The" lnilLLSBR COLES P. MARQUIS KILLED BY DYNAMITE lifttt ' Handler lUimn I ,OrriK Nnt.irdav Hrriio.i jtOOMI fcat v,,",u,,"t M'"F ,,jmI KrtHMr I1r. !"'' fhirlrt I'- Marquis. f ?1 I'Mtit gtfwt. Portland, w a Mown up nd infant! y kill.M hy it prima tur r)l'wi" dynamite nt lh'til llerichkf place. South On-ncn. Saturday nl terrioon. ihort!) ft'"r "''l"k. lie luJ hn-n woiking over near the Scutt AH' " place, and w ent ov cr to lini:lilkf ii Saturday morning tfldoimmr "iw'l, r hMt itiv. He'd lift.-.-" I"1!' m the fun twon. inl f'ii t. n of th.-tn wen- igniti!. Aft- '' dinner he went tt-k. ftt'niirm it by Mr, n ichke. l"l I"1' dow tu r three Bore loads While he Mat work in at tJi U-t charge, jM-Uing it ja MJinrM. tin "M charge rv rduM. llin 1 1 1 j Maiquis in the r i & i . . nr. Ill" n il ann .iii-i nan in fare- cre ltoiA n as ay, and 1 alh u inntanliiMtiiuH Manium' llv was n!s. I : 1 1 v mintfW. 1 1 i - left Niriiun of the inphraiftn l-ng turn away. Mr. Henwhkc, whit was Maud- inf ilhin two or thr..-feet of him, ulight'v n Jlf .y tint brmif l.los n in his fare, and , Dwf HniU , a .ung f' i'" f llwtit Ki or 17. "ii of W Handle), also tirar the Hienc. InM Uo tw-th and iu!!Vri'l ulrai.iis ofthfav. It van -rv frtu MtforWlli lli nn like ami ll.un! Iry that tin y w, re tmt more arwuly injincd, or rwn k t11 MrUI1 S1 UM lil'tlHIH tHUS il T Mpert. mil had ilnn u di-al of muk of thin km. I. lie hu idatikfl.t.T. Mrs IH-d H un. burt, h-tiiliiu' at VI' Front tr,-it. Portland, a m m, akr! II years, horanioimt Saturday evening. Thf Iwy nss hi' thinks his father had fcOTie insurance in ait Indian tioli, rnl , concern, ami t ! -tniM iast tn tin. I out the real Itlttwof th. Mii, y. iVirum-r r. I'.nm-tt win! to the srt-ni' of .l.-ath. hut h, !, no inimt, mtnj.U takniK' tin- iI.'hi itmn of lli'tiH.-hki'. Minjui wnHilivnrt'ril. in.-t wife wing marricl nain. Mrs. 1'ann' iui julinin. Arc i ion si i: Sktunluy. Nov.miiUt L".!, at I o'clock, having rn-.-nllv m'I.I part of l!a.v, will .,ir, r at pull. Ik Mctum at tin- Urown f.o.l tl- following One m-ist. rr.l J.-rsoy row, Irwh in 'I . i " . i I ..."inn', roisicroii Jcr.y h.-ifrr. t.i fr.hon Jail 1.1; MaMcr.', J,.rs,.y lt.lf,,r , ,vl, 3.ri-KiHt ri-l J.TS.-V lu ifor, H mo; JWsUt.nI hull nilf. a m,,; hir, J'leJ,.M(.y (-,nv. w, . fr,.H, tUm-of Ha!..;:i ,iKh Kra.l.- J,.f. k'i , l'"ni"k' iii May itnif fw to ra'ist.-ml J.-rsfy'lmll; we Urnsl r.M-k .hi.-kons; :U iirrnwaM-'-soato,! hack. "oiih-Mv montlis" timo nt H W fe"t.. ha.ikahl,. not,.. Two fent, iliHi-ount for i jinh. iiimi'H t ruirkMliaiik, I P ,. Owiht. . Kuratli. Ain tionoor. Sa f-iv.! I.oiv Kri.lay thaf ' .tht' I"''M r ,,, if "' "'"'l Nv. :. IV. 1163 and . . i i I 1 l!l"u' 1,1 HemB 1UI'''1 in l'a",, liiinty. tne;,n;lr(,,,ral,,. pro,,,?. 2 I'in hol.linuH. One surviviV Wl'"'l'h'wHan.h.i.TcH SnrS0,'. Mm. Lulu Laxton. r: f,,,,,anl (), ai-"; KsSSiy. f,,,H,rttl t0,'k I p tl- Sw i? rh,,,,!ii,,m M,,iin- H is still r tll Iartl rio wwk. If !.... the wo" hi llfnt """Ko that 1,,-ats IUu;j '. uii iniiiinu mill a Uirwin i . ' V : veP : art' tl.o h,.Ht Viu.i "acel ,m ii... .T. """ Cal iZV n ... hiiu BUU IIIL'III. It ma'ht I- nrwH i Wail,;,,., ton fouiily ,m,, tl, tw fhal in.- r.-iaiiv.K or uutm.-i, ths. man IM. Kill.-,! j,,,.,. I u y 1, r fr win.-n rn.iio llaim.l vta.m-x.Tut.-. I that A. W. Nor oi.i.i. ii- ..unk. ttttortn-y who ii irii.i.-.i mi- took a.l. Mii.ta.' of the inan'H plight, ami M . ur.-.i pra. H. ally all of thf i-x-. ut.-. man'K pn.i-rty. an. I Hint hai Ih . ii iil.-. to ri-.-ov. r. N..r I'la.l ran in thi' r.-puldican pri-inuri.-i against 11 Jj. lnKuf. an. I Ins rainpaii-n win fruitli-iw altho.U'h ipiitt i-tr.Ttivi vt-ri in S a .hiiii'tnii ( 'ounty. I r.iir.-.-tit Spinlla cori.u i.t mil. I in hti.r.-. Will ,-a ttt hi.tni-K on ami ,. tin titling, an. I ti a. h how to adjust an. I wi ar thf rorsi-t. tur tailor . . ma. If to tjt, in. i lii.tuti! th- lat. ht front la. f. with an p. rn in i-. iorsi tn r K rvi,f, no in, in- than hiyh rlasn n.r' si ts pun hasi-.l m tHor.-s. Mrs. M. I). 'au.l!i-. 1, Fiftji an.l JarkH4.ii Stri-i l.s. I'horif No ritf John llm kcr i-H ts to plant su u. r.-s rnorf of hask.-t wiIIowd ni xt K. l.ruary. ami if he ran not l.amllf thnn in his own nianu f a. tun-, hf will Hi ll thnn to the trail-. His plan- iiortliw.-ht of town is one of thf U-st willow pr.Nl.nirs in this part of thf Wiilanu-tte Vall.-y. Mr. H.H-k-r an, I his frttl.i rari- inaki-rn par .-M'.-llctiri-. ami it'th.-y ran v:-t tin- irii-n lo .i thfir work tln-y will lake ran- of all of the tiinU r th. y ran ktow otherwise lli. y w ill .-H-rt. Whrn wautirik' an uv rn-ani siwla. why imt jji-t it at a rnmli-rn, ip to .latf fountain wln-rf thf s)rupiskipl in hanilary wt-lls. puuis-. lulu tin- tflas l.y a Hani Ury pump. I nal" thf kind of fountain you willlindat Kiw U-r'tt. Uh. n Miss Ada Park, of Hills, was at I'.ar Vn-w, Au:. 'St, shf wrtilf a notf. nivitiir hrr naini- an.l addn-ss, and plaa-d it in a Uiltle. ronsiK'ninjf il to thf wavi-s, Sh-aki-,1 tin lin,l,-r to n-,rt whi-rc it was piokfd up. AU.ut ;:n das latrr L J. Holt., of r.'oninui).:. pukid thf Uittlf up on NrtarLs lli-arli. and Hie Artfus ronvcys thf information as to w lu-re it drifted ashon. I he eliiss had wand, red down the roaM IM or llTi n iles. Some one has a row that fvi di ntly is kale huiiK'n, or ha.s an owru-r who thinks h he in, for I'r.-d Si-hoinliurK'n patch ha.s Ih-i-ii rol.U-d hevi-ral times w ith in the past two w it-kit. The purloiner pulls the "fiHlder" up l.y the rout and is very careful to h ave no tracks that ran lie identified. Wanted: Younk' Jersey hull, old enoiiK'h for nervire, flijf iblo t registry; also live or h'w youriK heifers, either fresh or romirik' Koun. (ieork'e Oenton, lli-i-dville, Oregon, .add & Keed l-'arm. Mrs. Mary K. Kisnrr, who has resided at 1'a.sadena. I'ul., for aUmt lifti-eii months, returneil to Friday eveninir. She nay that Oregon linik U-t-t.-r than ever, and that alio sees a tfreat deal of improvement in Ilill.sUiro. Mrs. Kisner owns a Inline out ru-ar jolly I'laina. We rut dimension lumU'r and timbers to order. Kouk'Ii Jum-Ix-r. nil sizes, on hand. -S. Ii. t'ok'an. on Jas. A. Sewell pluce, IlillsUiro. Ore., Koute 1. I'hone, Farmers HIS. Mrs. May Ilendisantl cluiik'h ter, Miss Susanna, departed Fri' dav mnrninjr fur ttir home in I'.eloit, Wis. Mrs. Ilendis re cently came West to join her daughter, a teacher, who has lieon unite ill nt the Ciibhen home. Arrent Myers ticketed t hem over the Flectrie and Hill lines. For sale - lV.lijrreed Puroc Jer sey hoar, two years old. Box ti, Uoute I, Iteayerton. Ore.. Tel. Ml. Lino 4. 31-G Attorneys (leo. 11. Hurley and Thos. II. TtmK'iie, Judjre Ueason er nnd l!ommissioner C. A. Han ley were Oregon City visitors, Friday, the two attorneys aru intf t'ho injunction case of the wets, before Judtfe. Camphell. Why pay a big lrico for mould ings, when you can buy the best at wholesale? See the flillsboro l'lanin Mill. 33-6 J. A. ThornburKh, president of the Forest (Jrove National Hank, was in town Friday, re turning from a trip out to the Tualatin I'lains Bection. Freil Scolield, formerly ot the Hnnks-Huxton section, now re siding in Yamhill County, was drawn for the circuit court term, McMinnville, last week. II. J. ColT, the Forest Grove hardware merchant, was in town Friday, enroute to Tortland. BURNED nAN DIED SATURDAY MORNING SJ I niimc of It4hrmlan Woman Who Wa Mentally Iterancrtl SMI: IHD TI1KI ATI M b I II I KllliWI ! a HN.knd (ad Utile oa Muara Mcr I Mm. Thomas Vavrin. aed aUut 1M y.-ars. died Saturday morning. alut 2::, at the (Jardn.-r Sard tarium. after Hulferirik' a "wwk from hums Kelf-inllieted on Thursday afternoon. Nov. 0. The woman had la-en ordered committed t the asylum, and the court was waiting for her recovery in order to have her H-nt to the State institution. Several days U-fore the acci dent the woman showed every evidence of m.-ntal dfrangement. but when nhe was Uken before the court her husband, in order to protect her, said she was just a little erratic and homesick. It was afterward ascertained that she had. during her attarks of mania, tried to injure the little son. On Nov. fi. Mrs. Vavrin set fire to her rlothing and rush ed from the dwellintr. ItisHni.l that U-fure she applied the match sue tourfij coal oil on her gar ments, and the result was that U-fore the blaze was extinguish ed she was nearly burned to a crisp. Mrs. avrin was lorn in l!o- hemia. Her huslmnd has finally admitted that she had threaten ed her life several times, and that she at one time tried to throw herself under a train. The husband is a hardworking man. and well-intentioned, but there is no doubt if she had been committed the first time she was tried on the insanity charire. Bhe had a chance to recover It was only his sense of rare for the un- lorlunate woman that caused her to U' released. HKI D.MWY SAI.I Friday. NovemlrerlX. 1911 at 10 o'clock we w ill olfcr for sale ST extra line milk cows, free from tuberculosis; all have lieen test ed. Also 2 fine llolstein bulls, 2 years old; one Durham bull, one year old, on the I'alentine Hill place, 1 mile west from Kevera Station, on the Southern Pacific Kailroad, Oswego, Oregon. Lunch at noon. Terms $10. cash; over $10. C months time, at H per cent bank able note. John Naegeli, John Arnet, Owners. J. C. Kuratli. Auctioneer, Christ Naegeli. Clerk. SILVHK Wi:i)DIN(l Mr. and Mrs. N. 0. lloleen, of near laurel, celebrated their sil ver wedding, Nov. 9, in the presence ot many relatives and friends. Hinner was served at 2 o'clock, and the afternoon was spent in social converse. The host and hostess received many lieauiiful presents. Those nresent were: Messrs. and Mesdames C. J. Foleen, A. Johnson, P. I. Lillegard, Julius Christenson, H. Pederson, K. 0. Morrow; John Nylierg and fami ly; Misses Fmma Nelson, Victor ia. Signe and hsther Koleen; Messrs. 1). Cole. Fred Norman. S. Kinman, Victor lloleen. SOllTHi-RN PACIFIC The Southern Pacific schedule, as now running, is as follows: To Portland McMinnville nass'irer. a. m--C:52 Sheridan train, a. m 8:38 Tillamook train, p. m 1:0 Corvallis overland, p. m 4:57 (in Kundnv. McMinnville Pas senger does not leave Hillsboro for Portland until 8:w. From Portland Corvallis passenger, a, m....8:22 Tillamook passenger, a. m.. 10:00 Sheridan passenger, p. m...6:14 M'Minnville passenger, p. m -6:45 Argus and Journal, $2.25. whole sale. See the Hillsboro naning Mill. Me nnd Mrs. E. A. Snodgrass, of below Newton, were In town Saturday. Uiv. ttwinir. Dioneer minister of Washington County, having been in Oregon since isoz, wmes from Portland for another year of the Argus. HILUSIiOkO.OkKGON, NOVI-MUI-R 20. W. . Kathorn mi in tw.wr, laurel. Saturday. A. W. Walker, of South Tuab. tin. was a city raller Satunhiv M -j . Ka John LVIx-l and w it,- of Mmm. taindale. were in tin- citv S;itur. day. II. ruian liannow. r.e.-ir Farm. ington, was in the county s-at Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Sstmrw.r .f Jolly Plains, wen- in flu- ,'itv Saturday. Carl Meier. .f north of tow n was a city caller the last of the week. John I). Koch, of almve Illoom. ing. was in the county seat Sat urday afternoon. Marshal I'aker. of Cheh:i!.-m Mountain, was in the county seat Saturday. IL Oppliirer. f Cornelius, was down to the county scat Satur day morning. The Christian Advent Church people are verv nroud of heir new bell, which was swung in the steeple a few days ago. Tares for sale, mixed with luarter w heat, ouarter oats nnd vetch, all cleaned and readv for market Wm. Schuimerich. Mr. and Mrs. C. O Ilrvd.-n of Oregon City, were in IlillsUi ro Monday. Mr. Dry den is con nected with the Oregon Citv Kn- terprise. Mr. and Mrs. Carfield Khoades leiiarted Fridav to take tin their residence on a farm near Sheri dan. They were accompanied by Mr. Khoades Sr. Found: Centleman's umhivt. la. at Fair Ground station, near rorest urove, at hair time. Iiser may prove property at Ar gus otlice. Geo. Hathorn. of Salem, was down last week, visiting with home folks, nut nt Ijinrel Ceo is working at the carpenter trade at Salem, and doing nicely. Ist: Ijist Week. U-tween Portland and Gaston, a prestolite tank for auto. Finder leave at or notify Wilkes Auto Garage, tt'iii niiisiKiro, anu receive rewara. Taken up Heifer. 2 vears old. black. Owner prove property, tiav charges and take same away.-Jos. Arnold, half mile west of lleaverton. 33-t C. C. Whitmore, of Chehalem Mountain, near Laurel, was in town Saturday.- He says the jo tato vim's were grow ing green on the hills until last week, w hen the heavy frosts wilted them. J. H. Haase.of the South Tua latin section, was in town Mon day. He savs that iiotato har vest is on over his way. His yield was 200 sacks per acre this year. Hazel Ledford was in town the last of the week, visiting with his parents, G. '1. Ledford and wife. He expects to go to Cali fornia in a few days, going down with Capt. McCann, who has a string of horses at the Forest Grove race track. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. F. Lappen, of Providence, Rhode Island, ar rived here Thursday, for a visit with Mr. Lappen's brother, Fath er Mark Lappen, of St. Mat thews' Church. 1 hey will visit California and the South before returning Fast. John and Jake Milne, of the Plains, were in the city Satur day. Both are enthusiastic over the uroiHwal to levy a special tax, and as the Milne ranch pays heavy taxation, their interest is not from a selfish standpoint excepting that it means better roads out their way. McMinnville is now trying to interest the people of the city in a rest room for those who trade in the Yamhill county seat. This is a move in the right direction. Hillsboro has had one establish ed for a number of years and it has proven a blessing for the women who come to town on business trips. Franquette walnut trees graft ed on California Black Hoot the kind that grows vigorous and bears heavy crops here in West ern Oregon. The tree mention ed in my former ad., topworked, 4 years ago last April, produced 125 pounds of dried nuts that can be sold easily for 20c per pound, wholesale, making an income of $25.00. We have acres here in thn northwest that are produc ing over $300, net income, trees averaging less man 1 years oia. It is time that Washington county was waking up to this new industry. My first and second plantings, 5 and b years old nre hcmnninir to bear. I also have vetch seed in small or large quantities. Ferd Gron- er, Hillsboro, Oregon, route z, phone Scholls 555 line 16. 1913 LOOKS LIKE 10 MILL TAX FOR CiTY Of HILLSBORO Ten Thousand IXillar i Inti mated a Needed lor Coming Year I'Wilf KTV VALtEO AT A BOLT MILLION Lty Will Probably be Made lirnt Meet Inr ia December Hillslxiro's budget for 191 1 will reach the ten thousand dollar mark provided that estimates of those well in hand with the ques tion are not mistaken. There is a $2..rViO damage suit to settle with Margaret Jane McGowan, who was injured by a fall near St. Matthews Church, when street improvement was in progress there several years ago. Mrs. McGowan received a ver dict for $3,000. and the case was compromised at $2,500. This amount must be taken care of by the tax levy, and it is estimated that it will require at least $75 ) more for other purposes, such as street cleaning, the fire depart ment, and other necessary ex penses, like marshal and deputy. The city stands to lose the sa loon license revenue, which has U en $2.5iKJ per year. Ihe levy will make quite a hardship on those who have sewer and paving payments to make, and will also make those squirm who must put down ce ment walks. PLHLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at pub lic sale. 2j miles S. W. of Scholls. and 0 miles north of New berg, at ten a. m., on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 22 Black mare, 10 yrs, 1100; black mare, 4 yrs, 1100; bay gelding. 4 years, 1350; bay gelding, 3 years. i:M); brown gelding, 2 yrs. 900; bay mare. 10 yrs, 1300; bay mare, 9 yrs. 1150; gray gelding, 8 yrs, 15ii0; yearling heifer, cow. York shire Uiar. 3 brood sows, 6 pigs, 3 mo; Bain wagon, good as new; 20 pigs. 2 mo; steel truck, Mitch ell covered hack, good shape; new Heney buggy, Chatham fan mill, new Deering mower, Su perior disc drill, 3-horse rigging. McCormick hinder, disc harrow, Iotato planter, hay rake, grind stone. 2 14-in plow, 16-in steel plow, pegtooth 3-horse harrow, cultivator, springtooth harrow, 40-gal kettle, hayfork and 200 ft rope, 3 j Hickory wagon, hayrack, lm) prune boxes, set single har ness, 2 sots driving harness, 3 sets work harness, 50 chickens, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of Sale $10 and under, cash; over, G months bankable note, at 8 per cent. Two per cent. otT for cash over $10. W. F. Wohlschlegel, Ow ner. J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. F. F. Conover. Clerk. . FAREWELL PARTY A farewell party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Rasmusen and their son. Arthur, near Cedar Mill, Wednesday evening, Nov. 12, host and hostess being aUiut to move. The evening was a de lightful one, and those present were: Messrs and Mesdames Ot to Wismer, B Layfield. Robert Graves, H Holcomb, Kline, Fred Townsend, Chas Hicketheir, Robt Johnson, Neils Hansen, Henry Johnson: Mesdames Mary Hitter, Prudens, Wm Thompson, Lillie Owens; Loltia, Hortense, Edna, Walter and Freda Wismer, Ora, Erickson, Roy, Fay and Chester Haskell, Rose Holcomb, L and Cleve Owens, Herman and Em ma Ediger. B Grossen, Louie Boy, Paul Hitter, Hattie, Wibert and Joe Thompson, Etta. Emil and Otto Schlottmann, Willie and Carl Hicketheir, Harry and Jess Hansen, Susie Thompson, Philip Streib, Christine and John John son, Rasmus Nelson. WILL HUY STOCK FOR CASH We have a client who will buy all of the stock on a ranch and rent the place. If interested, kindly write us the price and list of the stock, amount of rent wanted with full description of the buildings, implements, and improvements, also stating how long the lease can run, number of acres under cultivation, dis tance from town, school, etc. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 204 Failing Bldg.. Portland, Or, Geo. Bidwell, of near Leisy ville, was in town the first of the week. Phoned TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If yoi don't want to come to town, just phone your order :n and it will be promptly attended to as if you called it, persoa. We socialize in "Hurry Up" orders and you can get a prescription made up very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and Kexall Remedies by Parcel Post. Prepayed without extra charirp fThe Delta Drug Store I REXALL STORE J SAFER THAN A PADLOCK You always lock up your house at night; you see that the padlock is on your barn door; of course you do. But how about your business? Are you as cautious and prudent in regard to money matters? If you have no commercial bank account your system is lax, and there is apt to be a leak somewhere. . The man who can boast of a commercial bank ac count is the one who pays all bills by check, in a sys tematic manner, and can tell at a glance how much money he has on hand, at any time. Open your account with us and put . a padlock on business. AMERICAN NATIONAL DANK Main and Third, MllltborOm mm m v a m SHUTE SAVINGS American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 Banking' in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. IN BUILDING A HOUSE you secure the services of a skilled architect, one who has specialized in designing and building houses such as you wish, you don't employ a "jack-of-all-trades" This same principal applies to the care of time pieces. I make a specialty of caring tor and repairing Fine Watches and other ' time-pieces. If you wish to get the best service out of your watch or clock, let me care for it, and put it in running condition. LAUREL M. HOYT NO. 35 arm BANK I