The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 30, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 32
1!IIJ.S!'.(k(),()Ri:(;on, oani;R ion
Sa vuoiy Clrk
. ... I I.i Hurt ,iinrr
BUILDING ON E. MAIN the pttxt tiiurtr Kill
M-rmitft fr the appropriation of
water have U'cn nm.-i! I,v tl.
State Knmine.r. of whirl, number
It are fr ttn' iotii.truet.or. of According to thine
lurmit ll liri...,iM,..l I.. ..-. .,..
I ...... . , . ' i - t iiiiKatr
lH l.'KMu ri-n.iji'vrli21i7I; home- I,''"er Cwmbt' Structure Sullen
Imi.M T. Il Ml' Wi for tiiiiliii'iiiMl
rui'I doin.-Htie imriH4fH. Tln-con-
. ...... . ..... ,.r it... ........... .i :i ... i ,,fi, i. i ... ii.miiu mum rus a loss flf'SliOim if wru.h
" . i
uiitout.l $.K0.ii m entimate.I thr Bala Raihliai ua I In Irk Sappho
i iwt if rutmtriii tirii? reservoir. I . . . .
ived ttnd ban
the Imundaries
Ilaniagr, Saturday Nlghl
for the
ta Sect."" '-- "f ,'"r,,
01 conw-
Lf North and S..uth U'll-l-r"
uVMfi; "lh,r Mr,k
rir. uf th- nty and
icU.r--,.t co tcrm.nou.
Ltkintf un,,,"r lt"'
....-..ir3ti.m law. the county
dirk d nt r kTiHt.-r
v-, .(!. ftNn that a M-tUiot
.:.-- ll. iuimr ha U'eii pre
:.. C.inrt hit ordered
..Jrluin. notice lasted.
.din order that you might not
Mtnuitht in the
iflticlhtlh",''ny t",,lirl ,u"1
jl.rt i l.-. ti.l. ttHho-u'tl Hi.'
tomt on tl tt r,"--u,ar
ct elwti"". Vtni art- r'nitu iilly
(orrrct m thf m tin )! havi
Ukm m far S"'t S.H I.Ci
provide that th.- rounty rU-rk
lhI notify th. .rt. r authority
of inch city t.r t'n. thut nurh
iion ha- ! n il.-manhl. in
h ritv or wn
l inti llif iiurt r a tM-nnit wuh
t4tii-tl In Mm II irru-t It k'illni
uf 1'iirll.iinl fur I lit- niiiiriitiria. I A
uf rorli.iii.l. for th npin),ria rt nr' I'roxf om in iiu i.mvi-r
tii'M uf wal r frurn I'ark ami (Umiljsi frsmi Htructurf, one lnr
t'.-.lur t"anvi.Mt'r-i-k in S.f 3t Tti e,Ht f th Tmi-Hi.' c-nn-nt
H.N U 1 V1f"rh" ,rriati"n of l.hrk l-uil.linif. Saturday t.iKht.
aer- f land. , ,.' ,. , , ,.
arnl m a rt'Mult the luillinif was
il;imaift hlinimt Uvonil rcnair.
I n iiffHvtil Siiin lla roru-ta
. it: .... ii'ii ii.k
fun mmi in nuirfH. can ail . . . . rr.u.-.t. ui.-l .h, th.- .Kcui.-.i
ttttint'. uti.l t--a. lt how to mlitiHt tlu l'-r llnor. Iwt H-v-ral hurt-
uml w. ar tin-ctirH t. I Mr tauor- ur.-l 0il lam worth or cloUuntf,
futurH ami tx k.
Th (lann-8 were Htarl.-.l by
reamiri f a di-fi-ctive llu.-, a far
aa can ! learned. Mr. Harris
t'uudl.-. HillMlmn. Fifth was in the room where the blaze
Jack win Sln-tU. I 'hone No. Ularted. but did not awaken un
mana of lire. lie
I made t. nu ature con. U. in
cluding thelatiitt fnnt lace, with
an eiix-ru-nced conwlier m-rvice,
owl no more than ttik'h c lax ior-
Heti imr.-haH.-d in store. Mrn.
I'-'L-innink' Saturday of thin
week thiHu- who have inroinin
which ml annually ov.r t.'""!
mint iav an income tax to the
ifovernni.-nt. Junt how many
WanhifiK't'in Cnioty M-o)e will
come iir..-r tin- iirowftiotnt oi
thi national ulatute rniainn to
U- .-n. It i thotih'bt that ev
fleortfe IJttM-rt. of f tar.k m. as
a city visitor Friday.
Indian Itunner dnik.M. f r sa!
at 12 each, at Wci-i'-ntac'it'.
Mr. and Mrs. l,in-m:in. '
of below ll--lville. vi t-r'- lliilsU-
ro callers Saturday.
Fred SchiM-n. of Houth of Cur-
neliiiH. wan a oiunty n--at ca'i.T
f "V Dr. Itwe & Turner next
ik . , ......
Wrnuay. nsu;i iiem.
Kli I'oe, of hitlt-y. well known
at lliliHlro and ('orru-iiim, wa.i
in town Monday.
Kj-inhnl.l Srhwanke. of near
SchielMin. was in town the first
of the week. I
Clydt! Taylor, of Astoria, re
turned home the hut of the
week after a few days visit with
hm father, W, h. lay lor.
(!ha.s. (! of Tualatin, w as
un to the cit? Monday morning
('harlt-H is one of the rouncilmen
for the new city.
Henry Satfron, of Tualatin.
and F. W. SaL'ert. a neiirhltor.
were in town Monday, attending
circuit court-
The latt-st acquisition
in auto m a Keo, purchased t.y
of the Pharmacy
Belf-startcr and
Cx-PuslmsHtcr 1jdc Atx.ut $W
Friday Night
til all wait a
aucceeded in ircttinjf out with
ll.u li.ll.1 ilmiirliliir Kia UifM U.-UM
In Pnrlliml ml then tiroeured Met net-UTS
k ,.f ,w.l, u S a WU-siaritr anu curries
" 1 ..I : .,.La
gyj leteiirtc iikuw
Mr. (VwnU carried JK) irmur- r W. JamM. of Varl.-v. was
ance on the huil.linir. and Mr. dow n to the city haturday. thas
1 1 miL rirrluil tt (Mil 1111 thMI'..t.i It nnuu tn n.'iL'll d.'.in mm
stock. and$2T0on hi household 0r shine, thene days, as he has
. c. ,i i i. I . iii -ti
Kis. me lire mreaieneu inc nx-k and plan an ice way in.
M. M. Mead, of Tillamook.
nd alia few at ! ''''" V,," ": came over Friday, and weni
there will also n, ,h,,ah "frt.rS to Springfield. I.ane Coun
borrower and r. ; ty. to visit with his brothers.
,. p i ..... lr. Tamiesie was struck on ,, . ..... ,
raUI..H..,a iornry.n.M. - f he Umenk
,.MS men ... ... urmrr .r .. . h . u,f
ill t I'tllli H'I H"" "
I'. r. -1 tirovi
i,r,-rs that .ill o,me under the . ' TIZ and Ifert Mead.
.i i iu... yirii-tf llr f;'rtri(ie Phi ids. ()st(H-
LMU-M. KI1UI1.H in nillllHil nnuvn 'i. - , .
if i .. r ....... Mu.i i-nt!i:... :.. u.. i..b miM:.i iVinuiL'h nnihie nli vsician. located at ror-
it -1.1 f..r lit., i-iill nti 1 1.; . l.ilhirnF ml irtint est I .rove. Wl Deal ine iioiei
II... . I i.., l!ii,u Annm . tt ... Washington. Mondays. Wearies
I '.n hi ...-..., - - inuian pwiim. I. . i r i. . 4
II ..II..... .....I l.ia flntllltvl 1-k.:.. II... .
lUlltUIUk. Ilii'l r" ' i in in tin: pvim - -' - 1 J -
Uiinuet, all the way from $'ir) to structure has caught fire once
k Thme are the U-sl ranjfeii hM.f0re when A. J. Knst occupiinl
ever placed on lite marnei in im. t,iace.
that Much citv r
lathonty may cause the utbnal tZ TJZl Father OTlynn, of H.-averton.
biiluUUiU- pr pared in accord- ' mrriinin. WJW jn tne lirsl C(l vn
Miih the Movisionsof this ev. r piacwi on me nmrui ... the place. a m-k. on circuit court business.
I.. Ami the ctv a id.L.r. ur iliiNN'ro. I all m and we them. I duf.-ndine a nHchanics, lien.
dirk, or M-order. as the rase r and Mrs, l-o Schwander, SCHOOL M:vS brouuht against the church
mi; l. uluill make return i l Un; f . . Mountaindale. were in Adi.mter Haldwin. of the Paci
tounty el.rk of the vote for and n j;alr,ay . i,,, utes that County School Supt. . w . Sut(,8 jns ( WM out from
inimlpnihiiniion in me severm .... , .....l..- ar,, v.rv husy Harm's has apportioned mr n. Ml,.i.... ukmir over
wwincUof naid city or tow n. I . . , 1(, lhat the nKk M.VU) funds anion k the !'. ,. I 1 lar Vis lass, in the
indthrreafler said matter luU j ,a Ui(. j;irmi place, thin school districts of the county. structlire 0f the Peoples
pfwrHasin the case oi M.j,. f is a k'reat The funds were an joiiows. oiait Store iuildinir.
Ml a Mr III 111 I III' 1 ll I II L V I Mill L II . ... ..f 'I .VI 1 4)11 LT Ctt. I I . . . . . .
!LT"' : .... . . . i -- ,n rl,i im I1'"1 ....f.,t rv.,m J. J. WViHenbeck. of Ueoilville,
grurn me riTu.n u..o " .h it the next tew years win nuna ?-oi; - r- , ... .,
. .i uumi iiiL' r tier was tn town
-ee ii j-reai nnieaK i " 'T IHUl ' " r.. j V..- w.. u.tei thilf ootatow were
ii'i'': a- "a.srwapii.Tv.M i..
iriii.-r ... ..-.' - SOcents tMT cwt. not u oau
ationas hum as they K-t tfood $11. .... 10. ,u,;,,1f..L,,irt ui.h the omminir of the
h'K'hwavs. . i.T uiiiiuu,,,, Nnv. 10 Fall market
..ill r . i .i.iiii in in ,-it.nwi ..... . - .
t t ..i, u i mmii nn Wed-I v (Vum .lm nsaiiuseil the
lo lion. on .i-" - I i nun ..- -.
nmlBy. There will be seventeen xuaiatin-Sherw(KHl section this
i N nf inutitute work including town Saturday, lb1
lurlrrk notnied the .iroiH-rnly
luthonty. It is then "up to"
the pm-r city aulhoriti. s to
prinl the Ullots and hold the
ilwlwti with their own judges
tnd clerk, etc.. and then t re
tort to the cunt y clerk the re
mit, of the vote, which declares
lotai option carried or defeated.
U th case may Ik',
TUi miI ui S i iiil.tiliV
W 1 k) mliill i lri ltu.l I..IIIK Ili-lil Hi
Um liwr ii I he nit u ut. iltril.m
ewmeg In yni in hli It tlir. l m
pll rr , Mti! irli l 0.
llM eiimm.l.ti -f ..( i - It y rlotl'"! "'
ItMltl rcUi'ii loi'iviOiiit In lull I.I Ox-
mM)tu fh'v ih wnlt t.'Kfil'Ti In
MMMltlll, l.u! II .1ik mil aillll !
ll hoMing ui a lmal i ..ill rlri lii'U at
Ml llmr tn) t i. ii tlir liml TuroUt
illnlbrbitl MnifUv In Svi.l'Tf . ll
l li r in u.iii It I ld en llml
Ml.lkxtt i,j!iini r rill. 'II rail I llri'l
I lb Mmr litor . n.l l.v Ihr iiour rtlv
It la our lltnt y.m t dmit
Kai wl), ,il n la -uj! i'' ihr ell v t
"lh lilt ilrai, aii.t it tl.rjnln Hot, lull I"
County Jude Keasoner, after
the receipt of the letter by Clerk
bee, telephoned the attorney
Kneral for an opinion, and the
ume fvciiinw' he received an
opinion in consonance with tin
one which arrived Fridav. tuty
nit it was up to the city to print
the ballots and appoint election
Kweiits for the week have been
wile, liSM; calves. 57; luv'S,
W7; sheen. 'J!,rt,rS.
KHi Hill l. I 1. ..lll.-. ....lLllt
vi. mi ,, in. l imn; i nil
"tin Wediiesdav after an auspi-
tioua opening Monday. Ueceipta
nve been abnormalls
u h.m wantimr an ice cream
Simla, why not k'-t it at a modern,
up-to-date fountain wiiere ine
syrup is kept in sanitary wens,
pumped into the tflass by a sani
llirtlt. ' , fta liaii ..
- .......,...., liin.l. . . i i. : .
ji.i'i ' r - the two eveninn k"i mis traueu nis oinee, i
pumped into the if las by a nam- veninK the Hillsboro ,m)ve. with his family, to a I
lary pump. Tnat s the kind ol (.iib wiH Kive a recep- near Wash.niual, Wash., and
fountain joitw ill Iind at Kociier a. n to th(. t,.achers and in- juct a dairy business.
,1. M. tlillenwater. lessee of stn.ctor. On Tunr m
and will
- - . i.i .ii n.i a uu'i i ih w i c a t iv
the Connell ranch, nortiioi ion. mere w... - "-,.? . f,K,tlial eleven was
for live years. Saturday received the t;r,,ii A ii th Hav aes-1 well attended Saturday evening
a line yminn Berkshire. oi ine mn ,,h;,'lb,i, Thc youngsters turned out en-
male variety, and reisiercu. s.ons win - - . - , thp f ,aiUe9 were
l l.v their mothers.
in..." - - ., . i
The liovs cleared up in me netun-
.. i,;..ii vi.ii.hs l'.r' tHHinds. lhe
vounuster ut of an imHirte
'. i i:t
.i-ii- .).., mil.
Sire, and mt. i.ninii.i
chased him to build up ins neru.
i ti ,n moneV in HokTH anu
Mr. (lillenwaterisstartimr nnht.
A lt
...I- Yntmir Jorsoy nun,
if I I 1 1 t t r
old enough
t. reifistry
heilers. either iresn or ,. mtt,e. 8 years, laoo; sor c sucoesstuliy jrriv
f ,vsh soon. t;Hrm I fnUm. n yeATng hlly. table delicacy. ille. Oregon. U.M & K.d 5.nHM)Ul colu driving marc. Ken- ,
Farm. tie for ladies to rule or drive , .
The undersiimetl will sell at nb
i: . ;..,, lit his farm. 2 miles
. nf Philliiw. and 2 miles
. ....i ..f Miller Station, on
i solium .-iv ...
for service, elifc'.i'ie United lUilway. ai i" ...,
also live ur six younn FU1UAY, OUl.
or cominir
mate, 8 yoars. 1500; sorre
ItorluHKi ot
Sam Paisley, ol between Hanks
i n,, was in town oaiur-
I day. Sam has 1.000 celery plants
irrowinir in his twttom land, and
oil j to Hi soororiKiib moon. "c
has shown that this auction can
I ii t L . .J . .1 .Y t t ill
successluliy irrow mis uuik"
Anaktacd Neither HuHband Nor Wife
l.tll Tr.iBtr Ajoinint Pixim
The home of Hon. Ii. P. Corneli
us, corner rourth and Cast-line,
was tntered bv a burdar last
Friday niirht. and as a result the
ex-postmaster is minus eighty
dollars and a knife. The in
truder left Cornelius' keyring
and the trousers. The rubber
entered by a window, and he
either had help to get into the
hitfh window, or else had a box
on which he climbed into the
aperture, as the casing is quite
high from the ground. Tracks
were found the next morning
showing that the window-route
was the one used for entrance.
although there was no trace of
the exit.
The burglar carried Mr. Corne
lius' trousers into the room ad
joining the bedroom, and left
them on the floor. The next
morning Mrs. U)rnelius. upon
risimr. asked him why he had
left his pantaloons out in the
sitting room, tie replied inai
he had not. and that some one
hal moved them from their ac
customed resting place. Exam
ination disc used the robbery.
Mr. Cornelius says mat ne nas
never locked the doois el ine
dwelling, as they had never fear
i it . iiurir arv. l ne money was
carried loose by the owner, as he
had expected to pay tor some
work alout the home. He says
the joke is on Mrs. Cornelius.
ti-hn hus a wavs contended that
no one could ever enter the room
without her hearing the inter
Another home that was enter
ed and $75 taken from a guest.
thut nf John Lnireldinger,
on . r.aseline, within a half-block
of the Cornelius home, into
lloiTele. of P.aytield, W is., occu
pied a room upstairs. The burg
lar entered througn a wmciow
from the front porch, raising the
sash 'with a jimmy. He was
barefooted, as was attested by
his tracks on the fiosted porch.
He entered Hotfele's room, took
Im aleetiimr man 3 trousers
downstair?, and made away with
75. Several in the house heard
the noise when the window was
raised, but thought nothingot it.
as thov considered some one be up and around the
kAiiv.i line thoilirht it was a
wcHHlrat that hail been working
through the silent hour?, vv lien
Mr. HolTele awakened in tne
morning he noticed me ausence
of his trousers, which were found
later on the ground Hour.
The Hillsboro Lumber t o. s
mill ollice was also entered tne
same night, ami the drawers to
the desk rilled. Papers were
scattered about, but no money
had been left in the otbee.
If yon don't want to come to town, just phone your
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if you
calk 1 in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders
and j v.i can get a prescription made up very conven
iently ia this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
r,,i nfL.r a-.rii i wo will send out nrescriotionsfand
Kexall Remedies by Parcel Post. Prepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store
ii in ' '
I S B IA I S B. Jat... T OaTj
f f BANK pffi J
: dram miDhvnniMTiflBiA
: rivUI I vi mwjiw
l.:r.,M hrooil sow.
... ii...i.t...u..f of near Farm-1 cow. 11
I nut iiiiMt". ,, i., i .
n.rt.iti. was ill me vuj i.j.
1 1 . I ..... . . I .ml It
well ueaseo -- k . -
,H.,Wee here and rann.ngion - -
worsi mmt- niiuiw v ain .
nf above Moun
toin.hile. was m town Monday
nroute to tne reueui
mu .1 lie UTS. uiwu ...:., ..nronte
shoaLSitat 150 lbs each.0 sma , t lvrtlttIMlt of which
the rockwork nigs, lot of Plymouth c" Vi he is a member. The trial jurors
Diiiu " "r
drawn Saturday are from other
. . . ivoinir itr'.uv n
k mi I It U U tltllHI Ill'W Cta' ' . ... n,intioi3 Willi. IIIHT LIVIIIK vnn
" r '. tf..r or irratn oriu. vv ' . . .
....... .wl f.H.ting inside ot tniggy, ca - - ,nm wasmngu-u.
Will IIIH n'-"-'- ...'I.. .t l .. IJI.T1U1LI1. LUIlllO""
lie savs that the
the banh account is the surest and safest
channel to let one's savings flow into. It
is a serious matter. Avoid its becoming
a tragic matter. Tahe the safe road to
American National .Bank
Capital and Surplus $50,000.00
A. C. SIIt'TE, Pres., C. JACK. Jr., Cashier. W. V. BERGEN, Atat.
Main and Third, Hiltoboeo.
V-av a a a a aaam a.m
.s I', "iii 111 J . Vl--.'
abnormallv larire and
I nri! t mil tuiHii rilti .null mill.
hi' J i . ii'l"'. IIJ m ii ""I'
Plied. Prime steers dropped to
50, cows, 11.50 and trade was
low the last half.
Market Hharply lower this
outlet narrowed nt mid
Wt(!j and swine, values were
haded from $s.75 to $8.50. liy
JJfyen indiireront and $8,115 was
!e limit of bi,s; a liberal quota
tion was $8.00 to $8.25.
A very slow ami uninteresting
necp trade. Sales for the most
wincing!,, t1(, umb Ht.ction,
inK to very piKir quality these
did not bring more than 5.10.
ViCnernllu tlwi i,.ii., .,n.i innil,
--""j win,, iiiiitblll. Illlll 11,11"
mfKots are steady to linn.
-Will Wohlschlegel, of near
ochollH, was in the last of the
J. Ho reports selling hin
Drunua ui . . i i .
i, neven cents -Homo oik
W for the product in these
wmocratic times.
.1 . ...i.til III k. HMt.L'H IMF- LVfVkl t ..--- ....
iw .lavs, f weather ht. i " ..." ,ttn ri ur- u w mith a former Hills
I rV The , marry near his place plow. x.c5t ' "w dairyinir at
" . .. V.." i.i. 1). 15. say. tor ger. log cu..-. " ;VOI. '';.?' u r.n,m was
win i in mm. .. v.., . . - , a wedges, some imrac .."" neaver, uuoui wu.j.
half of the county, f ft mJ wheat, forks, shovels. over to Hiiislmro the last of the
.i.i., i im.. riK-k that far. hay, some wiuw t..tnt nnd r ... .u.. .,nctof l tor-man Kam-
I .C.K. Tird..f th",. Lunch , .S-ll
, i ;,. emerire i rum au. ftVr iu. one yem fi'."-" can ai ".u
... um iiiiiHiTiuiiiu - out wu uci wii i itavimr io Keen mo i""' " j-
vu , has wit- Vm J''"", the fallinir leaves, so
siitiurimn ""r ,u tnside. Owner. u iu thU vear.
aense .".v ;
it. ...: ...ait iinrt a nave lane..,
He Will n m , .
i u nmLn tt cpneral c can-
rV,!! "T; f the Oregon k . nreonlan. $2.25. f" ' he grounds. Speak-
eil IV un-m I Areuo " I mis e r . ..
Olectric. . trtun uitter. of Helvetia, was
Niilioe to Hunters ami All Olliets
llnnlini' or trMPWine. np.1" rri"l
..r i ih iiiiiii-rsiL'.io.l. or 'csseca
I Wl'. "i.i.-.. - n
owr. f iiiioui n wiiti-n ri-itint, s'Stt
l. Ui- sum-, win !' 1 r us-ti-u c i 10
the iv.ll entent of the lw.
Siitiie1:-J. Scl.uu.lky. J KMi.-rty,
I i. uir,.ri Cnrev Ilro.. Chus. Schom
i.i... i .A.. it,.riii.. J. C. Crwk-r, A.
l.'.,..W.oii K DUTCE. I. ViriUl, llli
ii....s. it M-aci.vnt A. Oorilon. V. I.
U.....1.' I IV R.-nrli. J. Jnekv. W. C.
innv i " " , - - -
Jack-ion, C. Hurst.
v M Keenon. of Vinelands.
was in the city saturaay, anu
savs that his potatoes are stiu
growing, the frost touching only
n few vines, which were located
close to water. He has oniy
seven acres of the tubers, this
year, and sold his early at $1
per sack.
....I...... Viiwn irom
nesseu lau.i "V.V" tn
ihtand l?n i a" I--. -
nl luindre.1 ht.. -
John Ironside, Owner.
C. Kuratli. Auctioneer.
im ,. v, iv, jonn iviivii. --- -
Thus. Handley Jr., of Tilla- n Qm Motulay morning, greet
mook, was in the city .the last oi
tho week, on Ul buju. Mr. was
winU a v w mtumu, - -khig week,
- IAnilf III ...U I Tt .. u IntVH UIMILril Vlivn - -
.'. 1!"r 'r UoomlnT. ... , SI" U th. laat ol the
and Aimm m-'. ; " r u
n town ivionunj. weea.
that can nuw
Chas Bloom and Henry Miller.
n ivn in" - . . ..
travel, rain or shin e. . - f- r Witeh Haze, wi
havo rock rom.s - town the last, oi w
the east and west.
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
BanKing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
inir-uu vi nil- - ,
ing of the heavy foliage, the old-
timers say mai mis inca..
severe Winter.
iru Pnmnierei al Club was
tn its eanacttv last fn
f rUnUvU - J t
day evening, at a reception given
by the Poaru ot
and dancing were the order, bo
fos were rendered by L. I
Rov Heater atui uay oigiei, m..
F. J. Sewell acting as accom-
nanist It was tne uneai im -P.a",ah
fnn.lred bv the Club.
V.n yU VUol. aetintr for the
Hub delivered the address of
Notice is hereby given that my
...ifa h-ivino- left mv bed and
niiv i""ri - -
board without just cause or pro
vocation. I will hot be responsible
for any debts contracted ny ner
from and after date of this
Roy Long.
Hillsboro, Oct. 1, 1913.
Aoding novelties every
dav to mv collection of
N. II. Shiedel. of Orenco. was
a county scat visuor oaiuiuaj
Wm Smith the Forest Grove
carpenter-contractor, was in the
city the last ot tne weeK.
h Van If T Uice. ot East Port-
inn., vvsiu nut the last of the
week, a guest of his son, of near
Jolly Plains.
Whether your family leans toward Jewelry, Ster
ling Silver, Tlate or Cut Glass-Or whether your
don't just know what you want you will have
no trouble in finding something appropriate here.
Even though you may need nothing just now,
come in and see the many pretty things I have
recently put in stock.
In all departments I am showing a splendid
variety of new and seasonable goods, and I want
you to feel quite free to call and inspect them.