lnllLLSBR6 ARGO NO. 31 Hiusr.()R(),()Ki:noN, octoim-r z, m? : : r ArTA DFKSUIt litl!) innru utruuym.it iwii 6EIS UIH GUI! II 11 A big China rsl. r was no- nrnilTV fllllT til It iced early Mirnlay morning. serenely lurched on the court house nf. watching tin town ken into business lift. Jam Tuiir was nil cit tin iit. una n un iriiuu mi ti i wHUFiiur . . -.m.1wihSpW. .0 take shot lit the bird. Al y M Scvrr-1 CnlhHtel I ' . ..lit .1.. ..-.I, ...... I., I., tu -I,,...! . I U., 11 w . . . .1 i. . LMIItPnCII I Wirt " ........w. I....-.V- .j i..v nTin j i mi insult tin city IittitlJ. no mic wanted to lam- the chance, ami the fellow with Iwautiful coloring laplarcd to know hi vantage ground fur he remained there until the fog lifted. Nmie one pt W" ventured that the bird had ar- . men in town lo mot n ni nomr , , . . . ,1 wife, of Lf ,t, ,ir ,. .ut were ''"V W. Lyon, a Portland busi- A-AniM ...,.. .UvaLt'...!, I 4oii.lnv iitorniiiL' Olhim he. man. couldn't resist shoot ir B l . , MUU i u nit u l'i-.-v.-ii iihi-ltriarit I inir ul it China tihi-umtnr hi-n .. I .. I III I l' I nu 1 " - . - " ' - - I ' - . - v - ..... ..... ......... ...... dKn-r i i. iir u j ... . ......... . . i, tlu'in I I ouimay, inn vo in a Borrow (MMW 4 DfU I.I HI MIV W. I YON BMiS CHM MI N U I i4 M ky J.Jfc Smith. Uhi Qm; 4 lout lkK of I 11 court. giving Mr. and Mm. 0. II. Gates were guests of Portland relatives, the lahtt of the week. John Koch and Fred Goetze. of above '.looming, wi re in town Saturday. Sam Grove, of below Itood , 'ridge, wa.4 in the county seat Saturday. M. M. Hughes, of Oak Park, was a county seat visitor Saturday. Thou 1 1 in ton of the Conn ell ranch, near North Plains, was in town Saturday. Fred Merger, of Pethany. was in town Monday, on business at the court house. German Lutheran services, i EX-SENATOR J. BOURNE 10 IKE ADDRESS HERE Will TelW to Member of Com- imninl Club an J farmers COMI S TO MiLLSBORO. OCTOBI R 27 I Still a Member ol the Federal Road AiKociitioa, and i Active Kx-United States Senator Jona than IJourne. chairman of the Senate Committee of the Nation al Good 1 loads Conference, will 1. . . . .. . ... IV.. I r . 0ii .. V, l rnt'a in lllllukkm Mflflf 3V AT' 1 r land near I represent .irella cor. ts lielarLleatheetfit-Iayer. Deputy punuay aiiernoon. at unc . ..iv V v, i T not sold in xU.reK. Wilt call at (;,,. Warden Chas. Kussell hat-UiKn-irational church, i . .. ti... i . lou. Aw,fiwn wwn. hoiiu-H ot. n-iueHt. and do thi I I. . fiat I .... . . . ranL ami I tittinif. ami teach how to aljui ttoiy Uxrt " yir fu w,ar tl"' n,nMt- U,ir la'!"r- . ii ..! the iml--rt ed tnude t measure rurmtt. in- tH W,U l f..l. rliuliinr Hie latent fn-tit luce, w ith in one i wear r i - ... . , .. i.. I an eniH-rn'nce.i rowinT wrn-, ternoon. ()ctokr 27, and in the peticd alont? and went through W. Jamimon. or running evening aaaress ine n.e.merS o. the hunter. Iindinj? the con- ton' wa3 in town Monday afti-r- the Commercial Cluband farmers ZA to one lwcar m XA U-arintc i .If .ut,Ht and ; ,lovl Paw-ley .c.r,ofthr.;Tair ii. r..mi t that com I no more than hiith class cor m ts nurihased in atores. Mrs. trahand bird. As a result he placed Lyon under arrest and brought him to Hillsboro. Lyon : was fined 0) by Judjro Smith, .in i. i ... , ... i .. .. i ... i..... M K. Caudle. IhllHU.ro. Fifth w,m" "l ""' ' i..l-.... i,..ia 1'iw.n.i No his if un. which was confiscated rwi f,otf by the state under the provisions i I .1 I t'L .. .. it I oi me yame law. ine ouenut-r also hwt his license to hunt for James i returned Kitchev. of Cornelius. lat week fnm his an- kia. tith We rii..,, r,.tur,, uu,iwecn mm nm an- weld and no rl,,of lhe nual trip to W.-slon. Cmatiliar ,iut; V Car son. ri- Ito Ultimo thcinvwtit:at.ri. . .. -l .... td rase th i f i. i u,i . kt .. . i ... i Furuanu m u made by i imii ml An im .-. --. ......... . Kim of the furwery. nr at t(M,M Riven line oi- Hrrt M a case w nrrr r tnt an mn',"i rttri I kimrfrv.4 dollars. Aw r'rwfh v French divorce tfroororwt lirove wiu Count v. where he has a whea ranch, which is tind- r lease for a term of vears. While at WesUm hi. nu-t Col. Clark Woo.1. lh nMn. of this vicinitv. at the Lommar Wm. llostetler. of Portland, cial Club rooms. Ex-Senator formerly a resident of lle-dvill, I i,urne has given the subject a was m the city Monday, on busi- dea, of attention an(j i3 an nelW . , , , enthusiast in the matter of fed- I). II. Willers. of Oak Park. . ., - , j.-a:.,. wa. in the city Monday after- " Mr. ani Mrs. Thos. Llow. of an,j ten why government aid nlmvK Mnntaindale. were citv L.v,r,,,i,i tv.. civinr1irt There is ' i i. n vittitors Mdav afternofn. ..rhfirxi nn man in Ortiron bet- itputy iiame anien uusseu "V- .y" i.,. now has several Kuns. arnoriK Mrs. J. M. trown anu Hisier- i -,rJU Hi'.y- them heir. U.th aumatic- in-law. Miss Mary p.mwn. were along the line of roadmakinR and Lyon' w as an automatic-and HillsU.ro visitors from above government support, for he i has .m mrri' hi hammer ess. and Tanks. Sunday. i.-uu ...... - ..... r- 11- r n n f . YourOraer TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If yn don't want to come to town, just phone your orde: ;n and it will be promptly attended to as if yoa callct t x irson. We specialize in "Htrry Up" orders and you can et a prescription made np very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. n i f,.- 4 i u-a will send nut nrescriDtiona and Kexall Itemedies by Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra charge. I I The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE J ' Yl - h... 1 . . . u ' . dou e-harrellei nammeruns. anu r.anKS. unuay. t o..V nf thia on the cas th mUU, htor , f thl. wton h t ,aU.ron the State (Jame d Mr, A Ari(ler. he sorv.ee to the study of this teen torn dow n l i a,j,.r w ho, unti a few weeks u :rii.. uill have a sale the net Mr , . . .? in subject land skyscraper. JM u. of lh iit.ral .!L7H i" the .Uate .,n' ?.f 1 i1, ifiM r, vi. The Commercial Club is send- by publication ;Wrn Oregon Journal, n . ,,d circuit court wl-re llillslsjro ini,out invitations to the farmers. ,nd And-rson. who .M hat lu. irr. m e fun d lton Bay fon.nonn. thpm tQ jn d nea I ho tVil. concluded that he pr fcrred nitiiiing his own pajn-r asking them to come in and hear . ii ... i . . .. . i i. . - :. ...i a i-i ruv i-.ni-rin in i.:il i ill l- i I in i-x iKiutrn I. ui k. vjvu iuu.'. ..v. i. un ,i. 1'i.iir irnriii 14 nHHiri I 1 - w... . - - - - , ....I riLfned to again I'd mt ... .......... uu..,t f.'.r if w.u lnd land, was out Monday, greeting there will be an appreciative ' . 1 I " I'M ' 1 oim' '- i . . " . . . . y II. fn.ii.nn j. m i - i i .i.Hima vvnciunirriin i i r v n niumpn 1 1 ir nr. i hilii uc. a n.n it is revocation ol your u- " ....... , ----.- - BANK ACCOUNT I I,. IiIiIiIikIii- r's harness. Mr Ititrhey says that the wheat raisers had a line crop up that i way this year cense, loss of your gun, and a friends. fine of at east f. 1 ou win at- Mrs. A. r . IhHiglitv. 01 ueiow so lose your lirense for the rent rVaverton. was in the county If v want a range that l-ats f the year. If you kill a hen st,at Saturday. Tho aiwakor will tell how na tional aid is to be secured ; how thev nmtioKe to bin d trunk lines through the state, and enter into VIIIV'UJH" ' t U vn 1MB roront drove will l- II you watu a range uhh r'yv'., laV) P2m fme . an exnausi ve rxpuae ui Oct : Potts vs The Pio- the world for the money, can on n .. Vt way how- tor Scott, ol the .- t,re proposition. . CI,iJ-.lw.nl SM-ietV. Oct Htk n I'hdan, (VI I-r- n Greer et K -j W Kennedy. Nov 17; and iwPhlin Nov J. I he. tu.i.t I'urwm l!:mk Annex Ilinl.lmL'. and see his Quality UatiK. U the way from $'ir to U.V. Therie are the l--t ranges .i..r tilneed on the market in ( all in anil see mem. if proven, the nest way. now- ... ' .s' w , an (ldric ,msi.nger, ever, is to shut your eyes , w S,"C.Mn tl, ' 1V(,S As a hen-bird KrU up and llies in " .'" ,::,, .Iir,i!l-li ! r 1 your face. NOTICI: . I . I ... I, I 1 1 II I .. I a Un contracior w no uuo iuuin. Rink Annex tuilimg in , ... ,. or. ,..nm '; . ' k" ...b I ,',;... id lnriiv inven thill WV hrtewnraedin re John Van- uh.le working in a wife having left my M and I n John Masters; decree ; .... , IJ,. uard without just cause or pre station meeting in 1 ortland. Frank Mandell. who for some years has been growing h in the Sherwood district, was in the city Friday. INION STOCK YARDS lleceipts for the week have been cattle, 1931; calves, 412; hogs, m ".1 cknnn hnrso. 42. Ulili oiivv i', I W nntimim has ruled the cattle t ki.ii f I m.Miil tfnal i.. . l . . i. J ..wtfiAEi a ra I r.ii. i. niuiioy, oi muui, ""- marKci iiiinwmaiiut1""" 'I... L I' ...no I . . .. L:..L. tUnn tl.ni. in the city rrway. r.. v. "'" nve 10 icn cents mnwr man mcj 1 Time siteis i from wsmss . . . I I II 11 r I HI .. - - - ML" LU ilii vvo v" in ft John Maulers urrnr - -.. . i ,,.,.. u without nisi cause or iirw , .. ..... ... .,,.. . j l,9innv.J 8hU.W..H knand forwknur. . . I. .,.( t,,L. i.ulli bv for any d.-bts contracUM b her i nn!f.Liv. Uest load of steers i i 14IL'liuu i".. n i I - . . r ii. ..m ii vivn,iiii I ri I .v; I vi uui'.nMi - Dm for Doughty vs lot in llillslioro. It i t I I 1. . K f mitftt 1 rtl Dwiiwd-Luscher v leiter;r - f..n tnkim? Ils. riKuohno. . i... n .i,nf h . . inniK nil iiifii tui i uat ill iiiHk Mtrwi aivorre - .nary i. i-or- . , . rt Wm Borstel. dtfr"e Tninan tWtano if i yen httinng title. ifiultl in divorce cases I'.l Stmrmin v Kcnilrick Samt- i; Daily Howman vs J II IWiw- hit Campbell adjourned Mondiv noon, after a half of insion. rl'Ht.lC SAI.U anderitnel w ill sell at pub- .lin.l in n lew hours. Coroner Pr. ltarrett went t TimUT. Satur day. U investigate the case. Young Koss' iHs.ple reside at Tillamook. Wanted; Young Jersey bull, .tl.l i-notiL'h for service, eligible I.. miMttrv: also live or six young heifers, either fresh or coming f..uh uixm l.eorge pemon, Uee.lv ille, Oregon, Farm. lioy Ix)ng. IlillsUiro. (VU 1. l'JUI. i i N..Ur lo llunten b.1 All Othrit terestedin mercantile business, averagea we any r n u. . wis up to the county seat the Ot er toy i sa ks wc , 7 ,5 to7 last Of the week. V uaT" nutlet lioy Uice. who has had a Sum- anJ imyera fined orders with mer campaign in the Mabel lum- some Cu0;ce cows. bulls and 1st district Southern Oregon, is glaKrs Kujk cow top wa3 6.50 home for the inier. am 6.75 with one loaa at o.yu. g Henry Harris, the Incline Steer ..fange al ''14,,, m Ituntititf or lrr.iiD, ujxin the pnm . ... ..I ih. unilrulk-nr.l. of Inwrrt o,....,f .iilmiil wiillm rmit. ii;n- ,unr . '.'.. ;iulwiroLn,l holla S nnd R.B0 ;;Vi'.V ,h. -mr. ill ,H-rf..-i i- aa.ryman . ... ; " r"'" -ya "wne market can t:rTH.U1r, SaUmS 1 aU-aystie depended upon for sur. 1 1' K.iiriVci.rryiir.-..cn.'m , . prises. It sprang a new one this h.m.S J. ,c. cTk.f a ward and Clair Wilkes 1 depart- b adlvancing a full dime .... u tiii.rk. I. UniT. cu. Qj ikrt i!W nf iho week for cor t (, j w Udd & Keed Uv,., ,,. w..t a. -'. ; Lgiij- to take up their studies at notwitriStandine a total re- J.. km. C. llurl. " ' . . . Ceipi SW WS . v" ii n ... 1 i.irv men's annual - Mr and Mrs. (has. Davis, 01 week. Outlet has greater capa- .... L'lr d at rllla- . T. IIIT0KI N?rth Plains, wens, in the city bilitic, than the trade anticipated "-'" ",. " ! . , , ' WuHhing- Satuiilav. Mr. 'avis wasunving anu the run was aisposeu 01 at taction it his arm, 2 miles monk. Octols-r JU .'. wusiihk ..ViuJ.whr.tT car L.il.W nrices Sw ne we ghts th of Phiili.H. .n.l 2 miles . C.mntv will have quite a I ,r Hills- a new llecreshotl car. sellers pnees. owme h ithffMt of Miller Sintion. on nnmU'r who will attend the Hes- ..,,, uu year, died ivinnl.t R I xng departed for " . Vi,,ib- nf litrht lW Railway, at 10 a. in., on Lion, m usual. There will hl!,nomo in C,w1na Junction, lhe Kasti TuMdav. to Ingin his J" ' d o- toaG5t Heavy FRIDAY nrr ti Ine urogram, ana .me " ; (Vt lfi. While here r. ,tinli..s at the universuy 01 ... a 7 tn 7 ay uyni, :m; yearling lilly, " ' their Hon, . v. v...... iw m v. ewes, as yeaninga uu o "w.. id poll- plain to you. Washington. IhH-easeaieaves take the law course. ers were not olYenng. A strong for Mi. i .i.i.. vui,..., uuntimr an ioe cream wi.iow and the following cnu- ..,.. . i,na with ewe too at 3.90 was established '.S heifers, br.s.1 how, U Ll. why not gt it at a nuxlern , Frod. Geona ; ilthein. I hern Pacific, in con- and three full cars -went over the .bout l.W lbs each.O small up-to-.late rounlam wt.en- 'MKalph, isnor .. ' v; ,truction. down in the Southern scales at mai ugure. . ..c . ... u. . in 1. . 1 .1. 1 1. 1 1.. unmiiirv w e is, 1 1 0.1..,, i, inn uretron. i'oni, . . wna mnL to VVcOTitauay wiui 1 vm n ifiUif rrurK-1 aunni ih ki'iil lit .f . ivmvu m - - - f M-....t nrtimtrv Hrnvrii i i'iuc iiuiiivw " vi - , , 15eese Itain wm. 31. , , hI into the glass by n sat..- htrU, and W. C. l..nom, 01 wr k - . onerationg and then set a new October ispring wago,, top Lry, pump. hing suspended tor the Winter, record by gomg ? tor an teoM li A 1." I' 10111,1 1 ...Jo Miss Minnie Morrill, who is a r.?" presenting the tail end wn 60-Umth; cultivator, .... nK, Khiiu,ing prunes I OK SAU; Miss mi nn t 8lKir, 8 Ln from the .pww planter, imtato dig- . ' , .""',, , ; wrld. and "u-ni w u . - w iytu , 'fc S!!KnK. r' A nice bunch of thoroughb Norman w tly - -"is y 5 to . '"1 ouiiii- iminu iiii.m 11 , , .i.. :.. ..1,..,. a vi ii :i I mm ... i .. . j inr mill' Hi ruo-1 . . ... ,mnnniii. V. aome wheat fnrks uhnvels viitieti. ini , ,i V ...iiiiil "'0"8111 v ,v; " onii returned irom a goei ,"", 1 kL!& IS county could do if tl-J ' W LmaWo prices; yearlings "J v on the east slol)e of the Cns- iamm.1. '. 1 V . " in.t lnisv. llereisoneg'HHi..n arolu!Jt 0.u Mountains. v AraH feature de ti fcfc. "oer arncieH, i.uncu "-. ,liir ,,VaiKirator ami -wa nut trees gran-r- - . . . , -rrr;;.-: ovn.a;hr -"WI. oo w.ij ' T , . ,.:ii..l.m " " . Di..L-.tthe Thrtiianmta Ot acres Ol luun nianUea 111 scieinoiv v.-- nf ra.niin nr exnmina- UIHIlTivwi... modern eyeglasses and livnw " Ouite an acreage has already w taken care of by Urs Lowe Wuue uo ,..- a m vvhon vnti natronize tieen seeded, anu 11 vc nwi" uuuu, ....v.. j -oten Bitucu, iITO- the Uum rape ve the combined Keeps koo , . , n tne trained "o aiiwn era i ucii'n sun . v . n,. the banh account is the aurest and safest channel to let one's savings flow into. It is a serious matter. Avoid its becoming a tragic matter. Tahe the safe road to prosperity. American National Bank Capital and Surplus $56,000.00 A. C. SHCTE, Pics.. C. JACK. Jr.. Cashier, W. V. BERGEN, Ant. Main and Third, Hllltboro. Iwmiof iale-tlft n,l under, cannery m needed in Hillsboro ta lforn a lHackw t tne Ihouaan . WW 10, one year approved It-Setter female, ft months kind in We8t. pa9t three woeks, being made tions and note, 8 percent inter- 0id-white, with dark ears and bears htavy croj itwiU A for Fai sowing ot giain. spectacle t. Twnno.-...; ..,v ..r.i 0lu'.. 1 . '1 .. .... ..n vi.r mm v. em Oregon. 11 imtiw has already w tnkpn j , John Ironside, Owner. Zillmer. Portland. Oregon, on it "JUt near t Kuratli, Auctioneer. Uouto 2. ?ho Gates' plant Hillsboro. The ... ... ...... the wiuya. r. I . ' c No son. ot itaconu, ... w,ii be narvesieu bo"... WL.McCu.mi,cV. the North down to IlillslKiro. the last of the JJ - thon, n0 . and take note iiwuwmli mn u,na u iu,n u . .. m M..i..on siivs Ins dis- " , .,. . nuantity and quality. .aituM... "" ween. 'i,." .... .. i . l v,n, 'g. ..!. Mill en a meeung ". other trees near uy o.r' ""-;- LMWeckcrtnf ,1 mmi. . other-cWroB.1 tax, this Fall. Vetch seed in small or .arge Sh.,t.crt'..of the Middleton- " m.' nrf .,,.termined to. pet L lllinuties. 5 was ,n town ;e hill in 8hapea9 rap,dly as - olAne 1G. tUe-Calf. 6 months old. P(T!!''U:1 AiMnnainn lumber and llillslioro; Ore.. Route 2. 29tl ip' weighs 100 lb.-Mrs. .. ".e ( " "r or 1 ough lum- rwiinarer. lliiiui- u.. 1 timbers to order, .'k ...imm 1 , ' iu,wwwi. I 0 H ZOu on nanu. iwh to neauacnea U UKkiy, the Portland San0, on Jan. A. Sewe.l place, y Lowe & Turner. EE:WM,n town Monday, MiHatHiro, Ore.. Houte 1. Ihont. Agk your neiKhbora. "H a session of circuit Farmers 4ft& An(lrew Eggiman, one of the ti ' il?leNew three-inch wag- J,W v. 7Canton dlac llow. 'ndervelden n ' iwji wiut u 2U-31 TnJJihala Lindsay, of South irmers 4(18. Andrew EgKlman, one of the n. j'..fjte S f!sj rslri.'i est Grove, was ime. - daP Mhi, w - tv j w . ,..,. o, th Kr day. ...j COSt8. ly JUUK .: mil. ftlOllunjr. The ttanw wm ''J For Me-Svern inon ,S?. Z Sen S V Und .1"? in area as last season nf Leisvvillo. was in town Monday, and says that the acreage ot winter M will ins mucn k " " .L... 111 Of" wheat is yielding irom oo 10 bushels per acre the income is very acceptaoie, conoiui.n.h v.. money it costs to grow it m i iwiii.11,1 mountain is again Will I"' i f A .. .1,1. uith the colors of Au- tumn. and tins yeai . iu---as though Nature is outdoing herself m presenting bright hues to the vision, ah uawo that are of but one season are turning to gold or enmsonbu .. : mnia vnii leei vmii min aon. .nut the too of the hill, and are going down the SHUTE SAVINGS BM American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combiucd Capital and Surplus $ 92,0?? Combined Resources 690,428.81 Danhing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit. Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans. Domestic Utters of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler s Checks, Savings Deposit, Book Acc't. Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. Aading novelties every day to my collection of nvo-aneeialist and optician, ine sum' total of their experience as iust 40 vears. Do PJHAHIULtVM " J " . - vou not thinK ine upmiunn . . ... . . L r. im Un these skilled experts me vaiua i.u? if ia vnurs for the asking, IMC v . ho in Hi sboro again, at the Hotel Washington, one day only-Friday, uct. di. t n Hnhh has strioped his Ford machine down to the minimum weight, ana aaueu i m front, for nrotec- IILin.- i"' -.- , ...Vin ii mins. ana ne ex pects it to do service during the uinior esnociallv on eiiuic n . " short runs. The auto periorms i:i, n PiiWet. since it lost its shell.and top, and it is some ma chine to get around lively. Peter Grossen, of near Helve tia, was in town Monday. WEDDING GIFT ARTICLES I I Whether your family leans toward Jewelry, Ster ling Silver, Plate or Cut Glass-Or whether your don't just know what you want you will have no trouble in finding something appropriate here. Even though you may need nothing just now, come in and see the many pretty things I have recently put in stock. In all departments I am showing a plend,d variety of new and seasonable goods, and I want you to feel quite free to call and inspect them. LAUREL M.HOYT Z7"1, was in town Snt nr. i grade i """Probate business. inc ucj boro. wire screen. J