! mod ractitua it ' " I - - aft iw a II DUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN In a vcrv small way nearly eifcht years aSo we nusincs iu iu mi .... .1 I.. nrm'PTV ami K cl. application to dumdcss dcalincs without the aW of green trading sum; or premiums of any kind have been Mlc o remain and have succeeded fairly well IwOn vf the time lias come uiai Klr " . r , many people are liking lor ana "JV" cornet Innc as au inducement for their L AMI trade and' we propose to Kothe limit. Winning iv..inlr 1. we are coine to give back 5c out r i.u., i'KH irmi with us. tiet 01 kery u'i.i . , . 1 . at -. vat iUt TeT and keep tntni ... nr more: brinn them in and get 5 l.m . , - --- - ....... it their lace aiutr iu a uutil CASH. ner cent VAUGHT GROCERY CO. Second Street - - Hilhhwo. Oregoo Call and See Us If you are in need of Groceries, Grain or I ced. Being Dealers in General Merchandise, Grain and Feed, we buy in carload lots and are able to sell to you in any quantity, at the lowest prices. Our Grocery Department is complete and prices are right. We also carry a good stock of shoes. Will have a new shipment iu, on or about the 22ud. temmott and Jones Qrenco. Phone Main 593 Oregon Smoke Hillsboro Cigars , El Escentio - lOc Baby Rose - 5c Nothing More Pleasing on a Christ.nas Morning to your husband father, son, brother, Sweetheart, uncle or cousin, than to receive a present from ,. I you consisting of a nice "25 box" of El ", . Ksccntio or Baby Rose Cigars. Made in Hillsboro, and sold by all Dealers Charles F. MeFadden Cigar Manufacturer If You Have Any Hind of TROUBLE with your Machinery or Automobile, go and see PETE THE BLACKSMITH in Reedville. Turning Lathe in Shop, and we do all kinds of fine fcWORK We can repair any kind of machinery at reason able prices, and if the old machine is no good we can sell you a New Machine cheaper than anyone else in the county. Do not forget "Pete the Blacksmith" Reedville Oft 11 TO ft B M Oreg'on tiling u iwa OMfwt, aa.alaa a" MM. U. A. M)U. K4IMW. (AHinty Official Paper WIrtoa: U- rear -Y- We sometimes think that wf hav hinh taxes hrv in the eountv- but if vou 11 Just Uk a skiuint at Tillamook taxes, you'll sev that e atv not so badly abusevl. Tillamook, however, is desirin to expend a irreat deal of money on her roads-mostly, too, for her own use. ) Well, it is to be a "dry" Hills- boro after Jin. 1. The case can not be heard in the Supreme C uirt for at least several months. Uumilv. w have Sain Creek -r r - r - water! The currency bill will pass at Washington inside of a tew days and business will then settle down to business. Death to hadch-itu., fitted by Pra. ,owe Turner. F. A. ohman. of aUve Hloominx, was In the county seat yesterday. Krwin Kitter. secretary of the German Mutual Fire Ins. Asso ciation, was in town yesterla ordering stationery for the an nual meeting of the nieniU-r-shin, which will take liv in Hillsboro, January V2. at Krehs' Hall. As the membership is in creasing all the time the conven tion will print; larce nuniU-r of people to the county seat. LILLY- STI:Vt:NSON Peoples meaire Tl Friday and SutuiMtv A Dclettivc Drama VanWanlrn Ruble, in Two Rrrl Coming Soh -The M.i'k Sl No advatu'C iia-. 4 fl llotvrt a Lilly and Miss I Vail Stevenstin were united in niarn- atf at the M. H Farsonat;e. Kor est Grove. lVc. 10. lti:l. Uev. Dunlop otficiatintr. ltth are well known younir iHHjile of Gales Creek, and the bride is a daughter of Hon. tt. O. Steven son and wife. MRS. A. V. HHOWN C F. Hesse, of Sohtls. was up to the city this morninsr. J. J. McHale. of neafi Cooper Mountain, was a city caller tojay fi. W. Whitmore. of Chehalem Mountain, was transacting busi ness in town Wednesday. Wm. Miltenbercer. of Dallas, was down to Hillsboro the last of the week, returning home Sunday. For sale A few choice chick ens. S. C White Leghorns, to sell from a pen of 33 hens, with a record of 5200 eggs, and aver age of $2.99 each for 12 months. -Mrs. J. A. Hobbs. Varley Sta- tion. on Oregon Electric. Corne lius, Route 1. Phone, Cornelius, James Line 3. Two voung men from the South Tualatin section took John Hoeker's horse from the chain, Monday night, and drove it home and then turned it loose. It was found by the deputy sheriff and brought home. The young men are known to the authorities, but no arrests have as vet been order ed. Judge Smith this week fined Geo. Brittauer $25, the charge Lbeing that he drank intoxicating liquor on a train. Bnttauer was on the train Nov. 22, and hap pened to sit down in the seat next to Sheriff Reeves. The passenger reached in his pocket and pulled (Jut a flask, and pro ceeded to take a libation. When he concluded the sheriff reached over and confiscated the bottle. and swore to a complaint Brit tauer did not deny the charge. and is in jail, serving out his time, in default of payment The law is strict in regard to drinking on trains -and it should be. Enforcement will soon stop the habit A few more fines and there will be no annoyance 0: this kind. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schulmerich returned the last of the week from an extended trip to the East They visited in New York, Brook lyn, Washington U. C, and in several .of the southern and Western states. Mr. Schulmer ich says they have some good country in the East but Oregon for him. every time, climate and soil considered. He says that Kansas is going into the alfalfa industry with a vengeance, and that ricks were piled all along the lines of railways, showing that they are making a succeai of it Cattle and hogs should be the chief industry back there, with the corn production. Mr, Schulmerich says that farm lands out here are considered too high by the average Easterner, and this impression is keeping many from coming to the state Mrs. A. Victor Brown, of Forest' Grove, died at the family homej in that city, Wednesday, Pee. It. 913. Her maiden name was Julia Cornelius, and she was a aughter of the late Jesse I or- nelius and wife, and was lorn at the Cornelius home, near Leisy ville, 50 years ago. She was married to A. V. Brown, ami ater moved to Forest Grove. Her husband has been the tire warden for this county the past year, and lor many years ie:m grain and produce. .Mr. Brown and the following chil dren survive: Blanche. lWt- and: Alpha, of Taeoma. Wash.; Clark and Mrs. Raymond IsUll. of Chehahs. Wash.: harl. of near Taeoma, Wn.; Winifred, of Tacoma; Vivian, at home; Fred. of Mountain Home. Idaho; Jes sie. Alvin, N ictor and Ross, at home. The following brothers and sis ters survive: John W. Cornelius. Blooming: Thos.. street commis sioner at Salem; F.d. and Ben Jr.. of Portland; Dr. Margaret Eliza beth Pomeroy, of Salem. The funeral takes place at rur- est Grove, rnday. at 10 a. m . and all the children will be pres ent with one exception. t&MMOKK. f ' f In tho Circlet Court of the State of rogon fop the, County of WHPliliiKtoti. I llattio Daniel, l'lnlntift, vs. Krm(rv Danicln, lifcniliint. I To Francla vf. inlels. above named ti'feuuant: t Ine between you nml the Plaintiff and ror a :le.:ree awarding to Plaintiff rhe ca'e, cuatody and control of the minor rhildren of 1'laintlT and deferdant and for auoh other and further relief aa to the Court leay icem meet and equit able. Thlx Summons in ImMlnhed or.ee a week for six rongeeutive weeks by 'fc In the numejof tho State of Oregon , order of the Hon. 1). B. Keasoner, iou are horeliyi reunltm! tu appear and j Judge of the County Court rf the Ktate ituwer the Oiifiplnirit liled ntfii Inst you li the above entitled Hiiit on or before ih 26th day H neermber, l'Jl.1, Raid tatfl helni? six. weeks and more from ml after Thiirsilny the 13th day of ilovember, 113, the iate of llrst pub- - .cation of thi Sumiiions, and In rase oii o fall to appear or to answer said ummons tho I'lnltitifl for want thereof ..... ... . . .1... r........ -in nppty ,o tin: v him i mi me icnci "'rayed for In tier Complaint, to-wlt: or a deerce dlxwilvinK the bonds of Mtrkiaony berluforo nud now xial- of Oregon for the County of Washing ton, und said Order was made and dated on the loth day of November, 1913, In the abaenee of the Circuit Judge from Washington County. CLYDE KICHAKDBON, Attorney for Plaintiff. 618 Chamber of Commerce Iildg., Portland, Oregon. Date of first publication Thursday, 13th day of November, 1913. Date of last publication Thursday, Zith day ol uecamner, THAT GOLD MINE John M. Wall, who owns a tract of land up at Roderick Falls, a small tributary of Gales Creek may soon be numbered with the Statton and LeKoy mine owners, for he has a contract with two prospectors, who have already found gold bearing quarts that is assayed at 114 per ton. An other man, Dave Wheeler, some time ago found a piece of quartz j ust below the place, that assay ed a figure bo high that it would sound impossible to print it. Mr, Wall entered into a contract with Messrs. Henpanker & Mar- tinovitch, they to prospect and develop, and the mine, if found paying, to be divided among the trio on percentage. So confident are the prospectors that they have a rich find that they are working like Trojans to develop, and they expect to become rich themselves and make Wall an other John Hays Hammond, Wall 8 friends hope it will pan out. For years and years prospect ors have talked of a rich mine in the coast range, on the east slope, where, they say, an old California miner found a rich surface prospect. This may be the location. ui-:rouT oi- mi: coMnuN J tlu- Washington County ftunh AT HANKS, OKK. At the el.vse of ImsimvM on the 'Jlst djy f tVt.tU-r. I'.'l.t KkSiH K'r S Loans und discounts tKenlralts lUni.ls and warrants Hanking house furniture and futures lue from reserve liana Cash on hand 1.1 out I l it Capital st.uk paid in I'ndivided profit Postal saving Individual deposit subject to check Demand certificate of deposit Time certificates of deposit i:t.:.. r.MTi; m ll '.U . ''. " :.. uioi fllo.;u7 $ Iimnki mi :v. lo Si I. '.'. t ;l ll. -Td . r WM. L Moore. Pre. W. (. (ialaway. Cashier. uo.:Kir.;f. J. A. rhornliurgh. Vice Pres. (iladv Ashliy. Assist t'uHliu r MOORE'S Laundry DC If Col lu r and 1 k 1 1 w u -.! In di ; M in i i:.uipi id wm k in a all tl4-.M f-.lt tvf.ii t . M y III.UUICr. Fitntily Witliirt; St iwlty "IV C.l."li , I H M lit t IV i'V . uill tall v;nc 'tt iii.tti.ui. Ilui .1 Itll i a rid 111! t I'l uMl t Si k u i Oreetlnc to Carriers As President of the Washington County Rural Letter Carriers Association. 1 wish to extemi Holiday greetings to the earners of Washington County. A Mer- ?' Christmas and Happy New ear and it now looks as though next July we shall get an in crease in our compensation. The undersigned wishes for you all a prosperous year in 1914. r. S. Ulsen. t'res. Hillsboro. Ore.. Dec. IS, 191.1. SOl'IMIiWN I'.Wtt'U: The Southern 1'aeitic schedule, as now running, is a follows: fi:W S:1S .1 07 To I'ortland McMinnville pass'ger. a. n Sheridan train, a. m I'illamiMik train, p. in Corvalli overland, p. m On Sunday. MeMinnville pas senger dos not leave HillsUtro for 1'ortland until HU From i'ortland Corvallis (lassenger. a. m lamook passenger, a. m Sheridan passenger, p. m M'Minnville passenger, p. in HuJgct l or N asliinuton county. i'Mmmlr i ( K i -ielituir Kr.junf.l for the Vrx 1414. Notice of Final Settlement Nolle ii hereby Kivan that the under- tiirnol , the duly appointe I, iiislillikl ami kiHiiiK ftdiiiiHUttraUtr of the rotate of Own N. Thomas. ecraul, has llle. In the tiunty Court of the State of Orrgon fur WMhinftlon t ountT. tin nnal tmiuiil in the nialtor ol aabl imtate. and that asul rourt has Himt Mon.Ujf. the Imh dy of January, IHI4. t the hour of len oYhn-k A. M . of wlil day. In the County ( ourt room in tllllstioro, ((regoii, as inn nine anil pi" I'H hearing objections to said said nnal account and for the tiual ti la ment of wll rstate. Patad this IHth day of December, Iflll. Kilward J Thoinat, Administrator of the relate of Oenrge N. Thouias, den!!. Thon. H. Tonijue, Jr., Attoriiey for AdmioUlraUif. SUMMONS IN THR CIRCUIT COI'llT OP THK 8TATK OK OKKUON KoK WAHHINOTON CDUNTY. Mar; Uheen Dance, Flaiuliir, vs. Roy Dance, Defendant. To Roy Dance, the above named ilefen. dant. lo the name of the Htate ol Oregon Vou are hereby reiiuire I and comiiiaml mI to le and appear In the above enlltleil court and answer the complsitit lile.! airaliist you Iu the alMive entitled cause 011 or before the eiplraiioti of all weeks from tbe date of first publications of ibis summons in the Hillsboro A runs, the Unit publication thereof being on the With day of November, .1. and the last pub lication thereof be-in on the Mth day of January, to-writ, nn nr before the Mb day of January, KU4; and yon will pleane lake notice, that if you fail wt ti appear and answer, theplalntifl will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for and ueiiiauiied in her coiuu Is lit. to wit Kor a decree dissolving the marnaKe and marriaK contract now eiietinir between plalollff and (he defendant, and that she be alloweil to reetime heriiiaiden name of Mary Olieen, upon the irrounils of tie ertton. ami for such other and fuither rellel as may lie ne.;ewarr and proper. This si.iniuo.is is eeryed upon you by publication in the Hillsboro Argils hy rder of Honorable J II t'aintiliell, Juil' of the above enlltleil court, made and dated on the MKh day of November, Its I :i. Haxley Hare, AtUinieys for Plaintiff. Notice ol Sale of Street Improvement Bold Notice ia hereby given that the Oily of Hillsboro, Oregon, will receive bids lor the purcliaee ol an issue of Ctrent I in proveuieiil bonda of said city, aiiiountiiiic lo the sum of IVI MAKI. Iiearitnt date Ootober 1, 1013. These bonds are Issiiwl under the provisions of llie(;itr Obarter of Hillsboro, Oregon, In denominalions of low ec.n, eieaul llie last IniiuI In aaid iatua which ii for the sum of $.'(4.1 ,'i7 am bear Interest from date at the rate of H net cent per annuH. payable semi annually. Bids will lie received by the Recorder of me city oi MiiielHiro, Oregon, at hlaolll'Je in mnsDoro, iiregon, until Deitember w, WIS, 17::o'cik!i p in, and I hen opened Bids to be accompanied hy a certilleil cheoK amounting to ft per cant of the hid. The Oily reserves the right to relect any or all bide. Kor further particular write or apply to U A Heldel , City Recorder! Dated Ibia December H, IHl.'l H T Uaglay. OAHeldet. U,0r' Ueoordvr. $ l' i.lMMI ISI l.l.CO OO j 5 ooo oo I I 'JMJ I ,"il TllMI v 'S Mo '.''I A.'M County io.i I fun l, (fur toads mil lirnlifr.) Koad in si h i in c v Krg!. trillion and rlrcllnlll . Sliritll tlllir SsUiV. Shrillf . t I , St mi SsUiv, deputy shrnll l.Joo t'ol. ilrliini't Isses I, ooo Ksp's, stslc ri, Irsvrlliig rxp's, lrlrgiiiphiii,( ts iionrry, pnniing, t rlc. ... . t.oyi T.oio mi Jail slid IhkiiiI of I pilvMiei., etc.... I i,(ooo j I'lnk's olhrr : Mslsr y, rlcik l.Soo I Silaiy, ilri.ut v t i'k l.Joo SlenogiHiilirrs slid ritnt help i ooo tjrnsr, biMikl, stst'ry, supplies, piiutliiK, etc...... 4$ 4 4,o oo keronlei'i ilibie Salary, reroriler i,kxi .Sslaty.ilrp iic'iltr ii Sslsry, ass'nt ilrp, yjo KiH-ncs, stuti'ry supplies, etc f, o , 475 Tii'Skiirrt'i I Itticr Salaiy, IrrsHiitrr. Salary, di-p tnas. Leilgrrmnti.. . . . Cashier. Clrik Olffk Cleik Clerk Kip. stal'y, leeiks, printing, si.p'ies, tc Snivi'vor's Ullne .Salary, (eitiuiHtnl p c,, Kp:slat , and sup. ?fiH oo Asu hhoi 's llhre Kalsry, asesior i,oo i i mire iiepui les j 2,, Field ili piitu s i ,yto Msklll HSSI'NSIIII'Ilt roll, exteniliiiK taxes, extra help 1,200 Ilixiks.Htat. and nip. 475 6,05011 Court l,,nv Janitor, lig.nl, wslrr, fuel, repairs, funi. 0,440 00 Circuit Court Witnesses, juries, ,)Hil"h. e"-' - 7,500 00 County Court iiikI ConiniisMonrrs Salary, Jii'l((e. . , . Salary, Com'sr (est ) Salary, Com'sr (esl.) I'lrrical help . , . Kx peine, jiulgc . . , hxp. Coiuintssioiier I'.xp. Commin inner Witnesses, Juvenile ('ourt ami other epciiM-a , Justice's Courts Wilnessrs, jiistiie and constable fees Coroner's oihr Witnesses, jurors, pliysicianii, livery etc insane , C3..I I l, . 0c110.11 nuiierinteiideiit's OMice Halary,Huieiinlend- 'nt- - I.aoo Tiavelinu exptutes ' 3uo S'atiouriy, tit luH'ks pmitiiir rXpirSt. rlc ' V l lets boe . ' I S hisd iictiftol. I ulait .... I - ' T svrliiiK hihihi I I, i hri. risniin I tion, In.tiluln an I m Ii 'l l-ti'l Tiutnt olht-ri . . t.ili'S'T luntl s, h.xil Icv al l i r rspil I llr.lth Ulli.rr S ilaiy krsllh nlli.-ei I l iml liitt-rtoi ' I'ri dirin 7 j I- tp stst and tup 4 S 1 I'idlgrlil t.ildlrf . , V 1.1. (i.i..h . H:'J2. C.-e ..( I'..t . Ill, INI II.,. (. ,1.1 ll..lKr.. 5:11' Count v I 'n mi in jj. 1- ki Mint, burials ' ' I rlc Tal lrll ,, .S. alp luiunti . Sralrr if lKllt an. I 111-a.iiir. S'irrI an I arwrr sswaamrtiti t City of IIiIUImiio D-puly I ounly M loinry Salary 11. 1 ri-nr HulltlinK l untl l;urnilurr aiitl lit turrs . S.Urlrs 4 K'Mtl Sutrriiois. ic.ll inaleil I' air apprtiprialion Ssn I ram isrii K Vrlriinary SuiKCori 1 rvi 4i S,, S-u, t i'l I I' I I'KIWII IIDSII I OK MlK I'mhr t liafge nf ex .ri.'tii -,) nurse, mi:s. t has t;i:usi 1:. fruiii I'ortlainl Ssiliuls I'.ili. i ts (roiii all i t ) Mt I.IHS. Ilt-U til 1 .t It, a..n, ,iS j,,,,. I'll,. . tUii, a, 1 6 o 1. Don't Foiuvi iril ymi irr in lltr MnrKrl. tl.tat 0 ll.llsl ro rirtninj; Mill H M llllm IM ll.ISS l!H.t!l!i lilt's ;U v In iles.l'e ptltri, 'r 1 .111 mi jnl y 'ti .uiv IiiiiiUm j ntt iiuy in it, .uitl .it llie s.tuie liiue ..u c mi tin. in y 1 ;m ' VI.OH. Total , I tlllllstril frrs Slid llllrl from rlrrks and rrcortlrn ullun S)-cial lairs Inn. I by Si Ii il I Mslrli Is and I'dira an. I I Si hnol lii.lii, I. Iistriii No. In.tiii l N, 1 1 in :s 4i 1..7 ;'H T HI S7 v:'iV 1st 'ri 1, 071.00 17s 7; "" 14 I 'M') II loo l,H 114 fit St) Hi hM .1 ' 44 V'.s ;s. 74 h; ho JS 4l M M l.JM 41 . I. VMS . J.JIO.70 I 4' II i , 7 - 7 04 Hi., 71 1 1 t:'i't w S IMI IN, Hill Until 1 II, ASwrll X-ins (iifl t . . . 1'J ... , u v 41 . il ... . lit V) . . Ill s - 7 4 . loo Jl . I"l .... II Jt 18 J . . . it y. Jt. 41 si ... 71 KH . . 'ti .. .. I'.'l .... 10H . . 41 ... ... Jl : 17 41 . . v .... M .... 'S .... ,. full '.7 It 71 . 1.1 ... ' .. lo , . I . . lo . . H7 M7.n1 V .... 19 M .14 .... s ... 4S . y 7S i . . ""7 , . - Jt 7" .... o . ... l!oad llial I, Jin j )tn joo IV oo 7ni) 1 1 $o.(i 5,M)0 0(, 1,0011 no 1 .71M ' S.ii6 6l If ,7 tt fm '7 4,f"M'i . . . .11... 34 . . 37... 41... 4& ., ih oi Koail District Komi I tint I J'.S 7., I M I 4H i I 11 1 1 I'i ' 4 i i I lo l-i l' 1 1 1 7 I ' ill i'i i;o 4 1 j.io 5 ! 4i I'l I '10 I I'l 1 1 H; 01 1.4' 1 "t II .lt 4 I "41 U ISO O", l.iiH 1 h7.io 4 ! I'' lib S i, I,., J.H 4 1 1.7V VI 11 14 1 I io ''.VI I..V17 I'l '.'7l7.1 l,bSii.H7 l.lovHo Cllles ami Towns .VIW')'. ' 4 n Si " I..HIH7 " 917 i, i'1 hDl 30 11 .l.'4l'4 1" '."I'l 17 4 H.'hi 94 45 5, 7 1 Hesverlon Ore wo Illllalioro Cornelius Koresl (.rove., (iailoii r Ii'isH.ii. ,V7-.l7 Il,47' IH 4,.H'. S.'(H5 m tAit A I KsliniHled ImUnce in County TrriiHury al ...iic irvy in ill ,e III H'll-: f'.e.,ul I,' I Co,,, y z ' !ZZ il, "mmv ''IVI'N. Hint liitk ounly ( oi.rl of ,,e Stale of Or.uon, for WHslimj-ion County. I.sssct Shiih.Imv . .in iuij, at 10 o'clock A. M '."''0 00 II'' r",""K "hi'TU" ""'I I'"'h s in l' 00 '.1 ' u vies In be ,lmit. ........ ,,lr lrKoiiiir. pstiuiates. I'ttlcd Una U-ceiiilier 3, 191 j, I. It. Itcssoner, County ,lmlKe i V .v,,erK' Vommln loner A. Ilauley, Comiiu.slouer h III ili'Hnini ymifself iliul fill- rs Dy li avintf your nriD-ri i"r ilemlii Hiiit ur overt'iiiit fur t he iriMi'hl, ina.le frnin 1 -1 ti ht s line ImiMirleil WiKileii, ami in me ale.sl Hlyle. Kit uihI v ork nuiti- lii V'liaianteeil. I'lioiie MdMi'sl CIIKIST WUHM 'l lie Tailur Nolue 11I llnxl Sclllrmiril in In 111..M Nolo la hereby Kiven Hull lb" ii";l" .Ik-iii-I ntiiiiiiif.tr tior ol Hie esim. .il i. " II. I iinle.l... ilnwrnl, Ilea llim " I'.Hinly I o.itl of tlieMlalnof (.i"ii. I"' VVasbiiiKloii t'ouiily, tils lloal .'"'iid '" llie nitiiinr ol .n. rslaln, ami .l r""" 1. .. r. ...1 ll. ..,.1,. 11, h 1 ''il. .lav ol 'si." an , lull, at Hie omnly ismri r. IliilMl 'tr,, ii, 01 al leu it'i liH k a llie e rft.,1 i.ln elor heailnit ol i 'i""- 1.1 m.l boil ai I and lor ih selll. I111111I id Kill. I iwiule. Iuil. ,1 una sili dny ol l i-miibel, I'"' ,1, I', Tulll' s'e, tl.liiilnUlrsliir ul Ilui Hslnle ol Join'". t iioiieme, hncnse l, I infley Ham Allorueya 0 luitiir. f,.r Atl'i'l"' at MViosja. In tin- Circuit Court rf Hi" Hil" " trcKi for WasliliiKtfii (''' M.iIHii w J llnll.li, I'litinlHl, I vs I ( barliilln llulli r, l frii lii"!. ' T.iriiiiilolic I uilcr, ilui !'"' " "'" ileitiuiliini; ., In IhiiiiMiimofllinHliitniiri""""1 are birnliv reipnreil to 'Pr 111 J above eulilliel 4 rl ami cause ' ' . Lire Mibiy, llm V.'lr.l day of .l.stmi.i V. 1 U llll'll Is Mil weeks ain r lb" i' J llrat piil.liculinn ol Ibis siiimiii""" "' plenil to Hie isimpl Hill '",r""' ' ...I awuliiat ymi. ami if Voii full 1" 'M'lt' 1 ,, auer (or waul Iben-uf. I''" ',,,, . will apply lollieCoiirl lor H il''"'" "' ' w iliasolunli Ihn bonds of lint' rlmi'i'V " j nml bnielofiire eiiNlliiK l'' """ y, ,,. the plniiliil, ami lor hi Ii olber ' t I ln-r rellel as to the Court lnV "' mid r.iiliililii h,. I bis MiiiiitiiiiiiH Is served UP"" y"" ,f imbllenltiili in the II i:hl.n" Arifi is 1 vlrlun ol 1111 order l 1111 orner 1. .. ....i. liei.M r It., I if Wiisllllirlo" ""' ' and ciilil order prescribes ih lira I' ' w iiiln n Deciiuibnr II, liib'l, ami 1 .',H ,,V of llie lam puhliciill is l""rV "1..I1 II .1 I'arkiNiui mid lUrry Vanckwli Allornevs lor I'lalnllll . 4t l""K"'" lliillillinr, I'ortliiud, Hri'Moii. Arnus und Orcuronian, $2.26