The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 18, 1913, Image 6

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Dream of Tracts
Ikavcrton-Rcedville acreage will
sKxia have a better car service
than any of Portland's various
suburbs. Rapid transit is about
to le established. The line is
wired indthe equipment on the
Mow Is The Time To Buy
Be aver ton-Reed ville Acre
age is Jone of the substantial
properties close in. It is subur
ban in cv.-ry sense and is more
accessible today than St. Johns or
the Mt. Tabor district. Get in on
Tracts are sold on easy
terms, with one payment
If you are getting along
in years and want to leave
the farm, buy where you
can get an acre for the price
o a city residence lot.
Three years hence the
entire Beaverton-Reedville
tract will be lihe a city.
Shaw-Fear Company
102 Fourth Street Portland. Oregon
21 L
Santa Claus
Orlinger Bros
The Reedville Store
A Victor Talhing Machine Given
Away this month. You will be
GY2I Chance, Try It Anyway
Reedville, Orecron
McGumsey Sarmiil
Dimension Lumber and Timbers
Rough and Dressed Lum
ber of all Kinds.
Mill 1 miles from B. P.
Cornelius' Place.
Will Deliver.
Lumber delivered to North Plains
Cornelius, Ore., Route I
Cu0 Wilt, tf Glna, H
ever to tn city satunr.
I li, A. Vhrunr returned the
last of tre week from a mp 10
Alex Gordon and daughter
wer in from North Plains. Sat
urday. Perry Stream, of near Orenco.
was in the county scat the last
of th wevk.
C F. Grabel. of South Tuala
tin, was in town the first of the
H. Cop. of North Forest Grove,
w as a Hillsboro caller the first of
the week.
Max IVhlinir. of south of Cor
nelius, was in the city Monday
C K. Fluke, trainman on the
P. Iw & N., w as a Portland vis
itor Monday.
H. Tober. the Rood Bridge hop
grower, was up to the city the
first of the week.
One of the largest stocks of
shoes and dry goods in the coun
ty, at Greer's. 34-tf
Mr. and Mrs. Sam OrndutT. of
Laurel, were in town Monday,
on a Christmas shopping trip.
Edw. Boge. the Farmington
thresherman and baler, was in
town the first of the week, jrreet
inr friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hen ton de
parted the last of the week for
their home in the Eastern Ore
gon section.
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Wilkes are
the proud parents of another
child a daughter, born at Moun
taindale. Dec. 14. 1913.
Ralnh Imhrii who has hn
over at Garibaldi, all Summer.
returned last week, to spend the
Winter in this section.
D. H. Willers. of Oak Park,
was in the city Monday. He is
clearing up a piece ot land this
Winter, for crop next year.
Arnold VanDomelon. of Roy.
was in town the first of the week
Arnold is breaking into Holsteins
for dairvintr. and will soon have
a nice herd.
D. W. Bath, of Tacoma. Wash.,
former editor ot the Independent
and later publisher at North
Plains, was in the city this week
transacting business and crpetinir
oldtime friends.
J. A. Zimmerman, of Roseland
Farm, was up to the city the
last of the week. J. A. pays a
good tax. but says that withal,
he is sorry they beat the special
tax down in his road district.
RobL Simpson, of Buxton, and
Will Jack, of Hillsboro. hive nnr.
chased a saloon at Beaverton.
and have taken possession. Mr.
Simpson withdrew his petition
for license at Buxton. last week.
Attorneys Geo. R. RatrW anrl
T. H. Tongue went to McMinn
ville, Saturday, to try the divorce
case of Mulloy versus Mulloy.
The husband, A. C. Mulloy. was
given the decree. The case was
heard before Judge Webster
Announcements have rwn oont
out by the Bankers & Merchants
Mutual Fire Relief Association of
Forest Grove, that they have
taken new offices in the First
National Bui din?, at FnrMt
Grove, and will be at homo in
their patrons, after Dec. 25.
lour Uncle Samuel is turning
out some new stamp books at
tne Dostomce that beat the nlH
ones for convenience. The book
contains 24 two-cent starinn nnH
24 one-centers, making a total of
ii cents worth of etter noatairo
and you pay 73 cents for the
Hon. (). F.. HHjnn wKn ha
been at CnlHpnHalo fnr ihI
years, in charge of a big flouring
mm, arrived nome me last or the
week. 0. E. is suffering from
an affection of his vision, and
has nearly lost the siirht of nn
of his eyes. His many friends
here hone that ho will
and te able to use his optics as
Why be bothered with tmn
nairs of trlassp Pall of ui
Washington, Saturday, Dec. 20,
and let Drs. Lowe & Turner show
you the new invisible bifocal
glasses, which enahlo vnn tn
both far and near. No unsitrht.
V lines in the lens tn strain tha
eyes, catch dirt, or come apart.
Free demonstration. f!nll tnra.
noon if possible. 38-9
E. A. Wolf, of Alnnn
10 me couniv spat Mnnriav tnH
cauea on urias. McFadden. the
cigar manufacturer. Mr. Wolf
13 an old cigar maker, and fni
Owed the trade fnr manv vof
While he ia 73 vein nf ... ul
thinks his hand has not yet lost
lis cunning, ana he would like to
roil a rew, just for thj sake
of olden times.
Agent Shinnaberger, of the
Southern Pacific, is very proud
over the record of the road for
1913. This record Bhows that
ror me year, 1,373,815,327 pas
sengers were carried a distance
of a mile, without a single death
from accident. The road re
ceived the award of safety med
1 r 1 "
I saw cord wood, nnlps 11 n ti V.
inches in diameter, fence rails,
and boards of all kinds, into
stovewood lengths. Will an into
the country. Write, phone or
al from a fund whichToVeV the j ' KnVc?tv 14fi'
liability of fill Rtenm
This is some feather in the cap' Wool and cotton blankets rea-
01 we management. j son able at Greer's. .
If You Value
Your Child's Eyesight
with J
nil li-ht i
rmnl ell
h t I r
You will provide him
Scientists aric .111
injj and trading.
The $d& Lamp
ir .ft iiirllnw I , Sf. Am ii1 .1! ! , l't li e
hillllC linlr. S II llt!:C -t''v l i'Mln:i Ni
(lair: ti H.u Vet. to i hi a -i jic li.
AA t cc it 41 .Mii tv
Standard Oil Company
We Have As Spc
2 x btr cltf Kl ft
2 x btr rustic -hi) ft .
2 x btr tltf CS t.
Also standard shiuIis,
im .i-r. m
?ir.n ,r
Dunning L Krt ntzel I .umbt-r Co ,
Main St. - I' R .S; N i:.u'Ks
Everything in UuiKlin;
1.. I
1 1.
. I l.i
It I 4
White Queen Fl our
$1.35 PER SACK
Ash for a Sample SacK
The Home of the CASH VALUr,
Stamp. Get them with every pur
Meats and Groceries
Second Street Pythian I51d,f. Ililhboro
,,11 for .iii.Im '
',H ,1.1 . I .. IU. l l
wh.'l.ln Inlol " Ml.'
. ..lit! .11, iwl,. .wwtlMI. !
,linl'l' '! ! llllBU.
', 11 11. Ha. A
llti.l... I' M l llllKl.' V k 1
I, 111, 1. , I. i .1. , In ! vl
,h. ,1. (. "I K
II, I. Iiu.l-.'
tut. t it 11I.. I Mmmtk. K ft III
, ,i. i.n.l u.l. .r l. . l HI
,. i it... 1 ... 1 1.. , -f l
1 ,1 ,1. . ill.. Ji. Ir4 4
II.I..I 1 ,.llin.M.llM Ml 1Mb Ml. !
1 I. .I hiln'lt 4.llb4
I ,w I. i..l ii " l'iwt '
V.,.. I I. J. .Ir. HI..I Vl Mk I
, V ,.n U III. .'lb J ul
. n.l.. I. I'M' h il"f Mf IH
. it,. I. Iliil.k.ii.i, ablnll.
, in, ..n. al lb ! t
.. . I... b " - '''"
t.,ii l.i hub. I l-l.l.lf l" bb
1, ',,.! l lh ..ll..lli a t lb-l l l
I. .,..,! IlliK Hill Ml I"
H . l.,i.l..ii l ..ul. I1. J f
i .U,li .1. .. I ..ll.' i
1 ..iiiturii. iiim t I'lilhl 1 ("I
I 7.. ...,h...l ,,'IH, '
. . .l I., J.ihn K lll. Ib.n.
iij I.'Vl. Ihvli, o ! I4 fai l
li.nlh l .'l lh.B. l
ll fcf t' timitt ltMUJ
,, 11. 1 in ( i..l ili.i.. Wa.hliij
.,, ,1111,11 ' li uuib
1. ,.11.. in I I -'.r In II " b l Hi
11 , . r .11 -i i'.
. Hi hctiiitt-' li4 "
11I hr I H-l .! "(
f .,,.1 al l ! '
i.j. 1 i (.. 1. .It, m 1 li.. 1. ,' Ml.luU
, . . ... 11
I ,1. I Hi ll l!.l . IHc.". U bi
ml, .In "f N..mbr I'll
j 1: i.t:; m
,,r (f . t 4"Mt"H '-i.'l. I'm""
11 Mil 11 :.
,lt..i,.. f.-l MffrllJlll 1
II I I I Hi Ir 1 IU"I
In ll, I'll, nil iVuM ! Ib Wll t
1, . it f. !.. 1. 11 r,'l i u. tuti i. ruuiiin.
',. iii.r.ii l. In II mt4
I. M llril, lil bil.tll.. lUllll lU'lliJ
,1,. I I' .. i.l l.r huil.1,.1 Ann
I . itl i.rulilh ! II i lnltllb. b
i .ni-ii, I I ... i iim li ii. I.ll.rii, ana
i' 11,'l.llM III. hrf hul ll. J.litil , I I' M MHUI br l.u.lB.I
. .l I'll," Hunilbrta
... 1 l,.,.l.....l NV illi.,. Ilul.l.l M. r
, 111. 1 K,ili.-- i.l ari4 ullu ll. brt
'ni.lml. 1 hi iiiikn bnit i.f Jm
-I l irlml , 111. unkn.i
1 ii . . I I 111.. J II. 1'iilm l a ..,
h. 11 In an li. lt . ( 1 i M lUt4
1.. ....I. II... iittbhi.tttt hwil i.f Jrt
w if! .1.. . ncl. Al. All illir .r'li
i , 1 1 i. . lit, k i .i n . I mi Iii n 1 1 lil
I II. , .III,, I r,i ,. li.l. 1. .1 In l.i ll.c
,.- ii . ii il.. nl.. in Ui i'tMii.l!M
..r in i fi ii,lni Miimitii.t.a
111 ..lllll Ml'111,1 III II S.,f
1 111 mil I. M S hr bi.l,n4
, . .. il l : 11.I an. I II II..K.I. hrl bu
! n I Ann .il i.nnilh n II "i
ri lHl, l,. r liiilnnl. 1 bin U l.i.4
i iri in I 1 ' 1... I, II. nil 1. Iii hul
in I. )..,,. W II- r aii.l II Mill, r
i.r ,u.tii.. tin- liribn..ii Ik'U i,
' i,ii... M .irl4ii.. .c. rl, Th uri
. .,, linn ..I l.lii, I M. riant. U
.....1 I-,, uin.i n hoii i.f T. J M.
: irU, I .! i.i.... hi, uribnwttri
r 1.,,.- K.ill .. . rax.l Hm all ..lli.r
r...i. .ir t if tn. iinbri.! n i laimi.i
li rifclil lillr. r.lalv. Ilh . Il,llr.l
111 ..r I.. Id.' real ..lata ilcfttill In
' In- . in , -1 -. , 1 rr r. in
is 1 111. imi: tin: t a ti: mi
li.i.i , .1, ml ra- Ii 1 . u rt, b.rv
r. ii ri. I . , .i an I amaii lh,
nil I nt, I III. I aaamal M It, Ih. ali.n
ilillial i 'iaai nil or taifiir III -lll ila
r .. ,M,t. mi 1,1. h I ,, in
""ki 'tl Ui IHIl ! of KoiiImi,
II Hi- ,lal ,il'ii. li lb, a I'nurl
1 1 fir. I (,,il,li. alln "f lha Hum
, u. in I if 1 .11 ., . a 1 1 al a ..
"' ' -I nil lhrr..r. Ih ( lalnliff
...II ,ii,l I . Ilm mull f,. II,. fali.r
, ri),. f r 111 lif anirr,... r. iiii lalhl
H .1.1.1, ,.M I . a It A ,
lull II. n ,.... ,r. ..r,.. In )....a ,S
, ! atil in ll.,b S-v Si f
i'i I '.r I II,. irl. ,,f .!,, ml. .n
llilK I'll, I .11, l 11, ..I, lr. I h Ii,.. r I
i, iii.r.ii. i .,,i.,. i I aflat
li. 1 I Xmlli- ail.t tlrf.if. , ,
:,i . .t, h i.f 4i. il.a
i. mai ii'Miliiiii ,.r anf nf 1 1, am
iii... 1,., nail tutu, aaiaia Ian i.r in
t. .l 11, r t , ih. Id al I alal. ,U
ril... aa f..l .a t .-ail Ira. I ,.
1 ii, I I Htm ni,. I aitnatr,! m I
1 - II I W iitainriia Ui.ri.lian
m l firtiirr ,r. r,l... I i in i,i al
ii". S l: f..rn.r ,.f ih 8 W. iuartut
f H... li., ii aai.l t..n.,i,, ,,
t it.ii '. tlu n. i.ri aai.l quarter
"'In.. I III.- KM .hatha llirrva H ull,
1 . ha ma. Ill-n, a ..,ll, In ii r, ra M l
. " nauia l.i I h'.maa J 4. (arlan l i
rt.-r in.t,.. M.iilh . ,,.,r., H
i i inaina. lli-nra N..rlb In ,la.
naiiit .. ll,. i.u,a ,.
rcttt ttua
Barber Paris
CVurtcuna Treat mctl.
Caijbahlc u..Utot
Hath m c..,nu,n .
I 'w .Shower ll,tB
Nfb I Wh- Shi. .
tlliUill ,iCjlsc yiiJ
I. .11 W
, it.i, inn. ... ni iimiih i ,
I. .,
1'iV ll
CAPITAL $50,000
An old, safe and conservative haul. ,
located in the Hillsboro
block, b. VV. corner Main r,ii-l Sen
Hillsboro Cominorc;ial l!;mk,
N"li! In I he I'uhli
i.lhir an, I furllmr
Hi" ruurl arii inrr
, in m. r
! .til ,n it,.,. ,f
in- umi w,r an.l mh ,,f h,, h, f,,r.
"" rmi iiuni atrr
...i.iiiiik i,r rl li,K ,, ,,lm r ,
I in ,,r I.,
...... imimm i,r ll,r i,irr
..... "I Bfll iu.,1 a, .n m,...
" ' ' Iiim
.... iiiii nil. mi,, .ri,
.ll. I. Ii, , ii,, lift
1 1 An, I f.,r am h
f li.f t
I I t' Inn.
,H" n I-iiMiI..I In TIIK
in i.iirauaii,
r . ii.,,,,.,,),,. j , ,. .
I 'i l t i "" "r '"' N...r,Jf
' 1. Hf . IIIlK Iha ., ,
'"' " "I'I 'Hi.. Ilill.linr,, ,,.,
" hi. ... ,,..,";,
wm, ,,, lllh (l
r. I'll l.
I 'ni" ..f ilral .iil,l, a
i i. in i Imii.
' "it" r I ll
W. ti . Ill KM AN
,., . tin lr I'lnli.iirT
.r'.V..... " "' '' ' "r""n'l
la i.f
"f lnt , ni, , ,, , i,,.
Not ire in .
yyiv. N iiii i wi ,
r.'fpt...Ml,!,. f,,r ,,,v , . ' "", '"
"jv;?;,;.:;'"H "
ArRusand Oreonian $2.2C.
-Il l.ll r, Ml. H.MM I.I.b, MK
N-li-.. U h.,,1,, KUr ,, , .
, ., ,,, . ' ' HiMlrir till-
.... ! :uZ';L"::' rv
i i , . , " "r 'i N.ivrm .r,
,,l. . " 1 "rimriit iin
,i,. v ,.. . '. ' " '-'"lil,,,!...
'""",l,l,'. lIlfBlliliinla
;:r ,,,.:
' & 'Z,Z
"t l In rah .if h i..... . "nn
-n i. .mt, I,,,,,,, ,
f. in : ,h" "fn,i.lllu
r,!' y " "V;:!
''"Illtlii.n. li... ,.i ,i
nf ii it-,., . . " ""n ""'"' enrm-r
ni..! . ' v Jnliii ic
W. 0. Ih
Call attru.Ud U).
Cha.H-l ami I'arlon,
K K Sh. It in, rru
HtllSIDKO m t0
H ' Vtlll.ltlrl, f,u
- Ilfiitiiirti rs in
OW irffic in Wwhinit,,
ll-ti-i in.i.
IVllliT. ill -
Sand. (Iravrl. (Vinrht, Woo,
and t'iml.
I'hn Main i'.ri
roa r it
Best Firo Insurance
ANt moMrr muir
Ajccnt inuiim & Una.
hirc Fire lusurauitCo.
l'ciH dtatc. riiM hi HiLUkiM
KsliiiMtr on liit!dinjs, ta
cavatiou.i, fills, etc.
Hll.l.SluiKO, Oihixi
I'bon. Mai lt fOtlla. HtwM
taut ul ThlrJ. ,..i UkksCb.
m.rlh I.. lu n,, vU . Q
mi, ftalj Umi Du,a aalk H baa
una u4 ui ,. M.k :. i il a t.
a. I i,i. .ia
r i.a ti.i.ii.l.f ot, aaatal
autna a ii. I f..r n,. . (k4 m-
l .n.aa i.f aala au4 uf ai4 llt laa)
ala l t.t)a. la a
II. -n ar alatula of l"i...a
l-l4 al lllll.b...i, Hutu, a Ut
II. I ,U i.f N..iaml.i i
i i: IlKKYKA
ribrrlff uf MatMnat.. lolf.
i iragiin
Ml 1 Apltrial. l.lf
Allmnria (ur I'lainuff
Oregon Agricultural
Ibrrrnil'l I lu I J. lyi)
TtiU tbllt l Hiilalil ntnl ltttda
rallnnal bUluia uf ittrm
raiturit' Cr-oialiori ill M U
Iradiu liiilr i( llnittlll HIMtW
iKImn h mrrk aill I CtM
lib illculultt. fill i1rmi.rululbi
rrilhliig lhal aiakr (ur lh ti(rt d
lb fatui'f anil bum aiakri
wi.Nri;a snout coURSk
Jariuar 5 In V. IVI
Tin- I'lillrg ba aiMfril aa tdift M
mac I Ilia lb otiaat rumulrlt afcal
ririiia In a bialmr. A irtj. tnliiwfi
( rouiata will b otlcfr.l la (Watfal
Anilrullur. Wmllcii turr, Animal Ha
Umlijr, l)liyiti, frjullijf KwfMft
Mrcliatilc Aria, tbmralic .HilriK i
Ail, Couiuicr, Koiratiy. aad Hm.
Nuuwroua Irrlutra ami iliioito M
farmvia' Co Oiraliun, at buM M4
alirowl, 111 be a iiiik (raliirt. KU
tlila blraanl ami ituiualil
ouIiiik No tu.llof j A'i'iJiinodtroa
fraMinalil. Kr.lwtil latrt o I w
nmila. I'ui furlbrr infuriiialloB AA
II M TKNNA.Nf, KrKi.trar,
CoimH, Otrfo
I'arairra' lluiluru Ci.iiiwi bjr
rrHiiiilrnr wltiioul lull ion.
aiiKHui" a I.: m icwitii-
Nnlli n la li. rahv ai I lhal. h lrtl
i.f an fin. iii,ii i.hiikiI nut n( '
lit I hi. .al i.f Ilia fir. nil fuH
Mlatn i.f tirna-nn fur Vaahinl..a C
IV. ilati-il Ih .lllh ilar nf N'w,,'
IW 13. Ill famr uf Inlnrnalli'ii'
vnatnr fii. i.f Amurlia. a i'iiipufall
i.uininr -...1 -..-I..-, i I. Illnrlita.
nil. 1 naa'ii". ' ,,a
I. i...i.i...i .... ii. .. a 1 :, n. ""
llilrr.nt Ihnrrnn al Ihr tat" ff
mnl mr a 11 n 11 111 fnmi Nim-nil"' " ,
l"'k-illiiT Hllh liilrl ""i'I
t In rain nf II (ti.r rnil .r annum ir"
Niivi.inhi.r I, lull, In January IJ. "
ami llm rum ami ilmhui ariin-nl"
"hill nf ju ui), lii ma illrw t""l "
Hvnri il, I liuvn. luii aualil I" J'
nil,. 11, li vimi ii,n ami IH ,,
In), Hi iUlh ilny nf iHTi-nitii-r, III "
III ,111th ilnnr of III I'miit Hu1"
lllllalii.rit, SVaahlliKtmi r.iiiniy. ''Ti
l llm hour or Inn n'rlni a A. M
lay, n.'ll at tmhllii am Umi I"
nt blilitnr fur laHh In han'l " ,,,
fiillowlnir ilnm Tlbml rial t,r,,"''
lyltiK, hil 11 ami altuatn I11
Inn ri.iinly. iMi-uiiri, ami iarlli'""
ilnai rlliml aa fiillnwa, t l:
iNmiim-iii line al lha ntirlhnat
i.f Ihn tin, I i.f html iiwnml hy J"Jn.J
Hallny, mm runiiliiK Ihi-m-a '"tJ .
; Ih.iira na.t m f'"i ' "i",
nnllh 200 foil; tlii'liin wrnt
l Ihn l.lii, 11 nf hnKliitiltiK. tin "
lylnn mml n nf bit mi '"' ..,1
blurb art, uf ami I11 lh I'lty u
irnve, ormiiin,
To aHllHfy Hi baralnbafort
autna ami fur lha ruala ami
of aala ami aalil writ. . .
Kalil anln will ba mail auliM 10
tlfiniitltin aa tmr latiila uf """""'i.u at lllllabiirti, Orif"ti. "
211 ilay or Nuvambrr, 1 I a.
i. K. IlKKVEA .
Hhfirirr of Waahlniiton Couaw.
Hy J. 0. ApplMVt D'ur
Atlorneya for Plalnllff. .t