The JnllLLSBR HILLSBORO, OREGON, SKPTKMBKR 4. 1913 NO. 24 OL. X IG CORPORATIOIIS NT i r . tiurn .. jSETE . i 'l,Linh I 1mm I ... .,1.1 IrUrll'MWtolMP-WM wii ft. .... 1.. ....... .1 r iiuiiiiiirn nave iric im- reunion that the on aeason for 'hitlrtt tllf UKBlit.1 mil.. ......... fit TIYf Cpeptember Jjj. ThiW not thr Ul IHALU 'wt. The law mvi the i.-n eain tor male ( limine phea ant, amity or blue irrMie, ruf- nei grouse or native pin-man t in from tk t 1 to (let 31. ami that five to the limit for one da v. ami ten the limit during Revt-n conitecutive daya. So do not ml that ahotgttn U fore (K toU-r I I'mparlUa ! kw Hirda are plentiful thin Fall, and Ihere will lie enough for every luxly who enjoy a the Hrt I represent Spirella rorseU not aold WESIFALL WORKING FOR A HUE EXHIBIT EOUALIZATIQH RHHRI) If T 7 m w m w Willie ASDUVII ASM SSI 0 ,1, 1 turn a I Var Bata Want llill.horu to Send In an In dividual IHpUy. State l air S4VS wE HAVE M CI SS4SV MOWOS CMMM-nlaJ Club A.kc.1 la TaU Mil- Irr of li.aibil ai (foe hi I' l"IMI1 ' ' v tuna d"'K I'"''"' ,n Uth 'f l"tal u mo,H,y "'I wear the on t. Our tailor 1 .. .f n nirikiiitf ioinrai u eu maje uvmea-siire conwu. In- I . i.-n railway eluding the latral f rout luce, witli f i .t fr..m n.r-ln ,l",rienced rorxetier m-rviee. ..,. -re a.ase.1 .1 from Ih re I V,iw. ih.Hatui .loiiomi-T miir. ,,urt.nttJtw j gtonn. Mr . I .. I ... ...... I I hM KririMI. I I." I' II. Iltll. I !.. touUnit ten thoiwand er ami Jackaon Street. Phone No, .... I'.UI r.. t.. h,ti the law placed the "'u ,al,ing of uUialioini of thin Samuel (Jraf. t'rwin Hitter and . i. .1 .i - ..ii..l John Meier, llt-thmnv anil Atfnxl V,x l.ur l. '"d Wi commiMion I . .i I. . . . .. M I nt htd I iiiuliU. , Hie of the Smthern la .. .. i i- r. tilu- l oruuti'i. i.iiki'ih' i.4w F II ' . 11 th li eiii-rn i' moil ami u-i- k,ho!i.' r.niii;liiU-, will ! valueI r l:i iireea ni over two I II .... I. .. ...B..H. f f. H pillll'Hi il"! on no- " k ill I In- ntsiiwaiiie .rteriy " . . i i ..; ..i. Iliivk lil'-'l rr;u iim i-r rigiii-ii Bullion, and thw inakea rormra tun laxi-x aTai!e one t-nth In- total r. .11. (inly a f-um aw'" l alitor km wan us-"-iinif railway rtij I. Il Vl'.Miir-.ll ..r r. Will call al .. home on noiueHL and do the ri,y '"'lay. Inokinjr over fitting, and tearh how to adiiiMt " ""ditionH an u a potiHible ntaU tair exliilut from IlillsUiro, aa wi-ll as for the county at lare. Mr. Wentfall in old in the matter of county disjilayH. and he is re ceiving Koine financial aid from the cout.ty board, and if he does not w in Home money by reason of hi.s dhowinir it w ill not be his fault He wa.i uj Friday bi Ke' if the llillsboru (lommercial ('lub would not cooMrate with him. and nend to Salem an exhibit of all kind of irrains and irrassea. a well an wimples of ail kinds of veKetables and fruits, lie h tales that he will "buiicli" the llills Imm exhibit ho that it w ill lie by itself in mull a way as to draw attention to the showing, and in of a at iiueriM-r. oi Helvetia, were in the city the last of the week, meeting as adjusters of the Hen ry (!. ('-aniens barn loss, at Koy, and the policy of $ITiO was paid. Ihe (lertnan Mutual r ire Insur ance Association, wliich these Kentlenien represent, and which in a Washington (xiunty institu tion, now carrie over a million . I . . 1 1 m M im 1 U 1 1 k .... uwimia in iiiiiuifluir, i . 111 Iiiiiii niaiuiiT ne ways u woum uo a world of eood for the common- with neat new, nralern house of jty. Mr. Wintfall has had much su moms with bath. Ilastereil. sucoiisin irettinif tin disnlavs for riH for water and iras. One tbe state fair, ami k'ot on the in- mile from town. It'rrit and side of the money last year, younir fruit tn-es, and K.tXK) without any financial assistance fcrtiessl t. n and twelve th.Klsand htrr,rry l"w- . Hollars i r mile, winie urejron ""-' ,- ' , Cas I'linnir valuations at l.h'n for im-ling -John lker hn on.-half the .Southern lu""in'' "rv- ,kUUW Saturday was certainly one of the crowded days in Hillsboro. for ik-onn of hop pickers landed here irom i'oruanj. learns were in from the country, taking them out to the hopyards, and all forenoon teams and an ton had a hard time, driving under slow bell, in order to get through the tangle. It looked good. IhHimii'IiI. I't HI lw SAI.IJ alie iiiiil.'rsiv'ned will sell at the fclil Vi-l. y I'urdin place, 1 mile kist of I'. iiAs. the following de-W-ritH.I pn.H-rty, U'ginning at 0 a. in . on MONHAY. SF.rrF.MHKK '1 . a i .my m;ure, l yeam inn, weigni ii -mii'h. will work any .lace; i bead of cows, graded erses, some fresh, balance resh by tune of sale; .Mclur- link binder, hay rake, fanning mil. platform scales, all good as v,'r lew ; mimiT, revolving hay rake, Wih' plow, ns i'ixhI as new; Oliver R-liilled walking plow, H Inch; juiy rack, ilr;ig harrow, wmnlen flaiid roller, wagon, new cart net hlmilile hainess. milk cart WW i,,,, ., I,.,.. ,IJ,,i,,,r tnl.h, ' iiik III.,. Hill. , lulling , to kitchen tables, cupboard, lounge, !l liedsteads. wire liedsprings, home milk cans. 2 small stands. liciitniL' stove. 2 rocking chairs. i iio.en olil hens and lot til young elm kens; some wheat and oats, ftinl numerous other article. t.uncli at noon. Terms of Sale All sums of $10 and under, cash; all over $10, 8 months' time, ul 8 tier rent, on whatever. This year he will have a little help, and if he draws down anything he must reimburse the county for their help. In going over the agricultural districts, Mr. Westfall says he has never U-fore w itnessed such a chance for an exhibit that w ill lie an eye-oiencr to those who visit the annual state fair. He slates that grains and grasses cannot U beaten, and all that it wants is care. If Washington ('.ountv could have given him If you want a range that leats fr-w wilh whjch i0 make a show- the world for the money, call on jnt R. has no doubt whatever David Uirwm, Hank Annex i,ui what he could have nulled Ituilding. ami ee his uuamy Mown the first i.nze. Ilange. all the way from $25 to All articles and products ship- $.Vi. Thi'se are the liest ranges ,HHi to Salem have transinirtation plactnl on the market in rni both wavs, and Mr. West- HillsUiro. I -all in and nee them. I Tamil w ill then ship them to the ti... -..i n,.;i rarri..M .nmv. county fair at Forest drove, iliv iuiii ibiiiii, "J" J l ,, .. . . i ii . . i- . ft i ... i i -i i ivnuh niniin ijimiv Rnnoiii ej a iionaay, oionuay, ijusir . ii... i-.;n., ih. ,,in lint, have a tine exiuoii ai alem pickers were busy, however, every year. It has already cap kmrnimr no vacation, and hun-U" hrst prize, and with con- .lr...u .i.ri...l work or holiday, certed actum it could make good s thev wished to term it '"' recurring year, Found, by J. H. Dorland, of Shady Hrook. lieyond North rlains. gold-tilled, otien lacetl man'a watch. Owner please call The undersigned will sell at pub at Argus office, pay adv., etc, i;.. auction at his Farm, the old prove property, and take same h). M. Mclnnis place, 1 mile h.of awav. Karminglon. aim j nines rnium Fred rritzlalT, of Calos Creek, of Keedville, at 10 a. m. on was a city visitor last wwk. FRIDAY. SKI T. 26 I'l'lUJC S.M.I; apjirove.1 notes. A discount of t ritx wm one of the pionw-r ma- M n ym with colt at 2 it cent, for cash on amounts chinwy men of 1 orlland, when sUle sim by lloge Belgian horse; over $10. Ihe Geo. 1 . Frank tympany sold ()f inf. .1. J. Roberts. Owner. frm implements all over the ho0 yr3f 2 cows, grade J. W. Hughes. Auctionwr. DttotJalloway, ClVrk. owi ikin i:i.i:ctkic TWAINS Northwest I saw cord wood, poles up to 12 Holstcin and one a ( in milk, coming fresh in January To Portland fi:21 inches in diameter, fence railiUam February; brood sow with a ami boaras oi an mnns, uo i;tler side. 2 14-in plows, gar den plow, disc harrow, spnng- ti:.rill K:l."i ,10; HI !l:l'J .'I:W IM.-i'. '.!..'..'.'... Kill. !);i.H m Kroin Portland -7: IS !l:07 ''".' ii: ; ..; '2:28. 4;IS 6:21 ... 7::W .'. ' ,, 12::I0 V.'. a m a m a m stovewood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, phone or tivit h harrow .2 spiketooth har call on me. Carl Skow, Hitlsli- M,W!l cultivators, land roller ro. i'hone, Citv 146. Milwaukie 5 ft mower, 1 hand 1 1 ilimin havrake. Detaval cream ill f sou miii mi cvn i - . ... i separator, new naiK-ot imm mm iwt cream tester: Kusnioru wagon, P m Portland, after spending the nay racn, . u n. - .no worn iiiii oi-n. win- k"'" " . . ... o-j l ni, i0hW n.ui ? set hack harness. sets o : opnng.UI ,llr..v . ..... ..... m faif a a nrwaa i ! rmivi'a nil liml. j i hou Three steel ranges for cost, to Qh " . .,., i,,K.k .f(HKi Hs new make room for a renter who . . . , ... kitchen furniture m moves Into the building adjoin- .m nn.i numerous othe .amiiniT mv hardware atore. Come I ........ i ...... i, im j i nrniMi's. iiinu u i ii''i4. atninoirk if von want a bargain. ... uui., -tio onil under. i - I leriliai'i infti s'.' .. I ( .or win. uoi,. lll X months time, Pml It of lttaverton. was in I i..nklil. nole. at 8 tier cent town Saturday. Mr. Ms will Kd Olson, owner. uxnn atart a camDaitfn for the In v Cornelius. Auctioneer. elimination of anthracnose, one ' j0hn Vanderwal. Clerk pm pm pm Hop l.UYKR l.UMHKK BAWIAIN SAtG am of the worst of enemies of the well-groomed orchard. If van haven't seen our stock J ..J.. mull 111 I k hOITJlin ivcs ev. Hot uni.ii.nn ,!..! It ary-gouuB, iwnia in a..u v nveareiiuvii K " .It T X liX llll IIWII UL'DI I I.I 111 . . E.... ...a.M lli.k fftin.l t t, has opened an ollice u wtairs V we mBy Ii?VB w,,Bl u' V sale i ii... . 1 'no"'' upstairs hadn't Ymi never can te II. .i "llll' I hOuitVl Mn nnn II..JI.4 VIOHP'V" - lOII'l '. -i"!!.'! ii n on ice upsiairs i ia Vn th" Hillsboro National Build-1 et?,h L Yo . " thrt Kuratli Heal Kstate t " in '"ce, wlu-re he will lie glad to mwt all bopgrowers. Highest market price. Call and see in. 23.6 Miss I-Vm uoW,S( 9ecretary to esi , is now on her vaca v?"; w" visited her parents at mainstor the week. ii .. . Ani'i ' farming the A hony Tongue, beyond North w m tno city Monday. H. M. Klinnn f .. 1.1 I hnnS.,n dly the last Zt , " v , i i, 1' 1 r ,...,.,,,. . .-. . i " ' -. h , i, i ge i .. t. : ar -" ; .;" ';' ' gi ' - ;;. . " BhI - - . kef -).r. of rustic. Mooring, ceiling finished lumber. We wish . i . ta-ruuwt'e this to mane room iui er s run. tkiine amt see op us a line, before buy w here. The mill is lo- i 1 Af linn. Ivo miles west oi Hiao- the P. It N and a reach us at Manning, linger L?ros. Lumber Co., ir, ore, 4"j " ihl, of Oak Park, brought tinti corn. siamiuiK ij over in heighth, the last eek. It is carrying some bl nir ears, ana is on c the Kuratli real esiuie Hop ajloves at Greer's. 22-3 J. II. Imlay. the KeHville ware- louse man, was in luwn rnday. Iieonard Van Lorn, of (Jreen- ille, was in tow n Friday. J. II. Dorland. of Shadv Jnxik. was in the city. Saturday. Kd. Olsen. of near Farming- ton, was in the city Monday. J.J. Ingram, of Farmington. as a city caller Friday after noon. H. Tolier. of Mow Newton, as in Friday, taking out nickers for his yard. Judde McCahey, working in a ogging camp at (jaston. was in town the last of the week. H. M. Iiasford. of near Farm ington, transacted business in town the last of the week. Julius Wcisenbeck and wife. f Keedville. were in the county seat Friday. Sam OrndulT, of lieyond lau rel, was in the city the last of le week. John Seifert, of Phillips, was own to the county seat the last t the week. J. W. Vandervelden. of Roy, as down to the county seat rtday morning. For sale, cheap for cash, 10 foot corrugated iron roller, tel- ittcope f rare. Zina Wood. 8-tf J. W.White, of above Man ning, was in the city Saturday, on business at the court house. New five-room bungalow for rent or Bale. Sacrifice. Terms. Dunning-Frentzel Lumber Co. Miss Margaret Hancock, of 'orest Grove, returned Tuesday, after a Summer stay at Gearhart Our line of sweaters have ar rived. Come in and see them, thev are all right Greer's. 25 Thos. Bellinger ami wife and Wm. Bellinger were dow n from 'orest Grove the last of the week. H. Iluntemann, widely known as a grower of fine peaches on favorable years, was in from Cornelius, Saturday. C. N. McPherson and Jasper iener were in irom oeyona North Plains. Monday. Keffer says this is the best crop within his memory. Frank T. Sanders, of San Fran Cisco. i,ai., was in me city tne last of the week, the guest of lenry Delsman. He was a for mer resident ot itllamook. Dr. Linklater brought his fam- ly in from the Balkans, 'above Mountaindale, last Thursday. They have been in the hills above Mountaindale since early in the Summer. Thos. McKenzie, of Cornelius, was in tow n Saturdry. He states that his father, Donald McKen zie, aged 91 years, has been con siderably indisposed for several weeks. For sale: Number of grade Cotswold bucks, yearlings in February and March next, out of Registered sire.-K. J. Schwanke, near SchietTelin Station, Corneli us, Ore.. Route 1. Telephone C. 15. Hillsboro. 24-6 F. Peterson, of Bacona, was in town Saturday. He says his school district commenced an eight months school on the 25th. They begin early up there be cause oi tne neavy snows, so that if necessary they can close school during the worst storms last Winter they had only tour feet of the beautiful. Chas. F. McFadden, formerly of Perioa, 111., has opened a cigar factory in the Hillsboro National Hank block, upstairs, and wil endeavor to give the local trade cigars that will stand the acid test, lb' has a great deal ot experience at the trade, and says that lie win give nis patrons a square ueai. ms swjck oi to baccos reached tne city the last of the week, and Mr. McFadden is getting ready for the trade, Hillsboro and Portland auto drivers who have not driven over the Gerniantown road have ov erlooked one of the picturesque stretches having no equal in all the Northwest One can leave the heart of Portland, and have a boulevard to Linnton, where a splendid rock road winds Into the mountains, wun scores ot sharp turns, and beauty of land scaoe. The mountain climb con tinues several nines ana an at once Washington County's valley bursts on the vision like a paint imr bv some old master, leaving an impression that will ever be with von. The macadam contin ...a to the J. J. Kuratli farm. near Phillips, and when you have finished the run you may well imagine you have motored into a scenic section oi tne aids. Will Adjust Ta Poll of Over Twenty Million! of Dollars ASSESSOR. JUDGE AMD CO. CUPk Tri Will HaveTi'l Before Tkcm. Bui Few arc Ibc Clungci Expected Assessor Max Crandall, County Judge D. li. Reasoner and Coun ty Clerk Kdw. C. Luce will, be ginning next Monday, sit in the ligh places as arbiters of the discird, omissions and corrections of the Washington County tax roll for the Year of Our Lord 1913. There are always from fifty to one hundred adjustments to be considered, for there are always inequalities in a tax roll never was there one that did not contain them. The loard will have ample time to look over all complaints, for the roll is fin ished earlier than usual this year. fhe county roll is now ready for adjustment but the corporation tax is yet to come, and as this is set by the state board, it is of no consequence so far as the local ollicials are concerned. Kach year there are many who come before the board of equali zation asking that they be cut down to compare w ith a neigh- xir's assessment or else the neighbor's values lie raised. Val ues this year are about the same as that of 1912. PUBLIC SALE The undersigned will sell at auc tion sale at the Anthony Tongue rarm, 1 mile northwest of North Plains, at 10 a. m.. on WEDNESDAY. SEPT. 21 Four head horses. 1,000 to 1 100, good work animals; 5 cows, all in milk, fresh next February and March, all good milkers; yearling heifer, fresh in February; grade yearling Holstein bull, 5 Spring calves, 23 shoats. 80 to 100 lbs. ; Mitchell 3-mch wagon, buck board Deenng binder, fair repair; Van- Brunt 12-disc drill, new; disc harrow, springtooth harrow, one spike harrow, 2 16-m steel beam plows, one new; cultivator: 3 sets dbl work harness; saddle, household and kitchen furniture. farm tools and numerous other articles. Lunch at noon. Terms $10 and under, cash; over, 6 months bankable note, at 8 per cent interest R. O. Hoberg, owner. B. P. Cornelius, auctioneer. John Vanderwal, Clerk. k ' ft Fl mrurro TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If you don't want to come to town, just phone your order in and it will be promptly attended to as if you called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders and you can j;ct a prescription made up very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and Rexall Remedies by Parcel Post Prepayed without extra charge. The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE tut x a mjavs JKyi Are You Thinking Copcuing a BanK Account rand to best business? t lxnod- American Nation JJ I w z 1 UNION STOCK YARDS Receipts for the week have been: Cattle. .2064: calves. 91: hogs, 820; sheep. 4096; horses. 1. The cattle market has had a decline and while not severe, it amounted to a quarter. Buyers could not be induced to pay over $8 for . any quantity of choicest steers. A few picked from the lot sold at higher prices, but the bulk was a $7 50 to $7 75 alTair. Half fat and poorly finished beef is a drug on the market unless of feeder quality. Desirable feed ers are selling freely $6 to $6.50. Butcher stock has been uneven, and prices ranged wide. Good cows at $7, and steers at $8, with bulls at $5 and calves at $9 are liberal quotations. The hog market is difficult to judge. One short car sold at $9- 60. Thursday.and one car of con tracted came in Friday. The best for the early week was $9 iO, What the market would do in the event a reasonable liquidation oc curred and buyers had a respect able hog spread is hard to con jecture. On the basis of majori ty of swine transactions the pri ces seem strong at 9 and 9 50 and demand firm. Mutton and lamb buyers fur nished the only interesting fea tures to the otherwise draggy week. Wether sales at 4 25. ewes at 3 85 and 4 and lambs at 5 25, created an active trade. Chas. Thomas and wife, of Richland Center, Wis., are guests at the J. A: Hobbs home, beyond Vatley. Mr. Thomas is making his hrst tour of the Pacific States, and he finds much to in terest him. He was a member of the Wisconsin Assembly in the eighties. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas will remain here several days. Wm. Mohr, of Oak Park, was in Saturday "Best crop I ever raised during my experience in Oregon," was his answer to the query on yield. BANK I I Private desks for writing your business letter; for drawing your thecks and a J big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for wc have all the modern conveniences. Jfoar patronage courteously received. V A. C. SnuTE, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier. American National Bank Main and Third, Hlllboro. rw. . x itittiztitixi:i SHDTE SAYINGS MB) American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 Banhing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit. Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. NATURE TALKS If Nature says, uwear false teeth," noth ing else will take their place. If she says, "wear a wig,' nothing else will suffice. Equally true is it, if she says, "Wear glasses,' that you must do so if you would see clearly and easily. Noth ing else will do. Delaying matters does not help youi eyes, your health, or your pocket. If uncertain whether your eyes are defective or not, consult LAUREL M. HOYT