The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 13, 1913, Image 2

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1 f I
To Please You
Is our aim. In 01' R C.OODS
satisfy you and not wholly
Unless yo-ir satisfaction is complete,
we have achieved nothing at all. lixxl
will is an asset we guard most zealous
ly. It is the corner stoue of this suc
cessful business.
It is your money that pays for your groceries
and you owe it to yourself to get your money's
worth. u cau't lose if you buy groceries at
Six National
November 17 to 23
Teu thousand Iol-
jars Championship
Tickets sold daily Nov. 16 to 21, ft 5.75 from Hills
boro, return limit Nov. 23.
J Apple Day" is Nov. iSth Thruout Pacific North
west states. Join in General Observance of d ly. Ask
Agent for ''55 ways to serve the Apple," free. Scud
your folks a bj. of Oregoa apple for Thanksgiviug.
Promote the use of and publicity for Oregon grow n
A P Meyers, Hillsboro, Agent.
R II Croxier, Asst Gen Pass Agt, Portl iud, Ore.
In tup ("iii iiiy Cturt ot tlf Su!nf Ore
gon, Iror tl C iiinlj of Washington.
In th Matter i f lite KxUtoi
of ,
Samt) Jiif Hiil. t'.Yfa.iptl.t
To Tryplirna Xmift. Fiain-i Allen, Will
lain Jet kit. a. uni i t -hum .lei kms, a dull
III, known ht-irx h! law of ! : 1 1 1 lanr Hill,
ilia-1-fca.'il, (iro'tm::
In thr name of li.i S:nte ol Op-t,.ri, von
are herel v ne.1 m d lequi-e 1 In iipta-i r ill
the County r il Hip M.tln (inpm
for Wmia- n'oii ii.imiy. a! tli court
n til Ihi teol at H.linxiro. in the count t
of WatiliitiL'toti, siale of Onvnti. on Mini
(1 ly, '.lie '.-ind day of leoeiiil?r, 1:iI3, at
u-ii o'clock in the loren miIi of that day.
then and there show catisn, if any there
be. why an order of th: ronrt xliotiM
not dp made b prayf! li r in the petition
ot If M lliil, Ihe diiiv MLiinintril, iiintlilipil
nnd a.'linu Hdii iiii-iint.ii ot the wimp of t
Barah Jane lull, tlt-niii. Htitliorizinir.
litvnaini; and liirwtinn linn a aurh al
riiinijitraior lo wll at priva e ale for
caxti in hand, the real iroerty belongiiitf
to said i stale, and dewritied as follows,
(tiriKint at n Mime at the S W cornpr
nf SiMiT2 S It 3 W Will Mer Wahiii(f
ton riuiiilv. Oregon, thenee X on town
Hhip line 17 87 ehx more or lent, to the S W
corner ol tract of land helontMng to A M
. Porter, tlioi'i'e on t!ie 8 line thereof N i,T
di(.'tUniin K in 12 eh to an iron pijie
them N I" deg 21 W mill 2 71 ctiojinore or
lew to on iron ipe at s W comer of a ce
tain 1 Wi a re tra.'t them e on the S line
thereof N Mi det 'K inin K 13 C clis lo a
t'H. e In Ihe renter line ol county road ,
thenee in the center ol said road S 21 di g
5U mill K rh? more or !e lo a stone
HtllieH W inrner of lot lieloiiging to
Kchofil IhHtrict No thence S 47ileg K
oiiiiiKHioa aiiiii" huh iron, thence r 5 '
deg Ht ch to a atone, thence S 7 '.
deg H mm W a f.i chains to a atone
tliemte. N 7!l deg 3" min W 2.11 chains to a
BUmrt them e h I.I dot! 2o linn W 1
to a on ; tlx nee 8 M deg ii'i min W 1.01
ens them e 8 deg 1U min W 2."7cbstnn
atona; thence S Is deg oti inine-tlH7
Clin tii a xtonclhei ce N 7deg l's min west
i.WI chB to a tone. tneuce S 7:i deg Ul min
w t i it.' cl.. to a ftone, thence s U deg 21
in n west l.i'Jchs to a utone; ihence X nil
deg 5$ min i stliiil ciis to a stone; them
west & (fi chs to a stone on the township
Hue; Ihence N U oi g 32 nun eat In .mi chs
in tlje place ol heginniiig, containing
M 5ti cres,
as pr ed for in tin; petition of said ad
This citation is published hy order of
Honiiral.le 1 II Keaaoner, Judge of the
county court ol Washington county. Ore gon,
Biade and entered on the l;Hh duy of
Moveaiher, I 'l.'l. and the date ol the tirst
puhlifaiiiin ol this citation is Thursday,
the l ill day of Novemher. !i, and tiie
(late ijl the hist publication of this citation
will be Thursday, the 11th day of lie,
ceinlifir, l!'l (.
WiUiess the Honorable I) B P.eaBoner,
Judgeollhe county court of the county
of Washington, Mate of Oregon, with
thesmilol said court hereto allixisl, this
i:;th day ol November. !H:I.
Attest: (heal) K (' I, m e. ( l rk.
Tnos H Tongue Jr., atUimey for ail
In tbo Circuit Court of tho Hint of Ore
gon for Washington County.
W H hccles, I'laintifT, Vs J A Tavlnr,
Florence 1C Taylor. Laura V IloHiie,
H L Donne, Frank J lontie and Margaret
Donne, defendant.
To J A Taylor and Florence R Taylor,
two ot the above named defendants
la Uie Name of the State of Oiegon:
You ami each of you arc hereby com
manded anil teiiiirul to be and appear
id the- above entitled court and answer
the complaint filed agnit,sl you in the
above entitled cause, on or before the ex
piration of six weeks Irom the ihite nf
the first publication of this summons in
the Hflls oto Argue, the date of the first
publication thereof being Nov. 13, 1913,
and the date of the latt pub icatimi
hereof being. Jan t, 1914; to wit, on or
before' ill e 2nd day of January, 1914; and
you will please tnke notice that if you
tail so to appear and answer said com
plaint) the p'aintill" will apply to the
court ; for the re.ief ptfivcrt d r in his
'ntuplaiiit, to-wit: For a decree reform-
iug and correcting that certain dud of
conveyance made, executed and deliv
ered bp .1 A Taylor and Florence E
Taylor,; in favor ol O h Donne, tear
ing date April 14, 1914, filed for rec
ord April, 1S94, and recorded on page
3H7l't Bonk Ml ot i lie records of Heeds of
Washington county, Oregon, so that the
filth course In the di.-cnpLioii in said
Apple Show
At Spokane
inning Kxhibits
Will Tour the
United States
conveyam shall b int.te in read
' Ihence we.t eighty rods." nistra l ol
. thrin-e west ten rods, ha-wsl muni the
iniitiia! mistake ami misapprelieiniion ol
! fact of the iartie to s-tul isinveyatii-e,
and not csiimM Iit any negligiMice of the
j plaintilf in this nit or his predecessor in
. title or the parties to said eonveyance,
; and for such oilier ami further relief as
i mav Is-equitable.
This summons is rervisi upon you Iit
piihliraii'in in Ihe Millshoro Argua by
onierofthe Honorable I. H. Keasoner.
Count judge of Washington eoimty, Ore
gon, made ami .l.ili-l at Hillsboro, on the
bithtlayof Novemher, l!t'... and nbicli
onler reipiirta ibat you a.;s-ar ami
Answer saul isinipl:ont on or Is fore the
expiration ol six weeks Imin the date o,'
me ursi nuiiiicailon of said auniiiioiia.
io it, on or is-tore the 2ml day ol Jam
I uary, lull.
; Hagiey A Hsre, Attorney for I'laintit!
Dr. F. A. Kailey, Coroner Bar
rett and Deputy District Attor
ney Tongue went to Raleigh,
yesterday, and finished examina
non oi me aeatn ot the man
burned to death last week. The
jury found death was accidental,
A l i L . .. I l
annougn mere naa been some
talk of foul play.
Taken up Heifer, 2 years old,
black. Owner prove property.
pay cnarges and take same
: away.- Jos. Arnold, half mile
! west of Keaverton. 33-5
! Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Lillegard,
of near Laurel, were in the citv
Tuesday night, guests of Mr. and
Cha3. S. Parker, and de
parted yesterday morning for a
'"Itnp to their old homes in Nor
way. Air. Lillegard has tor
many years wanted to revisit the
scenes of his boyhood, and he
and his wife will now spend the
Winter in the country that boasts
the champion skaters and the
champion ski-men of the world.
The Argus will visit them while
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic sale, 21 miles S. W. of Scholia,
and 6 miles north of Newberg, at
ten a. m., on
Black mare, 10 yrs. 1400; black
mare, 4 yrs, 1400; bay gelding, 4
years, 1350; bay gelding, 3 years,
1300; brown gelding, 2 yrs, J00;
bay mare. 10 yr3, 1300; bay mare,
9 yrs, 1450; gray gelding, 8 yrs,
1500; yearling heifer, cow, York
shire boar. 3 brood sows, 6 pigs,
3 mo; Bain wagon, good as new;
20 pigs. 2 mo; steel truck, Mitch
ell covered hack, good shape;
new Heney buggy, Chatham fan
mill, new Deering mower, Su
perior disc drill, 3-horse rigging,
McCormick binder, disc harrow.
potato planter, hayrake, grind
I stone, 2 14-in plow, lG-in steel
plow, pegtooth 3-horse harrow,
cultivator, springtooth harrow,
40-gal kettle, hayfork and 200 ft
rope. 3j Hickory wagon, hayrack,
1"0 prune boxes, set single har
ness, 2 sets driving harness, 3
sets work harness, 50 chickens,
and other articles too numerous
to mention.
Terms of Sale $10 and under
casn; over, o months
imue, at o per cent, two per
cent, off for cash over $10.
W. F. Wohlschlegel, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
F. F. Conover, Clerk.
For sale, cheap for cash, 10
loot corrugated iron roller, tel Wood. 8-tf
KnWw4 (4 itx rM- M Mlllfcin
Or), M a.-n.-.aai U kuaiLa,
U A. UNU. Kdtiaar.
County Official I'hjxt
The forvicn policy of Ptv'r
Wilson isiiivinr the $25 pcrwwk
eartoonistsmuoh to do thvso day.
Put cheap skates always are
found something to do by
, sujvriors.
One of the thine, that keeps
the world together, and prevents
annihilation, is the opinion of
every man in a cabaret restau
rant that the nicest looking girl
is addressing herself to him when
she sines her sweetest and smiles.
And so Jonathan Hourne is to
run for Senator, and shut out all
other possible candidates, and he
; is, so it is now whispered in se
! Kvt circles, to have the support
I of the Oregonian and the cuckoo
press, in order that one T. Koose
. velt may be sent to the ever
glades of Oregon lHlities. Well,
well, wouldn't that jar you you
have fought Jonathan neck and
ear; hip and thigh; eye and an
kle, for In! these many years?
The II. M. Terry, w ho has sued
Clackamas County, was arrested
yesterday in Portland, charged
with burning up an auto in order
to get insurance. The machine
was burned on the Linton road.
Oct. 28.
Oreg'on Agricultural
Istvember 8 to 13, 1913
Thi will be a notable event iu the edu
caiionil htstoiy of Oirgoo
Futucts Ci -opeiation will I the
leading topic of a stiniu'ating terns of
lectmes. The week will be crowded
with dis-usMim1, ard demonstrations in
ev rything that makes for the welfare of
the farmer and heme ninker.
Jauuiry 5 to 30, 1914
The College has spared no effort lo
mike this the most complete short
course in its history , A veiy wide range
of courses wi'l be crhrrrd in Central
Agriculture, horticu tuie, Animal Hus-
Iwiidry, Dairying, I'oultiy Keeping
Mechanic Arts, lk nit stic Science and
Art, Comme-ce, Forestry, and Masic
Numerous lectures and discussions on
F.irniers' I o O.erafon, at home snd
abroad, w 11 be s leading feature Mnkr
this a pleasant and profitable s Intel
o ting. No tu lion (Accommodations
easoiulile. Reduced rates on a I rail
raids. F'or further information address
II M TF.NNANT. Registrar,
Corva lis, Oregon.
Farmers' Business Courses by Cor
resp'indence witnout tuition.
A pretty home wedding was cel-
etirated Wednesday, Nov. 12,
1013. at 3 o'clock in the after
noon, at the home of the bride's
lather, M. F. Hall, Groveland.
... i i i .
wnen nis uaugnter, lu, was
united in marriage to Henry S.
Em rick. Rev. 0. HofTner officiat
ing. Walter Tews, of Hillsboro.
acted as groomsman, and Martha
rreudenthal was the bridesmaid
After the ceremony the wedding
party was seated to light re
freshments. The happy couple
will reside on the Emrick Farm,
near West Union, and will be at
home to their friends after Dec.
1. Those present were: Messrs
and Mesdames C W Emrick. W
A Robertson, Ed Hall; Misses
Martha Freudenthal, Estella and
Lois Robertson; Messrs Daniel
Emrick, Perry Hall, Raymond
Robertson, Walter Tews.
The Boys' & Girls' Aid Society.
of 1'ortland, caring for hundreds
of Oregon children, sends out its
appeal for Thanksgiving contri
butions. They call for canned
goods, groceries of all kinds, veg
etablesand fruits. The railroads
will deadhead all contributions,
when properly packed and nlain-
ly marked. "Boys' & Girls' Aid
Society. Portland. Ore." The
Hillsboro schools generally make
a big shipment, and will proba
bly again take up the matter
this year.
The splendid Reeves pheasant
raised by Dr. Wood has been
sent out of town to the Zina
Wood ranch, where he will have
the swing of the fields. lie be
came a regular "rounder" in
town, and one of his points of
observation was the top'of the
court house. The Dr. became
alarmed for his safety, as many
were eager to get a crack at him
with a "22." He will now be I
safe until Spring, at least, unless
he takes a notion that he is bet-
Iter satisfied in town.
Hillsboro haa trrown the lartrpst. I
chrvsanthemum ever nlapprl nn
..L:t:- .1 .7 .'. .. .
exriioiuon in me facitic North,
west. At the flower show in the '
RfMft f'itv tho In n-f It..
Clark's Kreenhouse, east of the
city park, won 13 prizesout of 14
entries, iheir manaeer. Frank
Cheenki" wm phSrS
with slant "mum." d th!
hug tlow er. etetn and all. went!
nearly to his head. As the man
ager stands six foot-two, "u
may imagine that it some
representative of w hat Hillsboro
can do when it gets bus. i
Indian Runner drakes. tVrs.tle
at $2 each, at Weisenliack's. j
Keedvillo. j
TI VCMI k'S- INSllll n: j
Stivrintendent It. W. lUrn.s
closed the annual teachers' inti I
tute. yesterday at noon. Tito
registration was lJvt. and there
were several w h i faile I to sivn 1
cards. The State Normal sent iit I
U'st lecturers and demonstrators. ,
and the evening programs were j
instructive and well attended.;!?
Monday night the teachers w v l
entertained at the Commercial
Club, John M. Wall welivtmd
the visitors, and Hn W. N.
Parrett delivered an interesting
address on sclnol work, compar
ing the present methods with
those of thirty years ago, when
he presided as a teacher in Wash
ington County school.
Tuesday night's lecture was
held at the M. E. church, and
Dr. Wm. House addressed the
audience on social hygiene.
The list of instructors:
M. S. Pittman, Instructor in
Mate Normal School. Monmouth.
S. F. Rail. Principal Arl.ta
School, Portland.
Mrs. M. L Fulkerson. S.ih-m.
Hopkins Jenkins, Principal
JetTerson High School. Portland.
Dr.C. F. Hodge. State Timer
sit v. Eugene.
Dr. 0. .1. Rushnell. President
Pacific University. Forest Grove.
Frank K. Wells. Assistant
State Superintendent. Salem.
Rosa H. Parrott. Instructor in
Oregon Normal School. Mon
L P. Harrington, Field Work-!
er Industrial Fairs, Creswell.
Agnes M. Junes, representing
N. A. Palnu r Co., Ced ar Rapids, !
Iowa. I
Nmlrr ol lllairl. l II nail Mmtm l i.r
Vililllli.ltBl Husil l as ! Iluad llt.lrli
VV I'.- nil I. I illii , rMl. Hi I li :l .
.rs ..f iMUn.i N i; vv -,.
(ii i'.;nii. iirnmin, ..Krtli.-r m.i.
iiik' m-ir.- I .-ii ,rr i . HI ..f In' I. I
'ill ll:i,-rs III S.ll.l Iii.Ii .lislii.l.i
hili-ln mii lmtli lint 4 llw-'ilii; "f I
Oi.- I..I.I. ill iiiMiav.-rs ft 'HI il !
IMUMi'l ."SO I,, I -"If. IV.
iii-HMii. is h.-r.-l i-.ill.-.l. ts ii. I miiI I...
h.!. al lh.- I il n C 1 1 it i I . l,,S iir ,
lit Ci.h.I I ' i -1 1 1. t n I. VV .i-.lniik'
tiiti i-ihii, i ir it i in. on Hi.' . Mil .t o
i.f N.o .-iiil...r, 1913. at lh.-
. I.i. k I' VI of x.ii.l tin, l,i of li-viit a nt'i-
lilhituil ina.l n In n.ii.l i
!i t.-rniiti.- wlml. If uiii, i-.i:
r ih.Ti.if in Mii'l i.
"hall I.i- inipiovi'il. in am
ii r. aii.t I;;,. i, ii r an. I
Iu. ii, ,,r ;
lIlKI I'l III.'
' i it -.I i I!. I. I.i
1 1 . 1 1 i" 1. 1,
.1.1 illMti. I
'" I'll Itl.lfl- nf
Mir It
Ml. It
I II 1 1 ' I . " .' It
l-It I
I .t 'IV fill Ill,
n!i. ill tiiuki' lliir-..ii.
k.i-. tal ot- a-1. hit. .rial
iti.l I-. I. i -. i
in. ii.. I
ll.ii. mi ., M
.i".. il in
rtU ..f h.ii h (
. i. i,, I I. it ii, tlK il,.. ,1 uii.l iL-r-ii.ti., I
iai.1 ta. iltHin, t. tu n mat.
i .HLl.-itl ia,.ii--hill
.I., in a. I.i
of laiiiiti: iitoii.i
lh.- i'.fii-i.' ..f
in. lit or lm.r..i
l 'i-i ri, i No i
i ii .-u. HI
1 nf - li.l I ...1,1 .lull I. I
al. le f..r lit.- .iii (,.,i,.
u lh hi. h lo il. frit t
unit litt,r,iw.
iiKnti in t-at'l I:.., i'i
VV aiiniiii ion i 'oi, m v,
I t Ii in fint ila
,f NoM-llttii
(SiKtifili I. A Kirti. H.-iiry Voot, W
J ' IhornhiiTK. Ifit I: Br-iillr-v, II W
rrirkrtt, K K. Willi, Kuv I.ytin. Roy
StHlliinl, W O r.HliiMnv. t'.lmlv Atlilw,
Jolt n Winn It-rlirk, llnliil.l I, Jrii-M-ti, II
f Kriilay. .1 C .Si-hiilini rich, K M Itnuki,
(i W M- Otav., V (J Vdino, J J lliilrti
i n. R Vuvli rkr, 1' H Norton. Ilrrmaii
Cop, W O Waikir, C J I l-rl. A Folt-rti
liirl . S Si-he, A W Mills, II A
William., I'i'trv II I I. II II Puichy, C W
.Ship ey. Clmr'i a X I'nwnr, Cni II I'fyor,
K C Shi'y, H i ('.rinilrl, V. A roplmm,
V.J Went. T I-jiK-rn, II S nitli, Clm
In Hip
. nil I'.'itri of lit.. KUI
VV'a -.hitiii.'i,n I'ounly
l.tlliit T M. I- it rliiml, I'ImiiiIiIT, v.
!ox. pliiln- liv.'t.'ii.l, Inn l; N'.il.uii ami
I.. M N'.rl.'ii., lor IiiimIohi'I, It.nilla ll,.n,
an, I VV. II II. .ml. Inr Imnlinml, Aima
1'i-arl ilrillltli an, I II li. ;rlllllh. Inr
Iiii-iIihii.I. l.iK. I'liini' i;. i inliiln-rry nml
VV. I'. Holilliirrv, lor liiialian.l, Ji-nttli-MiIht
in.. I It. W. Mill.-r. hi-r liunliiiinl.
Nil .ma Sitii'll,. ri; ami nil,, Htiii.ll., tk,
lu-r h iikIu, ml. Williuip Hunli-r .VI. Knr-l.-iti.l,
Knlii' i;iawi. nml iitln lilawi', Imr
litixliiin.l, Tin- iinkmiKn In tra of .Imiiii
Mi ! iirl iii.l, i,' ,-n i.-,. Tii unknown
hi n of l.hza J s l-'arliiml, iloi eam-il,
l lu. u.ikn.iwn Iti'tra ,,f T .1. M Kiirlnml,
ill', ,i m il, 'l h.. iit.k mm n In'ira of Jain
.Swift, ,.-, in.,, , ,01 oiiiit ..-rxi,iiH
or i-arln i unkiinwit , hmnitiK uny rltltl,
lilli-, i-.hI.iIi-, in n nr inli-ri xt In or In Un
real i"ii in.. tl.'Hi r lix.-.l In llir 'iiiit,liiinl
hi-n-iii. I ii-fi mliittl i, S ii ii i mi 1 1, x :
'lo .loM.'i.hiii,. iiv.ri-nil. Inn II. Nr
I'.in nrnl I. M Norli-m, Inr IiiihIiiiihI,
llonlla I'.oml hii.I W. II. Ilo ml, her lni
lian.l, Anna 1',-itrl lirillllli ami II, n,
liriiliih, h-r iniKliiiii'l, ,.m. plntiK U. iin,,l
horry nml VV. r. ii.,.l,irry, In-r Iiiim-Imn-I.
Jiiiiil,. Mill.-r nml I:. VV. MllLr,
In r IiiihIiiiihI, 'I In- unknown lii-ira of
.lanif-B M.-l'-.-trlMtnl, iIoiiiihi-iI. 'rim iiit-
kno-Aii In-irx of I'lizn J. Mi l iirlninl, 1m
i iiiih. il, Tli.' unknown In-im nf T. J. Mr-
l-'Hrlaml, ili-i i tm.-.l. Tin- iiiikimwri In lm
of Jmiii. Swift, iloi i'ititi',1. mIh.i all nllii'r
lii-riot.a or lartim unknown i lalinhm
nny nulit, till,., i-hIhIi-, Inn or Inli-n-Hl
In or tu lit,, ri-al fatal-, ili-arrlliiil In
tin' r..iii, In nit In r. ln.
Oltl-;i;i)N you anil in, h or you i i, lii.r,'
liy riiiiiri, to H, it ml nimwir tin.
I'onil.l mil hi,. I i.Kiilnal on in llio nli., v.
n.ilillml r.aiiH.8 mi or Imrorn tltH Wll Ii liny
or in-, i.-iiihi-r, l'j:i, v, hli h Ih HIk (li
wmkn aftnr tlm liitli ilay of Noviif.ilir,
l!M:, llu. ilati' orili-ri-ii liy thin Cnurl
for Hie Mrt ,ul,li, a tlon of the Hum
inonx, nml if you fail to no n,.i'iir n ,
miKwi.-r, f..r want lln-ri-or, lit,. iiliiliitilT
will ni,ly lo lh,, i-oiirt for Ihe n-h.-f
lirnynl for In In r mm-inli-il i-niniiliiliit,
auliHlnnlially t-wlt: A. Kor ft ilnioin
Unit tin. iIoiiIh riioriifil In Itook No.
I'iikh nml in Hook No. 6H, niiKit
I Iti.i-onlH of VViiHlilhuton
i o inlv, (Irn.cun, tin ntodillml hy Itim-rl-ItiK
tlnrnlii "xli ihiirfix :ii' I-;." nfti-r
lh, wor, "Kmitli" iiiii! hnfnri! '10 I'li-t."
In fin It of xai, I ili.i.i:
li. That ih fi iiiluiita ,,r any of Ilium
havn " tiitht, lllli', oHlnln, Inn or In-tnn-Ht
In or In lh,. Itntl KhImI il...
f",p''-'1 " roii,,w, i.wit: a irn. t nf
""" lylitK Mini Mlllinl
il In Hi i Hon ,1.
t. a h h t w wm.
vv., Wllliimi-ttn Mi-rltlliin,
':'r,l",r if-ni(-. hV hi Kinnitm nt
UJ" 'I': ''"'"r "f ' H- W. (-i.mrl. r
Ill M-llloll .1 Haill towilHllli nml
ranifi'; tliffipp. wit on italil iunrtrr
million linn 17.0:1 rluiiriH; llifnip Honlh
12 i lifliiia; thrniM nut, o ,Unrf pk VVT'Hl
if 0.4K rlmlrm t TIntrriHK .1. MrKarliitnra
rornnr; llmnrii Houlli k'j .litrrrrx 36'
Kant HI clialno; thunce North 3U da- J
a Peoples Theatre
Time mis Three juil
The f,reW'M unimul thriller of the year
Monday and
t OlllltH
No ad
- d tl.c
Washington County BunK
At the close of business on the l!ht d iv of October. P.UIt
lU sot
Loans and discounts
Uomls and warrants
Ranking house
Furniture and futures
Due from reserve banks
Cash on hand
I.I vim II li:.t
Capital stoek paid in .
Clidiv ided prolitt
Postal savings
Indiv id lal dem-.ilt suliject to cheek
Demand ci-rtitii ales ol depitit
Time certificates el 'deNsi(
Wm. I. .Mimre. I'n.
W. I). Galawa), I 'aslner.
' . hlMI
. r.l .tint.,
.1 V l 41 I
V .,. .
. I .1..' !
k ttiiiiiih.
I ..r
1 .
h.' I hi I
- I -til
I h
It. t in 1 1- . r . i. 1 1 1 1 1 .. u i. 1
li-r. ,1 in t I . - in
' II. ii i iinhiifl
' f. ,, ,, ( ,,, ,,,. ,
j (,, , , , I , ! ,r I , : ,
m l fi il Hi. nil. ii.. i.
1 , i 1M .,,,if
j it i ,.
,,,.f ,, ,,, ,-,,
!,,. ,
(l,f It.
111, .1
llti, , ,,,,,,
H 1 1 l.-l . Ki I M;i.
., ir I. r .f I h. II
.ll' I I "I .-I
i ti. loir-.,
r ti l. I I
I ii . f S
. Ill . t
. I..,l.
Vf g ,.
r, 1,1 IV
.III .1
. llil.rf
I. .11 m , I.
I'HI. Iir.
ii.;."l it,
. i II .
- II. I
k I.
i . k l. i; ll.ntl. '. il I,
V. .-nil., r I 1 1 1
lil. "f in .1 ..t'li.
II I'll t i i. i.r i i-i
ni l,, r : .. I - 1 1
vv I'
VII ri.. i
":: i 'iiuiiii i-r ..f i-,., i,
i ir.-.n
1 1 1
I Ml
l li.i lift
-. f. l llu I.
i.ll.- l IIUIrl.1 M.a.1 -M. rlla- I V air
VJ.IIIIoaal lla.l la, I. I.J I,, a
n. II.
" . . II... mi, I.. i nun. .1 ,
mi. I.'
I'I lit
V nl,
I'lo-lllH' in.,
li-l'l"IU IV
i in,;
1 1. r
i. I :
Ho- ,,..,1,1,,
lMltnl N
ti.- :-,n ii
.1 foil. I
I 'oil III V.
n III If
I ,ii,l
,l Ol, "1
lo I.I .11 Vli'I'll. ,,,,,
fo.t.l .ln, l No
I i ir. -.'., i,. on it,
l.. r, fil -.. al ih..
of pant ,. ih
of .' , I, j ,i ,-,. ,
lax In ihl , I , -i t i,
If am, , until ti,
i I,
VV ,4t,it,:i
Hh .In ..
l of '
...i Ih.' a. I
,.r ,i I.I, l i,
'It I 'rillti.
Sol, in
k f
I- , I.I I 1 I V
II II I t,,il,l
lh I.
lli.ll.- M
i""i Ih
HI I.-
,f in ..
pun ,. in .mi
t hat a. L i ii tut
unlit or llio.,.
t i i roll, II il 1 1 I
I 1 1 1. il I ho. li
II..' ,l,,llllt. 'h
Honal J. I o ,. i I
il ma no llv of
-in! Iti tliti
til of
. nml
1 1 o 1 , 1 '
f " -'.all ii
1, i nil
I,, . t
h ,, ,, ,.r a
, il I. n to ilia ,
I' l.' il "1 .,
I I - r I . I, i
...l.iit t,ttiii,
-'I ! oi i.ltl
f r a i t ii g in, on
I li.- ,- . j,, ti if i
i.f iai'l toil. I
iil.l.- f..t Ho
Willi hit Ii
M II' Il t-l'l ' l,l
, in. ol
Hint .
III. -llti III -
VV .'1-. hit, .!..,
Il'll.'l 111
n.l I-
a. I I'l'lili-I
.he. .,
11,1 to -
i: i' l
.him!, il
.1 IE. k
f. il Tu
f i n
M 1 1- li .-.I i In.z N
P-l . .V VV VV ru-lil
M. .Int. a. .1 It , f
llolnai, I i' Tru.-,
man. ! .1 I m, ,, r
I' km
i. r y
iiit.on i
V i'l,.i,
., .I,ii, a
i i; vi
n.lii r. ,1
Ili-i k. N
N lue. I
I Mil".
I It,-
Ho Iir v K 1,111
Itli'l", VI l', n
1 1 1 1 I I liKl"
oil,-, nf lll.lrl.t lliiail VlrrllK -
. o,i- t.i.i, un h, i., u Ha,
IMalrl.l it. in.
Wo II,, in, , -H'lo-'l ,, n f .1 X
lat i l of I!,,.,, ,n , v, ,,,,,
Imil'.lt " . . 1 1 r I , . i ti , ,,io-lln i
lit l-lnn ni"i' ih.,,, l. i, , , , ,.,.i ,,f ,h.
'it I' I I'll III H.ll,l , .i,u
I III? of
II", ll
I 'mil, I v
Will ll,
It". Ill
I'olllll 1-
i. In
lh- i.
Kit.- noli,, i toi'i
'hi' hi III , n , of ,.,,
"' N'o. In VV.iHhliif,,ii
-"lt, In In i.hv ,',ll..,. ,,,,,1
I it'll
, .!.(-,
I Mill ,
tl I I. :ln vllli 'i. In a.lhl
' No I". W.iahlui-loli
I II, -I-,
n Hit :!".lh .lay f
llu- hour ,,f -J ,, , , ,
In 'Iti'ii-.i , ,
Nov,-nil,,. i
I'. M. of
Vi- il.llilv
fn:i ai
mi .i.i.
nf livvini-- a iin-.lil ...i
,111m, nil in.ol ,
ih-li-l li I ii.- v lull.
HI- ol I I, .1,1 lin t ,,
nliall It" luiiiov, i
hi'!-, lilnl Ih. ,,
HlliTl llii,iov tu,
liny ; 1 1 1 .-1 1 1 in. id.,
"in Ii Kin-i hil or
' I li-ll mill',
IiixiiIiIm i-i'iil an, I
l-.-lhl loiitl illhltl.
i In r.iiil ,i. i, , i
f Hi' loiinlv rnaitn
f In f ihl IO,,, lliHll ,
t. In any i...-i 1,1 ,,i,iti
ut' I- l .mil , - 1 1 ' i , t of
u' or llll,,,V. tlll'ttlH
'h. lion, ,,,,,1 In ,.vy
I'I'llll' la, ,o ,,
" Hi" ilollar. on all
I'l'lfolnil iroil'y
I. ll H li, .1... .
i. i.i. ... "y "i
" ',,.,.,,, it, I,.,
"I xilil loail
iibi i n i iniaii ,,.
i.IvIhiU,. r,,,
i i.tii'ini! inoniy will.
Will. Ii
... ..... ,i. , x nn,. of hii, h
nui,i ovi-nu 1,1 or In, to
"Vi IIIM.I u
In x.tht
lluail HiBlrli-l
I'I. Wa
lay of ,
CiilllilV. ilris'iiii.
Ial-. HiIh nrnl
IHlKlliil) A. M
.IoIiiimoii, ,VI,iik.,-,.
Kln-vlln, f'nriii'lniH .1
Kl-IIIU-llv, I'.ihnIii,
Htii'VlIn, 'II ilH
Maniortv. Vllm !
lliM-'i'.-iTy, W A
Klmlrolii, T. VVTIIIattix
i . I. llxuii.
W. VV. H.imUII i
Hlllillil, (I v
Haiiii'M, A A
(. ,f. Hhi'V-lln.
HIIH, f. W. AH,,,,, j' w
Niiillh, .1. I'Tani, Mir,,,,,)'
....--..i 1. 1,.
Hint.! Iia.
irl.-t No.
' "..-.', rit.-nr, t t't'M ,l,...l ..U
K'" '.'V'"1 """" n... . wa.i,:
" "". "i , in-.. lhi.'
ll'ir linn,, thtit, li, , ,
, ' M'm.h-ik In mi hi ,a,
i"i.-l,y Kit,, nun,.,. ,hll, ni nf
IllHlrlrt V r':." . "' "' '""Hi
; ' , , . "' 'vaxii,i,Ki,,n
In-Ill ill Mi'lmniU.i'H K1)l),
'Hill I y,
will lu
lu XII hi
iiimil lilHII-h-t No n
Co, inly, (ir, n tl,,.
Mill iliiv ,,f
, "t the huur of a 0-,:otk
Tuesday. Nov. 17. H
aiuc pt ii t's.
i:t.rr. M
I-M7f.M M
-M'.'.'7 tsi
l.'i.o'.rt i:t
r.i;ti ol
pi mm no
SM'-'.t.' fl
J. A. Thoriiburk'h. Vice Pres.
GLdvs Athliv, Assist Cushier
I '. 1.1,1
111 ., "I t '
i J .
1 1' II 1 .
.it, a. I,
1 r ,
'Mill I. I ,!
I ii ' "
t n.r,. ;
i VV
I'M 1
. tal lint. i, .i
II I ll-a.l .
fir ,1 .1.) of ,
-.i J.n
W I.I il a(. VV
. V 1 ,.,, ,
II i
' VI t j J h. Iiaki .
I i i'i. .ii II -
i. n I
.1 i.
,1 l
' II ii 1 1 K ii J
l' I.I..,.,.
4,i.. VV
I. S'.ura,
i.... l 1.1.1,1,1 Mmm4 t..,,,
,aai.i... I-..- t., Hm.4 ,.,tl,
W .' II,.- ,, -ram nr. tr,, I,,,..,
. of I; . j.i I ,ui, ,. t ,s , j M 4, 1.
' '"till.. HI . lM. u,r, .,,,,. ,.
II lo 11 j,., ,,,, f r (,,!,,,
i lii-t, ,i, tii. I r,.4, ,,,trt,i t.,,,,; ,
i"l... dial a ii... in,, ,,f I,., ,,,,,,,,,
'-"" " "I !! l!.. fi.ui' i s ;
'V ail II, I.. i , , u r, , i,
' " 1 ' ' ' ' ' .11 .1 I a .lr
.-. i .... ll, ..,,.. i
I I ll- a.l I',. , .
' ail u,fcl,., I ,,!,
i ,i
.ii or v,, ,.,!,
k I- VI
I ' a 1 1 1 n, 1, 1 1 1 1
,1,1,1,1 ,,,i al i...,,
,-li i mil,, ta l,a I
i I H I ai ll , I .
"f ,ai,t ,,, i,, ,
of ill I ,i a ,1-r.
I ll 1 1, .a 'I ,,,i,
If i,i .-.iu nit ..,
I "II ion. 1 1,,.,
! h III !'. io.,i
' Hi 4I, t ,
' -I Hi ati) i,i
I !. an. I II... , uta
"" I'l'l'i-.titi.i l.
I ) al,,t ii alt r (.
I' I an I nl,
"I lll'l.l,.,.
-ii-oii all, I i.
"' h a,.. ,1.1 t a,!.,,,,.,,,,,, u, ,
-i i. uitji, on
lital;.- r..i at.,
' in I l n.l I, i ,
fai. .
I.I..I-. i
'ID !
"...I ,1
' "i l' nt I.i, ,,,,,,. , tAUl
' ""' I 'I" HI it'll U..I-I
f"i lh,' tni.
t in
. t,
in K Illoli. y Mill, . ,, , ,, Ut
In- of ,111-1, ,,, i ,1 I,,,,,,...
l'l" . III. Ill, 111 ,.11,1 i, a., Iu,,,,
VV ,1.1 lltjMoli I oonl, ,
I'll I
I ' a. lit. ,),
i.f No
1 ."'ll-.-lir.l
llmtiii.',, K
'anli It liiow,,
I 1'irin.f, Ii. ('. i ,,lllM.r
I rn s, I
' I- Hi. .an . i- ii,,.
l". VV
i'h it:. ,
M. i '.
I l-l K f,
V Hut, ,,in
V VV VVa.hi,
Mil. l,,-, M- H
r t, Ilium Hiauna
"Ho-r. J A V,
"alir. I.. I
i II '..Hi.o
"HllKi-t. John
fai ,
II, J 1 1 1 ii a I'M,.
I'hlll hi. ia
1.1 . .. I -tola
...i.r..-, iiim, . . i .. . ... .
VV .
. till.
r ii,
""flM I la,l,l., t,,y
I'I Iilalrli I Ni, 3, ii
unit, io.
Hon. I, , .... .
,!, ,, .. .. . " "I'I la
"I of la. ,,.,
"in latimnta In
"t l.l ,,t a,.,.,. .
I. I-I 1-1, ! Ut. .. .. . . .
.,, , , ' Itu-i lil.K
, a. I
-," li. V hlliKlii,i
'oil III
'". i ni-rni) ran,,,
un.l Will In
"i at 1 1. v w ,! n
"""iiiini..,, in atti,l
3'. Wuihlou t,.
noil, I Unliht
'"tinii, tiiiKon,
-'Hii ila. of
VIM hllllv 7 ' "'"
ll .ii i ri i l i -h- r ,,.
f-M. la. in . ,Mtl, , ,
I '', ' "-ly ro-.U ..
, ""' ."' r ""'Hi
no' i ii it i u, tr
"'"Ii Hi'l'ioii iiirnl r
Ihrv Khali tniiki. ili..r..,
mm i-nl.-iii ut
I iii . r . i v .-1 ii i-ti I
ll, it lol In l.,tv
nn h k,i-, I,i
mill i.iih I... ....i .
ninia on Ihi,
ilollar, ,,n nil
taiaiiii- rial unit
.i aiinnl ,roii.(y M
aa a im, i.n . . m .
"Ml loail illMli i, t
ihl. .i.i t..-.. . J"ny oi Min n
, -".ill loan
il"iin H.hixiilil.. r...
i iv . nil v i-ra or mil
ll '1 1 1 ll
nf lalnli, ... . .
" ' wiin ii i,, , ,.f,.,y
1 111 I i f , I N ' ',-, ..'".". "V """I
'" . , . It 11 N 11 III 1, I .,h
in. Km,.
-a.",, . oiinty,
IIiIh flrxl .,,y ,,f nv,
VV 1 1 ii i , , , .'. M..I.I-I,,. .,
Wm ' i. . " ""I'll' Klatllllk-.,
., ..inn,, ivioi.
Mnhr. It
r, I li'ii
1 1, i. la-1.,
IVIIII,, , I,,,. Hua!
I. N. t,,
ii inr, Aifi',.,1 h
I'ytA-niitl ,. j
!' I'.. I'rarr, .;
Hainlf rxnii, J ii
J I. llhu, I
. aauii'H. ii m i i . u . .
", ,1,1111 A ,. . ,, ..
John i...... i. ' " ." K niixlmunr
Hut,, ,., .:V "I..'".' """". Mlrli.,,.1
S """" r 1 trl.1
, lllli llli,lr,Kiu, ,..-i.i..... . ..
imvi'ia f ,ll(, N(. '''"
irxl.l,,:, "., '""I "if llin
klil.-l No. 2S, WiiHlilNKi,,,, .o,l(v
Mu-ii: and lU-.ii,Hlv
ll'l-.l tod., all 44SH1
Fumily WhinK'
Se inlty
Tele i
"V -'T. audi
will i ill
u pu m
piln.s and mfr.
P MI i
I h I,
charge i
I evp.-ii, iu rj
MRS ciiAS t;.i;i.i.i
fruiii,. i
N'hcits paiient-i f ro.ii
l..l ..I ma In , ,
I, .nr. Vlai , s i
jII pdy.
oit Uuiton Arant
PIANO ami 11 NUMuNy
Hill l.rn al r.'iiir,.r
I unci. Sr. sr niKMais
Dnil't lroiict
When ovi trr in ihe
Mwrhrt, ihr
Ililhhoro Planing Mill
if M'lliiiK ''''" iik'uU
iiiv.;s :it vvlii.lfs.ilr juiics,
Wc i .hi Mipiily nii auy
IiiliiU r jnii m.iy tn t-,1, aod
al I sanie time vm- yno
W a, hin, Inn
Uitinlat. W.
Dr. Cicrtrudc Phillips
I !. (. T.. l.u
oiftm Ii una.
I In I i Hi,
to 1.' in
Ho ll, i.lit.
N.' in hi r. 1, .( ttiti lo
I' VI of ,il, ,, ,
Mvilllllt of l.ttli.rt a
i.i : a .l-
, Ilia J
ill or J
,illhl, U iidJl
-,. I 1 . 1,1.1
, i ll '
llll . toil f.i.l sl, , aai,
1. Ii-i ion,.. . i, a, ,f ant.
' I -i 1 1.., a ,., , i-..f In , tl.l
hail .- li..(,i i-. it. ai.)
io ' ait.l li . Intra, l-t an-l
nl M
'.- I, li.,.roi au.rt.l n
ll.ii l..,il liiah" II. rh
i. Ii .r. Ml , r a. I ll II
.i..., In mill, nn ir
li.ahli' iral an. I nlti
ahl not. I 'luiil, I aa
,ii,,i o. antral!
It ai.. I" lf
llll III, ll'l W
. ,l,,ll tl, i,R all
laolial .t, .i-fl
a 11, ,i), tilt Ut
nil I.f "til rati
a.lll.all. ..f IH
.1-1 mill hh"
-in h tr.i.l, nt ta,,,
llililil ahall il.iiii
,ili,,,.,' ,,f t-tlaliiK
I" ,1.1, a, il
,., of ... a , (... !'
Illllfllt ,1.11 l:l III
No .', VV alilnl''
ittil'i . t run til
Ilo l, H, t
i'oultiy, llrrtfon
lmi.-,l li, la fit. I ilay of N..irmtir.
I'H J V '.lllllllil tin. II, J '
lillino. k Urn II '.linn. ri man I.
Ian It, i i: Zitinii. -r until. J H I'amP'
I t'll. J I-: litiiin l tu in
..llra t.f lllaltlil Hnail ttrrllal f
Vnlv Vil.llll.iiial Iiimil lit I" Haa
lllaltl. I n. 111.
VV f . III." lilt, h i llu in .1 trill, t. Ill
inula of U.ia.l ..,n,.l No 31. vi-
lliUl.'l, loin,,, ...I'olt, lotirllol l'"l"'
I'HiliiK moil. Hi nt it i. (n r flit nf m
"h., i, i I,,, p it i ix it. a.ilil I I '"'
lllli, hrlrl,, HiH liolln- Ihal a IH"";
Ink of llu- rr, hiil la, liaVrra of "
lto.,,1 tt,lli No. Jl, VVitalllllUt"1;
aunty. IlirK.ili. la lirli'ltV ialli"l. I"J
III In- 1,1 nl ,1, II, Mi Nrtt a. III Mi'l
lioa.l iMnlilil No. 31, WaxMllKl1"1
Hllllv. lllrKoll, llll Ihl' SHIll il it 'Nl"
nil". i, Ian, il, ,. I,, oi, of I ui-liH
VI. of a , I, .lay, , . illa. lixx lllf I"'-
Vlaahllllv of Irttlliu ll Nltri lal nr"'
lllli. tt'il i,,,,, I,,, H. aahl .l,IH'l. "
liTriinlni. uliiil, If any i "Iv '"'"
r inn HiniH Ihrn of lii aahl mini 'V',
lih I nliall Im Iiuiniivi'il, In miv "I'"'1"
inaiinri-, ami ,,. iliar.i.Ti'1 itno '"'""
't "Hi It I nr limuon-iii"1''
liny ahull nn, I, i. Ih.lroti, ami In ''
"Hill nin-rlal in- ail, llll. ui'il !. "", V.
' I Inn i, , x oi, hn iloll.ii, '
laal,li, iral . miiiiii) (.i ..,t i ly
"ahl l illhltl.l. a x it in.ij.nlll' "
"lit ll ti-tilili'ltl la, iiayi'ia of aahl r""
llxli l.-l ahull if . in mhlxiilili' f'r '
luiil ' nf ralnliiK iiiuiiry Willi
'hriay Ihi. nmifliNti nf llli'll "i"""
Imin tivi'iiii'iti in- iiniirot-tiiin-itlx In
Hnail I HhIi I, I No. 34. VVaxlilimi""
'niuily, liri'Kitn. .
Ihiliul Ihlx flrxl .lav nf NnvniD"r,
ft IT
IHIni,.., It V lit. t.1... I.... 11,'IIIhIi. Ant'
tltiKi. H, ho, I, Hi., II, .at Mr I, l. .1.1 III, '
IllVi-t. I,: II..I lltf 111) I MlKiunnkti. J'
For Sale nt a Parif-iin -1"?
year-did .liTHf-y bull, ufpntie "
iiinillc: iiIho a muni work how
wciiht, 12(10 llm. Intuir o-
irar UcIiho. nn lh Hailcv W
one mili went of Hillnboro, hdj
uir (iroundn. "
Wi'i'klv Oreironian to Jan.
015, 75 cents.