fillLLS 0L'.oko, orkgon, atccst 2. 101.0, iNO.23 BR6 EWDUENT USI IS NOW BEING PUBLISHED mi I 1 . I -...I. 1.1.1 ll W UI I ma AIM IM'xIll i.i. 1.. la I'l.-bjlr AUiiua Ike i, imjuNt Null Vishan!"" ' ""' tt r t.i f'"" ,ur ,.t !,. the I lU't.TH l. t wick J U and in Ihe count) of. . 1 1.. 1 1 ill .Iiiiru Areim yon I'-'i" ' - L.J (I,,. ' A s I imeH, of I orent L 1 , . I. ,i-r 1 1. 1111 Slow. I 1 " 1 ' ' 1 I Ir. . .1, A- I II I ,r. f cal '. W" 1 I I , I. r 1,1, l,n, a-1-J "Vcr a column l" l'"' Ltll,., :. ! i. i tl.n tle-re an . . ... ;.. ..r..l.,.l V.'i-r.ii 1. in ' lliiih have t.tvc unpaid, and. y-ain, 1 1' ! l-oael.t in fr two or r,'- ..u or 1 n "".', Iir ki-. .1: 'I I.T which deeds urr tsi-. it. -mi the iHiiiilv. art u'so Llili l ' -I o.Mii ti of t li lax Vrli!!'1'"' c-'i ' i' I'ly until i,;ili!,r:it i"M i i'i;i-l' ami I ln-n . .1 1 .. 1 ... ...f I III lll'l ' ' I'l'-ni ill .1 l lillf iiit.r- t 1 hui '"' omrc tarn a an-i. ann evir -ir 41- I1.11 ' ' p their -1 1 1 1 i-r tn'l ' tent. I'lii- v'n ' r tli"ii of the Ii-iI, b-u-r,r--'!M-H ii'-iii Miuiii iracr s. (Lit li l.i , . I 1 .11 plat c. nil the ark.-1 It. I-1 I 'ii" itni, liny- i I, a , i- 1 li t ,1 -mad hum dow n V I.,! - li.-t paid i 1 1 taxes. i-c are ,'h.Ul III l,i- Uliliiilhl , , .. il l k , liiil Ihi-V nuilit . . 1 11. . ti iti 1 .1)! .. uinii. r rti u.i miiiis I .-r :n r .!. n l:iltrl ilrlin li. iit.t ;c 1 --I' -I . I Ik' I lii-liali-iii Inutil.iHi ( 1 ' 1 . i I ii tun n.-ar a haif 1 "i-imn. 11,11 1 .1 ij l!!V It I'.liV III It.f li :'. 1 1 , ' tin- I'lirtl.iiul inoun IriMili- at-- n; -i in - i l-ami II," U.i.i i Trai H Lai .v i ,it t. 1 ;(,; I r i I I'mji r tl r auii nilim-nt li tin- V n.i ii n l ran Ik- nivirti il l.-Hs n. an ;l i f lax. or (In' li I ti il.l li 1 . r i in i ri -I il l-afi imirr. irlr.-l ; i.f . in U.ct l'..r. I i ir hi 1 li.i'. r 1. nt U-.-n paiil. Vl ftiaii v 1. ilii-r p!al - urr in tin- in liv An-ilin r i-ar. if lli.-v nam .l-'iii..(iii-iit. Uu-h ill ul '.i mi Ilii- r..'l. !l I... 1 .1.1 .1.1, ...I, .. l. ...... .I'llM'J... H. I (I'll. I Jul amnwhts n J"l,li7'.t,!!2. Bniihl 'm;:". :i a-h rliH.-. last nr. As i!,i- tax for this -ur lift 1. li,. hi ;an, livm t tint 1 lu ir tin' Hinalli-r tlrlin- li nl ."Ml tihiiw- lip i little Jtt' J i'in.1,! mil ilian la t vt-ar. wlii-n aiiD t 1 It you that fill liiiii. nls an- iTi-ali-r tht-y rii'lit i.i.U in nuinl'cr, hot in r kiiiii lulal. At 1.111) SM i: k U I Farm Co, will 11 nt hiililu- sail- at llo'ir farm ItrriK iilf, at t-ii a, in, on SAH CHAY. SKIT. 'Jt i' t-. it. ' i-.-ii-.i sit,..! iv isli-n-,1 I'l'i'i-ln-roii: niiirf roll. rlinir, Nin- I liy r,(if,. lli'lK'ian fsr; Ini-yntitn: how.-i. with lit p at Mill-, ijkM , Ki-ll also; PAIUY COWS 11 ty four hrailof i?oo yoim M. with from L'ml to I'.r.l Hi" t all of thrill ilur to l tw.-cn Srnt. 1 ami Nov. il tln-;i' cowrt an' irnnh-il .h-r- H. k'ooil fair milkers, ami all K'fll; ihsr harrow. Di-eriiiu' (wi-r. l ii-iTinu hihih-r, 2 stivl mi 1- Hu h plow, : wimhI licam E 11 imh; '2 Ian. I piaster ''I'm. our to altarh lo wnuon uir otin-r atwo-whi't-l sower; power chninM-r. t'ii; ii I fin now: Yard ensilage cutlrr, new; fi- 1111 Kanlcn eultivator. ont'- p' '11111111 t art, sh-kh' L'l imler. harrow, ami nuiin'rotis I'T arlirh-s, at ixmiii. 'HllS of S:, lln.l.iH lll ami iivi'i- iv ii i, it 1 1 1 1 ' Pkahlc mile, at ,s .r t . ii. Mrl-.'ilowni'.v, Mitr. o- liuuheM, Am-lioneer. ' '" Shutt. Clerk. ' KillllNU ItUkfNS It Ak'N I'in.Irr storm visited iho Uoy mil, l.'in V.- IV. iiwl liefori' ''" '''flock in the morning, h holt of tiKlitninvr struck ll.'O'll ,0' II t i .i . t - ' i h iii y i ,. v.arMiens, ''".Vititf the striicturoin a few 'I'" Htrut-ture wan till r.lUl 'my and urain. un.l the 18 over .fl.fiOO. fur lino of uu ,i.,i.,..u i,.,,... h L I " "-'.nil lil 1111- lll- f"i I .nine in ami roo them. pre all riKht.-Croer'u. 115 rnty c:ierk I flirts., i- j eoast hree.ea and a f'KU III 1 he uii. ,,voi S!iiiirlnu I lo- x lil of m i;. ,:!.-. . i ... du-l July 1 villi lili d ,,, t ,, ,. t la-t wi- k. His v ulij a l:, . a j,,. oit r-hl m nil ,n fr. t t v . t.itf lorute 'r I i r. ar . l , Will lnaki-4 the fuIiu.M,,,. . l'"t: Alii ti A. hii:, v ..-( 1 :, juti-k: Ja t. L. lUU-y . 2 , . ,. II". iMII.-y. U arris. :..v A and l e, earh ri an , . ,, , N . . II t in r.- i,i ar I ilU- I iti.m. hf, inti n-xt. and in ra i.f .h i! i, tlm hie ml. n -1 em ,i n an it life tenure: then t.i ,,, tu irn if they ei-l. and il i,..t. the e.l.ile v ,, Ahi-n, I... , Jin. and Lillian Sinam. Mr Sln am ,-tH the i,f. i I,!,.., luiiiu. and the v id.iA i !. f I lie jM-rmmal .r. ij r t v. 'Ih.-wiii a Kimd Nov. Is. V.'i-, a-,, the i-Ktati in valued at :..Vi, ; the ra;, i. w ; prohalily U'apprai-ed at m..r. Alien, J.K. and llm-.. an- naiin i IH executor without Imfid i. I rei.reni-nt Spir.-lla i r t ; not fuid in hli.res. ill rail :,: hom.-H on reiUe- t. and do 1 1 , Iiltmi,'. and l.-:u h l,.., In a h , I ami wear the mrsi-t. fl u- tail. a e mad"' to tin a ure n r i t . n rludini,: the latest front h,. ... .s ,!i an t-vH-rieiire. inr In r -1 r , ii . , oml no more thai) hlih e!a-. t r M-tH purrha-i-d in s..!. Mr ;. M. 11. Caudle. 1-iM' an. I JarkHou Si r. . is. I'hoi i- ..( l. C, I'.landv. lu'.-d Lil , :-.. with itiienH resnhn nnth of N. G. MARIS KEEPS ii liOI'S I IU.MO.I ;,;. ,,,i, r i li'.nls I .urn I i.r i all I he ""Ni n a hi.' mmsa Isa-kih On, '111 I V. ,' '-..I I'.i.rniw hi Onlif ii il I lnl- I I I - ' Worker for n.U the ,,,! ..'ii.;' Ii-r-t ex- hi, -nl fair i-x- i ! '-I fairs are I ai.d at the end h 'ii'- t "f them 'f hi tory. Kv ! '-m1!. the work it, a t a : i 1 a I 1 1 at .. In; - I A.- a - tory r.-ail-i I ahout the hall have to la jour exit- vM.rk has I; al-.-it oi I lis e II Mil. I .ri,--f ht'l, iiht the you i in - li Milk! apti, wat I inl i in d to in-an' and order-d the asylum, oiini I'.'i.indv wa ' hntnelit in on ioiu.!aint of la. father, w ho nay s he tin . at. t;, ,j U'th pari nts w hell o;it nf la mind. Iheyotm fellow si:!ir I a Kunstroke a f w wei k s ao while working in the ha!n.l. ami he hlH Ix-eu to the had, mm tall V. ever Min e. A trip to S. -at tie failed to K'lVe hllll le!i f. and he returned home. Illandv i IX feet four tilt h. S ill helt'hth. has no had hahil (, and it i thoiik'ht a few inonlh-i of trial meiit at the .slate hn i ila! wi!i hum? I t in to a .state of amlv. lr. Wootl made the evaminatlon, If vou want a ranee that U a! . the world for the money, rail or, i.uid Cirwm. I'.. ink Ann. -, !inhluu'. and see l.i-i (.'-iihiv Kanees. all the way from i";'.'i lo I In-se are the ln-t ran v. s e.-r plareil on the market in llillslmro. Call in and see tin in. .1. T. lorrieii. formerly of Cor nelnn. now City Treasura r of Uasmoiid. Wa-di.. has ti U.I a suit aeainst I-', A. Ilaeltme. of the South I'end Journal, chareine that editor w ith wruuu: a pre. judicial editorial while a ra .- wa.-i iM-udun'. and also adeem-.? that the article slandered Hay moml citiens. .1. I . n out for hliNhl. mid althoueh I la.iliue has a hit followine in S'Hitli '.end. he may have lo en up against the court in a manner not pleasing'. Ilaeltme w as th chief newspaper defender of the Wilie Count v treasurer who was indicted for euihez.'.lrim'nt some twenty years ano. If you haven't Keen our stork of tlry-i;oods, come in and see it. We may have what the olli- tm haven't. You never can ted. Creer's. John Kelly who swallowed 'orrosive siiiilimate two weeks a iro. .lied in a Portland hospital. Cridav mornim. at i:M. ne '"is gradually failed, and was imahle ti take nourishment, lie leaves a mother. Mrs. Sarah Kelly, of near lla.eldale, and a !rotlier. tichard Kelly. Ueceased was li years nf aie. Kelly swailovved Ihe poison under the impression that il was wine, and only dis- overed his mistake when lie Iroiilied to the Hoof. 1P. Wood attended the unfortunate man, ami predicted death at the tun.;. as he was badly burneo. ami nis stomach rejected both solids and liquids. The funeral took place at Kalcinh, Nimlay. The famous Ked Cnost1 schoo shoes the alhleather shoes are kept at (Ireer s. - s2.,ii.,.u M:oili of llov. Wash.. near Taeoina. visited with Sam Moon, of t enterville. several i.ieu fhis week, lie soon eaves for KiiRland. where lie ;oes to et his share of a bitf estate. ieii iv lis father, who was a whip owner and master. The fortune will run to nearly a ball minion lollars. The younir man experts o return to the United Slates alter he has bis business seuu-o in the United Kingdom. ! I ll 1' net It!. , l-l, I' it il V o.j t! t'-S I till ha! ev i ! life a io! d v,ith the "a are f.inn-i.-i ie i,u are ho-.v to do well. II lo J how . .a-' In the fair I .. . - I or made. "- I Ha- V allie out i o,,ld. N'o.v, do ii- la say that I:.! l!" liiiiio p, no! entirely the u . ;!,.rl. Some - aa:iy I Imse t hat b-r late in the 1 von lo do Ihi i is the ;i to take uiidi r the e a eiNid 1.' in assist if a surerss. ii-iini-e that our.a lf, as fair, do not W,- mii-lit t ourselves. is worth v, .- 1 1 - v . - r do the ii. -I I rirk, we f t rouMe in this l. ar ia-r. i i an, Mil ina pa! r hi r.Vs - i-. i irk .- Slal. 1 1 . n I lo 1 .. ,1 '"a,! i It is a lai cal -rid'' vvoik ;a s a i . t , 'i .-iinl do ; ,h In. I a the hann. Wihn. hopin" t mi al lh -.!'. -k he eetiiitv and a ' at the State fair. thin.' to cultivate lo ir; I patriotism. Team s in .'ri elopimr this . in '.villi voiir fellows -' part to help your lie 1 v .sir county to hav e rvhihiK iu all success, and inn I -i creat many of 1 ,!;r. I remain. N. C. Maris. I Worker Industrial Fairs," A CAIvM) A ijuirk uad liberal settement of mv loss by lire induces me to heartily recommend John Van- tlerwal. ai.'ent oi me I acme Stab s l-'iiv Ins. Co, for prompt s.-ltleinenl of losses by lire. il. A. Withvcombe Ore.. Am:. In. 11)1:5. N AMliS I .I I C I KMC UN I; After months of argument be tween the ditlerent. olhcials ol the Portland. Mmrene & Master". Ilaiiway oreani '.alien, William I'.ell. of Newher;r, has been awar.le.l the .n prize in tne nickname eontest, and hereafter the new red cars id' the bin elec tric interurban system will carry Alex (lordon, of near North Plains, was in b'riday. Me has his intire crop harvested ami un der cover, and is ready for an other year. His oats went tt bushels, anil a small aereane a wheat yielded 40 per. J. C. Iteaeh threshed oats that made W buahela to the acre. i. v. VI- A rfS- S ' I Vv - .'II then w. re l!.7'i.4 - ritries, snrte person Buhmittin' as many l'( nicknames in the hope that the money miht v to them. Hundreds of draw ins were sent With the HUV'ested lurkliarnes. and ainonir the (,t w,.n. jV(. pieeesl of pM-try. With such a profusion of names to sort over, the securing of the best one proved a huh task. Kvery entry was "iven careful serutmy, and many of the Ix-st nam.-s are uinlerstMMl to have I'one even a-i far as tie New York hea..piart ers of the company for consider ation. In selecting "Willamette Val ley Line" it is believed that a nickname has been secured that will he easily rememU-r and will remind the inhabitants of that wonderful valley that the new electric interurhan system will serve every portion of the. dis trict with rapid transit. William Hell, tin; w inner, is a hotel man of Newlx-r. where he ha i resided foralxmt three y-ars. At one time he was prominent in the jiolitieal alTairs of Wiscon sin. iM'intf county clerk of Kucine county for eieht years. Hundreds of H-rsons are said to have made use of phrases which incorporated the word Willamette, hut the nickname sent in by Mr. I!ell proved to lie the only one containing the exa t vxords. MOI' X'.VWM S. Kivesley, the veteran hop deal er, has opened an o.'hce upstairs in the HillsUiro National P.uild iiu'. in the Kuratli Ileal Kstate olhce, where In' will lie vjlad to meet all hop;.' rowers. Highest market price. Call .and see him. 2M; the words "Willamette Valley Line" emblazoned on their sides. The nickname proved to bo the only one on which all interested persons could an: roe. When the contest closed March Arus and Ort-vronian, J2.2T. Hop edoves at Creer's. 22 .r Hull Simpson, of South Tuala tin, was a city visitor Friday. For sale, chlap for cash. Id foot corrurated iron roller, tel escope fra"M. - .ina Woo. 8-tf Franklin Marks, of Carlton, visited friends in the citv over Sunday. Mrs. Ceo. Spencer, of Ashland, the nucst of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (!. J. Palniateer. Klbridire Cheney, wurkinvr at a mill over near ScappHise, visited over Sundav w ith his familv. Mrs. W. IK WimxI and mother, Mrs. Connell, ami James WinmI, are enjoy invr a vacation at Kock-away. Miss Louise Krehs and Miss (Kla Schultm rich are enjoying a week al liockaway with the J. J. Krehs family. Jake Wilson, of Orenco, was m town Monday, j. i slid the most of his time on the ranch, however. (lottfried Scuhmacher and Wm. WestholT. of below Orenco, were in town Monday, attending the sale of the Westhotf estate by referee. Cue hundred hop pickers want ed at Witch Hael Hop Farm. Call at Witch Hazel, or address J. I,. Piartlett, Heaverton, Ore., ioute l. Win, Hat horn, of near Laurel. .1 1 M . was in town me nrst oi tne week. He recently threshed 120 bushels of oats from a trifle oyer an acre. For Sale: New John Deere Ironclad wagon, o,1. C. J. Hag- gerty, l'eaverton, Ore. 22-5 Strayed: From pasture at Will bridge, on United Ky., hay horse, ; white feet, brand Circle-W, on left shoulder. Finder notify Jer rv Iman, 1SS: Fast Cleason, l'ortlaml. Ucward. 23-5 H. W. Scott and wife, of For est drove, passed through the city Monday enroute home from Portland. They came out via the Cornell road and report plenty of dust. The county equalization board will meet in Hillsboro, Septem bers, for hearing objections to the l!)ln tax roll. If you are satisfied that your neighbor has been taxed lower than you, get vour complaint in. The county judge, county clerk and assessor, make up the trio who handle the equalization. The uereto contractors fin ished North Third Street and Jackson, between Second and Third, with their cement base, Saturday afternoon, without any 11. urish of trumpets. The top coating of hitucrete will bo laid and rolled in ten or twelve days -just as soon as the coment irrnvel base is hardened enough to stand the rolling. When com pleted Hillsboro will have a big lot of permanent hard surface streets. BUMPER CROP Wti LIVELY FALL BUSINESS J ft a Vi-port I nun all Se. lions Tell I I lest Crop in Cmintj's llisli.ry : i oKUNCVfii MAIKK! lot'!. I'" Ml Hi 1 Ha ltd all lormtr Wis-, an! V.?.ta Mi- timiiiijj Un If production goes f,r aaht' Washington Co-.-.ty .-.'.o .,: I !. the best trad- can J.tio-.s ti.i ' , Fall for many year.:, f,,r t'a- ;.-1 ducers have a-i 'iia-a , cr.-,p -of hay. grain nu-l .; la: .-s. ! Never in the hi.-. tory of ! . T-.a-j latin Valley has t'.- ! -ti a-iij ayield. Wint-r w hmt t.ri ; rn-.:r- ed from Z't to l. hu.-h.-! ai J ca', ! have turned out from '-' la h ai bushels per acre, 'ih.-hay h,;r-j j vest w as by far ti e i,- a . i-. t. : 1 ever cut, and v-;'t-ta'i- - n can-: in'. alnror )'-iet-.- (l-:,,r.: ;., ! n F.t-w... .. i;m'.. t;,,'ia l.':'. .'!;-Jmww 1'ii.v . .-i c. iiui- 1 1 : I i , 1 1 . v .. , . i- . , . a I - : f ity is better than u ; :a?. j Kvery lii.iru-- man v. ho I.:.:, i an eye on conditions i-xii s f.ii--' ward to a great I-ad ? !.; ;J; and if trade conditions ha'. a i Sinaxiammmae slump there w ill he Ham -,! ,1 Phones 1 TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If yc n il: want to conic to town, just phone your or '. r ia and it will 1 promptly attended to as if you i al 1 in pc-rsoa. Wc specialize in "Hl'rry Up" orders an l yoi; can ;,'et a prescription made up very conven :i ntly in this way. All orders arc sent out by the earliest pos.-ihle return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On ar, ! after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and Hexa!! Hemedi-s by Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra charge. The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE Are You Thinkina fl I! I I - - " ciji-s-i -.r- Of f jwnino; a DanK Account tlie one sure road to tx:st business? If you are, do not oyerlixjk the mod ern accommodations at the American National prophesies smashed to! J i t - f v . s a SX. eens. Owing to the fj.r-t that Cai.-iJ fornia has n.- more than anj average crop, and th" raiil'1,. West has had tr.mbl" wit:, v, eith er conditions, prices s i,-,',! 'r...-,:" well up. and thi-i v.i!! na-rn al great deal fur Oregon, i .ta'ja ; ( bid fair for a good yi-'-l. v, it):i lK-tter prices than pre,;., , ,! ! season. Last year la tSar-.r' -the county had a hi:' h-:-; hy!-, virtue of the low prices f..r p- ta- i t'H-s and onion--, and as th,-, c.u-' dition rarely repeats its. !f t!..- shortage of several hMnd-vd thousand dollars on thoso two; pnMlucts is not likelv to rep--at I itself. " - Willi weather londitior.s ! -for two weeks hence, or thr--ej weeks, at the outride. 'i that " the threshing can he completed, and Imps harvested, WasLiiuMo-i I t ounly siiouul hav e Lanner husi ness this Full. Hop picking will hegia by the lirst of the week in most sec tions, and the crop will be aver age. While there area few li.rht yards, many are betl-r than usual, and the quality is pri:ne. nun VIMAC SAt.l". The undersigned will sell ?:1 Lead of Dairy Cows at his place on the Taylor Ferry road, near Capitol Iliil. at ten oYlivk a. in., o-i WKDNIaSOAV. SKIT, d Thirty-two dairy cows, graded Jerseys, graded 11. Osteins, ur,! graded Hurhams 2:1 of t'a . now milking; most ol" th.-m to freshen from October to March. Some fresh now. Coo 1 milkcs. and most of them young. Take Oregon Fleet rie to Kvan place, and then 5 mile on Taylor Ferry lload. Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale Six months' time, approved bankable note, S per cent. Three per cent, oil' for cash. Chris Halmer. Owner. H. P. Cornelius. Auctioneer. John Yanderwal. Clerk. li miu:k HAkMiAiN sun HANK Private desks for writing your business letter; for draw ing your checks and a telephone list in a private IxHdli. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We eau make you feel at home An we luwe all the modern conveniences. Ytntr patronage courfeousy rtceioed. A. C. Sih ti-, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier. American National Bank and Third, Hillsboro, i r i r v r m m-vi We are having a lumber bargain sale of rustic, flooring, ceiling and finished lumber. We wish to remove this to make room for our Winter's run. Come and see us, or drop us a line, before buy ing elsewhere. The mill is lo cated two miles west, of Man ning, on tne r. u. vv in., and al letter will reach us at Manning, Ore. Hunger Pros. Lumber Co., Manning. Ore, 23 G CAN ANY ONI- lit-AT IT? SHUTE SAVINGS BANK American National Bank (affiliated f.anks) Combined Capital aud Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 Banking in All Its Branches Checking Accounts. Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit Poxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Ioans, Collateral Loans. 4 Fer Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. DO YOU KNOW Editor Argus: I will write you about an interesting article re cently in the Argus, telling of a boy attending school 2-1 months without being absent or tardy. The question was asked, "Who Can Peat it?" 1 have attended school 27 months without miss ing a day, or being tardy. Now, don't you think that is beating it' I am from Hillsboro, and 1 think Hillsboro is holding the record. Harold Pruce Carlile. Mrs. P.. A. Hunt, of Portland, formerly of Peaverton, was in the city Saturday. She will leave in a few pays for Oakland, Cal., for a visit. New five-room bungalow for rent or sale. Sacrifice. Terms. Dunninn-Frentzel Lumber Co. 3 n I that 1 have one among; the best repair department i" t"6 g state, equipped with up-to-date tools and macmW i stock of material and repairs that a city store ne a ashamed of? A pretty broad assertion, but it isV. nevertheless, and TWKNTY-TWO YEARS AT THIS WORK I has taught me the "whys and wherefores" necessary to q handle it success fully. That it is a success is shown by the J constant stream of watches, clocks and jewelry that is daily i brought to me for repairs. Watch repairing is my special- pj ity. but I can do any small and delicate repairing. Uy i I motto is :.; "I'LL DO IT RIGHT OR NOT AT ALL" Do you know where tight watches out of every ten are ruined? It, is by some so called repairer. You may drop your watch and break it if it is properly repaired it's as good as new; but I am sorry to say it's very easy to leave it with repairer who will do it more injury than the fall, when you get it back. They either don't know how, are not prepared , for, or don't care. 1 GUARANTEE STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS WORK. LAUREL M. HOYT J im '"I 1 u if ' f i ( V T b lJ V 1 1 VI M J t