atSaaSktaaaUbi The lnllLLSBTO HIUSlSOKO.ORKr.ON, NOVIiMIil-R L7, 1913 N0.3G j Iff REPORTS 10 CIRCUIT JUDGE ait.lClly J'' I M I 1 " l'MH,, J"' " II. -.1 l:it -II. mr rmpilll' Ik. ...... VkV the .r.H"' Jl,r "V"' jthU count v at..l,' i.i..... m i inaiiiu-Miftit vi.i mniiii'"" t.l I hi' jrt an the r. Mill of "r in wtijitionn M''"' t- its fwwthavt r. tunu-il t true h n,l 2 not tru.- I'lH. tt'l'l we . . .i ,fiimini-.l i"" ui'M.iM.iiui-ii th County l'"r rurm ami .,.1 li.-ll Vi-i-t. ttt- inmali-H ... .( ri'(iiiiin liiai no fiUinir.i- rip.ur t , kill .mll ormmuV aM lire pr'l tnuM ibr built ainim- VyiliKinU Jail and lilid It il' un Girfl inK.I and the pm Cn tell provided fur, W hVI- XllMIIIK-'l I lie I 11) of the cmmtv ii'i'l I""' thMii inj Miiit.iry, Iml r--t.n. id more fire rf building ht Utn of lu-averloit. W itmimined the vnn.nn roun- rfWrt in County ( tuirt hoiiu M finJ all f ""' olIiccH Mill M rtfsciffttJy conducted a far trit'iv !! t" ascertain, mul m officer court, oti and oblig li. M we made no attempt ti liwrtorUi haw lh Imoknof V&nVfrnt omul) oit'.cial ex VrtL W rwpectfully tin it Vfiwrt and riHiurMl lhal i V disraU-Msl. P.itr.l this UMh of Nov.. l'.li;t Albert ItutiniiitT. rrriruir. I'hm Van I turcn. Murpliv, L I'. JlirkH.ui, J. Schiit i.l. r. A, .iiinr." AICIION sm.i: Vjrdiy, Nov.'ii-Imt Lit. nt fclork, having r-i 'iilly il.l p.'irt fy place, I will 'iil. r at juilt luction nl th" llrown f.-.-. m. IlillslNini, the following IT .... iun rrgiMrrt'ii JiTHry row. ph in .1 numthn; ri'istrri'il fy hfift-r. 1.) fr.-Hhon J mi l.r histtTftl Jirscy h.-ifiT. to l-VI lnifiU'rt'il Ji rsi-y ht ifi-r. S tno 'WUtwI Imii ,-alf. :t mo; liivii ffc Jersey cnv. will Ik' fnnh I time of nul. :t l.ih Krn.l. J.-r- Fl mien. rotninK in May am Ft to rfk' ri.l Ji rsoy dull fie DamM nnk chi.k.-nH; III TermiiSu miiiitlm' timi at H F ni Imiiknlili' ot. Two wcent. iliscoiihl fur cash. Janii'H Cruickslinnk, i P Owner, U Kuralli. Auctioneer. 0. II. Will, All (m H . I l- m-i miiiiniiy, Willi n con "neni or apiilcs. whole CJ " the IlillsUiro I'laninu I'wn MfCull,.,,, 0f n,.nr prm fL" was 'he county seat u .. ... I Warner, of iillam.x.k f Join hor husl.aml, who has Pfunnin this CIMi itu.,, runout, ll)Ve 5uxl()n r nm Ik, one just frcHh. othei En S! l... other two I ! i '811 m lei'emlw.i. .lu CGii.ih'H K0,llh of oriH-li "WU'11- (melius, Oreiron :Mi-:w K. Wn - - .. .. I a,,'. ""KK'nier, n roriiuni Snr.""'t,V. inSunilay'. "-'.mi, kick n.r !. "nun i h """ mm WlSnoled forhiu 'Ui1.l,inlr L- HIM K ick inu. inn n,,.... . . l " i V I'llllpt ,.,, ,i I. nt ItC1"11"' m,)n,,V n this KJ)thl.i,r,rri1naliy nKrm' N Auto n 'U t thut U, l,rt" frSi r.1,1"11 ,lr"(,l to expend W?IfUn?' or- father, build a V "irei'l or the roml. whiili II l. 1iukw' lt work ut iHlrui tttl..rmy for lhc Kiflh' Omln.i wan U- ,itli 'i-fi.ler i-im- at y,i 1 1 l-t. r. ti.l.r Mut lri.( fr Ihe riiur.l. r of Mm. Oamy V hr inaii nti.l ku yrarohl mm, mar St-tt.nitme, the crime M n; com- mittiil JihI iM-fure hup puking time, in I'JU. Kvi.leiw-t mritiMl w;m Mirey rirrunmlan. lial. n. the lin,t trial reHitlt.-.l in a iliHatfrevmrtit. ,e miui.,l tvw went to trial two ml'o. nM the County of (!olumliia re- lamed Mr. Tutik'ue to .nerule the ciiHe. a 4 he ai familiar with the VKl.-nce. e vka.H iittil nirnifiHt the ei U hiati- John A. lTrey ami another 1'ortlatnl atlortiey Mho hat a reputation in ritiunal rate. Htial nrirumetit wat hear.l r'n.lay. Jelfreyii talk inn fur m hoiirs. 'lonirueron- with three hourtof anulv nit of the evi.h nrc. ami 1H hount later the jury came in with a verdict of murder in the hrnt de VTee, 'I hiit WON the hardest otiht criminal cat for aewal yeam and th.cwho heard nay that the tttte pnmecutor made one of the uiiwt hrilliatit and rf- ftn tive ut Kumctit.t ever hear.l in a murder trial where the evidence wast purely cimiuottantial. I reprenent Spirella cortitt not wild in Hton-n. Will rail at hoitnit on reiutit. and do the fitting, and tearh howtoudjiiHt and wear the ntntet. Our tailor- niade to pleasure rurt tt. in- eluding the latent fnmt lace, with an e"ericnccd curs tirr M-rvice, Cit no more than hiirh clan ror- et.t j'urclia.ed in Htore. Mrs. M. K. Caudle. Fifth and Jai knon S'rei tjt, I'hone No. Col. Jat. I! rjdy. of Portland, led the last of he Week, after, an illnest of itttveral wi-kit. He wata'e.1 o7 yiant. and wat at one time publisher of the F'orett llrove TimeH. later tnerifed to the Newn-i'imeit. For Hevcral yeant he hat U en in the employ of the Southern Pacific and the 'orlland. Kuirene $i F.attern. lie wat railway mmmi'i.tioner in the old apixiintne davH. Col. F.ddy wat a forceful writer, and a man of genial ditHitiun. He roha- ly had a wider acpiainlaiice in Oregon than any other private ifien. Ihe funeral took place ruetday, nt Portland. the Marmit. of I'oreHt (irove, in charkfe f the nervier-a. When wnntintr '' cream tixht. why nut it nt a mmlern, uplodate fountain where the ityrup ht kept in nunitary well.t, pumK'd into the fla(H ty a sani tary pump. Thai's the kind of fountain you w ill find at KoeU-r's. C. Schix-nhacliler. near Farm- incton. w at in the city Monday. Ilesav that he. also, is sillier- iiuf from the pilferinir of kale a nut uncommon complaint, even up this way. Sehoenbachlersays thai he would like the kale liuel to let his patch alone, as he has mrelv enough for his own slock ami. Usiiles. the swine like that kind of tfteen n! in the Winter time. If vou want a ranvre that U-ats the world for the money, can on David Corvvin. Hank Annex ItuihlitiL'. and see his Uuality lianas, all the way from f to S.f. These are the Irst ranges iilm-eil on the market in llillslmro. Call in and see them. It. A. Mitchell, with the Ore- mm Nurserv. was up from Oren- - - . . . o. Fridav. creetmir triends. mr. Mitchell "savs that the Nursery Comimnv recent v made n oi tthioinen't. nf nurserv sbM'k to Ire .in. , am a so one to Java, ivim i...i!.i na iv. 'II ns a carload to Northern Michigan, for planting'. This is some longitude lor snip ment. We nit dimension IuhiIht am i;,i...rj to order. Kouirh hmi her, all sizes, on hand. S. li. Collin, on Jas. A. Sewell place, lliiMyiro Ore., lioute 1. Phone, Farmers 4fW. M. Ch Lincoln, who is doinR n..l.l work in l'ortland tor firm soent Sunday in theritv. He hrouitht with him a $olM piano as a birthday pres ent for his daughter. Miss Irella, For sale - Pedigreed DuroeJer sey Istar, two years old. -Hox , i). .i.. a Itixiverton. Ore., lei 551. Lino 4. M-b u. Piollios. of near Hoy if in a f- : f sent in a 84 ismnd turnip. Mon .1.... l.u 1'ommissioner namt-y TlieveKetalile is on exhibition at the Kuratli real esiaio umhc for mould inirs. when you can buy the best at whSsal See the Ili.hjboro Pluninw Mill. Fred Wcsch, of Tualatin, was in town Mondnv. lieaKaintiv ed his saloon at Tualatin. Wed COUNTY ESTIMATE Foil COB YEAR aim OltnUI. I lie- Ihrlr Itudgrt l or llpcnr ol V Talal I .Imi( it .a, . Mtfaillical Swa I JM.I.'t.IS Complyituf with the new law the various county olliriali have filed the eHtimate of rxpefitte for the year l'Jl I. and the total sums up to murj.r,. This dmn not include Hp.rial road or Hpecial school taxes. The county court allow fltti.iMi for roads and bridges, for nrnd ma chinery. The classified eslitnaU', compiled by Clerk YAw. C. Luce, follows: 1. W. lUymond. of near (tanks, was a city caller Monday. Wm. Schulmerieh and wifw ; have move.1 to the city for per manent residence. K. J. Thomas, of n-ar lit aver Uin, was a city caller. Monday, on ruiate business. Chris. Johnson, of Mason Hill, beyond North Plains, wat a city caller the first of the week. IL P.. Porter, one of the pio neer hopmenof thf Forest drove sertion. was Kreetin' friends in tow n the first of the week. F. W. Phillips returned the last of the week from a visit with his brother. Ceo. W.. at C-otton wood. Idaho, the reat stock country of the (Jem state. While there he saw John Smith, who learned dentistry un.. r the late Dr. Adklns. Web says that F.d. Jobe is at Cottonwood, on a ranch, and that he is doinit line. He expects to return there and spend the Winter in the hiyh altitude. 4,45" 3 475 'S 4 M ' " ;6S on 6,ovr oo Kowl niwhlnrijr .. .ki Kf (.Omtloti and rkrtitiai 5,' Mwurt'i iltfare Salain, Sliriilf ,Koo " ilrMll tlvllll l.tlM Cl tinx .U-lia,iiriit (aura 1,000 l.aivuart dalr raara. Iiatrllng rtpenan, trle- Kia,hiii(, Utxmrrr. punllnK, He. i.y T.on on Jail aa.l lma. o( (iiiauiirra, He I ,! " Clrik'a HUcc SalatT, rink I.H..O " .lr(l). rlrik !. Mm t.lirn aa.l ritia brlp 1 ,uuo l -urt, Imjuii, aialu.uny, iuplwi, Routing, etc. ts ICccunb-i't OHire Salaiy, irronlrr I.Hio " .lrH.lj ircirtilrf , 900 aMi.tatit ilrjiuly Jut Kirart ulloorljr, au(ilira. He JJ TtraMirri'aOIUre Salary, Itraaurrr yx ilril) tiraarrar I, oho l't(rluiaii yu I Inn Jin CWik ... JV ' - 7 - - 7$ IS I (roar laOi.artif, biwki, tiultii(, MitlH-a, etc 1,164 huivrfor'a IMIire Salary, (rdiutalr.l) h:inw: ilatloiirty an.l lii(iplirt 6S AaaraaiM't Ollire Kalaiy, aaaruait , I.MO tlltiiT ilrjrutiri I, MO Flrl.l ,lrHiliri l.ySo kUkin aaranM-nl roll, nlrtkliOK taira, titra help I,k IUak. (lalioDriy an.) auplle 475 Court llouar Janllof, ll(lil. vatrr, furl, rrpaiia, luiDltutr 6,44.1 " Circuit fourt Wilnraara, juoea, lllill, tic 7.5' 00 County Court ami Cuaiiiiiwiuiiet Salary, Ju.Ik- t.oo " I'outuiiMiouer (ealliuatetl) V"" " rOnialril 900 Clrrlial help " lMnra, 15 ' rouimllorr , w " , loo VVitncaKa, Juvenile court ami other cipcuae HSd.oo $,ax 00 Juatict'a Court. Wilnruri, jutik-e am) couttalile (eea 00 Corourr't Olfice Wilnraara, jurori, ti aiciana, live TJ, etc I'"' " Inunr Sxli.ail SuperlDtrn.leiit'a Ollice, Salary Siiprilnlrii.lent I''1 Travrlllig rljirnar - !' SKllolirlv 1 ilaif,-. li.Hlkl. tirlatiutf. txttrrM. ctc....rSo Clerk hire - h ScIiiniI tiipri vianr. aalary ....looo Traxlni( eienea J Trarbrra' rxaiiiltialkia, Inatitutri ami achool lawnl Truant utti.-er Ubrary ' H. IhI liy at pi mr ita w Health IHll.-er Kalary lira II li 1. III. w . ... w Krull ln'iieH)r IVr.lim ,J " KiHi alatloiirry ami iuiplla 4M W i.iiliK' III anlillff - Willow 'a I'Mialo Cam of Poor l..Ul rliarurw. County I'hjuloian, I'oor Kami, llurialu, etc. Tai rlii M. alp ih.uiily Nalrr ol iitlit ami iiiwumrf" . ... Hlrwl ami anarr aHiinmitii (Oily or HlllnlKiro) Iirpt irf Couiiti AlUiruey: Salary ami atptmiMi IUiiI.Iiiik Killi'l Kiirnlttirn ami tlmra Halarln. of K.mkI Sniwrl..ra, laatiniaM) Kair ai.Miirlalloii Han r ram-iaoo Kililhlt Ve.ureary Hurireoii Total JflSO 00 13110 00 ... 490 00 bo 00 Katlmatml frw'ai'i' tli'i frt.Ui Clarka ami Kior.l.m utllcea ... II4KI UO . . tiOO I Hi ... SSW (X) Ham UO 01 tm Ml iu IT.'I IX) lIO (XI wi.m 0 (X) Ilium oil sui co mxi (X) MX) 1x1 , lsi.o-.'t lift S.IXX) (X) Husband N'a first I'oat Master in t'matilia County Town LKOVE AVOX-TfAM ACROSS PLAIVS Molhi-r ol Wenloa," Her Familiar Name Settled ia Wildcraeai Mrs. Sarah MclKtuk'al. Oregon ioneer of and who drove an ox-team across the Mains, okinjf the animals herself, and walking the trreater portion of the way, was in town Friday, accompanyinj? James Kitchey and wife, of Cornelius. Mrs. Mc- louiral si-ttled in Weston. Uma tilla County, when the country was nothing nut a bunch-grass w ilderness. Her husband, Thos. leualkn, was Weston's first postmaster, apjiointed in 18TJ. Mrs. McDJUKal is well known all over Umatilla County, and her home in Weston was known as a hospital lor the ill. &ne is known far and wide as 'The Mother of Weston." and her pio neer acquaintance is extensive. She is a personal friend of Nancy Kees Jacobs, one of the sur vivors of the Whitman massacre. Her children are grown, and she now spends the most of her time visiting with friends and relatives. She is at present vis iting with the families of James iitchey and J. r. Kilgore. of Cornelius. AN ANNOUNCI:M;NT In response to the, many requests fo.. thm service, we have now in stalled in our Hook Department, a Circulating Library. 1 his Li brary atTords our patrons the opportunity to secure at small ia at ..tnaiiniia MdUl expense an inemenwuuua nv iJ.ta nf fiction as soon as issued. inn'"" !.. As many copies 01 a iiue tw th,. membership warrants will be carried in the Library. All books will ins Repi ciewi. In'ing Dut on irenu "."it, , , -- every time a book is used. For further details, see Laurel M. Hoyt. Hillsboro, Ore. Herman Koehnke, ot Oak Park, was a county seat visitor, Saturday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. GltTord. of the Hotel WashinR r" M 9(i 1013. a daughter. The little lady is a grandchild of . on.t Mrs. (leorge Wann. of TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If yu don't want to come to town, just phone your orde: in and it will be promptly attended to as if you tailed i;i person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders jnd you can et a prescription made up very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and Kexall Remedies by Parcel Post Prepayed without extra charge. The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE IJKi DAIRY SALE ridav. November, 1913. at 10 o'clock we will olfer for sale 85 extra fine milk cows, free from tulierculosis; all have been test ed. Also 2 fine Holstein bulls. 2 years old; one Durham bull, one year old. on the Palentine Hill lilace, 1 mile west from Kevera Station, on the Southern Pacific Ilailroad. Oswego, Oregon. Lunch at noon. Terms-$10. cash; over $10, 6 months time, at 8 per cent bank able note. . John Naegeli, John Arnet, 0.wners. J. C. Kuratli. Auctioneer, Christ Naegeli. Clerk. i i 9 4 4 (m. K K S X V-V4j 1 J ' ryfT , ,W .aaW a W '"8 : r1 a o....n. iiiiiahnm. The happy ia- ed his saloon at r.ialat.n, wu - ouu Thad smiles for all his nesdav. thecouncil having grant- WgfMJ hotel. f ed him a license. ik - Argus and Oregonian, $2.25 Ervin Hurkhalter, of South Tualatin, was over Monday. He says the roads between here and his place are getting shortened down as to the length of the mud highways. Herman Pape, ranching in Sherman County, arrived at Sherwood, last week, and will stay down in the valley for a few weeks. He was in Hillsboro Sat urday, on probate business. Her man says they had fine crops up his way this year. Pape puts in hundreds of acres of wheat every year. S.indftv'a Oregonian contained a half-tone of a large number of mnaieians who olaved in bands nr orchestras, in the Rose City, a ft . 25 years or more ago. Among the faces Is recognized that of John M. Wall, tne nuisuoro at, tnrnnv. W ho then played in I hand and orchestra. Mr. Wall nlavs several kinds of instru manta and also ia a no mean performer on the violin which he vet occasionally takes from the case for a tune classic music, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis, of North Plains, were city visitors Saturday. James Cruikshank, of near Laurel, was a city caller the last of the week. J. M. Miller, of Banks, was in the citv Monday morning, on business. Tares for sale, mixed with ouarter wheat, quarter oats, and vetch, all cleaned and ready tor market, Wm. bchulmench. The German Speaking Society will meet at Krebs Hall. Hillsbo ro. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Saturday. December 6. The So ciety invites all German speaking people to attend this meeting, Editor Scott, of the News. Times, and Attorney L. M. Gra ham, of the Grove, returned Sun day from a hunting trip over on the Tillamook waters, coming throueh Hillsboro on the P. Pc & N. Wm. Schendel, of Cornelius, was in town Saturday, making arrangements for the coming meeting of the German Speaking Society, which takes place here the first Saturday afternoon in December. W. A. Tupper. of Portland, was in town Sunday, a guest of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Tupper. He is secretary of the Portland Civil Service commis- fit w ti sion. and alter wee. i win re ceive $150 per month. Fred Stark, of below Scholls, was in town Monday and Tues day, appearing before circuit court for citizen papers. After he was ready for court he dis covered that his father had taken out papers, when rred was a voungster. and he was not really reauired to go through court, as he was already a citizen, ine Argus reporter and John Witt were his witnesses, Perry Davidson, who married Mrs. Agnes Hocking, at Vancou ver, Wash., saves the county $390 a year on the widows' pen sion law. The bride had four children, and drew $32.50 month ly. She wrote Clerk Luce the following letter "Dear Sir: I will drop you a line in regards to the pension. As 1 was married Nov. 15 I will inform you so you can stop the pension." a M t 4 A CHECJ IS SAFER THAN A mcaC You always lock up your house at night; you see that the padlock is on your barn door; of course you do. But how about your business? Are you as cautious and prudent in regard to money matters? If you have no commercial bank account your system is lax, and there is apt to be a leak somewhere. The man who can boast of a commercial bank ac count is the one who pays all bills by check, in a sys tematic manner, and can tell at a glance how much money he has on hand, at any time. Open your account with us and put a padlock on business. AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Main ana Third, HIIIboro mn m limit SHDTE SAYINGS BAM American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 BanKing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts. Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't. Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Saving's Deposits. TO AVOID THE RUSH I which occurs during the Holiday Season WILL GIVE 10 PER GENT DISOOUXT until December loth. Early shoppers enjoy many advantages over those who put it off 'till the last few days. I will be glad to lay aside and deliver on Christmas Eve anything you may wish to select during this sale. I would appreciate your inspection of the stock which has been selected with the greatest care to satisfy all the people, and offer you the finest stock in Washington County, to select from, while qualities and prices cannot be excelled. ; LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaker and Jeweler Graduate Optometrist 0 t I nt clone.