The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 11, 1913, Image 6

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    K .. ... 1
earn of Tracts
Heavcrton-Recdville acreage wilt
soon have a better car service
than any of Portland's various
suburbs. Rapid transit is about
to lv established. The line is
wired uidthe equipment ou the
Now Is The Time To Buy
Beaverton-Reedville Acre
age is "one of the substantial
properties close in. It is subur
ban iu ev-'ry sense and is more
accessible today than St. Johns or
the Mt. Tabor district. Get in on
Tracts ere sold on easy
terms, with one payment
If you are getting along
in years and want to leave
the farm, buy where you
can get an acre for the price
o' a city residence lot.
Three years hence the
entire Beaverton-Reedville
tract will be lihe a city.
Shaw-Fear Company
102 Fourth Street Portland. Oregon
Olinger Bros.
C. L. Baker
We wish to announce that we have
taken over the entire stock of C. h.
Baker, and hope by courteous treat
ment, best of goods and right prices to
merit your patronage.
We extend a cordial welcome to all
to call and get acquainted.
Reedyille, Ore.
blcCumsey Sawmill
Dimension Lumber and Timbers
Rough and Dressed Lum
ber of allKinds.
Mill 1 miles from B. P.
Cornelius' Place.
Will Deliver.
Lumber delivered to North Plains
Cornelius, Ore., Route I
r ranvjueti wtmui trees itti-
J on California Plack Koot-th
t kln. that jnii-l vitTrtnUl't anil
a II I U il ft V " w " -
bears heavy crvps here in West
ern Oreuon. The tree mentHn-j
evl in my former ad., topworked.
4 years atro last April, produced
12T pounds of dried nuts that can
U sold easily for 'JlV per pound,
wholesale, making an income of
JExlW We have acres here in
the northwest that are produc
ing over RVO. net income, trees
averaging less than 17 years old.
It is time that Washington
county was waking up to this
new industry. My first and
second plantings, 5 and 6 years
old are beginning t bear.
1 also have vetch seed in small
or larce quantities. Ferd kron
er. Hillsboro. Orvcon. route 2.
phone Scholia 535 line 16.
Portland auto men are still
kicking about that Kex-Tigard
nvad If the gentlemen will look
up the road law they will hml
out that the road has already re
ceived as much or more as is
invisible for the county of Wash
ington to outlay on the highway.
The people down there had a
I chance to vote a special tax. out
did not think it advisable to ex
pend any more on that thorough
fareand the people 01 me im
mediate vicinity should be excel
lent judges.
The non-poisonous matches,
conforming to the Federal law,
are now on the market, and they
are not at all easv to strike.
The law was passed, ostensibly.
to protect the children. losMes
beinir hard to strike they contain
nothing injurious in case Young
America concluded they were
trood to eat.
ihe CotTeeClub ladies will hold
their fourth annual Christmas
Sale of fancv articles, etc.. on
Saturday. IVc. IS. in the JIills-
boro National Hank Hldg., on
Main street; near Second
Thos. Duffy, who bought prop
erty here last Summer, will soon
move into his new nine-room
bungalow, on Fir, between Sixth
and Seventh streets, tie ex
pects to build another bungalow
for rental purposes in the bpnng.
Elder J. S. Lucas and family,
of Weiser, Idaho, have arrived
to make their home in Ilillsboro.
Mr. Lucas will occupy the pul
pits at the Christian Advent
churches here and at Gales
The Hillsboro Fire Department
will trive a special dance at the
Hillsboro Hall. Saturday evening.
Dec. 20. The proceeds will go
toward the purchase of a fire
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Lappen,
who have been guests of Father
Lappen, of St. Matthews, for
several weeks, departed bunaay
for their home in Rhode Island,
going East via California.
T. E. HilU. of Garden Home,
was in town .Monday. ir,
Hills settled down at the junc
tion five years ago, when the
electric first built through that
Will Conlee, who has charge of
the telegraph and telephone lines
for the P. P- & N., arrived in
from Tillamook, Saturday eve
ning, on his gasoline car.
Abe Holcomb, of Bethany, was
in town Monday. Abe didn't
come in with the machine but
he says it could have made the
trip without sweating.
J. J. Shevlin. of Beaverton,
wa3 a city caller Monday after
noon. His district oea. tne
special tax at the recent road
meeting, 23 to 9.
The Tamiesie Garage, being
built for the Wilkes Auto Co.,
will soon be completed and occu
pied by the hrm.
It is estimated that Washing
ton county's mills have this year
sold over two millions of dollars
worth of lumber.
John Joos, who settled at
Glencoe years and years ago,
was out the last of the week,
fiom his home in Portland
Andy Westberg called on the
Argus, Monday, with some fine
King apples -just a treat for
the office.
A. Neppach, of Portland, was
out the last of the week, on
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Sewell
of East Plains, were in the city
Nathan Noland, of Cornelius,
was in the city Saturday.
Til vr is why
City BaKery Bread
Is The Sm- A
TAKl-S Till- !.! i
Home- MmU" 1W1
Main Street, Hillsboro
ViMVi i'it.;. r X Gr.iw'g
4B ............. ,
.... .'..,...
III"" - j.i.J Ik.
..r tt..MNl. '"'' .
I V 1 1 1 , . " -
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I tli.l 1
. i.iltl
Rough anil Prc?'il E
brr cut from Kirt Clu
Vcilclicr anvwlicic it .iitaiitity
Estimates on all Buildings
Cict our fiiutcs, lct"u- !.;iui.
Milli 13 miles north of MountuintUlr.
Telcplionci P.icilic States, t'.K tum- I. inc.
DISHUP BROS.. Corm-liuN Ort .. R. 1
We Have As Special
2 x birds Uift
2 x kr rustic Ix'.Ht
2 x Mr tig OxS ft
Also standard sliinU-s,
$ir.tnt icr. M
$lliHO j,vr M
on r M
? 1 .'.! jh' r M
Dunning & Yrv n2v l.umhrr C'v .
Main St. oc 1' U S: N ti.uks
Everything in Buildin; MatrriaU.
To Portland
b::4 am
6:59 a m
8:45 am
10:49 a m
3:55 pm
6:15 pm
8:20 pm
y:u pm
From Portland
y:4...... am
9:07 am
11:25 am
2:28 pm
4:48 pm
6:24 pm
7:38 pm
9:22 did
White Queen Flour
$1.35 PER SACK
Ash for a Sample SacK
The Home of the CASH VALUE
Stamp. Get them with every pur
Meats and Groceries
Second Street Pythiun Bldtf. IlilNhoro
CAPITAL $50,000
An old, safe aiwl conservative haul
located in the Hillsboro C umiu rc i,tl
block, S. W. corner Main and Si.-n.nd
Hillsboro Commercial Rank.
11 1
n Hi ii.ii.iii. ..-
i.ii.w ..... '
,., . i ul
a... nh.4 t.iii".
...... in i i"""' '
h..i ...t '
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w.l .. '
,,...1.1 f-. . '
( -.'. Ill. " ....... J
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... 1 I. ur li Hi" " "
Barber Parlors
Com tcoii Ttratnirnt w.-unicn
Itatht in i.inmtu,U( ln(j
1'iuc Miowrt lu'th
Newly rutuili,,l Sh.m 1
ttul will .1cm- y,,,!
1'ytlii.ui nuK, 11,11,
W. 0. Doncfcon
i'Nin:in akkk
CalU ttttrndrd mht
Chaitl and lulrs.
1 1 1
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" ... ilia I i.l
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inh I.l "t N ' "
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l n.i n 11
U! .... . - l-f''
,,.,1 I. II J. !
A 11)4.
1'hoiH' City
HilUUiruCiiMM iu ui lUsiB
,1 I lis Hll if
.. I.l thr
lh "lr nil 1'i'iKI
.,. . .11 t a.h.nli
t ,ii. 1 VI b.tln..
... , 1.......I lh N"l" '
S ,lrn. hf l.u.l .li I. 'l' "
,,,. II ll.i.l h.l.inl Al
. -.1 i.nnik .1..1 11 i .r.mi.
J .- l.B l ..l.llcl H.
.. .. . ,11..... h.t tiu.lali'l. Jm'
v. 1, r. I I. M.ll'l ' hii.lJ
'.,..,. Null ' '.
... . ..I ul William Hatill M '
1 ... I i.l.o. l ' !
1 ...... ...1 uli" !
1. . .lUh.l .1. '!. I ll
...1. I l.ll I M,
, 1,., k. ... hHi. .1 r i r.iui-J
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...I. ,1-r...! Al.. ! ' '
r ,,11... uii.n "li U.nim " '
(,1.-, i-..a1., I.ri. ... .filrlr.l .11
. ! eil .-.l in I"
r. n . r. n.lalil. .iullilil-ili
III I... Uirt.til In II 1
... I U S firm hrf hMln.l
...I, li. i.. I an.l V II H.'O h"
. .....A I'rafl l.llllllh ami II i
.,, t, h. r I J rih.iia
ir, .III W ' ll". "
.., I I. ..i.i.. U.ll.r at. I II W
It... k. .I.i.l Ihe M! ha il
U rli. I il.i tha un
i, i. Iinf. .,( I It.a 1 V al'al.-l '
i . . -I .. -in V 11 a li hif. "t T i al
i'..i . .i .i......i I lip unanuwti heir.
I I, lie .Ir. aae.l alaj all
..r i arli.. u.ian ian (!...
li. ritM lille r.lale. Iletl If IliUlrll
I, ,.f I. Il.c tr.l r.t.l. r ll.
he . ..Hi f v ...I l.en 111
i. mi s.Mt .. Jll: HTAt: nil
i ...US .u a.i l . h .. a h a
i., r.... f I i("ar an.l ihi.'l Hie
.int-i mil HI. . .'U in Ihe at-
,..llic.l ranaa III lif.ifa t h -H II il I
f lie r.ul..r 1111. l.h I Hit ll
aeek. rti lha 1 III J.) i.C Siill
til! Ihe .lite rl.rr.1 l. llil. I'uurl
...r II." nrl (iiilili. al.-.ri i-f Hie Hun.
I, .ii. v.. I f i m .'ll ! a.. a -ear a
ii. .art ( r .ml l.irr. f Ilia iil.inliU
.i ll mi l. ! Hie i iurl f -r Ilia fallel
,.r..''l f-.r .ii hef am.ri-le.l ,
, .1 i nl . . 1 1 1 I.i .l A 'i.f il.ea
il.ii u..- ie.-.u re. ..r.l-. in li.ik N
. ihi a . in Si l. a
111 Ihe.l II.. r.l. VVa(illl
'. .nil. I Iff J ... 1 . I'i 111 lliaefl
i.k Ui.-r.lii i .li.r.r. 14' I: ' aflef
'I., ail H- nil. an.l l.el .ra lo i 'Is
.11 i ' Il i.f .al. ilre.l
h llii .1. .. ai.r i'f lliem
in- ii. it.l'l. I. IU. ....... ian i.ff In
tnl III l.r Li lite Ileal I .lata lie
r.i,. 1 f .ll.a. I ... ai il A Ira. I (
il '.tun ni,. al.ualr.l In Hr.lli.n 1
.' H.I; I w . Wtlianiriie Uert.lian
I I f.rllier 'liarilie.l t, leal.ihlli al
e s I I' .rtMr i f Hie H V ijuiiln
K. V, Vliu.rlllrr. I'Mk,
imisitoKo i m co.
II l. Vbuirlliei, I'ru,
- Ilrn.l.iiart. ri in
lt 1-HllilK.l TRlNill K St rltt
cti . otlu-t in S a hihft
Sarul. (Iravi'l, t Vnu nt, Wooi
ami ('m!.
I'hotif Maui ftjr.
I UK Tllr
Best Firo Insurance
am I'.ovirr imu
VfNf i if i. . m tt
Arut Liinuuu o: Lane
hirc I'uc Insurauct C&
I'arHU- tSUtra I'hun. M IIILUfcifc)
....till I. frrl I . I
nine Ml. I lan.l !
an.t luiir of I I.
eel iir.ia
Tu aallfr li.a I,
a ami I". l
lr.i.a i.l aala aii'l
ala j . ma le
ll..l a .er .lal itr
I .I..I al Hi
31.1 Jar t .N'.ie i
l . . ( ear.
.! at Ml
; I'll, al t
: r tra aal
..a ant I
' U la
t-n, M
e.i. I,, i tail
J I I l l C.
liMbilul I ...!(
Hhi rirr
II, J irn.t. Ital
ml I! l ul l
A I I.i. fir), l.r I'U.iiliff
OrcRon AHricuIturJ
Kito.II n Iu I J. IJ
...4 I Thla'wlll I ri, r.rol ltlWr
f i. ll-.n 3 lnan.hti
iiiitl" llnn.e an. nr. ..IJ iiuarlel I callnnal hi. In. III lllr-.m
il H ii' 1.1 far nir it' I i-iiitiiiu ail.
Ii Ilirn. a M.iilril U . . . 1 ..,, ill Ml
" I" ' Weal I ...ln ..( a al ll.nn.llti I.i l li....iaa J M r arlan.l a I , - -m.- -ill tal
II,. n. a Hinlli ,rrea l I ... .i,m,,.ca.
. .Irnll... Ili.l,i. Si. Ilk 14 da- I "" r iH
t- ,ii. .1..,.. i i l ..i ... I II. al ar. ...i ina -
elfi.ltllM. i ' ni l. III. I. 3 i lr. nn re
r I. .ir ni imil i.r in. Hint, Ihere .f.
.i.l llml tin r n.i.t eni II i.t llirln I.a f..r
ui '.i'.ii.. n.i.t lnrrr.l frnln aer
'iiitil.K ur n .a. r I iti h ti i lalm ir In
ii .1 in .-r in e.iti e
I hut I'Ullillff I.a tha najhar In
I. . "I ml I It. nl a. 1. 1 Ilie tiul lliarei.r
rrii n i. i I. ir .f an. . laltn irt
i in I .'.il iti.- 1 .1 lr tin r. I.i lia f..reer
ii.i. i. .1 in .i iii.urt
I I. An.l f-.r am ti i lln r ami futllmr
' r. Il'-f tm I.i Ilia I'mirl aerlita n.aal In
I In .r.-t.i.a a
! I lili Hiiiiiiii.ilva la . 111. 1 1 al.e . In TIIK
i il II.I .It.) H. In iHir.iiani a In
in nt. l.r ..r Id. II , I,, t..,!. j ( . f,n..
...II n.. ;., ,B f N.,yp,,er
I'll, nr.., linn l he nig, ,, ia ,,M,.
ll il. , . I III a. I, 'I lie lllll.tmr,, Atll.
''D "k fr Hi iti i ...i.e. uiiva
ne. k Ii. UK, Ml,. u W, I ,o Ulll lla lf
i .v.'.iiiii r. i i i i
I. nl- i.f nr.l I'l.l.l i. ntin N,,e.,er
ii. rn ii,ie t in.t niiiiii, aiii.n In.
, ...ii, r j.i, I'.n
W. Ii Kill KUAN.
Aii,,rtu r ir l ln.mift
.-'J I. m.ilrr i.f ('..iiiitii r. a, l, Miami,
1 Ti
lb lannri ml houi' uni'l
lam.tir I I" , WlT
Th CoUrt hat trr.l no tWIJ
nuke ihu lh mi-t rowpfw
ciniia In IU 1.I.I. I. A n """"T
of rouiaca lll I 'H""l V?"
Aa-rlrullura. IllllllrU lilir, AnlBaM nar
. i. I..,.. ,.... ..u. ti karpnt
.wnurj, 11a.17.n1r, . j All, I Uir.uc
... leall. IBU
Nuturruut Irrluirf ml ihc
i, j. . i el una
i'rutvra i h witi.i'. - .
-i i i . ... Iii.j (ralurt.
aiiiimii, win w a i.e-.i".
i.i. . .........i .ii,l imihlalil
u.itltitf Nu lu.llon
. 11 u ,.,r. u. e -
rraaiiiiaii.ia, eie,iiii.., .mg
.! Fm (uillirl li...ruiU
II 11 TLMVAVr Kr'lll'a'i
l'.....ll.a. On
I'armru' llutlnrtt Cmiiatt bf
rraiMinilrncc olltimit linl""1-
IIIKHIir'a I.K s Kami1
N.,11, a la herrl.y ne,. b'T(j!
nl an v.aiulli.n laaimi '
l.e in. ...,il i.r ilia I I,, mi 1
m I, i el,,' KUen ihnl. ! vlr-
,,i un .,.. nl inn, ,li r,. ami ur,lar
i .ii.' ,,u,, ii 1. 1 f h.i, titular Ihelmu, in rvr uf
. hi
iter tha aiul nr ll.a "" ,-i'
....I... UI I""
Hlal. nf iii oi.ii l"f
iy. ilktail III JUIh .! .,..i Mlf
I saw cord wood, poles up to 12
inchei in diameter, fence rails,
and boardu of all kinds, into
stovewood lengths. Will ko into
the country. Write, phone or
call on me Carl Skow, Hillsbo.
ro. Phone. Citv 146.
Wool and cotton blankets rca-
12:30 .am Bonable at Greer's.
hnildiiijr.s, i-x-
eavations, fis, etc.
HlU.SIiOkn, ()r.;,;on
riimi.-, Mi 3vt .CMy. u,me
footol I'liir.i, HinM)r .ulllU(r c
ii,, ii, ii,
aK i ' i
,1, f.'liilanl, fi.r ll.a aim, m . ft
Itllataal lhalm.ll Hi H" ",.,11111
mill .rr kliiiilin fri """"".'Liit '
Iimtiihur lli I ""' "".'matr
Hi. rala i.f II ..-r f.-m I" llil
a.. . . .uta i.. iittuittrr ' .u
... ... . . i . -I'lirei
i inn ..null t'lmii r i,a HlalrlVealrr fo. i.f Altl'inm. ' '
,,. III........ I... .!... .... .. I . . .... i i I. i""...
i"" i 'iiii.i r nt vv ANittiia,' : iiMiniin, ati.t
,,h H'tt.-.l ll, Mil, ,! ,,f Niivamtinr.
I'll. I., fan.r nf I nl,. iiailuhal Mar-
I, r i i. i.r A Hm, n .,,t,,rnil,,n.
I'l'iliillff. un, I HKHlnal I'liurlaa l.u, Ina
lllii..,...,, !: II Ihi.ii.i,.,, K. A. Ilyiln
lv A. Hv.ln, Trii.l.... T 1 .1 1 1 1 ... u ..(.
,lrl v ,; H. Iiitlia. il.ri.ii.UnU.
'l'"i a J.i.lKi.., nl Ii, ravi.r i.r aalil l'..r-l".Miii-ii
iil iixiilnnl rii.iil,, 1,11,'h,,
llliii.n.i. mil K. II. I lli.i.iMii. fur Hit-
lllll .,1 IIIMMMMI, wilt, Inlereal,
hi ih rule .,r li ,,..r ,,. per annum
, ... ,. .mi, uiiy i,r Mnrih, 1(11. ami
i...i..r aum i.r 'mi mi BllnMiaya'
mi, I Ilia I m ami ill.l,,,e........i.
"f mil I anil. !.,,,., nl :n iM), , ,.
i"l., ami .liliv,.r,.,, i iimmumiii,,, tP
mnkn aula ..r Ilia rani .r.lrly llera
lh..ri,r .ll.i.rllliil I liau. i....
" ' lll'l.ll,
' In mil, I liiilKi,,,,,,!
I.'.' nnler nf ... r ..
M'.mluv. II... -in, ,y , initiinliar,
'11. in II, n huiiH, ,i.,r f ,,, ,.lir
Iuiihi. ii, II iilHlinr... W,.Hl, I'miti.
M Knit, i, (In. Iniiie .,r '..I....1.
' i Hi- l,im,..l ,, r fi.r ,BN,
. "' "'" "x'"' ""'I li.l. r
' l nr .....'h nml nil r th rtfn,iinl
in n, i il.n ri,wl,,K (,..,,rB,
nil ,..,,,rlv, lyli.H, ,K , K,UB,.
I" rn.itily, ( uml
w"(;'" 'lly ilaa.irll.Hl .. fnUnwa. if,
' "tti.ti..ti. It.ff al ,a lir l(Ht eitrni.r
nf itH.I ,,r Inml .,.,! ,,y J(lh K
l-iilny; ll.i'M,., ,.14Mt :)u lhBri,..
;'ih im. r.,t; it.,.B M inotn,Zt
(..I,. ., i..ih nm f,.,; ,,
ru l; Ik in mini I, 20ll ri,; thniira,
W.Hl r,i. I., n .i.l. . I'.JVV"'
Niiveiiiln r I I W 1 3.
ai.m nf 120 0... In in- L,j r
,11 ea M"'
lllll.ll. InVle.l UIMil. " ,l
.lay, lint ..111 .lay -r .'"' i Hon" "
lha anulli ilimr "f Hi" ',' .,, or"1
Mlllahi.m, WmIiIiihI'1" ' """ 'u rfrrf
at Ilia nf I'M '' '"' , ,,t Ilk
ilny, anil ul .iilill aii' l'"" '. ',i (( t
e-i l.tiliiiir fur ti I" ''""i rl)p.r.
fnllowliitr ili.wrll.ail r'"' iuhlri-
IHnif, l.i-llirt Vi-rilc'
Inn I'l.llllly, lltaK'.ll.
ilni f..lli. " ronf
i'.iiiiiiihii. Imr nt ""r '," joW
nf Uin l.. t i.f III'"' !
liHllny, nml rmi.iH.n M
ti l l; tli. ii.r. t.-l J!' ',,'. I"1
mil II. .01. lin t; llii mi' ' ,, nJ
i.i ii... i.lii.n i.f luKii'ii1"; . ,r
lyn.H auutti t.r i..i " f rut
l i. or. ... ....I III I II. "'
llrnva, ornwiin,
Tit auiury Hi"
iiiiia uml fur Ihn '
of aula ami wilt
. ...I U I
H.I.I ailln will I." I'""1"
l.i..,l nt, I"0"'
2UI ilny i.f Nnviiml'ir '9l,';F!vl
Khnrlff of WnKlil'iK'""
ortunn. pel""',
( I.I.W fOl.W, , J
n... uf Join, ii U.UV, lii 5ii
Attorney t i