The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 06, 1913, Image 1

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' ' -- : : NO. 33
- ' " " " i
tllbltHuulu town Mwni,ay art rn""r '
i niL'tit. I In- tartv Htart'il tit tiv
. , llu- llliw "I uYlmk and hiht- until niiif.
C . ..i.i ii. in J s "1 ! lin y M tit out attired like
Uobhn. ami vUiM .litr.-r.-i,t
Contrrrnic l'rclk10ver by May
or, Irblay live, Nov. 7
RA ' i K1'1'1 1 ""'I lli' 'I 111 ti I I I'll i
aSLx rriurs
" I. .11 I t.'i!liiitt I' li.ri-iii i T v.
" - --- - "
. . i iiu V ! lur, Clara Cas Loirrne Morrow
i..J m ' ....
- Martha I at.- IM.Ul.i-. .)-.
lht Mr. r."'lw
w . ... o... uiii Imrii I'
Oiivi TruHinv'tT, Mum KuhMow,
Wil, ll'tiry Sclumtburg, Iliy
n .... i M..r ... i i....i. I .
j.rin, v iin"(i iuiinii, i.iui
V ilk . Jiw-jrh Kntfi-Idmger.
I r jri-writ Siiri lla cornets
nut iwil-l in ntiri . Will rail lit
hlillHH lilt rf'I'U'ht. and ln tin, and trach how to adjunt
land wcur the iMirni t. Our tailor-
SiUI Prublrw to W fi
Ctapii( laau(nrttcl
t'd made iiMm-aurc corai-m, m-
i .... i . i . . i . i . ... f i i.. .... .i i.
v... sii imrii m s riiiunii; iin' iau "i i mni i' . " ii"
lyB lAtuii ) jv-- ,.Xjn ruiufl itirwtiir wrvirf,
trnni"''- ' "'..,' ct tut mon than hiK'h daHH ror-
Movinif t..l !a.-i.. .hp a mar- H .iurt ll.r.( ln Kt,r.H. Mm.
lt, Mr. l'hiIiH. H. M j;
auilSi'. Ilillntioro, Fifth
itis r tht-y MarUM f"r ;UU JurkKon Slrri-U. rhonc No.
On, Kuink? ucn ' i- j"11
, 4
1 i iii --
The followinir invitation, undt-r
the riiition. "A Challct'i' Uj (!iti-
.tiMhip." ha.H ln-1-n mailed to
many llillKhoro nticns:
"Tin- Atrial Kvil ami !hi- Huf
fi-rini rttitiltinL' Iht-ri-frorn are
Hiihiii Ls of murh hitioiih thouifht
irul farnwit conHidt-raiion on the
iartof many of our Ix-st citizens.
You are invited to a conference
ot leading men, at the t'-ornmer-cial
Cluh, Friday eveninir, Nov.
7, at 7:30, ralUnl hy the under-
ikrnel Uj connider thm prohlem,
which, In one or another a.sct,
touches the life of every home.
TK Ori'L'im Svx'iiil llvviene So-
i.ilu i.mi upriivil ttit nnn if lh
KtrotiK'eHt in the country, is now la rii.lilu'niti' with US in
ulnrlituf nn Hi'livi' anil Rteadv
campaik'i f education in our
community, there will ik a
place in the plan for every man
in the community, w ho .8 lejriti- nti. I .irlii-Htl V intlTI'Htl'll
IIIM.. I wn.. . - -
in the protection of our tfirls and
It is a call for Bane and con
at I mt w I 1 Ui I It tri
nil V V 1 f V H !""
Mayor Hajtley will preside. A
ruir,it,r..i,uiuiv tiriiirmm hiLH Ix-en
prepared and the field will U-
.. ..II ..k..,I l.v I.wimiI iihvKirianH.
educators and others, assisted hy
i . . . ii..-.
one or two speakers mm ion
l! W P.iirniMi V. I. Ku
.n: v II i K McKav.
J. V. Tamieme, M. i.. rrotram
rrank Hill, of .:iU,n w:i.-t In
town Monday afti-rnoon.
J. I. Merrill, the (.orrn-lius
horseman, was in town the first
of the week.
rw, lltir.l.fiin u.'K. I.'ii rr.rt-
Iv hr.ilt a new home at I', ixton.
wan i Ujwn Monday.
J It VValki-r (if rn-lo Ilciver-
ton, waa (rret-tiriK friends in the
city Monday.
Alniu C n 1 1 (Tm :i ri iif nenr 1 1 illn-r.
waa in the city Monday, on busi
ll,,lJ..-! i.f '.Liimtriin-
IlUII U'HIV M" vn, ....
dale, was in the county seat Sat-
uruay aiurnwn.
Mmitflimru ftimuM intra :tf
sale. Seo the I'SaninR
..... i t
Tlinu I'iiulIi-u nr.e of the old
time lawyers of the county, w as
in irom nis wouniairuiaie ram.ii.
I Miinuim .i VVillinms.
I'l. imwip.i..'! ....
Thos. Williams and (J. M. Turner
were up to Wapato lake, sunuay
t t' t . .1. .
ami IttKKi'U one u'ms.
t VKrnn rliii:irt(d fur his hornt
on i'ufcet Sound the last of the
week, alter a visit wun iiume
folks at l enterviiie.
Nick Kemmer. who started the
original hopyard on Cooper Moun
tain, was trreetinK friends in the
city Monday.
ti'iuliifu' below
i.ui i i , !
Houlton. in Columbia (Oiinty. '
In nwn Kluril:iv. the L'llCSt
w an in " " .
of hia Bister. Mrs. C. F. Hansen.
i',u frriimn who formerly
resided in the Shady i'.rook sec
tion, was in town the fust of the
week, on business connected A il"
his farm.
I.VI tLmmin (if iUl th Tuala-
1 U. imilltM".
i:.. ,..i,a u,..n,lj summers on
Mil, v fl" ..
iL. ( um .11 nmnnir I lie Oil:
liii: iiiu", -
timber, was in the city the first
of the week
ll,.u f'haltni'(mlu. who flfSt
..... i...i .... ttw ituiiini: n miiilh'
south of Cornelius, many years
apo, was down to tne city irom
I Cornelius, Monday.
Dinicl Phillip, win died in '. and Mrs. Phillips, whopxssed in
this city. Saturday inornimr. nfter an evtended illness
tinentat Pimamu. and from there j
coming to HiTon in a vessel.
Thy arrived here in January.
1ST.", and h. (t!e, nearCircenville.
It the forks of Hairy Creek, li
llu-y moved to Corneliu.
here Mr. Phillips louvht a
farm, and Marled making brick.
The Phillips home was known
frnd wide for its genuine hos
pitality. Mr. Phillips died .lone
H, UK-.. S.-s eral years su'o M
Phillips and her sn. V. W
movisl to Itillslmro, ai.d a hand-
vmw home n.s erected on r list
Street. For several weeks the!
HM woman has been helpless,
and the end quietly came Satur- j
div morning. j
Her surviving children nre:j
Mrs. P. M. Jackson. A. A. Phil-j
lips,; Mrs. Fllen Vick
ers, wife of C. Vickers, ('orneli
ui; Mrs. Albert Ives. Hillside;
Mrs. W. S. Shearer. Mist. Ore.;
Iwi. W. Phillips, of CotloinviMid.
Idaho; Mrs. Alice Foord, Chas.
W. Phillips, mid F. W. PhillipH,
The funeral took place Sunday
ifterniHiii uiili ii.rvi.'i.u ni ihe
Odd Fellows' Cemetery, where
he was laid to rest by the Hide
of her husband.
Mrs. Phillips was universally
beloved by all her friend:, and
her Btretiglh of character and
helpfulness to nil in times of ill
less endeared her to nil with
hom she came in contact. She.
Ma dutiful wifound n lovintf
mother, and no woman in the
wnly was ever more highly
C, F. IWrrett and wife, who
ns-entlv sold their place near
Cr.emiile. were in town 'lhurs
i .fn..t nf Miss Ho-
o.n e i o 1 1 1 . - - .
Imrah Harrett. I hey departed
! for Hates. Ore.. Friday morning,
and mav decide to locate there
'C F spent his Nhool near old
Hreenvillo. and he knows every
cowlrail and path within miles
of the lie sold the place
to a Peter Jacobs, recently from
: Illinois.
If yon want a range that In-ats
the world lor me mom-j, "
i .. -i ; i, lliink Annex
I ,, .., i .... ,..! his Duality
liUliillMK. o" , -,,,r
ii. ii tint wnv from - t"
IviOH-e, ; , .
These are llie ih'si i"kv"
. I ....... 1 n tlu market in
ever pw i i , . ,
llillsboro. Call m und we them.
i t:o.. .,f Are nde dis-
trict, savs that up to the lust of
ll" -: .. ...... ..;..,u n'ir
the week the jsnaio
,t imr L'reen on the inns, me
r : V. , iniured nothing,
lntSl I Union ...j-- - - . ,
. v,,w st thriving.
where planted t late to mature
ue , ..... ,. ...p..
says that pnmes. however, wen
ti dvr 1 1 ui'i'k have I won
cattle. 17PJ; calves, 00; hogs.
:W13: Kheeti. 1W1.
1 n iart-(M lU vntnmi of busi-
ness has Utm transacted in the
he last th e
mill" '' " I i
.i.... ..n.l-ii-lv Mondav and
u,B. ,..Vv-.-.., - -7- ,..,
l uesday. Keceipis touiieu
r.. ul.n.l tutriotl nno as
riHOru una nnt'i v i- .
they followed an abnormal liipud
lu.fore. beef out-
BlItMl II IV ...
..,.,,,1.1 Lam iNn houelessly
let wtiviiv, i,mi. - wt
,-.. ... I... .1 I...An ltim It
closel II prices nau men nun.
.....a liv..rV market masliy. olll
n -i ' j t
good steers did not sell under
$7.2T). The bulk oi sut-r irun-
iioHd nvnrnLd Jtt. ii) tO S7.10.
rU livnir r- - t
Putcher stm-k was weaK omy
i, r.a nmt heifers sold
sharply lower, but bulls and
stags maintained some degree of
. ii i... rt i..r.ti-d
. n:.. ; ?r. featured. Pulk
of cow stuff brought $UM) to
$A 25 w ith occasional haies m
' .ii i .... l tit'tr, and fi U
.... I . . .....M.. QT
Pest ligm noKu eic w" "-
j .r. ...1 1 111 riirht lit) to the
close and demand was steady.
The week's receipts nave oeen
alKive me nverun- ""v" :
tity ami quality. Smooth heavy
. . . . l .......1 iiiiiiaii i rude
d.H'S not seem to Ik- oversupphed
at present, tun iNovemwi
ceiliis are nni -Henerally
the lamb and sheep
markets are steauy w oikv..
We desire to thank nil thoso who
kindly tendered ua aid and
ympnthy during our beroave
ment, the death and obsequies of
our mother, the Into Mrs. Daniel
T. Phillips.
Mrs. P. M. Jackson,
A. A. Phillips,
Mrs. (. Vickers,
Mrs. Albert Ives,
Mrs. W. S. Shearer,
rv '.(). W. Phillips,
- Mrs. Alice Foord,
('has. W. Phillips,
.,. . K W. Phillips.
HiIIhUh, Ore, Nov.':?, VM.
Argus and Oreironian, $2.25.
Blu.rt tip in H,'di,,n
When wanting nn ico cream
' . . i .,., it nt n modern,
soda, w y now v - .
HVl'llll IS Kl'lH "I noivij .
8) I U' l , attn.
r.vnnlmn votlWllliiiionv
. . . a. tli.i nrinter.
Frank wonieu , - A" ,av-
went 10 PlWW. VVush- mm'
W( ni io . news-
totakeapomuou . .
wluVl, bo luiH been Jmmiber for
...I ...mfii Mrs. niuiin-."
Heveini j
win ioin him later.
Wanted: uuum '..u
l. f.,f unrv I". eilK,lMt
S'roS y; aboiWoorHix young
lortniHirji" , coming
heifers, eiiner "" .
fresh soon. -ui,' . , ,r v'
Uet,lville, Oregon, U(K1 & lieed
... fi.,L. lore. Willi oi
county, have a total 19W regis
" i .i... law 01
Wn ..I1 m".. . ration WHS
in the neighliorhood of 4.1)00. Of
the new rcKi"k .,,,11
. . ..r n. ..ooii-oa nnd one l?Ull
but 1 ' " w.ffiBterinB
atliliutions between
WHO 0llOl, lliv."-n- . -
S iliution remains just about the
same. "i u;.;iinnit9
urister nff as 1 i-uiiiy.-"--
and it is safe to say, t ere -
that many w h-v-
registration gives alhliat.on as
fn nurta;
lUl.vr ,rl.
liemocrat 1 in
n rnKlcW who has Uen
fishing all Summer in the Alaska
uiu.nt hK vveeK in 11 -
. , . lll
kmi. the guei 01 iiao. ,.,
vorsen and wife. He returned
to Portland. Saturday.
tu r,....i.m Ctunkintr Society
1 111- VJ-I III"" . -
of Washington County held a
..,.. n 111 u worn aiuruav.
nieenon m ! -
and as a result a large numwrm
new members ware taken into
the organization
nr.. m.,;, KJni-rllnnii envp a
Hallow H'en party to a number of
1.... or 1 no lweeuviuc
lift mil""' - ,
church, Friday evening, uamva
i,.v.,l until n late hour.
nc i"iu " -
when a delignuui luncu
m- ,i Miss Mav Crnndall re-
i ivi.l-iu frnm nn extended
lumen iiimi'j .
..:..: ... tk ni niivna una ir eiui
back in Indiana. Michigan and
Montana. Max says ne is ki It'll 1 nhl Orecron. where
things are still green arm kio-
G. Ci. MeCormick. of Garden
1 .nj in t riven MondilV. Mr.
llOIIie, wan 10 w ; -
m.c..-,,, 19 with the Oregon
miAllllllir. ...... - : -.
. I n,l mnkpA d.H V triPS
into the city. He is therefore
interested tn transporiauon. "u
f ihp Tualatin al
as U lUl-IHOVI vr. . , .
ley Transportation uuo . u ,,.k
or a tive-cem iare mw oih'""
rom the junction.
ii c V Ulnvrl hromrht to tllC
Argus office, last week, some tine
' i ..,.1 Kn tlttid
Franiiuctte wainuis, ou ui.
from which they were picked
..ii, i'r ionniis. me ute
was grafted four years aiso, and
he has made a nice muu iuhu
e ik a cnimn a IiroilUCl. liv-
irom Him ,, ,u
vided he wants to sell in the
Cxpccted That Many Road IHs
t rkts Will Make Srxxial Uvies
Take Ta Ptr CtBt. ol Taxpiyini
Voter lo Call Mcetint
County Judge Ueasom-r the last
of the week sent out blanks for
calls for special road district
meetings. The various super
visors will call meetings where
they have secured ten per cent,
of the taxnavinir voters to sign
the calls, and it is expected that
this will obtain in a large num
her of the districts. The notices
must le nosted and also publish
..,( for four weeks. Along the
central row of precincts there is
no doubt but what meetings wu
1 .11.., I ami manv if these wil
in: iani.Mi nt
vote special taxes. In the outly
tu hnwoviT. such as
Gales Creek, nothing may be
done. It is impossible to say
i. .nntr miiiitininl VlSVP been
liUW IllttOJ iuv..t.n,. - - 1"
.in.tiui,ii a nil thp naoers in
the county will have notices tor Tiniiners
lUllllHU'"".' invti"-.
if i.i,iht(ir ipn 1 rer tia aui-
ceed in levying a special tax it
will mean a considerable mileage
of rock roans mis coming eu.
1 . J . L...... l..r,
Where macauam roaus na.-c"
built there is an anxious demand
for more, lor god roans in me
Winter time readily Kill on argu
ment against better highways.
Clerk John M. norland, of School
n:. ..;,. Vrt tl nrtuallv received
school money from the
recent aptwrtionment, puouneu
last week, instead of $32535. as
it apiearcd in tne nsu uie
n. vtot? wa4 in errui. auu
uiiki""' tv'ej .
the correction is made so that
Mr. norland will not oe nem re
sponsible for the nearly one hun
dred dollars he did not receive.
If yo t don't want to come to town, just phone your
order in and it will be promptly attended to as If you
calk-! in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up orders
and ;i can get a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
PUnnP tUft order in today.
av - -
On and after April 1 we will send out presenptiona'and
I liexall ltemedies by Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra
I Tne Delta urug oiuro
1: W;
11 v.
t Peters, practicing law in
1, ' . n: l.. .rroet-
home. ,
,gs. wiuMiyou if wyvl8b0(0
,h 11 esil ef oew
b . M.u
Planin Mill.
Socialist -
Refused ; 35
Progressive 5
No rany j
Pull Moose
S. L. 1 ,'.'"'.'.i'i':'J
Prohibition iiepuuina..
Indian Runner drakes, for sale
at t each, at Weisenback s,
Ueedvine. ,..(!!
. . .. iitfl nt Schiefielin
was acuy
rtl .lifrtt ftf fh Silverton
llie ciiitvt v.. -----
1 ,.,na loaf Kridav convict-
ed of belling me oisieis . k
at Mt. Angei. inu -.
ritU. ,xA tnr hnd been
heavy. "c -viw. -
reading the "Menace," a sort of
tlv-UD-the-creek publication that
a i at acking the Catholics, telling
. . .l . .u.n),ia arsenals.
that me chuuhw
u. ...j none nusher be-
eiC.i HUH "ii, t.v.... r - . ,
came a zealot in M owing the
i 1 ftt rnn n i lii a xuw
; .;u more nrosocu
tions in other sections of the
T ... VnMotl WAS. the closing
. r il ,.,n miosnn tor i.nina
dav 01 l"e t'Fv" "t-..... -
Sters and the day bcinj? rather
1 r niiru wr'ir 11 lib
inc emeui, v. .v.- T.
hunters out to make kills. The
nuni 1... aA tho season for
same ua, - t
DUCK aeer, auu v".j ,
huntsmen from, here and he
. nnf in the hills. The
lirove wi c , .
hist for killimr will now have to
rest unni a..u.v. . - . na
Ken dull all year, but there have
been thousands of Chinas slaught
. . 1 j
. 1 1. nf thrtmiiornnrpo
A nice uuiitii u nitjiv-..,.
cu..,a,ifa .nrks for sa e at rea-
OIIHIVllliv ,
sonable prices; yearlings and
two-year olds.
tta walnut trees trratt
ed on California Blackroot-the
k nd that grows vigorous, u
bears heavy crops here in V est- 4
em Oregon.. If interested it win
pay you to see a tree wun a ciojj
; rifinmcp Rlovd's clace.
Ull It V vim "
1 . I. O.m... an.
east end 01 iMapie ouevi, i..
I,.. I ' .a' ti :int. ill SIKiro. l"C
toe, , -
...;u lu harvested soon. uO
I'l . , .
... thum now. ami lane HOlf
illlU n..i. -
..r .u t.;-,.. nofintitv nnd oualitv.
Ill me ou.v . vti.t..-v.. , -
itd,,, ti-uw! nenr bv at Cranoall s.
Vetch seed ;n smaii or iomc
r mi 1 ti 11 in
I'hAm. Q..l,(tlU fiTiT) on Line 16
u;iioi-irn Ore.. Route 2. 29tf
i, II lt'V'l v., T
ti,., c.,.on,t Annua urenco
111!.- t,vv,',. . ,
Poultry Show will be held the
j fni mvimT nanKSirivinir,
o. 'v,,v .. -.. .u
Nov. 28, in connection wun uie
school exhibits. Last winier u.
M .ivmnist nroispntftd nractically
every pupil in the Orenco school
iintriniT 11 t-"'i'?i 1 1 iriu
Willi ncttiof, v,. ,7,7". A
thoroughbred hens. White Or-
... lVI,;tasnil linrroil KOCkS.
pini;ioii, " oi"- - ,
-iv... .,otilta nhtained bV the
UOUli" . , .
children will oe sr.own av, una
exhibit, and mucn interest i uc
i?.g taken in the results. Suit-
..1.1 , ..;.,.c! 1 tt(t noprto.
ame ii.m , - , .
In auuition 10 me uiuuim
exhibits the poultry raisers of
Washington county ic o"
... 1,,, v-v,iK;ta for which nb-
IU iiium: ciiiwiw ; ,
1 K.-. ou-oivlfrt A9 the
lions "in i,c t" -
- . um tu shnw occurs m
ureijou luuitij v.iv,.. ;-
.t .j iL. ...,,.L- rnllnu-'incr It
fortianu me k '"v",,"" u
will be a pood opportunity for
u. 1 J. ttvhiViit- thpir
poultry ureeucio tu onifi"
thp hiff show. Win-
LvVr l wviwvv. v rt
ners at the urenco snow
urped to attend the one at rort
1 ..... ,
t j i An tn the nno ttv ex-
hibit, the school children of
Orenco will exhibit vepetauies.
work done in aomesui: suL-n
line, etc. .
TkMsti unntomn ntini? maKlllii
11IUOV v-, , . . n , .
entries of poultry are urged to
notlty W. J. neau, suyeimtcu-
dent 01 tne pounry ueiaitmcut.
the banh account is the surest and safest
channel to let one's savings flow into. It
is a serious matter. Avoid its becoming
a tragic matter. Tahe the safe road to
American National Bank
Capital and Surplus $56,000.00
A. C. SHCTE, Tm., C. JACK. Jr., Cashier. W. V. BERGEN. Awt.
Main and Third, Hillhoro
T. 1 -.r- 1 S TEN 1 2
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $
Combined Resources 690,428.ol
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit.
Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans, Domestic Utters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler s Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
nhnvft Mnun-
ueu. mcoi.ii"ii v. " , - . ,
taindale, was in town the last ot
the week.
n a Plinth of Tiirard. for
many years supervisor down in
his roaa aistrici, wa m tc .itj
A Fine Line of
with raised letters or enameled: Moose,
Odd Fellows-Masonic, Unights of
Pythias-Maccabee.-United Arti-san,-nnights
of Columbus.-W. U,
W .-M. W. A -A. O. U. W.,
Also emblems for the Ladies' Auxiliary of the
various orders. Each emblem is designed intern
gently and sure to please the most critical patron
For beauty, quality and finish, my line excels.
Get my prices for they are right.