The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, September 18, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 26
. 'i.. ...t ln.lvv lor
,.rit' .
K,.h.i ,""
i- I I T..
C !..n:i. w:H li't aii'l in-
." Um-U Sunday morn-
I I,,. in ir.l ri-r i n rancher.
the city.
y.t iln u inn in-ur the S. I'.
raur .a l .1- l't. U'" without
t'K 'la;. 1' -r iiUnc Ihe l-fl c)
Km-a I i revolver into tin
Lr I -tailed nny. Il
rjiiirl.t I'v iiVNiaii'im nno
, u,i r t- tin- hlnTilf. linn-
. . . I . I - ....... I
fri'in l i family. I ncri i
l.i U- mi m!or In tin' Htllte-
I. ,.u! lli'- I'aiv fuel that
l..r x ii l:imi-'l !V Mr.
ken in a livoiTf can, miinr
Is lif riMtn-l nut nflT-
Vvl.c !.'M rirrtiit cmirt in tliin
tU tA' -nly :ir? ami omre
an, I - - . I 1 at lh lamou
tth.M S.mdv Oiil wm at
l ;ir i l j t -t ! niiHwrring tin
'. of killing I. mil HcIkT, a
'inn! rambler.
fu y i r ' munli n-r is not hul-
t, in I.h iiiitul. ami Ki-yi-rul
i tin-re had l mi talk of in-
nlnn him in an utvlutn.
t . .a ' .
int. Man . ii says n i ni in
Dt all. but thai In i niinply
uiiik'. S!n' Male- that he ha
h.ientiy threatened t kill, with whom nln wiy hIic
r Mi-'t-.r, excepting when (die
f l . I ,,,, l.i i... I I.iiii In tin.
ft- tin- i':iT- in tlu divorce
That washi-vcral year ago.
amen tired tlifft fthtit into
ir, tin- I'm- which ended hi
inn- in tin lui-ast, anil oik
it rit-'ht arm.
11 'HI lc S Al t;
li' Uthl. r -.lIH'i I W ill Mi'll at tlu
Wi'sl.'v I'linlin iaci, 1 miU
t of I'.aiik, ttu follow inif ilf-iIh-.
proiirty, lMi.iniiinf at
a. in . on
ay inari-. 12 yntr hl, weight
INI iuiiimiLj u ill ii-uru !ii.v
iv; r. Ii. ;'! of row. k ra.i.'.l
tisrs. .soiui' IiTHh. halunft'
li hv I im.' of Hah': MiCor-
li.-k hiiuh r. hay rake, fanning
, plat form Hrnli, all kikhI m
lAimowiT, rcoviiiK hay rak.
Isi' plo.v, as kimkI a- iuw; Oliyer
illi' l wnlkimr plow, 1 1 inch;
y rack, ilrau harrow, wmNlcn
Hi'l i"' .I U r. wairon, new rart. ft
fciihl.' harin'ss. milk rart. sow-
is' inachini', ilinin tahli', 2
ti'lu-n tahli'n. fiiplHtanl, lonnvri.
ln'ihitcaiK win iM'ilHprinirs.
kmc milk raiiM, 2 nmall Htaniln,
HiitiiiK Move, 2 riM'kim: chain',
Li. i ..I. . a. i i. .....I .....i i..t ..r iinitiiif
' -i'i ii' in.iuii n'l, ... j..i.s
liii ki iiM; hoiih w heat ami natrt,
ill nuiiirniiis ill her nrticlt'H.
I.uin h al iiiHin.
Terms t.f Sale All HiiniHof $10
Juil uti.l. r. cash; nil over $10, X
imths time, at S per cent, nn
hiprnve.1 notes. A (liHrniint of
l r cent, for cash on nmoiints
I. .1. KoltcrK Owner.
'I. W. lliinheM, Auctioneer,
tlo Calloway, Clerk.
Allan. P.eil. nf Centerville, wart
I'i town the last of the week.
i Miss Stella Smith, of rurtlatul,
pas the Kuetof MiHrtl)iml''(Mnl,
I A. I,. Holcnmh niul vif of
J'l'tlianv. were in the citv Silt
W. C. .Jackson, of North l'lain,
was over to llillslmro Saturday
Not Iff 1J
last half of the (axon when' half
payment has been math' for the
h'VV tin Hie I'll'1 ttiv.rnll is now
liic ami pavahle In fore tho first
Mniulay in October, HH.l, which
Haii date is Oelo im ('. ami in
'"hc of (lelininiency after that
'ate the law n.i mires n nenaltV
of 10 iter i'i, nf of uiiiil nimaiil
tax ami interest chargo of one
P'reent. pet month until Buch
laxes have been paid.
I ll1 l.'.lll'OU
ill lli invn.'i,
Slieriir nml Tax Collector for
Washington Count, Oregon.
l) nt li;n. I...H,. inih
Smn neuk thief ent. r. il Ihe
hoine of lhiiiul.1 M. -IihI. Iriilay
fteritiHin. htiii Htoltf t i ten .h.l
lar troll pu ci-s. u iliamoiel rin.
ami u pair of culf l.utloiiM. Sh. r
ilT K.eviii was notitieil un, went
til the IxtUAt. where he folirul a
bicycle left y the burglar. I'p
on iiiveMtiifttion the Sin rilf foiiml
that the fellow hail r. ,f
wheel trotn the Ha.skell Khop,
payintf hmi fifty cent fur it. No
truce of the man was foiin.l. al
thout'h a party Utanleil the eve
ninif train at Cornelius, panl Ins
fare t 1'nrtlaml, umi left the
ele tric car Hoinewhere between
ItilUboro and Ninth Strut, ho
the roruluctor ttail. The thief
probably Haw the Slu nlf t' t n
the t rum at llil!nhm. ami con
clit'letl to K'et otf ami avoi ur
reMt. It is apparent that the
party must have known Home
thinif alut the muiiev in the
hoiiMe, altho'lk'h a htrunk'er to
the Haskell nhup H-ople.
1 relireselit Spirilla corseU
not mil 1 1 in Ktn h. Will call at
botne! on re'P'i'Ht. ami tin the
fittintf. and teaeh how to adjust
and wear the cornet. Our tailor
ed made lo-ineumiro corsets, in
cludmtf the latest front hu e, w ith
an exM-rieiu ed corsetier wrvice,
cost no mure than hih class cor
dels purchased in utores. Mrs.
M. K Candle. hfth
and Jackson Streets, I'hone No.
Ml .Mtf
Mr. and Mrs. Kufus Wat'tr-ner,
of Newjiort. were in the city the
fimt of Ihe week, truest 4 of their
daughter. Mr. O. 15. Catis.
They departed Tuesday for a trip
to their old home near I esMoines,
lwa. Mr. Watrtfener has not
U-en back to the old state for In
tears, and he anticipates an en
joyable visit. He chose this sea
son of the year when the but
ternuts and hickory nuts are
ri'wnintf. and there are no hot
days nr warm nights to make
thiiik'S uncomfortable, and if he
can't M back to Uiyhnod at this
season of the yar it will not Ik
his fault. Miss Wilma Watrire
ner, of Albany College, was hen
Sunday to visit them Iteforo their
departure Hast,
Will sell from fi to 10 acres.
with mat, new. m xlern house of
six rooms with bath. Plastered.
PiH.( for water and tras. One
mile from town. Perries and
yiMinjt fruit trees, ami 8,000
hlrawln-rry plant. Meal place
for chicken ranch, hest of rea-
sons for selling:. John Porker,
HillsUiro. Ore., Koute .'I. 21tf
Jake Milne is conk'ratuhitink'
himself on the fact that all his
K'rain is threshed, and. Is'sides.
he has ten tons of clover seed
ready for the market. If clover
runs as Mgh in uie.seeti uus
vear as it did last season, this
ten-ton lot will mean considera
ble money. T here are humireiW
upon hundreds of acres of clover
seed this season, and the scarcity
of clover hullcrs makes it rather
hard on the prtxlucers. Ihe
hullcrs can not as a rule U'trin
threshintr until alstut ten o'clock,
and they must close dow n at five.
Hire' weeks or run win
. il .
not more than Clean up ine
Washington (ounty crop, this
year, ami even then some will
not tret their crop hulled.
If you want a rane that lieats
the world for the money, call on
David Corwin, Pank Annex
Puildintr. and see his Quality
IJantres. all the way from $25 to
These are the Ik-si ranges
ever placed on the marivei in
Hiltslstro. I'all m and Bee them.
Threshinir nuichim a are not ns
nninenius this seastn. several of
the older ones beintf out of com
mission. This has made tnresn
imt a Blow proiswition this year,
.ml us the straw was very lontr.
...n.'hines could not be crowded
as in the past.
I 'or Hale: Number of Rrade
I'.ifuumU luicks. vearlinirs in
February and March next, out of
Keiristered Bire.--U. J. Schwanke,
near SchielTelin Station, Corneli
us, Ore., Koute 1. Telephoned.
15, HlllstKiro. "
W. N. Ilathorn, of Laurel, was
in the city Saturday. He said the
small yards over that way had
finished, and that the lareronea
were due to wind up the lirat of
the week.
I saw cord wood, poles up to 12
i.w.iw.a in diameter, fence rails,
and iMMirds of all kinds, into
stovewood lengths. Will go into
I l..t ittinl lV. Write, nhone or
call on me.-Carl Skow, llillsbo.
ro. Phone, Citv 14(.
Miss Kva Weatherred, stenoR--....i,H
in thfl M. L. Pipe9 law
nir....s. Portland, concluded her
vacation Saturday, and is ntrain
at her desk.
ia.- Calo Kcesh milk cows,
1' ill kiw. - - - , . ,
ti....i f irrv-1 cows from which
-( II. Eoler. Iowa Hill,
... r1.niiiiu Route 2 six miles
III VUiii , nn
south of Cornelius.
W'm Well knuMii at On-iuo,
V her lir Wurkril l..r Nurs ry C.
Ill Alt r WAS B.Ck l TISMSstl
WriiK Put ShiHl Tune IWIi.rc iKalh.
Tilliif ul Kclurn llupi-
Many jM-ople in Hillslmr-i a ill n
memUr William 0..1orrie, an
nrchardist who worked at Or n
co Home years ao. fur the tiur-w-ry,
later trointr to Mi'Mit.nviile
and takintr charge of the St.
Jin Orchards 'Tracts fur a land
ed rorniauy. 11. was a'r I 71
years, and had always enjoyi d
fair health. One day la.-t we.-k
Mr. Oslmrne was tuttm;? in t'ne
Oixon Carai.'e, at Mi M rmviile,
waiting' for an auto to start for
Pried well. He was noticed to
reel in his chair, and friends
rushed to where he was sitting,
only to lirul the old tfentl. -man
had passed away.
He came to Oregon from Ken
tucky alxiut ten years airo. lie
made his home in Memphis.
Term., when a youn man, ami
liis.wife and two children had
passed lie fore he came We.-t. !!'
always lalkedof returnintr to the
Sunny South, and a short time
Is fore he died he wmte a letter
to the editor of the T elephul.e
IJetrister, in which were tin fol
lowing lines:
Some I lay
I am (f..ui(( I'nck In linn- lnrr mi
lirait ll rvr r l.i-rtl,
Whrir llir iiiihLiiik I.ii.I i :. n iiu: i"
tltr linnr mi. li It v n.r,
"Nrlli llir in.l. l (Ik-rll n;.-. ju-nr
lliv hlttifttlrrl (i'i I Sic ktlrlli,
Wlinr I lit- mtallntt III. lr lil.l.I III
III llir tunny ir . I.n, lit.
Ami tl.f funl lirtlUn .lionr a ul j;iiiI-
nihl -
Vr, I am K"t"k' ' k I" I'm. In lay in
iiM iHinrt tllric.
Wlirie my (nlai atnl mv Inn It.
Irrp t attrrl in lii- f .n
I am K')Hit lat k to I i - wlirn my mk
out linr l il. nr -I
am K"l"l! '"" k t' 1 'i if, tlu-ir in inert
llir "rllili aun."
AtCIION sm i:
The undersigned will sell at pul
lic auction at his Farm, the old
). M. Mclnnis place. 1 mile C.of
Farniintrton, and l! miles South
of Keedville, at 10 a. m. on
Mare. 11 vrs, 1:100. with colt at
side sired by Potfe Pelurian horse;
filly, 2 yrs old. out of Potre sue;
horse, llyrs. Plo.. 2 cows, trrade
llolstein and one a
in milk, coinini: fresh in January
and February; brood sow with a
litter nt side. 2 11 in plows, jrar-
en plow, disc harrow, sprinn-
tooth harrow, 2 spiketooth har
rows. 2 cultivators, land roller.
Milwaukie 5-ft mower, 1 hand
lunin hnvrake. PeLaval cream Paln'mk milk and
cream tester; Push ford wayron.
hayrack, II dozen chickens. 2 sets
dhl work harness, one irooil as
new; set hack harness, 2 sets of
sinirle harness, top Iniirry, fair
shape; 2-seat hack, pnul as new;
houschohl ami kitchen inrnuure,
farm UkiIs and numerous other
articles. Lunch at noon.
Terms ot Sale - $10 and under,
cash; over $10. 8 months' time,
bankable note, at S per cent.
bl Olson, owner.
P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
i ll. F.pler. of Iowa Hi
in town Saturday.
T. P. lexxlin. of West I'nion.
was i'i I he city Saturday morning,
A. ll rihon, of Cornelius, was
do a n to the city F riday.
Jos. Milhr, of alnve North
Plains, w as in the city Saturday.
P. A. Kalsch. of dales Creek,
was down to the city Iriilay.
pit.r CroHen. of Helvetia,
w as in tow n the lastof the week.
Fred Coetze, of aUve Ploom
in. was a city caller Saturday.
J. C. Pechen and wife, of be
yond Orenco. were in the city
Alfred 1 Icy wood, of Oak I'ark,
was over town Friday, irrettinjt
C. V. Allen, of Iteaverton. was
in town Saturday. To meet his
brother, Floyd, of Forest Crove.
John D. Km h, of south of (!jr
neiius. was a city visitor Satur
day. Pobt. Kobinson. the Farming
ton oldtirner, was transacting
business in town Saturday.
Walt Taylor has been cnatred
in puttintr in water supply sys
tems for residents of Aloha.
For sale, cheap for rash, 10
fiad corrugated iron roller, tel
escope fra-u. inaWoml. 8-tf
Cot fried Sehlacfli, of alove
Mountaindale, was in the city
the last of the week.
bist I Hack dot?, curly, with
white breast Answers to name
of "Jack." Finder notify John
Me Fee, Laurel.
Jury in Judge Mciinn' Court at
I 'or I land Made Award Iriday
Lacal Mia (kli Lar(et Verdiil el lla
kind Ever Oivea ia Ihe Slate
This is to notify the Public that
Fire Policies Nos. 501 to 5.0 in
clusive of the Aurency of the Na
tional Union Fire Ins. Co. of
Pittsbunr, Pa., have boon lost
or issued without tho authority
of the Company. Any persons
holding these Policies will please
return same to tho Company at
Pittsburtr Pa., and should there
he any return premium duo tho
holder same will bo promptly paid
by the Company. In case of loss
claimed by any person or persons
ns holders of these policies the
company will deny nny or all lia
Stoned: National Union
Fire Ins. Co.
Py II. K. William.
Special njrent.
F. F. Kntoht. of Forest Grove,
was down to the county seat
Pen Thurnher and Toni Si nay.
of alove Ploominp, were in the
city Friday niorninjf, on business.
The (Jrand Marca is the most
wholesome "two for a quarter"
smoke on market made in Ore
gon, by K. Schiller. When you
indulge in a pood smoke buy a
Grand Marca. 12tf
J. S. Miller, of Scholls. was up
Sat unlay, lie says that all the
t'nreshinu is linshed in his imme
diate vicinity.
"Wo are atrain atrenls for the
famous HazelwiKxl Ice Cream,
and solicit your orders for brick
or bulk. KooUt's Confectionery
M. "stiirm Sr., of above Ploom
iuvr. was in the last of the week,
and stated that the jMitato crop
on the hills is troini? to lx? more
than fair.
Jas. A. Sewell, whosutTered a
broken ankle a few weeks atro,
was in the city Saturday, his
first trip since the accident.
K. A. Harrintrton, of ScoRtrin
Valley, who has been runninjr a
crew on the bit? piMi line, was
down Saturday, to see Supt.
For sale Several incubators
and brooders, latest makes. J
P. Adams, mar JaU'Z Wilkes'
place, south of City Park, Hills-
boro. otf
Fred Stetler. the irrape urowtr
of aUive Mountaindale, was in
town Friday mornintr. Fred
says that urapes are not a very
heavy crop this season.
When wanting an ice cream
soda, why ml trot it at a modern,
up-to-date lountam wnere me
syrup is kept in sanitary wells.
inimned into the irlass ly a sani
tarv pump. That's the kind of
fountain you w ill find at Koeber's
Kd. Wann went over to Pat
terson's. Saturday, to stay with
('has. Koontz. on a salmon fish
ini? expedition two or three days.
They returned luosday, laden
with jack salmon.
Mr. ami Mrs. T. U. Davis and
son. Thos. A., departed Satur
dav for a two weeks' stay at
Koekawav Poach, in the Davis
To Kxchange I have alwut
S:5.(r00 worth of business and
income property in Portland, Or.,
and o her giK)d pwpeny tnai
wish to exchange for a good val
lev I arm, or nusiness property ,
Washington County preferred
Address P. 0. Pox 333, Hillsbo
ro. Ore.
Cal. Jack Jr. arrived in last
week from an extended vacation
with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koontz,
over on the Salmonberry, at Bat
terson's. The twain caught
about 10 fine jack salmon a day
or so before Mr. Jack's return
and ho brought over 42 of the
beauties for distribution among
their friends.
For Sale - 1C0 acres, 12 miles
from North Plains; small cabin
barn, 2tx2l!; 15 acres cleared; 25
acres good timber: some shingle
cedar: 3 good springs; good cat
tie range; $500 down, balance 5
vears. -Joseph Miller, IJanks,
U. 3. . 26-8
Mail (Verier Van Kirk, on R. 1
Forest Crove. was in town Fri
day, en rou to home from a week
at Tillamook and on the IXeha'
lorn. He says that Thursday
last a big whale came in at the
bar nt the mouth of the Neha
lorn, and spouted around for
about a half-hour. The levia
tion came in the closest of any
of his tribe for many years.
Willis I). Hoag. of Hilisboro. was
given a verdict of $30,000 against
the Washington-Oregon Corora
tion, last Friday, for personal
injuries received July 23, 1012,
w hile working on the company's
power line at the Cornelius sub
station. Supt. Turner, Art Gil
more, V. J. Moon and W. I).
Hoag were fixint? up connections
to carry power westward from
Cornelius. Just alxiut quitting
time Moon went up one pole to
fasten a connection, and Hoag
climbed another to take up a
loose end, dangling downward.
In some manner, while handling
the wire. Hoag tangled it with
the X)wer wire that ran from the
high tension dow n into the sub
station, and he received ten
thousand volts.
He was badly burned about the
leg, arms and body, and for
many days was confined to the
room. Moon was also badly
burned, but fortunately the
shock struck a rib, just below
the heart A quarter of an inch
more and Moon would have been
killed. Hoag was paid over a
thousand dollars by the company
f( r surgeon's bills, nurse hire
and medicine, and this, on top of
the verdict, will make it cost the
company over I31.0O0. Hoag
sued for $35,000. A. 11 Clark,
a Portland attorney, was counsel
for Hoag, and he was assisted by
ioseoe Hunt, a classmate of W.
G. Hare, of Hilisboro.
Hoag s lawyers contended that
loag was not an experienced
man and snouid not nave been
sent up on the line. It is said
that Moon told Hoag to go up
and make the connection, while
he would go to the other pole.
The plaintitT's attorneys con
tended there was no danger
where Moon went, but the fact
that he was also burned shows
that either place was dangerous.
Moon still Aorks for the com-
nanv. wnne uoag nas worKeu
nit little since the accident, lie i
still limps, and otherwise shows
the results of the burns.
Hoag is a son-in-layv of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Ployd, of
South Hilisboro. He has a wife
and three children. He has al
ways been a sober, industrious
young man. and stands well in
the community.
The com nan v will anneal the
case, but in affairs of this kind
in the state of Oregon, under the
aw, here is little chance for a
reversal. The case was tried
wfore Judge McGinn.
If you don't want to come to town, just phone yonr
order m and it will ic promptly attended to as if you
called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders
and you can jct a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
Kexall liemedies by Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store
Are You Thinking
Of opcuing a Banh Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
n a x k
i i
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks and a J
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
taxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courteousty received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier.
American National Bank
Main and Third, HillsborOt
at m :m a v m m m -
mi il
The undersigned will sell at auc
tion sale at the Anthony longue
arm. 1 mile northwest of North
Plains, at 10 a. m., on
Four head horses. 1.000 to 1100,
good work animals; 5 cows, all
in milk, fresh next February and
March, all good milkers; yearling
heifer, fresh in February; grade
yearling llolstein bull. 5 Spring
calves. 21 shoats. 80 to ltX) lbs. ;
Mitchell 3-inch wagon, buck board
Oeering binder, fair repair; Van
Brunt 12-disc drill, new; disc
narrow, soringtooth harrow, one
spike harrow, 2 16-in steel beam
plows, one new; cultivator; 6
sets dbl work harness; saddle,
household and kitchen furniture,
farm tools and numerous other
articles. Lunch at noon.
Terms $10 and under, cash;
over, 6 months bankable note, at
8 per cent, interest
K. U. Hoberg, owner.
B. P. Cornelius, auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Pres. McDonald, of the Oregon
Nursery, was in town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Vandehey,
of Centerville, were in the city
Ernest Herr, a former Seghers
resident, now of Cornelius, was
in town Saturday morning.
Death to headaches glasses
fitted by Drs. Ixiwe & Turner.
Consult them.
John Seifert, of Phillips, was
in Saturday, and says the thresh
ers were just starting in on the
hill ctods the last of the week
At that time they had about
fourteen days more work to
American National Bank
(affiliated ranks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Danhing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Poxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits.
A New
My price for a new mainspring carefully
and properly fitted lo your watch is $t.
I use only the Best springs made, and
guarantee them for one year. If a spring
I put in breaks within that time I replact
it without further cost to you. You'll find
that my mainsprings, plus my service, are ,
well worth what they cost. 1
t r1
ay or September, 1913,