The JnllLLSB6R6,)Ri:r.oN, 2t, ioi3 NO. 27 S BOARD CRACKS I1 I'llll HUNG GRAM .. l.i II More M.ikfl ! T KIRATI V) 4it'.. I"'"" " of In I"11 tu rrreivi-il w . f,.lliillg tl,- I Ms ttti HiltM) iMMlk Hltl'Ulk llf-t U ihir ,t:.t.' I- lln- I ' " . Iit,.r:-1n r nm tin- vnrioui lulum! , rf tin law requires ir. nf IMiu-ntion t i i m reported t u It t l-k (oinmis- tlr o.titrui t. however, i i . ii . ... V I m i.i ' t'twnu ji nil im m- ,,.r. :it-ri--.l DUAUZATIDN TRIO r-t-r J i ww, agist h7 yiar. lust at tin htitni'iif his d nn'litf r. Mr. Sonmim. IWtliuul. S. j.. If.. Ili wan Imrn in S it.erlaml in IW, an. latni t Arii.rnn when young man. In IO) he wan to Anna Wenitvr. They in t thin for fight yearn, ami then inuveil to Kalian. Af ter V yearn in th Smiltowi-r Htate they nmveil In Portland. Kittling in the Hi-tvi-tia tu-etion. Mm. Jiw iluil in iMWli. Five children mirvive; Mm. Anna Sotimiti, 1'tirtlainl; I'eter JoriHe, of Junction City; Kan.; Win. Johhi, Ilf lll'lll l 11.1 t'llittll I J.tllll IfMiUi a well known furniture dealer of 1 w r.'uaii.auon lioardiorwanh- Iraa Number i.l Taanavrr An- prarril than in I urmcr Vcart SIAIH4! AlitMD Kill. BV KIljUST tkaaita MiJc ky I qualiialina Hoar Arnoaal la but Very I idle SaU-m, arul California. A.leline, residing in I reiirenent Spin-lla inwU not Hol'l in utoren. W ill t-all at hoineH on rislileHt. Und do the ington County, consisting of Ah sensor ( "rarutull. Judge Keasoner and Clerk I.uce, adjourned list Thursday evening after com plcting the tank of equalization fitting, and ti-at h how to adjunt of the tax roll for the year I'jl'.l. und nik'fii ! i !,,. t. t' the cllrct I.,. , ,t.h .li-r W HI l"l Ken i'..: !i :i i-n liter price than ir... i f,,r such l'k in any .i if i . Wr (;,(,- III III.' I II Hl' I .-"Will B i4 ,!, i .irtiiK iit ili-oven d t I ..i H (in. :u'o in:ii m' i nii in,.' I , v.ft- !..r primary ,n . ihiik "i oilier maim I'. 1 1 i H w l,i ine eoiiirai i . , 0 i. tale H 'M rent n,-i.r Uk, klloMII ilM fclll-r .il.!M'l 'I HSIMir.n tiiitf ih ..Him; lin'Mk'" lr b-. i ii wlnle the eunlr.irl inre jthH'- i- i' telilA We I matter up with the 1.14 r siil' an. I af ti r threat to l.nn unit on their Imiiil Hi.l tin-Ill to IUHlriKt their mt in thH Mate t notify all llers t! it Ih.-.e tHMik would lo il f.r Km til and III rent WUvelv. If liny of Hie rhll- mi in ymir rnmmunuy nae d a hivh'-r ru-i than till y nhouid lake the hook hark B ask for the diili-rence. I he K. I. ill i oinjiany, iiuent lor il.uhUfUi. -rs. iifnriii im that'.h. rsvid make the iili.t i-.l t our lix ul lleuler. i'at tli- iit runs iif the m houl thi-y toed not -ay hi vli Tirr. I a ill iippre- 1- yo-ir ainiotineemenl ol tin I;H 4. t'.-it lineiit i endeavor-t-i do ail that t jHMiiulile in rirmi.: lor the imya miui y:irm iin i'on. UnkH tit tin low a . . . i a tiiey ran in m-ureu any re III the Ullilisl SttlteH. We II ronliinii' our invetilik'alions eyerv Nx.k rontrarted for iiMe mtr xrlioo!(. Very truly your, .1. A. Churrliill. Sii.t. I'lihlio lilstrurtion. Sa!. in. lr,. Sept. IS. I'Jlil AUIHtN S At I- und wear the c-orm t. Our tailor ed inadi to inea.sure ronu t. in eludunf the latent fnmt lace, with an en'n rieneed ion tier Kervire, rout no more than hii;h ror-Ki-tn iurrhtt.Hed in ntoren. Mm. M. K Caudle. Fifth ami Jarksoii StreeU. l'hone No. IVSI. ttHf Ihen- were hut very few com plaint entered, and very few rhaniK'eH made les complaints than heretofore for many years. But two wen not acted uion the jx-titionsof KlizaU-th Tongue rreemanon lltllslioro property. asking a reduction, and thu ML 1 1 m mi Hrewint; (-.. on a lot at Cil.lii. l-'iliyl,.r li'W MOiwt I. t-' Ki'iiHter for d.vorre. aKkink''for Sh.-rw.l (and hui M uKl I asking the n.Htody of a tumor child. wluction fwm llttti to Wiii. i f -i i... i ii'f iM-iiiionn were laoieo n.. nvi-i tim.-i. tin- nm I ... . allei'e that the hushand rallisl her and her family hyjuK-ntin, ami that he Htrurk her in the fare with if napkin, finally leav ing her Auw'ust l.r of thin year. She further allege that he hase.) a great deal of hi almse U rausi- her HiHter would m t carry on a conriHion wun im nnnner oi the ili-femlant hushand. For nale: llolntein rattle; heif- r with or without calf, mime to IreHhell fUMin. All hred to regl- ti red hull; imrtis dins t irotn 'avi-rton.also refunisl reduction. Wi.Hionsin. S.lendid animal in The ;j ) which the Catho- t . i . a ... -1 . evceiienicon.iiiion. i ricisi ngni. )c hcIiooI ik lieinif innitweroor Now on exhibition. Write orl,,.r,., Htrirkeii from tin? mil, tus phone, The Coitst Cattle tV., at U,.Hment made at hy field the Lugetie I n-amery. r.ugene. aH?wsor. rather Mark ItpiM-n Ore. -i - made the reiiuest, which was c it n-vix I noun !!.. readily granted, utmit showing .....I ... la kiiLa It fl I lit n tk I.. 1 1.... ,.h y . j.d nut aHHI'HH fill UII 4UMt-llin i.,,.trv Hiwfninm IrTirllirtM ()I I lorilli r , ll ill rt M . ih Iil'h. The waL'on turnel he UiHlersii'lied xa ill Mel lit PUli- aui-tion at hi Farm, the o M. Mrlnniri pliu e, I mile ll.of Mninni.'ton, nd II Milieu Nmth Kced ille, at ID n. m. on Mil DAY. SF.l'T. St ate, U vr, Flint, with colt nt Mi' Kirn iv Kin'o HiUi'iun horse ly, L! rs old. out of lUitft' Hire irte, f. yrs, JikiiK 2 cowh, irrml Inlsti-iii and one it (!uer ney,ono p milk, coming fresh in Inntinry !m1 Fehniary, Ii-ihmI how with t Her at Hide, 2 11 in plowK, irar fn plow, ih- harrow, Kprintr- fitti harrow, 2 Hpiketnnth liar wi 2 riiltivatom. land roller liKvaukie ! ft mower. 1 lion iiiiip hayrako, )el,nvul cream'w Italn-ock milk am jfeain tester: Uushfonl waiton ayrark. :i iluzen chicken. 2 sot ''I work harness, one irood a P'w; set, hack lutrnes. 2 nets o imkIo harneH, top huggy, fair Mane; J seal, hack, irinid as new puusehold and kitchen furniture, urui tool and numeroti oth Irtirlfs. Lunch at niMin. l eniHol Sale $10 and under, ash; over $10, H months' time, Jtankalile note, at 8 per cent. I I'M Olson, ownor. P. Cornelius. Anrlinrieer. John Vanderwal, Clerk NOIICI: TO TAXI' AVI-US "liee i hereby given that the half of the taxes where half pymcnt has hoen ninde for th I'vy on the 11)12 tax-rolh is now I'l' and imvalilo liKforn tlu lit "'inlay m October, litllt. wh c h "aid date is October (5. anil in fase of di'linmienev nftoi that (lal,e the law requires a penalty 'I ll) Dei I'nnl ff uniil nnlillid x and interest charge of one j'ereent. per month until mich taxes have Iwon paid. . J. K. Keeves, "rilV nnri tax Collector for Washington County, Oregon. , Dated at llillsboro, this 10th ay of September, 1913. turtle, after the load hml Hhifted and Mr. Ha.i iuintHsl to Have omse If. One leg wa broken iilmve the kne' and the other be tween the knee and ankle. He wa taken to the (mod Samaritan l.isi.ital. the evening of the ac idi-nt, and will U laid tip sever ill week, If you want a range that U-ats the world for the money, call on tavid Corwin, Hank Annex in.l.toiir und nee hi Duality a li the wav fnmt f2T to 1. wm . mu WM,i" ti... r.nA m . th most the check was drawn, received . ine lormer va uiai on. i - .... . ...i:.i. tr. i ,.... nn ttu ticst ranges .. . ... - . ...i.i..u. ...... '-ivio for nnnrtpr" a etter irom ionver. 10 wmcu v ' - . . - . ii j i nrisienseii ttSM-MMiii-iii i o'i " - t. - i - . .. ..t ... ..!... on the market in "...7 ... . . .. cn,,i.. nv.i-i-msi, o n )iv- wa5 lorgea iieiooners name. t;n.t-.i Cull in and see them. wn w . ' . i.iT-o . i. v k;ii..p When von saving he could not get the check V : - " "M "mmu m,m lu ?: ; mnk7 v a cashed there, and asking the I )r. J . T. I am.esii w a. ai . .... "nl "IT " iS Imnk n send him a monev order. ford, last weeK. n joiinrearson asKeu ur ... . . ... ... i,rnards. f a . .nr. titi anil ...1 I tT , 'Jlnn lim. I t I " "r - -- meeting oi me imjimi - - granieo n-um uoo . v - Mary j. Horstel, tormeny oi anj knowing DePtiorter was on urgnnof thentate, l ie I r. k-r .le.stniyed by lire " "orlh- lker. Oregon, has sued her hus- Wav Jast reX told them say it Ma line sin on u. w,.Kt oi cimiihv. hand. William, for divorce. They the t.heck was ai ri,rhL The jniiMi ItMI II1IIL 11 a.-WllllKH'" 1 .1(11)11 klU'ttfl I. Ainr u.ii 'v i Itisallowed in tition of Frank Walgraeve. reduction on 3 lots Tualatin Valley Acres; petition L K. Harbison, asking reduction of Dillon II illsUiro assessment; John Vander.anden, on 110. () acres, assi-csisl at jMltsi); Mar garet Scoggin. n-tition asking reduction of $2ii0on ) acres near Wst Union; Julia A Cooper, refused reduction on 21.02 acres. ow ner alleging taxes were .m, while rental was only $.ST last year; Chas Cooiier, l.'M acres. FOREST GROVE HOUSE I William Shadwkk. AteJ Sven tecn. Was the Culprit IWlBBf D tUBI B AND McLEOD HOI SFS AUa Touched the Home ol Mr. With Hulfmaa k Compaay. Jv, Jacob l!affety was down from Mountain dale, Saturday. John Uebel and wife were in from Mountaindale, the last of the wH-k. J. A. Kirkwood. of Uiislville, was in town Saturday. lh-8. 1Owx & Turner. Fri- ' JL. . w aay. Andrew Kggiman. near Odar Mill, was a city visitor th last of the week. Now i the time to have that house wired. S-e the Owl Klec trie Co.' 1-tf Uichard Sandford. of fjlencoe, was over to the county seat. Fri- lay. Tare fil for sale. -lien Thumher. Cornelius, Or., lioute 2. Alxive Ulwiming. 27-21) Wm. Hronaugh departed Mon lav for a week at Shipherd Springs, near Carson, Wash. I5en Thurnher, of above I'loom- inir. ana J as. iuuon. oi towa Hill, were county Beat visitors made Monday. We are airain agent for the tifted some of the jewelry as be famous Hazelwood Ice Cream, longing to the forest Urove and solicit your orders for brick owners. i William Shadwick. aged 17 years, and an escape from the State lU-form School, was caught in Portland Saturday, and has been identified a3 the young man who roblnsl the homes of Joy, I5aber and Mclx-od. recently, at Forest Grove. The Portland officials found a cache of jewelry valued at over $1,000. As sx)n as the arrest was Sheriff I'eeves communi cated with the officers and iden- fhomm YpurOixte or bulk. - Koeber's Confectionery Mrs. I A. Itood detiarted this w-k for Ocean Park, (,al., w here she intends remaining for the Winter, visiting relatives and friends. For Sale - Fresh milk cows. Herd of goul rows from which toselect. C. H. Kiler, Iowa Hill, burglaries in the afternoon, when or Cornelius, lioute 2 six miles the people were aw ay from home, south of Cornelius. 2-8 He would scout around and w hen i. I. v iu on,i u;ru the family had left the house, I,..-.. -... v wiiimr the k" lineman Woad go back up town and hire Shadwick ox-rated with an other young Ileform School chap, but did the Forest Grove work himself. He was the fugitive w ho jumped otT the car by escap ing through the rear door, when Sheriff lleeves boarded the train in search for him. one evening, Shadwick would perform his week, returned to their in lents, Monday after- for a home noon. W. F. Delsman has returned from a trip to the AlU'rta conn trv. where he ha a ranch. He a bicycle, going to the place, he would enter through a rear win dow, rob the house, and then leave the w heel at the place. Shadwick and his companions have robbed houses in Forest Grove. Astoria. Portland, and says that crops were good up in olner towns and cities. The the Dominion this year. young burglar had been out of tv..t iwr.r of Itethanv. was the Industrial school four months. in Friday. Fred says that the and told the officers he could get clover seed did not Ii we out no worK nitJX IWOOKTHK ROlHiED Geo Vanderanden was grant ed $' reduction personal proiicr tv. but no reduction on farm land. K Quacketibush prevailed uihii the U.ard to lower an auto as sessment from $1000 to $750. A I. Sloop was granted re- i .? . r . ... ..,,ui ... ffl-Hul .... miction iromfiooo iu i..fvj vu :i5 rtcn s sit-tion 2:1 1 2 n r It w Joseph reduction asse thev were old, and the former valuation his way with the result that the liethany crop will not influence the market A barirain-Seven room house. Felix DePoorter. who worked for ml Herman Iiernards. North of house. Can Ih had for $1)25. Forest Grove, during August Mu'iia.i muuk thu monev. started Fast early in the month VS....V. ......... j. - , w . ... ... , , .... I. i. L'.ir tits .1 ii..rsi npvt itonr onst lor Kushvt e. iNeD. nen ne office, Third Strict 27-29 departed Mr Pernards gave him la ttiifu T.r tj'i til ii nim i f- Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Pate, of porter reached Cheyenne he Jetleison. are here lor an ex- sol)f jn a hotel over night and I TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If you don't want to conic to town, just phone your order in aud it will be promptly attended to as if you called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders and you can get a prescription made up very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions nd P.exall Kennedies Ly Parcel Post Prepayed without extra charge. I The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE .f jrwB.s x s-v.c i i inttauavtX u p' j '' iso t h ' . lo.l.l..,! vwil U'ith their daughter. I ..... . ...I l,.,.l nf Ula mnnav in.t tliu !Vf7im thw h"ri M J.W.Shute. 'lhey see a check him by Uernards. of on three norsis. . mnrovemonts here i .. .......t- Fni r.vo ssed at $2H. He claimed r-.J-t 1 ".. r:"; .l: .... Hit. i wun in. ii ..v ' liationai Dunn. iiKainni, muin r t A great combination! Greater ttita that of y oar tnassivt ateel or iron safe! You insist upon keeping your valuables in a heavy safe liut do you on the other hand protect yourself against pay ing the same bill twice. Such a thing coulit hardly occur if you kept a check book, a the stubs supply a complete record and the caucilltd checks an incontestable receipt. There are many other equally important advantages enjoyed by banking here American National Bank Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 A. C. SIIl'TK, Tres., C. JACK, Jr., Cashier. W. V. BERGEN, Aaat. Main and Third, HllfoborOt a I a. . . u : -L7lal. . . a i . . souin. nn i" r ":: .i were married ai siurnis, o. bank sent a cashiers arait io Cotmty has them all '"J Hon 2! t 3 n r B w. as nm ed jn anJ the conn)aint al- Daenvcri and almost as soon as pnHl.u-tion and tliversilicd farm- reduction from f.Ljt) to J"Wl - , ,03 lhat the husband was con- the draft left, Bernards received victed of burvrlary at Haker. in a etter from the real DePoorter. wm fr ii- urolit is concerned, rause lands had Urn lowed olf, " ' . . i . -1 i . ... , , assessment navin wth nmuc on l-i.f Sn i 11X1 lien's. I- """--M !,.. L,f I n. ui. uaa mil ......... i . . rriiirj in nn v nimn i " v.w. f mm Ninrlh I hiinsismitii caiin,i ..n Imrn. '1WA: l.r ncres cleared, l,m ai,(t,d (o the n)l UK)n re. acres trooii iimiK-r. mu.u- .. .... i mt 0r the owners: cedar, :i ttoo.1 8rinjw; jfijml cat- , , Matthews, lot at Forest tie ritnjs'e; "" years. - Joseph u. a, W. A. Marli Iniro, and Cnrden Tracts. gtia ollice force with line water melons, this week. iMiu Kfiiua.- PHICKRTT-SMITH men raise the imsi in me "" trv the iMittont lund hvng 1911. and sentenced to from two wn0 arrived at liushville. telling to live years in the pen, at Salem. him 0f the robbery. Sunday He is still there, and service win cheritT Peeves sent a telegram reach him through the warden. t0 tne chief of Police of Denver k:.. to arrest DePoorter. and a tele- f V niitlmt in lu ii. K"".. : n.ram ti-na n art tont tft Stfinn.1V. uown, Grove, $100; Annie M Imbne and thresher, last week, alter a " The iertter Miller, lhutks. SmUhf j Mau.ey days run-the longest threshing f the fr . k"".0. claim. 180: 0 W MctJraw. .I55 a 8oaSon he has enjoyed lor many Ct,i, n, of South I.H-sec31 t 2 n r 3 w, 120; Estate K years. Mr. Dan t has now com- 't n d he John Nelson, oi ine Wnrmi( phonal prop. pleted 41 years turning out - - - ke a sue, favored the Ar- ,t h Walker, personal property, hrrain. and this has been one oi r n lv v ii wi iv. i ft i f i .... m I l rtOL't 111 1 1 t t . a . knnaAH IamIV v3i 1 ll I Haw S run ws thT'faci Uenver. written by the forger. " r .. a a 1 tHlHilQ n III (1WH' .i i iiimi ruunir i l i it. . innt imnF ann yntiiiuMi Uie IMUiuiii . . -.l.i:- oo SOU! ine i-ui. jitt. rvarSir: . ii . f.. irivnuiniri a riniet nna iireiiv weuuiiin .... r i... nv i ...... . i i. especially humi- " . f..irri.v.n otu oi in-- """'.j. win yon picase -n.i n.imcy it . ' iiatiiirm i ntii;iiiiiiv -" j ------- ... ... i iiif a nil in iiuiri. ituvti, vviw., -''- IHU -wn m... ti iftlQ unn 1ra K rft. I l?rta rwh the ArffUS that i; tv.ii,. I M..nni ..e rWk rdv . a ,uiiii . i:fih. nuvii miui nn ia,4.r''ik i in irioiiiiii - 1 SIIW cordwoinl. JMtlea tip W l , .. ,. R ;,h n 4 NJathan S. in some of the OUtlying districts ed hear in Denver, tlopeint to have it ICtlCe THUS, ..., :.,, J n mnrr aire ...,l.,r fus hide IS eoiniT OH "oll as l can. i iiau a nam juo K-i Umrds of all kinds, into l. iu K-'a homn in Portland, with the result that many are stovewiHid lengths. Will go mw ,, lk)nj of tne Waverly, eating China pheasants, contrary the country. Write, pnone "H (joregational church. of- to law. Game warc-ens have call on me. Carl Skow, Hillsuo- ficjalin MrSi Smith is well been notified and they arepn the ro. Phone. 1'itv known in Portland where she lookout for violations, reopie ... a I . I. a ..amm rVI I..L..UlA . n.r trOmO R IHIS H IT Jacob Schmidt, of Laure , vvus nas ivea lor m. , ;r , r l,PSter ILCvohersand Miss Delia IleStaUHl UiaiM-rtCKeu 13 reaiueui. u. wvi..- ot seasu.. o.C i' ' - m t-.,o nf Nnrth Plains were all com- ton. trouble, it generally ui . zIIa inci and itlR it. Denver, Col , (no dnte) Felix Ieroorttr, Alamo Hotel, Denver, Colo. SHUTE SAYINGS BANK American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 Banking in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit. Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit. Dook Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. CYPHERS MAYS in town Friday. it... I.m. hnrvont WAS i . in Kia action bv the end The bride was beautituliy few essons, every year, in me uiiimuii.ui..a uv..,,. ft it weeh int? thVOMo KOwned in white satin, and car- way of fines, to cause a cessat on at the home of Mr and Mrs. wound up the firstof the week. .tion8. frienJa " 3 r'Pe- , . . ?S Pres. Clnirch. officiating, uri... .....tin n ira cream 0nlY ,at'yc9 ani.c")Sy. e ThP Prohib tion picnic held so why noTget it at a modern, .tjjnded. nose wj. was attended by John c Ruchanan ha3 entercd up-to-date fountain where the Thur8ton, Harley delegations iron, all s 'os f HtHe j c B ... i. k.nt in RAn tarv wells. ru.ri?,n.'. . o:.V 'w;:iii the eountv. and the court house . ,, nna rn h Sniom a 1111 L C aiiAU l'VV a v " ' nrarnru i rair races. n o the glass b, ni: S l, was well-filled when the .rvmima That's the kind of 'V," n W MeAllen: were holding forth, ine women V0linff8t er ig coinjr fine, and is fni.nta.n you will find at Koeber's. i . nrnes. M Westfall. brought basket ainnera, n - . inst " ..a a... om!. nf Pnrt. V'Tu'LT".! Wae-Misses M visitors enjoyed tnetr luncneon . . . jn tne Northwest . ur I." 7ki at nf th "."" :rh;mo. v Kanks: in under me irees. Buchanan's many friends m land, were . , : r ree. co. ! ... , -;,"p . . carnivai also brought quite a Dig Wftahintrton county hope his Hopmert were horge wil, come under the wire a ad. Fred Woodcock, Grove, has entered a purse siuuu. ine some ot tne ; ek, gues s of their son, Dr. E. Messrs Harry Barnes. F.verett earntva. '517 n Smith. The visitors depart- verl Bnd Vern Prickett, Carroll f.Tt0o S : ed Saturday for a trip back to Day. n i 'e barometer so I I 1 m all points, waicning .ine , th h , barometer soaring skyward ;fnforest Grc ,ss . c t in.hninrq For Sale: Five brood sows, all -quite a paradox, inaeea. wnn couple of horses for the week at Km Hft e Several incubators i rur omc. i nd (Vt. iwhih t on working against the .f, .V L "i- utt mnkea. J. w liner wiw ",r ; .7 : ... " ..v Hofi- "' "t"' . . . ... a.m'l,s' rTat Wilkes' 15.-M r'ro nia ;i;J Lewis Powers, of Leisyville, placrsouth of City Park. HiUs-of Reedv.I.e. 1 was a city visitor Monday. boro. 6" ONE CANNOT HELP BUT ADMIRE THE Waltham Watch IT is ic great railroad watch. It has won every gold medal offered in America from 1876 to 1911. It is the official watch of several governments. Here and abroad the Waltham is recognized as the highest type of time-piece. Tkat Is wky the Waltliam witch b our- lea.ler. Complete assortments ol all gradrsi thin models ; plain or fancy cases. -Ifi Timt Yo Owned a Waltham Qaurel