H uaWHO rev OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN In a very small way nearly eight years ago we started in the grocery business in th?s city and by close application to business ami fair dealings without the aid of green trading stamps or premiums of any kind have been able to remain aud have succeeded fairly well yet we believe the time has come that a great many people are looking for and expecting something as au inducement for their CASH trade aud we propose to go the limit, beginning December 1, we are going to give Kick 50 out of every dollar CASH spent with us. (,ct a receipt from the register aud keep them uutil you get $5 or more; bring them in aud get 5 per cent of their face value in CASH. V AUGHT GROCERY CO. Second Street - - Hillsboro, Oregon Call and See Us If, you are in need of Groceries, Grain or- Feed. Being Dealers in General Merchandise, Grain and Feed, we buy in carload lots and are able to sell to you in any quantity, at the lowest prices. Our Grocery Department is complete and prices are right. We also carry a good stock of shoes. Will have a new shipment in, on or about the 22nd. Emmott and Jones Qrenco, Phone Main .593 Oregon Smoke Hillsboro Cigars i 1 Escentio - lOc Baby Rose - 5c Nothing More Pleasing on a Christ Jias Morning to your husband father, son, brother, Sweetheart, uncle or cousin, than to receive a present from you consisting of a nkte "25 box" of El tfvscentio or Baby Rose Cigars. Made in l nlillsboro, and sold by all Dealers Charles F. McFadden Cigar Manufacturer m.i.mttTrri If You Have Any Kind of TROUBLE with your Machinery or Automobile, go and see PETE THE BLACKSMITH in Reedville. Turning LathS in Shop, and we do all kinds of fine H I fi It 'll I l WORK We can repair any kind of machinery at reason able prices, and if the old machine is no good we can sell you a New Machine cheaper than anyone else in the county. Do not forget "Pete the Blacksmith" Reedville ore it to ret 11 Oregon J BlfJHMOft. n the Circuit Court of the State of Kon for the County of Washington. ' luttle I.nnlels, Plaintiff, vs. Francis , Daniels, Defendant. .' it Franc I W. Daniels, above named leiiriant: n the name of the State of Oregon i are hereby required to appear and ewer the Complaint filed against you the above ntllled unit on or before I, 2tith day of December, 11)13, said ' helnsr fix week And more from 1 after Thursday the 1.1th day of j-ember, IMS. the date of llrst pub- itlnn of this Summons, and In case so fall to appear or to answer said imona the I'lalntifT for want thereof apply to the Court for the relief wed for la her Complaint, to-wit: 1 a decree dissolving the bonds of rlmony heretofore and now exist ing between you and the Plaintiff and for a decree awarding; to I'lalntiff rhe ca-e custody and control of the minor children of I'lalntiff and defer.dant and for such other and further relief na to the Court may seem meet and equit able. This Summons Is published once a week for six ennsemt i i... order of the Hon. D. B. Keasoner, JudKe of the County Court cf the State of Oregon for the County of Washing ton, and said Order was made and ?,?, Jd ,n Ahe lflth day "f November, 1.113, in the absence of the Circuit Judge from Washington County CLYDE RICHAKDHON, Attorney for pi.uiw mo viminoer or uommerce rortland, Oregon. Date of first publication 13th day of November, 1913. Date of last publication 25th day of December, 1913, Bldg.. Thursday, Thursday, Knlond at the o-ffi at HUtatowo Orw. amvmJ-elaea wail suatUw. U A. Ktllto. Otunty Official Paper tuhacrtpthtn: tt..H per Annum. laaaml Kvrri Tharwla -HV- who is si wknstm? Internal Itterasm fhtui h ; vtutvf . WIS. at th rat .( ; t I (vr annum, tti ui dirv.lrd m l , omb tuaiuiiuK mi In n . ' ! propeltv twnMnatter douitli levied Uhhs, and pitmuant i .1 th. dvr and order l i I M.mds. the .VO l 1. 1 li .i. al III suuih dm ut the ' urt II HtllaNiru, H ablution t',.n,!i al Ih knHir l Irn t'kn k v St Uv. all at imblio auett.m .. i r buMi few rb Hi tiai.,1. ail ol i In dvserihtHl real it..,'v t .i-c and uuale m Wiohiiittim llrvgon. and partU-ularlji AdtoKa. tit: lata ne ,l and Hi . .. ao.i man's At-rvai. a lh ui p '.- ml and on hl In th iiti.-w il. er ut I utvncr il litn,ji,.n ' Or n, uniitiin( It.' -rv, i ' th uvmntieior nvie.l mti .1 The new ourtvnev anj lnkimr. s,"m,'i-i" ' . ... I !laalill txi niali ili.i bill is s revolution, inasmuch as duim.iateuiu.f o.t ,.n I fie OKI d Ol IWVIIltHT, I 'It I topics Theatre Kino Srlrclion of Kilm- For HOLIDAY VVF.Kh No UiU.tiut piiiri. -4 Shcrid Sale I pon it is a departure from rinmrf in eiH'rnmttntl --- - w - i onnlT. Oroifou, l.T J . A toucnmjr u'xn me currvney anu or". , H1 A llaro, Atiornv I.t money questiQn. ror ever s many years in fact, ever since' n, th I'ivil Vp tw Yiirk nr , , . i l:Kvution more cncisely speaking. Walli Strwt, has Iwn the vrodfather of our currency and monetary i,.,::' legislation. Thase who were iinIH MiiiumvimNniy ) el-cted to the American Congress "rir.n.m. , were wont to listen to the wise1 J. V Maatrra. ! Ui:i(RT (! Till: CONDITION i t t!u- - Vahinton County BanK AT HANKS. OKI-. , ..!" !. isuifss oa th.-l'lt.luyof n toli,T. VMX NtU l lien lV KlVell, t tt tM an aiia-ninetii etHMil ion ti i heads in control of the New York, banks - Benedict, lzanl, Freres, etals-and they were told that ''J'VV'S' iaun 'i-' i no. .t fr WajdiuisiimCmuv m the oniy in nan Mreei were me nen-j utim .n u1B .-..! , , uine. Simon-pure, Mown in the bottle financiers. S far as txr. m lymnl iii-oii ltl uiem nia,t' and enle-ttt in uid ! the' '"" "a'e, atirviiiitttii.i m ff nnil 11 I df ) H I prtq-fftv old rank and hie is concerned, anwrde ru,! and ii.muiorv i v ....1.1, . i. tl-lll III Mill l-rtll-W. 1,1 lt,y t that tale uHik tUvp nxit, ana to-',.ii07, totfemer ith im r-t: day we see Mann, and hi ilk. j UL prophesying disaster. Hut, let . n t. r.... n. --.i ,i r c " emitir I'll.t .t il.d r...i us iurn 10 me country oanKer $10 , iii and ilinlmroimtniti. lh ilainlilf alhive namtsl ii..n , , i liieiil, ami the roam nl iktid I i Monday, the -Hih dav il Jsi.hum. I , I he hour ol 10 o'ol 'k a in ol u I i o Ilia Nuth door id the vri It -HilUloiro, Washington t imniv 1 1 ' wll at pulille a icii.x, I., t tic in, 1 liu'der lor i-ih in h ,n, , ,,f i i , I de rihrd rral pioiveriv. .nu t', m Because he knows the '"'"" i'"ir. "teu an i ..mi uei-rioi aa ioiio , l.iait: for he tells the story. He is standing with his back against the wall, and tellinir you. my Mr. American, that the present bill is a pood one. Why dots he tell you this? current that came to him trom New York, when he wanted to finance the horny-handed son of toil at harvest time -"you can get all the money vou want from New York and Chicago -but you must pay interest, and a little more." So, then, New York and Chicago received all the profits of crop handling, and the coun try bankerand his name is le gion stood the expense of han dling the year's crop w ith noth ing but loss of stationery and time for his pains, while the big fellows received the centime per centime. Today the banker sees it the banker out among the people who till the soil. They are for it, that currency bill of the present administration, and they knew, better than anyone else, what it means to them. It is a sane, conservative, just and businesslike measure, and it pulls the fangs of those who want the "usufruct" of others' labors. At t: Ui sot ta t s it-' mint'' I . ,i: ) Uh ( h i nini! t-i r.im.U and warrants r;uik.mt imust' Fi;rt. it. ire and futures I Hi' I'rotti ivscrv e banks ('.inH mi hand I.i visit t l it s ':ti!t i! stH'k paid in . Yi'in i. Ifd profit s V I it av m.'s .. nihv ttlua! l'piMts sntijirt to check t:t.rc".vS I'M iLMTi.Sl i.f.i .u Aims. t;i r. i:tttd iu.:tn; m 1 1 "'t i'. ! I'i'rtiiu'at'S tif Fi rn- cert itu'at-'-i of .it lpO.lt .it 10,1 l IK) 2.77:1 !is :u;i n Sit.l'l'.' ol LM".t 1 1. .! All of l.otiti 7, M, , nj, i, : ,,. ii Town In. CH) of Hill Ion t'miiitr. OrrKiin. ai almnti iii !i i duly recorded plat ltnrei on u-. i I the ullire ol lha Kecorder u m . mn of Ml I t'olintjr and SUIe. Sail! talc mil In all mr-rct ! im. uhjrcl l irdi-uijition m nn.irl.ii with llie Statute of the Slate ( iny.c Paid! this Mth day of t i-ci' III !.-r i i J. Ii. KeevM, Slinifl of Wuhiri. County, trei(oii. Bv J t' Atilc)(!itc, IV-puly B.i(lry St Hue, Atti.rm-n t,.r VI tiff. THE PUYWRIGHT'S DREAM Wm. I. '.! u. . t;.ii h(?v, I'rtM. r.vav. t'aslu.' . Thinilitirktt. Vice Tr-s. .1. tii.t.ly.-i -HflflRES- Laundry Coiner Mui.i: m,d l,.liic.l to do f work in a N-lid.Hii. .1 uniiiicr. 5prc Ulty Telephone, ('i,y jo.nj. it ptiM tit ti... w,u t4l,n)j K,u;", F1'" s iul iufor in.itioti. IV.. mpt ku,.; J A ilihv, Aniti t'asbii-r St)t llll k'N I'XCIFIJ l'lu' Southi rn F.ti-i:'n' si'lii'dule, .is now r i m ni 1 1 vf . t-i a fol'ovVH: Christmas should have a dou ble significance to Oregonians, this year, for there was never a better Summer's return since the state was first settled. There was an abundance of yield in all crops, and the price for every thing the farmer ha3 to sell i3 good. Millionaire Booth, of Eugene, has shied his castor into the Sen atorial ring, and will contend for the Republican nomination. Booth is a timberman, and has served in the state senate. He nasn i quite as much wealth as Jonathan, but he will make it in teresting for him. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Notice in hereby uivwi that th nnrlcrnlirn. mi baa hferi appointed ad'niniHtrator ol the eitate of Marlain Hohimtnr . iIwpiumuI hy order of the Ciiiir.ty I'uim of the Hlatt, of Oreiron for WaJdiiiiKtoti County, tnailc on the lUth. day of December. 17, and ii aa duly qualified aa niinh adminmtrntor Now therefore, all tieraona liavhnr I'.aimi aiminnt iiaid eetatn are hereby noti fied Htid reiilred to prenent the eame, to Kether with the proper vuueera therelor, to the undersigned at hi renidence at I'jjf! f.nnl tourteenth at. North, Portland, OrenKii, or at the Jaw ollice of Tlioii. H. Tongue, Jr., in HillelKiro. Oregon, within aix tiiontha from the date of the llrat pub lication of thin notiee Patei lh:24th. day of Decenitier. 1WI.I Michvd A Mchueter, Adinliiietrator f the eetate of Martin Hnhimter. deceased Thos. H,Toiii?ue, Jr., Attorney for ad- ruiiiiKirauir. HKN my play aura trior siiiil. Ilia rtH-ekn ailh t-AKcrti.'i n.ih. tri rd. "When my play gn nn -it . i I, ou know; It'll ba producd In a mnnth or n -I II marry my Kirl and k t a c- u. And 'lt try a farm, ami we'll Imhi fir. For the manager lays It aura uit. And I'm ioln to t rich ami (rent. I fueaa" "When my play foe on." tli u!hor ald- (Not to th reader Ten years have (1i-.t ) "WJl move downtown to a nto-r no, And my wlf shall g-l hrr a tiraii.t nr w hat And om nifty aowne and lui and iurh ana won I nav lo ennnp enu nv no much. For yeara w hsve tn tarn.ition ir. Hut Ihe mimtfiT Mm Din winicr, mire. Our worrlrs and f m I will nil I... k',mi. When my ptfiy ki-s on ' "When my play no on." the author en Id Aa h mmMmI his ani-d silvery hrrnl, "My rojall monfy will h ih suurre Or my younmsi Kruil-uin s i iilh si- rourse. And mother and I wrl ink th, rft And buy us a injy rmintiy n-.t. Where Hilly ami Hut, and the Shis anil John t an vl.ilc us, When th play kos on " "When my play hop on." ihe nuthor aid As he lay ami if-isp..! on his ilvliiK bed, "You enn x-nd that ni.in mrr, I vuw, A Kolden motto-'lio It Now! And then ynu can liiki) the rishtun Of the royalty nii,n.-y th.it may mi riie And hulld ni a lumhsione. (itiilrt nnd white. With till Inscription rvnl-d tn sIri I: 'He died awaltinK the o-niiR nlMht, But ha rest In pence, end his iluuhts ar gone Kor hi play I on I" Orn-n Hon. To I'ortFltld ii ii . i , , .Wi',.linti hit- : a -, Sin Tl latl t'.iin, a. I illai-iiaik train, i V.i'V, III I. Ill i 'orval'i tiii Si Sl'lH'l'f ovi'i iaml, p. in in. lav. Mi-Mitun a i I s ioi-s tin! If.'tvt' Hill l. I! fi .Vi . . . h.:w ... i.o; f:.7 pa-t- Ste It'll .N'tloort;, iwiitatr liiw'tv, t'Oot1'!. exi'rrn.. rti I In hue . . Ii'. iiiMrf,iM,t, ulili I favrtllti; rlts-riM-4 I lir r f i imtn tti-it, iiithtulis nd , h i.i ImmhiI I itisut i lh, ! . I sill It luil.l ll I 1 1 at 1 1 l-rr 1 l Hraah i!ar t-r l iti e vi IhmI 1 1!1 I lllu-ef for IVtland until S;.Ml, 1'l'oiii I'ortland i I!.. -CI I iiitt It)-"! tor 4 ) UI l'. t Mhl ll 4M 4 ( 'r alii-t Tillaitimk Shi'fiilaii M'Mimnti liass.n v-i-r. a. m pas-ii i. , t, a. tn I'as-ii'fiif, p. in iasfiii;i,'r, p, ni tl;IN VII ; I.'. I r .lu in I t an l I i llff lit o'lllf I U hl.i 1 Jwtil in I r i I I'isir lloKjllUl itl.HTJ, t 'Ulltl I 'll S H lOll (mil Imn Imriali 4 I h m I iii linlt:i-i l or v i-rn I C'ltitity. 1 ' 'I I' V (.!.. !;l.ir,., . , 1 in.- , i, ,,,, ,( ,ui.r. (, NOTICEOF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notli la hereby given that I, tin under silfnen Rlmlnlstratru of the estate of Lwrenc Brown' deeaaed, have filed In the Count j Court ofthetate of Oregon lor waBlilnuUin Uoun'.y, my final a wunt aa administratrix of said eetate and that shiii ixmrt hae set Monday, January 'Jti, 1114. ut the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said dav as the time and the Court Kuoui In Hillsboro, Oregon, as tlienlace for hearlmr obj.tions to said mount anil the llrml Keltleiiient of aaid netate: Itated this December 2Dth, l!l:. Jennie I., llrown, AdmlniMratrix of the Ketateof Lawrence U. Hrown, dnoeased. W. 1. Oyke, AtUimuy lor aaid estate. Sheriff Sale on Foreclosure Notice is hereby eiven. that hv vlrino of an execution, decree and order of sale lestied out of and under the Healoft.be circuit court of the HfcaUi of Oreifou fnrthe County of WashinKton, dated the ?:rd day of Dncemtier, 1111,1 in favor of A.. I, .toy, planum and airalnet H. K Kmniott, HenrietU K. Kiiiuiott, Charlea L. Chatter Uiti, Olive (.'hatterUm, anil Paul Chatter ton, defendant, for the sum of tl4 St. cost, and the futberiutn off1M4.0u, with Tha Servant Problam. The Cleveland I'luln licnler iiiiolos till telephone coiivcrsntloti: "la this Mm IllitherliiK ItrownJ" "Yea. Wlio's till k Inir?" "Mm Heiijiiinln (ireen . I Mnry June niooker roolvliiK for you now?" "She la Cooked for you, didn't slieV" "Yen, nnd yon look her iiwny rnun me " "Oh, no, I rll.lirt." "You ny you ill.ln t. Then who tllil?" "Why, I wns told It wim tin.. Iliimniic aoell'ty OixMltiy, drnr " A violent flush of reielvers. Quirk calls for the repiilr depiirttiienL Profiting by Experience. Mltle Johnnie bud been iimiKfily nil !ny. At lust, to nip the rlliimx, he alnppei tils small kIhIit. Wlien father eiiine homo from the of flee the mother lold him 0f ,N son's misdeeds. "Tho next time you tene your slsler you go to bed wChont your ilii r," the father said sternly. The kiddle sat In silence for n few momenta. Then all of a sudden he turned to his father "The next time I want to hit nImIoi I'll wait until after dinner." Im re marked. -New York Times. I in'ilv tot ! tun I, l" rM U ni. K- Kim in. :i , I.'. M I ir v nil Mi.irv. , , , ,i '.h.'fi:l l oi ,1. in ,( i I -I ,1. i i t r . 1 1 -i n. ! : !" i lu.i, -i i lliili-i i , i Ii. I :o, , !! jll! mi. I ,,( j.rl nficr-i i-!c,.,. (':. -Vs i l'lM rli tk , S li:ll V, l IT V r ' k S if . ii h -ti raid t-xtr.i In- j, I'''n-.i"i, I kt. stsl'rv. u:.!(..i, prllltllH', 1 "le Ri-ri.i..-r's S'llnry, ri ',.r.i r. S ilary, i j i r-c".. r S.ilsry. H--. nt ,1, ,, Ii ).i'ini H, . t ili ry ilppitrs, etc '., I n-1' nr. i ' S 1 1 :i r , ri. f Sabir . .-j. i n-i,., (.c.li;criiciii Cashier Ui-tk . leik c;.Tk Clerk I'.xy. stify. bonks, pftnliiii, si.p i, .,, i'lc I tul, '! lehslr , , ,, N.'!p ImiiiiH. h, , ""lir. l.( wrl(lit and in auir m 1M " I" I (ll I tfHrl 4r.' i Ml, ,t Ity i ;,t ,.. I 1 "ll v l nulll v t t onri Hilary and ri-ii. . ., ,n I'llMlllHt I'll l, ,, l-iirniliiir nn.) h, ""r lOl.Mt w, Mill'M li IMinin trail "'" 1 I ,m I s" 'ii"(.ri.iti.m Hu l i in. iwo r t hm et. fu,,,, H,i,r,,n v( JJ to oo Total .... ft; I tlllllte.l (rr and tlnr (loin I Irrk n. lrn.., i.fh, I ll , Irvte.l by S, b ail liutiu ami Citir and Si hool ii,r, I'lMri.-t No. lu.tilrt I 111 7 I, '.."14 S i' il linn wn t.S" tiller I , JO. i y si 7 j.i '" -IS (lll.ee too V ' , IV 4 4'io ihi v t:s s Salary, fc Kxp: slut From Another Viewpoint. "That pointful enemy seems likely to lenvo footprints in tlie siiihIh of time." "I'erhaiis." said Senator Soi'Iiiiiii: "littt. on the other hand, he may be lenvltiK thintih prints nt iollce head-t)iiarteis."-VViiHhliik'lon Star Advanca Information. "The rtrHt time I ever saw him I knew we would not be friends" "Why ho?" , "Well, to tell the truth, he was shak liiR Ms Hit at me."- Hlr.nltiKlmm A Herald Niln.i Itlll-it-il 'III I "il . A Milary, n'sev.or ttllice deputies I'ield deputies Milk in); i. si Hmenl fll, V titld ! laxrs, exlrn be p llookn, HlMt Mini sup. , Court I'ltnt .r, Iik:iit, wnlcr, fil'-l, ri j it i e, futii t'ltcuil Wilnesse Kill i II t's Jill. II llhcc I, Jon I , ion ,3.IU 47S I louse Court i i' . .. t, ... i .... ! St ... .... V. '.I '"I .... .... Ht .. loo Jt . IO .... ' tl .It 18 ,. . 't . . ) I'i It. II SI . .. ?t J .. .. I'.'i ... li.M , , 4t . . ''I ,. M7 ' ... l (7 ... 41 So 51 ... .'.H .... ', ., 6.. It '7 -It 71 H i lo-j f,"SS (Kl fi,4o I'oml ltit. I . I 4S1 7S 4 S"7 "o i ;'. 8; li.J ;S 7S is S? 7 1S4 'ri I.07; (m I71 77 l'o 14 1 1") oS 114 ) iHi) m S I J.I 41 ;i ''74 "7 '.H H 'IISI S't I S MiHI I.V'4 1 .4lh,7o I t'u 1 ( l.7.7o.t hi' 71 l H.) ,S' I 'S7 "I th oj koi I list rirt f It'l S i.4t m I I .... I'i . '9 . l ... t4 .... tH 4H . 7 7S 'it 'tS . . 1 "7 .. '5 . i t Jt 7 V . ,. I It U ji 4' I Jo fej V 1 1 I '74 1' Jll I'i 170 4., J'i'i s 1 ". I I'i 1 60 1 in an 4 "j; 01 1 1 a 01 U t vs 4 ' ."4 t u '.'v7 S IS" S t 'Jll Ho S7.to 4 01 I'i 1 if. it bo . 41 I 7S" II " ' 4 I Ue, '.S'S i'i S'i , juries, etc County Court ,mi. ( Salary, Juiljfi. Salary, Coin'sr (est ) S'llaty, CiiiiiNi (e.,, ) ( 'li-rlcil p p Kxpciisc, jinli I'.xp. Coiiiinisi.iiuier Kxp. CotntiiU. inner Witllfssl-h, .luvetllle (!ourt an.! other expeimeii Just ic,:1 Witnesses, luslir,. and eoiisliibic h en Coronet's (lib Witnesse, jurorn, lilivsii'lntis, livery ft Insane hchoiil Huperiiiteml,, Hulnry, Hiiietiiiteiul 7 S'm 'HI tuis loiters I Von (fio 'fin ! "i I yi lui, II 50,00 9,00 00 h Courls 0 1 1.. "7 n V VI S7. 4 V 4' Komi I list J ' !IO 3l,. .IV.. y... 4 ... 45... f 1,000 00 I, JO' I 00 3'J 00 id's Ollice ent . ,7H J S.'Jlft f2 ',711 ho 4.'yS. jo ''Sl.Jl t .U7 t) 1,171 7i l.oSn.h; l.lovHo t.W M7 lilies and Towns lleavertoti Ilrenco MllklHiro '' ' "' CortielliiH I'orest 'tiivc, , ('uston ' e'.Mt i,ni,i...t 1... 1.. . . '. ' """"lee in t'oonlv '!',-, . time levy is to be made: ' 'leiieral 'm Coi.ntv lloml l.'lin,i 7.""o.oo NtiTici' is in. o'l',',.;":,'.. '''""in t.k xl, ';;Ti':.T;:,,';;l'.;:;r' IhHe.l llii, )ecetnl.r v ,.. 1 1 VIU'JS 4 u S' 917. H 'iftt Jo ,V'44 'M l.oU, ,7 N.h'll 94 .S,iiS 7 1,'ISH. to S70.V7 ',47') IH 4,.1W.IJ S.'jHs 19 M')4" 1). ILIMIHIIIIMV r'......,.. 1 . ' OTiettcxl I 'filler rliar'e t,f tnirni. MUS. ("HAS t;AUN;, fn.nt rtirtlatnj, Sollt itt l.atli-fit.1 fr,,( , "HIHIIS:, lll nf rem, tt..,, I'Ihum, ali, s,v4 Don't l:oro'd Whi n yiu nrr n K MurKcl. tltat th IlilUhoro PUn.nMill i Mlliiij,; ibss iimolJ. us at s!n.!cs.i!c ptum. Wc cm sttj.ijjy yu any iiiiulnrr ym may nccil, iud at the same time save you mum y A Swrll X-mai Gift fiiw In in plfttHinir yourslf a ml oth- r by lav iritr your ortlers for l'i.'iiiliil Huit or ovrcoat for th cr.-HPtit, mmli from I'etmfr'i lint. lmMirtff WtMili-n. ami in th lat.-Hl Htyli. Kit and wurkinM whip Kuarantml. ritorto Main 863 CHRIST WUEST Tin' Tttilur Nulicc n final ScltlcmfM Nolo berctiv ulven that lb tinitf- Itfitwl Bdiiiltiiattatiir of the estate u( Juh II. Isinle.le. drinMd, ha II lid In lb 'oiiiilv I oorl ol ihertlalnof llrrfun, M S aslilnirioii fiiuiilv, his Itnal sis'.iiiul II Hie uinller ol aald eilale, ami said noun lia.hiitd Moinlay, the lith dav uf Jau' r . Ii I. at tbn ci.ontv iiiurl r.mru I" llillsl. iro, tiietfon, at ten o'elis k w..al the lime slid .la.'e for hnarllil ol JerlliHNl l' su t,ii e.eoiinl anil for Iha II'"'' eltli iiiiini i, unlit natal. I luted thla aUi tay til e.eiiiber, IWH. J, I', Tamleeie, Adniiiilstmtnr of tha wilsU uf Juhn B. I'mnleala, lineeaaihl, Ksirley ,V, Kara Altorneva for A.linlH' Istrnlor, a I; II HON!. In f ti tt Cltvua Court o tb Sluts Oremm for WiuhliiRtun Count. Mrtttlira J Duller. I'lalntlll bin lottu liutier, Ib fi miaul I tiller, thn I"V Dl'i"' To I'liarlotte letnndniii! In the naiiin of tin. Hlste tifOrettua. ' are Im-nli v reiiulreil In appear III ttlsiveeiulUml ll.iurl and eauseuttuf I lore Krldsit, the V.'lnl lsy of .laniiary, lii whleh Issli week alter thn dsleuf th" hrst iiiililiiiaiinii of this iiiiiiiiuui ind lllliud ht 11. !..!.. t.aMllll HIM - ' .11" I'I, I, I llll,,,ll ,,1,1. I aKiilnsl tiu, and tr you fall to Cr n' answer lor Haul thereof, thn Mlal'dl" will apply Ui the Court orcaitreeftiivr tllhsolviiu I Im l, ml. i, r iiialrlllliillV a,w anil btiri'iofore eiiNtlUK between " the phtinint, anil for m ill other and fur Uier relief as to Lite I'ourl mav aeeai ttti'l siiiilnliln His siiiiiiiiona Is served upon j I'Uhltcatlnn lii the Hillslioro Aran". W virltin of an order ol tha Hon. I. ' Keasoner. Juilire ,.t Waaliliiirtmi I'nlintTi ami sitlil order preaerlltea llie first pit M -eatlotiss I let; en, Iter It, HH.'I, ami lhanJ "I Hie issl iiulillciillon as Jantiarr tl,M' i J I'arkisou and Harry Yai"'wion, Altoriiem r,,r uuimiir Aim ilriuIiailaB HiilldliiK,.ortlanil, Oregnn. Traveling expense 300 L' A' """'y. Commissioner Ariua and OregonUn, 2.26