The JnllLLSBR vol.. XX IIIIXSI'.ORO, ORKCON, OCTOUKR 2. 1913 NO. 28 THE BITUCRETE CON TRACTORS FINISH PAVING i rru U.hWI SUla.ry Slrrrl MMI1I HI Ml If IH IXIICTItt ,.;.h.fl( m.hcm CompMrJ IJ Hl lititt n U' runt radon I'minli ,.,J tl.i irwnrk in North 1 1 tltlxtrtt. Jriliv fTi-niii. and nhii'd their l.i"t to aiiiitln-r Im-nlily. k . .mi.Ie of tin paving wa ukt iiout fr the city engineer, nn, itwaitt iWihIi. nKtiiii-ti ,.f r.LuiaV. Hi' t"l ,"t 'f ..ilium Mini lar. mm-a wun l,e. gravel, adhered to the mm n li' ha' no that it came out in one mili'l "I"''. Hmt thm in i.n.-i'f lln' !-t pavement for the m..n. y ever lai.l in tin city y- without wimg. I Aii lilix-krt wi n put iinwn, one in I liirJ ntut one no JnckiMin, t.i tt,.- iii'it and miulli of the deo. l oiniili tion of Huh work given Thinl Street a kn ouved mini u iv rl. iir fnmt tin' new wluml l.uihliiik' to SnthTM IVilio tratk. with Second a pavement (nun Jmkni to tin S. I. ih 't. Ah mxn a the macadam run- tnirtort tinUh the work dnwn mi hr. baling to tin bun-ball irniunils: ami the rounty taken carv of tli' lull lietweeo the con (tenner aii'l the bridge. ! the H(M)th:anit one blink on Ita-telim between Sen Hid Mild lirxtlttnd Uu bUk on Kust Main, (ill thurout'tifare It mhng t the city will have il.Ti'iit nadw uy?i at the city limit. Whether or nut paving wi!! U Bi-eotn.lmhl next yrnr is a mat tt-r of eon lett tire. It is itnU cc-tain, however, that more ma raiatn w ill ! lai.l. All I ION s i i: r. K. Morgan. U tter k ik.aii vh Ivlwin Morgan, ha muc.I the olutnbia Klevatur Co.. Conni-ll t'o., ami 'I'luMt. liilyeu for . damaged allege.! to have M en unstained l.y reanori of the fall of an elevator which Morgan was ruling. Nov. LH. lull. Mor an says the elevator was ic fective. uml that the cornt.ariv new it. lie also Hays that neither "ohikIIA nor I'.il. ell knew of the defect. I.llt that they did not exercise the neeeH sary care and diligence to dU- over the wcakiiens. He avers that he was instructed hy in nell & l'(. to carry merchandise on the conveyance, and he was in pursuit of his work when the accHlelll I'sok Mace. I lie corn- lamt allck'i-s that the plaintitf was ireciiitate. nhout '3i feet; that he niistained bruises ami ahrasions. and that anumlM-rof his teeth were broken, and that paid tt physician ?" and a entiHt aliout fl'l" for dental work. Mr. Morgan is married. and he and his wife make their home with his mother, Mrs. Susan Morgan, on the corner of Second and I'.aHcline. He is a son of the late county clerk, J. W. Morgan. ilaley & Hare iave the case fur the plaintilf. I represent Spirella corsets tmt sold in stores. Will call at mllleS on ropiest, and (lo the tittnik'. and teach how to adjust and wear the corset. Our tailor made to measure corsets, in- luduiK' the latent front lace, w ith in cxix-rienceii eorsciicr service, osl no more than hiyh class cor sets purchased in stores. Mrs. M. I!. Caudle. Fifth and Jackson Streets, Phone No, fM. rtf The annual roll call and busi ness meetintf 01 Uie isapusi 'nmh was helJ Thursday eve ink', with almut 12T issiplc resent. I he year s work was rcicwed bv the pastor, w ho has reached !'' Kernions. made W3) astoral calls, distributel lUlo lat'i'h of tracts, and n-ci iveil .ti new inemiit-rs. inm maKes a I w ill sell at pul. lie auction at my rlaie. know .is thi' old AlU rt Kechn furin, lwcli is liH-ated mile north of F.lmonten xtatuni on 0. I Ky. and :i! miles north weal of Iteavertoii on t'anyon nad. at ID a. m. on Tuesday, ( K t. "th. the following prosrty, to-w it: Irani . lima Itnl n.air, ungl.t '..nil mm, onik lMilirir; J lir r.m. all lirat mlikria, rtw, Pui- ami HuMrlli: 4 milk m w nou in iMolier; l.t I !. ...ili l(il Wliil lAgliiMn Hillrl aii.l u. due lirna y lurail . alHMtla ml I'H-", io' liailn IIIPlll .U. Slmh il'. J-wrll'ili liai.ow. l lanrl Jt ilnll ami l.s.l U cultivator, M.Cuimli lakr, Inch tiurk Oll'H-r Hie iii "'KK V. ttlllnUl'.'ir lirrtailiM Irani liaini'M. iiii; V liatiir., lo'w. inn aliicL ret 1. 1 a,) Ioi.U 'f 0U; iMif J t'.ri; I v lirra Im iilmlnf 1 lilihri. lniH..l.r, I li.lrnmll.'iia llrirti, Mann Ihmi cut i e. No Miaiplraa Tuhnlnr arpafalor, tiraily lirw illa!.M-ll alt honor It. .1. 1 gii-xta rim i.liHK 1. 1 nrw mult, r.H.liliiif iili-nalW hral. f, tnlitr, rili, iltrawia. Iron innlltrwa ami lulnv.. Iralhrf r.nicli hull. I, kllclirn r xhtml, thiol ihk. Whltr K.itatT analiiK tna.liliir, illahr., rlc llil futnlltti la all IiikIi K'ailr ratlrm mailt KiKxIa. it ID i( Dip Im-I of nak ami tiialnnrati an.l n vimmI a nr,liMil Inn n( bar. (sua, vrli li, clvrr ami I. in (ill) T. I y hn. tjinv il.. ".' I'll wliral. I.unch will Ik' nerved at noon Sale rain or Hhitii". Plenty of Khelter if it rains. Terms: - All sums under 10, cash; over $10 pnynlili' by bunk able note with S pi r cent, inter n from date of sale. 1 pi rent, oil" for cash over $10. Cico. K. Allen, Owner. J. Kiiratli. Hiictionccr. Kil. Shutc, ch-rk. - MIINNAHIikllDK COMSTOCk A iuiet wi'ddinft WttH cflcbratci ai the home .of tho groom 8 par tils, Mr. iumI Mrs. U 1. Shin naberi'cr, HillHUirn, Sept. when ThomtiH I Shinnnbcw imd Miss Kilim Mao Comstoc wi re united in mnrriaire. Uev. ''larence ('ook, jmstor of the isaptiHt fhuroh. olliciatink'. 1 tie bride is a iKinular younii liitly o I'oitland, and the urroom linn heen one of tho nssistunts nt the Southern Pucific depot, whore nis lather in nvrent. Tlioso pres ent at the ceremony wero Mr, "ml Mrs. I,., 1). Shinnaberner, Misses Myrtle anil Lola Shinna oer;ernn(l Messrs. Miner Com Hlock, Wm. Dodd and 11. t'lar etieeCook. Mr. and Mrs. Shin naberKer will resiilo in llillnburo. It. E. L DAVENPORT GETS PAROLE FROU SENTENCE I'lc.Jallullly lo lorclng Chctk and ()rl One to l ive Years All 01 D TO IT4E THE STATE JuJr I ikla (inala Mrny I Prianarr, Atmuol Wife aad Child H Ifc lavenjort, the movinj? picture man of Tacorna. in jail several months awaiting trial for asbinv.' a spurious check at the Htore of C. 0. le & Co., Forest !rove. has returned to W'ashinif- ton state, a paroled man. Dav enport pleaded k'Uilty to the charge and threw himself on the mercy oi the court. 1 he prose cuting olhcer said that he would not ailvise a parole but on ac count of Davenport's wife and child, would not opsweone beinK k'rantd. Judk'o Kakin thereuiKm sen tenced DavenjKirt to an inde terminate sentence of from one to live years in the penitentiary, but ,'.ave him a parole uimn con dition that he refund the money lost by the victim of the check; that he pay the costs of arrest; the court costs, and live a law- abiding life hereafter. T he riiurt also allowed him to depart Irotn the state. The pris oner left for Tacorna on a late tram, rrulay evening, lie was profuse in his protestations that he would lead a proix-r life in the future. Carrie Oodds was given a di vorce from (ieo. W. lKalds, with alimony of $10 js-r month', and a decree for one-third or the real lmierty. The case was stub- Jas. Cmikshank. of near I-au- rel. was a rity caller Monday. Wwkly Oregonian to Jan. 1, l'Jl.r. 75 cents. Charles Schultz. of north of Scholls. was in ton Saturday, and called on the religious week- ly- Mrs. II. W. Siooner. of Port land, has lai-n the guest of her brothers. K. I, and C. W. James, of near Varley, the past week. Mrs. K. A. Snislgrass, whose husband recently bought the C iK'Isman place, near I arrningU n, was in town Saturday. Wm. J. Smith, of near the 1M- linger 15ridge. leyonl Forest (Jrove, was a county seat visitor Saturday. Theodore and Thomas Nissen. of near Scholls, were in the city Monday, on business with Coun ty Clerk Luce. C. T. Young, who has been six-nding the Summer over at Kaymond, Wanh., came over the last of the week to visit his fam ily, returning Sunday. For Sale Fresh milk cows Herd of good rows from which to select C. H. Kpler, Iowa Hill, or Cornelius, lloute 2 six miles south of Cornelius. 2G-8 Frank Weiscnbcck and wife, of near Oregon City, were in town Friday, on legai business, their first trip Lack to Washington County since leaving four months ago. A bargain Seven room house. large lot. close to new school house. Can be had for $'J25, Owner needs the money. Apply to Kerr brothers, next door ost office. Third Street. 27-13 Harlan Kelly, of Uyond North Plains, was in town Saturday He has bagged his annual buck this season, but says that they still keep well under cover, ow ing to the great growiq oi um. Activity All Over County Will Shape up Had Mate Thi Fall ROCK ROADS MERE TO GASTON AUa I Gale Creek Head, aid to toper Stozxia Vatlev - Tom Saia'a The first of the story is the best there are rock roads now com pleted between Hillsboro and Gaston; between Hillsboro and the heail of Gales Creek ; betw een Hillsboro and Scoggin Valley, clear to Tom Sain's place; and rock road to within a quarter of a mile of Cherry Grove and like the old sew ing machine "that's going Borne." The P.aseline im provement between here and Cornelius, made under the di rection of Supervisor Grant Mann, was completed this week-three cheers and a Tiger lily and this means some nice Btretches of road. Itock is now being shipped in on the United to ,ortn t'lains for 300 feet of rock at the J. C. Ileach place, south of North IMains; 550 feet on the Glencoe fill, near North Plains. Material is also being shipped to Davis', on the United, for KOO feet of rock near the Schomburg place, Mountaindale. The llex-Tigard road will c top-dressed for four miles, the Scoggin Valley crusher now be ing installed at Tigard. llock will also lie crushed and laid for a half mile between Tigard and the Taylor Ferry Bridge. Supervisor Geiberger. down at ItiaTf 'TJff'rnore drT theaTwrr- fkomm TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If you don't want to come to town, just phone vonr order in and it w ill be promptly attended to as if you called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders and you can get a prescription made up very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town- Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and Kexa'.l Remedies by Parcel Post. Prepayed without extra charge. 1 The Delta Drug Store I REXALL STORE ' I i.r t.laa.tlt it"? MWniL'IN t"ll I'l ..a...."...-, t , ..,......! .Infifur that 1 V tmiii il. KeceiDts lor the week nave ii,i l.w l,n Km! rhnrire lfu-Cuttle ll'.ri. calves 19; ,.f It lnr n.r Jim iw! HlOlTS BRW V WRmI IIURIVSI h xrt vi um mi as - I , . ... . i i,a l...., ..i. .i.i fiiai renumeni in me came mam- ..;u...i t. u iiri-.H .1 w et has not I teen such as to war I Hir" i'.i t "-v ... w .... i , ur l u-n4 rli.Men Siindav Sc hoo rani opumism recenuy. Sup atnirttant ...... . i .rk -W V lleriren was chosen trade newls. The $S.OO steer is his third trip back to sihj Ore Ferry route. The crusher at Cedar Mill wmf-trut trTOlt inooerfl. up-to-date fountain where the syrup is kept in sanitary wells. oumoed into the glass by a sani- starts this week ana one mile tary pump. That's the kind of will be added to the road leading fountain you will find at hoebcr s. tow ards Uillstioro- thus leaving . . but 5 J miles of highway betw een name UMisiawe. wen Known u i h..ij w While to the o dtimers here fifty years : j ; ,.; tv, ivuii . - , . - n'Jins in i ia mv vuimii Jt tAJ I Hit SAKKat H C.lj Z. 'S. --yiswsiiajj I iL with F A Kverest an receipts have not totaled so much ago, is up from below rresno, route irttant; Mrs. Annie Hutler. of as a week ago. there has been Cal.. on a visit Mr. Constable The Rurkl est waschiMen church more than enough beef U) supply eft here 44 years tyro, and this gtart thi3 w The Durkhalter steam drill will eek, to turn out rock f.M. ivwlinfT la .lartL-enn hill .... ...... I I llll IUVKIIIK VHV VWVlwil lillt. tosuiTeiil himself as treasurer. " l"1 - isun. south, where a 5 percent, grade I he outl.a.k for the w ork is very . ' Vl " r k Hi , Engineer Ai. wagner ana wue has been made this Fall. all Is harmonious iHinw i.i ui muvv will move . I II I. a. ....... I I W III J I .HI 111 .ni.lal. I 1111V IITTI I n. I 1 1 1 w -v.- I r a. a 1. al I fill I I l (riglil, ami an is mirnionnHiB , V -7 i ,, ' V i, i I w niiaiuwn tnciiisii me l.uck quarry, auove moun- within the chun-li and Sun.luy 'juauiy ; " -- of the week, ana make their res- taindale. also started this week. Sili.tol. staiularaoi six uays ago ana jdence there as long as he is on and one mile of rock will belaid prices on iws were Kr,,n. jr tne freight run, which gives him UD 0n UDDer Dairy. For sale: Holstem cattle; heif- lower. I rime neiiers ai four ni.,hts and a Sunday, each The world is moving.and Wash- rs with or without calf, some to cows, ffi.i.i. tmlls at ana wet,K( at the port city. ington County is right in the freshen soon. All lrel lo regis- caives ai tv.yni ure iuh-iui iii.c ten-d bulls; i.njH-rted dim-t from to.s. I emami or any dui cnoice fnr The mile of new maeadam.from Wiscnsin. Splrmlid animals in nnishea cattle is siow ana ou ' . . t10 the Thurston place, near Beaver- Mellenu-onilllion. i ni"niKu u, liir.WII ..W nr IMsiimnnt ton. On Mult, in nmi nmn miiiniaiinn i ... " - -- t :iii . i i road, continued lilteral last week and there was so much real fat kill ing stulf in the run. buyers did not have the nerve to shade mas. Choice mountain wethers sold 4 to 4.25 and ewes at 4. Packers took to the lamb offerings in irreat style, biding 5.2T for all Lake, and has taken possession. He will go into the stock busi ness, ana raise came ana nogs. Angelo was in town Saturaay, greeting friends. F. M. Heidel was displaying some appii-s raiseu uy i. l.. Craw ford, of Manning, the other also helnssome. The Newton mile of macadam, joining with the Hillsboro rock street is another stretch that i3 worth while of mention. JACOB JOHN SMITH N.iw on ex ilbltlcill. rite or hone. The Coast Cattle t o., ai the F.ugene Creamery, r.ugenc, Ore. VTT-2S lasMT N. Kigg. whose daugh ter is a Mrs. Ayiieioiu living near Gales Creek, was brought un from the county farm. Satur- : I li I 1'illt DVI 11 I a'lMU'R " IViiantViUi VI niHiiuiiifci vuv vviim . , , . . , . lnv. and examined mr insanity. ... .,, ,,n,w p,sinii!iji said uLuinn niii that iwt inn Jacob John bmitti niea at nis lir Wood advised that he Im . ....i., ...i J miirlr It Oil ,l.v 'IHi, li.if mod n f na home two and one-half miles rom mil ted to the asylum, which ... r 5ff ,miM WH ,..., l. ht from Lebanon, Sept. 24. 1913, was onle red by Judge Keasoner. ... k , t ,h v .j,i,A.,f n tho npsts after an illnessof several months Ivil'l's is very old, and is trouiieui ,i;oottlw,in.wl llnwover . t vol miMm! hnt nor. He was born at Little Chute, with senility. He threatened to . Wis., in November, 1861. He burn dow n the iMH,r tarm struc- . , i mutton as it was ,, t L , j -n married Miss Anna Vandehev, at ture.aml has kept the inmates J ago anTbuye Neb., about 29 years uirmwii, :.., , ,,k ;nt..iii Hnnnu oatmua,. ago. 1 hey came to uregon niu I Himerintenocnt in all the time, watching him ,nnif.: n mueh interest durinc11 ago. j someone sioie a canvas, ayxw, 1So7 Ihey came and settled at in Cornelius A xrvat ccinbiautiun! Greater than that of iron sure! Vou insist upon keeping your valuable fa i safe but do you on the other hand protect yourself against pa' irK the same bill twice. Such a thing could hardly occur if yo kept a check book, as the stubi supply a complete record tad the cancelled checks an incontestable receipt. There are many other equally important advantages enjoyed by banking here American National Bank Capital and Surplus $5o000.00 A. C. SHl'TE, Pres., C. JACK, Ja., Cashier. W. V. BERGEN, Asst. Main and Third, HIIIboo i m m m - m k xm vk v-a ------ . , , i... it some 1 1 1 IT I c-llini livjv t x', ... ...... . - - r rt h.a hnimtnnUJ n I . . i . - . , .1 II a..u II... aKaalt nil I I fin I . .,-- I . . A.a I 1 1 V. A . me worm lorme iw. - . w o-ve a reward of $.r) cash ,v.,ia lv, hnrm i , Annevi s?... I'aio .iu nt mivinn a'n in I : " . - .. ... ... . .ivnin. iui uiauj jvu.o .. ...... imvui vo.... "M " . . V. .1 j I for the liitormation that win ieaa j Mn.tu pin;na ariA -i i; unit ina i i n tv ium s)'nii4i(i iinnviTt) rri i itriiiinii. I . a . I en uvm wi m .... ... - Ktniiimg. Mr;;.J i" ". to the recovery ot me property u:m,. aaooma.l h a lanra ei.p I I II... .unit t IVm fl 1 . - a a . I . . . . . a I I IKIIIJ vovvvuivm v j vimges. an me o ii Kreer was in from west and arrest and conviction or the nf rantu wi,n ndmirpd him for a m flM I lWk I kill! 1 TO 11 (riU I . .... I . . I IVI. .a', - Mi. "","'"Zn Union. Friday. party who stole tne cover. hig integrity and straighttor- ever piriMl .mi inr ...,.. ... n.,ini;0 . .. . . ,aAnaa Hia uidnur and tho IlilUlmro Ca in ana see mem. rreu joy, m ni Mr. ana wrs. reier iiouman, . .. - , i was in town Saturday. of ltaoona, were in town Sunday following children , survive-Hen- .. .....I M.ui.lnmnit Kmil. I -I . .. . . t. Can Putor I har im hr-nnk. iviem. lino """" Mr nnd Mrs K L. Mares, ot and Moniiay. wr. nonman says V r I t:. and )ave Kuratli, Hillsho- L?"1':iT' L ib hill mnd to Raeomi has William. Lawrence. Josephine, J. n iinimnn. Chas. Keimer. M-nenmem .o. " c""M"r:nH ti Mary and Emma. Three chil V'ed I) sie. Hethany. went to tothecty aamruay ; 'r- ffi' Portland, hist Sunday, to attend Now is the time to have that u in the heart of the The funeral took place tnday. the silver wedding of Mr and houSe wired. See the Owl Llec- K t but the "kills" up at Lebanon, and a number of a li I . aV ll.,iiM Villi. I 1 I - I lf I . I llfHnliiH am I Vl I wa. (il Mn InTtlTalQ O T Mrs. Arnold nysie, nt men w mc va. - there have not been numerous ioikii vuui., wtHHl home, severa mm- n.i Mr and Mrg j j weisenbeck, this season, owinjr to dense un- nueu me uin. from the Hethany-rhillips sec- . i!p0(iv:ip. were in the county dpi-irr.iwth. tion. Mrs. Iysl ia a sister ot . LVil,nv. " , FOR SALE TO CLOSE ESTATE I !...., I I J. I. l-ait 13 iv V f -v n vnv the Miraui unH.n.o. Tumor nf Ijiurcl. was Ormmn Kleetrie freicht service. For Sale-lW) acres, U miles n the dty Saturday, greeting He dreamed that he made a One hundred and twenty acres f mm North Plains; small cabin; frjend9 and transactinjr business, bunch of money and was going at Old Glenwood Station, upper barn, 24xMi; l& acres cuwy. .,.. ilm uir: some shingle I .1. L. Hartlett. of iii'if-n uinni mie i - . i inn aril luc luii liiiv cedar; Sound Brinra; good cat- Hazel hop rm. was n town of pea3ure, and he ed. Balance good timber. Spring ii,, mnire: $5tM) down, balance o Saturday, neis Diisy Dannganu . , t d unon the rxior near barn: county road and creek vears.-Joseph Miller, Banks, weighing up his hop crop. fan3 jn Hillsboro, as he entered running through place. Survey if ix a I i c Jm!iri nf Forest drove. I tho nnln o-rounds with a grand- of United to lillamook runs S I U a Jt IwllllltlBIl V r a VI IV aww.w - .'..I.. . . n i, . . u; niann nt Tillamook. Luna in town Saturday evening, stand ticket The opposing pitch- througn trace &ou gooa, most where he is interested in the after his return from Lebanon, ers were announced, and just as ly bottom land T:ii..nir Conntv Hank, was where he went to attena me Matthewson wouna up SHDTE SAVINGS BAM Jos. Rooks was in from Vine lands, the last of the week. Scott Allen, of nonr Ueedville, was a city vimtof Saturday after noon. Tare snnH fnr snle. Hen Thuniher, Cotji'vus, Or., Iloute - Above Blooming. Zl-Z) to shoot Also have good modern house h! the first of tKo week, on funeral of his brother, the late J. one over-the Oregon Electric and two lots, in best residence .less lie was born up at j. Smith. freight pu led down Washington section of Forest Grove not far the Harrison place, above Moun- jrve Higganlwtham, the Bea- Street ana awaKenea v,avey ,rom i tainff and spent his early ver pitcher, well known in Hills- Since that time he is sore at a prices an ho residod for a vear freight trains, ana ne is still pieces oi I liui u. i.v . v. . y , - . i J youth here, i . i . i . t .. . a fiy a not t on in the wondering wnemer me rnune ii. iwncm iimowiu, wic, ui We are again , agents IrjJ Ker would have whanged that L. T. Wilcox, Trustee, 417 Lum two electric depots, for and terms on these two property, address W. the PhillielN. Barrett. Hillsboro, Ure., or famous Hazelwood Ice i ltna ffj",,,.- at fS33 X ball out of the lot if that freihgt ber Exchi and solicit you, 1 hadn't whistled. hand, Ore. Exchange orLlk.-Kwber'sConfecUwery land hia assets at zero. Building, Port- 27-30 American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 Banking in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of Dt posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits Rings Her heart is set on it when she becomes engaged, to have a handsome engage ment ring to celebrate the event. When you want to choose jewels for en gagement or wedding gifts, birthday an niversary gifts, look over nliy stock of jewelry, cut glass and silverware. I have everything to delight both heart and eye. LAUREL M HOYT if"