3 IT SETS A DAY ... ar l I" i ( Satwday H Mil" IN J" r . I II I.. 1 ,-d protiid tll-Ilt of ...... rj' i'lllirl it county pHJin..-. Jc"" . ..... I l. ,-..n!-T Li. . Saturn.". til""'"" . ' . . . ...,l:illU-,l I" the lUT ,- ., ... L ' iMl.'. .... t . juin -n i nsti ii !,li h ii .t;itttt-tn , 1 h.I.h! m th t hi various iiiinivi n" "' " Mint Ul courn th Court J"0"1 ..... u.lt I 4 in hrunnt' iili'ci in tt tiumfM-r :ir what unit 1 column r . .. Mr... tv, m ..rtmunt P thtni' 1 alike l.. iit imitk' f' " .. .. .ii (... in ii.lfimn il:t vmII In' con .i . .. i... i HI lliont Ii" I I . I . Hllil If r hi n tn n.ifc... "- r ' .. i ri i I in lil Ii' " .. , .1.;.,., .. ....nil Ull'V 1 , 4 liM.i...fc " L - lL,lllu'llrl. fScmrw. U H i r.tly bard for C.tiii.liliir. -, (site lwr. oi tMr. mt -it,li oth.r Ihinit", t ..i-.n fc.ict to ih li rilillH I ra.-" r in Saturday. - . i . i... . K' bty for iiri' inut' JCKS"iN ttlokMl nretty hum-' vm-.I tint.' ;t tv Wl it Hi' lt"n- "i -Mr. an. r . . Th.m J. A'rin Utii, h'n U.'ir .Kiut'iuir UmKiIuI. at utnt. il in mar t. niru-islitiL'. 1 h- lrnl. H 11 Vof th W4'H ktUHMI iint i rK W try iKtl'iilar mi their ini kflity. an! Ilu'v rarr will Veil of frif ti'l. IC)J Klfur l. a 1-rui),. r of tlx Klf. M iT'onifnuin, an. I .SJm tni !onlm w.n lifi.."t!ii:iii llr. Crin uliii intcl viith the! wtiful rina si'niri' of lb : KlHM-iut rhurrli. TV Iri'l'' uimnr-l in B urminit i-feation f l!u clitir !, trimintNl w tth r-!il Uu v. i tarril n nrm Uiini'irt of hilfrtrttatinim. After thr ri ri iiKHiy th" sst'A r.jf party, o.ir.i it tn j.f of tin' Tiilirt of tlic mut rai ting i.ir. Irnl iiniti-. n hitivrH jnl ledjj, ttcfi' fi ali". tu ;t Hln '!!)( iminti i iliriin r. Tb hiiy ioiiiii . i.i ifl on ifte'rmmn tram for '. vcl "It trip, aft.-r vUiirh tln-y will itthiHno tt tt'.i'ir frii n.l.t. Hot. ThM prrsi'iit wvrt' MfHwrH. M M.-sulam.H 1. .1 Klfonl. .1. .Jickikin, W.C. Jarkmtn. Kr't prton. J. II. I.uuh', K-v. (!. K. mrair.i, . 1 : 1 1 1 I r.lioni, M Ind Oils J:trkmin: Mihhi'h JM, aliic mi l ,liMu JnrkHon, Lil: . . . . Fmeinu Anna . onion. " VI NCi) I'Alk fJKWHnl niinual SrlnK.1 Fair 1 Poultry Show ht l.l nt Orrn- ItMlRrfiil fiuiccsrt. iiotwiih- finding1 ih stormy wt-athiT. ''Wt 275 liinl.H vi ii uliown in Pens. . Ty-veK'ialil.- (liMt.lav wni not "He as ;i:U year, nwirur to laU-nrsHof th.- filmw. which IMlHMHHVSSHrV ho an lot'oni- ' It With tlui tHU.IIrv lili.uv 11 the exhibit of poultry paHHt-d ii Almiwt fvt-ry Win tlti'Ki hiHil hail an ..vhih. Of iilhi.i. Ui,;i., It , . "I I'lOKioo, nlt r.tK'k! or lianv.l llorkrt P,H PRKM .lunal,.,! hv Mr. Mc lalll. The wVtv nllow- ISO to I'limi i. iii tin.. .ii.m ajUM ....:.. . ' . ' ' ' r- - Km!n anuits and took fWly every uri,. fr a hi,-li ilmv jj entries. In a.hlition to the P CKena there wi'n- manv ilnekn. WOM tfiwiu,, I i'L ... a .. ...I -!.. JU, i,u ' ,i Mini i ill.- The dmni'Mtin i.:i.: raeNmtiehatt.Mition. There JJt)wiiri,.8 i thin a.-part- he 0r(.IU,o i!iU1( flirnislu.(i 2C 'Mw iM-inn its first public &!;ih f'""th. poultry ex- I i.e mad,. ,-xt l VMny WB AwimlH for the Wrii v.'tabl..rt ami jjfw Brii'tic,. displays were The J "' the exhibit. U10 prizes L.;r ana ribl Irlrlnif that triiaturm i,v iiibiruni; for Oo nmtrol .f prircK U nutiU (ortuiifM at u- f jn'iiw of tin- hop )ii.iitry bir ihK lii' hint Jii y.an, a nut tun', uttiiubil by 7i riiri'Hntativ.. bop HU-II. m ! Siil. iu u 'tav iu'o. K iibiijf tbst b an ormuatioii of their own tbt- bop yraM r t an r. t'aiii uimI ki i. mtrol of th market in the fu ttire, tt foilllllltte. VkfLH Utiliollite.l t draft a rotnpreheimivi i.l.oi for tt Mate j,e union nmoti the grower. Aironlinu' to the ..Ian liHt'itHKetl. the imtoti nil main tain an information bureau with at-'eiit at bunion ami New Yolk til keep it a Iwm"I t market 1'otnlitiomt an priceH. ; in fitiui.itei that tbriMU'h Kui h oriratiiation at leat fV.Vomi tM-r year ran U-Havei! to the grower in the matter of HtipplieH. which roubl Ih- iHillfht III whora!e luatiliti.'K. ami an aibbtionul flUTitnii in rommiuorm wbuh have tieretofure Iweli paid to llliibliemell for (linlneuni; 'f the rrop. t'onfet tioiiery htore for Kale, in one of the lieHt Iihaiih in Oregon. rbme to rortlaml; will ebar 1.'ii r month; will wll at imoice price. AddreitH t'onfei t;onery, iru. HilUUiro. Ore. ;L'i 7 The court did not hear argu ment or trial in the Ji!l.oro atui Sherwood lepior cane. Mon- lav. tin ilate of hearing havinu Uell lumtlxmed Utitil next Mon lay by agreement. J'Ht what the otitcome will lie H only con jecmre. Jii'U-e t lalhway. of tin dmtrict to the North, ha hebl the Salem election invalid, and the case in U ing taken to tbt .Supreme t ourt. If the court hold on thin cane with the lower court there will In nothing to the lllllloro election. For saie-'J head row, graded Jereyt. all in milk, one frehh with calf at hide, other to frenb en fnm now on until Spring lu'w creafTl wparator. milk cans, rlr.-O I.. (iralf. 1 1 mile north U.vdville. lov. Went ban written al newpier asking that they re uui Hi iiieir reader wiio are in need of lalmr to notify the oilier at Salem, with the following in formation name and addreM nearvnt wtatmn; riumlxT ot men or women; character of work de aired: w iu'i'h olfereil; with or without Umrd arid lodging, am bow long Kervii-e may U re iuirid if work i Hiitwfaetory Write in the alse inlormation and mad it to tjuv. Went, Salem tb-egon. No Hix-c ial Saturday Hale about thin. Put at all lmn we Hel White luif llour. II ur Hack or si io a i.arrei: every Rarn miarantecj. W are ie ag'tit Oet-r k, . olti U'1l f Honor Third month closing Novemler L? McKinley S-hoii. Ihttri. t N. M: Unmt Spie. Martha. Uulda. Man. Frieda. Ida. I lara, Lillian an. t'nrl Iterger. Marie ami linisc Meier. Cecelia Sullivan. Adeline hitdi. Friibtta and 1 1 :-'.! I1 win. Jennie l.arseti, tn-o, l iK-gt For Kale: Horse. '.M umithIh ,lru.- Kint'Ie or double. (!ood farm or work animal for weight. Or will trade for xtoek, or ex change for work. (!. F. ('ranter, near U.xil Ihidge. mmtheat of Newton, City II. f. M J. II, Williams ami (May Free man went to Arlington. Tues day, on receipt of the intelligence that the wild geese were dying in number. They will return ih.i hmt of the week, and left here with great expectation.-. COUNCIL GRANTS LlOUQil li! V I (.1 t' ! I t W .1 V, . l. :,,! ) (, , . i IVritllsso.il In ( l(- i Ml. Will tt I -.Hi txi nlul I.Kl .) 1 1, r , ', , ; , K ill. .. l.i .1 I he I'liilIM ll Mi ! I ,1 rowiei el.:i: l r . i ! for tt..- i:;..!:. operate ::!!...,.. ; '. Wiley a,,. ! .. j;. he tn.fl.- I,!' . !. . i ilnnm M. 11. . .. : tatemi-ht w ( : i , ,, ! ie wo ld .a.- ; . i ; 'IT, i t in a .v . i ,; ; the applt.-a-.f . :. . t :''. HaliHH.'t 'AO ii-l I.:,. .! to mi iat a.-. WDUIll late u Meir. I ri ' .! olidui't t i. :r . fi Nil i hi' w . ' ' !!. had paid ' and if ti.'' i n i lection it their d'M 1 1. . ;. I'tve u!. 1 ensi'H, while i n gart ted io '1 he elect inn ra llrxt M!;la, n: ;ind i in ex pet 'i-i will lie I. r. ! ! ! ter the rl.r-e. The t 'nitin.' rr awarded ti.. Miiidn. at par an i et. the on!-, hid ; I he muai ','r,. l paid. Ihe rortlaml. 1 rrn were gram, start iiji.rati"!i' through the nt . . itger ( 'ainntii i woiii'i i. ii n ii i i Irtiiiiary 1". b-it safe on the I raia furred to aa.u Mon. arid Oregotilan. J2.2I 1 . I'a .i-i. of m ar Sher wamd, ;-i tt.e tt y ye-,terday . V,'. Miller, of Forest drove, i i town J ue-sdav. !.l i ,iiU -i water !H in I'ort- . lu'"-day. on buHirieH:-. , i Sfever.H, of I'.ijxtori. was . .v !i I u -sday and yesterday. ii n. to Hugh T. Wahl and COUNTY FAIR REPORT RLEOWjTH CLERK Mmsri. It. K. Denny and A. T. Ituitun Make Detailfd Schedule 'A I l.ti forest I. rove, a da ighter. ov. 21. i'el.an Uunner draken, f r hale ear!. at Wei-leribarkV, ADVISE AGAINST FIND DIVISION Kritipli Mure Tbaa BaUnced Dihure meat. Uaviai Balaacc i,i.U-. I' K. Dennv and A. T. ttuxton r. and Mrn. Frank W. Jack-i have filed with the county clerk . of North I'lairtH, were in the i day. V. ,ave Home dandy present:! Ui" men folks, I at reasonable 1 ' - i he Deri of Swt-t'ts. A; MeCumsey, the North a . , i-awrniil man, was in the . I. rday. 1 a'..-, cheap for cash. 10 .t rorrugated iron roller, tel- ji' Jra-'u-. Zma Wooil. K-tf !, M. draham. a Forest drove M'.rney, wan a Hillsltoru caller - i i l of the week. in... of the largest stocks of ',i-i and dry goods in the conn- a report of the financial statu3of the Fair held at Forest Grove, in (XUitM-r. l'Jll The total re ctipts from all sources were: itacea 1280 00 date Keceipts !(&) 50 Poultry entries 52 45 Kent of Tents 57 50 Livestock entries 41 50 Concessions 206 13 at dri er s. U-tf . nry Matthes. of near I.au .sa i in the county seat Tues morning. .r lutich pickled pigs feet. . made sausages am a, li. U. Kmmott. ' !: .. C. K. Cline, the former 111,, i.iTo minister, was at North l';.a:i Thanksgiving. li. .,d wood. $4.25 delivered and awed. C. It. llodgdon. Tel. f;ty 7'ti 37-'J A.bert Friday, of near (ireen . !.:.'. w an a city visitor Tuesday --r '.on. Miehael Henderson, the ('or- 1 to 1 1 1 I. i to thresherman and baler, s down - lav. to the county seat II.WS I I.'! I Ml MIUI. .pn-Uv I,. .in.' we-ld.-.,: ebrate.l'at i'.. I a- ' Mrs. John I r. -.t ! nllai:. Newton, S.md.ty . N when tiu-ir daav'.t . r '.! , united in nnrna t ' 1'eW s, sun n! A ' i i ' i ' w ife, of tii . !- - performed He' ' ' Flsie Tews .1' : 1 ' i . 1 thai M' n a! I n- i ri-1 ' groom. an. in. A 1 1 ' I ' ny the big vn,H.'::' ; Seated to a M'li-'i'i I :.'-- eriKim has a i'-at Ibllsboro Merranh..'. happy coup'e m f' -I'oiirth and Ha--lim . Those 1 1'.' n: at t; .e 't were: Meat's. a;d M. John Freudenttial. A-wus K, ('has and I' Aw Krah-n. and Harry lanri-.k, .! A A Chervenka. I ml N'Ium 1'iicker. W Meier. C K 1 i' A . -1 a-; i''i Ir. a'.d i r.-ar '. U'U i -a a tS a' t-'- -ad I't'i'i i-tv .i-r. a it h a't-t . n Tak.n Up Imn.s were ''VTIIIAN SOCIAL fliers nf th.. k- n nit. t a a. i orders and ft.8" SiNte fniies ay theif re inviteil t. nii.m.i tii.. cia im..i- -- ... ..i n mi nni h m: u!iit.ti'' k. p. uuii, leetihJ. ",,('. ' These Mdaii . ,u,,l n the first Huckskin horse. Owner please pay charge, ml vcrtising. etc.. and take same away.- Peter dotleib, IlillsUtro, lloute 1 two miles north of the city. Joint Knmnn. of Farmington. was in town the lirst of the week. With Hie levy ot Hjuvutl tax in his district, and the one this Hide. John expects to have riwk nmds all the way to HillslHt ro in tt year or so. Want some one to grub and . leiii- three acres of land for me. f tin fornitih house and barn tor . -i . si.... it II wi ers. nine north of Oak Park Station, south west of Hillslsiro. Fred and Anna 'Minn have irotight suit ngitinst li. Tschanz. 'or foreclosure of mortgage, on the United, near Helvetia. lhe: defense claims a release, which lilaintitrs deny. For sale - Four lots in the Pat- tison-Mornn addition. Hillsiro. ,'.... . I., urs i OWI1. IWO yeiua III V J Hon" , . timo on balance City 12(5. C. C. Smith, well known here. has purchased a moving pu uo busines nt rrineviue. mm and his wife will ' that city. Young woman wants position, at, general housework. - Address, Hillshoro. Ore.. Pox 121 Hruce Schulmerich. who spent the Summer in Umatilla County, arrived home last week. K. K. Kowell and L. M. Hwe. of Schollrt, were in town today, no business at the court house. ;,! i'll-'S f.'WS. r, Cha:-. abr. F n. W U ;ra.ti. y. I! I l..i.nv Paul i' A s. bw aril tlaird. J T Sbannor. -La. h nni. ,h,s Klliott. .I"hn P i'-ir! i. hcii. Marion P'-t-v.: !' 1 . i r.-d, Alhert. llenmtM. and I; ""t Krah- mer. who plaved tie' wed. Inter march. Win and Harry Srlau'ii. Ihmiel Kmrii k Jr, 11 an i Louis Freudenthal. H' :-'' U il!!tl Sylvester Pr.thl. Flm:t and Mar garet Prahl. Fdw and Hcrmrm Freudenthal. Aii"-ri. i.im.' ami Agm-s Tews. Carl Meier Jr. A Sicgrist. Lydia. la la ana name Creener, .1 S. Walter and Otto Steinke. Fvelyn Parent. Herman Schoen. A Meiers. I red .Sturm. Kd Oemminvr. Mrs F t livelier. Mrs Susie Morgan, t'has Fan;.'. Frank Civem-r. K M Uobb. J ('.onnell. U'W Sehulaieneh. Miss Oda Schulmerich. CALL row l"dlS in.u t.dll now be received for ini in.i.t . tu.- .nuit renldVal ot llll'lll.ue in...... ....;.! ,f the tn-eeut wooden man i in , . iim.,.f situated on thv b-eond i,.....t oeoiiertv of the Washintv- ton Oregon Corporation. Washington Oregon Corp. Ai. Mendenhall. a Portland at ton.ev. and well known here. as a llt'lsboro caller. Tuesday, on probate business. For sale cheap, a tfood Fairbanks-Morse gasoline drag saw. --('has. F. Uobinson, llillslxiro, te 5. 37-s Wm. Uidgely, the Forest drove a ar v eteran, was in town Tues !a. greeting: his comrades and 1 1':. -t. Webster Philli)S departei lue -day evening for Cotton aoo.. Idaho, where he will visit brother. Chh. W. He may .1 ii. . ... I'eiin.iM ait inter. F. ('. 'F. trglioliter and l T .'iari Mtn. of Muxton, were in the ev-.tntv sent TtHuay1 and Wed nesdav. For Sale at a Bargain--A goot An' k horse, we ight. 1200 pounds In niire of F.dgar Uehse. on the l en lev farm, one mile west of Hillshoro. below Fair Grounds. Wanted to rent farm. Wi .-.insider nurchasintr stock. Give te No. 412 Cham her of Commerce Pldg.. Port land. Ore. 37-40 The P. K. v N. train service between here and Tillamook has been reduced to two passenger coaches. Travel is not very heavy during the Winter season Do you want a line piano P.eauliful case and aline tone, Your own terms. -('all Koom 4 Music Studio. Hank Annex Uuil imr. Tuesday's fog rivalled the thick of "Dear Old Lunnon. you iiutw." and was , i .i niurky it;ty oi season. Drs. Lowe iV ltirner, m well known eve specialists, . i 1 1 ; it l. of Portland, will no in musuuru : ...... i .... n w i Wf again oauiruav, iei. -v.. v forget the date. John Stribich. of Forest Gvove, was in town Monday evening, ereetimr bin county seat friends. John is one of t he best mechanics in his city. Ak- for Cash value Home in- Total receipts $2343 OS The prize disbursements were: orse premiums $02 50 attle 91 50 Sheep 43 00 ogs 20 00, 'ouitry 73 00 Agriculture 1G8 00 orticulture 28 to omestic Science, arts 00 05 Juvenile exhibit 212 75 ugenics 52 35 tibbon prizes 22 43 Total $834 33 iace hi abor 289 03 Supplies 21 88 nterest and Income tax 89 50 'ouitry Association 115 20 reight and hauling 24 29 ents 157 70 .umber 150 79 Juvenile department 59 15 Music 100 00 'rinting 64 75 Total $213-1 96 The gentlemen advise the court against distribution of funds for two fairs. the only n?a the early W inter Franquette walnut trea graft ed on California P.lack Iloot - the kind that grows vigorous ami U-ars heavy crois here in West ern Oregon. The tre mention ed! in my former ad., tapworked. 4 years ago last April. pnxlucel 125 pounds of dried nuts that can be Bold easily for 2fk per jmund. wholesale, making an income of $25. W. We have acres here in the northwest that are prod ac inic over $-'Jf)0. net income, trees averaging less than 17 yeara old. It i3 time that Washington county was waking up to this new industry. My first and second plantings, 5 and 0 years old are beginning t bear. I also have vetch seed in small or large quantities. Ferd Gron er. Hillsboro, Oregon, route 2, phwie ScholU 555 line 10. Iieaverton had an election Tuesday. W. 0. Hocken was elected mayor without opposi tion; Dr. Paul Carsten3 and A. II. Spraner were elected to the council for two years; and A. M. Hocken. councilman for one year; C. H. Fry was elected recorder, and J. L Hardy, treasurer. The successful ticket wa3 named the "Hull Moose" ticket, and Hock en head d the vote with 115. Hedge, ii d pendent for recorder. and Han ;s n Taylor for council. received ;d and 5o votes respect ively. Hardy for treasurer, re ceived 135. . PHOPBVMOH4L, F.A. BAILEY, M. P. njirUm aid HirfMM Otr.c:-l-ptir in Schalmrtek Nm Kiilijc HuUmt mnur BmiIIbi ot SaetHut Wraata. fhnw, om. City rMtjMMV.Oty SU T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. H4 PHYSICIAN AND SURCION ); mt4iir i.r Th t)ita pni Btr KMlitsoca but ef Conrt Hotuw, In Um Dmmr of tii blur. R. M. ERWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON burKeoo S, P. P. K. t S, M, i i kit OtHce in the TamieaM Block. Thin! m4 Jim Mrccu, imiaboro, Orcgoo. Ortice Huort 9 to t a. b ; i to & h. I aevlMj. TtiaridaT, Uatantay f to I tll antwered da or aiarht. Bntk phone. OiBca orrt Hillaboro Natioaal. Of SL'KPRISE PARTY A large number of parishioners tendered r ather Lappen. of St Matthews, a surprise Tuesday vening, the hours having been nioyed with games, music, etc, The ladies brought refreshments and served tables at a late hour, Those present were: Messrs and Mesdames J T Lappen, A J Mil- tenberger. A Dooher, J Milten lierger. Wm Iteiling, W Kyan, J Fngeldinger; Mesdames Milten Urger, Dunwald. Fessler, Ed McLeer; Messrs J Michel, r W Delsman. Mike, Ihos, Jos. trank and Sylvester Dooher: Joe t ess ler,.Geo and Vincent Engeldin- ger. John Kyan. W B Delsman Misses Emily notxskv,Xatrienne Dttoher, Helen McCourt,- Tresa Havs. Theresa and Frances Dun wald. Matilda and Mary Albert, Anna Narup, Elizabeth, trances and Agnes Delsman: Masters Frank Murray. Arthur Ueilinp, Geo Dooher, Koyaland Lawrence McLeer. Te . i. ... .. It'piioiic 35-7 MRS. J. 0. KOHIt iinutrv stamns. witn every pur ..iiiu..' c.et vour premiums at Hillshoro's stores. H. H. Em niott. 'Michael Dooher, who has been at' Condon for several months, returned home the last of the .week He savs that it is quiet ii ..,e,ir thia vvinrpr. . . . . n i., i f i nil iii.ii tiv vtiij Mrs. Uobb. wue to Uobb. passed away Wednesday If yoU wnnt to move your alter an iinie. c.M.i.e j . v 0tl ol0cis. pittuoa. civ.. severa yeais. " i , -tve tuano irucK.- u. niaiden name was Anna i llodgdon, Hillshoro, stad. and she was burn at Ai ber )ho Cily U Loa, Minn.. nn w. -v .. . ..a w Vnmwalt. of Eugene, is 7.V;.u: n,' -o'l'diHl'and im- i in the city this week, the guest i". I"'-.- ... , ., . .i . Mr. nno iirs. tn. mediately ai er 1 ' ' , Un visited with Uoss. Nort.i : S; .. ; VMf of l?nl 1 WHS 111 ate in iiik ' 1 1 7 IvOOO I , , .i;i,.,, it.,,,,.,1 I m..,.. 1-1011 thev moveu 10 iiiiw'"'i ron .-.i- 111 -: PLAY WAS SPLENDID SUCCESS The play given by the Catholic Young People, at the t-reseeni. last Wednesday evening, was a success lrom the standpoints of rendition, attendance and hnan cial status. Col. P.raggs, played hv Edward McLeer. had many- things happen to him, and the part was nicely handled, ueo, Engeldinger. as a newspaper man. and Wm. Delsman, as the reporter, were very cood: Ar thur Miltenberger, the college chum of Delsman, who made up as Col. P.raggs, was in his usual corned v form; a well known Catholic played the part of Aar on Cutter, to perfection. Fran cis Dooher, as Dan, the colored servant, was excellent, and Mrs. A. Miltenberger, as Martha Mnmhv. always a favorite, did nicely. Miss Evelyn Dooher, as Lillian Wight: Miss b ranees Dels man, as Kitty Braggs, and Miss Elizabeth Delsman, as Mrs. Su sanna Rird. the widow, were all very clever and entertaining in their narts. r- .,1. The r av was wel received Dy all. and the young people netted over $100 for their church. Rarnev Lewis, the clever cnar coal artist, and Rupert Wahner. nn excel ent slack wire pertorm pr. irave exhibitions of their skill between acts. Tele- 37-8 where they have since reside! leaves mo uummoh. and three sisters She mother 1,..1 l.uM mouio o. . , FhO flllieral lOOIv piare .uo.s ... ternoon. at 2:o0 o ci k-k. .0 . . terment was in Hn-C.hl Fellows Cemetery. . . . .. 1 fur- men. at The State Convention of Roys societies met, at Dallas the last of the week. 1 noseaiieiuonK ihmu Hillshoro were Francis Link la ... l.Mehard llovt. Robert Greer, Edwin Bowman, Byron Garrett, I rea90nable. F. H. Bowlby. Cor Ceo. Doers, oueo.ou, .. "rrr-i nelius, uouie & oi- About 20 tons of No. 1 second eron loose clover hay, in barn for sale. Will sell at price that will nav for vour hauling. Ladd & lleed Farm Co., Reedville. Ore. 37-9 Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Neu berger, of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Miltenber ger, Thanksgiving. Mrs. Neu- berger was formerly miss jviaDei Chrisenger, of this city. Registered Poland-China boar for sale; age 2 years; price very During the recent inspection candy kitchens, restaurants and bakeries, made by the State )airy & Food inspector, our candy factory received the high est average for cleanliness and sanitation of all kitchens in the county. That meanswhen you buy Den of Sweet3 candy you get the best Probate: Estate Mary Wood ford closed of record; estate Jos Moore finally settled and closed; John A Peterson. Neil3 Jansen and Rasmus Pearson ap pointed appraisers estate John Kurman, deed; estate M L Duley appraised, at $40,857; Jan 0 set for hearing of prayer to sell real est in re estate of Jas Hocking, deceased Irvin Julian seeks to set aside a deed of a little over 9 acres of and, conveyed to J. N. Loudon, bv Jennie Julian, in September. ie also asks for a thousand dol- ars damages. The defendant is a son of the deceased, and Julian was the husband. He claims the property should have gone to him, by descent. Loudon wil fight the ca3e. Jamtjs Gibson, of Reedville. was in town yesterday. James came to old Washington County in 1847, having been but 13 years of age when he crossed the plains, driving 50 or 60 head of loose cattle, along with tne train. He remembers the incidents "of the trip as well as though it were onlv yesterday, instead of 66 years ago. For sale A few choice chick ens. a. (J. W rate Leghorns, 10 sell from a pen of 33 hens, with a record of 5200 eggs, and aver age of $2.99 each for 12 months, Mrs. J. A. Hobbs. Yarley bta tion, on Oregon Electric. Corne lius, Route 1. Phone, Cornelius, James Line 3. 3t-8 See the Restless Spirit, at the Peoples Theatre, next Monday and Tuesday evenings. A three part photo play that is a beauti ful piece of work, and something never before attempted, it wi rank as one of the best picture plavs ever presented. Usual prices, and some side-splitting comedy. Lurton U. Halderman, of Ha zeldale. died at the family home last Wednesday, Nov. 26, 1913 after being a sufferer from car cinoma for many years. He was aged 64 years, 6 months and 19 days. He leaves a widow and grown children. Mr. Halderman was widely known and nigniy esteemed in his community. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Henton, of Bake Oven, arrived last week for an extended visit with their rel atives. They have been guests of Dwight Pomeroy and wife. Darents of Mrs. Henton. lhey ike the high altitudes, out at- wavs appreciate a visit to the valley. A. McNeill, of Centralia. Wn has bought the Frank Wells pool hall, on Third, and taken posses sion. Mr. McNeill has been a member of the Pythian order since 1868 a record possessed by no other man m the county, if not in the state. The council has authorized the Carnegie Building site committee to go ahead and use their best iudgment for the selection of a site. The committee has been thinking of taking over the Link- later Block, just north of the Dr.'s residence. Miss Hattie Greener departed Tuesday for an extended visit with relatives and tnends at AI bany and Tangent. The Commercial Club will hold a smoker this Friday evening, and all members are expected to be in attendance. J. 0. ROBB, 11. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OPFICE-Upa-aira io Schalmcrkk Bid. PiiOMBS-Offiot, City 3S4; Re. City 864 HIJ.8BORO, . OREGON DR. B. L. SEARS Physician and Surg-eon Office hours 9 to 1 1 a. m.; a to 5 p. as. Call answered day or alibi Both phone. Office in American Natioaml Bank, npatain. HILLSHORO, . . ORBGON Oaw. ft. Bm09T X I BAG LEY f JMT ATTORNBYS-AT-LAW Boom 1 and 1 Hka BlUdlif HILLS BO EO, . . OlKrOI LMER H. SMITH M. D. D. OI PHYSICIAN & SURGEON OSTEOPATH E. B. TONGUE ATTORNBY-AT-lAW OtScea npataira in Schalmcrkk Block JOHN II. WALL ATTORNBY-AT-LAW UpaUtirs, A. C Shate Bldg, Main ft lad HILLS BO RO, - OKKHII. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Orrtci: Main 8treet, opp. Court Hoot HOLSBORO ORBOOH THOS. H.TONGUE, JR. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, Office, upstair in Schulmerich Block Hillsboro, - - Oregon (to. 3. CdaaBri m. SCHNABEL & La ROC HE Scatt1tta)n milalra, atotatt Katattw) aa iWM. nul.rtadnH. ajliallia .! maAlen. Ztftumcntt, Uttumkn aM Ultra ttnenftitift aaaacllMll. mm ita tn itutopa attt anftna ftaom kottra. Vrae( aa allra ajkttOalMfta uchiiiHfnlitiiltfn. urteittaaaaaw. cufRidtftt attt anfma IBtralaav aank-eartitiiaaara: ten Hi aa aaf Vmanaaaa. JtltTtum: SKorftoU 100; -10lf; (sma-Ittcrticn: Stefai MM aa aVfH. Slaan iKH) Oaaaaet at INMM tat PORTLAND, ORE. DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist Office np-eUlra over Hillaboro National Bank. HILLSBORO ORJKKMi DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Tctttiesie BUlg. Rooma6dt HILLSBORO, ORB. Main and Third. DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater Delta Building, Main btreet Hillsboro - - - Ore BOWMAN & VALUK23MAM Attorneys-At-Law Commercial Bank Block up-stairs Hillsboro Oregon IV'"' . . i., (Wlin. The Pffl ' " : . and were ' Ed. Northrup. of Shady Brook, laUS ll.ui . . ,a ! fn,n tnAav onrnnfo tn 1 1 .' . ,..1U. ti.I'tlne(l WIlllU III IIIC w na 111 vi wuwji ....vmv . For SaleTwo fresh milk cows. Carl Gribner, Banks, Ore., R. 2. One mile north of Banks. 39 Argus and Qregonian, $2.25. Frederick Andersen, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Successor to Dr. CunningW I Office and Drug Stow. AM(J Orenco, - , Telephone oonnectlona. Weekly Oregonian , to Jta. I 1915. 75 cenU. 51V,t 'ali month dur uayion iokk - .:.f ijerman "iier. urgir a.