vigorous, and hia latest ef fort is a few verses on Oregon. The Argua doe not as a rule print contributions of verse-for if it did it would runout of eight point, and all other pmall types -l, n rumintr f mm this man of I..M V ' , - - - advanced v ears it is pleased to I .. ... t .t - i. I . ..t i: .t. ,1... i: M. w as oiil the uisi oi me i puoimn me iinro. visitiiik? at Kecilvilie anil Ililis- lKro. Henry Miller, of U-low Witch Hazel, was transacting business in the county neat the last of the week. Henry Meachnm. of aU.ve Miiintairidale, was in town Sat urday, looking in on the tax budget meeting. John Matthes, of Laurel, was .... i i .. .. in town rrway ami oaiuruay. He was a Portland visitor while away from the ranch. Mrs. Leah Hmiland. of Port land, rind Mrs. Donald K, lmg. teaching at Sutherlin, were Christmas visitors at the home of L A. bmg and family. (;. 1.. Hurst, who lias wen (ornelius Oirifua li lite ilnrc, Whrit in;il ihi(IiI lo trlllr, Im lliry itirr ras uik IIvIhk hrrt II lliry only hv Iht mrltlr. We live lite tul n't wntef, Am) -ill I'l'l mounUln ilr, AikI if mn can't nmkt II line, Itr can if njttUrt. Thrn Irl lltrm nmie lo Oitkuo. Anil Ixiy little hme, ml trlllr iluwn lo tuiftliirn Ami lunitrt nl lo foam l'o lliree in itwmi a plenty In Dili K'r"l ()'TK"n "late, If Ihry lu't put It ff loo Ion. A u.l wail ami come loo late. J, (,aril(uii. Unk, (i.e., R V. U. . TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS Tf v. ilnn't want to come t' town, iust phone your order ia and it will be promptly attended to as if you called iu person. Wc sjiccialize m "Hurry Up" orders and you can get a prescription mauc up very conven iently in this way. All orders arc sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and Itexall Remedies by Parcel Post, prepaid without extra charge. The Delta Drug Store REXALL STOrvE- COUNTY KXPI.NSRS . . . , .... . . . .. 1 1 lessee in ue- i. . . , . i i v..-ii, iMniu r.irKVnuliinLrion (Viuntv tssueo war- place. iH-)inu i " , t .t.t.i ni no 4i.vernt venrs. was in town the rants in the snm of f-:i.I0i.u Mrs Zulu last of the week. from Jan.l. VJXA, to wee. b, uio. Mrs Mary .....,:,...,. a i.iwii f ,l,.nrted inclusive, the items oi expense the first of the week for North 'nf;.. ...r.rjvl Martin l'.err.nrils. of Verlsxirt, Sheritfs office 5.3156.18 11.. ........ ... 1 .ft- . - UIO 4ft was in town rrmay. ue nnK;ierK8 oiuce u.o-o.w l.nu..l.ntl naftuu-intinn which CX fanwl tn nut ni, n Imnd to fulfill i-tI to break into baseball next To Portland the following proposition: season, all over the United 1 6:2 1 a m "If o,.. ,.,iri n., nl. I ifivn Fir-1 vitntiMi linvit lwen trvinir to Bet fi ftll. 111 l V""- -". v ..ll n, - -7 , I - tl WaS 111 IU" II HU.tJ. I I . It Tift O Ollltl' ' est Grove the $p;.mai now on Higganbotham. the HillsUiroite 8:45 a" ,h ,,,.,1,, ol,t his way harvested Kmirder's office 3.0T7.73 a . 0 1 I I . . a ' 1.. u ... nn milk IA.III . . . H ftl 1 M I ' I t ! I . ... au fVt band in the tiiiiuimg ninu, anu with Mci.renie, 10 sign -; w.w ,. it f i-iover seeu tins 'iVoasurer s ollice i,m..d five them the wnckage of the them. Hig is signed up wtin 1 1:1J iVt-tnor'a oflice 777.31 old building, the county to re- McCredie for PJ14. but I. quojea 3:&ft " ,c School Supfs oftlce tain the s-piar, the city of For- as saying he would go wi h the 6:15 Mii.mvp won M i i'l'l inur aertitmui nws in-1 ore nv "wi" o.w .' j , uIaamenr ana coi- l . " . . ." . . . . . . ft. . vi In., o it m ..,1 uti.l cream. irv US. voir -. e i i 1 777.31 414.40 4,177.32 nil i struct a $,ims court house for the use of the county, provided the county seat lie removed to the Grove. " Of course, this will not done, but u shows what Forest Grove would do, or what the town Bays it will do, and they lenerally make good. The Ar gus, however, doesn't look for anything like this but it is news, and an such, must be ml-liahed. em team. Hi won 19 games i t in th 1113 season. UIIU mm t- in -- -i .L, and that's a pretty good recoru. i.v 1 represent Spirelia ciwra- U:2i not sold in stores, win homes on request, ana uu U-tf finintf nnH teach how to adjust -.oi lift.. up., j. m,tf, and wear the corset. Our tailor- -;3H From Portland a m . a m n m p m . p rn . p m ..p m . p m a tn UIIU nvui n.v. . M od . i . . n..i.MM mi,.tu in.i.. eu niaie-u-nifnui- vi g-;., eluding the latest front lace, with .3,, an exiiericnced corsetier service, Pfit no more than hign ciass cor- ..,.. ,.. c ,i sets purchased Jft-" r'riday. on le- u v i'uikI e. Hillsboro. riftn naptisi cnuu wic 1 i..lu;Uu truce had a busy ami Jack-son Street. Phone No. H u 7:30 c k . -1 !liH many oldtime mm rnumv.. "-v-v "11 1... r..i,..ia Mr uston irst start- . .1 .1 mLia tj tno itiiHiiir. it 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 n'i''t . .. . an ouiiivoct 1 . . ., . . . -t nr. product is first hand we milk lection 01 taxes .... . .ti ben deliver. Tel. Farmer Tax rebate .............. 1.163.48 ( "ll. M. Cillenwater. 41-0 Cuneni exwnsc ' . ,, , tionery, Isxiks, jKist- .1. 11. Humphreys, of Ueed- telephones, etc 3,065.33 ville. was in town Friday. John Court house expense, isstill holding down urn uee - jan,tor. lights, wa vill.ft twit office, as deputy, until rnol. renairs. the commission of Mr. Olinger fur'niture. etc 5.670.97 arrives from waswngion, I'. V,. tn ,inr,l (1f t,riHon- J. II. will then go over to Clark medicine and County. Wash., to reside. Hon. S. H. Huston, of Port- THERE IS A KINSHIP between the bank-book and the pay envelope. They should be made to travel hand in hand iu a mutual prosperity that re act to the ever lasting benefit of tlicm an possessed of both. Keep your pay euvclopc acquainted with one of our bank books. You know we pay the highest rates of iutcrest. American National Bank IMraf Sf HHHhoro, Or: II t UNION STIKIK yards D e. .1 1. I .. . . n an ouinvoo i - . , , (,f nw in this a-wipis oriiiewi-ea ?" II, . Fertin, of rorest iirovc, i . ji ren(h,mi anu enjoyeu e i m n" ; , n8i :';",V"H- ": now assisunt pnncpa m tneu - A (:hritma tree was city. r -. -,iW Washougal Schools, ana " there, as well as uki sania, win u.u n...v, . " . , vimHimas wei'K wim ,l;riM"' 1 1 iaruh. former publisher 01 me . amount of candies anu n. Uarrett, ot rortianu. Ktec 01 jraiety played havoc witn ine (, Tjmt,g were in tne , f(.p ,, k here he is engaged in the hard- jeneral run of stock so that while 1 it Saturtay, enroute to UankR. ,, wood fl.K.r business, was in town werun was very snori. uie quai- ,, M h 8 now an orcnaruisi un anu - n . I Fridsiv. n business, lie was itjfof stuff was to some extern t SOTJbr.ted White Salmon H Greer w.l I no jr.v ;o .w y , .rj 'hm, and well remember- IM.UH .eaiure o m. C0Untry. It has iH'enseyera. miums, ur -p-'V,' ... ,,I as a boy. lleHHUS mat ma mtrxeiiKMnga 10101 g(Ku siet.-r . he was in lliiisooro, anyinmK cio - ralher. N. A. iiarrcu. is now Wi) which sold at 18.10. the highest he was very much pleaaed induce people 10 ; r,nching in the Hig Hend conn- pnceior some time, range being " ... ,h wftV the town has im- but, insteau, wo. - - ,rv Irom IT. ')'i in lie l.ulk nroun. i " 7 u ino irin trrpater inducement in ui " ' -- , 1 nrriueil Hlliee inn w i-- . ll -i i 'll-U medical attendance, mtmira iiilfitillPH IIIK fixtures 1.657. G9 Poor, care of- County physician, tKior frm, ol rhnrires. '""r - ' r. inn nr. Ml m-ad rvv ann SG8.W Itvi.iirna cnnlmcts. material and labor.. r-,oui.uo tlnn nvru.natt 1. nil. HI cult tnancetor 415.30 Survevnr s office 152.23 - . n rt- II..O ih n fieer 010. uo hniintv 67.50 v r-itri mi KuildinR fund lows pension State Fair M W r "T...i uu ino irin trrpater nducemi I a a a ItAMlia I VI Kiwvv.. . A short run of hogs and an off For aaleAi team Mesdames Kmil market were the main factors in brown marc .and ldm , J J Mt JJS ?S .t l UlS.tw.k'u l,,.ui.w.uu Ui nn nff WMIfhL .WW. nuuiv -- anu - . . ,. ., titho;fa; t 2- 0nV2 ATthe at 7.C5. ...iJlity not g.md. east of Cedar Mill. W fifiXf'Zn thcrl like of y oars, lie remarket may be expected, to a M. Tunstall, ot 'oru ,, I I ,, nmornn weather, and he pioneer no . . u c: i uim j w p-t t . .... i oil xi i 1 1 ii -i in a ncau ine market may tie exjiec ea w S M. TUMttli. oi - . " 0reKon weBthcr. 8 J e a hater turn beginning mnwt to Hillsboro, r nday Ue Ma tty of AnK(,9 is ih the new year's activity. . and Mrs. Tunstall have been vis- savs wee y Lambs selling at $6.50 tMgin- jtinK au Summer, up in the Bu? tirul place. Damaaes. Samuel Liyesley, of Oak J'ark, F- W,liTnveslerc.ktaodP week. Mr. uvesity " . . I 'iVanKprq' exam board . . ...... i v.:.n ,t nn r.hriHtmnn. leacners exam utwru IS rs.ru on t.m ..j " - 1 1 i.nnr rnnnn refund ,k?.."L- aJC?il S K and sewer assts nWi or nop yv;!'"",r.iT : County fair as well as in. "'T"" T Jv.ilfl court sons still continue in tno ousi- ness. 1.606.69 200.00 36.40 9.60 36.65 9.75 46.50 400.00 1.751.09 1.00 1.281.14 10.16 SHDTE SAVINGS BAHK American National Bank (affiuatkd banks) Combined Capital anil Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 Bantling in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreivrn Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Poxes, Traveler su. Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates mal Warm Inund Pallritpml TltlS. "' 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. nine of the week and still in pxxi strong demand at this Quotation. For good Btrong stuff eg and wethers are quoted proportionally for the same qual ity. SMITH SMITH .J limn. I .1 tlliUKV tend country, ut.ju'' -r. -.' win was". ' Mr nm Mrs. J. u lurner, oi nrt was out Monday, as where they have a daugnter. writnf( in Hillsboro providing nmIltiHa County, have "i in a rnao before circuit They stif. own the old farm near h pupil8 wl join a ciass - f j Uitchey and ' ' j i,!-onn are over . jjJla a-iitft ol Shorthand. M ol "Ku, ra ,...,- rta uu a. . Ruv orroceries t'hl IPS, BOU urci. . Auurcna iJV" . i, .1 A Inml V. 01 IjOrneilun, uiuihrhuui. ti. w0Ur.nrt nlace. on anoth-Ln iUh street. Portland, Ore- arri'iy u. fnmilies vou get no premiums & 41-4 "oldndghbo up in the How prices.-. H. Greer's. I ... lftAf) Miim. I 1 nrt.l itrViitif O'Day, of Port- coun- court where 1 but get 43 region Turner r. P Rwerson. of below Reed- ville, was in town Monday, on A pretty wedding took place Christmas dav. when Wm. M. Smith and Alma L Smith were "nited in marriage, at the home the bride's mother, Mrs. Dr. A'S. Bennett, on (Jarbaldi Ave., . o. Clarence C(H)k odiciating. ynly immediate relatives and "lends were present to witness fheceremony. A host of friends J'n in best wishes for the happy We. Those present were: JJ. r. A. S. Bennett, Mr. and ti.ne.HL n. nenneu. n- . , a-iln Stevens as cai. niw n. -": ,y:,r. iuit- M- J..-aftii or will exchange ior tg -da e, was a imw "u tor many vv " ville, was in town raonuay, hSeS-Box S HUtaboiS. Or. Slday morning. He reports nd his host 7f2"X" N at the Clerk'8 office' chitktns 00 int nuous dream up at mceling with former Uma- Mr. and M,L. A.Whitcomb, headwaters of Murtaughtilill county residents of Portland, were V"M-"" MJreeK, now w'i- l rank Hoventon. of Beaver- , . ft. n t .nil! f niftlftft.fr Mnn. ix ' , , .., ton, Was up IU tliv-uiv vvui (j voe iiincouii lniiuiiiK um j v morning. ua Mnntnnn. wr tes home aay mrnmK' mas gue of relatives. Mrs In4 Montan mor7g; n , , ..... Ceo Bikers and daughter, (je0 and Theodore Vanderzan he Montanans are having a Mrs. W. B. Dolan and Jtte Ruth, of UGrande, were also ueo. a jn town $ Jfa winter, and farmers son, of Portland, were out to ulLv trnests at the E. L. Ab- den, oij ivoy. . the eauii u Hillsboro. Monday. tax meeting in the circuit court I ,aceg in their shirtsleeves. He R H Greer give9no premiums -- aJllir.ML ifWys Bauifhman. f'.rant Smith. g' Cook, and Masters Gilbert r and Grant Myers Bennett. Holiday guests bott home. Mrs. F. W. Sears was MLom. Mrs. r. w. oearo w room, to St. Vincent's Hospital, lort- p , , f iuxton, was and, Christmas Day, and on Sm a,J, y ; Bnd Sun(Iay, and Say sustained an operation on down, artur r . her injured knee She was do- wm,. - .-. , iici iiij"." --- .., vervon. - ing nicely at last rei. . BmvBon. J. U Saunders, of Bethany. was in town Saturday. Bob Argus and Oregonian, $2.25 places in u n. 7r"u"V," , K. ti. ureer gives no preiiuuiiio says that he and C., P. Berry fte Jan j in8tead, he gives went out and dug their own coal rf . Inve9tlgate. 41-3 1 . iu:.. li'nll ouch Invinir In SUppiy Ui -r " " . . no oj. agio Rrne9t nllOUt n mU lona. vjijuu moivi " , ' 20 acres of barley next Spring, Q. See and Prudence H.Crppp. and says ho is starting in to ttt Portland, Rsv. G. E. Williams raise hops. omciainm. The Popular Wrist Watch Wrist watches are more in favor this season, perhaps, than any other style. They are so really useful, and often so pretty. At work or at play a wrist watch is always safe aud at baud, and the wrist watch I am selling to day tells the truth. It can be relied upon absolutely. Bracelet watch es about the size of a tweuty-five cent piece, in solid gold, or 25 year gold filled case, with high grade movements, in a beautiful, close fitting, expansion bracelet, at prices within the reach of every purse. Let me show them to you. Remember, the LARGEST STOCK in Wash ington County to select from, with prices that meet ALL competition. Laurel M. Hoyt Hillsboro. Ore. l i i a i. , ... 8 ; ' II i I v jr. ( M 1 - I v " r U SSaSSaB if- , f 8