Spend Thanksgiving With the FolKs LOW HOUND TKII I. (arc-i all ,ll.l In H, I I i ... r. , r it . ,ii I I' K , K ,..Ic I..tc-N(Vl-:M!...R ,t, l iu.iJ in urn limit Ik'tmiUr S,i rn.r train atnl M. ".rviri. tiHiTvuti..n ... ... . . .. run ami i,ik- M all-ati-vl r..j, h.- ):! mi in-nri-nt mgrnt for H-M-riflc r.r,., arhedulra. He. J..hn M Sot.tt. Con-rat I'MNM-ntrcr Air. nt ' - Nov. IXLU 'Ji; ARE5 27th (liriiriLr train WHY COURT ISSi.TR UM KSIEI J CWM . t.Trl.l.M,vr. C-riuii Uiirt Ivcrmbrr I M,1WJ:MCTlONSMAra 11 alily al 0t - - 1 ' u.irratTio- or ., titi r. llfrou strong whiskey bums yourmotiat gags youen yen swallow it . what yill it do to Hie delicate lining of your stomal? Cl Nobl.-milJ and ,, W. J. Van Scbuyvcr & Co., Gtocral Afcat. Portlud, Ore on t t V . a ..... . . LK. M.t.K ....I iu,ri or I....... I , . . tttti.1 "it aa ki:: . , . Hi. I m.,ntyM,rt Monday Uu.h pmhiUtHNi order for the City .r ' '"-". shortly afti-r Judire miln-ll mlH that h-would not fh' miwrary injunction r Htra.n.n,r issuance of the coun ty rourt manifesto. The circuit o uowfi1 the temporary in Junction in th Sherwood cum the liU-adintf iu-t up the names "voters who. it wu au.KP(J dul not h ik ... . . r,KIU w TOe or) "ntjrtnAiriwtion. Attorney i' ur: ""inK lortkwnty Attorney K l iVm,.,,,. 1 the aj-Micatiun for injunction "r,Kon i,,ty. f iiday. and Mm in circuit cwirt. h. r, Mon ly. rontrndinr that thechanrrt r tlk'Kal voting 'or IlilNlwro W hot autliriently mcific. io Hmuch a the namM of the rlw-lora wtr not at out. iirf, counsvi for yfl. .7' ",tlt',,, th,t th 1'iwlity of the election would aKain come to mu about IVr. 1 .nd k. ihZ nrM aufficiftit evidence to n thi-ir caw. Acct to the rll Is now nnMibln, and the caw jfH- to trial IW. 1. Jude CampUll held court al) urrmmn, anu made the follow, mi? ortlerH 1 asm dmmiMfrl t. tt H i .... Ilv3 T I WK HrooktriBn A It - Jno UK,r; U'ntrai I)oor& Lum- I . . r Pnr-a: wm Uaro. f I, v. J Wumn:Kellce Dodder? I i (xrrieri: Kranlc .. I L n.ted Kr: Kuhy Duncan v I) K Uuncan; DuBarrv v flara Uvirren; M S Glaner v V f uauntc; Mary llenderlinir v Hen. r7. Hbo Com'l Kank v J 0 liartletl: aam v Jnn H. rd:amev Fred RrhmW- I.. . . .t.iiirn ivinRaoury v ina KtnjraburyjT A Mc( Wt City of Cornelius; M J rowers y Cha R Triow rMirin 4 I A.. .. .."f'""' vrrK-on nursery v 11 u Jessel' n;Kmma Parker v Jesse Betrd: IUalia Rot.inscn v Geo K !LhJn. on; Jno Shrier v Harr K Sludibakfr v Cornelius nirv' U'rodtic Co; Scholia Tel Co fc wensirom; John SUmm v Jos u.'n;.n. iti--.. I w- - -v ar ar war - - i '!: aii n 4 k jmtt -mWt mm Ik mtw PRESENTS "Olympic Wkr.t Mrt. .d Juat thn diilirt, rktch i't, hioat Inti rHg "w1' fiovrltir liiiuKln.. hi, M Uiljr impurtwl Portland Flouring Mil a Co. riu. ! Uitm ii Tongue Addition We have 1-2 Acre Tracts fr sale. U.ts x 190 ft. We will Kivc y ,hc ljest of terms. We have farms to sell, and city pretty. Money to Loan. Houses to rent. Ixtated on Third ami Main, in I,st Office buildine . Office pbonr. Mi0 , Kr.iJ.nw ph-me Cil, s-M WEBFOOT REALTY CO Kerr Bros. HILLSBORO ORE., lm th fir-u't rurl of Ih. 8t f I " Th..m. f,.r th r.i.irl.., f I. mhu h Iks f K. ,,, tui 'm fron, th IM4 VII, iuh .r.. .,.B B,(W f,,,,, , ,;,,, ilr n..a h. 4ulr r.r..,.i.i ..... ... m ., lw.w ,, f i;,,,.,B m fK, .m f ih. t-.,t,r tf f M I'ountr kn.l Ktali. Wilfr4 Thorn.. 1iM,ir. n Ma Hi Hin an. I I h.rl.. Him. hr hm :n4. i;-r. flumljr. i l ,h., r. , ,,! ,u,m,Hm mi il'r..i m , i ,h. r,sl ,.,. '. .l.-r- 1.. ih. mu f th I'Uinnff ih.r.in. hn.1 all h.,m Tn Mir !, Mima and '..!.. u 'M. liumix. an, , H.-r trm..n, parlu-. ur...B laliiMr.it ar. inlr.al la ao.l In Ih. r-al r...rlr ah.,v.- da. ril,.I .. (a nil. of Ih. I'lainnfr ih.r... ..J ill lo h..m 11 mayr..nr.r. Ih-f .n.inla TA K K Ni ti. -v. .7, ! 1" N"-n-r 7 .; . ' " A'',xi"n a r.ll I,, Hf-r. Thomaa in Ih. . .r. uil l u,i h. Kl.l. f .,r-.Hi f.,r W'a.hinicl.,1. ". r Ih. initial r.gi.trn.,a ..f ilia I.. Ih. Ian. abr.tr . lllmi NOW 1'M.KflK t... ... '. t- 'or. Ih. Il.t dajr ut lM-..ml,r A I. H I J. and .h.,w rau. hy .u. a aii.,n ,h.,ul. a..l h. ,rantJ. ih. ,m. HI b. lak.n aa r.,r,f..aj. ,,! , r. arui b nt.rl a.i.,r.lm 1., h .ray.r .f ih. A.(.li.anl and you will r.r.ifr barrmi frum liiaputinv th. a in.. Iall thl 15th dar t S.,w.. KIW. . LI CK, ouniy n-rk of Wa.binctua Coualy ir.'.n. HA;i.KV IIAU Ally, for Applwant. 'irl puhlhaliun N. IK, 1J. Iji.t iniblMatiua la mi rwwoa. IV TMK r;R(T T p. ,- i..uni. .,. h h.ZI . tui.nl, Tra., r w., eunly. ih-.,,.. . "Triull J a.1. . 1'iirt..! .n.r ruin, ... bhr aVl "" "h! lima N?la!a d" - r.u;:u,:?H' ant ' "m"1 '. dr.ad. "w un"" h r..n,r,.l and U ill 9.ri.!dS m. l-.vln, o , ll.al ,h .. Nloa .1 uuarl.. .1 .... n I. T a M M". cunialnlna; It 1'iari.r f th. S r.. quart., f ,. i. I . Will a-r., mo,.. ,,r aa to l Ifea h ftla.l alt f It.. K I III a. " " I 1....1...U01 ... ..i i .. auio.iV; a. uemil,.h,V 0,"M v " Cramer; 4W Hiatal rMl ....a. 1,.. . . . I HiriiU ll'l l.tM. a. W..-Al III.. I . - . - - 1 1 1 t mar nn t iuji iibi i i 11 iiiimiiih v , ttluai. m Waal.ltiiiU.il mum 1 1 1 1..,- and - VI. -"-I a. 1114111 All ..I ... v.. . .. I.I. ..I Bcr. Cn.t suul, 1 ti:7.T..V.V: T Sf1'1" I !!onn w J f et l. Not 20: Dora . i ani-l..ur bi- vi ui , ii i- L'lll. lariu a IIm .,......- I ll'V V (!ountV Cntirt ' IV.wi I. r. ,,t r..,,,,. ,. n,a ' ,L. -. tSm ol 1 '." r'TKln' J,"f ! Wllkr .... I.-...00. r i imy,.,,, 0j Waib -1 r ' Rrioaaes, WOT Zb: Uolfelt v WTZWHZ; 9S op n 2; ci.tk 1 refer also .efcrs y to M'C..uh:1Us,TM Kerr and l,-k,irU..u,!iycimi.sMi.u. 'BlKNuf Millsboro PO i-. l 1 I K , f'l. . . "'l.l f, ... r t.. f , ' " I . ft , s,"-'l M r. ... ! l.-.,r .. .... '""H'llllM . , 'i"U.., ,.f ,,, '' I"IM,.,.. ' H'll.l.. . , . . "i, ..... ." " IftlTf, l l IIIH. ' ' "I I It, Hint,, ,.f ' ' -1 '1 ' t.1.1 1 .'"". la t i ; i)l,,t Um, ' I ....r a,u I.I..I.I ' "I rt.r..,.,. . Hun tHtiinl.l'! Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best titnlier in Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIED FLOORING and RUSTIC .1 Matrlrt HMd Hollas ,. ., Addlllaaal Km. fa la HMd IHalrart I W, lha un.l.r.licn.d r.il.l.nl la- ..a mi roao dtatm-l N. u. Wa.b vouniy. or.aon. tua.th.r prli.,i mora than ! p.r rent i.f h i.ay., in .aid r..ad dlitn. t IHThy (Ira n0. lh , f thr r.aldnt laipay.r. of aald r.,d .1.. irt. No. U. Waahlnviun County, o,.. .... n.rri,y iallJ. and will b t.l,t I ... nupnouaa In aald road di- I irl-l No. It. WahlnBlon County. Orv- uu me i.ui day of N.iv.mbrr. I13. " ". . i in. i o lock KM btl .aid day. to dla.ua Ih advlaabllliy oil - mv. ia. or a.iuutonai road lai a ld dlalrl. l. to d.ti-rtnina ihn .1 m, ...only ,.da ur portion. h.r,f in I id road di.lrlrl .hall b lmprovl. I,, I .p lai niann.r. and Ih chara. lei ...u rint pi aui a improvamrnt or Im prnr.m.nta Ihcy ahall mak. th... ind to levy Ui h .p., lai or additional noi io xcd I mill, on th dol lar, on all laiable rtal and paraonal .""p.riy in aaiii road diatrlrt. aa a ma- i.irltw .. ...... ... ....... . mia.ni taipay.ra oil id read d.atrlct ahall d,.in advl.abl which to defray th .it... . . I lai lmprov.mnt or Improvement. ui.irici .o. 1J, Waahing- ion County Oregon. l'ated thla firat d f v v.. IKI3. '.'n,1) c M'l.am. W. E. Rice. Bldwell. V. c. M. Nelly. V j ' illiam V.n UaWer. Carl .,,. C. K V -. Aun. Jarob 8el- Ii ... .' S""am Hi-hmtdt Peter Gott- iv r- m . ""'nwate,. Ben tfahnow . ... . v.. J " "i .. .1 f.. 11 al.on . ' I i..v John tkhederlin. Herman ir.i,i u r. Cleveland. Jam 8ewel. w. q. Har ' T P. Ooodln. 11. Hlch. A. U Holcornb? F I " lumniau h. duly rord. i '.' .:.""'" ..id property bZinV. iV.T. I." ,k. Id ronv.y.n. bln aublM a "all nlner.l ,iKhu rw,,V buT f ai r, full tmrH.n.tl f, all ..It to land or Improm.,,. , Tu.7. r...r.d off o. f roadwar a . r . "um - , Ad It further appearing In Ikl Tourt that .he ,.t, of J(d imp.. , r.,", 'J lllh day f N..r.rab; ,, .l. en,., Mde,, .pp,n,I .5! nlnlatrator d. bo,,,, noof Jh. property or aad ,a aft rully admlnl.terlna; ,h,.OB ."J" 1 J. dul, fu. ,h. County Cou" if .h?.'.""" f,n' count k, whi, h there waa ahowa to b on B.2 V tin, th. real et,u ahi drlbe.1 of an .alnaud y.l5IJ tl l.y of Auu.t. uu. dul .!! rove. ..id , account .ni ria to turn aver to aald court all of Um property on hand and fully ..uu aid ..Imlnl.trator and hia bond.mea froia rurth.r liability therein- lhIT,h9TH!iREFURE' ORDERED hat the defendant, .boy. named a ad II person, who claim p b hlr. at U or next of kin of ,.W Hana N.t! on. deceased, and .,1 p,r,, "a,!. ln r an 1 Intere,! In ,aM ,.. nd .how caune. if any thebaL the Brat publication of h. order to! :M day of October. 11J. wh- ihr..'.,! to .aid real and n.rann.l ... . hould not ve.t In th, Stata of Or.. on. and that tald order be publlika one. each week for .1, aucciilit nd con.ecutlv. week. In th. Hill." In ih. r" PP Publl..Zl In the County of Wa.hlBgtoB. atata ton0r0eTn.tnd f """" IMS. date of u.t publlcatloa, Dec ember 4, 1JIJ. J V CmtupbWl Jud.a. E. B. TONGUE. 1'i.trlct Attoraey. Special CoubmL SHKHirfs balk. NOTICE 18 HEREBT GIVEN that by virtu, of . .,t,chment .aVcutloi ... 01 l" "ui of Or. Ron for Waahlnirion .... .1: . . Oil I'll f l. '' k-r..r, ,,. M ', " H.. .... ' ' B .1 ' " .. Ik, , " H' I. t. y 1 I ' I and n 1 , 1 oif t an. I m,.m Ullll.t ),,,! It Ihl, "I "t ',. the h ".in tin. .H ,.f ' on. auiiitii.,.,. ii, ' 'he .late f h ll"lll, ,VV J laaf . ut.hr. I'll, t..-it of Jam. an tii'llif "I'Uii,i "il t ., ,, ' ih 'n I. n. I dm I Ink "l l'.ar ami ntiawer ' "iiiiiirr w ill ,,.,.,1, " f .rar, fr " r..r , ' tin. I... al.l defeudaiiia .n.t ,..,1, f 11..... 1.... " UllkeriOn. NOV 28-fi: ii.ey i...y i,.v, h ou ii,. ,i.t. v( Ui. Cramer v Linklater. Dec 15: J A r';,J:, :"i.,;.;,i,iJrJUprV M v J M Kennedy. Dec 17. W ii..M.y m. tut. ih.ut-oi aid mon 0 Herman t Wash Co Inv' te, t ..u.iy b. herwiiiiayior. tMtiiad Dec 19' Dennis Hnvt n.. 111. ........ lor II,,. cat. ,d .i,n.Mo( u L. ii ,nl8 "10yl. l aale n,t .aid w ill 'IKK Heater V Cook) A P irka J i-.i l ; . iii b ,i. ,ljie, i . Dec 18; Ijinjr v Colfelt Dee ") I u, No"- WatLsk f urannj, aemurrera - ummerl cial Bank v Kd C Allen. Nov 24; Howard v II A Phelps, Nov 24; Jacohson v l'ubols, Nov 24; T F. Morjran v (kilumbia Elevator Co, Nov 25; Talbot retristration title. k.. or . : .!.. in . n 0i,e.v.m.,iv.(lr,,i1.m....,f,...J Sr "'V ion in airous v Ueo fur VVaahmgiiin Cuiiiii. ....... f. N,yori Noy -g Hoyd tesalerv lone Fessler. always on hand. Kstimai. Huildiujjs, Flooring Rustic. CVil- liiKS all kinds of finished lumber for house material. Wc deliver. Phone: Pac. States, Glencoe Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN. Bacona. Ore on Oii..ix. mil J K H IT T f Hl.rriltnl Wa.lilna-i.iii t'oiihty. Oreejiin. "at,-ley A litre, al lor nay. fur iliiilll. Nntkc of final Scttlcmenl 11 4 WE SAVE YOU Niitli-e 1. hereby eiven that lha nailer. ) lm final arttnint an ad 'vr. re unit ivrum i i. . ui., 1 ..,.1 '''l.t an. I -lor.,,,, I. Uonne, li. nr- "iil lur renitil r'r"'idiw mlf' an.l .. . r-'"ir.,n. ' W 1,. . ' T"1'". Ml fa ., r Ainu ,. l.,lli.ii c,.'. .. "t I ..! of 1 " Cm..- . 1 ' lioll ... ..... '"Hm-e .....V .'"""il.tion in ..1,1 '"nr , "m'l" Ii. read. "Iir. Illal.ia.l ... I,, ... . -- 011 ....i. . . r""i iiii.i.l '"i.ii in,.,., ..... 1 'l"M .r. h, i,, f I " Ml. 1.1 ....... PHI I I,.. t .-1.1... an...,. M ""' 'HILid I... "'' ' "l I , ,, ""illlf 11. ., " '"KHlJi-lin. of , Hi tin, "r ina r...u Hint r . ' i" an lit '""I a. ....... . " " "lhr ntid alKliral li.a Ml iiiiiiiairaiur ur ii,., eatai uf Mary T WiHHlfonl. ,leae.. with ih. tniinli rtiiirt ul Wa.hiniii.Mi mil nt y for Hie utal olOtroii, ami thai lha tald lanirl under data id Orlnlwr '.'1. 1MI.V ha. lli-l Ma.. .U. lr.Kiiiier I, Hia, at lha hour Mien a. in .at Ih. niurl Inillan In lllllahfie.. Or.. alh lime anil plan lur lirartna 8;45 . , M, ,iai bixxiiiiii ami in. i a. i(i dual antllptiinni ofiania, I j.MW,h ii WotkiibH. 1:19 AdmlniatraUir nf ih. .i.i. ..r u...rL WiukIhiM, l...aae.l. ' 'lO.iW... A It Manilriihall, mlornejr fur Mltlfulld .. tain Itt-Pl) I'aled at IlllUUini. Or., thl. 4thd. ? of (Vluher. Illl.l ' U:US. ,. transferred to Multnomah Co. ORL-UON ELHCTklC TRAINS To Portland -6:24 ri 6:59 a r, MONEY Paying no rents, and having no heavy expense; owning property and discount lug all my bills enables mc to sell cheaper than any city competitor your '"Uu,., f'lii.f tin. Nollcr f lllalrlrt Head Merllaa la V.I. 1 7;48 . . ....... .....ai nnii i at ia llnad IHalrerl . line. From Portland - In, lllll,... . " i ,l,,. "I W ,, -. In f"i "' "Uil , "iminlil,, iiini m, hj I'll, , to AtKII ,y lli'n.oiii.r '""'"II folinty, '" nl lllllalior.. '"'"'f. IV 1.1. and '""'"i i.r . ! "" "r 'rM. if ii. aiv u ., .. l - . " "'Ml i,,.i ,r""' "i nl I. "ii , , , . 1 "r "'""y, im r ''"'"" ami l I'lini rr. Ih-Hl'l . I.- """Iiv ,.. --.-. u t."iiiin ;i. inn v ..I..... ... ' mil """ri'.i mot . f """im yntl niie.,r "1 tt' OHMII l.u.... .. .. if n.,. ' aniiiii,.!,,., . "iriiie "lu '-M!i:i. ; wli liii i ..1 ''ur iu ..... I "" in Nliuln Ik N ll.l.l ' ..'"""'I W. thu uniliralitneil realili'nl lai- liav. ia of lln.,1 IMnti U i No. one, W'aah lliKton I'liiititv, lirnKiin. Inui'ther rum- 1'iiaiiiH unite than ten ur ''mil uf th. .aiii.'iii laiimvrr. in a.ilil road dlatrh t hi'ti-liy Klve nollre thai . nii-itliiir of i ne reaiuent tnipnyera of aald llnad iMatili l No. One, Waahlnirtori County oreHoti, I. hiTi-liy railed, and will ha in-lit nt I'otta Hull. In aald Road M- ttlrl No. One, Waahlnittiiti Cniitily, Or. Mini, on the Hth ,inv t Novnmher. I1M.1. al the hour of one oVI.wk I'. M of aald iliiy, n illariiaa the advlaahllltv or lnV)'lnK a Diiei'lnl ur a.lilltlniml fnad lint In aald diatrlrt, In dotM-mlne What, If any, rnunty nuula or iiurllnna ther of In am, I rnnd diatrlrt aliall h lm I'rnvtd, In any aiiwlal iimninr. and lh ehnriirier and extrtil of mii h Improve- ini'Mt or Iniiirovrini'iita ihey ahall mak t h.-i .'oil. and In levy atnh niierlal of nililltliinnl tax, lint to rxr.-eil len mill. in the ilullitr, on nil liixnhle real and pi'iaimiil iiruiiiirtv In unlil road dlatrlut, na a njitjnrlty of aurh realdunt taipay. ra uf mi lit rnnd dlatrlrl ahall deem ailvlaitliln for the piiipoae uf ralalnit 9:07 11:25 ... 2:28 4:48 6:24 7:iW 9:22 12:30 Proof Is Buying A Complete Line of General MERCHANDISE and GROCERIES Tiy tnc once and you will return. Ruy your Fall supplies here. Farm implc mcuts, etc. Laurel E. T. TURNER. Oregon 28-31 Sm. 2X IMalrlel I We. the underaisned re.l.l-ni r.?-7!..0i.?".-..dLrtr,l,i Na- Waahlng. v....,a,. virKon. If) art! haai- ln more than 14 per e.nt of the r.s id. nt laxpatera In aald road di.trKL hereby .iv nolle th.. . .. he rident taxpayer, of .aid ro.d di trk t No 2a, W aahlngton County, Oru Sim la hereby called, and will b. held f. . i;".1' v.'' ' h"'houa.. In ..id road ....ii ..o. j, "a.nington County I? ?h' 'a" -8'? dy uf ovmbeV: at the hour of 1 oil.u k u u aid day. lo dlacut. th. advlaabillty of levy Inn a petlal or additional ... ...... o.airu i, io determine what If any county roada or portion, thereof in said road di.trlct .hall be Improved n any .peiial manner, and the chanc er and extent of such Improvement or Improvement, they .h.ll mak. thereon. . . . or addillonal ax. not to exiwd 10 mill, on the dol lar, on all taxable real and personal property In said road rit.. Jority of auch re.ldent taxpay.r. of jald road dl.trlct .halt deem .Jvls.b?e . l,'u'.UTJ"? L '''" money with .. . ve.ray tn. .xpene. 0f iuch "Peilal Improvement , i ated Ihl. fl rat dnv nt v . . .... v. ..viemoer. (Slltned J. U Johnann t . merman. H. it. Baaford. J. M .h.r. K Jack. M. R..r.i.. v. - ... . .. . W.inam Baaae.t. A. MI.k' w'.' ,""Hr, W. K. Avrca. ii R. n..ii l O. K R.,. vT ": merger. Brook, i ur.-lL. "imam f. Mr. m, ""'Uln"v P" 'Km. "mm r. OruORl Jfaauk . I I o-r--.ni t a- - v am- i ?ae,MerMr,1;.n: Rom, to L M. Bon ham and wife, Nov. 12, 1913, a son. This For the best values in hard- i ii.... i . . "",1 a ii-it ' tinti L.. . "MH. .1 .."""I th), ... ' ' lllll .... 11,1 II Kl,i..i I".'' HI Inn nl.i.,,1.. . "' V ."'"ii wii. !'.':". hivZ, . I ' nenril, m "in h i l'ii 'Vt.mr.iia In mild lluml lUatrlot No. : 1)0111, ht a nf M L. ' Vnnlilnuli,n County, Oregon. rj, r H,,,, ;,,'''.,';! ,,n,',' "' riral iliiy nf November, ' tyOtlS, U W "iMlhrtM tll llJl.e....ll II I. t. L. rim i "hum I lit . . ouaiimu i i I'll I'm ' ii. n i f1 ""r vl1 'I ill',, K ""r il-' ,t. , c.-Thnmpann, J. W ia the first son horn in the Ron (ware of all kinds, call. on Dave iibiii iniiiiir tor j years, viiti inur win. wno can sen von tho younjr man is a Krandson of If. best at the lowest Hsrues. Plumb N. Honham. the veteran teach linir iriven oromnt atf.mtif.n era, who.is well known In Hills. Second Street, south of Main. horo ana the Scholia Laurel iec- " .u tion. Mother and child are dointr Lutheran services. well, and Grandfather Ron ham ia ?""ij.irr TV1 u 'Sl ,?,e feeling about 20 years younger. SXaStor. church'E' W' u. r. liarrett, formerly of am a ni. no- II earn . a . " ""ll, C4J AlUrDllV i' A.ndron- Thoma. Madlae. R w Jh. re. J. T. Heard. Jame. J. In,;, w J. Ingram. J. T Morrison. MtfaVataw Jl III.1.I.. m. Ai.iu.TaT."'."'?'- V.tel " " DiBfrlet We.dh. und.rslvn.d f..m... . I " of Road Dl.lrict No. 17. Vvash Ini" ton County. Ore-n ...k. I InK more than t. J.' " T.L' ,'T. mfr".- the r.IH... "'ee-'nn of I r,'."'"s. ' "'U Koad Or. ir. n 1. 1 h "I """nms-ton County, orepn. la hereby called, and will h. hfld at the I. O. O. K. Hall Banki Or .aid Rivi,, Main,., No 7. Washln: sa, -2. a iUBablllly of levying a .tibial . ..i! nionai road tax n ld aistrlct to leterm ne whal. If ,ny county road. MlK5f ' ro.dtydUtraie; tier and ih k ny apeelal man ntr, and the character .n.i ... . . august lth. uu, VJr -f u lost, plaintiff, and agalni, i?S Sohramel, H. A. I.,MS a"d' ym Navies, defendanta. for th. 5 -ItedSt.,.. ;,7j with Intereat thereon iB ,lk, fi com at the. rat. of ( p", c"t oi ll.. and the further sum of t cost, ,nd disbursements, to ml iu ITU?" ,1"V're,, omm.ndl,Si; to make .ale of th. real prop.rtr iua Zi'Y df'""-. d heretofor. attached In this action, 1 have l.vld upon .nd pursuant to s.li IlucS! ment execution. I will, on TuiSaV h. 25th day 0f Novemb.r. UU. tft H,n.T,h dir of ,n Courthoua. im ?i .. M-of ' dy. t pub. .haU,0,Kn ,0 ,b bidder fr crlbed real property, lying 1.1.. and situate In Wa.hoa CoUnX Oregon, described aa follow, to wit Lot numbered I, m .ectlon . T. I Macre WUL M"' co"''- Beginnmg at a point In the enter' of the county road 14 rod. E. of tn. N. W corner of section SI, T. t N H. i W. Will. Mer. runnlngn?, V . 1 rods; thence W. u roda to thai Place of beginning. conUlnH -. ores, more or less. ' ' ,f Beginning at a nnin, i. .v- of the county road 45 rods E. of t h N. W. corner of . n... m, . W. win u... " U. 1 or aiUitlomii 0 LTh "'JmnVt -"int or o .li l. rml,,,, hnt. If a.,; cn mty rotl. they maTVh V lm"-ovement. r pnttlons thereof n, ,,, Kofi !."..,.-m,k n.reon. and to lew tr.it s,,,,,! t,.ov,, It, v"8, " , ,rT'"'"',d, 'on' . not to maim. .-, ami the . h,,r,, " IT1.' ,rn .m"i on the dollar, on . .a! . v.. hum rAlCI I I IHAHDIM raO Bh.I - I 'L . ,l'y.-m,-nt ur Improvement, said road dlaiHe, . "'"P'rly In "nun in; Kt ii'miii ... , I. ... . ""ijoriiy or aimhl " " ?l-l r iKlilltinnnl tiii. n, .i I ih.ii Vi.i pj,.,!.r ?'d road dlslrlc -' iit-triii fan vista rtiaa ty.. . i 'Him ..' l.i. "ii 'ftrp, I. ""IfL.... If... . "' im,,,,. , : Um '""mi,,.., n, ""Mtirw.u.,1 ('uu.. nf Htirh uprt-iHi improvrmtni r umjnviiie, writes inai M nu Af ' dam vafttrn tin tt iu nv i i mini uu aav tari . ...... Oregon. He thinks he "'JZ.Zir.Zl r.r.",' .VI IE! i a. I a ft . at I t. mas maae a nne duv. ana inisi snltl l-oiul illsirlrt inn IHIgnml) ,"rid W'e.ch, Waller Thomp. run, jn. I ee,, , . .. . . yheng, k. a. ingion tiouniy inenus. lol.nrl. II t I . ".! wm. "frr oi'niak,;. c w c.,.,,..,: w. i,' liohora-.'l Grand Chance or ,.-V"v:, J -'r. mi :i ! r; Hr.Vr' t "Ifr.Tii Pt. of Portland it hi. 1. 1. iiin IUU..1 i . 'h'm, it. n. P.'r,,'tmr VV''oiinu ,."0II,WI 111 1 M.-ltnl.tirh, ttto. rulhnath, John 1,Hi!i; ,WH,'k a. h. "Li"?;'1: H' - .',...'Ik1 AiihunI UUmk, W. A 1L lllll . III. Iill.l ' " .... f1" Iihii "'"""'liiulia.? ii' l.' I i,'rf" Idironmn, Jooh H. hlanm linini Na. uw all , .V. "Itliltir Hrhnrmnnl. H. I. CI.,. A. A. liul.v. uienCOe lAQgQ IN V " Maui, titu uwia jurgens. c. v. caatui. in official inspectif will please Barrett's ma-- -ph- w;. ? ""''lV, .r0:1"' !".? I .'mil ii I nv, , tlfl II I I . J,- lion County, Or., together comprising g more man 1(1 per rent ur the resident 9. tnapayer In said road dlalrlot, hnretiy OUt Klr" n""1-'' that R meeting or the resU i-nnm I dnt takpnrera of said lloiid District VUtll-1 Vrt. I Wn.hlm.lnH P..11.I,. n. 1 .. 1. . , , , ..... .......j, v.... an 11,'ie. Visited; y called, and will lie held at the ltehxe wtiiarii, MatiHi i, a.,J. ... YeRgef, vmutvmj bto una, J I,,,... tiamr ujl4n fnKn M " ? ..aii.. Tribu uijiiii ale nf P lchoalhouae In snld ttnnd District No, !. Washhigtoti County, or., on the I'.ith llh day of November, 1811, at the hour t,t aa a majority or auch i " J autau lllHlPliif 'cel 10 mills on h, ol nr Z .1, of ral. Z Mvinbi 'or the purpose "um rniiii it sir ct. i . n,.,i .... . "oeciai mnriw.. such resident t.ixuvr .,r ..V.i .."I i,. JmProvements aaldRn.d .llMilct shall ,1,, ...vlsahle for 'he Ogon " W"""-on Count,: o :,;1,'l,rorrn urr ,hh nov., y. or. , - j rnortibnra., Ira On led this 1st day of I (NIkihhI) Nrls ,,,r.0 i ir'y'"1- F' "Onpaon. Pnyl IMvis I . "'"nit, i, i.-utRhnlter, Fredrick id V Moo' rVr"'" Vandelmy, mi, I HltTHII . . loin thence S. 1 ,.. .V..' nn,n thence N. 1 riH.,1; W. iV V 0 .P raCe conttlnf; 1 J-20 acre, of land, mora or lean fee",Sbepi;n,,hlniIML,t " rV of beginning, contain", Vti&'S n acre, more or le.a. M -urn's. 'indVoe h.a herln-nra named will hV ... f "? d wrU- "' -l . I. . .m,de 8uhJect to redemptlo aa per statute of Orenon. "m9"om Dated thla 22d day of u-tober. llt. Sheriff f WMh.nguin'countyoav K. B. T0N0UB. ; Attorney for Plaintiff. : Malic of Flat, Scllleamrt Henry Voet W 513 , Ut - undar. ai "If " I SjKtie rieciltnr nf lha, lu .III I vk v - Prieketl K S' viiiu . Tl H W testament of James II 7wli iTreaT i... W, Alt?.' John Wodderllck. ,T.L..G,fd-,VA'l'hA S ft' '"r??". i.' I H If. I,)., t n . - Jenstn, u i .hiiiii m inn inatHir or said natal. ny ?.WM5P'.WO Yonni.J jSnTet!: ,he 8t ay of PecuoVr. mmttL: ecker, Jos. c.ii. it,. f,iiir ,i,.ii ,k l vuyla eke, P R Norton !?.V. . u,.'--r '"rH"in in Hlllalmm, Oramti. : movers, AJ. RXb.4 H'Tt T BCPrTlVle;B7 Dated thl. flU, day of No, ' Kamna. fi Hood. EV fi 1. I xa Ja t --- 2 -V