Karl Ifcuielaiin dfpart hU vetting on Un St'-aiiifr lU-ur for San Kraiu iwii, mid will Kp.-m thi Winter ut San Ihigu. ami other Southirn t'ulifonua trit. ! mtiti.U guing ut far South m I'ittllWIIII. Ktld mitf-ft to H'.l m 05 FOR t hf ill iiMKtff l,,,,,,, U-fi.n- Iih r.-tinn ( Ore l I it ml I hNI p". tatrn that if he hki- V ilMIHMSf .lit l I) III - y,,ll he Will . ii of I' J H III I ami I thibil A III ItMVV the r. f..r PI" of ('! Kl A I - . . . I ....... ,....1 ... ,r"i i , ... ..I n'MIII'MU l'l - : thai it are invited. ,.,t:ilne of lheSNith In-fiiav ri-tnaiit thrre until aft.r th.. I'll'. Fair. Hit mother. Mm. W. O. iKitH-lsim, mil iwMiti join him ut I- Arige ert. anil Winter at Sun Diego. M ikh Wilina Wnggener and Adna Smith r'l". of Albany Cot lege, will given mimical program lit the Klntnli High N'honl. Kri 'by Mtntig. Nov. 2H. f.r the lielieht of tlie plain, tutul. All , .HI ruft!"' .1 It Kr1 F- . , . l.utheriiri m-niie in German will Im held Sunday, the .'Huh of November, and Sutilay, the 7tl of ereinl-r. in the afternoon at 2 oYIim k, in th" Advent chord corner lui'M-line ami Fourth St. Urifillar meeting ill In- held hv nmg ti'al hu. i,;islor ev ry tirnt ami thir.l , :itthetn. Sunday, in the afternoon, at If (1 wt at- o'clock. All Lutheran German, .. I'mi'Ii)i or SuimIihIi ii ri- rur. I:il. m-. ii in tne i r- - , . COUSIN SESSION JmiIkc Campbell Amin dram Jury. U. O. Slornwn I urrman Aixlrrw IVriMifi, tf li-.t . ill-. wh in town et4 nlay Ihiyton h.j'i'i-M fur men, at (InrV : tf Khoailes. of Sheri'lan. was in the rity Uxlay. Hot Taina'eH. at tin- I r of Sweetn. , i i1 . .. ... ii i. -..:., .. ;n i III 1 ' ' W,,,V 11' " w III l Vl 1IM1 f a' ' 1 1 1 ill' I ii 1 1 ' i in iu- i.iik"''" mil" I1'' .. . Il,. Jllll 1.. l.'. .1 I ' P .rll . l l . tk W' ' ' ' K'I4V '' 111 , l.'lill l. Miiiifiti, pnt". , ........ ... I . !... i i:.. ii... i mlr-u-r l'' K"'" v i ,ii i in ran I imior, -or iiruu.i, wrr, lirM i . I Coiif.H-tiotierv tore for Kale, in one of the tient towtm in Oregon, ri' ie to rortlaii'l. will rlt-ar Sl.Vt Cj in thi " ' ' y .(.iJiK-r month; will mil at invoire t mil I"' Ipru-,.. A.hlreM Conf.rt;otiery. AruH, IlillnUiro, Ore. ;LV7 The illiiKiiiira store han U-en ii .. i. . ..t . ... i f int whull '"' f,l'M'' BllirOHIHHi I II uiiirn I in" Uil inn. h Sorlhv l II'- H in n n i i lie nrm nine me puhm-m ii ' il... l.'t.ir I u..... hlu.Ni titi.l 1'Iii. imi lilnl Mutt. , v .1 I l I I Mil IVIIHl .If" T R"'" "I " i t ir.il etliiliil, ilny iiikMil Uiey ai.'ain enu nii iy , . inn r waHlcnltinif out awifh, ami t'iok Home .i ...... t.ite. unit inure i the nanie mini oi utm k. h-ii-rven t'hiit time. wmtniT, they itul hot Uither the t'l'. IVtty tl.iemv; hikIIh oinif on in all the urnler roim liWvnro urrmutMi hii'h if MNV C4SIS Ml I OK UI MOMH Smutt RrMirl I tirtlmr liar Ikil ul Rckik, il (Hw aul o Cotty I he NovemU r t rm of rircuit rourt ronyeiH it Momlay inorriinir. with Jiiile CaniiU-l on the liem h. All the iurom reimrteil. xri-jitlfi Win. Unlierlri, of Kist. who w a not reai hi-'l. ami one. of Ui-averton. who m out of the roiinty. TheCoiirt drew a rami jury, ami aimifitei U. M. Stevenson a.- foreman, tin- ut her ft lieinir Ji nn I'eter K mill ion !anl(K. Ii 2 JameH Morrisey (Virnelius WmlU hrman .N Tualatin l'lainn ' Ash ( WnelitiH, K I Mike Sunhauer Cornelius I. Ili'lleliuyike . r'arutiiiKton The jury ntri'! ami mm- inenreil investigation of rriminal Carl I'.iehler. of riear Moun taimlale, wan in town luisilay. lnlian liunner (Iraki -. f r nale at 12 each, at Wem -nhack'. IliH-ilville. Mr. ami Mr. (Je. Uohinson, of Farminifton, were in the city yetitenlay. One of the largest Ktockn if hiWh ami dry yttx in the co in ty. at Oeer'B. -'A tf liorn, to Jow-ph Inrarn an ) wife, of FarmiriKUin. Nov. Z'. VAX a ilauk'hU-r. For Hale, cheap for cash, l1) CIIK SCHOOLS HAVE JS. I.nnl I ipt to Paite Arxut JI.U I rom th Ixvy Maile STATr. AND COLMV HHP TOTAL llittriit Will Pay Inltrrsl. Opcratinf pt. lai 1500 tkbt ! Henry Olvm. of Rank. il.:iiefl that he attemteil to ir t J av from the law on tti; cau w r.er. in fie W8k lniiicu'U inr si injr liquor to a minor. He state that at a!l times he toM hi.- foik at . Hank where he could ! tound. :HealHo says that he soi l li quor I to th-' yoijoir man. at I'.anks. on!., i after he had reiterated. t;me an I I aain, that he wm over 21 yean , of aire. Mr. Olson fee! quite I chagrined over the n rt that r,he willfully skipped, and says he want the impression corrected. PROrSNHIOlfAU hhyiirUa ami Mirfmi ()t?irr -l'ptir ia SrhalairU k Blorc t'i lm- puiith rornar Haatllat ml MriHiil (ttnata. I'li'Mi-. i.m.l'itj .2; rMi.lmMV.Clly tU S. T. LINKLATER. M. B. C. PHYSICIAN AND SURCBOM '!) iitair iKrrTha Iirlta Iriw Htura HUncm but of Court Hooaa, in tba coriior of lha Uurh. R. M. KRWIN, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON P. a A 5.. P. K. ft B. it.. . .- . i j 13 seven ty lourteen ieei. is orfice in the Tamiow BJock. Thlrt aad some class for seven men. (!al. Jack Jr.. C. K. Koontz With over a million and haif of Wapata over Sunday, to shoot I projierty involvel Saturday's ' n; festive duck. The hoys found u.V.w.l muilinii uni attcndful hv . ft.w r,f them flvin'.r hilt .lack gav3 ' 1 1 - ' . ill' V V 1 1 , .. . - - j r ' I f. that Dick Hundley's hed. which"'- ' dean or- i .ir to urn! the I C .l,,l,,ir I ,1'nl '('"ii I mu'Hifucturen t 0 cf ;thhi"t" a, that ' y oi diM,a 1:1 1 . th mii'iai--' ViffrJiL Ckinif f " ' ' "" ami H iroiim on In ail the iorier coun-fTi.- ..f i.i iwnf ttir it. 1 1 hk out of 1'iirtland. and the of- ...... uial llilllK II is ciikfineen-'i i. the mo t from Multnomah County. Ihli "- , . ,i . , , , , rli. .Bi-mV to I' I'.I irei-i, nun i ueni Fu-nrt u ii.i'i.i'".i i"m" I . . ,i . i. i .11 l.l . ...l..j lttrnl','l ' ,""', I"1 " i i urn"' orrhartl m.i ""'. "" F,,r ale '. hetid cows, eradei! irw, hul v-'ir wlmle or. j i(l ,,,,1 ,. fr,.H with calf at Hide, others to fresh en from now on until Sprint; ; new cream iM aratr, milk cans, etc. - O. L lira!!. 1 I mile mirth Kcvilvillc. I uitl explain H fltwti''l drftmtelv Jtowgsll"""! st.t!..t;ir-l lime Ulrr. Ul fei-S he If rt. the -.r.lV Will not .. .. . i ..r i... Ut. Mni e' r pan"! ii" ll4dfl't he in too much 'f urrj taifct i ' ' lo ou,' acinar th-'ro-i ,;. If that (rtWd'tni vou 1 :i I I" Her let yM irnl tr the for Utter tin In cum-! 'i "'I 1 want to I that the A' l ' -i I'f i'id of linn chartriK which have accumulated now living in Portland. sutTered another Revere Btroke yesterday, and is quite low. since the last few W'evk.t. tlkCl II OH VI Judi'e (!arnplN'll held court this week up to yesterday afternoon, lie set for trial the case of Terry vs Clackamas County, suit to re- cos er for a demolished auto, near Milwaukee, case to Utfin I lee 22; the case of Miles Watrous vs dm F Savior, suit for ?2.'.. aliena tion of wife's affection, will start seven or eitfht pi-ople. When one considers that it takes $20. M)0 taxation to run a nine months 9mi imv inturoiit it would J. M. Miller, of I'.anks. has appear that more wo-tfd turn outjht h ""Jli. M to see what is tfoinjr on. One,...., ... " iuct lt "lrom now fit corruw'aU-d inm roller. t-- thin is acinche-it appears inaion Mrs. Miller his a reputation iwiiiic frame. -Zina Wood. H-tf the ixsiple at lare have a jrreat as on of the best in the culinary i. t i..... ...i.i.... ...i ii.. it. ik. .11. i win '"ii' '" i - - - . i... : ,..,; r.uu tinH it nr.ru.nru to x we fj aced. "KK a V'V '-"""K k A levy of eitrht and one-half; mills w as made on a valuation of a trifle over a million and half dollars worth of property. Thi? w ill five the district alxjut 313. 'J00. and the state fund and coun ty levy will add ahout $ft.0W more. The sum raised will pay inter net nn thi honds. conduct the U on the streets after a severe scnoo( an(j j)ay $.-yxj 0f the out illness, standing warrants, issued for I..., 1..l'l..L;n nf t -.ofi.! unu finishinir he new RchfKll'S aPIiU- ! u L. In inll; v on. iiuviai ni'i, wi . . ......w..... aiit-vin ainjii irr: au si " oin. -a.t i . . . i c. .i . t . ,., wince noura 10 ii a. m.: I n j p. a, amuntyseat v.s.tor V, hnt of anc s U,,.nk: ... Jr.l ! Spraner. a Iieaverton market pUonc. offic. in American N.uo-1 Willard TuptK-r. earner on K. w fnr .vnosini? for sale Bank, du,. 2, has installed a new encuHed I at ,hat wa3 not wholesome. HlLLSBOkO, ;Spraner pleaded guilty and re iceived the minimum. pupils of the Hijfh School and in termediate grades this afternoon. Young woman wants position. at general housework.- Address, Hillsboro. Ore.. Box 12:!. Jack Hoover, well know n here, Mam StrreU, Hillaboro, Otcgoa. ELMEU H. SMITH M. D. D. 01 PHYSICIAN & SURCEOM OSTEOPATH deal of faith in the school board. : department, and they expect to 0t; ;J?J? Call anawervd day or alKhl. Buth i.t. . ... i . i i . . . t- C ' . II T...n V.IH. UHI Illiununi IIUHHHI. ror Sale at a Bargain -1 wo I year-old Jersey bull, gentle to handle-.aioa g'KKi work horse. j Q RQBB, II. D. weight. 12 lbs. Inquire of Ed gar Kehh . on the Bailey farm. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON one mile wist of Hillsboro. below OFFICE: Upa-air in Scbalnxricb Bldg. Fair Grounds. Si-tf Phohes-OAm. City 384; Rea. Cily 864 HIX.SBORO, OREGON J. S. C.rabel is again able to Mrs. H. Harrington, of North Hillsboro. fell one day this week. and sustained a painful injury to one ol her ankles. Dr. Linkla- ter is in attendance and thinks vVMMaVMMaaa DR. B. L. SEARS Physician and Surgeon? w agon on his route. C. F.. Korn, of Helvetia, was roRTSER-MALli llei-r,. in town Tuesday, a witness on A pretty wedding took place at j igmaH black pum.. con It. fault in divorce cascs-H J citizenship application. the home of Mr. and I Mrs. O. . ite5 inf ?11 stamp3 and keys 0n I'arkisonvs Olive Bark,,,,; Jes- untlW. who has l, e W. 127 East hirt. Friday night. Ixtween City s,e Norton vs AlU-rt Nor .,,, siM'iiding tlie Fall months at las- wh(n tlhhel rJSKnVVCeefe Bakery and F. A. Everest home. lecr.-e of divorce-Sophia tin- ,l ; , ' " i,.p.i..,. came the bride ol oeorge an p arj teturn to F A Ever- stcr vs . I! l-inster. lt,n- wa3 ,n tn yU-n Ki. ,)oren Fortner th of thi. city. I Washing- it f I !' I'uiruiek vs N Fniscoi.al services at the t ong. I he bndal couple entered the ', , i Ton anil i ;i.seuii. -r (iiii-rliad I n eliminateij irom w ill olliciaie. ah are in uen. .vuss .Mary aicvAinucn. myiici v ej - the casi. by non suit, on motion Tht, Mis8i,mary Society of the Hflen Kuth Fortner. sister of thej vertisinjr. etc.. and f his attorney Cm Bagley, of Turch will min-t in the Kroom attended the bride. El-, away. -Peter Ootle.b l',!ev & lla.e. The jury re- . 2c'h ar Ion next Wednesday mer erry acted as best man l oute 1-two miles nc turned uvenhcl for the defend- afl,rno( n, 3. -T 0? ' , Ihe pliV Theatre will give the greatest entertainment of its kind ever nhowii in HtllsUim, nel Monday and Tuesday nights. Ihe reels Will give you the great world's Kerie of basehlill. fur the chfUllpiolishlp. between ScU York tmd Philadelphia. This is i . . . . . .. . i ttluhtir -r.i iue.1 up my the lug feature ol lite cnr. ami V.nl .fi..r nil . l .,l f.il isl votl holl Mil I MUSS II. .-some I ' . i .. . I Inn ifuJr-i' t. . it to do the L'oml coineily thrown in nr giam Jrt," lnettsurl. C. A. H.nntey X- Sons have sold ;TlMn: ASMM WSXWV Ux herd of Jerseys to J. . Vim. lervcldcii iV Sm, of Koy. ...i ii-. e.n v.. i lului will eoiultici U uairy. mm mi .ur-t. ii mi. no .n ix'iii - - , i.i. :....i . i... i. ,.i is one oi w m-n i viuuiii a in.'- iiu'iii" i "ii . .... .. I... v... I.....i.,tv for iirihliiction. I lie van- ' . II IliiHiei I1.'. . .rtl W J1- U Cr. er and Karl lionelson went t hurch. hunday alternoon, ai c parlor to the strains oi jienaeis- j to the nirv at noon, after K II o'clock. Archbishop Chambers sohn's wedding march played by ;,ii-r liad I n eliminate.l from will olliciaie. ah are invneu. .m133 ary McConnell. ton and Paseline. Taken Up Buckskin OREGON sa. . mwr m. m. mm BAG lY 4 HARI ATTORN8YS-AT-LAW Boomt 1 and 1 Kai Baiidliff H1L1B0E0. . , UKIUOM iWMJJajaiWaJjaJajJ E. B. TONGUE horse. Miss iOw ner please pay charges, ad- and take same i K Yi i 1 1 a m north of the 0tfice nP,ui, ia SchaleriJ ATT0RN8Y-AT-LAW .h rveldens will make a ,1-iirv nil their nlace. near ('hnstie. No mccial Saturday sale iiUmt il.U I... i ul all linns we sell W lute I -oaf ll"itr. $t.2Ti 'T sack, or I7'. u barrel; every sack guaranteed. We are sole agents, llreer's. M-lf II. C. Tin lle killed a big oyote, in Shady Brook, the other day. and brought the peU to t"". vmlenlav. He nml Will Hardy cornered the fellow, and sheep ,.r.. lutuf Mleeiiim' more secure out that way. rnd., Satunla-. evening, Nov, It their home mi Washington L in honor ( Iheir twcii- latnMing aiihi.eriary. They r nwrriH in'.ir Bethany. Nov. lsa,l.y the lute K.-v, W. K. iilh. Mr, and Mr. I less, par- hoi Mrs. NeU'Mi, wcrepres I to witness the festivities. 1 the rv ciuii, u.i i enjoyed le iiiK nmteM;. games, etc. ovir piife on lii r.t disiH'tisiil throughout tlie evening, at t lute hour a del'ghtful hMl Was Served. Lwcre the recipients of ailtlflll I'hilKl lif.welll-4 tW t)ri"M-it aere- srs. and Mes.l.imes Wm Want some one to grub am II ess U M I turret! .L.-ir I hree acres of land for ine. H. Crecr. I.. A. L mi?. K. L Cum furnish house and barn tor V. J. iilum- F. .1. nartv. See l. H. WilUTS. mm north of Oak Park Malion, souui west of HiIIsIhho. ii ,.i ihe W. 0. W. Hall. N!..rii. i'lnins. Sat unlay night w..e oii T.M'lle's orchestra. Tickets, including supper. $t.r Vic Potter, Ihsir manager. I,. P. Aldrich. of tlu Ea-ld & Itnul, Itunk. Sa cm. was Here yen i.. .l...i n uilneSS tic fore C.r.iiul Jurv. ill connection with some bud check work accomplish ...I by some wandering nrlisi For sale Four lots in the Pat i m. . nm addition. HiUslMiro HilWM III"! - 'ortv dollars tlown. two tiinu on balann'. ii Nancu r i i -?i t'itv 12b. W.oiei hit il,.. i:.....i j : i v , ih. of South ion till 1141! I It " . ... Iliisiiitiii l . .. , I i m it ;., Mom 'iv unit vei 14 I'lllllll, I1IIY, 4,1,11111, nn III - . W. after nil evtnml...! illneuu .!,, viilll A loill of tUlkelO Wa8 hum ..l CI... l.'.ii . Vt'le.ii I ... iiliices Oil ThilllkS- j. . ii hi, Mien riuin, IN, Mill me eiii'i j I ; UVCPmlier II Hill ,,,l ..i.-imr MilV. wurts until lier marriage, c tf ruXwln. of Oak Park. '.When Hhf was united in ...."' ...'tuhkiIiiii. after an e in, u lli.. eon en ion was lliai I . . .. .. nciaieo. mt: unuc mun'-" Creerand iM.ielson had bought . Jjn anderwai. of this city jn cream crepe meteor and ear th,. Irene. More, agreeing to ioonuay pa.o ' ned a Uuquet oi nnoe roses a m all bills. The purchasers I -ariKs, a c''i- iv '"i ' ' l lilies oi tne vauey. m- i.k up a big lot of wholesale for Mr. .Miners nou-. '"- caught with orange Diossoms. and the pla.ntiir all.red was en- Andrew Miller, w ho ran an en- pale green 8HK ana carrieu in . ... i ...... I . . . t:o t rmiiiinot f( iiink rnrnntinns. tltleil to the illllerence iH-lweeu .r,nt. at the i.limax .llil ior man u. m m.u'iv v,. . -- the i cents and 1 on each dol- v..ars. and is now ranching out The house was prettily decorated ar's worth of claims settled. nt.ar Varley. was m tlie county I he jury was out but a U'' neat yesterday. minutes. I rn4m hricks with cranlier- centers. your dessc-rt for IMiPDI kM-AM) Thanksgiving dinner-S slices to the brU-k. W) cents each, at the . . . . 1 . . . a the Dramat c (lull, ot farming- men oi aiT, ton, will stage a comedy-drama, Oscar (lustafson. of m-ar Ueed- at the Beltse hop house, Farm- v.llo. wn.i in town Monday, on ington, on the evening of Pei". j,,!. business, connected with 12. The cast of characters has St,min(r the estate of his mother, liecti well scliH le.1. ami an are the att, Mat,iua tiustaison. getting along spleniluliy in meir lines. I he net proceeus win ue in ivy, maiaen nair iern aim chrysanthemums. Only relatives and intimate friends were pres ent The young couple received many beautiful and useful pres ents. Oregonian. PICTURES UNDER .GLASS. JOHN II. WALL ATTORNBY-AT-LAW W. II. Tavl.r. W. Ii. t, Ismniil Brown, N. Ii. Julius SchiM-nberir: Mrs Wv, Mrs. Susie Morgan. Hi'tirietta Miui-ni Min .1 Conni'll. Mrs. F.mma McKin'- V. aa, " ff' MiRs. ;. Cay,., ivarl f'Ui. Nisie Koundv, Florence w. hlla Magruiler. Kstella ;n: itm i vv n..,..,.. l"i nelson. M:ii..i-j i..i... i;.,. (ttlnd Kdwar.l M. Court fi Sunday, twenty live rein- (wjoywl a big wedding din-1 """I Mr. an. Mrs. Nelson. Mrs. nancy r, .ioncs f years deplume Tuala does extend- I Schema That la Ruining Valuabla Paintings In tha Louvra. Tlie Univri' museum bus bwn nn 'orttinnti. with It Leonardo (la Vtncl UovMullin who hxs tn-en up ?itimr. TnrMu was o Koy niuiiui. ,., o,,,,, go. und now a picture evoted to the Christian church J1 ?" 11 Winter ": AnniMne -a; artist bn.b .H id fund. Watch for the cast V" " " nf I ittnck.si punmuioni - f characters nevt week. CAM. I OK BIDS K. V,. Tongue and John V. Connell were down on the Col umbia. Sunday. and landed a fine lot of ducks and, of course. they remembered a lot of their friends. The W. II. Lxcles Co. has de cided to establish a sawmill at Banks, which will cut 65, 000 dailv. The company will start work clearing the foundation in a few days. Today is one of the holidays that rural mail carriers can rest and the five in Hillsboro. as well THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. as these from other county points, had a day ot! tor their ATTORNBY-AT-lAWj turkey. office, upstair in Schutmerich Block Virgil Cooper with the Wash- Hillsboro . Oregon nirton-Oregon Corporation here ' .mil two vears ago. was out luesuay, Cpsuirs, A. C Shate Bldg, Mala. ft tU diiouBORO. . oRjnoa. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Urnci: Main Straat, opp. Court Bona HILLSBORO OR BOOM in the valley, and says mat, ai- iriUitx ,0 lhe .lauumess that coiiecu ter nil. there is no place like lHtww.n ,. P!1!W nml the cnnvns. it Washington County. win u r.i'.iiied timt after aevomi pte- .. , v.., r-mt,,l tur.- liiul Isvii sliishwl liy umniiics the l,r irau . ,,;,r.rrln'' M Poh- Iuvw ..th..rltl deel.led to Cfvor the . . ,. . t fur im- pttnership with I )r. r . .m. uon- vaUml,it. ,mitim.-s with ri.is. ls will now i.e receive., ,v... of .averton. ana , . This Inni'Viitii'ii lirouctit forth storm Mediate raing and removal oi move ,horo at once. Dr. Kobin- An Xnmiiom reporter ta- naterial of lh' presenl vvinxun hpa,, n(W lH.on failing for ,llmsoif tM rnmt of one nuister- aV CtaMH greeting friends. He is now in &. 3. mi T,ne piano ousiness in iwnunu. H. C. Pearson, of Iowa Hill. SCHNABEL & UROCHE was in Tuesday, appearing be- tt.ffte... fore circuit court ana tne r eaer- ,nfTai.jtfiin.. Mtianetii . al examiner, an applicant for ISSrZdttKr citizen favors. Geo. W. Bacon, of lamhill, man i UK i . tower situated on the Second Street, property oi ine viumim.k ton Oregon l orsiraiion. Washington uregon v orp. Clll'HCM NliWS ii .. "tl 1 " . . . some time, and lr. barren win llwe ami pni.Ht t. shave mmseu. handle the active practice. and when iu attendant Interfered he , tmnirht nn Mplalmsl thnt he vvlslHsl to show that U r. r.mmuvv ii. th( lWumt Wlr,, stin of so. me interest in the Orenco Mercan- ',., tU however, refused to ctvo tile Co. 'a store, at Orenco, and wnT 11Iul ttu, K.lss hns remained for has joined with Spencer Jones. ni'iOSt four years. Th... firm will continue to carry a The Louvre exHrts have now dls- .1 ni.l l.i.nfelic-il church Innre stock of general merchan- eovered that this Innovation has been ,t the United h angi 11 ' : 8UCK. lJ , m,irket iiu.istro,, In that the KlasS retains the Sunday evening. Nov. o at ... v . u.se, as we,, " humidity and this humidity, under the under the auspices of the Worn- Vor sale: Horse. 900 pounds efflH,t of U.llt. ovaiKimt and disin- un's Missionary NH-iety, im "'" (jrjve9 single or doutle. ihxio ,.,, the paint. lowing program will be rendered: fftrm or ammal for weight. The technical service of the museum Anthem 1W the t noirisoio, iw will trade tor stocK, or ex- pr..ses to try a new mommi m eu.e.- Ileulah Powell; duet. Miss Faye cnnnKe for work. tl. F. Cramer, u.B the pictures with glass which win indliavSigler-.reading. Thanks- l""'Nio0il Bridge, southeast of allow the air to circulate freely, .inn ua i 'K' .. , .., ii:, niar noou m . i..nnhlle the iilass has been re- .mng Ann. v. Newton. City u. o. mmy of the plctufe8 Manlier; solo. iro'. t. ' , T. ... at ,vork on the wash- SI,lH.allv those that are not wtthln museuiu. iue Van der " . .. .. - . r- .... raueii WpviIhii'h tr nt.vcll. ror wuieu nw.iw Anthem. Choir; Koaditig, "Who an,, uion 'kt lt 75 w H.I is under piass. ami " ' Will Oihmv the iwr ?"rhh the missing three , ,i i , , i fiwmtn i lie view " v" - vci. . lait.es tpiai . t. 111 '"f;' ' mlt ahove Huxton expect to have reach of visitors to the muse Mesdames 1W I . W anITer ana oui d or M nc(iulsltipn. llluckliurn and M.ss l-aye Sigh r the r pair man . x M W tO .viiim. It .l.,..a ww... y- .... (.itv ythenm.. . '. I ' M'd Htay naming no... v. lettl.tii. ... .i.i . .. I .... . in ii..ws one ahanA i- . 1 l-,:iisKanii'. nor The Argus goen - e.- -- J i J-M died,,, iHj,7 nn Bii.f day enrly thirt week so all con- 'l i Hrs- l,m,"t """I" i. ctMl with tho ollioe may enjoy t 'di f i.,."'r ,,,,il,,r,: Mi-h. TTianksgiving. , V ,.,,,lm,il,.V ,'r (in'sham; . . M(lir ,ho treasurer .of n...' Jo,"'. IVring; Mrs. C. W M if'1'' "r Ivillo; Mrs. ff-M. Kerr. Ililluu.r. Aii...r '"es Conc.nlia, Kns.; Iteech- Ui Jlliiitu 1 1 : 1 1 .i iii w.h. ' "msooro, i wo ntcrs ri. ,tM.(iaS0( Kvl ;f.or F. , K(M,i0r. Wilsonville, ami Laura Who (tin, !.. ... r iiil .. lrl f 7 . " ""imcy. ine the M i- IM'! Wednesday, S34.K-.('l'"'h. and inter- r the 1,,,'nl cemetery. ii0.11, wl (!llton. was uuooro vivni.i. t ' Mrs Mary Fisher; bass so- Teet hum i ne , lmwM to see more than a iflc s,wiSer!wloKUa "Aunt Ixmts involved a great deal of wf th- wU)Jow curtnlu..New ?,.,K . . Mi-nimuirv StK'ie- work. York Sun. 'ii V jiwiB im " . i mvi... ! v M characters. Mrs, Smitn. Mrs. Ambrose Sehmiiinn. oi iimurr, ilackburn; Mrs. Jones. Miss hve- wa9 in the city Monday, feturn . Vwnt: Aunt .'oily, Mrs. ine f mm a trip to French Prairie. StaulTer- Miss Alvira Tompkins. Mr. Schmidlin raised J00 Dusneis Mrs Powell ; Miss Mary liolden. t0 the acre this year, and also U Calloway nM raised wheat six eet high in the .. ... ....r.nn.r lAiiiv. iiii. 4vv.. i alalia ms virannc wi C C. VS. ' of Portland, will the Fair in October, i.n.iich in the Fvangolicai enure... Eugenically All Right. nnetor Why did you refuse htm? PauptiterThere was nothing In him to admire. Doctor - What nonscnse-hls lungs, heart and liver were as sound as an altlgator'it-Knnwis City Star. I II Hrown was out irom - : - . j ..... j i . irauo- v successrui gameu ueiiviius cij Tha Amateur Gardener. lllMIII men., - the Cerman Muwai was in from lu-inany. - afterniMin. ... m- ..ml Mrs. I Mini, i . . i,uo ol Arcane, Nov. 21. of North A. Minor, North Plains, son. ti. liwilafin. Plains, was an Awus caller this afternoon. .Ira llmurd. of lfcv preacn . v ,. j. h. nrowii lnv evening, i 'oc. i ,,,i 'i'1,.w1!nv. and W L C. K. of tho Kvangelical J""-'" '. ,j barn property, much on the -election of seeds." said V..!!. ...ill meet nt the parson- ,erre" .",s Third and tho man who was reading a catalogue. enure, i :..-.,., ines9 on ftiaui. "-""" " -7." .... ., .n more on the selection itelltiwnt and tudustrtous hired " "" . . ;..u..,l 9lM.iallv. Vur-,WT. ! ' .. il.n nmn. man.-Washlugton ning win uee.ij..j-. Mueh Ada About Nothing . . i i KCV. weinei, " ! i I nverv. J. .". Phvslos Professor inner will SHak in the C.vai.Ki..v-. fc t j9rather dull this season. M -of)Ami now. gentlemen, we get church. 'I'liiii-uilllV eveilH.K " ..!., l?niHt ..waiving service w.l bo held ,n town ywur y. "An thllt worU for nothing!- nhe tiristum church. ev Myers, ol tne me , V,h; V . 800n as the . new PORTLAND, ORE. DR. W. E. PITTENGKR Dentist Otlice up-staira over Hillsboro National Bank. - - - . - OKKOON ItAtn nttrniait aiUofftrUL St a in uiop U unlftra Knica. ti)iti aa allta aViU n. . i vd.ninnrniaiiiiirn. la i i i. i i i iiii ii ii ii passed through town luesuay, nnefi..tti u aniw Whim.. .. ..., h. with thrne head of -artea: eaaf M - Ut cuiuuit imiiiv i.i. aar vttaanaaaa. fine horses, bought m Portland. leiersm: ;nu g0j.'2nMlt ArnKWahnn Christie, of Port- 3la.rt DOtv-) Oaadet 1 Ummnn fta land, was in the city bunday evening, returning from a trip to Forest Grove and erboort. After Monday. Dec. 1. Dr. C. 1. Ployd will occupy ottices in Heidel Bldg.. upstairs, rirst hallway west of the Postoffiee. Herbert Sanoinirton. a son of the late J. W. Sappington, who mumm" was here years ago, has been in town this week, on business. Ceo. Sloan, of Forest Grove, was in town Tuesday, on busi ness as a witness in circuit court, on "citizenship admission." tu. T..o.,V,o.,l nf nonr Vlmnni- Temiesie Bid. RooB6widi UUIlll X I tlV.llo.-i, v. "vwi 1 " .a a ,,n Hillsboro. Tues- HILIiSBOBO, UKK. An, Knoinnoa veith thpcoun-l Main and Third. UlIJi VII iugnuL-o ...... ty judge. Mr. Johnson, the photographer, was a Portland visitor, Tuesday, aying in his holiday supplies. transacting business m the oia upstairs, m i,mn.ia.cr ucui town the first ot the week. Buildine. Main Street Casner Bereen. of Garden Tnesdav. on cir- tllllSDOro 11V1MV) ' - ar ' cuit court business. Hans Comils. the Bethany BOWMAN & VALLAIC&NAM hlnrlr am ith was trreetinc friends in town Tuesday. Attorneys-At-Law John Mcuaran. ot Gaies i Lreetc Commercial Bank Block was in uie euunij ocat n.c msv DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist - - - Or up-stairs Gymnaatio Stunt. wl f KrarrSt ch mhes Sic line is running it will go Rnrbolir na,e yo ch"""3 of. ih.c: "" ,3c ahead faster than ever, after Wnw.HtlKt will reiulor the musit. ancaa dj Mt for. ornmn.YWt hM j wet to You are heartily invitui w - tnings y.. nrowrty on fh- mtH' danee nnd svninR dumb tend all these services. mtn ""'TamioS,e p.iock is lo- mi ..round ail eveuing.-MiehiBnn .Ira Hoard, ot iyv.m.""" I north of Main. lonxette. .... . transacting business .n the city j ArRU8 and 0regonan. $2.25 cated. norm Monday. of the week. Ben Heesacker. of North For est Grove, was a city visitor Hillsboro Oregon luesday. fvvvvvvvaivv Tuesday. physician & SURGKON Anton Hermens, of Verboort, Successor to Dr. Cunningham.1 was a city visitor Tuesday after- office and Drug Store, noon. - Orenco, - Orecom John Heisler, of Gales Creek. Telephone connftiooa. was in town Tuesda'y. f A. Anderson, of Helvetia, was Weekly Oregonian to Jan. 1 a city visitor Tuesday. 1915, 75 cents. " lueauuy,