The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 04, 1913, Image 1

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i!ii.i.Si:oK(),()Ri;r,oN, di.ckmi.i.r i. l'jis
NO. 37
i TMt
, H-
rliM rf
1.1 M-J
I wilt.
Ill M
I m
n i
.1 of li-
mill '
i4 f'
L '. 0. r
a nut-
.... JolH
1,1. t
.n,IHf. I.
hr '
nt t'l I"
, ..f '
,ii"i. '
a. I" '
h ila
r 1 ovi
. tht
ul ir
t .Itatrlct
,t-liil m;
ritan f
l I"
t.r, "
1. tiriy
,.)i.rliy "
-ld ro
i- for
rllh W"11rl,
. h lel'J
t. in ':
, rnM' a
V, AlteA
I HIP." - Atf
..ainil ITIAII
is iotiiaiiiin
''. W, Kusm-IL th.
warden, vkin tli i a ri friiiti i:
Monday morning. I If w
.1 .
Hie Argus tit inlnrin t ,nu rt
that the d i. k i.e.l M-amnwii
it .i - .
111. I l,m la I I... .1... . t . t
..... ... " u
ikk " HutititigcanL-
- - , a. - I.I... . I 1 a .. .1 .
I Hi lr iM-iwtiti in.- iiiMir n!
I . l a. a-t,... ...! .j. ... a 11
I 1 ...
mliiu.i "'"M arc protected at uu t
011 n hho..ting that is tht
- it . . .
i iKHcs uii.-r l . l.i
Argun and Oregonian. 'L'&.
Camile luyck. of South For-
UQ MUt 8 Pll VCDCnil tht',rovt WM ,n town M"n,y-
iu. nRni u uILIaliijUN Tni s,nay' ut f m-
iiik. - i ii inuor aaiuraay,
Judi;c Canii'U'll UtiU Nun-Suit
lU'tiiiiM- I aik il I nihility
inn i.
IH,kI...1 ,f l. ..I.....I
to the citv Mondav I Mn VUltt Hillsboro After
10 Years ol Absence
t-, At.) $ r'
t represent Siurrll.1 li.r . ti
Id IU htnfi-H.
ml wil. I in htnfi-H. Wi 1
home on ret.uettt. ami tin the
fitting, ami teach ho t'ltt'liu l
mill wear the cornet. Our tailor
! ma le to tin ature curs. l, m
chiding the latest front la. f. will;
an riN-rir!ii'ii cnr-ti.-r m r ice.
owt tiotnor.- than high class cr
nets pun based in Mores. Mrs.
M. F.. Caudle. Fifth
arn! J ark Mm Strc. t. Phot..- No.
County J",:,'u',"'1,r,l!W ,"','n
. ;t;tf road ;titnH the xutt
twk and hit r.-milt ar- of
,. in :! h" travi-
vnrnav taxi-H.
Kurty 0'' 'ltlrirw oiu oi
- a
ine ...
U,iUl.,nL F-f-t '"
t . i in f irii i
Krton na'- Mm. r. II. I'i.II.k k . i,t
rrpurU" l-.-r.-M i 'l',"" rurllmul the othrr ilay ti. mi- if
.i u,i ihi siYiirai y of the utatin- jthe Karl V. lnoi y aK i rtis- at
I....H ... .. ... ii i
ii. i imwiih i Mm mi- kji muni' fi i .
atlvr, Mte foiilnl the man. athl
although thi naitu' am! cIi-mtii
lion anTi't tin' ran- J.i- w.i
not any relative of the I '.at,
I .K!t-yH. I he father of Karl V.
Iniley. kno.Mi in Hank, hay h
lliltiKi the lNy IS Hale atut hhiiih
m t alilnrtna
t f . i I ill ,r.
-I ...I,
in tin
s. ;.
wa.i out
jfrtfti: friemii
Jacoh I'ucheU-. of ("xirncliua,
.1 . A 1
j .
Meier, of near I-ivville. were Vematile Tnvrler Savs HilUkoro U
11.. . w . I
cuy caners aionuay.
N. C. Lillv. of (Jales ( reek.
I a i.on vol to .!.-f,.n.antH ,n th'' Cly hmi1 "
i i of Mrt. !.iie Clark.
I M. i W A , IV N'Ci
lii'ik lluior, lnuiia
Whu Conk
' 'on, , l.ell Satnrilay noon
Baik4 From tbe Dtplht
If you war.l a raia'e that heat
the worlil for the money, rail on
I'avii! Corwin, (tank Ann
HuiMtfitf. ml nee Ins ti laht v
liiunrrH. till the way from Si t
JVi. I heMe are the est ran'i
lever lil.e! on the tnarht t m
Uillilmro, Call in an. I bee t In mi.
' I.' i on ,
h. a fa1;.
I'ooiv I.iii
I .-.t t.
Jol . . A
a! .1 h;,. :.
!;rni of U.u
'. 1 'I-!, was injureil
tr. e, hit t struck a
A hen hhe wu em
'.'l il t the kitchen for
r.-A of I'hilllllH it
ati. m ii - . r .I'll
cuit court busmen. eii. wen. . said Larey j
........ .. . Houseman, the other day. llilla-l
am urnauti. oi near laurel. . . , . , ,
Wanninut"" ' '"V
,!nt nmnty road.
. r...
UlMmrr 1. levt l letiK'in.
" . . .. t .1
..I Ik lnl.ll letiL'in oi i rime
Jiii , . ii
...i..m it eiL'ht ant! ioe hall
... . I
Thirire h miles H roru iroy
. 1.1. .. I ...
W.nk nia.Li liu aoire Ul nniei.
t',ravi l"ti' nil e of
Work in I'.'!:!
TV fiiinilr of in lien of ma
M.l.mnn.1 lulilt thl year IH
i I.,, ,11 ll uo. ir
" .' . I 1 1 . . III. O.. . . I .. : 1 .. .
i.i. ..r . .1 , or. 1. 1. ..I I ;orw. mhiii- ,-Mniin, wi.iow oi
lim ui r ...... ,
....I line l.lie Alien otniio. -.;vs in-
V' ': . . . f,... M..i
i'nun the Mltiervttur H' "TM l'"' " " "
' : . . . ,..,.1 .a i,.. .... A ,......,. ..,1 ,.l
,t it found Hull Ml..-."' bh
i i l... il... .i.,,t L,r lon-ilo. lea.H -uinler lite oi
fiprmirv, "' - c
tbrm-lvmi fur mam-iam rmii;p,n" y-..oo...r
..i.u.,ri ..f i ,.i, uirit-i iirrwimmiuiiM non in nieu
UU lii imn .. ' i . , r
i,,..U ...-m.l.Ml yi'.'M'llH foiC'iai many are leaunir. learmy
l - -i - ,
f-iihing nrk, imuntf freight eonMiueiu-es
tull. rtf . When wanlini an lee
lb court alnti pai.! SI 1 1 MUnhi uhv not eel it at a modern
fur frMir. re machiiii ry. etc.. u. , .,t,. fountain where tin
out of thf county road fund Uyrun ii kept m sanitary to
prooif. initnMt into the elans hy a oani
TKiA ki ntl ii-i'l!.ll MIIOIA II1L. I t t. .('.! It... Lin. I ..f
w . . - r . i it I I .null.'. II..II n .in nit.-i'-i
xvl uh?(tantmteH the dtatement f,,uhtain you i ill lind at Kih U t'h
TUi ITP ITiaill' 11UII R ONI'It l . All' . . .
j, a. imiru aim w lie reuirneu
lhurndav from a week's Htav at
their cottavje over near I'.ar View
Willie there they Haw one of tin
hiiirest (.tonus, ol the car
I'mitt their ttlare they could .s i
the he utranded (llenesshn, the
veMel that went ashore early in
the Fall.
W'e cut diiiienHioii IiiihIhT and
.-..I,..!.;, ...... .., t.r.., . , .....
1.0k M i v..,. j tim nth to onlcr. Koiik!ti lum
i'Hvi, BlilM II It IKHIK'Ill I, - a , .
arJ II... I ... ...,,I..IIIMT 111 I Ml.l-H. fill I . M . t1. 1
i iiia iMircn. w .i-i inn n'n i - ' .
mtrriajfe to Mathian KrneHt 'tfnn. Jan. A. S-well ;lan
I .1 .. A . Ill . l I . It... '.,..(.. I 'IHHII
iUtrrtA i'... ii i. .,i . i i i m:i h mi. nr.. umii'
k'ivih . ii. i ... inn u
........... 'i.. t ir m
. . . . .
waa in town Mon.lav afternoon t"r' hsw certainly men from the
irreetinir friend.-i. depths. This ohl town wa3 well
C. L. Krown. of aUne Hanks. known to me 10 'ear3 ai0- but
was a city caller. Saturday af- hen I pass up the street I see
ternoon, a witness in circuit nothing familiar. Time was.
when I was in the riiann husini-ssl
f..r the defendant Mr. and Mrs. Klwood Cox and here, that I would start across
. to kerson. J. c. 1 r. and Mrs. w. ."s. i urns were tt, sir... of..r nitrhf atuh mv
I.. -A I
Hare and Arthur l olk.-rsor, U-ing 1 hatiksgivintf kumU ol I ort- on a BpljnU.r of thfJ 0,(1 p,ank
ti.. iin-ii Ik r-, of the firm. land relatives. L,,M.. on ...nn-l oil nvr ho
I If a. , id. i t .H-.-urr.-l on the l1vij'rl rossen. of Helvetia. rijfht '0f way f;ow you have
aft. , noon of May H. w h.-n M-s.srs. Jhn l-erger. of I'.ethany. fine modern build-
l-hillit,, ... ,- of the contractinir were county seat visitors. Mon- atd strctta. nne modern butw-
had taken the place of 'la fUTn.x,n. n. cement suiewa ks. sewe age
1 . I flnr. ovopi'.fitnir that trrwtt a-itn a
fit t 1 Bll'l V'VIJllllOK ll.UV ijri- "
'V i 'Ii l Frank lauli Sr- rt'lurn,'(1 Wed- nuKlern city. It's wonderful, the
- oi ineciNiK m.H(iay nijfht from an extended transformation that I see here.
lai,. r h the name of in 1...11. an,i u.;t i. 1 . . ..
. t ; 1; 1 1 . ' . --ianu v lien t aaio won. vu nci.
I""k Hint, uii'i m Hi iiiAiirn Tor a i..ul u..i.h
..n tl
VI h.
the tri-t
l'l '
tl tin
ii.-. 1
, v. ;. i
proe.l ilecayed. When
a 1a.11 r of l. years ex
If you don't want to come to town, just phone vour
order in and it w ill be promptly attended to as if vou
called i;i person. We specialize in "Hurry UpM orders
and you can get a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent oat by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
liexall Kemedies by t'arcel rost, rrepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store
loSt I'm just coming to Hillsboro. .'im,- i.f I'.rtimri I 1 w as out on vour roads this
a la. o r ol l.i vearsex-l 1'MI15' i.v...... . . i ... . - --- -- . ti e condition Uin town Saturday, on busi- morning, and I found mile after
tl.- tr.-e would not throw it ncsa connected wun mecarnegie "r ""'"""
t it A.mld vn, he Khoute.M A. L Holcoml). Ja.sier KetTer ,- . . . nn th. lntrv maf);
mi Im io.i am! then a few and C. C. Freer, of West Lnion. L i ' ui i ' u:n
- anu now we can woeei iruni inns-
m:itte a mas call on the Arvus. I , .-... j .1
i . Tu-l rn i n i .qurnn im M ir.MHi n a i.
' .'" ,'' ':'' a,l'am i,",,'tnif Saturday. Time chanRe3 all thinRS and i
tiarK .ini not come out ol w Mahon of the Shute Sav- guesa I've changed some, myself
. an-i wtu-n i tie top . ., fc tran8acUHj business hut I can't get over the way
i n th.- ii r t.ture she w:ls m- " ...... .. ..... i. .u t u. u
, , . , , .11 over in 1 lliamuon, me ium 01 iinr (iiusuoro naa risen iruiu nci
J..r.,!a.H...t the diet, fL;- w wki returning home Sunday time lethargy."
, , r. Mr y ;ark f 1, Mr. Houseman and Virgil Coop-
.la.i,:e-c, fur l, r .njuties and win.Uu.rm was 8lso n ollltime Hillsboro boy
hr. M.inifor.1. of l.anks. testified rriday night 8 windstorm was w' e out toirether Hoodav re-
a, the physical something very stirring and l'
.lama. -i. quite a bit of timber was blown ncwingoia acquaintances.
.VI of the evidence of the down in me mountains. Heavy
., .. I f II . II l a.
uM;! ii'nt in, (ulHTt to the rains nu an niRnu
4llll 41 I f II Bl'.'-I wui-nuvii, 1 1 I Li
ThankMirivinir Notice i? hereby given that
m,m.M9 m v a a k a .at
to.ifii miii' ma 1 ni n nwit
Inbuilt firi.;:t!eover
Xf mil-, iri-r machinery lias
kocfbtrri ptin hnHe.1,
1. ... ...
Apfplly mime wedding wns ce
Witedlt the home of Mr. and
an. A. Naderei, near liuril,
.!nelay. Nov, 'y,. at
ei . I turn l plaintill's attor-
m s, that Hare - Cilkerson were at a'i liable, and after the
. . .1.1 . t . j
(ilaii ti'! t.a i resie.i me ueienu-
atil's counsel asked fur a non
suit, which was granted by the
Win. Stone, of Oregon City
ment. Hillsboro. commencing at
10 a. rn. on Wednesday, Dec. 17.
Liar inn 11 .j. I .11. 1 aa
iiti iiiiii.iri l.;iln it. ii
Wrof the hrnli- was brides
l.-i ....... :
f an-i Waiter l,arsen. a
fother.olliciiiUnl as ironnisman.
fn Abel (.resided nt the piano,
ndering the welding march
fura Uthcngrin.
T hriile was beautifully
fwtled ifcjaritur headed chillon
ft tniwalinf. The presents
frt many an
Hanker Alln-rt S. Shol.-s. ol
Cornelius, was in town Monday.
lie and Mrs. Shol.-s returned j
Thursday from an extended stay j
nt Hot uik". Cnion inunn.
where they enjoyed the baths.
. t I !
ami witters ol inai iar-iameu
resort. j
Ul I Ol VIUI.... " . V . IIA.IIO.-A,. . ."P. " . . a I
guests at the homes of Mrs. W. the (unty Superintendent of
M. Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. l Washington County, Oregon.
C Vaught will hold the regular examination
J. T. Wagner, of Portland, a
former resident of Forest (irove,
vl-wti,.,ttr.-v en that city was long on
-.. ". .. .. I It ,i..t,..ll iwi1ttirAi ii-na nut tot . . .-. r. . j .
and I'.a.'lev Hare and J . V iZ and continuing until aar.urc.ay.
T.,,,..,... w.'.e attorneys for Hare Hillsboro Saturday, greeting his ,)cc 1(J13 at 4 p m fol.
& (Jr.kerso.i. lni,"us' lows:
Oth.-r business transacted by Mrs. IK)nald Ixmg, of Southern Wednesday Forenoon
the court. Otegon. where she is teaching Wri ting. U. S. History. Physi-
),-cn cs of divorce Sanderson English and languages in Suther- .
v Sanderson; I'.iusette v lirus- in High, was a guest of Mrs. L.
.it.-; McNult v MoNutt. A. 1-ong, Friday and Saturday.
lhe (Irani! jury reported seven
true bills, and returned a not
true bill a.-amst Kilgore. charged
ith pointim: a lirearin.
Juror Win. Roberts, of Kist.
. r ...... t f-
W as excused lor toe lerm. mr.
U.iberts lives over near the edge
of t'ol iiiibia t'oiiftv. and foutrd
You always lock up your house at night; yon see
that the padlock is on your barn door; of course you do.
Rnt how- shnnt vour business? Are vou as cautious
will hold the regular examination , anj rpcrarfl tr tnonex' matters? If von have
of applicants for State certificates cormmcrciai bank account vour system is lax. and
me suan L-nurcn oase- . . ...
The C.erman Spi akitur
The hai.tiv nmnle de.m'rte.! forU iU meet lit krebs Hall. Hills!".
ItHptoCorvall.s ami other Wil. rn. at -'o'cl.Hk in the nftern.n.
WtU Vt.ll... r...-K.iliiril;iv December . 1 he N)-
r. ..n.. ixnnin. hi iei "-.' - . . .
Filch they will be nt home toU'iety invites all t.ennan speahimr
pir friends at the uroom's people to attend tins meeting
nma nn .ri,..i...i i
. ... n.iieiii
f follim-ini; were seated to u
Wvkxi weddttii' dinner:
If'.HhJ Mrs. ,. Naderer. Mr.
f4 "ri. H. ;. Abel. Mr. and
IVtersun, Mr. and Mrs.
kurmtisnn, Mr. mid Mrs. H.
Fn and two daughters, M.
II lAh InAmll'.i . a.
r"""r. lurua t.uenther, Lilly.
".Md Walter Larsett. Miss
IthVaml. it-.. 1 ...
1 . -.1. hi cm. .roseii i 1 towns.
"v. KieUand dauirhler.
A. ('. ArchUiltl Jr.. attending
() A. C.. Corvalhs. was here
over Thanksgiving, the gm'st
home folks. He starts for a lour
..f id., vnllev with the College
it..... I tl.iu u I nn.i theV Will
Wednesday Afternoon
til ' . I C .. l.nlin,T
I liysiiiai umni auj, i.rauiiiis.
Senator Geo. W. Joseph, of Comjsition. Methods in Reading
Portland, was out Monday, buy- amj Methods in Arithmetic.
ing in me properiy ooe.c-u iui Thursday Forenoon,
sale by the sherilf. in a suit by ...... u.tnrv nf K.,1(,n.
tion. Phychology. Methods in
Thursday Afternoon.
.Immmer. GtHiirranhv. Ameri
can Literature, Physics, Methods
in Language, Ihesis for Primary
therp i ant tr he a leak somewhere.
The man who can boast of a commercial bank ac
count is the. one who pays all bills by check, in a sys
tematic manner, and can tell at a glance how much
money he has on hand, at any time.,5
Open your account with us and put a padlock on
Main and Third, HIIHboro.
the Shute Savings versus
I Shield's Little Farms.
Mrs. IHinard Brown visited
it lard to be away I mm home at relatives at Vancouver, Wash.,
this s. a on f the year., 1.1,.. iast of the week, and was
All tlu iurors were excused ,,,.,t hnme bv her sister.
until Mondav. DecemU-rN Mr8. . lngelbritzen. who re- mrtificates
11 r-.oiuA,.n u.-is etvenl. 1 1., ,itiJ wiuuwk
1 iitt'i'ii'i' . .i i --- r- 1 lurneu noiiiv ounttuj.
..... ...... ..r I
reeisitai on in mir "i ieo .n'l'-i .... 1 11
' M 11 Vt.cKomer nnd Henrv
...... . u. u. io'iiii. . 1 lOlAliy ttiui 1 laoio., v'i vnvfK
Sale of real estate in re F. G. Freitag. of near Phillips, were in ra,,hy, English Literature, Chem-
Hail enheck e ills v ni. ni. wean iu u mu.i. . f 1 i -iii 1SUJ
" . . . . 11.. . i. iwLinn, i'9 . n Unit the midd e in... u.
Friday Forenoon
Theory and Practice, Orthog-
et als was continued by the court, uatuanu. v a... y,v
Ot tne mOIUn. lOI O U" nwRO
Clunde Kesterson and Miss
Lcona Ward were united in mar-
, , riage at the home of the bride's
response to the many requests . H Wrd near Sher-
ev will c... tiiis service, we have now in- '""V. Y n ... t
visit the principal towns, as t!if . stalled in our U
did two years ago.
I.'or mile Two Vear old Ilnl-
'na Mrs. ( .iltliril It ff
rnOregnti, were tendered u
Fl Diss.t..i . ... ....
v ,"" "in in iso Duiiuay,
Q U, on their twenty-lifth
rUtlDir Inn ....... -hi. , i .
few HUlendid eift- A
wixa tntiner was served.
oii-PreHe"1 won': Messrs.
Kn-bii. A
k p- iniKer, A. Wuntler
J Jj hn.; Msrn. H. lioth,
Lh-p Vt' Ji,MiK,f nnd I'ett
..LV br"H'i. and wife. A
?"T. and wife, m
H-ll man and''
If. in.) u .. . . . J 1
mrs. K re in ,jT ,
ygWetia, whero J Jn a
HwtaLvK iStf. oialatin
'lr viiy baturday.
f mi viul uiilV.
r vn ...v..
TlUartlr nnfa nnil
jSfn. Schulmerich.
stein bull eligible to registry.
Toni Sinay. f-irneliiw, 'Oregon.
lioute 2. Five miles nouth ot
(leorge Dtniley, of Hanks, was
down to the ity Monday, greet
ing his friends. Geo. i e ot
the oldest thresliermen in me
county having ran a seperaior
for III years. W hile in ueu j
he was the guest of his daugh
ter, Mrs. 0. H. PolltH-k.
Roy Heater, who has been
coach for tho Hillsltoro High
toothnll eleven, snv the lads put
up n nuignilicient game nt Hal
i.... 'I'lo.ruiliiv Neither Slue
Uin, ll.nk it." J i
HCrvd. nnd tho game was stul-
f vcontested all tho time.
w Heekmann nnd Frwin
jr of below lletlmny, were
,wn Saturday at ternoon. on
Jsinesa with the county court.
in...:.. I rliuli-irt voted a spe-
tnv for rock roads and the
good work will continue out that
Janitor Tupper nnd rorco oi
mon el.'llne.l the eaves I rom int
court yard, lust week, tinishing
up at tho ween enu. .
now looks in readiness for Spring.
M. Sturm Sr.. of above Bloom
ing, was down to the county
seat Monday.
School Law, Geology. Algebra
Civil Government.
Saturday Forenoon
Geometry. Botany
Saturday Afternoon
General History, Bookkeeping
Suhieeta lor lhesi9:
1 Pietnre Stud v. 2 The Storv
Hour. 3 Play and Play Grounds
4 The Montessori System. 5
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
we have now in- -. - " , M M ,
.. fireuhitin,' Library. This l.i- v""v' "'
brary ail'ords our patrons the Drt (. V. Tamiesie, an old-
... A-.i..iiri. nt small I.! il:n..l.....i r.mi.l.tnt nnd time I
oppoi iiiiiuy in n. ume iiinai'.v ivo.v.a... 4 ins Montessori oysiem. o
expense all the niontonous new a practicing physician at lort- Th(? Kindergarten, as an aid to
iH.ks of fiction as soon as issued. anj( departed the past week for thfi prjmary School.
AS many copies oi m lopost grnUUUiei-uuiai; ...ou.kc. j,
the membership warrants w ill Ih m ew York. He expects to be
earned. n the lain jar;. absent several monms. "You can't tell how viciously a
r...,. , , , e being put on Miss Fern Hobbs. private secre- small weapon can shoot until you
in. .it - . . i nor w esr snenritnrwe tiv pvnprience. saiu ucu.
every time a book IS used. . , L hr nrents n, n , 'nf Ranks, the other dav.
I'.,,- f nit her details, see i.auret t. r. ; 'v.' '; i ...a ov.
ii . ii ii. i ix... Mr and Mre. o. t. nuuira, ui i e uinci ciciini. va-
M. lloyt., O.e. r:. "na si .. hs hist returned kmimnir a small 22-calibre auto-
B. W. Barnes
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savinga Deposit. Book Acc't. Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
vaney. ouv; - .
it . .;. t.- WuQhmirton on on I malic rpvolver helontring to Lir.
ii mm a ii tv " "w .....-.-" -,
r.einl business. Pollock. I was not familiar wun
i,w-nn of oth of the httle spit-fire, and the first
Max Berg, who resided near vr :' i"t thinu I knew it was discharged,
i im iteaverton. was in town oatur- " .......-. .a i
Cedar iw in tot mi- "" V;-",!a'j Histrlet voted II Mne .ou iei V " "
iim it""" rirur nnd Tuncron inrn nnp
There closed door, and pinged into one
" r n. tinllAb'o oKntminti niiric.
i yi It I . i uitwn o oiivvftuutfi
.. i .1 ..... l..i.A.tnt..n IV
years. Hied in ' .erina..,, -- Fridav
i in i Mr ienr I as in-ett an-1 -- , , ... ,.
" .: . i.. j j .m 9i. miiea nt road in me ais- r . " . . jf .-..
imr for some time ana coiiciuiieii . . tunng a oarrei. . i lmmeumieiy
to go to the old country to see if tnct, anu aoouv found ft m nd weight of iron
the ehange would not kmelit his roads. and a,(j jt on top of the dinged
health He was born in Han- For sale: Four cows, graded; iittie thing, and am waiting for
over "Germany, ftl years ago. two in milk, one just fresh, other p0llock to come and take it
.. .' :'..., I uiv elolilren V. in It'.di other two .......
lie eaves a ne o.. a.--' coiiouk ii" , ,
to mourn his loss -Max Berg Jr., win be fresh in oecemoer.-jas.
i ... rn ;ii - miii llonr. Portland: i .,.iin n miles south of Cornell-
l euai i'i"'. ?: , --,,. ""T'' m
US, Iowa Hill, Ltoriieuua, ckuh,
Houte z. "" ""
m.... i! It Reeves, cedar nun
Uvuiolp'h, Minnie nnd Klla, all at
home. . ... , , . ...
Mr Berg was an upngui iau
zen, a kind father, nnd a good
neighbor, nnd a man who was
just in all respects. A large cir-
..l . ..I iniiiliw ill llll" i iMllliimnvj
in which he resided deplore his
death and extend to the family
their sympathy.
U...1 Time Dance" at the
nail. Saturday
IM'Llinill V l fca . . -
'X Prixea will be
evening. i't.t j . ;
..;..i.n W the best susiaineu iauy
KlttV.l IV. " AA
.hi r mmnn eniii hv:lv;i o. a..u-
. i p. IXn.t.a Tinlfpra
am .innnHim ol
including supper. $1. All are in
yited. U vV Rnrnpa nnnnunees
kJUft.. A... ... ama a.a,v
that the regular quarterty teach
ers examination win De neia in
Hillohnrn Wednesdav. Dec. 17.
lllliui'v. v .1 w v
holding over until the last ot tne
week. As the circuit court
room is to be use, and both of
the school buildings, as well, the
examination is to be held in tne
basement of the Christian churcn,
where the applicants will have
comfortable quarters.
which occurs during the Holiday Season
until December ioth. Early shoppers enjoy
many advantages over those who put it off
'till the last few days. I will be glad to lay
aside and deliver on Christmas Eve anything
you may wish to select during this sale. I
would appreciate your inspection of the stock
which has been selected with the greatest
care to satisfy all the people, and offer yott
the finest stock in Washington County, to
select from, while qualities and prices cannot
be excelled.
Watchmaker and Jeweler
Graduate Optometrist
lien, "V
nH 8irt