The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 09, 1913, Image 1

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    HILLS,()Ri;coN, (x:t()iii:r 9. 1013
l NO. 29
L...JShr..-IWll Vol.
,id s ih i
- IfjitlUll" !
Lnty' u ,t Saturday,
i l it,.- ititiiw for
5 th Jatf ' 't,,rr
f fur :."' -I Ual t'ti..r.
,n " ri-irtiTintf
jiym U-tl. !" !. rk,ul!'u-f
w(o(t. th.. 'i!v Rerorder.
the I'
with J"l,!u' MM'llt,'n,-i
r nl tit'"" "f "
;iyr rt N rvfrrred to
trvt Att'rtf longm for m
trgrnt' HaSI. ;it ,a,,', 1 '''
trwl. pr-. n.. i.
k.f.irl or l-f l.'iU Ukrn
litheomiit fund and
HtnlU'l l. ln.1 No.
rfk l-iire H !. were Bp
1 it J ... I .V f"r O. -tolnT.
lb :.-ct I. r'-. f. H were ap-
MIol(H" LllIIH WCtt' Ml-
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tit, rf i""i . l ii'r , ft fillip 4.1
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Ittjafl'iri ( !im- in on
VfV rtmtn' . ff pit
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tjWilt I'ttnr. fi .lr I Mtfk. M
Sun), I: 11 K : i- r I I llr llrlllnn.
I Utt J 1 11. 1 ! kuwll
niiuanu is.
M )! ilnr-. J, .In, Srlmlll
t- K k llriti li.ii. h.ilrt hinlih. f.
i Ca.lrll v, v s Mill.. M K
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' U f.Mir- ii:, I i,riiafta 1 twtr
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'""I'. I I N. .!,. 4 i,n Wtf.l.
l'k. ) M, M. ,rr,., V W Uliw,
'I'lU'KI II:,,,- Ii. VI' II II ,.wl
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lliwhnr iiixm. In I' 1 II. il..
fchfrB , ;,.,. h,
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Ji V .... u I'lfUrluuer
H;,,7 i,,ln ' V I' J Wlrh A
I Rll II... I ' '
Mr if vi r " 1 ,v llr,,ll (;
S,61 ' " I So.CIim Oellwr.
rRU8an, .!uirii!il or.
r j.
f'a,l,,r,,y.Kiv..tin friends.
(mher81!- f!,r Bule.-Ben
Above h1,rnt mH' 0r- Uoute
07e Uwnmng. 27-29
pnSaiiir llUnn,,n,0 Wfre
JCSy' ttlU'liK the
f d, l l,oro '''! Milno ranch.
Itiir llik'k!at)lit),ain. ),, , '
Uiro iiitrha-r with M. 'r-.lir, WMl
niiiir h majority .f l.u y.un.-y
M iMftt itrif kitl Mlt)i Ul l. l li
riti. rnl may havi- to hi.M.-r in, '
ojx-ration . Ilfwitl n,,t ,
tl t iit'h any iimri- nuir,. V
thU yt-ar. Hikt" In iH iu
lint iuality of itiuun.! vn.rk n.i .
yrar, notw ithMtaiitini.' t It fu,-i '
that hi lia l n in i.airi a it. at ? . It
urai ui limr. I If Win i-iiiiu
howrvrr. an.l mailt n. fim r
)i IrtMihiV Ihf lUutr; Lit
fir thf Soulli, Suinlay aft r!i..n.
with nino ari'l tuif half full (,;iriu-,
to the kffnnl. aftt r wir.nifiL' tl .
Sunday inafKf. 'I hat tl.. ,
lami tht iM iitiant .h aSnt-1 ,
a cinch. In iir.irr to Inf.- tl -v !
wdiiI.I havf to thmw away ... r
thrtf fnurtliit of the k'jiii.-i frmii !
now on.
I rt'i.rtM'nt Sirtl!a t-nrft '
not Willi In ulitrt-n. i! rail
hoimti on riMft. ami .In tl..
fittinir. an.l t-a. Ii how tua l i t
ami wrar th ropM-t. Our tail.. r i
fl ma.l to mratiirt rnrn . n-l
rlmliiiK thf latfttt front la. .-, with;
an rtfrifirifi tfii-H tn-r rvi. .-, !
nit norimrt than hiwh i-la.s . ,.r i
aft pun hantsl in f.t..r. s. M -. )
M. K t amllf. IliiUU.r... l ift!.
an.l Jat'kitoh Slftt tJ. I'Loti.- N,., ,
LSI :n !
A remark alile ri oir l h:n I.. n
mailt the iat Summer in l t
inif f.iretit tirei i.i the yr -at
ttmlx-r area of the N..rthw. t.
it iK-inif ntate.1 fin k","l a itl.. !,! ,
that the total will la l uvui. r
r,,(KM.ll feel with a ul'iati..n
lett than o,'li!. thlt m rotni'iiri
rum with th former low r.n r l
of 'Ji' feet in I'.Ml. H i
mlen.lii iihfiwifikt wa ma l.- .
aihlf hy the artive en oh -rat
of railroa.'it. I.terf, u'ih.
an.l lam' -ow tier with the t',
frnmetifranktent an.l the .r impt
nett with which all rtma.l tv
have I een .M-atel an, I ,ut ont
Tht lw in Wathmifton " 1 1 . t y
ha U-en vr-rv amall.
If ymi want a rntare that U ,.t-
thf Wfrl.l ffir the m.ij.ev. t all on
I avi I'tirwin. tank Annex
lluil. link', ami mi hit tiia!it
Ilanne. all the way from t'S l
$'ki. The' are the U-hI rain', s
ever lilaetfl on the market in Call in ami thriu.
Th Hank aloin e.mteit is
attain on, ami J. M. Miller in now
atlvertiHini his apiilifation f.u a
nalootl liceliHf for hi.H hotel. He
ha .WO name on h list, nil al
Iftfinl to le tapayers. As the
opimnent rlaim that there are
oven humlred vtiter in tin pre
cim t thi dhfiuhl irivi him a ma
jority of the It'K'al eleetors. The
K'tition will am liefure tin'
court Nov. 5. ami the lllttl ele-
ment claim they w ill U on hau l
to conteMt every imint.
When wantinir nn ice cream
iukIu, why not ktet it at a iiiihI. i i).
tui-tivflatf fountain where tin-
Myrup i kept in wmitary wells.
uiiimsI into tin khs.H tv a sani
tary pump. That' the kin. I of
fountain you w ill liml at Koein r s.
The little remnant of Indian
War veteran will meet at tlx'
home of J. Wilkes. Oct. II. an I
have dinner with Mr. Wilkes and
wife. There are hut few of the
old iruanl left in Washimrlon
County, and the nth is the anm
vernnry of mustcrink' in in Hills
Itoro, in front of the present
court hoime mpiare. I.iout. W.
II. II. Myrrs. of Forest tirov.
will Ihj nmonk' the old Uy who
will Ih in attendance at the din
ner. Tho Wilke Auto Caw
will nee lhat the old Imivs are
taken to the WilkeH honi.- and
liack In machine.
A bargain-Seven room house,
larwro lot. close tf) m-w K''"";1
house. Can tt had for
Owner need the money. Apply
to Kerr brother, next door post
office, Third Street. 'X-'-l
Gilbert L. Tilbury, well known
here B a boy, wa wedded Oct.
1. liHtt, to Mi Kva U. I.itt e. at
McMihnville. the Kev. l'n-f.
Northrup olliciatink'. I"tn
graduate of McMinnville t 1
leRe. The ymmir )iilo were
married at their new home in the
Yamhill capital. Mias Wilnm
WairKoner presided at the piano.
Tualatin ha nominated the
following for the city election.
Oct. 21:-Thad Sweek. mayor; A.
I). Smith, K. J. .Kuller. K L
Cole, Chaa. Cateel. I.. W. Weith
nnA II v.. Pavne. council; J. U.
Schamoni, recorder; I. N. Kl-in-
son. treasurer; Jas. flnunws,
1 T. Yoiinir. who was at the
State fair three days, aaya it was
one of the best he has ever vis
ited. He ventures the opinion
that the exhibits were all better;
the Btock was finer; and that the
races were never as good.
R. I'uUils, of West Union, was
in town Saturday. Ho was cut
ting clovor the Inst of the week,
trusting to weather to get the
aeed threshed.
M.'ui.ia.u ltirii.,ry, ll.mcvcr.
I ur I r.itii I rere
Kl I MIS lit IrlMi MMUV Ml ill I
M.ii.liin lUh r. I ruin I mob n( Ibrc.b
in ul Sitd
.nda, r,i,..t tl..-Tualatin Plains
' n;i, '. i .it.- I hy the first
n a. h'lKt ";' fro-,1 of the autumn
:i "i,, an ! iitat. and t.mato
tl .at hit 1 formerly been
"1 l"-, ju t the l. a-t hit" went
ti e wa;, of u; I l!.-h and lay ilt-
' I hv limili, I he freeze wa
n. ral over the lower lands,
l'I i" the mountain dis
tru ! i j i t the ti,H uf potato
i(: - .v. re touched, and in some
l'!a. tl . re wa.s no evidence of
fro !.
l:.i;'i .'.:ir!e .luriliK the niht,
S ! i, and hv morninir real
1 1,-. ;'', mi-t was in evi.lence.
IKii mi -an i, of course, that a
lew w l.o I a, I 1 lover ready to
tl.r. --.h will he d, lav ed, and many
ni l, I-. au.'e nn this attractive
hit "f in miie, at all.
II.- e, w.-ather, however,
held !...! nearly all had been
pr. ..i., I with a i.'o.k harvest,
with im lii-s to sM-ak of hy ruins
"f fro 1 and even those who
0 e on elovi-r thr.-shiiikr are not
1 oinpiaitiii..
pt hi k sm.i:
li e siii'ler u'lieil will Sell at pub
lic i. i.t,.,' at the John Marsh
r ani. It 1 miles northeast of For
. t ijrove, and .'t miles N. W. of
i on., at 1') a, in., on
i n ;s hay. oct. 21
Itl. i. k mare, it years, weight le
tween l.VM and V); Knk'lish
Shire colt; 7 graded Jersey Ciw.
-;otne fr. h smin; tl heifers, com
ine t! rs;'J earling heifers; 2 hack, huotfy. hand-made;
(art. Mcl'ormick mower. Self
dump rake. 2 sets work harness,
sinte harness, spriniitooth har
row. iliM- harrow, roller, pump
with pipe. '"Best Kver" sulky
plow, in nal water tank. Ill-gal
kettle. 1! ii-hI milk cans.
Terms of Sale $10 and under,
cah; over. H months' time, S per
cent, bankable approved note.
Two percent, oil" for cash over
A. It. Squires, Owner.
J. . IliKhes. Auctioneer.
The follow inur ehvtion measures
w ill he voted on. for sustaining
or rcpcalim: acts of the last l"g
islatur': State I'nivcrsity Uepair Fund.
Yes or no,
Cmversity of Oregon new
Huilding Appropriation, yes or
Sterlization Act. yes or no.
Cotintv Attorney Act this law
ail'ects Washington County, in
particular, as sustaining it will
eive this countv a district attor
ney bv itself, instead of making
it a judicial district alt air.
Workingman's t'omK'Hsation
A el
The election will be held Nov.
I ..n i he first Tuesday in Nov
It the countv attorney bill
passes the county will pay $2,100
per annum to a local district at
I will sell at public sale at mv
farm I mile south of theConover
Store, Scholls. at ten a. m., on
Itav mare, 10 years. KHK); cow, 5
vrs fresh 2 months; a-m wagon
in good shape; spring wagon.
spiketooth harrow, gixiu as new
lo in nlow. S in plow, culti
vater in gl repair, set dbl har
ness 5 tons mixed hay, 100 year
ling lien. W pullet, old enough
to bruin laving; rowooai. nay
rake. 2 incubators, 200 egg ca
1 1 1 1 1 1 V brooders, new range
stove No. S; oil heater, table,
,in seeder, tl bedsteads,
..i'.;..o mi,! nil household furni
tureand other articles. Lunch
at noon. , ,
Terms of sale -$10 and under,
,.uh- v..r. f months approved
not., nt. S ner cent. Two per
cent. off. cash over $10.
C. I). Weichman, Owner,
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
Mrs. Wm. Cuddy, of near
Oreiico. was a city visitor rn
Karl Towne, of Route 1. was
in tho city Monday morning.
Weekly Oregonian to Jan. 1,
1'JlS. 75 cents.
Rene Delplanche. near Sehief
felin, was in town Monday morn
ing. Moretz Schmidt, of Helvetia,
wa a llillatioro visitor Saturday
ni rning. i
Herman Rannow, near Farm
irik'tin. wa in the county seat
W. K. Adkins. of Portland,
wa visiting friends in Hilbiboro
the lat of the week.
For sale -Calf. 6 months old,
and nhoat, weighs 10) lbs. Mrs.
A. l'erninger. HillslKiro, Route 1.
C. K Korn, of Helvetia, was
a county seat visitor Saturday
Chris Johnson, beyond North
Plains, wa in town the last of
the week.
(. Irockman, of South Tuala
tin, waa in town the lat of the
For sale, cheap for cash, 10
foot corrugated iron roller, tel
escope frame. Zina Wood. 8-tf
(lene Delplanche, near Schief-
felin. was in the city the last of
the week.
William Feldt. of aliove l'ux-
ton. wa in the city the last of
the week.
Sherman Rhodes, of Reedville,
was a county seat caller Satur
day morning.
A. It. Squires, of Centerville,
wa a county seat yisitor, Satur-
J. W. Hughes, of aliove Forest
(Inive. passed through town Sat
urday morning.
K. A. Wolf, of Reeilville. was
up to the city Monday, meeting
anil greeting friends.
Andrea Bendler, the Holstein
ireetlerof North Tualatin Plains,
was in town Monday.
Martin Vandehey. near New
ton, transacted business in town
A. Persinger. of near Helvetia,
has been at one of the Portland
hospitals, for medical treatment
Sewing in families, as well as
first-class ladies' tailoring. I n-
inire Mt. Hood Rooming House.
opiHwiteC.C. Store, upstairs. 30
R. Fleisehauer and Thos. W.
Sain, of near Caston, were Hills
Uro visitors. Friday and Satur
day, on business with the countv
Charles W. Harter and Gladys
Gibson were united in marriage
at the M. K. Parsonage, Forest
Grove, Oct 1. 1913, Rev. Hiram
Gould officiating.
For Sale: Five brood sows, all
to litter between Oct 1 and Oct
15. - Max Bergen, 21 miles south
of Reedville. Heaverton, Route
4. 27-29
Abel Thomas, of Clackamas
County, and I-eora Bennett of
Hi shoro. were united in mar
riage. Oct 1. W13. Rev. J. R.
Gritlith. of Reaver Creek, Ore.,
For sale -Several incubators
and brooders, latest makes. J
P. Adams, near Jabez Wilkes'
place, south of City Park, Hills
boro. 6tf
Marriage license has been
granted Wm. M. Kasley ana
Mary Freerksen, loth of Banks,
T. W. Thornburgh. oi opal uuy.
swearing to the necessary affida
L. H. Peters, of above Moun
Laindale. was in Saturday. He
and Sam and Abe Sipp and J. H.
Davis are over in the Wilson
River section this week, after
Richard Wilcox, for years a lo
comotive engineer on a Mexican
Railway, was m town Saturday.
Ua is a brother of Mrs. J. P.
Tamiesie, of Hillsboro, and Fred
Wilcox, of near Hanks.
J S Steinke. of Minter Bridge,
urns nn to the city Saturday.
There is just three miles between
Ma oli. and the court house,
and Sam says that two miles of
it are now hrst-class streets ana
The Grand Marca is the most
wholesome two for a quarter
market made in Ore
ifnn bv K. Schiller. When you
indulge in a good smoke buy a
Grand Marca.
There's nothing like going to
Solum n an auto. Jonn m. wai
frhiinr! no hotel room there one
evening last week, and inside of
35 minutes landea ai uanas,
where he was given accommoaa
tions at the new hosteirv.
We cut dimension lumber and
timiW to order, uougn mm
ber, all sizes, on hand. S. R.
Cogan, on Jas. A. Sewell place,
Hillsboro, Ore., Kouie i. rnone,
Farmers 4GB, hhm
Want Nyberc Quarry Ilnioincd
from Shootint and lUastlng
Norlli Plain Wotata Sttei Hakaaff For
Scparitioa -Spky Ctxnplaial
lenry Saffron, a resident of Tua-
atin, has sued out a complaint in
circuit court asking for an in
junction against the operation of
the rock quarry on the John Ny
berg place. Saffron has some
and adjoining, and he says he is
in fear of his life, and that the
blasting throws rock over on his
buildings, and that he cannot
under the circumstances, have
free going and coming over his
place. A Portland firm has ap
peared as Saffron's attorneys.
The quarry ha3 been used for
getting rock for the macadam
roads, and the case was once be
fore in court
Ida B. Duke, who w as married
in Hillsboro in 1911. has sued J
I. Duke for divorce. She al
leges she let her husband have
$950 shortly after marriage, to
put in a brickyard at North
'lams, and she alleges that be
sides taking care of the house
hold work she has had to mingle
with the men in doing men's
work. She also alleges that
)uke has taken but two baths
since they were married, and
that she does not longer wish to
tolerate him, as he changes his
clothes but once each month. Ac
cording to her prayer, Duke h&s
told her that he "would fire the
house;" that she "would go up
in smoke, sometime," and that
he "would get the bunch,
meaning herself, relatives and
nends, and she want a decree
giving her back her maiden
E. J. Boos has sued Geo. and
lattie Chapman for $100, al
leged to be due for rental on 50
acres on the F'rank Herb place.
and has issued attachment pro
ceedings against personal property.
I will sell at public auction at
Forestdale Farm, Scoggin Valley.
3) miles north of Gaston and 3
west of Dilley, at ten a. m., on
Cny brood mate, ii yrs, 175: team
young nor, well broke ami sound, 4
rra, 3410; bltck mure, 1150, S vts; Kial-
cooe, bay standard bred stallion, a yr.
tiled by Kmris, ton of Kxpedition, 2:15V.
lat flam Danseuie, lias the bloou ol
Flectionrer in htm and will be a horse of
value as he roinrs Irom a Rreat family;
to II. P. Oar Scott traction ertvtne,
chopper, woodsaw, 110 ft 3-ply belt, in
(,'ood condition; Chatham fan mill ami
elevator, Fairbanks standard scale, 11100
lbs; spring hack, 1 ' inch, capacity 2.000:
3 Inch low truck wagon, rubber tired
bugKy. 7-fl Champion binder, 5 ft Mc
Cormick mower, new; 9-ft hay tedder,
lofthayrake, 3 section li ft diag har
row, a section 10 ft drag harrow, 2 14-in
Triumph riding sulky plows, 3 bottom S
Inch gang plows, a "foot-burner" plows,
S-shovel cultivator, late model with all
attachments; ground leveler.slip scraper,
roller, Planet Jr garden seeder and at
tachments, 3-home hitch, hayrack, hay
rack for bales, hav hoisting rigging, hav
carrier, rope and blocks, single and a dbl
harpoon forks, heavy breeching hnrness,
set light Yankee breeching;
complete set blacksmith tool with car
penter and other tarm tools,, axes,
wedges, sledges, scythes, etc., Myers
tank pump and hose complete; sickle
erinder. cedar tank, 300 gnllons, an.l all
of my household goods and effects too
numerous to mention. Lunch at noon.
Terms of sale $10 and under.
cash; over, one year bankable,
approved note, at 8 per cent 2
per cent on cash over $10,
A. A. Walker, Owner.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
Geo. F. Naylor. Clerk.
"Your Order
If you don't want to come to town, just phone yonr
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if you
called in person. We socialize in "Ht'rry Up" orders
and you can a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent ont by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
Rexall Remedies by Parcel Post Prepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store j
fLmmLm mm imm ill
: cnntvi rior.vnAiMtfimA !
9 ',
the banh account is the surest and safest
channel to let one's savings flow into. It
is a serious matter. Avoid its becoming
a tragic matter. TaKe the safe road to
American National Bank
Capital and Surplus $56,000.00
A. C. SUITE, Pres., C. JACK. Jr., Cashier, V. V. BERGEN,
Main and Third, HUIboro
L K M . M M til : V 3
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hesse, of
Scholls, celebrated their wooden
wedding. Sspt 24. The groom
is well known in that section,
and is a son of C. F. Hesse. The
bride waa formerly Miss Eliza
beth Matthiesen, daughter of the
late Thos. Matthiesen, of be
tween Scholls and Sherwood. A
big dinner was served at eight
o'clock in the evening, after
which music and games rounded
out the affair, which was pleasant
to all participating. Many use
ful presents were received.
Those present: Mr and Mrs
G M Hesse, Mr and Mrs H T
Hesse and daughter, Evelyn, Mr
and Mrs W E Heaton and son,
Clarence. Mr and Mrs Peter Mat
thiesen and son, Walter, C F
Hesse, Wm, Anna, August and
Bertha Gambella. hathenne Mat
thiesen, Floyd Bier'y, Minor and
Wilma Hesse,
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Banhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
Special $21.00
Gentlemen's 12 size case
fitted with a Waltham
Movement at this remark
able price.
Call and let me show you
this beautiful watch.