The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 25, 1913, Image 1

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!,OkK(;oN'.n.Kk zr,, 1013
NO. 40
S. O 0irf?
.....J.ltiin, ! Hl'MlUr John
.. ,1., ... ..Mimic
.k.. In'cd I"" lh'".
k,.m.,lh.r. at the i-.irni-rif
,kM.IMan. h is a i-muicr
,,.v,: i"i". "'
rt!Uha f-al','1,'
.... .1-
(dufof CI it HI A 1 0 KB.
Mi vrr-
P - " .... ... I Jv CUMloHH
,ttllf f..r A'a '"r l'1" -'ut
t ... .. .
1 .. 1 1 1 m Jiin. 1 I'll if r
... ... ..! r!i !. .Ur. Ai
F' " . ....... I
j Burning i" ""' lM,nU-r
ililr. Willi :V. Ih I'll Selected
lit tl IVhr. ;!.. 'HOieer nut
1 - 1
1.-1 ind I'li-u. r. M join wit
MYnAi lank !ii"ilh
furc tf' ' '
km llA ! ' 'i 1 I'til l tlVl
kit Uav the I' i' '"'
l...rat.-d t ) I! M l"'h
r t . .... 1 .
tit Cat ,l. r 1. iv M.-.M'ilMn
ll Mr Villi;. .! I n Kltti! IT
I " "
Ll Jift.r. 1 !. bank ih the in th' l.-n t.-ry and un
MnllV th.' ri.i..'.t. Its il.
V'.t at'Un-i'i!.' it million
Aith th- m' corporation in
,tirtif tv th. ruddle of net
L:h it th. Li'. -t. tin- I'iiiiK
hue at it n it vii -
L! tn'j'nwrut.' id bruins im.i ! Mr I'.-hrends
r.uh-tl t! i '.f.k m H'l tt'nl
that linn- !,. rnlark"-'l
fimUl aii't r n-' irt .-i until
i the I'-din - i! ( h:in un
I'll in Ulf f" I'.Srv.
i'oilKtif Will
t-l iM.'ll
.I ti!trtnr i f cm tiinii a
i Kdl. a lri;ii.iM nt'iinl htiv-
: Uvn in;i i'V linn. Mr
!l! SliCI-rr.l. .i 111 ki 1 IUIiu' till
. out if uihti.'iil MraiiL'li'M
. ...
1J the rti Ut' hni U-cii i.rui'
p'y fni- fmin ':u ti;in (HilitirH
rr linn- tin- M . rt'tiiry of tin
Fwiry Sflorlid lain to Hiia-roil
Ntiirt'. I., 1 1. !:irt live ynirn
.Several m.n CnlWlor
ila nkf.l thr il.nartni.'nt to
1. . . .
ITIf h.U Hll. .r In lid r..
I'lttiilN' r. '.ir,..! tin- riiiln'tor
M!nt hi' 1. Mr. t t.i vaoati' hirt
Ky Jaii'iary I , tH lu in-
"''(ll If 1 11 in' ih'.. ..I li.-r l.imuioua
Illf lltlluuiiri nii'iit liiTi'in fftn
'ied is mil in H4 nl ilu.
lm. IT ll . 1 1 . . 1 ... 1
.ir. nun" r.-.itii'il ni nil-
ftor thcrr uai c. msiiti-ral l
ptuiiimn un tn dm riitiiro
To Portluml
15 '.
fm I'ortlaiul
: ....
:25 ;
IS ...
... n m
... a m
. ..ti in
. . n in
. p ni
. .. p in
... i id
. . p in
. . .p m
n m
a m
... p in
. . . p m
... p m
... p in
... p m
. .. a in
urant. M... r . ... . . . .
(" iminiiav.
d T . ,lli"t, ,l,,l,arl!4 for Ar"
"laiioxt work.
& Tul,.",t w,w wn from
J'"W. Mnmlay, on l,Tul bus-
W. A. Ho
k : . ""'. 'i Vi-rlMM)rt,
"" town M,..,...t, 11.. tu
j v 1... .
l(1i. .,.v ursi,'iif and wife ihissih!
lfte Ll,!.Wn Mly mnrniiiK'.
trove. ' lmluy ,lt 1 oreHt
mil J 1 11 1.
llr.l ..r ..
Inited K'i'llnnd, were
I'Jls it nmrriaire. Dec. 20.
: it.... .. . "
I.:.'.. "'"" I'.
Uennoner of-
ti,p' and M1X Wm. Will nf
PZ ,1W,,"r, M"-. WiM han
liii"'"'! the mini. ...I -..!..:.- i-
"Hook II . , iminiiiK "
end th,. 1 f"; nro over t0
nf iil,,ll,lily8' Thl7 are
v1 WO aIro ,,r Laurel rela-
Kr.iK'iii tt' wnlriut In-ifi ruft-j
un t'ulifi.rtiia Itlitrk IMit th,.
kind that yniwi vipintim und
U'arn ln'avy i-rut mi htri' in Went
rrn tlnvrun. Lvi-ntly 1 n--
iiivi'd a ltt'r frtini a nartv
ni r Vanniuvi-r. WbhIi.. Htatinir
tlilit lie hnrvfhtfii nml u.-u.l,.
I ir'KI iMiiindi of nutu Imin V
trt'rt avrratfintf 17 yeam old. t
lUl fi t apart, m-nipyini; 1 1 awn.
liial Midi lor r.t) rfiiw p-r iKiund,
nmkitnr n t'nwi irmm nf $7l.
(un yu lat thin with any
oilier cmp? My lirt and mrond
I'lantiiik'H, 5 ami ' am old an
iM-miiiiit; t iM-ar. I a!) have
wti h Kfitl in imiallor lari'c iuun-
t it ifH.-IVrd tinnier. HiHnUm,
Or'on, Uuute plume Scholia
r ...... I .T
kill I IIH' I'l.
Walter 'I'liii'M. nf (I'll.- (V....L
WM iliiMtl Muliil.tV. uriil rarrii'tl
(tuck Milh him lo dollar. Ixiun
ty riot'lved fur a wildcat tx-It.
v killed the cat NovemU r I
elrrtiim dav and a little 1" did
the work. Walter in hut It yean
tf UK'''. a"d It he keep up hlH
iiuirkmuiiKhiii he will have to
nnijjrate to tuitnt- rnuntry where
Iari?er tante in in evid'nce. Aire
and all coiiHidertd. alonif with
the weapon, the kill was an krn at
a any that our mutual friend
I TutHl.ire 11., has ever made.
1 rer'iU'tit Spirella coret.s
nut Hold in rtorvH. Will call at
Iminrs on reni't. and do tin
tiltmtf. and te.n h how to adjunt
and weur llie inrn l. Uur tailor
.I inadf lt ineaiure corseU. in
eluding thelatfut front hue, with
an experience.! conn-tier wrvice.
e?t tut more than hu'h cliiK-s cor
Hi-tH iniriha-'i'd in Ktoren. Mrs.
M. I'., ('audi.'. IlilUI-ini. Fifth
aivl JarkKi.n SlreiU. I'hone No.
11. i t f
The hint eoveni'lielit relxirt t
the iMiMtal naviiics deo?it) for
Washington Ctmnty t otlices.
where deptwiitoni have money
for Mafrkei'piiik'. folliw I'oreiit
l',me. eiw'ht ilcitorH, fi21;
(laHtun. two. ?-U)l; Iteaverton,
nine, JH'i; Sherwoml. nineteen.
t v !S7 : forn. lius. one. Jtil; lil-
li-v. one. ?: IlilUUiro. total de
inirtiK f U.V It would apicar
from the rt ixirt that the teipl
rallv had faith in the hanks
of the count v. when I'ncle Sam
in ruNlotlian for only a little over
If you want a ranee that heats
the world for the money, call on
1 1 . vi, I dint in l'.:mk Annex
Itinl.lihL'. and nee his Ouality
liantres. all the way from J2T to
These are the lest ran'en
... ..r ii !tfi..i on l ie marKei in
HillsUiro. t'ail in and see them.
Piu'ilie tlniversitv will hold an
inainruration ceremony. Jan. I I.
In luiiior of the new iirenidenl,
Dr. I'.ushnell. Tins is also t har-
tcr Dav for the I mversity. and
iIi.t.. will U' morninc and after
iiiHin se.isions. with a Immpu't.
,f nitdit there will U' a hlk'
t'.r.. i.v ih.. stiulenLs. I'acifu'
r.,iv..ruii li-is taken on new lift
vim. Dr. Ihislmeli has taken
cluirk'i'. and the faculty has ma.U'
many chank''S tmit w'rr meviia-
Fur Hale at a bargain: Work
home, harness, linht wak'on.
..,u..i.i.i trIHMis and small tool
li.lui .1 Ke v. close to imi.7.T
Sin! inn. on S. I'.. KiH'K ITei'K,
eastnf Newton. :W-40
1 1 I urn ni alio with Iuh
inn i "i . . . .
Mr and Mrs. Davnl
u'.,,,.iii r.. in San Francisco,
1... Anrim i u fo lowmir
messHk'e: "Arrived here auer a
r.M.,irin C.ihhI many p;usseim'ers
on I he Steamer Hear. Frisco is
a law city, and lias many m-
i...: . i. ot i'.ii-l a m et iimi.
... i Liiiii I'li'iiner. Will take in
the sights now. - Kmil.
c nil rifle fur sale
.....UMitiilil.t. or will exclianit 'r
chickens-lt.x cm linisiHin), u.
i..i... i. of l'eoria,' 111..
mi in i '
arrived here a few days m
. i :.. ....... inir lor v.nuo.
IUH1 is ii
McFml.len. the cik'ar mamn"-
turer. They worKen wiKt-u".
.. ...... r.. ...... .nil veitrn. unv.
tllC IMlSl IOI ov
Mr. Peters expects w locuie no
on tho coast. His wife ami w .
now visitimr in ",1ul,i71",
leave the commit week for lima-
I Mini.
Mrs V. W. Sears, whose hus
i i ...ria in the Arirus com
inxand susiameo .
. r ...- inmiii nr. iiinK-
to Olio oi """ " t u,ill
. . I. ..I and HAV8 it Will
lUtor alien"---". . -X7. :.. M
be some time wiore
n u,.ilk. The knee-cap wa v..
lil' ilisnlaced.
V.. v. j
..v ii .... Ihented tilly
..cnny:zt'n.zr lot of
Z.L. l'orter is. locateilat
....... i f....Hti (.onntv. -.-ai
uxnaru, ni-tn."-- .- ,
and a warrant of arrest has been
wired him from mis vmw
C T. Crow, working near
SchielTelin. was In town the last
Stole lliir at at.k al Yamhill
Sol J Him at North Plaint
rHS IMIUN will! M -All I.AMfSA
W Takra la -nMiiiB.illc by Shciill
MrJcrim, Saluriliy
(Tiiik Marker, a half-breed, from
the reservation, near Willarnina.
on the (Irand Uonde, was arret
i kit Thursday tiinht, in a
I.urtiHide resort. Portland, and
hniuv'lit to UillsUri). Marker
stole a hors. at Yamhill one dav
early last week, and bruuk'ht the
animal, which was a handsome
four-year old. weijfhin l.LiHi,
and sold him to Arthur Provost,
a North Plains liveryman, for
$.'IT. Marker olTcrcd the horse so
cheap that Provost was sus
picious, but upon telephoning to
a place where Marker worked
this Summer, concluded that the
man simnlv wanted some readv
money, and made the purchase,
J.arkcr left lor Portland, ami
Provoht rolirlud.-.l he had ln-ltiT
find out a little more almut the
easy buy, and telephoned the
sherili s olhre in MillsUiro. lie
was told that a Yamhill rancher
had lost just such a horse, ane.
colo, marks, and all. and 'hat
no doubt his fltHwas 'V"ne tflirn
Provost went to Portland and
heliH'd Mr. lieeves run "Chick"
down, but the prodigal "breed"
hud evuetiiled aUmt all the coin
of the realm, and wits ready to
k'o back to the reservation, lie
was hroueht to Hillshoro, and
SherilT Henderson came down
the last of the week and convey
ed him to McMinnville county
jail, where he will await trial.
Marker's wife is an Indian irirl,
and thev have one child. Darker
thinks he is a little nicer than
his kind, and neis away and
works occasionally for the pah
face people, and joins in tin
National eame of baseball, lit
is some ball player, at that, al-
thoueh he rou d hardly make
eood with Mcl'rcdie. or the
IIiIIsImim nine.
Marker isn't a bad looking
"hri'd " and it is said that he
isn't at all lazy, and woiks like
a 'I rojan.
A very pretty double weddinn
was solemnized at the riomeoi
Mr nm I Mrs ('has. Dazotte. of
near Muvton. Dec. 17. l'JKl. when I jiotte and Miss llattie
Mrett, and I'arl I-oll and Miss t.notte were united in
marriaire. Kev. Daniel Staver, of
Forest (i rove, olliriatintr. Harry
i nitti nnd his sister. Mildred.
. M..'.v
and Mrs. Mrett Uzotte are all
.. ..ii nml fnvnmh v know n in the
l!i.nt.1tnvton section, and the
newly wedded quartette have a
host of friends who wisn mem
the matrimonial
....v...- -
sea. Mr. l-oll is a memner oi
the United States Life having
itnr View, and has many
t ivn Mfc - -- - ,.
friends Uith in this ana una-
mook counties.
'in, l.ri.h.a were eowned in
pale blue silk, and carried bou
quets of carnations ami mnu..
ei.., Mioca .'thel and Arlie Fine-
out were bridesmaids, and liosa
Cindhart was the ring nearer.
The bridesmaids were gowned in
...i.:i.. .....ii..
IM: iuiiiv. . .
Af..r the eerenioiiv. wnicn
.....Li tf nnA t .lock, the wedding
ua . -". - - , -
....nv m a seiiti'il to a deliLmt-
l'Ullll'.."J -
. . 1 ... . .i. ......
r.i wixiiiinL- uiciicoii. .u.-av
" .. i
present were: Mr. ana a rs.
Chas. Lazotte. Mr. ami n rs.
n:..i..,.i i!.it Mr. ana nira.
IVICIUIItl i..v.v. ----
Carl Urenz. Mr. and Mrs. Joel
i ..,iiu nni tnmi v. anu mm.
Permene, Misses Ida Ixirenz, Ar
i! i i.'Vw.i li'innout.. Rosatiind-
iiuuiio t't...... !...
hart: Messrs. Adoipn ureu. iei i
Fx ton and Kev. fetaver.
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25
,1.1. W P.. Moore was
Milium , : , .
out to the city Saturday, looking
l.n.iirwtad Will ditions atui
over uiimi"-"1 . ,. ii
prospects for building in the
Wm. Foster, who
built the court house annex, was
out tollillsboro last week. He
hopes to get tne ouuuiuk
ed before many more weeks.
a n ivmolwinn and family de-
narted' this week for their new
CSfnSar Shedds, Linn Coun-
... !'!. hntlO n nilHL Ul llltllJ
ne're who wish them all success
" i" i mionted oca ity.
in mer i.c.t ta -t
Both have oetn niu. -
n:ii.,KnM-. fnr manv yeaia. !
lliiatiu.v .--- -
regret to see wvm
it rhanl (lo.-tze and d i iht.r.
Mihh Lily, of fc!nr..t l'.ii.rn:ri,
were in tow n Friday.
Dr. F. II. Smith perform.- i a
surgical operation for .Mrs. I ( n
ry H.-rii.-rliii. at l'Vr., jrove.
the llv-it of the week.
J I. i M. Scott, j" ri. a. j.a--.-n-I'er
ak't-rit for the Southern I'.ici
fic lines in Drogon, o it to
the city Friday.
1 hos. Mailey, of (ir'.veiand,
was in the city tlu- t. r-1 of the
week. He will Ftx-nd h: ('f,ri-t-
rnus with home folks
Kiehard K. Wiley, a . r t at
the University of W;i.-:h;i,iton.
is h me for the Iblidavs. the
k'tit-Ht of his father. W. V. WiVy.
('. F. (leiirer, of Fur -t (iroye,
has brought suit to iore -ioM a
mortiaie against jM,. i h
on land near drove, the
claim, principal, lnu; -fWi-i.
ialTety, tif al).)'.-.- .'u'l iri-
tairelale, wus in tow n Friday,
returning from a with !o.
Annctitrout. Waslii:ii.'t.:i Coun
ty's pioneer t'ei-r an 1 b ar hunt
er, at the drove.
I-'or sale Al team of horses,
brow n mare and j-eMiru'. years,
weight. .TJ)0. AdJr.-s.s John Oi-
son. Portland. 1 . mile
east of Celar Mill. 1' 2
1'eti-r HolTman has b.-en n-ap-
(Hiinted Kstma.sti'r at liaruna.
almve the divide, th-yori i ..loin-
tamdae. Mr. Ilotlman runs a
sawmill up that way, ar.d the
mist ol lice is dU'.te a convenience
for many of the pen; ;' at th.
head of the Nehaieni.
Orville Tucker, of Portland
was out to HillsD ro th' !it of
the wiek. the k"iest of his sister
Mrs. C. (I. I iardner. It is his
first trip here in two years, and
he says lit- sees evidence of a
k'reat improvement.
John M. Wall. V. C. Han- and
W. D. Smith have lieen ;
ed appraisers of the estate of W.
11. Dolman, deceased, w! -o had a
piece of land up in North Wash
ini'ton Ciiuntv. Thi deceased
ifia n.l:itiv nf .1 j 1 n n (7 K
Adams, formiTly a lft'.sborolat-
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hobbs. of
Varlev, were in town Monday
Their daughter. Miss Fern Hobbs
Secretary to (lov. West, is homo
fur n few- t!:i s. She expects to
return to Salem after the Holi
.l.-ivs acrnmoanied bv her sister.
Miss Priscilla. who is home from
Salem High, for Christmas week
(V C. MeCormick. of Carden
Home, was in town Monday, on
srhoo district business. Mc
arivMthnt the neonle of his sec
tion now have electric lights.
and n service into Portland.
A hiehif a little cheaper, wou'd
Ih as irtvid as any suburb of
John T. Williams, the Heaver-
tnn mnrher. w as in tow n Satur
day. John T. was lonneilv tick
et m.llerniu one of the theatrical
managers in Portland, in the old
nml iriorions davs. He is now
...... r - ; . ,
enjoying the simple me, ana
savs he would rather rancn inai
live in the metropolis.
Herman Pane, a former Sher
wnod Imiv. was down from Monk-
land. Sherman County, the last
rf the week. Oil IHlSHiesS C011
nected w ith the estate ot his la
ther. He will harvest 650 acres
of wheat in the uplands, next
vonr nnd savs that the receni
snow up that way means a good
fy iL.isunin. who has been in
tho lmrinnir district, at Dak 1 oint.
has arrived home for the Winter
He savs that there was
.r,i run down that way this
year, ami all the camps expect
to open again in tne spring, iris
ij It i o nith Ke.-ison in the biir tim
ber, and after spending the bad
months at home in Nnitn maia
tin, he expects to make another
trip down the fiver.
W..11 woll -it. remained for
r.1.1 Wnchinivton Countv to fur
nish the registered Jersey bull
that captured the grand cnam
back at the Chica
IM.'IIOl.'t' t . ... ;
im ahow. nnvwav. and this is
" . . . t . :
o,,... n.inuo Mtinn ior me rema
ct.-.,u- im ustrv ot me nis-
toric old state and county. The
mauve-colored gentleman w men
ii mi own ti led the orize belongs
to Wm. Scluilmench. and he is
known amongst select . stock cir
den Maid s Prince.
vien c.c . .
ti: on hnn heen under lease
to J. B. Stump, the Monmouth
QtiwU-mnn. and he enterea mm
Of course, there is some roar
about Stump entering the lad
I.... ikoi iu neit.ner nere nor
inn ii.rtt .
u..- ti... ni-istoeracv ot the
entire nation is centered down
here in Washington wmiujr,
r... rue vn incsiu s ca
hibited here at the street fair a
vear or so ago -ana ne Kama
: .. . . - .iu.. Aimiii foii-
prize tnat no uim-i iwhw
has ever won.
Jud-fc Campbell entenc to From
Two to l ive Yean in the Pen
la Jail Several Muslin Hauled Froai
Lsdtf Buildief iy Sheriff Reevei
Judge Campbell handwi Charles
Mcflrew. the Banks burglar, a
not very welcome Christmas
package, last Friday morning.
w hen the prisoner was brought
before him. Thereere two in
dictments airainst McGrew, one
for buri?lary and one for point
injr a firearm. He pleaded not
guilty to both, but later with
drew the plea on burglary, and
entered one of "guilty." Judge
Campbell gave him an indeter
minate sentence of from two to
five years at Salem, and he was
taken to the state institution
this week, bv Sheriff Ilevees.
McGrew was pulled out from
under the Kinton & Schulmerich
store building at Hanks, one
night last Summer. A pal of his
had entered the store, ana mc
Crow whs keeriincr watch. Mr,
Kinton saw the burglar enter
the store and alarmed the town.
A ixisse soon fathered, and Mc
Grew. after firing a shot, scur
ried under the building. The
burglar inside made his escape.
SherilT Reeves reached Banks
about one o'clock at night, and
went under the building after
McGrew, and brought him out.
and placed him under arrest
lie was indicted long ago, but
was held here in jail in hopes
that he would eventually come
through and tell who was his
confederate, but he has stalled
nil the time, tellinir only non-es
sentials. That McGrew belongs
to a danng and unscrupous nana
of outlaws troes without saving.
for the big robberies ceasea as
soon as the crook, McGrew, was
tilnced in iail. McGrew has served
time in the South, and has the
appearance of being a profes
sional criminal, so far as physiog
nomv is concerned.
A. H. Chickeroos, who is
charged with stealing a check at
Gaston, and cashing the paper,
t. .m.iori not onii tv. and was unven
an attorney. The court appoint
or U' C. Harp to defend, and
set January 19 for trial. Chick-
oroos denies the theft of tne
cheek, although the man who
cashed it says he is the man who
endorsed it and was paid the
W. Kmriek was fined $50 for
giving liquor to a minor, and
nq allowed 60 davs to Day the
fme, he to go on his own recog
Th. court decreed that the
ll-ni Nelson estate should es
cheat to the state of Oregon.
This applies to over suu in
money, and some land in t-oium
Kii PMintv-
Divorce cases referred to u
K'nnrnn Alfrieda Allen VS. Jas.
Allen: Lulu May Eddy vs. Her
bert hddy.
Sale of realty, Franklin Dough
ty vs. J. L. Simpson.
If yon don't want to come to town, just phone vonr
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if von
calleil in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders
and you can get a prescription made np very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent ont by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
i ti i i .-. l .. tt i r, . T ...... .J
iiexau ivemeuiea uy raruei r unu rrcuavcu wivuvut
The Delta Drug Store
between the bank-book and the pay envelope.
They should be made to travel hand in hand
in a mutual prosperity that re-act to the ever
lasting benefit of them an possessed of both.
Keep your pay envelope acquainted with one
of our bank books. You know we pay the
highest rates of interest.
American National BanK
Mala JMMf Fhfaf St.,
T?.i.inta for thp'week have been
cattle, USo; calves, 10; nogs.
t I V ' V ' , .'HI ' '! -
A natural apathy was apparent
in the cattle market this weeK,
hp hio- Stock Show.
.v-Vion pvepntmna v heavv sniu-
made. Cattle Drices
suffered a severe slump, top qual-
;tv trnmo- nt 25 cents lower ana
. j f.v'w - .
nfhni. (rradpa at even more Of a
decline. Killets had supplied nppds temDofan v ana win
kova tr work off the surplus.
but as liquidation will be light
for the next few montns tne sit
uation is expected to improve
The hog market aroppea on
in nonta diirinff the week, with
extreme top at $7.85 for the
week's close for choice stuff,
with heavy stock 10 to 15 cents
,)...r. i.ihpm inmnaiion in-
f ho apnannnhlfl weakness.
V. I ld.1V J v. ' -
Tho ohppn house nusiness neia
.in wn for the week. Some
choice mutton and lambs were
marketed. Lambs moved easily
of r. nnd nrime wethers held
their own at $5, while ewes
closed around $4, when choice
stuff was offered.
That littln flurrv of snow and
dindf QnnAv. worried Oreuron
Ol VV b fci'i - -
ians considerably-as an iearea wo would have a reoetition
of the silver thaw, that ruined
so many tree9, a few years ago,
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus..... $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Choekincr Accounts.- Demand Certificates
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Let
of Credit, sale ueposit coxes, iraveier b -une
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of
posit. Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
Belated buyers
We will be open until noon, Dec. 25. A fine
stock of rings, pins, jewelry, and Jeweler's no
tions from which to select at the last minnte.
Laurel M. Hoyt
Hillsboro. Ore.
I y ,i'iv
of the week.