I- . . P I B.K V LLSBORO HALL Saturday Deo. 20th. Old Time Country "K & CORNISH Uvyi.;rs - ''MMKUru.'r, A al 4 -a la, laaal Ika M PRESENTS M Wfa aa4 (trie thai fa alt -OI,a" WUl Ha.rU "111, -.p." rMblaw Juat lit dl.iira, rtUtl ! lutafre llllg 'eew lonallire Imagine Mr, aapa-tally tu.MTta4 tftm arawen j. Portland Flouring M il. f'.. r-.u.. Firemen's Benefit Dance The IlilJhWn I'iir I pittinrnt will ivi a lUtufil l4tnc at I'm l ho purpose of iaisiii; funds fnf a !U v liic al.il in. Kvriiitiv; o( The puMic is cordially invited In attend this dance, or at least t't ivo it financial support. An old-time affair. Square Dances Ami all the country dances dear to the "Times 'at's past tin gone" COMMITTEE 1,1,1,1 I Ian, am pf, Karl Luther, John Ryan mivM)iK, Washington lintel. Mi.tulay. Wednesday nml Krlday Dr. Gertrude Phillips osteopathic rliynl'ii- Otllee hours, 1 U 4 p. in. Horn calls, to 1- a. iii A.n.t Tr.. c. r f th. JinurMn of I'jthta, rn. 4. rU.ru-.! th- iii.f.,U n. MomUy M.'ht. tn lunctiiitn t th 'y tr.ur, ,., r,M,lH t.ntirrwr.i.1 '( hmmti-i-m for th. rourteouit triattn. nt r.r-iv. while in th. i liuho llnr'n rhair the i.nui t..n. Ihf ii.-vy ..Ihr.-r. who wilt U in Hlall.il ft..r Jan. . rf: r "! J S., lifir llorrotntnariilT; Ja. Atnl. rtM.ri. vio; W. H. Tay lor. .Mati; U I'.n.wn. n.-trrof 'rk;rr.-. Kvt-rrat. k.-ir of rr.ti ar,t L W. II.mjh. ii'ttitt r i.f xr..M1.r; Fj,r t.uth- r. rnaHt. r kt arms; (;,-,,. Sti-vens. "ia,t. r .f tiiiant-r; . H Hlark 'urn. inn.-r if'ianj. ami Aujr. Ifwu. outNiilf yuanl. I'hf HiIlHtM.ro Furniture & Mar.twan. r'n l.iif ChrintmaH alf will ri..t Ktan.l for anythinic l.ut "a niiare il.-al." Can you mTont to overlook the many cii-r.-. t moriey-Havinif opimrtuniti of linn Oirintma.1 Sale? A lart't- crowd of prominent .oiinif iHt.j.lf, rnarri'(t ami mn-k'l.-. ha.l a jollification, Monday v. riifiy, wh.-n they indulge! in an old fashiohed charivari, using a ihntrunientm.f auricular tor tur eer thing from a 111 to a inwu ruinaw. the young mar rie.J vinited were Mr. and Mm. Kerd Uartramj.f. Dr. and Mm. C. H. I'ollm-k. and Mr. and Mrs. C. (I. N.it,r. After the ileiiiormtration all of the (tarty wi re taken to Koi'her'. where they were givi-n a reception, wilh refrenhment.t. Mrn. Mury iVarson. wife of II. '. rearson, of Iowa Hill, was orotiguin AMnilay and examined hy Ir. K. A. I'.ailey for her aani ty. She wan ordered committed, and taken to the asylum Tues day. Mm. I'earHon'ft hi-alth fait. ed Heveral year ago. and Hhe WttH Hi' til tit hi-r olil Immuin I no. land, by the himl.and. in the luifu.n him U'fiiit.i I utt I ttA The trip, however, proved of no avail. 8 the improvement was only tcmjairary. Her peculiar . . a ll a .1. rn ith a. iniuiue is a i ear mat some one is planning to destroy rit r. rne is aged iii years. Mas.u. rade kill at W. 0. W Hall. North I'lains. Saturday eve rnriLf. Dec. Ti. TirkeU tl 2T. in rhiilinir MiintM-r Tnilli orrK.Mifr Kver)lodv invite!. Four prizes 1 i v. , awarueu. m-w Sam Schmidt and wife, of near Laurel, were in town Tuesday. i " - Sam raised 410 snug saaks of spuds nn two acres this year. He drought in seven Hurbanks, the other day - nice smooth potatoes that weighed 17 pounds. This is some tuler crop. Do not foriri't In auk for o..i.;n... .. rt iiiuvr w urn juu oin Kotu ! 10 cent smoke - no rough dust in the Schiller. mi Peter Herman was in town, Tuesday, ronfi-rrinir with Jos. liirsuni.' who will build a barn on the Herman place, to replace thi tiuililmg destnM oy nre, one day lust week. A fancy dress shirt would be a nice present for father. (let one atCreers. 3S-9 Contractor Iorsung will tear down the water tower, which has stood for years, to the rear of the present otlice building of the Washington Uregon urponi lion. Silas IL Vermilvea and Miss R. Kathryne lVchin were united in mnrriago in this city. Dec. 10, HU:l. nt the M. K. Parsonage, ili'v. M vers o Iiciating. 1 he new- y wedded couple reside at Dilley; A. L (irehe, who as a boy walked over the hills of Fierce. Co., Wis., adjoining the county where the Argus reporter ran barefoot, was in from laurel. Tuesday, greeting friends. All nuintira reduced in nrice tin ' - --- r during month of December at tJreer's. Cnlbrenth. of Tualatin. und in town Tuesday. Geo. is one of the pioneers of that part of the country. K. K. Yarni'll. in the hotel business at Timber, was in town Tuesday, coming down on the r. It. & N. Hergert. of beyond Blooming was in the county seat Tuesday. Mr nnd Mrs. Cart Stribich. of Forest Grove, were guests of Dr. 0. H. I'ollock and wire, Jun day. Henry Hoge, of Chehalem Mountain, was a city caller lues day afternoon. it p. Ilnnnn. of Forest Grove. was' down to the county seat Tuesday afternoon. n c Hnrlnw. of Portland. was out to the old county seat Tuesday, KwetinK rrienas. Wm. MeierjerKen, of West Union, was a county seat caller Tuesday. iv. iiuniioin nf Klnominor. tlUIIII l"'""l aT A. MlC was a city visitor the first of the week. Horn, to F. N. Conner and wife, of near Laurei, uec, io, 1913, a son, Mrs. Greener, of below Rood's, was in the city the first of the week c tiio Pharmacy window for a free offer, Saturday, Dec 20, Ik Wiir I It la ir IK.. I IK 'I .m. t w I Oil I.. 1. 1 h.r lb I,, ull luurl of I',., oi .,f l t9 WahtMalH I'm iy ,.r i.. a., i ..... . ' TlHtHUia ..f llir f ( .trl , ,,f I'. IK. f..ll..l,, .1. . I . i .. .. IM.rly.alliMi.tM !,,, ' . I.. n- All ,.t l.l . .. ! ht-k O M'.Ulh ,.f II, r Hlf.., ,,,, W.al It.pin Hi. 1.11 ", ii.,.. ii. n lh In, In... .'Hi i f i... ., ... .. . l l..r u. IK. .Inly r..f,. l ,. , , f K.K in., i n, ,.r l.n.l ,i, ., i,. f IH. It ..r.l.r i.f '..... ......... . bt 1'i.iinl, an.l M.I. .ir.. i (,... ruiiiliir i. .. Hima h4 ...rUa rtim.. Ii. r !.., I. I'luiulr an.l .11 ,.n... .la..na t.f .artii-a unkH..n ial,,l( iir li.l.raal In ai. l I.. Ihr ,, . , , , . d.airll..l, a.lv.ra. ... II.. ,n. ih I'laiKiiir tti.r.in. ai. nil .. K i, . Kiav rtitM'.rn I I . T.. May l.laia Hilua an.l i li.rl. a y,n, nua..aa.. .....ric. rimnii ...i ,.n "lh i-ranna i.r i.rli. in.t,,, . laliMlna any u,l.,..i ,n ,, tl. ,,,, ,, 'l"i'l a... .i.arii... .Ji.r. i,. MMirrM4Tia4 r 1.41, tin r. mm i lh. all i,. . 1. 1 j. mi. i.f it.. I'l.ifii.rr .1 I.. rhi.m II mar i on. .rn Ik f. TAhK NKTIi'K Thai Ih. lilh li. i.f ..t.n,.. r A l. 1, Alil.lli alliin a.a I1I..1 l.v llf.rl Thuliiaa In Ih. .'ir. ml 1'imrl .,f lal i.r l.r.a..n I r I, . . . uhly. for Ih. Il.il la I lklifhI ,,r i Ihi lan.l ahu. il. a fit.. .1 NuW I M.KMH you a... ir .,, ,,, (,. . a lha ilal day i.f Ibirinhir A Ii !!!. an.l ahifW I aila. ah ai. Ii Hi t.)! alt. ,11 ahuuM a.. I l. atal.l. I. II . , .1,,. rill ! laa.lt aa ii.nr.in -.. hi,. I a ,. r.a at III ta rtii.r.. ai ..r-liiit t.. ih. rayar i.f Ih. Al l.ll. ant ai. l ,11 .11 f.-r.v.f tarr.il fr..m .liainii u. 11,.. aanta l.ll Ihla Ulh ilay i.f S-.y . In? IfUal I I liU' 1' I 1 . r I'iiunly I'l-rk of Vaalni,ki,,i, -....r. 1 y. l!Ail.r.T HA (IK. Atljra fur AiMlhaiil Kiral ,ul,li alli.n N.v. ;"i, 'ij. Ijial pulill. alli.n k- 1. mi imi. Wi tha 1 'urn llll. .V fura Applkatlon to kctMcr Title In ttt ('Irruil Court of Ilia o Or- iiu lor W aablliitUill I omity. In tha lltllrr of Ilia Ai.l.h. atiun ,,f 1Ua.iiib.ila CapiJMin. for rW..trtnni nf ma nil HI lolluatiUK Urarrlla-il ral ,.r-irt lain, laaliiK ami ilu ,11 WaahmirUiu t'uuiilr.Orrvin. ami i.w riti Hi aa (iillna,. u.ail e.rt of l.l S. rWttiri II. TIN. I: 3 W. , Will. Mar.. laMrliiiiliiir on tliawmlh lum ! tha Wllham. porW T. K i m M l bf tha ,S W. rurnar o( U.a .am. an 'I a aluna In Hi canlar ( tlia roiinty I '..,,! at ik. W ta.' ..t.i u i... . . .w .... .... i.i ... n a. . i iiriwiii irai i a, al tha S. K. niriiar ol tha J.ii.i.i KIiuk.i I r...t a kl .... ..I 1 1 ... U u' .. . . . , I aaid rlaiui, anil runnuif lhm rawi aliiiiK aalil Una 141 f hi- to tha N. W. tornrriil U. laiul lrr uanxl lijr W allay. al; Uiiii aiiulb almiK tl.a waat Imv ol aai.l YaU uMKInal Irar.i. ft tl cli. In tha h. A . ooruar; theiira mnl parallal llh ih. a mlli Una of aal.l l'orlr claim . J ti i Ma. lniti' aaat lliiaol Ilia Klliiar Unci: tliaiii-a V I 4a. :V K. bIuuk aaid klliitfnt laiul , i.W clia. to tha a of lKniiiiiig. niti lain I ii a i 113 arm. To Whom ll Mar (Vuirn: Taka Nutira. dial on Ilia (h. ilay ol Novvnibair, IVI1. an aiiiillraUiMi tif Thaouiiiia Caauii In Ih. in nil t 'ourt of lha hlala of OraKnl. lor W aali tiiKUm i.uoijr . fur tha Initial n-Ki-tr.! on ol ttia till lo lha land ataita il.-aa. rilM.. ho unlraM vuu ao(ar ui ur Ih. Ilal. liar of lrtiitr, I'.H.i, ami l..,w rauaa why men apilicailnn ahail mil la (ranla.1, 111 aania u ill Ik- laki-u aa mn laaaaxl, anil drcrm U' I anlrrl tv mrdilia; to tha t.rayar of lli a..ln anl. and Ju will tn loravrr barrol Irom ilia putluf tba aarat . Kti. 0. Luor. Clark of tliM'ltoiit Court of lha Htat of Orrnon tir NVailiuiKtou Couutjr, bjr Ii. A. kunuli. Attaat: Final Haf lay A liar. AUornrji for A!iaitil Admlnislralor'a Sale of kealty la tha County Court fr Ilia Ntatv ol Orafun for Waalilngton I'ounly In tba matu-r of lha aatala of ICatt llnmin t. I'olU, ilcoaaafaj. N Jtlne la linrvhy Kl"ii. that the utnltr alfiiail at ailnunialrator ol lh rata In ol Hawluiaoii K I'oKa. dncaMnl, urauai.t lo lha ortUr o( thaatMivaantitliil itmrt ui.ula and rntnrol on lha lull day ol Nov. in lkr, WIS, will from anil aOrr .Monday. Ihr Mtil day of Ufwinlwr. li:t, inicml to tail at prmala tale Ui Ihr hiifliwt ImMi.r tliarafor tba follow I at ilwnlva.1 real proparty btlonglnif In aaid ratal, aituiilr lu .lia Couuly ol W'aliliiKloii, Mat ol Orrajon, lo wi.: ttlnnln( at a point, III' nnrlhna.it cor nar ol block No. i, aniilli, In Ilia tjwn of Tualatin, Oregon, aaid point Iving miiiiIi dra ratal 4.1 mill ulna W'pal 'JKI.7 foct fnilll a point on lha rati Una of awtlou 24, T i, H K 1 W ul tha Will Mir. In V. kaliing-lon County, Orpgon, and aoiitli H7s lent Irom tba oornar to ara-uoni I I. 14, il and 4, lit T f N H 1 W or lha Will. Mrr. Uikiht aoulh 'M0 tvrl on Ilia rant linn ol said block i, ioiilli, tlicnca wnl '.MU lewl on Hip (Oiila Una of Mid block, IIipihw nnrth 'Jim feat on tha p1 Una of aaid block, Hipiu-p mat UUO InK Oil tha north line of aaid block to Ilia plaoa of IwIiiiiiiir , aaviiiK anil Mnrplinif tharrtroin tha loliowinit deMirlbxl portion of aaid lilock, to wu: Banlnniiii at tha aoiitliraat t-ornnr of aaid block Kit, 1 aoulh. In Hip uiwn ot Tua'a Un, Oretron, aa ahowu ly Hip duly rcord ail plala llicrpof now on tile In lha he corvler'a olllce of WialnuKton county, Slate ol Orrron, runiiiiiK thiuw wiwl ,.u tha aoutb line of aaid blin k Ml IVet, tiiincr north para I la I with tha mat line of anid blocs IUU feel, thence paal parallel Villi, lha aoutb Una ol naid bUn'k M fwt, iIipih-p aoulh on the eenl line of aaid block n(l reel to tha plana of brKliinliiK. Alao UTihg and eicepliiiK therefrnm tha lolluwiiiK diwcnlicd portion of taut block, to wit: BrKliinliiK at the ni.rtlieaat comer of aaid block I aoulh, in the town of Tuala tin, Oregon, lu aeclion ftTlSKI W of Ik Will. Mrr. Ill WenliiUKtun County, alale of Oregon, ihem-e euuth lmi leot with the eant line of aaid block, thence tuMth Itudrgrera 43 iiilnutea weat 64 feel, thence north S degrera !M mltnitee i-asl M 8 fret, Iheuoe uth W degree ta mln utea rail Steel to a p-ilnl 4(1 feet wem of of Ilia eaal due of aaid block, thence north J degrera 31 tiiliiulra eaat 4,'i.U leet to the north line of aaul block, thence eoulh Mil degree 43 uilnutra raal Mi feel on the iHtrtb Hue ol aaid blm k to the place of baglntilug. And alao aavlng and eiPiupting therefrom the aouthweal quarter of aaid block cou Teyed by deed recorded lu Book W, at page 21, Keouida of lced f-r Waatiingtuii County, Oregon. I'pon the following tPrnm of nale, to wit: oue third caeh in harul oil ilay ol la, and the remainder on or liefore two year Troiii date, with interval from date at the rat ol percent per aiinniii, all deterred payments to be ewuriHl by mortgage on the prrmWeH aold: wtul proiieriy will be Bold lu parcels to uil purchaaeri.ealdaaleiiwlll be sulijwt to continuation by aaid court, Bid will tie received by the under lgned at nla reeulence kt TimUllii, Ore on or at lha law olllce of W.N. Harrelt, in Hlllsboro, Oregon Dated November AHh 1013, t,. P. WostfaU. Adniliilatratorde bonla noil ol the eslnto or Rawlliiaon K. Pott, doceaed. O. W. Allen AWN. Barrett. Attorneys Attorney" for administrator no tNints nou. Family Washing At 5 Cents Per Pound Thi price may be obtained by those who tahe advantage of our couf on plan. Booh, contain coupons to the amount of $5.O0, which must be paid for in advance. We heep the booh at our office and with every bundle delivered to custo mer we send coupons from booh for the amount charged for pat hiiftV. This mahes the customer pay in advance for the worh. but with the price we are mahing it is the most econom ical way of having family washing done. On account of the increased operating expenses, which are all cash, we are compelled to place our business on a strictly cash b isi com mencing January 1st. 1914. This coupon system saves us all the worh of boohheeping and collecting and gives us cash to meet our expenses. This is why we offer this extremely low price. Our Price to those who do not purchase coupon boohs will be b cents per pound for rough dry, and the following prices for flat worh. Sheets 3c Pillow slips 2c Table covers lOc Bedspreads lOc Hand towels lc Naphins lc Bath towels 2c Roller towels 2c Ri lc Worh called for any day in the weeh. Upon request a repre sentative will be pleased to call and fully explain this plan. MOORE LAUNDRY COMPANY City office in loeber's Confectionery Store Phone number City 207 Corner Maple and Broadway, Hillsboro araaf ' For the best values in hard ware of all kinds, call on Dave Corwin, who can sell you the beat at the lowest fiRues. Plumb- . . .1 . nllanfmn int? K'v'' lrolip aiwutiviii Second Street, south of Main. The Grand Marca is the most wholesome "two for a quarter" smoke on market-made in Ore gon, by E. Schiller. When you indulge in a good smoke buy a Grand Marca. One of the largest stocks of shoes and dry goods in the coun ty, at Greer's. 34-tf CITATION In the County Court of the State of Ore gnu, Kor the County of Washington. In the Matter of the Kititel nf nrali June II 111, deceased.! To Trvplicna Money, Francis Allen, Will iam IcuktiiN. nnd I liniiia Jenktna.ai d all unknown heirs t law of aran Jane Hill, dis'eawl, (reeling : In I tie name of tile StHte of Oregon, you are hereby cited and rt'quireil Innppearin the County court of the atate ot Oregon for Washington county, at the court moiii tiiereol at Hlllsboro, in the county of Washington, Slate of Oregon, on Mou day, the Vlmi itav of I'eceuiher, IMIS, at ten o'clock in the I'oren hi of that day, then and there show cause. If any there he, w hy an order of this court should not he intiln as prayed fi r in I he pel 1 1 loll ot K M Hill. Hie duly appointed, i)iialilled and a.'ilng administrator ol theeetaleof Sarah .lane hill, deceased, authorizing, licensing and dlrectluit him aa Buch ad ministrator, to sell at private sale for cash lu hand, the real property belonging to said estate, and descnlied as follow, tll-Wll! Beginning at a atone at the S. W. corner of Sec. 6, T. II S.. H. 3 W. Will. Mer., Washington County, Oregon, thence N. on township line 17.8? cha. miim or leas, to the S. V. corner of trai t of land belonging to A. M. l'orter; thence on the S. line thereof N. 47 de grees SH minutes K 11.01 cha. to an Iron pipe; thence N. 15 degree 21 minutes W. 2.71 cha. more or eaa to an iron pipe at the S. W. corner of a certain 1S.S9 acre tract: thence en the H. line thereof N. 68 degrees IS mi mi tea K. 13.S7 die. to a atone In the center line of county road; thence In the cen ter of said road 8. 31 degree 50 minutea K. 27.2S cha. more or lea to a atone at the S. W. corner of lot belonging to School District No. 28; thence S. 47 degrees K. 5! linka to a atone and Iron; thence S. 5 degrees east 8. Kti cha. to a atone; thence & 78 degrees 14 minutea V. 2.55 chains to a atone; thenc N. 79 degree 37 minutes V. 2.11 chaina to a atone; thence S. IS degree 20 minutea V. 1.72 ch8. to a stone; thence 8. 81 de grees 23 mlnut"a V. 1.04 cha. thence S. 9 degrees 10 minutes W. 2.87 cha. to a stone; thence 8. 18 degrees 0( minutes W. 1.97 chains to a atone; thence N. 87 degrees 08 minutea W. 8.60 cha. to a stone; thence 8, 7J degreea 54 minutea W, 6.95 cha. to a atone; thence 8. 0 degree 23 minute. W. 1.92 eh to a stone; thence N. 89 degrees 6 .minute W. 9.91 chs. to a. stone; thenc west 8.66 chs. to a atone on the townahlp line; thence N. O degree S3 minutes W. 10.89 cha. to the place of beginning, containing 98. 5t neres, as prayed for In the petition or said ad ministrator ' 4 . This citation Is ph dished by order of Honorablo 0 B Heasoner, Judge of the county court of Washington county, Ore gon, made and entered on the tilth day of November, HUM. and the date of the first publication ot this citation ia Thursday, the 13th day of November, 1918, and lira data of the last publication of tolicllailon Fruit and Pound CaKe for Christmas Our Christmas Cakes will fairly make your mouth water, with every slice, they are so good and rich and contain nothing, but the best grade of material to be found in the local market. The more you eat, the more you like it. Every bite is a dream of richness that calls for more. We are proud of our Christmas Cakes and we want you to know that our reputation for fair dealing stands behind every morsel of our foods. Our very best Fruit and Pound Cake will be sold from now until New Years for 40 cents per pound Try some. Try Our Baby Angel Food If Simply Defto(otM a. . a m a a a .aw ' Main Street, Hillsboro Wolfersperjrer & Gragg Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timber ia Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIED FLOORING and RUSTIC always on hand. Estimates on Buildings, Flooring, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kinds of finished lumber for house material. We deliver. Phoue: Pac. States, Glencoe Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN, Bacona, Oregon I 4 will be Thursday, the lltb day of lie,- the seal of aaid court hereto affiled, tfcts cember, 1U13. lath day of November, 1413. Wllnese the Honorable D B Keasoner Attest: (Heal) K 0 Luce, Clark. Judgeot the county court of the county Timn H Tongue It., attoraey of Wasbiugion, btate of Oregon, with inii.islrator. 1