The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 18, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 33
Harry F.menion. trainman
the V. II A N.. returned II
- - - - i i limn
day from a twoinimOm trij Uck
In rwnr Vlar IIhumU. Iowa
J ha Narrtm
MP. l-f- -"h tM WrCk
L I.. Klr Ug IW
JV and Mr. I'.in.r, uf
hulhTuilit'". hud narrow .
W ' . . L II
ltt one 'lav iai . .
I kin - '1 ' U"
.nJ iust ' h. Implant
L,-hllheal'r it turned tur
do.tiar.l in the w annuo
th hay. r''l . "
-vr(j hi lif- ' aH l""
C kinm-lf li l'Htn.l
Ut attending '-"' i
L ... turn nuked U ll
ut' n,'v,'r , X,MH
A hit n--1 f himself w
,,n t.. all who Ui'
u ftiriittolTt rs..n h a rt'ii
14 f..r flvini itli It"' Panama
liitwition. nni many Oregon
Tfcvit.r ii a native of 1 lark
'nty. Wuhintflim. and ",H
fnfiuls mi tins way. u
U Oft 01 lit"' lirsl local mill"
) to Mt.miKh tin Northwest-
pwple.Mh in tnvt-titton am'
In Jury
Little Over Two Hours
IOSIS mil! bit (ilTS THE CM
Ycr4kl Was Delivery la Coarl Friday
I yiif tl Mm O CIoik
hTf h viitr hil nuittirr ami
thr nlativim WKt-n h- rr-
Atik'l. hr hi sun th ,r,lb'lvt IWJy Wat
.raiii of On-ifiin to all th rt- lloi Itut
tort.n thrr When thi-v liil.l
litti tli:it it ruirifit ifii'ittMiinilv iin
mt'. h l-fii"( it, hut told thi-m
i wuul.l ratlu-r havi Oiron.
even if it ilnl. than to live down
thi-n wIuti tin- tuU-rcular ifirmn
wn hlowintr day in and out.
Ui-lll Kill llna llrvl i.f Iku
wft-k to work on a train doinif A vrlirt .r five thoimand dol
nmittrurtion work Mwrcn hTf wa ifivi-n Mihn Watniim.
aruj lu-rli-r. Wiwl Friday rvfninir in hii i!am.
I!Ih tI iiBtiiiiinliiiii in ululai' riiH' ni.'aitmt C.ih V KmvUir
- - - - j ..... j i- .... tain vtaiio k. 11-
rmiif tin .n.-r kind of irlttMtun jfnni.-nt wiw rompletd at 5.(M),
In ui.fir Ki!irt mt lhim liv tin vl i
., .11 ' 7 '" IfiiKlhy inHtrurtiorm were
i'Wiit mrunm may n'HUll in T-1 . ... . . .
inaiu nt injury to your I'Vin. I mi" jury uy juuKri.uH'ion,
Whi-n von roiiHiilt lint. Iwf & "d th twi-lve nu-n went into
i ......... i .... .......... it..... i. i lil,.. l.. . ..i .. .... ..i.
I ill in I "ii ih i irr vin iiiiiitiiii ii I 1 1 n jui j ifiA ilL HI lllltnii.
nkillof th. traim-d i-yi. HiH-cialint rKaniz. The bailiff took th
and o:.t.nan Ihey Kive lo Hupm-r nhortly afterward, and
' . .Iiiimn lluMf ri.rnrn thuv In
anil Hi-ieMiitr rtanunalion. ami . '
wh. nil.i v i1iih.mi ii i hallotinif. Their verdict wbh
.. .11. ,....1 . Irearhi'J lit K:4.. and wu deliver
Willi ikptiiim MiMI U I'n. 11 1 1 v 1 r fill I " I
'. . ... . ...1 :i . 1 1. . i
aiu-e that thi-v are the and " u,r 'UMU!' " l"r l" r,k
HiK' Luiil iii iiiur iv I. I nine.
I h.-v A ill U 1.1 I lul.-l Wanhmif. M COHi' Hiarieu l ui-fuiay
I II. . !
C..I..I.... ii. mi 1 nuirninir nmriuiii .iHKinir inr
IIMI 1IL:.IIII, .1.11 Iinitl) , I '1-V, .'I, 1 -- - r. of H n ferenceH. !-."' for alleged alienation of
llon't Wet the date. :W !i hi wifed atiectionH. Kajfley &
Hare were rounel Tor WatroilH.
' Iliala; nd John F. liouan. of Portland.
lay n, iuwUil by John M. Wall, were
(!heiiter UriditeH. of Oak I'ark.
wan in town Monday.
Wm. Schendel, of near Corne-
1 us. wax in tow n aiuniay.
J. it. McN'ew u un from he-
low lUlville, Saturday.
J. N. Hoffman, the Forest
drove attorney, was in the city
W. J. Quinn. of North Plains,
wan a city visitor Friday, jjrei-t-injr
Herman G. Luck, of above
Mountaindale. was in the city
Fred Kenrer. of Bethany, was
a county neat visitor the last of
the week.
All I Otrnwa Srkloc Sovkly
Fred lluaHi'. of South Tuala
tin, w m in t'w n Satun
exhibited a Khmle Island
-l'l that measured Hlilil.
hen fruit w a exceptionally lari'
for the measurement, Iwinit near
ly the name diameter from end
to end. I he ejj would make
two ordinary d'tMwit., and if
Culdy would divide up the daily
contribution nhe would Im a reit-
ulr irold mine with the present
(ru e ot the irlu t
Franouette walnut tre- irraft-
ed on California lilark Hoot the
kind that imw iifonus and
1 1
, M
ftt German Sii-akinif Society of
liihmiUm ('oui)ty will meet in
Ul' Hall, the lirst Sunday in
lisutry January I -for the
Ktwnof ofiirem fur the eiiHuinu
nr. and for the transaction of
I other btwiness as may rome
Wfore themiwion. All memUm
trtwuesti'd to m in attendance.
Inhnt will oM'n at ten in the
iGtrharJ Gude. Pnn.
Wm, Si'hendel. See.
I drtire to return tliankd to
IthoiukimHv tendered lis aid
- , - -
pnnf our financial of lust
Mr lih.l Im II Clin..
lUaM, Ore., ), r. WWW.
rou mud for Navlor
Watmus nrodurud evidence
that he had always supported his
family although the mother and
ifrandmother of Mrs. Watrous
triiil to make it appear that h
was necliftful. Forest Grove
merrhanta were ready to testify
that Watrous had always bouxht
nlentv of irroceriea to nupwirt
his family, and one merchant
savs he at one time owed him
which was fully paid by
Watrous a remarkable feat for
a man w ho was working out by
Oconee W. Peters Complaint That
He Fell on Defective Walk
Want the Maaicipalily to Pay
14.227.25 For Injur
Forest Grove has a damage suit
on her hands-Gorge W. Peters,
of that city, having filed his com
, ,,, piami in circuit coun, lasi ween
Adolph Kuucnmann. 01 ieter tlleurea that while he was
nion wa in thi citv Saturday
walking along a sidewalk that
was defective, he tripped and
fell, and thereby hangs the cause
nilUIII liUWn.iiiiiiiO sa vj
Union, was in thi city Saturday
Fanrw noxes of handkerchiefs.
neck tis, BUHpenders, arm bands.
.i u.La .1 it 11 i:r.r'i n of his lniunes and his call for
ai i ow Hii ai w v
ti- RiitfM.haat.iifer.ntet hnancial aid. Unsays he sutler
........ - - , , , .,..!.
at San Francisco, and Bruce ed a broken nose, ana inai me
Schulmerich will iro South to fall disturbed the base of his
work on the cement work. )ruin- an(j aso injured the nerves
Christmas shopping made easy bf his neck permanently.
at Greer a. because they have a I ue rki for 11227.25. to cover
little of everything for men, nj3 dor and drug bill and to
women and children. 38-9 jjav for the permanent disability.
Mm. I. M. Wilson, who h:is The injury was sustainefl some
been in Califdraia for several time during April, me piainun
months, is homu'fpr an extended is an old veteran 01 me irove.
visit with herpafi nts. Mr. and and has resided there a number
Mrs. C. II. Kimlfflin. of Wash- or years.
ineton Street ' Hillslmro had a like case a year
If yon don't want to come to town, just phone vonr
ordi r in and it will be promptly attended to as if yott
taiitu iu person. c w:twiiK iu iituy uu
and o j can vet a orescriotion made, ud verv conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptiont and
Uexall Remedies by Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store
R. II. Greer usd to have the
or so back, when Mrs. Margaret
. .w ... ...y. -". jane ucuowan sunerea an m-
largest and Ut, s.-u.rtment of . tn (alnolic church.
dishes in the cilf. and tie sun Sh . vprdict for
has the
Henrv Freitair the first of the
week returned to Switzerland,
his old home. He visits his folks
at Canton Zurich. Henry is well
known here and at Helvetia and
West Union.
All kinds or fancy house slip-
i L :i
pcrs for men, women ami cnu
dren. They make a dandy
Christmas oresent Greer has a
$3,000. after a hard
fought bat-
Receipts for the week have been
rattle, 1056; calves. 29; hogs.
71ll-- ehpoti. VM)W.
An pxreotionallv eood class of
rattle were handled all week, the
f..:iinre of the atter Dart or me
week wing a very large numoer
lu ars heavy rroim here in West
ern Oregon, U.vently I re- the day's labor. large assortment to choose from. Lf grass cattle from Central Ore-
c.-iyed a U tter trom a pany An .unn n ya uv lu i..-v , r ii:.rii.m 0f gon. Top steers went to o cenis Vancouver. Wash., stating it apxar that Watrous was a Mr. and Mrs. I. U. Ononf the largest davs for re
that he harvested and weigh- moral .pervert: that he
n.u-.f n..i in.m .V. affect on for hm wife: and that Oregon, to spend the noiioayaj k ,,nirted. Not-
tr averaging 17 yean old. set w.te at no ume naa an, . - - rf iI M,inm & withstanding.
.Ui f.-et anarL.H-rui.vingl acres, ti-ction tor mm. mrs. .irou ... . v . "
that sold for liM rents per pound, swore ipr uie ueir..-. ...u .. . -
making a grow income of 5729. he rareiy mssti nrr Henrv Kamna. oi near niuuin- ma,ned standai
Can you t-eat this with any recalling maisne "iu nie ,m wa9 ,n l0wn &aiuraay. nav Outlook 8teaay
other rrop? My limt and smmd he had paid her a aoiiar lor me m a haml careu ior. nenr gh-p continue strong. Doth as
plantings r and i! years old are kiss. was cutting wood and connected t0 numbers and price. Sales have
iH-ginning t ls-ar. I also have Mrs. Carrie DeSomers. of I ort- tne nx with the thumb on his ken brisk. Outlook continues
vetch se.1 in small or large. pian- land, tigunng in a wnive .avr ,eft nand
i.ii..- -.Vr,i turner. illsUro. case a Iw monms ago. wnu u.,
' . .. I . . a a j ikat war. i uiioo aiv m-wi " - - i . - -
Oregon. Koute 2. phone Scholia me siana unu B Jv.I was out the last of the week, the u.2u lor tops,
n)U was irmrm '. " . U. hmlhor IVinntv
Miss Inez Luce, of Portland.
One of the largest days for re-
linuidation was
prompt and tops, 14IX) of them.
went at s cents, wnicn pnee re
mained standard ior me wee
r,rm The lamb market is very
steady with an extreme price at
j aaaaj : : ta mm m r i
KWV line . , . . j . L ikI viM m guest of her brother, County J
SSS5s ss i... :: . i ..." nuiiineu. .... . U.a Mwn 125 and 151) sacks.
between the bank-book and the pay envelope.
They should be made to travel hand in hand
in a mutual prosperity that re-act to the ever
lasting benefit oi them an possessed of both.
Keep your pay envelope acquainted with one
of our bank books. You know we pay the
highest rates of interest.
American National Banli
Malm and Third! St:,
... kail
Mill 4
l. M',r
'i iS
... I tll J
. . -Id l'r
"... s
i. t ""-
in, ' Jr5
i n
fn client h.i wiints to rent li
Will buy it.K-k and im
HfnU. Will iiiiv rush rent
' I food liliire V. ivn full diH
Ptioo of farm, a-noiml of rent.
jiwoi hw, Binount and pric
IVirr W.. ,u..i. A'. i
1. . .. IV
jiwond Hour. ( Immher of Com-
free lildg., Portland. Ore.
I Tarewell imrtv was teiuliriil
f tvenlile tjuntamn
IUi; home of her parents. Mr
v y ii' . i. ...
. nm. .1. Head, ftliss
IQ faV( fur I "ill
r" io join h,T sister, nni
Ul"y mends wish her
Wit Innn,.,,-
V"CYSnillir W:w in nomu
Y ..
h,ll ''''IreshmenU were
,ni. ihiwn iki.iu...t i ii,...
.. . i ,'iii b mil
mir w..u i . i .i
iw.m- MIMl I l Ud vs 1 .11
P'O t'tU Went worth. Kverildo
ii'i... it
,v Head. Cusik: Messrs.
" finer, llarrv Hansen.
Nht..J .1 a . . . .
f-'wwi, Homer (iirod; Mes
CjjWm.J. nnd Wm.
1 0 FopIIo.i
- vimitl '
Crescent I heat re. uie meam- The entire day bnday was Tu.4 iiillsboro Furniture & Zr: " ,. ia r fino nunlitv-
ui.l..r...l hi tler meeting . . . .... .... nunl nn mn. .,' :. ci r..,i.i,l n "e i"vl,uvfc.
n un . . .. . LiniKen no uy UKumuii i ii n pn u'Hrp i ai. Dtn Ci luuiium i j r.i.a ia Q.imPT ni n ? inn.
. wh rh would T ... ... I ,V,.. f,,l .rmimenlA ." . ' j l. H.u.ri..h.1 on u,,u -
luiiiH null kill; iiiiw. ! ir iii.wiii'v. v.. . lulu cure of SO large B .i-i In nermit the .t . ,l.i nt hnnest I lnKn Riokpr Sr.. of North
it.. i i.i ...... . - - . i .it i u ill i i vi " t - - . inp iihii: in inv iinv v. . VVii.a
is exix'Ct- . ,..;, ;.r . niiMi five vear old j .k.. rt.. ,.,a tn mnWe sure Hillahnm denarted Wednesday,
i,;i,i nn i h witness stand as an ; m nn.l see for vourself. for triD to California. He will
" " ... . . .1 . 13 vun.v ---- . , ... ... I . 1.,..
. ii . . i . i.. w . iitiiumiu ia lift iii-i in i iir . i. ...... . .mTi' ni itii r-irn mih iiii i iiuir nn r rnui imii. a ju a k 1 1 . v i -
1 represent pirciia rorsew - rxmu ".. ',,,V-".L' "".Vl ." :" . e - - - , -":"r....-.. i,a
not sold in stores. Will call at not the child was me uu-i ! you Come ani, eei yours. ana men iv. "
& i i. u ni mxiiii nr iximviiii . ntiiiiiiiK i .i uiiini i i nr Linaa n iwn u wv -
linm.-s on reouesi. ami u un oi mu - yi.u nt vnri and r T r
titling, and teach how to adjust that tne law pnum. . . . .r iiiwav.r"1 rilul" ""u"" "
!..-. .. Oiirta or- was the child oi wairous. wm. .w. ------ -ary.
lion win. ni -'... -- , - ... ...... k ai. in hn cpneni 0 Iices. was uuii .... , ...
... i.. i, ......wiire corsets, in- I Co. tw iagiey "-';--, f .:ja Me and Mrs. l.oo schwanaer,
,d g' h h test front lare. with gumenU and he was ol lowed by Sund.iv and - r of MountaindaIe. were in .town
..tier service. John F. Ixwan. Ith made Mr. Smith still has roriyow , , .. ft the inter.
a.. nix-Mu iv v . D. f,.r there enta.n the i;eaar nun muu.i, a .u ri,m
cost no more than nign n.- ,,,,., " uun, L,k- nn occasional trip to the csis oi oi. iv-i.u.. -vr
n ut.ires airs, and nanuieu men iw T..V..W... .r... .. . - . mm named DV S11SS vena
sei-s poii iif ...... I". m i 1 1 ...... l.aU,1 tho nM nlncp to see now tiiuiKs t . .
M. K t:audle. HillsUmi. nun gloves. u. ... j - Eu, Stamptli. ot uutia .10. monwna.
and Jackson Street.. Phone No. nrgumeni an ... - - ninCe of Mrs. &cnwnaer
mm iKim eiiii"eov au -- Mr. and Mrs. r rans inunu. m Wlll vlsu nere uum aiwi
. . .. the attorneys, cauea uiinK- uj ()r.inc0. were in town bat- Holidays.
Jos. rruttnian ami . , . card, and me woman. ic.fc v ... .,. Me Imhne herd ot ro-
now rondurting a tavern ami cort room in a siampeue. . .;(.hi haa
ie herd of Po- Meacham. of above
increased 100 .,1" . tt,na Hnw to the
now rondurting a laven. cort rtxim in a siamp--oc. . land.Chinas has increased iw "JIj aiP wa9 down to the
at P.uerglen. Swilzerlan.1. are m no doubt go to the Su- year, and he will mar- &"nK
doing nicely. Mrs. Truttman lV)Urt Naylor. it w,l be KHhe "century run" next Fall. J ,rJSed g,S
...: i,.. . we known ' ...Um,! was convicted 01 "v. r u.. r., ii u'dn rpnliP I OOmc lie u , ,. .
wr o n linn. ........ I r?,. 1 1 1 111 1 1 - ir. 1 tie is one 01 " " -1 1 u nf ' where tnev nau
h,re.nsa.l.aker. a ow
ago. is gelling more vi..ii..i WWt al me verm o. ' product, and he Will continue 10 ;' .-
on him than Homer r.mmott, s sng increase his herd each year. ranK-
and that the old country seems . m C. Hai. the mill man tnd
American National Band
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans,
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes
Savings Deposit Book Acc't, tT
nosit. Farm Loans. C
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
ri:d cross stamis
n. .ml Mrs. Wade Everest
and child came over from Tilla-
to agree with him.
iryMi want aranKe that lt- I mwk, Sunday, for a visit with
for the money, i. vy, you neip i " Everest s parents, wr. a.m
Annex ,.irinst tuliercuiosis uy UB- -.-- ,.,aar. 1 , ef Biaser
Christmas y: orp now havinK the
1 '.,, , , , t
i. ;;;;;;;-
''tti, (ii
! Portlami
, a 111
.11 ni
.a m
a m
l m
p m
. p m
, p m
ever tilaced
nu .. c vm mnkini? mer-
sell1""". vur rt, ntPe Wade
......ViaV now has 0:1 head of cows
kia Mintpp Rridire ranch. He
v.. 11 if .. w. - "7 . .
has installed a milking machine
of the latest type, and tne way
;t toi-po the lacteal away is a
Mrs. C. McPherson and
DomesLis-I- j
Christmas packages Z -y - wjth the y0Ungster. wsae - -pT 3,
np eenl eacil. nu ai u Hnek hlintinVT ia Hi. 1 i"s -
KingsU-y Lytl n ot M- and jntere9ted in this Ed. Sehoeler. of South luaia- N. McPherson. of near west
rs. 0. I'., hytlo. reuirneo , Vhu
,Ht of. the wk from a 57;. of the stamps. He- noon. Ed. enng up n . R w. Schuithe, of Bethany.
ing trip w i.B iio...... " -r m.mher that every mw acres 01 pw """"".V'" V"" was in the citv tne nrsi 01 u.e
nt the roast line in me w. t ... t are on saie ai ty 80il thisVVinier. n . fc d called on the Argus,
.1 1h.1t for rain Oregon l'e.." Viiiuhnro Stores: ' i,p Uuirht his 80 acres at $30 Petinir for
the IOIIOW...K ."'"':.--I j ij m K!a neighborhood I '. .if "
L M. Hoyt s jewe r? per, anu r - the ottice.
..n m
a m
p m
...p m
... pm
Hansen .nf W.7-
Ilth.i, .county seat the
Ill III iin ....... .
.,n,t snvs that for rain urn.....
hasn't anything over that sec
For sale at a bargain: Work
horse, harness, light wagon,
1 .. . .Muiii nrm hiiiuii
noimeiioio k . .1 1
John J. Kolly, close w Store.
i 11 if.uiu . rt . 1
Station, on a. r..
..... f Mm nn . iwiv
'USl Ol lit" vi..
1 Week,
The Delta Drug Store.
The C. C. Store.
The Pharmacy. . t
E. L. MCUorml; o
That is going some, eh? Mrs. Ruth Blair, who has been
The IlilUUro Furnitare ffi IJ' '. K'n
. ..1. Ci rttrn "fin induccmentl
a S. Isolds, of M"I": tnSary. Thelantest .nd A,ph09e Hendricks, . Corne-
-- - . . . AH turn nnunf. k a w v 1 . am nnanm . 1 . .(tna in rnurn maiaii
. , o r ii,n Hills- da e, was m w"1' : j , " kpat stock we nave ev u,- IU9 mere nam,, woo wn.. ...v..
JohnW. Connell.of VhiirS- Ini Kis HHlsboro friends. W X;dy now for your choos- day morning, accompanied by
boro Mercantile iajoJ ga,e Wed way down n0w, Jo8y. Bernards, of Salem,
day evening that t was ntces steven8 a cab m. fop ng. r crowdg ear Re- M-o . of
!.!.. iip ih now bu "i 1 ii..uo nr KioomniK. nwii-"i - -i:j Hnn't miv. 'saiurunjri
inn uiioi"" ho no t Tea oww. i ' ' thing B8 aaveri.acu, iv
get alKMit. and will soon be no tmngaa
. a pvnprience. "
A nice article of Al Jewelry
and We keep none others
makes a splendid and suitable
Christmas Offering
Buy at once and get it off yonr
mind. I always have the finest
stock in the county from which
to select
Laurel M. Hoyt
Hillsboro, Ore.
j .1
woruu mi 1