The OILLSB0R NO. 30 IM.I.SWRO,0RI-X0N, OCTW.KK l'l, l'J13 SiQRnRQ MAKES BIG Iff LAST fiW aot I I" Hi Sf I Mill ..I .. .. mimrt law, in l'1" Vr that " r thai .. Itk'.-Jirfl of ur I Is- It t.frtt l.r"'. ' oSr! w,r fi rrfl fit)' 1 " ) lh HattV- U f"' ' did t!H,": IK 9xh t '''. IV I"," ' 1 lejwt five tinnut. I Ml tfd t. -i-'i ui mJ r .' i .ri in en!! ' I 1,1 more .,,! .l.iidren in FORMER FOREST GHN Sam hunz. 01 l)r.-fi. u a c ity visitor Saturday. William lwtii. oi -r.u rvilU'. was a county seat visitor Satur day. Atiimut Itiitr,. (f fsmitri Tn:i!n- MiMinntillc Cumpanhui Miatook tin, whh a city culler i' "riday ' RESIDENT SHQT1N HIPS lK' phfi. (. Panama i, m Cite, ti L tl.' i't' ,,f .hnutnile .-; .! lit Wh iht ,u;t.- tin' wat ,i r in mt the , . ,. tlx' two ,. i. ct ftily celt . . ,t .... r .' . l-.! t. in I .,ty fair, at .,, . ! a tnl'lcau V I reel ! m tchmg ut i . .ii pierced i in s'nti, in i l-yn. and i-.-;-:rmit t" tin" i. ,Umi ri-r- .tu l in mil U,:.t mean patriotic A- iiti'ii-d for t the county ilea at i r , r 1 1, Smci' August IVwit atru.-k itrlai'.it t r. Uk' tiir. f Vfiirill mm t Mr. and Mr. J. W. i'.tti r. id Ia - anon. Sunday aftt riKmn. at r nnt an I Mam, wlul.- Mr. wm ridttiK in liin Kurd car, with li family. I In' i'ott.-r family w r L'.iitu? ovi-rland fnrn ldianon to ''.astern Oregon, anl w.-rt ntni iiif at a Htal'l. in On' vicintv. I In1 Inmily atnl I!tl! ilvf rt on trH t at Mr. liw cam. itlooL' at a v. rv nl" himh iJ. I h dnif ran in ahrad ot tin? tnachim and Tew wan watching tin ca nitit Suddenly the little fellow ran in front of the tar to htj ill." an'i 'in i. Notlotiflmt a mVhl walp w.umd r" ,", l or.-Ht t.rove. lays reiiott"!. Mr. lew t'k the in a ho j.ital at Umel.ury. with little fellow to lite ungual I'-r n,,tli iiiiPi iniiire. hv a l.ull. t lired I.)' 1'eter ChriMtetlHeri. tit ir Sj hrity COMMERCIAL CLUB 10 IE E BIG CAMPAIGN Mom I or lrer. in Mountain BOTH ft Nell KIM BV BUI IT 4IHcrt llitua Cwnri la Oriel i Hiitia( I ipditiua Aihert A. Iuon, of McMinriville, MMninvi!!e. Ihe two younif men w. re in the (lascade Moun tains, fn-ar the MiK.-iizie road, hiititin' for venison. Young i'hriHteiiHen miHtook )ixon for a d'. r, and lired. The bullet took effect in both hiH and then ranged upward, inxon wni taken 1 i ;i' frlf)' IMU.ti.--d it Caul" ' ' '' irwwttnitHiii t1 :t i fi lUt Hi thf . ' ! fsrtiwi. the Sanif ' I .1 l-ell lio h;is lililifiwcll ! ... I I relay fear there inik'ht U- interna! in- JitrieH, .lt imthirij; deveoM-d, and the tarty went on th. ir way to Intern Oregon, rejoicing. lew til a very careful driver. erforciallv through the hlreeU of tow n, and he very much deplore the accident, although no l.lame rnulil iiuiutibly ! attached to iiim. a . t . . 1 1 . 1 rel.reneni .-spireua runns -. . 1 1 vt.ti ,-..u ,.i to lirtielurgon a litter, and liose horn.- on n-.iM-l. and do the bur miry.i.ti are doing all in f.ttmk' and leach how to adjust !t",,r l-''-,r ' hun fn,m .,.! v...r ll, Our la'lor- " hippie,! lor lite made to measure t.s, in- bulmg the latent front lace, with an cerichccd ct.rx tier service. .ml no more than lugh class cor Heljj purchased in rUtch. Mrs. M. K. t nudle. f mil and Jackiu.ii Street. I'hone No. '.St. M (' W. Kemp, who obtained I t i i money hy wn.ling ii.rge.i , o, . order on the Oregon Nursery o . from I.nI Kiver an.J ihe (all.-, pleaded guilty in Port land. Friday, an.! w as sentenced tn McNeil Island, to serve time in the Federal prison. Kemp i the man who skipped to Alaska after th? commission of the rime, tleeing when the jMs.pIe ll...,.hl thai he bal xuicide, as a Uly answering his morning. John Ilerdlein, of ISlooniing, was in the city Saturday morn ing. Montgomery Turner, of Hanks, wa a city visitor. Friday eve ning, enroute to Portland. IVter Jacolwen, of West Union, wa tranHacting business in the city Saturday. For Bale Calf, C month old, and Khoat. weighs I'M) Mrs. A. I'ersinger, HillsUiro. Uo'ite 1. Chester Alexander, -ngineer on the Tillamook line, was in the city a few days tht week. i:pect to Interest Capital for Manufacturing Plants, Mills, win r.NCoiKnr. swmill men Al.u a l int Plate Here for a Local Caa- icrv. With 0iKd Surrounding The llill:sljoro Commercial Club will soon start the ball rolling for a Winter's campaign in the direction of getting capital in terested in llillsboro's need., along manufacturing lines. Kv- latt of the l'ry t-'ay carload after carload of logs i.s shipped tnrougn mis cuy to Portland or Carlton, and if on: also new Canton dii-c plow. mills can buy logs and ship from J. W. Vanderyelden. lloy. Ore. the Nchalem to those points, a big mill here will do well, for it will have but little over half the mileaiw over which to get the raw material. One of the things that the club IT" v.." k- j "if Mi Yoururcp xwns have Urn ho,.s. 1710 l'i. has Rffrili" U the I at;. !.(..'.. S.'.-C; li"f Usf inimjat i Ifjiirtl Oif Clrl4. irr I th.- ht himm at tr.t I fd Tu.ssi.1., !i Iftrtl rw II;'.;-.- I ttT Si4, in l.ii'.K i ,' V) to T.tV'i lirlfu (5 ."in to i'. A lot o I allium gra.ic- !!,,! ww otfering I at th u.via! .li-ro itit on choir om trail.' co trillions are an ilKrrUm tl'l.uilUv at oreHellt. Iiadvalum easily. Too :i !',.. week r.i'.iv and price ...-!,-c. I'.iik o t l Monday r.-ceipt siince i' . . t-.t. rrinie I P. F. Krieger, 6f Verlniort. was a county seat visitor, Satur day afternoon. !'.). U U'nn f trinfMlt?! l.f I.JIJMI IIUOO, "i"Vimi -. ... . v"v. ... - ry- Orenro Bchools. was up to the hopes to succeed in landing is a Ihe injure,! man is a son of county seat Saturday. mill with, a capacity oi ai teaai Kd. Duo... the well known eon- Mr anJ Mn Llovd Tupper. of m utel T1?' w'l.n tinv ,' tract., or bu.ldmg-n.over of For- ,,"1. wm 'ffi ot T.Sd" est drove, h.r tune he imUtro relatives. Anth! -thini wLB on Hills has ls-ii running a garage in , , . , , ,.,.. Another thing wisntu on nius M. M.nnville. and recently he and am 0,vepr' organization is a big , . tun of il m vi' Moi.nt.'unda e. were rannnrv in tnkp rare of the tnou- a parly oi six companions went ." - . 4 . ',, c . , . r -4 .u 4 . L. SiHith to hunt the county seat Saturday af-Uands of bushels of fruit that go Mrs. Oixon and child left Mc t. to waste here ea cnyea r M.nnville. Saturday evening, for leb P.ridges cameov.r from has sr,me business .. . i ... i i r:n.....i, .... dt t.f t., ve.'elt men who are rcauv to take a KOficl.urg, SO ILS to M' ai ine ihsj- iiiuho.-.r '.C i, ....u.u, s.deof Mr. Ihxon. t visit with relatives and chance with any one who wishes 10 engage in me mm uuaiucoo, and there are men who will also take stock in a cannery and drier. Whint'ton County has plenty of timU'r tributary to the Tilla mook line, and it has plenty of fruit and vegetables that can see their way into the canning in TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If you don't want to come to town, just phone your order in and it will be promptly attended to as it vott called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders and you can et a prescription made np very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town- Phone that order in today. ill onrl nnt nrfrrintiona ftnd j ii a 1 1 ' j ami n u " " - w -w liexall llemedies by Parcel Post. Prepayed without extra charge. The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE. Ihe iseburg Hiirv'.sins Mievel friends he will recover, although it will ' some time la-fore he is able to leave the hosiiital. in in ic sm i: Sewing in families, as well as first-class ladies' tailoring. ln Mt. HikkI llooming House, t'. C. Store, mis lairs. M has 1222 voters, with nearly initial. ....... n .... utmtm nf..'.rlv f NH II .ll'l " ...... - , .- 11UI.11 "UJ .l.vvr 1 . .. 1 .. :n ...... 1. t i.iu (mould mean a ixuinlauon J ,i,wtrv -and here are two things I lie lin.iersiiriie.i i n.- 1 i imo-i -- - . . , -1 - j , n'-o . .1 i.L. 1 inuii 11 in. t-iiv 11 li n vtii 111 n 1 ifi- rim 11 aLiiwu. ..... he unction Hi ine join, pinion .- ...-v Jf : " BANK ACCOUMT i ?,,m. we get them I W e assuredly win Iwe Turner, the ineuiiiia.uu ,..,.. hack here for treatment at a TUFl sanatarium. He was apprehend- i!)a(.k ed just as he was going to take j,,, .. 1 I .. .1, ... Al.wLn . . .. -j " - - 1 i,.l taken front Kuriti :U miles northeast of ror- I""1 .. . .1 ... L . ...... . i,i A asks ..ct i .imv'.i -hi. I A miles I . VY.O. and made good, and was sent t,rnelius. at 10 a. m.. on Cwell known eye specialists. I1'8 ,u I,ack here for treatment ai a Tl'rnAi. tK,l. Zl wilt be in Ucloher 01. rnntnMnr MftOP- .;., finish A years, weight be- Um't fail to have them vsi your . (, Third and loU): hnglish eyes for glasses. 1 .v, ,n thp M p Church. 1 . ItlVAk uvui -' -- - " " m.ire roll: 1 irraded Jersey cows, . . rwan. well known here bkL nnrt have it readv for o.inn. Hi.n: .5 heifers, ctim- ,,.,...,, ,.f,ru mrn nnil more, now ..,.,,,.ar,f.vj 1? I. Sears. This the world for the money, call on mg 2 yrs; 2 yearling heifers, ftl Kelso, Wash., is very ill, and ;3 ono 0f the tinest garage build- .... ; 1 Cni-u n r.ank Annex oral nacK. nuggr. nauu-ma"' h:.s .een se ll 10 n.s inns- rora in the state ouisuie 01 1 on.- ...( I..t.a tvlt.l Ua his Oualitv cart McCormick mower, self- . lodc'ememlKTSof the Ii A while smaller than '.nL'.-s all the way from $2f to .jump rake, 2 sets work harness, MaHome fmternity. Portland's big places, it will be iv. are the im-si rungm single narness. t. 'n.-"" - ... .. .!.,.,. , a, .ims (Viun- more convenient, iiie.c sic ..u v- . .. 1 . i- . t ., immii. if . Ii. inru."i" ..w ---- ...... i i: . .1 nn . .... tint m.irKei in I niu' nine .arrow, nnni, ... , i .wis.a in ine .u.u n. anu a ioi ver lM.i.' o . . .... . i' o..ll-v. lv Was i.. was liere me J"11"-1 1 . '. . .V. . : Cull in and see mem. with pipe, m-si r;m . . st of a reative, 10. will be not on y au.e w rm. .. I a wis F,nne running the steam lln eo.mtv- on m ;.. 1 1,.. rtiv W 1. Ill vii- - i i ... if-in in to s.h- nn man ii'K -.- - rounty judge. Le.s was run ning the roller along ine .nam tin river, south of Cornelius, mid the big machine ran oil the grade and came within eight f....i i.f tnUimr a ntunge in the wuters that centuries if in wpoimim n and m them, with u. lU-st hvor sumy . a relative. 10. will be not on y able to run in u-. has lH-en Ho. !"H'al water tank. 20-gal u." Hl)lison re. but it will Ih? able to turn around r . I roller for kettle. II H-gal milk cans H'Sr,,. , in the w heat without backing-something that m rad n.lUr I T f Sale $1 anil under, ltf J " sp "p ,n int will mran convenience and plea- nacadam r J , h wvr numUi3. Umo 8 ,H.r empire this seaon. gure tQ aU who drive machines. tnday evenim.. .....anhle annrovisl note. u. Sturm .lr.. ot Cornelius. ., .. finish up the ce.iv. iwii"1'"- "ii . I " "v . ' . . Two tcr cent oil for cash over wa3 jn town Saturday. ..ringing- I . at II .1 u M nn.l U'Uit in John iiorsinia.u. nu -. f. omul Portland. The $10. I ....... I f ... I... rl..r liill.II. 01 lom. o., , ,., I''inuinm r lo smi wun MI ''. ;. r th.. J. n. iiuii. "" niuw uv.... ... . lUnwar.l. Outlet is an.l the big machine ran visitors sUtrt swn iorv.,aiuur.,.a. lair for ,.KI !, . . I,,...- .,,! grade and came wiuim .m m ,...,... cinwi u to sin-nd the Winter i,r,!hh . : .Ifeet of taking n Plunge in i.u- ,h;a,, ,, ,..,r house is of rrceint dur.i .- the next ix historic waters thai . . t.: . .ii.,nntl...l ..nd the tanks on the K,;,T ni1 m- Smith decided It ' " ' ii. ei xtl ill I IIICI I .. . 4 . kno.k n ill vr i ii it) 1 1 lit nio - - . l rv l'i l li. Uliu w...-.-- il H'the t,,o,t .nihu-niial ago lu.uie.i ine ...,,, lU-averion is u. ' VvhJiuHon.Oregon Conwration nm(1 ijt on the sub- fWnrontlM. nuu S . . Tualatin. HUm-k n n. - sm()kl.r 0rt .Riven ny me " , street, removed. "V ' km w; ;vitrh. leWitt Shm, house t- , 1, .l,.,!.v... were in demand, ami u " Athletic Club, lhere win ik- . . thc aivH., J ;V n.r-hnt no lisrht He taprwui..,, r a Ktendv to chine wius righted a, h tof fino .thHjc nurnrj shadows. 'wr tiih,. i-imU .im.. iicnss the griuii . i , . the U.ys extnn w uim. f-.,.,. o Hwtfinee. . nf i;,tK. K was snmrised hWwmrlme. i,. s , all h..s the running amucK w son in a successli.l niantu-r oo .... .oa hl4n r !, " the tire Ml was t ..... prone ew, 3.7S mud. from nUndnt ot at enmm e i; , ; . n0 UssociattnR it with mm t r i .ii i i-i t i t 1 1 in ii i v rum 2111 L I Ilk. ...... A. M Siuires, Owner. Hughes. Auctioneer. nnnrtmpnt for the machine shop, which will handle no small part nf tiu wnrW connected with the V7 1 w. garage. Judge V. D. Smith and W. V U'il.iv vverp in the hallwav lead in.r to the ritv hall, the other the banh account is the surest and safest channel to let one's savings flow into. It is a serious matter. Avoid its becoming a tragic matter. Tahe the safe road to prosperity. American National Bank Capital and Surplus 56,000.00 A. C. SHUTK, Pres., C. JACK, Jr., Cashier. W. V. BERGEN, Aaat. Main and Third, Hllltboro. U I,' mi W ...! 0..-ririty of 0V.-..W. ne nmnln , mwam. .... ?. ' st.rte(J I. . , .1 III II nn. ..- . - i a in lOWn l.'e IlKil ui ni ilia oniiiiiii'n f- --- 5.00 at m.k's close. HitL.wi,. uhv edit at a m.xlcrn, program: t. . ra' a r th manv Lot. to locate the blaze. Some ...... i .- . . . - . .. .. .... it... !..; ...... ni "M-nmeer. uiu.n. utck. lie -.- - i -- -. . , '"lilMHT I' Ti ItirU'lW U' IK I .... ... ....1.1 III III I li.' . I tlK tra.1.. n. ..i . . . ..... . ' . """ w ny nov k i v . i - . o.,i,m,,,,r Mil tno- u.p,.L- He was one oi ine many out 10 loeaiu .ti!,te fountain where he Main ' venU hmu r. who re f used to sell m hops on one finally told him he had turn- .irtkept in sanitary wells. ,,, 1.1. h hW. va. h o rt r u.i he was very ed on the alarm, and he wasn t ,1 in otheglassby asani- C.lunibus Club ..UriUtioa ut the Uom the slow in shutting it olT. Judge tlliml, Thafs the kind of limit, unaltu u .1.1 l"'"f' n u .ra a.n Smith says he has now graduated - ... ..,.ni inn w.iir mi 11 iiiint.M i...i ' t ........ i Choice, ... ..r , . . ' . . . i . . i iinii.-ir OU d iw rt.......... .... i ...... .... . . i Hill l HUM nil- ,ntl each .lav'n tvceints for ill - witnruit etl.ul. till IC S.M.I; Ml at '"m 1 mil . Ill.l lrtt, ....i. - - . , i ... ........ iinh v nn , ,.h..ri.i.-, ..McMinn- M -i, ' lte. lta. fi; public sale nt mv csimiti .if iii r N 'it I on it in mi ' ill- n (I HI,, SATl'liDA Y, OCT. IS seat. A few weeks ago M"rl. .'.i. 10,) iM,unds. formerly worked for ine ur Oriscoll, unattached VJrlll0 tlvmt Kail way, in ki .; ..I and from .,,1,)1.n...t. ub. Iwlh was wun. uu C.ihi. A. Hart man. oi in town Ihursday. the Argus. Mr. county judge of Umatilla, away back in pioneer n-.Uivs. when the Argus reporter that section. r'i..i. f .,., iw i ,o umbus Hay Cronomst. uuer v ,,;; . - . hero a3 a hol. is'tiT thc dead 1 - , Uilro the court house .o..ut-o ..v. ...... Nursery, ui . , man- Hnen, Munnoi. there went to P.r.dcwell. to n e-e a nursery company a I l"t. j t B kii A I.' lirigance. "t rsava- urt Wty t " S' . vvuh f.,.r feet of snow mk of J,, county gomg one bette nty v r bmiday. i f. of love M. w " T w:. WUII. in the Hlue Moun-1 . 8on(lint in m.ou; H h9 many miles of St" k hW : I Vls n s U where the sheep range. w the oi m- (mJe w sur air8nl all ho sel . J fur ,t slice . men have sullered cmsid- (ionuting only $5. vision, as well as their being toreaiwl ,.i . 'un .Mo111 .lurn .. . .. ..... Tl. storm w unpre- . . n n. vism. iteemu ovs quite "'tfiiiiT uiMiiii.i.i i u.ii.ii i iriiinr i.nn. , Br 1 in IILII'.I. ljllllt. ll I ".ii. unmi (lii'tinf oitli, Auctioneer. IIC hdloi .'he (Irnii.l m. .i ivi; hv A" '',: t '"a.lo in Oro- indtiW i; 1 I'Hicr. when you ..on i.. 4 L. w.4.4 IVUlAw. ... ' It? HIV. IIIW.1V W "3 " f't-a .,a,-ter" trim 12tf llrrn i,.,,.l,.-,lViimlOT'.r'";9 k. l ie Niirtlu'rn l'acilic. n . "rS.'.i .. . 7: wark ninltte & liM h let a con- some, anu .. " t, n into the class with the man wno blew out the gas and the ienow who mails his letters in the police patrol boxes in Portland. l W Cave was the busy man last week, getting the returns from New York and I'hiiaueipnia. u-nrld'a series of ball ' .1 C4. 4 4 games. lie was me nrsi io ti, miu'ii nneh dav. and he then u.niiM start out to tell all the fona in Hillsboro fandom. I nil n..iintiia wnn. four eames to one against New ork. the latter team winning tne dcsi game oi Mathewson shut out he Quakers, 3 to 0 in a ten- inning game. nM iv n Won nceomnanied by Frank Holcomb, depanea rn-j day for an extended deer hunt down at Mvrtle Creek. Southern Oregon. They will hunt witn lialph Johnson, a Droiner oi Holcomb, and are going into u.c heart of one of the oesc vension districts in the state. uTontnrl. YnnncT Jersev bull. old enough for service, eligible ..imeirv- nlsofiveor six young I U IVfilov.j.! .. - - " . - heifers, either iresn or cuuhhk 8HDTE SAVINGS BAI1K American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 Banhing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't. Time Certificates of De posit. Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. Ilillslnro. ",r"- . .. ...iioeces. The u. Sixth and Washington. has i also wrvy- fof the Weekly OreRontan to Jan. 1 jh,ng3 1915, 75 cents. Some of the new gasoline-elec oo.i.u v I'nrt and. Eu- IC can...-. - t -- n lv li ntem are Hi. v - in.uo. ..v..v. . S!rt.m shops and it la probable fresh 9Wn.George Denton VZ the ? will bo used on some Uecdville, Oregon, Ladd & Reed ill a. Urt nnU?Pf house for Farm. Oswego, ftiacn.oe.j insta ed, Kiwevei, ..., pany expects to be ready to run S the time the Fourth btreet work is finished in Portland. THE WAYS OF A WATCH Farm. Geo. Denton, on the Ladd & Reed Farm, lleedville, was in the city Saturday. Wool and cotton blankets rea sonable at Greer's. Are past finding out. DON'T TRY. If your watch is lazy and won't run, let me spur it up. I will make it time to a dot. Ten to one you have neglected it let it get dirty; or worn from lack of oil; maybe given it to the baby to play with. I get plenty of watches bear ing the telltale marks of little teeth. Whatever s the reason, don't delay; delay costs money and spoils the watch. I give thorough examination and regulating free. Anything more costs as little as satisfactory work can be done fot. LAUREL M. HOYT