MM f MH( : Imtm , iitt-r Million ft a ;(Usintr tho rurr.-.,ry bill C .w haa wv.Toii" minion U that Ihrir . '"', 0 Shut. I'n-M. ni ... i".- L. lull mill ' L. if not rlimi'ii"' .-..u..ij. Ctin-unf-ttl .-.'i.-lilioiiH t-financf '" riHintry. L ir many ruvii.-tn na- . Ik. at' DJt 11 luamj . Juolil h,M-;ii ii1-'Ui,- ... ) ainilrati'n m f.Mitnl fj'r t Inr C nurtj in i ni.. ami tie in jmi tu-. . I haw no 1" Mihi. of tt.' Shut.- Sav- the Ciitii'try will I" nisi l-y (! ' IN kfM'iial tin thnmvh tt pM H.-tit til ih.iM "I " 'I " i nnii-" "! all" motv I bank's fmi'lf " I"' loannl. VwinK a tx ii'! ! lo an 'oti t Vi tint ! a iliMikji.-i-a I) a nmi'i-rtii -l yhulmi-m l,. f Hi" Mill- memal Lull ha.1 tl.i'routfli m- VffiL It mato-' i wry km- the riati'in it " i lfiir- in a .i, ainl tin" ! prDWuiollK rr iilltij to ait It in' iy a I to Mjmii'l ir ntrnmry '.Jrvl. nullum! tli' dan- aiKkat ii;!'.:itiiti. No fwuiv fiiwKI liai' Imh-h t n4 tin "iily i u mt Uut M'o ma.l. a li tUlutc. " I. Wfhmnjf. .r (Ik- 1 1 ill, ilional; " that tin paH-iinif of mury bill will do iimr. in it of brtiik'tt't' :itut rottlV LJ HfttSid minlttion in riwrrial .r!.l than any txi tnarti'il by I 'nircufi Ai far in tin- iIiiTt-r-ilurw of Hie bill ar con Itoiil.l nut atli iiu.l to thftti. It m ill n rtamly 'out a MmI'Ii' roiuiitinn in I'rfnt clann-H nf Kn-tiritu-H Itt tmnkt-r n ln-s ijxn an til atul Ulll L- :i l.-i.. lit urnrulttiral s. t ti.mi of iMr'. ih agricultural kc ill U' a rrc.imi-il tn fwn my nlis.rvatioiH of innal wotl.l, I luivo Uvn but little .IiiT.t.-iu-.' in tttmn U t a n batiki'm f iPivi-rnmi'iil, I'vcfpt ni trl. If tin- bank.TH 'lo their part and con 'ir Unn (,. l,.,tiniatf nd nut in cvcrsH of ubihty to pay, 111 I no Htrihrncy in ,fyinth.'tm.n.-y niarkrL" i:u:cik' ikfiNs VtlmJ n tn a in u in a in p ni p tu P in p in p m it m . . it in n m p m P in p in p in P m a m M"VakI1 SocU-ly SinK Soci,ty ft will ,,,t ii'ty -of I'i'l in ilav in lirst Si '.Inn or the 11 fna 1 1 'iisuinu r in tmtiHii r hiiuii, lllll) 01 :iy cotno t r1' ah i iiii'inlicrit ri rM,,i,.1 lld:ihi'i "i"-ii hi (lilt 111 till' I. S.-f. Mil c'ty call.,., -r T.h.I.. Li .. ' 'iii'Hilay, f,ht"ntiH. III" f'M nt of the te'": i.o IW. r. WihmI. M.f I I T' A !lir tidal tvi Xrurlc 0 lN arh at Klmor. Park, on th i llllamook lUarh. M-mday f..ri.. I. IL & N. train rracled tl- plarr. Kntfiiu-rr Wtlkinn hum liii wavi romintr and aM-lu-d tl rukin. CoruliH titr Watktna wax in rnarff or train. A .tn. .f trark m-v ral hundrr.J Ut i in u-nttih waa Irft humim aU,v t u .t i . ... Kiniunii, nut MM-lHtll men nn had it down thu tram rmti.i paitM latf in thf aftrrii.m r.-at iniiif UiiiMtMini at HJdt. I'm due tor and irijfimvr, ax well ui the paM-hK.r. ar- niMTiilatinif an to what mijfht hav hapM id had th- train U'n on thi atn teh of track whrn th- bitf wave mull uif rmiH. aiany iiouiuni wn, and tV hi Miiiori hutfl wan ilama-d. N liyi-n w fre bmt. S-ai.l Sitftial (St-anidf, On.) I hi ronei-rt at thf ShHIroad I aullion liiKt i-Vfriinir. und.-r tli ailNpirm of thf Wrhhrr Juvi till" . ... ii. on ui-nirn, na a Hplemilil UC riKH. Kvrry iumU-r on tht n-ally mlit t program wa.t re n-ivisl with unlioiitided rnthuni atin, mid tht lart'i" and apprr-ia live kudirnri waa more than pl.ajwd. Wondrrful!" "Sim Ply Marvrluua!" "Mt markaliU! And other aurh f pn-wiioria convey the id.-a of how the audience nrrived mich eyi d.-nre of the talent ot the well little rnuniciana. which in really aatntiithinir. - At the (.-. rent Theatre, IlilUUini, Satur day. Iec. Ti. I'opular price. Vt r Jamteii and wife, of Vtr U.rt. were in town the last of the week. Mr. Jannen d.iil.-d 10 acrnt of land in the rich Ver l.rt Hrt tion lo each of hi 12 children an event not at v.t parallelled in the record of Wajihinjrlon County. Mr. and Mm. Jamu-n retain m.Mfwion dunnjf their natural lifetime, however, and keep the profit. and rent j. Place your order now for the New Vear'a Orejfonian Annual the finest ep.ition of the Northwest ever put on the preiw. S-tn Mune of thetn to your r!at- ern tnenl,t and relative. It will tell them aUmt your own cminly and htate. Kinely ilhm- tratcl. Ieave order with J. W. Cave, oral MotWmick'a. John Kmrick and wife, of Ihi? Ivldy. aUive The alle. where the government in putlinF in ex lenitive work, arrived Monday, to remain in HiIIhImim until af ter Chrtntman. John km Urn and raiiMnl in Wanhinifton Coun ty, and ban many friendit hire. I hey arevUitinjf their ilaniK'hter, Mm. A. W. Si.-trnst. and the Km- ricka and family. For aale: White Ik'horn rhiekena a few choice awkerela and aUml fi)) breeding belli, also efc'jrH and day hl chicks in aea son. Order early an supply ia Karty chicks make the Fall layers. Write for prices anil articular. ( anitiiM-ll & Holers i'otiltry Farm. I.ute 4. iUix 1M. pH-avirton. ()n. Jtf John Herb, of aUive Hanks. was down luesday. lie says that School district No. 12. Miss Anna Schwall. teacher, recently sbipiM! Christmas olTcrimrs to the Itoys' & Cirls' Aid. consist inif of two boxes of fruit, a Wx of clothinjf. and Home fine moun tain Ilurliank xitatoe. (I. M. Turner. J. II. Williams. Clav Freeman. Irs. Huntley and MiinHon went up to Spring Hill, Sunday, and bawd IW ducks. Orville Wilkes t.xik them up in his nuichine, and the bitt red car went dead on him. Ir. Smith went tip and towed them down, with their carno of jjaine. Mr. and Mm. W. S. Atchison, of Fust IlillsUiro, returned Fri day from an extended trip to New York, Ohio, Nevada and California. They will remain here through the Winter, and perhaps permanently. CiillH-tt L. Hmlire. now the proseeut nir attorney for Clacka mas County, under apMintment bv ( (iv. WesL was in town mon- day, defending the case of Terry against Clackamas (.ounty. For Sale at a Hartrain - A uood work horse, weight, 11SK) imhiiuIs. -Inniiireof Kdirar Hehse. on the Halle v farm, one ftiile wet of llillsboro, Ih'Iow Fair Grounds. Anton Ilermens. and John Peters, of Verboort, were in the city Monday, tieforo the county Uiard, on the new precinct out their way. Miss Minnie Morrill, who is at tending the State Normal at Monmouth, Is home for the holi days. 8. A. I. Meek, or lievond North Plains, waa in town Tues day, conferring with St Nicho las for the youn folks. Fred Narup, of near Hanks, wns rejeistered at the Hotel WitHhlnKton, Monday and Tues day. Henry Kverltl. of above Hanks, was down to the county seat, Tuesday, Rreetinjr friends. John Uebol, of above Mmin taindale, was a Hillsboro caller, Tuesday. Gabe Kssner, of above Moun- FRED COLFELT FINED Will Ilav, scr. Wta, in W hkh lo l'y i.r J ul J. II HID MIAN IIMV 4. ,ws Ckri Wi. Sclli.f iMttf , Mmr, Scf InJiilmcnl, After a jury wa.i aworn. and on-witn.-H had tetifi.Nl, r r,.,j (;tl felt, of Sherw.M. charged plea of not vuilty and entered a plea of guilty, with the result that Judi;e Campbell fined him the sum of nine hundred dollar . which means, if not paid, a jail aent.-fice of ti days mr,. than a calendar year, and then some. On the (imt indictment he was fined &HH and flmteaeh on the remaining six. The Court, how ever, atated that if C"t f.-It 'Ao'ibl pay f-'Knion the first indictment, and fliaion the n'mainini six. he would parole him ai to Un balance of the sentence. Colf. lt will have several w.-ek.s in which to li.piidate. l.-cre.-s of divorce Wi re e,t. r el in l.'ince versus Line.-, AI frii-da Allen vemm Joseph Allen. The HillsUim liipior .-lection will be carried to the Supreme Court, and the alwtract of record is now in the hand of the print er. Hriefs will k'hiii follow, pro and con. and the matter will be ui to the Supreme Court in short order. If iKWHible the ca-v will U advanced on the calendar, ns several localities an- alTected by the election. I'Alf l V A very pleasant party was i-ivt-n rwently by the Misses Maude and Mak'irie Keennon. at their home above North Plains, lhe evening was Kent in arnes and music, and refreshments were aervwl at a late hour. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdainesil. S. Keennon, I. K.tlley, t has. Tucker, Kichanl KiH'nnon, Mrs It. Thomas; Misset. Madge and Freda Jones, Klla Schwander, Cecelia Stampili. ' (Kirolhy Wright. Annie Weir, Maude and Maggie Keennon, Pearl Reynolds, Helen and Fern Thuinas, Mildred Kelley. Sylvia Keetion; Ceorge and James Hutchinson. Alw Keennon, Hoy Stratum. Guy lingers. Ilarve Keennon, Fred May. liayniond Westcott, Arnie Ihokason, Jolly Jones, Arnold Thomas. Gerald and Clarence Tucker, Kenneth and hi win Keennon. Must Sill New, high-grade piano. Terms. Hargain. -Call rarmer S. l . W-AI. I-STA1I- Tk'ANSI I k' lUtiy MiIlBirU lo i:icl Cot.) lota Oik t.iovc ml -I fi lle I'owrll l.t T II I'onrll. Ifni l S VlfKHil l'lc M ni krnlvillr c Sarah UwirliiT to I.lllun ll.-.l;r oxk, If III Nloi'l I Clou-... i K I. I milium l lU I-! Joliiiviii. lot (17 iHitliaiu Arrn So-' I'rlrr Jnrn to Anna Kimlrl, I .run l.arMn, Mnlllr nil A.nrnlinti Van.lclif. Nrllir, .lulm. AlU-.l, Win ami Mailin Jhiim-ii, Mmv In lam, 1-tMlff anil Sr'r t Kiiwta. racli. H a VrtbtMtl, r.ull I Kllirlunla Mnma tu Nanrv JulniMin, lot in Kiiina l .V U II ln;i !"'.) W Y Jm-oIw tot' ,N Hliinnlon, ir In I1 k 6 I'Hinrv' ail K' V N lUrrrlt to Allen MiDnnm ll, I S Int iho r S t J n r 4 w to C, J lldiM-tim to I. K.itrp, lot in I'Mttlxon Moiail ail - V"' David llair to Mmy l'ilt, io'j- Jikj Irrl IU rruinanim Fml Kplrr lo Mcii-limit Null llnnk, 1 lot ami U' actr, Mh-iwimhI 1 ('an Strvr to T II I'liwell. iiit'lnun tiact 5 Vlmln'n l'laif 1 A J lloolll to Saimirl Willrby, irnct urar Shrrwomt A H T01M to J K Tliom..-, S; ,vs it urar I'orrnt ('.rove &'' T K Mcllaulrl to o nmiimi-n, nu in Myna' ad Rccilville Ilonu-a 10 Ceo S Kotiiiwn to liil Ili'Kf. I" Hrlii Uinl' I f Krnl Si-liH-n Jr rl al to Slainlanl lil 1.016 acrra In Coinrlins ' l-lla lloliman to Hrt-il llohiimn, 4 11 mt lis 1 1 a r x w - ,la Ilorwick to ItilUhoio Niitioiml Hank, 5 Iota llorwlr crrs, 1 101 s l-Mrmlalf. t lota livin;toii I'nik, j. a in Clackaniaa Co 1 iliW Clark toClHii.llnr IVU-rnon, lot In Mvrf'l Kee.lvllie noini-a..join II It (laurliv to J I Mi l'Bt nine ti ai, .714 aorta at Hanka 11. ,1-n C.anlen to Roll PcKiinla, 4" . nl 1 n r X w - 1 No special Saturday sale about this, but at nil tinus we sell vvhitA Unf Hour. $1.25 per sack. V V llivv - - I .a. a BP I...uh,iIi a-ilittr litlJK ni -l.i u tmiiiii vj otav. guaranteed. We are soie ngc us I imuii. a o-t-ii twitiitna were circulated in Hillsboro. Tuesday, asking that W. E. l'urdy, of Nowhere, be placed on the ticket lor governor, as an itiuepenueiu. Ask for Cash value Home in dustry stamps, with every pur chase. Get your premium? i at Hillslioros stores. 11. mott M. C. Collier, of Scholls, re hnni Tuesilav evening, after a visit with relatives in the city. NIKE HUNDRED OOLURS wnted-C,irl for genera Merry C,rr;tma-t to nil. I l.-i., i . ..,;.r a . . i . - r" . ' i i ii, -ijieaie gives u.e i.ri .. .r,.-rH a big dinner, today i' I'll l;r.M. of Shady Ilrr.k, .1 1 in io-a n j.-Htenjay. J Garrigui. of alnj-.-e Uanks, a:h in town luesday .--..-iiing. '11 J.iek, of IVav.-rtori, was in town est. play. la;,ton loggers for riin. at Greer's. :;p.f Joi. McCourt. who wu criti c.aily i, the past week, h now nieiKimg rapidly. Mi -s Marjorie lU-. k.-rd. of Fu gene, wm the guest i,f MihS l.i'illy Uolxtosky. th IH week. II... ..I . . . . I . ..... ".u i nop lor sale, ai i per ion iiwiiiy j;rs., South I ua- iat.... ( orrielins, ()rt ; i.i ii. n . toeiier, oi iaurei, was in town Monday, taking out t.'M. ii . t . i ' brii'maH .siipulu-s. One of the largest stocks of .-.!.' and dry gix)d; in the coun ty, at Gr.-er's. l tf .Mr. and Mrs. rred Hartiel, of VNest I nion. were in the county ie;:l Monday. I-or lunch pickled pigs feet, home made sausages ami bo lognas. II. Ii. Kmmott. To Argus readers abroad "A Merry ( hristmas anl a Happy New Year." Jud McGnhey, of (jaston. came down Tuesday to spend Christ mas w ith bis folks. I. . L Crawford, of Manning, wai Tuesday, to attend the M'kim- session in the (Yes- cent. II. Harrington observes Christ inas in a dual capacity. He is 7" years old today, and feels that he can handle about as much tur key as the next man. J. A. Imbrie yesterday re ceived word that the Imbrie bungalow, over at K'lniore l'ark. was not injured by the recent tidal wave. He became anxious as to results and wired over, re eeiving th'e answer that all was safe. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schulmer ich. of Creswell, arrived here yesterday, to spend the Holidays with relatives. George has just recovered from an attack of rheumatism, but is now feeling tine. They have Sent Christ inas in llill.-slmro so many years that they can't tolerate the idea of mining the observance at the old home town. Miss Clara Derrick, teacher for a number of years at Attalia, Wash. there is where we had break f;tst. sixty of us, when we went to the IJmindup at I'endle ton and Smith Henderson, of Walla Walla, are spending Christ inas week :it the home of Her man Collier and wife, down at Scholls. Miss Derrick s father, away back in the early eighties, occupied the pulpit in the M. E. Church, in this city. Fslie Doughty was yesterday lined fifty dollars in circuit court, the charge being ,sale of liquor to minors. He has sixty days in w hich to pay the tine. A jury was hearing the case of State versus Jos. Lorsung Jr., as the Argus went to press. He is charged, by his wife, w ith non support, and H. T. Hagley is de fending the case. District At torney K. H. Tongue and Thos. II. Jr. are prosecuting the in- lictment. 1 represent Spirella corsets not sold in stores. Will call at lomes on request, and do the fitting, and teach how to adjust ind wear the corset. Our tailor- d made-to-measure corsets, m- luding the latest front lace, with m experienced corsetier service, cost no more than high class cor sets purchased in stores.-Mrs. M. . Caudle. Hillsboro, 'Filth ami Jackson Streets, Fhone No. kSI. BOtf Prof. Harry A. Webber's Ju venile Orchestra is recognized as one ot the musical wonuers ot the racitic Coast. Wherever they are heard they arouse the greatest enthusiasm and admira tion! While they are little more than infants they sing and play like professionals. In addition to their skil ns musicians, they are an attractive and winsome lrroun of children. It is a rare and pleasing privilege to hear them sing ayd play, which no one wishes to forego after hav ing hoard them once. At Cres cent Theatre, Saturday night. Doc. 27. I'opular prices. Herman Schiilmerich. who is snoerintending the Shoestring ranch, near Yonealla, arrived the first of the week for an extend ed visit with relatives. He says that the Shoestring is in a fa mous stock country, and he has sold beef down there that fatten ed on the range without beintr fed. Deer are plentiful down there, and Herman swung the limit. A tine trout stream runs through the place, and motorists frnni Cn forma and uregon, go ing North and South on the lonff distance trip, pass the door of i he hiaase. lie predicts that the section will be one of the great stockraising districts ot the state in the not distant future. Land values, however, are beginning CHRISTMAS TRADE Kl HILLSBORO IS BRISK Merchants Report Hood Purchas es l or Bif Day vebv n sum people in town Childrti Write Letters lo Jolly Sssta CUas ah me imisooro merchants re a ii .l ft-,, i . port a lively Christmas trade. and even if the money market ia a trifle off. old Santa Claus has ojiened the time-lock on the fam ily purses. Toyland haa had fine support, but the great majority of Christmas buying has been in useful lines. Hilltown has but a very few needy, and the Needle- crast ladies have searched them out and taken care ot the Christ mas cheer equation for the little ones. 1'ost Master Lamkin has re ceived a number of letters mailed to Santa Claus, showing that the faith of childhood is still there. One letter, written by Jesse Crocker, or Newton, is a sample: "Dear Santa Clans. I know you will remember me and my brothers and sisters at home, but I never told you 1 had a brother on the Pacific Ocean. Please do not forget him. 1 know he likes candy. Wish he had some nice toys-a drum and a horn will do. You can find him on the U. S. S. Ship Dee in a crowd of 800 boys. we call him Judd but the captain calls him Walter. lie sure to ask for Walter, then they will know who you mean. Don't forget he wears Uncle Sam's pants, and. Santa, this is what I want you must bnng me a horn, drum, and a tool box, and if it snows, bring me a sled, redtop boots, lantern, nigger toes.peanuts,a storybook, walnuts, candy and a horse and wagon and this will do. Don't forget I live at Newton Station. Oregon." . 1 RECEPTION The First National Bank of For est Grove will hold a reception in their handsome new bank building, on Pacific Avenue, on New Years Day from 2:30 until a late hour in the evening. The general public is cordially in vited to attend this reception, and ladies and gentlemen from Hillsboro, Cornelius. Gastorr and Dilley, are also extended a cor dial invitation to be in attend ance. Open house to all. First National Bank. Forest Groye, Dec. 24, 1913. BIERLY OEMBELLA A pretty wedding was celebrated Sunday, Dec 21, 1913, at the home of the bride s mother. elov Scholls, when Miss Bertha M. Gembella was united in mar riage to Floyd C Bierly, Rev. kolb. of Sherwood, officiating. Miss Anna Gembella was the bridesmaid, and Wm. Gembella officiated as groomsman. Mrs. J. McCormick rendered the wed ding march from Lohengrin. Roy C. Bierly sang "Love's Old Sweet Song." lhe bride was beautifully gowned in white, and carried white carnations. The bride is well and favorably known in the Scholls-Sherwood section, and the groom is a prominent young teacher of the county. Many beautiful presents were received. The wedding party was seated to a delightful banquet, after congratulations had been extend ed, Mr. and Mrs. Bierly depart ed amid a shower of rice. They will reside in Sherwood, where Mr. Bierly is teaching. Those present were: Mrs. A. Gembella, Messrs. and Mesdames S. Bierly. J. W. McCormick, W. G. Hesse. Pete Mattheisan, Rev. Kolbf Misses Anna Gembel la, Katie and Anna Mattheisan. Grace McCormick.' Wilma Hesse; Messrs. Willie and August Gem bella, Minor Hesse, Roy Bierly. REMEMBERED John M. Scott. G. P. A.. South ern Pacific Lines in Oregon, sends Oregon newspapermen the following dialect from Auld Scotia" as a Christmas remem brance: "Heaven keep you frete frae care . and strife, 'Till far avont fourscore: And, while ! toddle on through life. , - , I'll ne'er gang by your door. Herb Miller, on the J. G. Hare place, below Newton, was in the city yesterday. Millers new milking machine, the Sharpless. which takes the lacteal from four cows at once, takes all the milk from the herd of 54 cows in an hour and a half. Miller says it is one of the best dairy invest ments a man can make. The city council last Saturday night voted to accept the bid of the Rockolite Co. for the bonds which pay for the Rockolite pav Tho Mornfnir AstnrUn Atn ria. Oregon) Manager Manciet has achieved tho mast ar.Lr - - - - .-. a oil vn of the entertainment season among the Astoria theatres to date. He haa secured for on week the Webber JuveniU fir. chestra, of Portland. 11 bright little musicians under the imme diate charge of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Webber. The instrumental and vocal work done by these little people is of a sort to sur prise and charm every listener. Nothing like it has been seen aiiu uic lav'liv vl the vaunratr ia ahmort 1 nora this m. k r . t "in nu resuy ana oouniuui rec ognition in Astoria. At Crescent theatre. Saturday mo-hr iw zi. ropuiar prices. Richard Fort, well known here since in the latttr nart nf tKe seventies, died at Minneapolis, Minn., at an advanced age. Nov. 24. He went East a year ago in nopes or benehtting his health. He has a nephew residing in North Hillsboro. Henrv Mcln. tire. Fort was a veteran of th me i ui k as veteran 01 me Civil War. and for some vear DUrg. IhOSe Who resided hfrelnhcn,. Ik fL ii.;u Z ... . . - - - - n . . n . n : ii. . ji i quarters in the Ledford store, on Second Street, a great deal of me time. Probate -Estate L. C. P.mwn for final settlement. Jan 9fl Frank Herb estate set for Feb 9; Michael Schuster appointed administrator estate of Martin achuster. the Bacona suicide, with Peter Hoffman. C. C. NVl. son and J. R. Bailey, appraisers; Peter Rahn Qualifies as sruarrlian esuteoi wiihelmina liahn. mi nor: estate John K Sutherland final settlement Ret far Jan estate Geo. N. Thomas closed of record. Wanted tn rent farm Will consider Durchasinsr stnrk. C.ive descnption, etc. -No. 412 Cham ter or commerce BIdg., Port ana, ure. 37-40 The oratorical exercises at the new High Schoo. ast Fridav evening, were wel". attended, and the young people surprised many wun ineir public speaking. The Boys' Band, twentv-three mWes. made their first real public ap pearance, and furnished the mu sic for the program. Under the tutelage of H. A. Kuratli the boys are doing nicely with their music Dance at New Helvetia Hall- Wednesday evening. Dec. 31. by a arm m a . . Anna ana K. ischanz. tickets, including supper, $1. 38-40 Wm. P. Katteman and Iim'sa Katteman. of near Portland, took out marriage license yesterday morning. They were married. before, and were separated a few years ago. As their children are about all grown, old St Nicholas played Cupid, and the memories of Yule Tide brought two hearts together. Rev. Fisher wedded them yesterday. Farm to rent; Cultivates IfiO acres; house and bam;l miles from North Plains. Inquire E. B. Tongue, Hillsboro. 38tf District No. .61. Misa Gale. teacher, held a basket social and school exercises, the other eve ning, and a two-hour program was rendered. Baskets sold from $1 to $3.25, J. W. Zfmmerman buying the premium basket at I3.2S. The school netted Slfi .50. and will expend the proceeds for pictures to enliven the school house walls. TheFiremon'9 Rail was a creat success, Saturday night, and the legend is going around town that R. B. Collins and Henry Schmeltzer were dancing rings around themselves in the rnnn- try dances. The Fire Laddies -t t 2 . !! O ciearea up a near, nine sum oi money All members of the church are invited to attend a business and social meeting at Miss Helen Wilcox Music Studio. on Tuesday evening, Dec. 30, at 8 o clock. Arcnaeacon Chambers will be present, and will talk on matters of interest and import ance to the church. The Adult Kihle Class of the Congregational church will hold a meeting at the home of Mrs. Sarah Farnham. on Monday eve. ninir. Dec 29. at 7:30. for the election of officers and other business. On account of throat tmuhle with which sit of the choir were afflicted, the Evangelical Church did not hold the cantata. Hoiv Night," last Sunday. It will be rendered on Sunday, Dec. 28. at 7:30 in the evening. t i; i il I marnage license ior tnnsimas week: Elmer J. Tompkins and tail... mi. j -. . L . Ethel Tilden. Gaston: John Iinis Coatney and Mabel Hoffman uaston; Koy s. start ord and Maude E. Moss, Banks. Looks like a White Christmas -and it will be in the mountains AT WaBhinorton IViiinttr anH ha. v wr mwm w TIT Mall I Mj of Washington County, and, per- a t 1 a r naps, in ine lowianas. Wm. Hanson, of Scholls, was UD to the citv Tuesday. He i re cently opened a feed store serious. T. R. Imbrie. of Portland, was out to Hillaboro, .yeaterday, DTeetinff f rinnrla. FRorKHHIOlf AL. F. A. liAILKY.M. D. PhyiirUs sod Mirgroa Offire;Cpuir la SchaiaaaHch Blocs Huutfaarna rorMr Hawaii an 1 iwiwi Ntnwta. Ptw nffirai it, 32; ra.l laoc.nt, BU S. T. LINK LATER. If. B. C. M . PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON ut,r t. iua iut hum KMliUno Kat of Court Hou, I 1 riViVa M-inrinniaaa a a . mot cwnur or th R. M. ERWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON - I Surirfin KPPDAw n d .. - . . ... a .v.. r. aw ax rv. Kr. oir,c! ." the T'UI' BI. TliirJ sad , "'" ELMER H. SMITH M n n ni .MER H. SMITH M. D. D. 01 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON' OSTEOPATH A. - P5ce """"-9 to iia.m.; i to a. ax I " w.i i.ixxira iiairaoai. I T f Tinnn ma J. 0. ROBB, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OFFICE: Upa-air in Scholmrnch B:d. r..OJ.K-utUce. tit, Raa. City 864 IHU-SUORO. . OREGON DR. B. L.' SEARS Physician and Surgeon Office houra 9 to 1 1 a. m.; 1 to 5 p. nv Calla antarrrr.1 day or nia-hL Both pbonca. Office la American National Bank, npaUira, HILLSllOkO. . . OREGON rrrVrrrrWMMMmVV W. m. fa BAG LEY ft HARZ ATTORNKVS-AT-LAW B'xitn 1 tad t Mbit HaUiling UlLLSBOko. . . 0IKWI5 E. B. TONGUE ATTORNRY-AT-tAW OlEcea npttairt in SchulruericB Block rrrrrrWVMWMW JOHN M. WALL ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Upauirs, A. C. Shute BlAg, Main Si tad UILU1BUKO. - oaauoM. rVMrrV'rSVMVMMVMMMI W. N. BARRETT ATTORNS Y-AT-LAW Orrici: Main Btreet, opp. Ooort Booaa HILLSBORO - ORBXJOM rrrir MMMraVMMiJ HOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-tAWj Otfice, upstairs in Schulmericli Block Hillsboro, - - Oregon VtaA 3. C4naM av s. 8. M. CtaMei SCHNABEL & LaROCHE traitffrfapc DkMtatra, Rra)taeaaaM(, iniil.riiitiaitt. mtUratira-rlraac taO . ruumnur ununm ana ana iiifn nntrtttudt euMrlulU. Raa) it tn tfuropa aiu anfrrta etanam MMCR. 99t9 .a ,11m aii.l - -- l SixAUillrnlitaltm. Urtmlraaunatn. taUIAM ... ai l a. ,-K'wiuii. wu KI.I..VI, hi mm. mfm-ernllafa: Caaita aa t4 KM Zclrttm: Siarftoll 200: avioif; Staiain oo ot aiaatfet af ftmmmi vanviruraan: aram aaai aaa PORTLAND. ORE. DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Office up-ataira over Hillaboro National Bank. HILLSBORO ...... 0RKQ0- DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Tftuieaie Bldg. Room 6 and 6 HILLSKOUO, OER. Main and Thirrl. DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater Delta Building, Main Street Hillsboro - - - Ore BOWMAN & VALLANDSGHAM t Commercial Bank Block I up-stairs Hillsboro Oregon ,wvrvvvvv Frederick Andersen, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to Dr. Cunningham. Office and Drug Store. at Orenco, Oregom Talnpliotie oonnactloua. Weekly Oregonian to Jan. 1 ioir IK nnna 1 lainuaie, waa a ciiy i-anei, iu day. housework. Phone, City 203. to climb down that way. ing. 1915, 75 cents.