The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 27, 1913, Image 3

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    Mornma 4Bna r try rut jT. lei
n I t ft U:.l All rs.t
; n nw Iw t w m t. ... w( ,,. 1,1 ' .. I l .' u 4- t-, ,,
d 4n M;.4.. u. I,
,4 lifc B" t-. ! . II .
Ml-o ..l. J ba K'lJll ll U.I. S 1,1,
Great Majestic
Range L,
1 k-,
yvrAcr Charcoal Iron
Coht f Outwear Thrra Ordinary Konvr
IW ruvmk JAM t.a ,UJ . 1 L.
. l l .IAI lta..... ... ... L
. e i I e jm - ui ik r ......i.'.. . . .r.T".
'" ;' r v - A n 14 ...,. m t
Vl"?l ' " -4 '" " '-e- -1 .... r--
,v. , V W.' Mni.IB.iif 1m,v.
nrir,c klrkwiMxI, Native ol Scot
land. I'atwtl Away Saturday
v 1 '
IUH BA1X lit
Vt us AAJiT'' f
For Real Solid Comfort
fcaci br"" ,lc1"ie fKn
SnomUM j
WVwr th'f t hil!f n or ol J tpl It it (wiH-uUity
Vm!-"' . ii n ti..k ii.k.....
til. J a mi iijr irtmi ronot i" nm. r
liiintH 1, li)ciicnic. VVUJ La 4 lilrtini.
tm $ It At Yarn
Stindard Oil Company
f0 Imt RMh
( i'loini-ri' t, f Portland,
will I in, at tlic
Ilitfinin Jrwdry Store,
Tlu to i-; iit cd of Glasses,
jirojHjly flitted, at reason
able j'tftl'S s'mtilil eolisult
Had I Kctf al tlmac l Daa(hltr. Mr.
W. 0. IkMurUva, Sctcral Vcar
!ttr' KirkwiKnl, a native of
S-ttlarn. and r? of the oldtim
liM'omotivv enini cru out of In
dian.iMiliH, and IatT on the li'x-k
I si. t I, died at tin- home of Im
aaui'riter. Rlra. W. tl. Ikirn-Uon
Saturday niicht. Nov. ', YA'i.
after an illn8 of wveral we k.
He wan liornin S-otIand. in KJ7,
and lived there until Nov. II.
1H.V'., when he was married to
Janet Somrnerville. The next
day they left for the United
StaU-H, and nettled first at In-
dianaMlm, where he learnel to
run a locomotive, ihey lived
there for seven years, and later
moved to Keokuk. Iowa, where
he took a railway run on the
ix k Island. Five years later he
moved to a farm in Illinois,
where he resided until 1870. In
IHS2 they went to Seward. Net)..
and nettled on a farm. They
came to Oregon in and
since that time resided either in
Forest drove or Hillslioro.
Four children were lorn to the
union-John A., whodied at Flat
liock. Ind.. March 27. 1817; Ceo.
V. ami Thomas S., who died in
infancy, ami Mrs. Mary Donel-
son. wife of W. 0. Donelson, of
Hillslioro, his Bolesurvivintfchild.
Mrs. Kirk wood died at Forest
drove. !ee. 2T. TJW, and since
that time Mr. Kirkwood has
made his home with the Ikjnel
sons. here in Hillslioro.
Two grandchildren survive
Mrs. F. J. Seweli and Karl I.
iKinelson. and one irreat-nrand-
child. Kvelyn Seweli. all of Hills
The funeral took place Tues
i . . . . ...i.
uay. ami tne remains were iaKen
to the Portland Crematory, near
SellwoiMl. for cremation.
f (trt't wnmA Bwllaf b. hrU al the II. II . h-. h .u In
aaitWaal imm tm tm) IUW IHmtiU Koa4 litrb t No Xt. W uttlRKton
X. M'unnlr. ir.n. on in- ih .1 t r N
!.-.! ..t l:.ul M.trl t Nil, li. W'n-l'. U ( tiy. 1: ....; th' .
itit'-n 4ounty, r towthrr oifii.ri- I ii lliy of lvyiri,x m bw i.i) or .tiMj.
ii'ic iii.f thAn i iif 'mnt of In rtl-I tlMtil r..i t u in diatrirt. ii
ii.t in ll rvl 4itrk:l. trmm- tf any T'! i.r
h, fL.y yiv nut!i tnat Ri-Ofia of I p'rfri ihr-f In ,,ii rnl i,?ri' t
l;trit N- 11. A 4Mrixton County. JT . I nr. knt !h rhani it it.n( ,f
i ii.-rt'l.y lulM, fil will 1. hl4 At I ti h iFiiiifiTrru nt .r lrTipr""rint f
V' iI.i.i.m Hall, in tUi llil IiiBtrl t j hv pfill mkn lh-r-'r. ihimI ! :V)i
N-. i. WiiiiinirHn fiiuntr. r.. on thurh (' Ui or nlitinn il in. n it
2im, .i .y ,f ,..v nib-r. Ill. al thw hour I -ic'l t n roi un fn- ljli.r, on al;
f I i, . 1 .. k I'. M of nl'i 4y. toliaiibV r .l nn ! i-ronal jir j.. r'y in u i)u- ulTlaalilllty of Itn a I ail roai liiitrli I. mjjorif y of f h
(-' i.t or wlnilonl i-A lis In aaUl I raii-nl lai jyr r.f an1 rml di-
'tiir.. ! t-rmtn whl. if any. Itrlrt h:i ! rn lu'viaahl f-r fm pur
ijr.ty riln or tirtloii thereof in aul uum- t,t riiUiria moriy with hl h to
il )ttrt'-t shall l t!tij'rov4l. In any I lfr iy tn tii-erma of lurh pi-rWl lm.
i Rianrnr. arvl lh- char'i l-r an! I orovTfi-nt or improTmnf In iii
in nt of ri ti Improvm-nt or lm-1 Ho4 Imiricl S-t. it. Waahinston
'ounTy. Ort-t'in.
(iinrt '5 'i
'Irlinm. '. f flu.
Irrt- Mi-anLin. It. I
Holt. Ii I'ruli khnk.
.um M
ai imii.
. '.v'n-hl thry ahall mak-t lh-ron
aiil r l-vy aiii h aov UI or altlittonal
i. not '. '1 IV nt Urn on tha J1
lar. on all l;ml,l rnl iml f'raonal
1 r.... rly in rua4l tlatrl' t. aa a ma.
J'nity of ji h rll- nt tiapayra of Harry M.I
ill roaal lpil' t ahull l"-m a4ylb I rr-tt-r,.. Jimn Intclia J
for i h i.urnoic of raiainir monoy with I I' ll.,rf m in. lo Io !'; '
whl-h lo 1rfray lh niti or ni'h
ul Imorovomont or Improvomonta
in aail I'.oail I'latriit i. 31, Waab-ii-ifion
rmihiy. or
IoiImI thla l day of S'lVmbor. lll
fiifnll J II. Klnil.l. r. V Ihalo.
! It Milior. W I HaymowJ. H Mrah.
I V Mirh. tionn Cummlntra, Thoo
Vin l liar. J N KlwUI. Aitn-rl
J Kttti, I'tlor Kvra. John Jan
n. Jnhn t. Vund-rroavoririiT. John
V. rl.r .amlon. John I Mirah. J!. h. Il. nry W yff. I". li-y I'.Hik.
K K I'uith M iron Hi hwail. Jr . HWolf.
liar fi-l-l K :iymorJ. II J Hl'-o. J A Ivl
m W A Vaivlor VoUlon. W. I'. Vawlor
rnl. n, II Van da ll'X. A. Ilrrmona, W
M ll.rminn.
rril.n. O M
y- h i mj!- r.
VV .Ik- r. fi,
I. T. Millar.
Vl.irriM, '
at nno.
In (ho f'lrrult Court of the Ktito of
Oroijon for h County of Whir.Kt .n
Hittio Itanlola. riaint.fT. . I'runi ia
W. Ih.1,1. la. Ii. r. n lar '
To Frani-l W. iMniola. ahovo nan:-'l
lofontlant :
In tha riamo of the Ktalo of OriH
yott ara horohy rouito1 t- ai')-ar
inawoy tha CoinoUmt M1 aarainat you
in tho above ntitle autt on or boforo
Ihn 2th day of U-ombr. mid
date bom aia w k a and more from
and aftor Thura-Uy the Uth day of
NuVonib. i. IH3, tho iat of flrat pub
lication ' thla Hummona. and In ran
yuti k fh I i i appear or to anawor Mid
In tho Cin ult Court of the Mate of Humnimi h Plaintiff for wart theroof
(ir.-i.-on for Waahlnarton County
Mtato of Orogon. I'lalntifl. a. Frank
II ivvnton and all pfona who elairn to
l-o hi-ira at law or neat of kin of "haa.
W. Tarlt.m. d-ea-l. and all poraona
i-lnltnlna an lnt-roat of the t-atate of
am i dii oiiao-l, Ili-fen larita.
t hla maltir romina on to be hoard
u.on the aiplliatlon of the Htate of
iir. .in by K H. Tonnue. Inatrut Attor
ney for the Kifth Jud u-lal Inatrlrt of
uroiron. and by John M. Wall. .'ll
attorney for the Htate of Oreitori.
tally appointed by the i'i'"iT for
tho purpoao of Information and
i om plaint to ea. hoat to the Klate of
r- in the real property owned and
formerly In thr poaaraaion of Chaa. V.
I'arlton. H eael. and It apprarititt to
the court that In ao-ordame with a
p-tltlon Bled in the County Court of
the htate of ureKon for Weahlrittton
County on January Uth. l7. In the
atnte of Chatv W. Tarlton. deceaaed. It
ia allraml and -t out therein that the
ni.l Chaa. W. Tarlton on or about the
I'Hh day of May. l. diaappeare-l rrom
the tk-liiity in hlrh he wa ttvlnaC nd
upon the land which he owned and
nereiriafter more particularly d rll)l
and therein further all'-tto that on or
about aald date the Bald t. haa. w
Tarlton died Inleatate loavina no helra
at law or nelt of kin; that at the time
of the death of the Mid I haa. V. Tarl
ion and for mine time prior thereto the
al I di-ceaaed resided In WaahinKton
will I . the Court for the relief
prayed for In her Complaint, to-wlt:
for a d roe diaaolvlna the bond of
mntrimoriy her-toforo and now exiat
ina between you and the I'lamtiff and
for a J- ree amardir if to I'laintiff '.he
ca'e. cuBtody and of the rniri r
hlllren i f I'laititll and defer dant and
for u h othr and further relief aa to
the Court nay a.-em meet and equit
able. TMa Kummona'ls publiahed n.-a
a week for bix cono uti weeks by
jrder of the Hon. Ij H. Heainnor.
Ju-Ue of the Court y Court cf the State
of opii.hi f.,r the County of Waahina-
ton. and aald Order waa made and
dated on the loth day of November.
l'JU, In tho absence of the Circuit
Judge from Wathiriirton County.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
CI Chamber of Commerce Bids'.,
l'ortlnnd. Oregon.
late of flrat publication Thursday.
Utn d iy .f Noombor. 113.
Iat of lat publication Thurxlay,
2.'ith day of December. 1S11.
Xullre vf lllatiirt Had
ete tdaitlaaal Tas Is
trtrt e. 4X
Moetlaa te
Read llla-
We. Die utiler:i;iii-.l resident tax
payer" of Road Iltrlcl So. 4J. With
inKton County. tteaun. tonether com
priKlnK mure than 10 per cent of the
unly. tiregon; that he left an estate I remdent tax wi)' rs In said roa-d district.
souriirRN i,cinc
ll us I
mi imv :iiiiiim ui u i n t i ,
i . i i , n
.n.t..., ,... v ,t ,. .,
I !! ,.lh . ? ".
-. ! h l - "
' i.l t . ..i . I'
' till a- 1- I
I I. l I r ' 1 ' . I
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-I I t ..i.i . . e, I
'I Hi ; I . 1 1. 1 f i
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for th
i"t iiit n i n
M lal i l i
.. t , ,
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"I ol ,Nnt i-H.i.. r l'i l i
i r i:i:i:vi:s.
V a -iilni. to H foonly
. trier V.I i. . 1 l. -:!
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ri-i '
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I i ii ii.
i "it.
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.1 till
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l I II li
ital li
ill. I. li.l,tl,l I-
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i, i 1 .. . t I, It'. -i
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and ll.- Iml " r aii.ii
! ,1 .Lm - to.
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I I It .t
.1 I
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I, hi. I.
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lllillli.lll. I. I' O 11
t,r .tun of HI'"
f I ; , nil i .. I a'i'i
I,. Ill ,1.1. . I. 'I l"l '.
n.lni,- in. ! li.,tt.r il, I
II, i. I i n,:ill. I .1- ' "'" d
l.,i. I in ...ii no. I iil"i."'i
. . . .11 ' .Il .1. ' "I"! "''lei '
hi. .. i..i,.i.i . hi. ; '-iii t ' '''
,-. li,l.. r I ' I - it ti.r ..til!i '' ''i.
C.,ui lb..!..- lit lllilnl. -l.. W ...hint I""'
i'..,ii,i in. in. ii. .tl O..- if .r of i"
.. , . k A VI ..f ti l ' i. " i
,i. II,. i, I.i On III - In-"I l'i Id
it. i,i.ii nil Ho ..i.. nm .i. .. ui..-' i
...,etlv It in,: I., in.
, liii.i,-,,ii t'. tinii in- "
in ,.l ,i Ii .1, . ill,. .1 f"'1"
1'.. ion, el,, ilnl hi A p. .Illl
., tin. in. Mhi ml
land ..wiled l John I
..tllh I0H f.el. Hi""1
III. It, e in, Illl l f'
fel I I.l I lie I'l l. - "' '"
III till" lilt of I
toll t'olllll). t't
!ii one mi
I' , I . .- of l.ev-
i.ii.,- Ih of I.. In
... k l il) of I tir
o-i , ii,!,. f,,r.- tinin. .1
I,. ,.iid
! ...i.l ant Kai.1
, i. I I,, ledeiiip
,,l 1 1,. K"l,
, t i . ,,ii. on OtU
I., t l'i'
1 i: KI.KVKS.
Illl,, loll t'l.liillV.
The Southern Pacific schedule,
as now running, is as follows:
To Portland
McMinnville pass'ter. a. m-0:.r)2
Sheridan train, a. m 8:38
I'illamook train, p. m l:0i
(Wvallis overland, p. m 1:57
On Sunday, McMinnville pas
senger iitK'S not leave niiisooro
for Portland until 8:50.
in aald cmnty cnnsisiina ui reai prop
.rtv and described as follows, to-wlt
HoainnlhK at the 8. K. corner of
Andrew Anderson's acre tract, a per
1,.,-d recorded In Hook "IV on page 74
,.f Deed Records of W ashington Louniy
on iron. and being In Kectloa 1. T. 1
It 1 W. of the Will. Mer: thence
South 1.41 cha: thence North II dg
ui' West 7 15 cha: thence North 1.42
lis ; thence Boulh (tl d' g. llf Kat J.1S
. ha. to the place of beginning, cuntain-
iiik 1
hereby mve notice that a mt
inc of the resident taxpayers of Road
lii-trlct No. 42. Washington County.
Oreiinn. I hen-by caikl. ami will be
he .1 a I Timber old Saloon building In
a.. K..J.I Inmiict N.j. 41. Wasblnaton
Countt. titenon, on the 25th day of No
treiiibtr. U'13 at the hour of 1 o'clock
1'. M. of rail day, to discuas the ad
visability of levying a special or addi
tional ro.oi tax in said district to de
termine what, if any county roads or
portiuns thereof In said road district
From Portland
And It further al (tearing to the Court I shall be Improved. In any special man
that the estate of said Chaa. W. Tarl- I ner. and the character and extent of
ton. deceased, is seised In fee simple I such Improvement or Improvements
of tin, said real properly and of the I they sha.l make thereon, and to levy
whole thereof, that on the ltth day of I such ttpeclal or additional tax. not to
January. 17. one Alfred Davlis. a resi-1 exceed 10 mills on the dolLar. on all
dent of Wnihl.iKton County. Oregon. I taxable real and personal property In
was a. pointed administrator de bonus I said road district, as a majority of such
non of said estate and thrieatter said I resident tax payers of aaid road dis-
ndminlstrator proceeded to take pos- I trlct shall deem advisable for the
sion of the property of said estate, I purpose of raising money with which
and nfter fully administering there m I to defray the expenje of such special
rind ptyirg o all legal claims an.l de- I improvement or Improvements in said
inands against said estate did, on the I Road IHntrict No. 42, Washington
Sih of May. lsu., duly nia in tne i county. Oregon.
i l i oiiir
, . . I l llllllt utu
OrtT,on Agricultural f0n0winnr:
(Virvallis passenger, a. m
Tillamook p:issenirer, a. m
Sheridan p.'issenjrer, p. m...5:14
M'Minnville passenirer, p. m 0:lo
Judue CamplK'U the latter part
of the week held a session of
circuit court, and disused of the
i ii
iff .,(
Hr J c
em I
f'tariir), fr I ' i ., i , r r
A l-l-'
I I. pill V
r"" "'' I'IMI, tl i n t ui t
.-,, , ,,,,, h tt
" minim,,,, i,,
l h..,.,i
". Ik- lllllt
ii, llh .
I "tl'llllllnll.U.o
''. ,l
f I ire.
ii i'lnntl v
it lit it tlie tin
lilted Itlllllfle.l
f Illl" inllltl
nil It . lie I "
II. .III. I I'll
,,,. .i .l
HI fe. t c,l , I
t i f a 1 1 it. I "'
: ii.ui.-v. Unit.-
,.,. tltl fell.
t. lit. It. e- .teal I''1'
I,,,, illltilni. I", rtlf''
I iln.te. Wn-ltlit.'
and It ni t onl' "'
I f,.,ir in HI" "f 1,1
Itrii-inU't to IJ. 1'H.i
l'liiti ill ! a ii,,l,il..c i t. m ill tlif ritii
Watrous vs Naylor, defendant
triven 5 days to answer.
Ihsmrssed-Polan vs 1'neian,
suit for latKr.
Paul Kreeer Rranteti a divorce
from Ksther Krejrer.
Henry Saffron vs Jno Nyberfr.
lalioiitl i f Uirtmi
l'nnt i' tV-oifialuiii will 1 Ihr
t i, ..I n Ktotiit ..tin. aeries nl
raon.g i - ".'' , . ..... . . :. r., -, , a
Inline". llic auk Villi la cmvtiicii 1 81111 lO CIIJUIU 1 unit t'tt i anna, .
wiiit iifi. U-.-.I..I1-. a nl jli mount i t ions in lininrrv after hearinir 1.) witness
rvrivtiiinK Hiti "' rificif , for i.aintitr and 10 for de
.t a I ,.i mlel I"" . . a. 1
i itr iMTiiif i ItAnn lhA ou t u-n i1lm WSOfl
without costs to either party.
Tuesday was "citizen day" for
I'll V ol I'm i "I I Hove
lo mutt Hie lii teililt. I
.....I l. ...,.l nto I el'etle4
Hold sale will '
.f aid will
ti .inc.! mnlf
ale tut' i
lit.'i. t
ijl,. . I lo t
I . .) at MlMxl"
itilli tlat
, r tilalule
. iii,l l.'ii it
l,i!i. It" Oil'
No .llll.el . I'1' '
.1 I. i;i:K i:s.
Ml., riff of W.i.lilncloii C.i.iiit. I""'"""
HMU.KV ft II m.i . , ,. .
Atloiint" Tin 1 1, l.-u.l iltt I
and K A, llt.l". ''"""
.1 l,:,1 til, ,1
;""! . i .,f in., huh, ..I
2r, 1 """r ' bi'1'1
"n"' fi-.i Mint.
L r" " I" .. ,....,. U.I I.
iiiilt .'i.i.h t ,
"t .Mm, ,,,, ,.,.,.., a ti
I , '"' ' "I')
k'M,!;!,f,;!:',1u:.,v,, .
" nir Wa
in lm,,,,.
'" 1 mill of ii.
"""Her r
Tu... 7 '"
II... I ""''lined
, . i , I y
' " " I
.... ,
Hlittti nt I 're
mnl v.
Hlltllt of .t .ill I)
n.veii, iiml Hi., mi
II lll.l.ol....... ,
'Illlllir I,....' "'".' "" ' inner
" ff W .., "' '"" rMiiln nf Or
nlrai,i. ""'"'.''I'm Ciminy, ,IB ,
PM '.; '" I'll" of .In Illl W
(" n'u.o'i!'!!"'" 1,11 t"'r.'li lilt V I Ml
"""I nn, . , ''' " lieri hy
l,,fr tvlih 1 '" I"""""! Winn',
of Hit I .t wll.
Hi nl of Mil. I'll.
of Oleisnll fo. " C.tlltllV
i.. . I. .i.-.l nto .nun inn
l'i:i, lii fittor of I.""1
ttmli r I'll, of Allll'l "'-
.ni iiiin .!. 1 la be..b ! ;Z
ttte of nn in ion. . ,,,
I i, nl nl a. "..
nut Cum I ol ""
of Vt llllttoi
nulloiiiil tin.
n I'. tl 11.11:111"",
' .... ..... I ...111...
nn.l iiKainitl ; .. V,
1 1 llllllitn, n. " .,, , ,
K A. Ilttl", TrilMi.e, i "
. . u Illl l.illill.'N.
tii'i ' ...i.i r.i.
llln.ll II JIHlHmetil I" '" r '"' ,,.
por,,,,,,,, ,,.,.1 nmiiM-l c
! ii I mini n. i"r "'
iiiiiiitnii .... , i,,, .torn
i ii.iiii mi Willi Ililcl eM I"1 " ""
,,1111 .", . . , ... mintlll,
.1... r.. i., or per reit
Jaiiiiiry j In n. iU
Tl.r I'l.lli'K'' !" ritl no r (Tort to
lit ilfi w Wt number, in circuit court.
..i win i... i.ii. rrii in t.rnr.iti hut the (leparimeni 01 immiura
teiiciiitiirc. l.i.itiiit ttitf. Animal liu-It inn has Ix-en so busy that many Hun) my. ' ,,,lt0' 'l''"; were sent home without beinff
Mc hrtnic Aits, - r;, " Uxnmined. The trouble has been
All, C.iliniUK'f, riiiTOiy. ...- - .y: " " ., l
Niiim-ittiia l.tliirvs ami .liscutwlriiia on Wlin ino nuiiiy u "hi tuv
I'litini is' t'.iiim-tMinii, i indue Northwest who have filed nnal
alti.tail. will U- n l.-it.lilig kaliire. jn the UlSt ear. 1 tie
...iliiu' No lll.lHII i.0C(HHItlOilt
. ... a " . .. . I c. is.ka
i i ..! ihi i init ciii nn ihii- i iiiii
r.ui.u Ktr r.irtiit r iiiforntio mAttw involves a croat doal oi work.
it m t kn n AMi KcniNirar, Honco. the dolav, and tnose not
VIMinin-', fa
l'ltniicts' lliisinr Omtura liy Cor-
ri-Hpniiili'iiit' v itnout liiilliin.
..unly Court of said county hit final
ount by which there was snown 10
bo on hand at said time the real estate
itli .ve desi rlbed enllinatcl of tne value
f -'OU ini: that said CoutL on the 3Jtn
lav of June. 1st'., duly approved snld I Mabel fc. Minto.
flnht account and male an order ful'y
tiling said estate, discharging. Hd
admlnlstriitnr and his bondsn.en frjm
further liability therein.
tho defendants above named and all
persons who claim to be helra at law
r next of kin of Chaa w. - anion, ue
cna-d. and nil persona claiming an
lnlerpt In said rslntc appenr rnd show
aiiae. if any they have, within six
weeks from the date of the first pub-
cation of this order, to-wlt. on or be
fore six weeks from the l:lth day of
ttvi'iiiher. lull, why the title to said
real estate should not vest In the State
f Oregon, and that said order bo pub
Uahed ea h week for six successive and
onsocutlvo weeks In tho Hillnboro
Argus, a weekly newspaper published
In the County of Warhington. Mate of
Oregon, and of general circulation
Dated this ftth day of November,
D. 1HU.
Ditto of first publlcntlon the i:ilh day
of November. IMS; date of last public
tlon the ilth day of December. 1913.
E. It. TONV.I'K,
District Attorney.
Special Counsel.
nn. I
' ' . . i. iiii't
ii... -t-.lli ilnv in ntiti..., .
l... u iiml III" rift. II lid
llHlltll Sfllll III"
f ;,.,, sun. otvi'ti ,.. i:ic.-o. ;; ;;; ; ;
led mill ilillvereii. t" '. . '....,..
.. iiiitl... an f I""';"1 ''T'X'r oiln,
.Lifter I II..-.I. I I"" " I' .
li 1 1 1 1 p 1 1 r a 1 1 ft 1 1 1 to a j.i.i'o.;"-
Mtiiiii'iy, Hi" ah ! !::::",:" ;::
Dii-i nt ti.o mm ii """r
..,,!;,. ... lima
(y. .,.,.. ui in.. . I1.;..
of mil, I .my. ." ",, ...
in inn hii
A M.
nn.l, ' Voii, li, a thernmr,
.""""i-slmii.,! ,i,i, ,...,., ...
ni ii... . '..
r'iiniv ,.. " '..iiii", wiiHiiiim-
t".l' "'l'i' , v'a'".-, "r 111 "", ,,r
rNll'iii,, ii.o,"'"'"' ' Aunt -
'W, " " "..Mtllim, In mils-
I "' "f N.,vi.i,l,,.-, 1UI.I.
A'URV 1" "'"'"li'iitl lx Aftiti.-iilil.
. . . .i.l . ,! Itiler-
ii ... .1... eteiii iiiii.
muni, nn oi . ddfnndniilH
on! of f..'h '' ' ' ' ' ' dest l'l I
l WiiHliliiKt.m C.m-.iy. " K',,,
pnrtlt iilnily .ii's.'..'"
.,,,r nt tho nt.t-l i.-t '1'
, ..,. ,. .. . .. . . , jhn ,,,
r "'"' "' " . , fl,t; thiui.-K
itniioy: .".-n." m
""IIIM ""' . .a ; . .hence ei.t S'l'i
llliini I' li.'i ." "" " -' . ,. nieni e
v'".ak, "n'uioKiiHi
examined yesterday will proba
bl y have to wait until ml.
Mrs. S. Rrisbine. of Moro,
Nun. ..f iii-in. H..B.I iieeima I. (,untv. arrived here
a ' "'' ''-" o.. -.i., 4c vioit with her
rlmitrhter. Mrs. S. E. H(X)ver,
Mm Krisbine savs she is always
glad to set back to tiiusooro,
w., i"i,., iii. -HiKiietl resilient Inxpny
.... of li.tad Dlatrlcl No. 1. WiiHliiiigton
i-oiiiilv. or.. toKiiinr i'liiiti
,, 1,1 eeiit of lite remtictifc
! ' -'"' r ''"M::"!!,; where she lived so many years,
a ii eel UK to i '.- i
... I HI.I.-I... Nil .H.I . t. .e al.- r..
iitupioets oi sit.ti i.oi," ." wm. Hacr ev jr.. oi ine tovc
Wa.ililnKt".. V'V. .7. . .. n-L K , in tnwn the first
ii. it. nml win ."' "' "' '""" trait loiiLit,
s, i Hums", in i.i 'I'"'" ; of the week. Heistnecnampion
!l W'UN I IIKKMI "ill".'. '
, V... ., oilier.
nay "' . . . .11. ....o.
s o'clock r. ti -i "'.... .. " .
II, e n.lvhvil.llny of levying .e lal r
a.ltllli.i.'itl I1"1 111 -
iiiiitltniH t hcrctir in s." i
lm e l....i..v..I. in " -I""'"" ,n,,;
",.r ill . I tlie rlinmetcr nn.l extent of
1 i, l,....v.-in. nt f lini':'V"";,l
.liny a. a l n,h.. ll...r.M.n. ami t fVV
l ie , ",.... -r n.l.lUl.inal tux. not t.
"x ed 1 It mills "il Il' '1'llir' " n.,,
i I.l .1 iim.l..rll.v of " 'h
il -'''M''V.'' ,ll,r''i
, Hl. ... ..... ...iL-i-ai.ii, for llio niirtiose of
-win, wm- ...-ri-aytho
im,v.-iii.H.O. I" l'l l!,m" """'"
S'TrnraW'of N-oniber,
'"lineil, Kriink R. Urown, II. F.
Ilmno..-. K. T. Turiiw, P. P. HiMntara.
oii inn .ni" - . , . ,
,.:. .. ,i,. i,....f ,,f iivtiif tianrtrmnn in I is tKvuuii
"" ...... -- . .. ......
and he rv an mo oik huuuk
places siwtted in the tove uaK
nttn Schlininiskui was arrested
this week, charged with stealinR
a shotgun from Ernest Smith,
,r.r wna rnmninir with him
across the river. Judge Smith
fined the youn man ?35 and
w A Schilling, optometrist,
iwtinn.i will he in Hillsboro,
ot HniTmnn'a iewelrv store, Main
Street, every Tuesday. Those in
need of glasses, properiy
should see him. "
""eJI'Moi; " aw V- wamer; Be thankful that you are alive,
iiiichi oi k v. h. imiiry, r.. c . thof Vn are a ve in ureKon.
FlV ' ,':;;r "j-'eiier: ' the turkeys are the finest
(;. nm. J- ' Mrt":.rZ' in the world.
IciiBoti, Junrt uowa.u, a o...
Dated this 1st day of November. 1511
(Signed, Frank Minto. U. II. Lagcack
E. E. Yarnell. N. Bange. Beauford
Creps. O. H. Brose. Mrs. Otto Brose.
Carl Her, Mrs. Carl, A, B. Sletler,
Kotlee at District Hoaa Meetlaa ta
ole Addllloaal Hoad Tas la Read
Olatrlel zl.
We, the undersigned resident tax
payers of Road District No. 11, Wash
Ington County, Oregon, together com
prising more ' 10 per cent of the
resident tax payers In said road dis
trict, hereby give notice that a meet
Ing of the resident tax payers of said
Road District No. 2U Washington
County, Oregon. Is hereby called, and
will be held at Buxton Grange Hall in
said Road District No. 21. Washington
Countv. Oregon, the 2Sth day of Novem
ber, 1911. at the hour of 1 o clock P. M.
of said day. to discuss the advisability
of levying a special or additional road
tax In said district, to determine what
If any county roads or portions thereof
In said road district shall be Improved,
In any special manner, and the
character and extent of such Improve
ment or Improvements they shall make
thereon, and to levy such special or
additional tax. not to exceed 10 mills on
the dollar, on all taxable real and per
sonal property In said road district.
as a majority of auch resident tax
payers of said road district shall deem
advisable for tha purpose of raising
money with which to defray the ex
pense of such special Improvement or
Notice of District llnad Merita tol Improvements In said Road District No.
iiie Aditltlnaal Road Tax la Road 121. Washington County. Oregon.
District a. SO. I Dated this 1st day of November. 1911.
V the limlerslcned res dent tflXl l-.gneoi r. t. nuruo.ier, niuiui
nnvers of Road District No. ID. Wash- "IHRU.. u. u. Higgle. Kaipn Mannan.
i f..,.mi (ir.-e toireihnr com -1 Jesse Meyers. 8. 1'alsley, W . H. lliu
,.,,. ........ r. . r- .. . ... . .1 . n .... 1 L.
nrlslii more than 10 per cent of the '. " '7,l!"r . V .
.... In ani.l mad district I LUCaa, llllam 11. Mfl'nersoa
... I",'-- . . oi...... T nr ir.,n...J T n q.,.ilmnn
hereby give notice that a meeting ot "i'".. "".. .....
.I.i. i. .... nne..e. of .,.1.1 t!n,.d Henry Orlgerson. Anthony W. kilberg, No. sn Washington County. JI- Kllburg. Thomas McParland. Joe
i. h..e..i,v c.lie.1 nn.l will he rongratt, R. F. Simpson, D. H.
'ix a'i"t i" . . I o. ..ii i-..i,a ti n . . I J. it niHnlt
held nt the llnffety schoolhouse In snld ciowe... nuwii ... .,,.i.,.vo., ...,..,
.!...... IlUlrlel Vn Sll Wash nirton L'OUn. I loiui. . . m-mtui
tv. Oregon', on the 29th day of Novem
bor. 191.1. rtt the hour of 1 o'clock D. M - Uotlre of Dl.tHrt R...d Meeting ta
or sni.i iay. to u.scu.. ,e .....o. o...., . a,...,,,,,-.. R.d T. Huad
nt levying a special or nuui. iooo. m.trleS - 11
tax In said district, to determine what. " "'
If anv county roads or portions thereof I We, the undersigned resident tax
In said road district, ahull bo Improved, payers of Road District No. 11, Wash
In anv sneclal manner, and the character I Ington County, Oregon, together com-
rind extent of sucn improvement or im-1 prising more man iu per cent oi tne
provements they shnil make thereon, I resident tax payers In said road dls
nnil to lew such special or additional trlct. hereby give notice that a meet-
tax, not tti exceed 10 mills on tne ooiinr, I lug of tne resident tax payers or noau
on all taxable real and personal prop-1 District No. 11. Washington County,
iiTATi: or oRF-ooN. roa WAAU-
l.N'iroN COUNTT. ,
la the matter of tha applk-atloat at IL
T. Hlmpson. et ala. ask in that
lH?ons to sell spirituous, vusoaa aa4
malt li.iuors In leaa auaatltlea thaa
on gallon, within Buxton Practect.
In aforesaid county and atat a. b
granted aad Issued ato th hotel f
K, T. Hlmpaoa. aituate la amid aro
Ti the Honorable County Cnart of th
State or Orecon. for Waahtactv
County .
T'.ur undorslgned petitioners would ro
portfuily reprasont:
1st. That they and aach of thoaa ara
actual realdenta of Buxtoa Proclact,
Washtngtoa County. Oraffoa, aa4 ara
1 -gal voters thereof; that they aaat
evh of them have actually raad4
within said proclact for aura lhaa
thirty days im mad lately procodlaaT
tha date of th algalaaj aatt fllta
of this potnioa.
2d. That K. T. Blmpaoa la aa actual
r'.aident and legal otr ef aakt -'in.t
and Is aa actual, hoaa flda
hotaikeoper wltbla aald praelact aa4
conduct a hoaa fid hotel which haa
aceoramodatloaa for Dor thaa fifty
WHEREFORE, your undersign ad patl
Doners would respectfully aak that a
licens b granted by your hoaorakl
body ajthorixlna, pormlttlna" and aa
powerinc th aald hotel to sell aplr
Itoua vinous and malt liqwora la leaa
quantities thaa on falloa. wlthla
I'.uxloa I'recinct, Washington County.
Oregon, and that auch other and fur
trior order with respect t he rat h)
mad herein aa may ba necessary and
proper la th premise:
Robert T. Simpson. F. C Bare
holier. Alfred Holm. W. Mktdlaa.
John W. Howard. N. P. Nlaoa. J.
Iieneflel. E. J. Blmpaoa. A. Bchon
feldt, C. Schoenfaldl. Bert Nalsoa.
H. Nelson. 8. U Condlay. J. W. Nl
son. U. a Woldrldc. E. at. Wold
rid a. T. J. McParlaad. W. H. ate
Phersoa, A. Simpson. Fred Wolf.
Joseph Pongratx. atonlka Pongrats.
John Bill. Gust Bchmldltn. Kmaah
H. hmldlln. Ambros S-hmldlln, Anna
S..hmlllln. & Paisley. Joha T. Lutaa.
8. H. Holt, C L. Brown. If. B. Bel
lish. W. 8. Newbury. E. & Wbltrhr.
J. R. Minkb, W. A. Bearca. Frank
Genier. Uik Genxer. Anna Oenser,
M. E. Cobo. Richard at Bratt. Agatha
hL Bratt. E. E. Couple, i. R. Bailey.
Georg Lawrence. Frank Bailey. P. P.
Mead. Richard Ulrica. Dudley U
Smith. Charley KnlghUn. A. R
Brett. V. Rtchter. E. at. HaUlar. L
M. Ripperdan. Nells at. Edoea. Arc la
Young. P. E. Rauaala, 8. H. Maador,
Carl Lucky. Charles Laaott. M. Pa IB
ley. Martin Gladhart, Mary Uladhart,
John E. Jonasoa, C. Bellish, Charlaa
Llppert, Roy Dunham, H. U Laaott,
E. C. Luce, J. A. Gllklson, i. W.
White, Dan May. J. N. Pllppla. A. J.
Sanders. Ray E. Neighbor. L. K.
Neighbor, Thomas IL Joaa Fred H.
Ctldwell. F. Wataon, Ed SUphens,
Herbert Wlawell. T. B. Joaaa, M. P.
Jones. B. M. jonca, J. IL Black. P. IX
Love, Rock. Roblson. at Bcbalta. W.
Tolk. W. A. McElroy. C & Baaalay.
Wllllarr. H. IngUsh. W. E. Beydler.
Charles Burr. J. A. Beydler. Edwla
Reynolds. J. H. Reynolds, lira J. H
Reynolds. Stephen U. Bullock. J. J.
Bellish, N. E. Blmpaoa. BmI Nw
bury. A. W. Anderson. J. W. Donald
son. J. D. Craig, R. Wlatarmuta,
Tom Fltzcerald. E. C Hlnkl. W. C
Barman. P. L. Milan, A. E. Rya, Joha
lleil sh, Georg Flshr, B, Royer. Bert
Cummings, Jess Tlcard. K. Hslnxea.
G. li- Exton, Alfred Cumminf a, D. H.
Stowell. R. E. Watson. O. B. MUla, WU
llam Leptnsky. Joa Smajkal. Tbereaa
Sraejkal, A. E. Btowell. Thoma 8ul
liva.i. John Sullivan. U B. Holt. T. N.
Stewart. J. D. Btewart. at. Ooddard.
A. W. Goddard, CbrUt Baamuaaaa,
W. C BambtU. C. P. Niprt. Mar
garet Nalpert, E. W. Mtlla, U. Laurtl
kow. William Feldt. Adam JablonskW
Peter Slmosko, K. Jablonskl. J. R.
McNew. L. Rya. H. J. Wlrfs, U J.
Wtrfs, Charles Pavelet, Vlneeni 8a
reno. P. J. Wlrfa. C Wlrfa, & Wirt
Charles W. Erlon. Walter J. Wilson,
& IL Wilson, Charle Be hmldlln. Fay
Otto Clayton. J. M. MUla, B. U
Woolley, Ales Peterson. L Toaas.
8. K. Stowell. J. P. Prtca, J. Fisher.
Rudolph Scbmar. M. Hlddlnk. ht B.
Uurg holier, A. A. Draughn. Ada O,
Inglish, Frank Young-. H. 8. 21m
maran. O. T. Varley. I. W. Smith.
Guy F. Via. William E. Kelly. L
Stroute, J. Peter Knudaan.
foregoing petition will ba presented
to th abov-ntltled court aa
Wednesday, th Id day of December,
1JU. at tha hour of 19 o'clock A. M.
of aald day, and at aald tlma and
place aald petlttonara will aak that a
license be Issued unto th hotel of
R. T. Simpson, conducted by R. T.
Simpson, a resident and legal voter
ot aaid precinct, tha aald hotel bela
an actual, bona fide hotel, attuate
within said precinct, and having- ac
commodations for mor thaa fifty
guests, authorising aald hotel and tha
owner and agenta thereof to aeli la
connection therewith splrltuoua, vln
oua and malt llquora In Buxtoa Pre
cinct, Washington County. Oregon, In
lesa quantttiea than one gallon for
a period of ena year from tha data
ot the issuance of aald licens.
Dated thla 10th day ot October.
TON, OREGON. Applicant.
Attorneys for Applicant.
Executors' Sale of Real Property
In the County Court of the Btata of Ore
gon for Washington County
ertv In said roiul district, as a ma
Jority of such resident tax payers of
said road district snail oeem
for tho purpose of raising money with
which to defray the expense of such
special Improvement or Improvements
In snld Rond District no. si", vt asning-
ton County, Oregon.
Dated this 1st nay or iMovemoer, tia.
(Signed) S. U Hollenbeck, A. Ospelt,
a V. Esscner. Earl Hollenbeck. J. 1'.
l.iing.icher, Thomna Murphy, jr., rat
Murphv, John Ofeller, Max SeiUert,
Curl Chrlstener. O. Schlaefll. James
MV. J- H. Maxwell. J. BchniltKe, -rei
Must. Samuel J. Hnffoty. Jacob C. Rat
fcty. Joe Kssner, A. L. Martin, C. 8.
Reynolds, Thomna Murphy,
Nnllee of IMatHet Hoed Mee.tlnsl to
Vote Additional Road Tax ta Road
District No. 14. ,
Wn. the underslgnod resident tax
nnvors of Road District No. 14. Wash
Itiittiin Countv. Oregon, together com
prising more than 10 per cent of the
resident tax payers In snld rond dis
trict, hereby give notice that a meet
ing of the resident tax payers ot said
Road District No. 14. Washington achindien Fred Townsend, F.
County, Oregon, la hereby called, and heck.
Oregon, Is hereby railed, and will be
held at the Union schoolhouse In said
Road District No. 11. Washington Coun-!
tv, Oregon, on tha 28th day of Novem
ber, 1913, at the hour of I o'clock P. M.
of said day, to discuss the advisability
of levying a special or additional road
tax In said district, to determine what,
If any county roads or portions thereof
In said road district shall be Improved,
In any special manner, and the character
and extent of such Improvement or Im
provements they shall make thereon,
and to levy auch special or additional
tax, not to exceed 10 mills on the
dollar, on all taxable real and personal
property In said rond district, as a
majority ot auch resident tax payers
ot said road district shall deem ad
visable for tho purpose of raising
money with which to defray the ex
ponse Of such apeclal Improvement or
tmprovements In said Road District No.
11, Washington County, Oregon.
Dated this 1st day of November, 1913.
(Signed) Jacob Losli, E. S. May, John
Olson, Olaf Olson, Fred Pflster, W, Q,
Thompson, N. M. McDanlel, D. C. Burton
Herman M. Leffert, James Walters, J,
C. Murray, B. B. Reeves, B. F. Owens,
3. J. Wlsmer, Robert Thompson, Chris
A. liar
In the matter of tha Estate of Jamea
Welch, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that In pur
suance of an order of the eonnty court of
Washington county, state of Oregon, made
anil entered on the 5th day of Norember,
1913, authorizing and directing ma, tha
uiulerMigiiftd, executor of the estate of aald
Janiei Welch, deceased, to sell at private
sale, the real property belonging to said
estate, I will at 10 o'clock In the foreooou
of Saturday the 6th day or Decern oer, isia,
at and upon the hereinafter described
laud offer for sale and proceed to aall until
so.d, at private sale, all of the following
described real property belonging to said
estate, situated in the county of Wash
ington, .State of Oregon, to-wit:
Beginning at a point south nineteen de
grees thirty minutea west twenty-two
chains fruu the northeast Corner of tha
Donation Land Claim of A. 0. Laaaon No,
57, in township one tooth, range one went
of the Willamette Meridian, and running
tbeuce north aixty-ntn degree antt
thirty minute west twelre and 7 MP
(12.07) chains, thence north ton degraea
and thirty minutea went nine and 6-100
( oti) chains, thence soutn forty-four aa
grees west seven and 03-100 (7.63) chain.
thence soutn fourteen degree aaat
twenty-three and 80100 (2.) chaina:
thence north eighty one degree aaat
seven and tW-100 (7.50) chaina; thaao
north nineteen degrees and thirty min
utes east seventeen and 50100 (17.60)
chains, to place of beginning, containing
'.! acres more or leaa.
The terms of sale will be at least one
half cash and the balance on or before
three rears from date of sale with inter
est at ihe rate of seven per cent, par an
num, secured by a ttrat ruongag upoai
the above described land.
Dated this 6th day of November, wia.
John Welch,
Executor of the estate of Jamea Welek.
L. B. Reeder, attorney, ew wueav
LUdg, Portland, Oregon.
The Grand Marca te the root
wholesome "two foru qwter
smoke on market made in Ore
gon, by E. Schiller. When you
indulge in a good smoke bay
Grand Marca. tt
ur AdmliiiMtratrlx,