The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 11, 1913, Image 1

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inmsnoRo.oRKGON, dkckmi.kk n, 1913
NO. 83
,1 M"' CnnplM S
2.,U!m,-..t that the IWt.
lunJ. Kim'"'"" Mt.-rn nan-
.ill IM' " 11 ' "
adrk rki.' t,,,, ""s"","
i.t.-en r. rllun,! Iin.l Me-
Mmnv.lleont!,- .l.uiu"
i 1' . l f"r- of wi-n
H . itit:' I the nn.i
i..hf o. r!i. ; UirH Ihn.iik'l
tt.ituro. " 11,1,1 ll"
.. .! lit I- :ivrrtin ami
in " . it
i now m Kn-n a. i"
.,..ith trailer Us mum n m
.au , that ii rs-e ti ear
rtiB U tr.ul.5.- Willi IM 't
lh mmd o-r m.i) Ih put Mi
' . . 1 1
Thlif ul M.lin ui M- A-K
H mil tvtemfig Hi lini-nmK
UiJ in Mini' M-otMHiH ! '
P,i!ift,l and, I itmp-
Ml.uavt all t.i Ik- in n n.liin-HH
ikf 151 1, '' "'i- ,'i"ll,'r f
miiuiuit iih Vmriil Hie juiri
ill tort th. ir.-H in January.
Kin in men that
tK iVrnniv SiiiM-niiti-iiil.-nt of
Mhint.m I tt'iiity. tirreim
till holj th- r k'-i!ar t vniiiiiiatiun
fc(ltcliftnlH f..r Staton-rtilk-at.-H
in th ( hn.-.tuH tl.ur
I.a). l'.l:!, nt I p. m.. f'l-
Wntinit. I!. S. MiHtiry. I'liysi.
W.tlni.lay Aftrnin
Hivturiiil (i.itw'rantiv. K. a hn.
'ompiwitiiin. M.-thixUin K.-alink'
id M.'thtMlrt in Antluni'tu.
Thurs.lav l-Wriiimn.
Arithmctir. lliitory of lvluoa-
M. IH I .1 II .1 I... I.. . ..
i. I lilt IHM'L't . ill.'ill.NI 1"
Thiirs.lav Afti-rniHin.
Vtt Liti'ratur.'. 1' M.IIukI
in unifuat;''. i h.-sis for Primary
Friday I'lurnoon
ThlMrV Hint I'ri.ll,-.. (Ill lllll'
, - - --. ...... 111 in , .-.. -n
jfty. Kiik'liMi l.itnalurf, t!ln'in-
I'ri.l,.,. Ktl
l-l'l i I III lliniii
V-;..;..;."" ' '
Saturday l'nrt'niHin
(Iftmirtry. P.nlany
Saturday AftortuMm
General History. r.Mikk'iinK'
SiilijiM'tH t . r Tticrtit:
1 .iiiuri- niu.iv. J III' M'ry
fr. 3 I'lay and I'lay Croim.U
5 me Muhti'HMiin System, ft
t"w MnilrrKartt-n, uk an tml to
? Primary SthiH.I.
H. W. ltarni'H
Wm. St hiilin. rii h. vh twin
ih'mIi I dairy ranrh at Karmiriir-
tm. wum iiir.- than urt.rit-d
wli.-n ' r. c. iv. d tii hint wi-k'ii
I i-ari 14 1 viliit h run.
liiiiifd a tin.' Mi tun-of hi hit
Ikmik.'. I.m liam. nml hit iiimlmuIi.
o ut ti-rl of n-iHt.-r d J.-n.-yn.
and found a I.L'. riil tmd.-rn.-ath
tlic tmlf tun.', r.-admi.' "A l'rM-
iM-r.nn hairy limn h in
f.Mintv. tr '.in." Wm. nays In-
.IiM-Hti t know how th.-y ranie in.
til iMlHH.tlHIlin of tti.' iitmto. hut
ii-iliH klmw llilil Iiim runrh m
not liKitt.-d in Tillammik (!ounyt.
I rft'ri-H.-fit Siir.-lla rord-tA -
not Nuhi m htor.-N. Will rail at
hoin.'t on rcl'l.-Ht. and dn tt
lilting, ami t.'ach liow to adjust
1 .1 . . . .
ami w-ar Hi.- inni-i. uur tailor
cd mad. t' nn-aHiirr ror.-t. in.
rludmir tin- lat.-at front lao.', viitt
an i-xM-ru-iir.-i forn.-ti.-r H.-rvin',
nt no more than hivh t laMi ror
h.-Ih iMirt ha-d in Ktor.-K. Mnt.
M. L ('audi.'. Fifth
and Ja.'kiioti Str-t. I'tion.' No,
.Vil. fyitf
li."..ri.M I allt anil vtif.-. of
Kno. Stark t'o.. Indiana, wt-r.
visitoni at t'orin liuH. th. laid of
the --k. ui-U of Th. Tal-
"it. Mr. Ia!l'l' lirotln-r. im
Mrx. J. It. Mt mil. hw
Mr. 'lull il i a foreman on tin
.N.-W lork. t hltitk'o tV .St. IUIH
ILtiUav. nmninjf from Chiratfo
tn I'.ulTalo. Ih.-v returned th.
lint of the ttn-k, as the husliiiru
had l'it a few dais laolT. Th
to intln ri a"d J. It. Merril
rr down to the ootintv wat
Satunlay. tn.-fliinf with fnnd
If so'i want a raniff t tint latH
tlie world for tlie nioii.-y, rail on
Itavid ('.irwin, l'.atik Annex
ruillinc. and his Quality
l!ani.'i-H. all the way fii to
J.'tTi. Tln ite are the Ud rtknym
ever t'laoed on the market in
IIiIIsImim. fall in and et tln-m
K. W.-hHtiMin. of Ulw SfliolU
a.'ih mt to the t itv Monday, th.
iirsl time mure lie was injure
bv earth t aunt' in m him whil.
working ut the Ixittoni of a w.
ovt r SZ feet m il.-i'lh. .Mr. en that if hu h:ul Ix-en
hti''in oit-r. the out
. . . . .1 . .
eelrt thai ll was uie narniwesi
fsrajM' of tiirt life.
Hard lime lanff" at the
Hall. Saturday
lake Mace of
th I (rat of the Week
a Clrtall Jadrc la Mallautaah
Coaaty After Btia Caaaty Ja4(e
Grand Jury Witnesses -A Sie-
lirlHt frank Unwell .1 l Kei-d
JuOe r. J. t.leeUm. well known ii.-.j.i r,.,ml ,..l(.h .-. Tornmv
l.. - t i . .. .. . ..
ko. wnen ne wan jnmn, Meven I'.uIUtek, rranki
listrii t attorney Jor thin distrit L Iwinck. (Jettrire Kelly. Mrs A A
wa in ttiH rii ii,- r.rui ..f ty Drauifhn i-a 6: (I K tiuttaf.son 5
Wm Koprl I ). ( lim n I x,n n ll y.
411 L r tl 111 Sfhiiilf w i-j .
70, K't T Mutphj M 10. Lurrn JuIkii
10 J ".
llinii'illMIHnn-W I Smilb, )
P. w, Mate V thr f !irv. .lll
a, Jithn Ik rl l, M Nniu. lucr,
NriiMin. Wtlaoti. Win Mc'nitUn. con
JuJve Camphcll A ''" J
luii m t l Juha Hurmiin, Arr n h K
Itrnny, Johanna IrMman, A I' tx-tmr.
Stanlr r ir'Mrrn. Jamrr . 'uma'la. mil.
rarh l JO, Samul Kur. J J ( onavtiy,
htuil Olarti, John KkiWi-'B, J Ti'.ia,
kanm I'rarana, jutora. rath 1. It J' A
Bai.rv Mia. ft. Iirnlon li itnuan. tak
Ing Iralimony, II bo, Ita V, I'.ftrt, ror-
onr, 16 H
Cha. J. Schnahel. of Portland.
Takes up Arzua f ish Story
Rciiiti the old Dispute at to W aether
or Not Fish bat Feclinf
... in. . iij n)r- mm ui inr - - -
la-ek. mttinx on the circuit court T I P f' 1 &
. 1 1 a ... li 0. L 1 Aldnch is, Jno McAl-
U-nrh. In pla- of Jude ( amp- ,.n jhn Cusiaf.n. Amelia an!
Ih-II. whu wm hearinK a cae in Jake Harding. MoAlN n. ia ?, 10;
a ft . . j B t .IP tl I
Arnold Mcleod 5. Harry
n.-r, MiUu
Stevens 8.
llucher. 1:1th 1; C A
.Muitnoman. Mr. Mmon, after
furvinr two t. rmH a:i district at
torney, went to Portland to
tirartit- law. After tieintf there Alfnl f'-imrlu r if Il. lvi tiri
a few ypan ha uiwlel Judk'e was a city caller Saturday.
.lonel Wi-tHter a rounty Judjro, r;l. ('. Mulloy. of I.aur.1. was
and was later elected circuit a county seat caller. Saturday.
jude. He Bays that he has his John I). Koch and J as. N.
Chas. J. SchnalH-I, a Portland
attorney. Beeintr the story of C.
F Koontz catching a trout after
it had swallowed Cat. Jack's
hook, bait, and sinker, with a
foot of line, a few minutes after
it had made away with the busi-
Card- ness end of Jack's fishing tackle,
sent the article to Outinjr, and
received from them a reply that
they would use the article, fyr.
SchnalK-l's letter to the Arirus
follows -and the query now,
"Can a Fish Feel?" The letter:
Kditor Arirus: lou will re-
leiK" . if wijn iimi in- nun 111.11 jonn l. locn ano j as. .t. ,. 7 .
d-Kket laden until March 1. and l-oudon, of above Illoomin. were call that in an issue of your pa
that the courts
treated .
Mr. t'leeton waa district attor
ney here when tius Wachllne
w as tried for the murder of John
l. IHlrit k. near P.loominir. As
there are con- !n the city Monday.
J. H. Ha:iHe. of South
tin, was in town the last
W. K. Smith, of South
per a couple of weeks ajro you
had an item concerning trie trip
i.f u.-n finhermen alnntr l)airv
T the
h fishermen losintr his bait.
Tuala- hook and sinker, and later on the
well as tN-inif a jinlire ol law. ".. a. r T. OM
Mr. C . i-ton s one of the tiest i i"". . r " " , .1.1.
pleaders tH-fore a jury-an.l the Arthur, Knox, of (.aston. wasrim.mstn,.. revived theold con.
Imndret i who h.-anl him argue a clty visitor the last ot the .....,. 0 wh eth ,.r a fish has
in the Wachllne case will never week. .,...,:i.:i; iwru that it
. . .t I 1 M'llnlllll 1L I VII LIIV illvul J o
forget his plea for con vie ion. ., . - hn(kerchi fs. km nn nerves. You know that
I t nay tie lixes me iookh 01 , i.,.,.,, -. ,i. u,i.u .n;i(nn onH
.... .. . . i- 1 n.-t a tier., niiiot iiiji 1 3. iii 111 I'onu.-i 3 m ui'uaiaui-: uivwwiuvhi n-
IHlH ana mi-s a nu-iro ,,.1- d y y 3J th ilH of f18herrnan in the
tan town w here there was once ...;.. J world differ on this point Isaac
.. ,.Mnffka. ti aim Tvi r i nir ami ft rs. J- i. .1 i 1 im. 1
jurti a iHniiu; niMa,v. a-. . . ..... ' 1111 t
tmelv. and if Farminttton. were HillsUiro
wears the aame wholesome old callers Saturday
smile. rhmtmas Rhotniinir made oasy
ot r.r.n.r'u lxv:ititi thev have a
COtMY COI WT ,lMi ,.f ver thing for
women and children.
founty Court adjourned Friday Married, at the home of Terry
of last week, to again convene and wife, of above lia.stn,
triia u..-. l The following road 1 1 i.f V' Mow Hubert l.
"Ml t ions -v n r d'red to the
et als. tf (iWAi'
Walt insisted that fishing was
a harmless sport and did not sub
ject the hsh to any pain.
I sent your clipping, with 1
little note, to the leading sports
men s natier in tne Linnet
States. '"Outing" ot New York.
and I inclose herewith their re-
nlv. I do not doubt but that
- - . . .... 1 1
your article will be reproduced
. . ti rur .... I r.ui: n -
lutiUlS il. iXVI UIHI nt
nri1..r..ii established according to
the rejiorts of the viewers.
The follow ing claims were ai-
- 1 . . . .
. 1 .. n-...:. 1 iiiir v in its dud icat on ana a aiscus
AilalllH tiiiiiiainiK. v.-'i"! "'I . T.7 1 .
Hall and Miss Magdalena Laws, sion win arise wieen bporia-
aa- 1 . 1 4. men irum uii paiwui nunu.
.rt'rupd to have the ,. how famou9 this
tment o , , .. . , make The
has the Tavrlf-aw-..
' ",
Hans Kasmiisen.
was in town r rmay
of Orenr
He wants
.el 1 iv tiranu-i
. ' . . -ui
evening. Ii-c. l. rrues win ik- u ioiiowing claims eic m- was m t""" .... -.v
given for the N-st sustained lady I ,wh1 for the month of Novem- to get out of town and get on a
. . 1 . 1.. I. I lnnt. .mn.iu' Him 6:iviriLT that
and gentleman ciiaraoiero. .iiu-nH.r; iuhvu ...,...,..., - ----
sic Johnson & I hivis. l ickets. kl-mr Youa. tup p.r Urn... .1;$ oo muro is none IIKC Uie silicic me.
including supiH-r. R All are in- w. c t.ut-, coetr.k i & - Herman Collier and wife, of
M.llir Wilai'm, .Irp t.ra.urtr 7S oo Scholia. Were in town the last 01
John Nyi'K. touai- court $4 oo tne week. Herman hopes to
t II Kraaoiirr, ro ju.lne aal & riploj t nave roais s0 ho can make
il'Xl , the trip in his auto, a year hence.
I K.r. Kml latlr, iuvrmle cmrl- 5 5 Knr sale at a bargain: Ork
iw-aair h.m..u. fink iiipi i. f oo . harness, light wagon.
J-llJ-."PT! tmls.
II U.' lUfttra Ml lit r A l SH IH1M !' f Iiwiiet '-.
u..i. i-,.,..i.u cmntM' afr - 16 oo John J. Kelly, close to Dunzer
a iianiry, cocniiiii""""" 4S J station, on S. P.. Koek Creek,
) C A,.,.lcK.c. .Irp .l.rr & W H 7 f N j 38-40
w m T onecr. aal A rP laullor 6 t . .
i ii Urtvri. hrritf aai up. ci i )i ie . ot L;ar ton. was
niUvryC, ath.a.1 oibc- 7 5 . to iisiH,ro and Qrenco,
Mr and Mrs. (Jeorge Hiers-
durf. of North Tualatin Plains.
were in town Saturday. Mr.
I'l. rsdurf leaves at once to plant
out live acres of low cranberries
on his P acre tract near Itwaoo.
so as t have them U-aring next
season. Ct. has made a suc
cess in raising hops, and he now
wants to try the cranberry
t..r urile- Four cows, grad.'t
two in milk, one just fresh, other
coming fresh in Feb., other two
will U fresh in Pecemlier. Jas.
bunion, r. miles south id Utrneli-
.it... i:.... I lii.iipun
US, Iowa lllll, v tiriieiiu.i, vmik-mi,
Uoute 2. :5,'-:W
A. (' Honelson. has bought a
t..'. . unit will move
I in ill ni l" ui--"".. ,
ther- the first of the year, and
try ranching. He traded in his
ti;ii.,i-.r.. iii.iii,. mi a farm, reoeiv-
1 1 iiir-'i M , , . .
$IHH) for It. A. aiso
iHiught the big team of hiacK
("has. lirown,
led; T)-wnl" Inaprctlou Co. tc of.
I W..I lllltll ill if It ti aia i i tr 1 1 t
wMin town Saturday.
Finis 1.. it rIVl'ti i.f I fitiaitl If till
L . "" "I 1 Jill 1 1 I, M.i
lnln Friday.
y. Murphy, of Mountain-
1 as a county Kent visitor
J. J. k'.,ll., ..r 1 i ki ...
- "ii.y, oi iiemw newum,
'm L i ...
Will,. V.. I. ....I.... II.. ....
-- iiiiiiiriiiiy, lie t-.-
; "I'lreiurti to Minnesota this
ieu:r. t'liristenwn. tho Ueed-
C Wacks.nith unit maeliinerv
Sin " ,n U"' l'ily Sall,r,,ny
IjOIIU I,'., i .i i
i -"v, nveuni road ro fr nto the
V Wia yanl" ll,Hl W,'L'k' for
" ri'Hi.
in ..
Tom;,! Hti1,r,M,,l. f Portland, n
Kfwr res , ,..,t f
MiJiM U l'0,lrty H'at visitor
i --ay.
Mn. li-iM., ii i- i, . . i
WiilV,ni'1:i,ulH. wtre Hnxton
Week l,K'r r(,lativ,,f,
Arwin co ttmtl Jk curtctit ip l 5
vi-.-i. f.. Ncin Tihhmi. comtu ct... U 5
Wm W I'litlip. UmaKca l 4o
Tvia-wtitrr InavwctloB Co. mrv of J 5"
IVlla PrtiK Slorr. tfllrf St c h ep 14 S
Df V A llailrv. i Mn Rlehatttaon 5
W 1 Smith, j p SI Nilchmao... to 15
Ralph Klnton. Kl C tranacript-. 9 5"
alla-rl I' IH-ttllrlH, C r CI lun.r a a" l v. .
L eM.-n,..U,otor on t he motor .over on the
a a ti.i.u a fi r icc mv i til nmivi k t' u . an kjuunnv
.,Mttiw ro H o. IUo Merc K 6,s, A 5i rtflmi over last week to take a
.. . II ll Mi-Kntlf I . .l; l 1-1.
Irr II II Mllllirilirr J. - lot,, am mil OUC 01 iniS DiafV. 1I1C
- ... .-... lew .. .
Reit motor was taken oil for the in
the last of the week. lie is
ivnrLinir for the tug sawmill in
Yamhill county, and says that
the little town is booming right
along that's what a payrol
C. C. Jackson, who was con
I J, Will WOlll J, A li" .J-
Klrcllon-W V Smith ll. C O
Kellfi iii. - .
- i ..i. i. IhIah i nip nisi Mi't'iv. liiv vviiii'tiiij
6, K 0 llnfaii "l ', v" " JI, . 1 1 . ' l,m,r nffpr the
llickrllinr . J ii v.iaui j, - lnlr lrii u
7 Ho I'haa llicarinrit . " - i inn m iv - ---
I w,i V"" . ...n.... . DM. V l l l..l., .,f tnlrnir it ntT
v Capita a 5, - m""j "J- :v inienueu nave m iiM..h
II. l,Blll(lt-T "1 1
If yo t don't want to come to town, just phone vonr
order n and it w ill be promptly attended to as if you
called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders
and you can get a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town-
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
tl lilt t ll t 1 ll av .
uexau liemeuies uy i arcei rosr rrepayea wunoui exira
The Delta Drug Store
cattle, nui; caives.
4108: sheen. 3173:
Cattle liquidation has been ex
ie coming
international Livestock Show
lemand for Drime heavy steei-s
is very strong; prices are gener
ally 30 to 50 cents higher than
thev were a week ago. best
crmde steers are selling from
7.1HI to SS. W and medium grades
at 7 no to S7.!i0. The butcher
iittln rliviiiin shared in the ad-
vuin. ... . .. .
vance of beef prices to a limiteo
extent Supply was limited ana
mifilitv not of the best. A tew
piivv-9. nt Si?. SO. heifers at fh. o,
bulls at $5.50 and stags at it-o.ou
are a few top sales in this division
. , . i 1. 1 . p
between the bank-book and the pay envelope.
They should be made to travel hand in hand
in a mutual prosperity that re-act to the ever
t lasting benefit of them an possessed of both.
f- Keep your pay envelope acquainted with one
vr!-oUr bant books. You know we pay the
. jrates of interest.
hlmlit and Third
MMional BanK
ivi mm m m
the past year, and he says lie is J;" ' ; ia.pi.rni John Kamna says that two
..n, nn In lenill Willi a miK' - lommra mure anil ne win ite
' IV.0 I 75- i ot.iini"- " - - . ,.
I ... . . i h I . . ... 1 1 . 1 1 . . 1. b-. i n km
unci'. r.irrfiil eiinar-waamnaion k e t0 mi ui iiiiisw u
C It Huchanan. of Cornelius, c,p sS js. n.- ,BaPr,,,w" auto, with rock roads and bridges
i. ....( s Mni v i; ii. " -..i f ot'nrv ml i liiv v
WHS down U me v.t, " .,-., a K,-man I47 S. "".V; 1 l..,;i, . I.i, lnt nf
1 . ... ...i iiut nviu'. 1 iri 1 a ii..;iuH imir 'i win wuuu n'l iw
o probate nus.ues, . - . Jihnwm .MhoMa m . r 1 this eomimr vear. and . a.1
then another levy will do the
- - ..1 ... I . . 1 a 1 . . Ihnt
V .- .Mi.inii.tit wiilow'a rriisiotm-May imon m, Work SO mai nearly u 1
for Imal settlement. I.." l".w" Ti ivra Hiein-.ile nil KU v,.,v.. tnnvt foot nir
il. ... fonret to ask for a 5; 1 I'' "
Of Garden Roa.Kh.K' S i. i-T.;
' ntmr ni4 Nt'i'LUPii n ui tv in
Wm. Morgenson, m v " . T w 11 1.v.U lit.
Home, was up to uu - 'ft u Um- 7J 64. Cir-
iirut ,,f the week, and called i t k'.'" j a ,v Jt, c,,0
the Argus, in com,mny with his , wi. 4.
i,l,l ne trhlKir. Die uison. . rra -" 'J.. ... si, i F
-' I . I .! iieanc I. m - .
..." Il l- f, 1? A. V L,
.. D -...nlil.a 1 70. V M KFl
ii..i.... vii.tni-i iiv. lie raiseu r u.i... ... r.rom-r s
... , 10, I.Olll"
Kre.1 Uamel was in lrom VVest Whi ; 4. NJ
. ... i ... II.. '.'filaj I lraiiurr i. n r
Union. Niuinmy. m- V -I i T , 5 7o C O Keiter ai '"i V""
pounils of ftlsike need in 19U JJ V . S P R K Co 40 j6. Be.U &
. i ,l.t in ft load for the 'W'aA ui,. Men Co 6 to.
ami i"r4 p-- ..,no....
r..arriiit State caw o j
Tr'.'!f.J a.i. the following: Oal-
rs' .,,;. 0i. following: 0.1-
K J. Thomas, of near wav -r- Nrii,en, Roy Hao. wiio.
ttii wnHSnth, city
says thatonuma are nr --
Ut HlMUt 9 . , nll,ei P Mattiui, tlec'tl-
n.o Olson, who raised 9 acres V&e, w.,M5o; u-
of onions this year, was up iron. pMcto. w . , A
Olson Htation. Monday. , Oeo Sloan, wit. .ch 5o;
, n v.i"-- . , .. llill.hnrn
Eens-liox 05 lUHaboro, Or. hVp Ua. W t
Jo. McClarkin. of Laurel, was Buai, Ii; 7-.
in town Saturday,
All kimlu ..i- f
wm " ian(y house Hlip-
Pren J , wn and chil-,y make a
1 "'H
lrln, ' i"rte u iiuiiuy
"Mortmont tochouaa from.
tKnt there wi lie an Ktnas
of suburban sales of realty. His
section is as close to 1'ortland as
d the Aloha-Huber
ts i , . ,
tin,.,.,!. aertinn Will SOOH be B
city of Tortland workers.
Tim Hiivton Lumber Co
new sawmill firm, managed by
Messrs. Aagaarde ana luoois,
red n site at Buxton,
tha rv 1 - mc.ioc:.. liicvv,
Ull a.'v " - -i- i
v... fiMtftha nt a m e iroiii
1 -II U!i nmiilr Koirlrl
. H .nn wi,, ii.m n i . r. livk.ii
low ii, nn" ... ..i.'
the construction of a mill with a
...,; .it nt i:i tnru irct, uouj.
feu.i hono pnnrrHL-Leu iui tv
1HCJI .I'V : .
lions feet ot iimoer, .iu a
ii ot ir. in inu nun
mime dv-iiiv -
reu nntnnir an will make some
me ciitnc""" . .i
t...:oa fnr itnxton. to say the
uuaii.vij.-. - j . - ,
i Thov hnve bought the
Ntiilaen place for Bite,
Thp hoc market is probably 5
to 10 cents stronger, prime light
stntf sellinc at S8.00 in bulk, and
a few choice loads at $8.05 and
$8.10. Liquidation was about
tn .ti) ner cent less than for the
t-imviiuis six davs. Outlet for
. .i i
irnnii hniT is nronn.
frv.r.. ..v-r.
Sheep house conaition snowea
i-nrvr i;ttlo ehnnird. There IS a
i ii j i , " i...r..
good sale prevalent for fat mut-
a i 1 1 1 l
ton and lamos, dm ouyere set-m
ha nVm.liniT hids on the roor
grades. Fancy yearlings at 15.00
and lambs at $6.50 were extreme
sales. Choice selling ewes are
nnt otTerinc. Most of the sales
overntTrt from $li.50 to $3.65.
T . . . ii
Entries are pouring in tor me
-'at Stock Show the coming week
Stock from all sections of the
Pacific Coast is entered. Special
stock entered for premiums will
approximate wuu neaa. rrepa
ratinna hovp heen made to han
dle the largest crowd in tne nis-
tory of the l'acinc international
livestock bhow,
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings" Deposits.
Alf Hevwood. of Oak Park,
was in the city Monday.
W. N. Brown, of Laurel, was
in town Saturday.
v S Smith.of South Tualatin.
was a city caller the first of the
Nolo helow Newton.
was in the city, Monday, on bus-
ness with the county court.
r. TJ Adams, of Schol s. was
V. - - .,
Up to tne Cliy luonuay. mi
Adams for many years was in xne
mercantile business at Scholls.
Mr. Adams returned from a trip
n fnui wanlra ncrn nnd he
TiUSii a it" ,,vvnu .n-i t
says that considerinR everything
old Oregon lias tnem an Deaien
to a frazzle.
How About Your
Christmas Shopping ?
Christmas bells will soon ring merrily have you selected
your gifts ? ,
If not. you cannot do better than to visit my exposition
of all that is artistically choice in my line. The selection
displayed of
Novelties, etc. etc.
has much to recommend it. It is the best I have ever
shown, and you know what I have done in the past.
There is wisdom in buying this class of goods here, for
you have the largest stock to select from, prices that are
absolutely right, and a guarantee of a perfect satisfaction
back of every article. That's worth the pnec you pay.
Watcb maker and Jeweler
Graduate Optometrist
m n i