The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 20, 1913, Image 5

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. . a B
. !.. ll.
j Ijiu'I' 1 '
Vbrr I'.
I hi rt'"a'
ll., IN. i I
y he '
a, 1 1. no.
t I .MM'
I ill tin-
I ;in l!ll.-! H
, r m-vi-riil
lw'!i-V .1
I n ,':ih '..
:tn I w-'l
i itll On'
r,,;... in a.
.M.. Al'tl'f
I.I- IllllVCtl
' at
I,.- !.;i.l.'.
hmtln-r. K.
m 1! law-
Mr, l.aiilfv
l'tm .Vhninlnirir hu reratlvixl '
.. i .. ... ! .
n m-iht inHii r.rwm viM-r. man
iiL'.r fur th. Ki-ka-Klrik.
n faiiry ramky nmii-rri
that U niHTutiriif at llanovrr.
Wi U r want ! rairup to Orryon
an. I liN'ttl.- a fartury ln-r'. whiTr
l unl-T for Uk, nn n,
Lull, r nn. I m am are .Untiful,
HI) I lit' tluna IlilhUint Mould In'
u ilai to loi-atr. Mr,
S linml.iirsf think 4 that it will
take alHitit II'jmmi 4t,, ii,atur
tin tlal I Jiit ya-ar the rami
liiny fur Wlxr work
i:ii'l a liviil.-nl of :to M-r ci-tit..
anl WYU-r thinbit thf timt yt-ar
lu-rv ithotit'l ay at leant Z -t
tent.. Hi tl.f prtflm t hai a jrraat
r tiuif ki t ln r' than in Kami.
I'iirtin.n an- alr-alv eMtal.lmlia-.i
at t'hirat'ti atil Niairara. ami
Wa-Ur think that tin nmMt
wo'iM Im a .,int. ai the
ritiul will tuMiri nwn. Mr.
Sa tuiiiil.iirk' aH hr in willing to
l.ikf a Ixiticli nf tha hIim k. arnl
thr rtiMktttit will h turni-d
ivrr to tin t'oiiimi nial lul to
w hat ran In ihii.
('AC i
ViJaiitU'.l t t
ipfvtid' l at
It, in. U"n v .
k, ht-rv In- i
I, hff In' lit
!c n ('I I-1 i
vitt. at
IQ Mr. !
itvn, Uitti u!
V-m4. n l M: .
rt !ro,,f.
r Ki'ii'ttiiK':!'!.
IN ha i
n!rof tin- I;
K, o l hi M.iv..
fi the f'jii.T.ii
HoIIiPmK Ikl, . ,
IrW Convirtl i f, .im I hi t HI -
ply aril ,,(' .!irwi-
fi'lfiJ hi-M a cirri.' if
id, who I (.. tin' f nmi
thdr eoti... n. .
, . , I'ri nn r
' l ,r'. , w Isn
i.i' nit
.41 m HV;.
r.i' Inii, In a.
' it . I'i a ., II
t t.. II ivi.'.
i (.in-1 unit
. I t.i I'uri'Mi
M t A'n ri-
. t A .
1 i-si .ir.' at -I.-.!
i t I. , ..f
M t'si-h" I . of
I. it
of l;it-
I a i til lit.'
II- ttu-t a
a' A 'i ll.--i
l i . MMl ll tf'l
I s A. M.
,i i fi nun of
I Hi Ml
n.hvw tHi-.
i'" Mili, iwl n
i nlil.
I I I'HI, tot'i'th
' tiiii w ami a
'! ili'i- !irri on
mill ai
STOt l.N
VlSumlav nu
of rtt'ar (V
fn of man ,,
Mini? MVi ai
with a $::
r h.i.k. 1 1,.
PDfh I'ortlan.l
Vkt i ... ... ..
'x airi i rn,si , i ilifOil ViT
nl'iit Ij.:1;. ,-,im ii r'
truck il.nvn (! I'oluiiiliia
Pa-Wil K:i!;iiii.i. Slu-ril!
vnuliiii., i i!.j,,., t..,i
ami SIi.ti:! I ",, t,.r riniL-ht
twin ami (11i!lt ,,, T.,1,.,1,.
X Wir,l,u. -I .... i ..
L. ','"i:iy niiu.
FW'lan. who I, ,,! . .i,,!..;!.
byShl'riir ll.vir-i lo ,ro ll.-.l
Eawilliiii'of tlx'
Ui.-Sl.iTii! n.rralU',1
i. T li thi,. I- 1 1,., i
ven hy (ll,..,,, , I.,,,.., ,'
-k. li,-1, i , . , :
. I , I " I I l (I F'
ixl tt I lav Ml I..I
I I. II. I I .11111-
nil ta ki'i i.r I.,,. i . .
il ,,, .., "in iiiii",
lleltWlti ii.-iL, ..
That nl.. i t i i i
i j " in 1 1 1 1 1 1 ni-ii
lc1ari.i,HlnkirU ,ia,r ,,r l,:,v
wasi niiliti..., , i .... . i -
We ii'mui'u iur m.
l I .t-l ..l U ..fc ,mli
"i-T " ' I" " " ' aoiiniiuil in
QCalliit' Iv iii'i i-Hxary to dr.
termini' tin riiMT km, I of irlu.ia
! to wi-ar. Si'lit'liriu thi-in ly
any nlln-r iio tlio. may remilt in
M-riii:ini'fit injiiry to ymir hiyht
I, i n I r. Inwi' A 1 uriii-r r-
KiTiIm- V'lassi-H It M with ali-iolutr
ri-rtainty that thry ara tin- U-st
Hint only kind muti-d to our
a".rH. If oi ilolmt lli'a-i 1laSHrH
thry Hiiwt mhiIi fly will nut
i it-omrm-nd thrni. 1 hry iruar-aiiti-i'
llia ir v'latHa-K to iivi' natn
fai ti'Mi w hi thi-r tha-y runt J'i or
mora', fin' rhar'i' roM-rt i-iitiri-r.iirrx
i-iitirc ro-it of inamms
t ion. frann-H and la-nm-H. Ihi-y
lo lint tru from lioiiHf to hoiisa'.
I'ollKll'l tha-m Ut Hotel Wa-ahlllU-
ton. Saturday. Nov. '.. I'on't
fori'i t tin' date- M-ori-Hof HilU- ra-fa ra'lit i-H.
Ilia dam t -li Mi j.'l tn to the
Standard l-v t o. ,lant. aUne
I'.uton, l.rokr early iiia-lay
fin riilf i j-'. and waiha-d mil (Willie
tn-hlie am the V, . & N.. at the
To font l.ri li'. I rami hava l-en
tranifa-rriiik' their iiaiHentern,
and Tuesday' lillamoiik train
did riot arrive until late in the
eenini. I he roiniany luw a
a-r'w ut nun and a t 1 1 dnva-r at
work, and in a day a.r m the road
will 1-e i la-ar. A laifc'e iiuinlia-rof
lav . n- taken nut of tin dam.
rausin tin--oin.any auitea Iohh.
I.htray Nutn-e At my lur.
na-ar Tualatin. white horne, hrntnl-
a-d run; "ii tttiouliler, wire
,lemi:.ha-f liUmt hhoulda n. W eight
aUmt 1 l"i IN". If no rightful
owna-r in found, the mi mi will te
auctioned iniordmi; to law on
the day nf Nov.. l'J 1:1.2 p rn
to oatinfy dainai;i'. rust uf ka-ep
inir. ail cxiieiiHe inrurn-d. in-
rlil lilik' JUttiea- faaH, itKit aif lid
vrrtininif. and Hala-. and such
aitherneit and eM-nsa'K as may
have Ufii regularly mada'. J. I
Martiniui. Tualatin. Or. Xl-Ji
I tie W. IL C. nmi (i. A. l
held tin ir n k'ular munthly wt'ia
mea-litiK' Saturday. t the home
a. I Mr. nd Mrs. ll II. Simpsatn.
Tin' nfta-moain watt H nt in a Ha-
rial wuv. nmi Jas. rritahard.
Merrill. Iowa, favoreal them with
iMHIle fllla' Violin HoliW. At till'
ihwe lik'hl refreHhmentM wen
Hi rvi'd, I'ra'H! (VirreHiHititlent,
I'or Sale-1.') Thairoiik'lihra'al S.
White L'Kliorn hen. 2 mo
old. Tlu'Xa lunrt. with 2lHluth
em. nveraviil l.Vi mm earli fnim
s.i t. l. r.U2 to Sapt. l. r.u:i
Idtw irioe fur iiiuna'diate Kal'
Will erhmik'' part fur 12fiO lit,
hatma'. ("amplM'll iV KuireM l uul
try ram?. lU-nvertun. Ori'K'un. IL
I. l'.ox 20. :-!
Tin' hill sniitliuf tliecomla-nHer,
Icndmi' to tin1 Jiu-kmiii lUittom
l.riiL-e. Iia.t U-en ilanketi. the
lii'il nt tin'
in one-ha f
ii. r. l i mi d
V r.Oai.ii.r
II V hn,
I, " i wo
IH ,,..l - ... ' '
J Sluawiis lion, in TVn
J; August h, isi'd. He,.
Jjn num,. Was Alm!l M;irioMi
JSVtr- 111 They
l,,7v';,'t''n iiU.iit tour
!N hiiMlniM.i .... i
)Mn,n ' "if inllowiilK
""j will i;r
Itiiyal. liav
"'Mi'-r. Ilillslioro.
Geo ii.a
i. - viia iMini.i- .,, ...:r.. ..r
. ..III. w .f (I)
M il IIIIHilinii to
""SI'S III. K,t (). A.
''ir 111) hi'iirt.
1M $21(1
ik . nil. ii i iinii ii i i ...
IIII V I1MIM 1 111
!. ' .""Miiy.
""HCa. An.
,r" "P their
pi ij
p.. ...
'" 'KlOliS. ,iir, I.
,. . " i. ini'i . I i in, (if oijrvt,
"r hen fn. I .. n...
'MIL. Ill I 111'
lif-HH than
i iii,
JuJitar Cani,hrtl llrilalraJ. luraulay.
lhal I lllaiiHM.k NrrJ nail Pay
tl I I HKUI D USI: AliUS WAiflfl NS
Sil hM I a. M,ria , j.iua
Krada-ct Titciatay
Allurneya;ley & Hare, am
Toitua.. anHoa-iata-.I with nther
eouiiiM'l. won a vu tory inva.lvirijr
IiO.Hiij i.f Tillaimiok Mtn-a-t pav-
uilf. luiMlay. when Jmle Carntr
U ll ilerida-.! that th- pavinjr of
the Warren UroM. 1'ainHtniition
'inpaiiy. in that rity. was not
up to plans and Hi-rilinition.
and that the l.rotn-rtv owners
wmild not have t pay for the
improva-meitt. The rase was
lila-d IilsI March, ami has Ih-iti
hitterly foiU'ht K. I!. TdMK'Ue
and (ieo It. liajjley repra-sa ntinu
their firms, were tin-first in the
raia-. and through their adviee
Kx Sa-natorl'. W. rulton. I'mt.
land. (!. ilinirham. Salem and
W. Talmae of Tillainook.
wa-ra- ,rauht into the rasa' as
a-a ramimel. 'I he mile rouililailit
was that HjiaTilii ations wi re not
followed ami that the rity au-
thoritie exraiileai their jtower
in making the rontrart.
Attorfieys i'.ak'ley ami Tonirue
have U-a-n rrfeivinif roiik'ratula
tionn on tha-ir liii? victory inas
min li as the opiaMition had an
array of routinel from l!oston to
The rumpanv retairictl ). J.
Malarkey. IL W. .Motita.'iie, V,.
W. IliuitiiiKton. K. l. Allen.
Frank S. lirant. i'ortland ami
Judk'i' H. M. Iliad, of lUjston.
Mass., while the rity cinpluyiti
Kx-Sa-nator John M. (Irarin. of
Portland and H. T. IUttts of Til
The Hillsliairu attorneys ruin-
mi'ticcd wnrk on the rase in IV-
remUT and the rase was filed in
March. The rase was (iiM-nal
t v A. (i. ita-als and his hrolher
who wi re asseHS"i jy.llllil le
twivn them, ami the pmiM-rty
ow nrm Htual rolla-rtivi'ly, seventy
in numU-r. lia-himl the litigation.
I he trial was hitter and an ex-
nmvirt, workinir for tie ron-
Hlruniun romiany, shikrua'd Sa-n-
alor Fulton, one day w hile hi' w as
insMrtini; some work.
The rase w ill ko to the Su-
prenii' court, and proiniijiy to
the United Stata-s rnurts. hut
the miccessful lawyers allt'kje
that they do not fear the higher
tri I hi n als.
SH't'ial fur Saturday, only. Any
nu'ti'ii or yuuiiK' men's suit or
overcoat in window for $10.00.
lu'iiiemU'r this utTer is only
ihkI fur Saturday.
at tin' Ien of
i lira,' ur
you miKht K't into trouble with
tho jramt wiirtlonfl.
For SaUKoKistert'd HolHtein
hull nil voh. Also improved C'hofl
ti r Whito loar, 20 months old,
ra'iston'diand lot of Krade Chea
ter Whitujiiirs. Two work horses.
-Water, Cornelius, OrH
Ii. 1. 33-5
('apt. Juhnson, of Laurel, was
in the. city Monduy. He says
that the water between here and
Laurel isn't quite us deep in the
dumm'! ns it is nt Tonirue Point,
on the Columbia, but it will do
first rate for lirht navigation.
Shooting match at the Henry
Junes place. Vinelands, Monday,
Nov. 21. Turkeys as prizes.
Ivervliodv invited. Remember,
Hot Tomales
K. A. Fddy. of Tualatin
in the city this niurninir.
Hot Tamales. Hot Tamales, at
the Hen of Swea'ts.
Ue Ma-ad. who has Us-n over
in Tillamook all Summer, has re
turned and w ill remain in ' the
county this Winter.
A. Chishulm lias sold his lease
on thi' lU'iivurtun Hotel, and will
soon leave fur California. He
was in tow n this morning.
It's nut tuai early to pick out
that pi einar or cik'iirette case
ancy Ihx oi cigars ai me
of Swea-ts.
Thwaite and family have
r.i hack to Hillslioro from
ih Forest Cruve, where Mr.
,ite has U'en wurkinK at
athaniel and Ca-lia
i...i-mim. uf near Mruun.
., license to wed Nu-
llwr lo. and were uniteii in
riaire i" HillslKiro, t; Kev.
i-ers. of the Methoilist church.
Williams, with the Me-
rt resurL can lesiuy hum.
. . .. ..... ...! ,...1. 1 Ih.tu..
er IS iHilii wi'i ami io; '"
for he tanik an accuieniai
ii Sunday, while out hunting
II.-. Vn..9.itt'l find
UJ XV 111 I 1IIKK "1
Adiia Smith Flo, of Albany t ol
Ipito. will irive a nuisioul program
-..i. 1 1 urn M'lliKii. rn-
dv eveni.ur. Nov. 2S. for the
: ' . . . . a .,.1,1
benefit of Uio piano "
... i
nhl inl'lll'll.
i'nnf..ctiunerv store lor saie, m
nr i... i...t tuwns in Oregon,
cke o Por land; will dear $150
month'. Will Sl'll an
price. Addrew t'onfectavnery
a iiaiuluxnv Ore.
M J.."1 'or food, ami th.. on thi llidirn. above the B. P.
WW was
ruiuiwl ii.,.L (i..Hl...i: till tlll(A
'" no llll'll I Villi iiuiiud liavc vjv.. . . - -
' I'lams.
Ailam iWll. of IVnta r.ilU,, a
in the rity yatita-nlay.
I 'ay ton kiKern for nwu, at
'Jrwr's. .j tf
Max lU-hlini. of I :irtii rif.
was a rity raller Monday.
IVath to headaahe i,'!a-iK"4.
fitted by rs. 1iwetV Turm-r.
J. It. Hanli-y. of binyvii;.,
wa.- transactini; busim-ss in the
city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Ilarri
were Portland visitors, yi- ti r
day afta-rnoon.
One of the laryi'st Ht ks of
shoa-s ami dry pols in the coun
ty, at Cra-er's. ::t tf
Jas. Iudon am Fred Hoa-t.o,
of b',v; I'loomin'. wen' in tha
city ya .terday.
For sali', cli-ap for c.-ikIi. Pi
fxit corruirata-d iron roller. t-l-scope
frame. Ziria Wooal. H tf
("has. Ueilinir. of Kov, was in
Uiwn yi'sterday. the i.'ua ht of his
brother. W. II. lU-ilifitf.
Peta-r Herman and wife, of
Mmter I'ridKe, were in the rity
The Herman SpsakiriK Scia-ty
will rna-a-t at KreU Hall ti c first
Saturday in IVrernba-r.
Indian Kunner drakes. f( r sale
at $2 each, at Wei.seiihack's,
John (', Uurhanan, of aUive
(melius, was tfrcetinv: fru-nds
in town yesterday.
At last you can K"t a nire juicy
Tarnale made just the way you
like it. at the IVn of Swea-Ls.
Attorna-y T. II. Totik'ne starts
fair Tillamook tomorrow morning
on la-ial business.
Mm. Irvin Kelly and dauhtur.
of Vineland, was in tow n Mon
day, visitinir relativa-6.
F. C. Orth. of Forest (irove.
was in the rity yesterday morn
inn. Hance at the (Iranire Hall. Ar
rade district, Saturday evening,
Nov. 22. Tickets, 7.x-. Kvcry
IxHly inviteal.
Paniel L Smith, of near I'.tfx
tun, was a county seat visitor
Monday afternoon, en route to
For sale--Fine, fresh cow,
w ith heifer calf. H. M. Hasford,
Pleasant Home Farm, Phone
.115 liooal line. 35
Frank Cordon, one of Forest
(Jroye's hardware merchants,
was down to the county seat
Monday morning.
Uance. at the New Helvetia
Hall, Saturday nitfht. Nov. 22,
k'iven by Kudolph and Anna
l'schanz. Tickets, includinjr sup-
M-r. fl.ixi.
Mm. I. H. Smith and Mr. and
Mm. Claude Smith, of Forest
irove. were iruestsof Miss Pearl
Smith and Mrs. K. C. McKinney,
All kinds of fresh fish in sea-
sun. e deliver, ray Harring
ton, successor to W. II. Bentley,
Main Street. opHsite Hotel
Washington. 3:5-5
A. C. Shute. of the American
National. l-ava-s in the murnin
fur Lalirande. to attend the
Hankem' Convention, and while
there will In' the ruest of relatives.
-or sale - Four lots in the Pat-
tison-Moran addition, HillslKiro.
Forty dullars down, two years
time on balance. Telephone
City 4-V. 3,-(
J. Murrow and Harney Lewis
have opened a new shop on Sit-
ond Street, on the old Commer
cial Hotel corner, where they
w ill do master work in auto and
carriage pain tint:, as well as
Francis N. Perry and Mrs.
Clara H. Incram were united in
marriage. Nov. 20, 1913, at Van
couver, Wash. The proom is a
son of J. M. IWry and wife, of
North HillslKiro. and the Imde is
dauphta-r ot V. U JVers.
well known rancher of near
Cornelius. Tin' eriKim has lieen
workinir for the J. il. Cojran
mill for alMut a year, and is well
known at the county seat.
A A. Dotterer. of the Forest
drove monument plant, dislo
cated his neck dodjrintf a stream
of water cominp from a hose he
was holdmn. luesaay, ana u
was necessary to place him un
der an anesthetic so that a physi
cian could jerk his head iri io po
sition The doctor says he will
recover. Just what me liuisoo
ro men. who have been dudtfinR
water for vears, w in uo n me
recent election is held lejral is a
matter of conjecture.
The first pun was lired for the
..Iter in Washinpton
liarnK'nt unl
K. V, aEnatfaim. the riii;t man
of U-tween laurel and Sa-holl
Ihad a U-v had!., rri,!.!,-.! tl,..
first of the wi-ik. wr.iii- workiriir!
in th Uittom of a well, ahout a
half ton of d:rt having fallen
frjm the wa'!s. He w;:s taken
out by the man who was
Corner Seconal anal Washington i at the a inil; ami hr f .
U-r ai Hummonel to att n 1 th'?
thraar Slairics and
The city council met last nipht,
. . - i ..r.imitnre inuL mr
":1 ' .i. m. Notice was
ai ieo o iiajvi I- .- - ...
Served on all proprietors this
morninff. by ChwrWaaej. Ihe
ordinance took elTift at once.
Councilmen Tapuart and, Kerr u,ii..n the ordinance
s inTd.
will also be forced toeloT at w
hour, and it ia "curfef 1
,!. u ! j lii-eil in District No.
.If,, llanks-Puxton section, the
other day. when a 5 mill levy
was voted. Hull other vo e m
the same manner. inci w.o
. .ia i;.,t;,.ij vnlniL' a tax
new ) " i ..
i . j . .
ii will mean rocK rnuus pa-
7". i Wiwhinpton county
in iii "
on special
know that a larpe " J
these will vote from live to ten
mi Is Let the KhI worlf on'
we will soon play billiards from
Timber to Timbuctoo!
Oullaxik Iur CunttruUio ia Early Sprief
ii Riaatc
Nearly 30 more districts will vote
.i..i fives on November 28
and it is assumed by those who
I he plans for the new Moose
huildinp. on the corner of Second
ami rtashinpton have arrived,
and are in tha? hands of the
buildinjf committee. There yet
retrains about $!,") to raise of
the estimated cist, ready tor or-
eupancy, of ana the
rommittee lias every reason to
M-lieve that this will Ui taken in
a short time.
The structure is to be ,-foot
frontape, with a Washinpton
street wall of 'M fe-t and insid'
wall of 81 feet. On the lower
l!or will Im; th heatinp plant,
bowling alley, barber shop, ware
hoii.i' room, swimming tank.
Turkish bathroam, regulation
baths, lockers, and all the acces
sories of basement business, and
this has already been rented at a
pood figure. The ground, or
street floor, will have a store
building of 5!j5 feet of floor
space, and this has already been
sxiken for.
On the second floor will he the
lodga- room, banquet room, club
riKjms, and all the necessities to
such an arrangement.
The third . floor will have a
l'K"2 dance floor. Bocial rooms
fur both ladies and gentlemen
parlors, and -reception rooms.
The structure will carry eleva
tors, and w ill be modern in all
The buihling committee have
had fine fortune in selling the
bonds, and they anticipate no
trouble in disjiosing of the small
per cent, yet to be sold ba fore
building ojierations start.
The ladies of the Needlccraft,
each year at Christmas time.
have been accustomed to distrib
uting food and clothing to de
serving jioor families in Hillsbo
ro. A committee has heretofore
waited upon the business houses
and solicited donations of monev,
groceries, etc. This year a dif
f rent plan has been decided up
on. A sale of fancy work, cakes,
pies and many other good things
to eat. will lie held in the vacant
room in the W'ehrung Hide., cor
ner -of Main and Second St., Sat
urday, Nov. 22. It is desired
that all persons who are willing
to aid in this good cause will
bring their contributions, either
of money or orders for groceries
and clothing at that time.
AJl the donation for the poor
are distributed by the ladies of
The Needcraft, under their per
sonal direction, and only the
worthy are given help.
Patrons' Day will be given, in
the near future, by the Pacific
Coast Condensed Milk Co. at
Forest Grove, Oregon, for the
benefit of their patrons and the
dairymen, to which all dairymen
are cordially invited. T here will
be several points of interest
relative to successful dairying
brought up and discussed. Ihe
company is very anxious to make
this an instructive as well as an
interesting meeting. Lunch will
be served at the factory. Kind
ly watch the next issue of this
paper fair the exact date on
which this meeting will be held,
Chicago beat the New York
GWhts. Tuesday. 2 to 0. The
pame was AI, and the visitors.
on their way around the world,
nlaved as though the stakes were
preat. Those from Hillsboro and
Cornelius attending were, as
near as could be learned: W
Mahon. E. L Moore, McPheet-
ers, A. M. Carlile, Fred Sewell,
drover Combs, Ceo. Moyes, Ed.
Morton, Shirley, Guy Powers,
Ixmg, Thos. Hinton, Frank Hub
bell, W. H. Wehrung, Alfred
Harrington, Hillsboro, and Ld.
and Geo." Henderson, of Corne
lius. - -
At the People's Theatre, next
Monday and Tuesday nights
"From the Beyond," a powerful
3-part drama, daring in its con
ception, which has created a tre
mendous stir. Startling in its
disclosures, it deals with mater
ialization of spirits the photo
graphing of them, and suspend
ed life aa it i3 practiced by the
Hindoos. In every fiber it is a
modern treatise with unusually
gripping dramatic situations.
There will- be a Boys meeting
at the Christian Church, Sunday,
at 2:30 to discuss the Boys Asso
ciated convention to be held at
Dallas, Nov. 28-30. C. E. Os
trander, Pres. of the Boys' Club,
C. E. Olsen, of the committee on
the state association, will speak,
along with others. . ,
J. A. Johnson, the supervisor
of below Beaverton, was in the
city midweek.
injured man. Wenstrom wi!l U-
laid up several week, bit he can
congratulate himself that the
cava--in was not worse, and that
he escai-,l with hi iif.-. H.-
will now have a chance to get
acquainted with that bran new
ho' which wa.. built from lum
ber from hi own mill. Wen
strom is a gr-at worker, and it
is going to be some hardship to
ka-a p h m from tryir,' tu do some
thing be for- he is fairly able.
Th.- dirt was loos-m-d by the
rains of Sunday, and had the
volum- of -arti. !.-.-n a little
larger he w ould have bn smoth
ered !efor; he could have been
For sale -9 head cow, graded
Jers;ys, all in milk, one fresh
w ith calf at side, others to fresh
en from now on until aonnir:
new cream separator, milk cans.
etc. O. L Gra:f, 1-1 mile north
Hops hi. . a taken another raise.
and buyer i paid 25 cent yester-
Uy. at ha.em. Ihe meeting of
hopgrowers at Salem the other
day. the keynote being to hold
hop, was probably the reason
for the advance. Oregon buyers
have been standing together.
and growers say that the dis
crepancy between New York and
London prices and the price paid
here in Oregon is altogether too
great. It looks a though the
2o cent mark will be reached be
fore Saturday.
Hanch for rent: 10U acre3. 55
acres under plow; good house
and barn; good orchard; place
well watered; water in house, and
barn. Cash rent required. Ap
ply at Kuratli Bros. 34-6
Will Kopple, one of the present
grand jurors, while tryin,' to
lead a calf, the other day, was
dragged over a harrow, and sus
tained some severe lacerations of
the calf of his leg. Infection
set in and he is having so serious
a time that he was unable to
meet with the grand jury, yes
terday. The inquisitive body
met here and went down to ex
amine the poor farm, and they
will make a final report to Judge
Campbell, by the time circuit
court convenes next Monday.
Taken up: Bay team geldings,
stars in foreheads; one has white
lett hind foot. Owner prove
property, pay charges, and take
same away. Fred Meyers, Lau
rel. Oregon. 33-5
SheritT Beeves went to Eugene
yesterday to bring back Henry
Olsen. of Banks, indicted for
selling liquor to minors. Olsen
skipped about the time the grand
jury found the bills, and he was
located by the Lane County Sher
itT at a place called Mapleton,
where it was necessary to stage
J0 miles to get into Eugene.
There w ill tie a dance at the
W. O. W. Hall. Cedar Mili. Sat
urday evening. Nov. 22. Tick
ets, including supper, $1. Ev
erybodv invited. Mile W of Ce
dar Mill. -35
Law rence A. Turpen and Kath
erine E. Heilman were united in
marriage. Nov. 20, 1913, at the
home of the bride's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Emil Heilman, of Ti
gardville. The groom is a well
known Hillsboro boy, son of J.
U. Turpen and wife, while the
bride has an extensive acquaint
ance in the southeast of the
county, where she is deservedly
No special Saturday sale about
this, but at- all times we sell
White Ixaf flour, $1.25 per sack,
or $4.75 a barrel; every sack
guaranteed. We are sole agents.
Greer's. 34-tf
Frank T. Kichardson departed
from the county court, last
Thursday, under a suspended
sentence. The charge was non
support, and Kichardson agreed
to take care of the w ife, who has
pursued him relentlessly since
they were married in Montana,
last Spring. He is supposed to
report once a month, but was re
leased only upon the showing
that his wife asked a withdrawal
of the charge.
There will be a shooting match
and raffle of turkeys, geese and
ducks at the Jos. Cawrse and
Son ranch, 5 miles N. W. of
Hillsboro, all day, Sunday, Nov.
23. Thanksgiving comes the fol
lowing Thursday, and here is a
chance to get your bird.
A number of Hillsboro people
have requested Justice Smith to
instruct them in speaking Ger
man, and he has consented to do
so. Those who wish to join the
class should see him within the
next few days.
Dance, at the W. O. W. Hall,
North Plains. Saturday night,
Nov. 29. Toelle's orchestra.
Tickets, including supper, $1.25.
V ic Potter, floor manager.
Shooting match At the Hills
boro Garden Tracts, Sunday,
Nov. 23, for geese and turkeys.
(Vimmenrpai ut. 11) n m laalin.r
1 all day. Bay hmmott, Manager.
I". A. BAILEY, M. D.
PkyiirUa aaal $arroa
Orf.r- t'ptirt ia SckalBcrick IICI
Krvt.Uma-, Hwuthwni nmt ilaaUM
mi twraMul HlraMa.
It, ,i, i,ffi,r,t, 31; ri,la.fUj M
Of.o uiuir otawTh Ilta Iniff Kturv
K,l Une Kaator Court Houaa,
la U euruw nf lfa bloc.
K. M. ERWIN, M. D.
Suro S. P. P. R. 4 5., P. R. Jk R.
Olftce in the Tamieuc Block. Thlnl aa4
Min .Strea-U, Hdlaboro, Oregon.
""" lrlvylVlruvLnJlJl
u.iiear II jur t to u a. m.; I to $ p. a.
Tm-U)r, ThurwliT, fcatoriUy a) to la
antwarrrai day ot light. But a
Phone Olfic oarer Hilltboru .National.
OFFIC K: Upavatra in Scholnwricb Btdg.
I'lioKKSOlGce, City 384; Bra. City 864
Physician and SurgeonJ
Office hour 9 to it a. m.; a lo 5 p. m.
Calla antwerefl day or night Both
pbonea. Office lo American National
Bank, npeUirs.
m. &m0v m. m. mm
tioaim. 1 and i Hitt Biildlaf
Oilicea upataira ia Schulmerkk llock
Uuir, A. C. Shate Bldg, Uaia ft tad
Ornci: Main Sweet, opp. Court Boot
OtBce, upstairs in Scbulmerich Block
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
3- CitRaM
Xntiairtlrak KlMlam,
atafalrat aaa alaai.
rnrraNjta-itiaVihinat. tttiatlia ilf . M
ma-Atm. If la manic. UrhanMa aa ail aHV
liAot aittnfiaitt auiaorlteUt ata)taallaa
gtn ia ucm bu unirtra ngrata
rirc ara aura BuiatHha
KuAUHanllaftm. Urbrmatantnt. iMm
ritntilcl Kti anfma Wlarica.
flra4fcaara: taM t BU
aat araf pmartMraa.
ZdrrVii: Kiarfbail WO; a.orfj
uu-I(lcrfcon: main MM aa MM4,
$immn 600604 Caart H tia ma tM
Oltice tip-stairs over Hillsboro National
Tcmlesie Blilg. Rooma&aadl
Main and Third.
Upstairs, in Linklater Delta
Building, Main Street
Hillsboro - - - Ore
Commercial Bank Block
Hillsboro Oregon
Frederick Andersen, M. D.
Successor to Dr. Cunningham.'
Office and Drug Store,
Orenco, Oregon
Telephone connection.
Weekly Oregoniaa to Jan. X
1915, 75 cents.