aw kHE JnULLSeR LEGO inUSi:()R(,ORK(;ON AUGUST 21. 1D1 NO. 22 Ir: RILANQ JOURHAUSTS SI ,.t mi i nnnnn tDinxv m niLLODuiiu iiuum iu rn MIS Id OlIACil M I ISW 11 1 1: - U . .. l,MHlkf J k'WJl VP ' r ' lliil.tHiro I lirr W. F. iM'tuan, while driving home I In other day, narroAly jen-apct colliding with tlu- 'lilla moon iram in me crxMMing in North Hilblmro. I ! manaecd tn ha inir It in t.-aui t ! hide i ... .. i .. ... t nun navi'ii a rt'K. un or tlir day later nome one went into the i.r.-cr ht'ir. and told ir . . i . . : . . i . . . . Mm lAf.u- ix'initian ihui litr fattier !;! Ieii htrnck with the train, ami nut thinking that it w;n another edition of the firnl near accident, tlii daughter ran ail tin' way Lome only to ti ml her father working about tin place. II TEST AT FOREST GROVE Argun and Oregonian, $2.25. Hop gloves at Greer's. 22 " Argus and Journal. ?2.2". Geo. Gal breath wu up from S Hliinlofi Oregon Corporation May Opt-ratc Hunt Son SAV THIV CKS SAVE CITY MOMV MINORS ARE OUT Oil 2 3 if ...... .. .ii 'l teirt v ijwCial I ram ' m i t Portland newspaper men. un- tin- charg. of Mar vo"-l IT. publicity tit for the Port tv. , A- l-'iixli-rit li r 1 1 . t il IlilUboiv ut ten o clock, Iriday I ... ,. 111. -I Ill ft .t.t.l. ortiinif. ano " it ion from the Commercial Club ith auto- si"l taken for u drive C, ...... 1 1 ,1 V.irlh Ttl.llntlfl lnrrr a i.. Iain. t' I-i)villo, un. then fk t llill-"iUtr, where tin t0P, called l H'" '"'" rrial 'lull, llu-y ul i VHitfl IIiIIhIio. ' i-ankink hoo-u-H wli.-to a (nil- i..n i.f iiioify l ton mi ihU. I hf ..... , . iilli'iiii-n i l.rc'..'U-l thi'MiMi'Hri n nl.iiH-. wilii tlo ir i-tihT innii-nt. ! v r" ituulo lo f i home I tii-y iniiwf'l thi-m-Ivik a ! w ith tin- r. Wtition k'ii'n tlu-m. .m l all mi t i .. -i.. i . 1 1... ...i t Thmi' nn'i titut Uiftti at tt f ! Vil ''r' Mat. N-nalor . l. Aiwl. A. ". Shut.', ot tl.o Ami-r-nn National, lr. J. O. liohh. W. 1 Md'onrt. ( '4Hinnlinad T, M, ierr, S. Ki!li'. of tin- Imh'-n-tuhnt. an. I L A. wt, of thi LmuR. lio wan joh-odiIi'iI lv th iMitiKi-Kl n Hrli r in tho stati imr Woo. I, Thtf H-."ial i farryimr iU own linortu'l hIo ik t, nnJ tlo-y H'it n hour in ach city utonsJ tl.fir Ute Im twi rli I rro Itll't Klli'tli', ivinu llilht-'ro an hoar nn.l , quart, r, "orrt ( iruvi- win thf Ifxt loi 'nfli-r l!ill tUro, nn.l he htfit!'-'- itx-n llnro avi hi m a lmi r-i'i-ption. hf -r-imi-ll of Hit party tnukiiH! the rip: Dri'Konian. Sla-I (. Krant?, I'K'rain. W. I'. Ktran.lUtrtf, iMirnal. J. L Wa'un, all railroat i'Mirti'rt; Ort oii IWtcn (Swi-il-lh.) F W Jno uri-n. Ih'titjirhf kituinf. A r. Ki rn, !:it hrii tiii ii. i... i i c ( 1 1 'Will'), I III 1 I ll( I I II . IIIU. laiu'iH Ilaiian Tnlitino, A U iifnaint, I'atholu Sentifu l, l' V, lulllVBIl, l'roi'!4 IVc1. t' N yan, i-ilUon and ptit.ii'.hers; -ctator, .hhi !.niv;an. Chain- r of ( (mmi-ri ( llulU-tin. Mohi-h onwohn. writiTs; 'urlluml l'n-. h t'lah. A A lou-ii- till, rnaiun-.-r; For (land Kail- ay. I .iv hi tV I inu r t ompuny. T Iturhanan. publicity ninna r; J',n!n" ('. II (lantcnlwiu. of f r , A, -,: I'm i ami. ivUM-tic Faslcrn Kailwav Co. KoU-rt K truhnrn. t.ivid.'ril, (Will Join e party ,'nrou(, I K T(!ujpy. iff cnt'iiiicr. .1 YV all. ui..s( Sjiicf rinrinc-r, W II HvanH. uhhI jiicf WiTtrifal ciminiMT, M:uk AiKKlnilT. tmblicity stRi-nt. I he tram in tTrtonal chartii' 1 the "Willi Irwlmiiitt " Ci'ufi'i' P O'l'oiincr. mint of tho 1' V,& L with hcailipiartcnt nt t'orvnl- ). and tho iMpiipiiH'iil coiihihU )f Mr. O'Conncr'n private car, jnd a Fullman kIi encr. Dr. Wood received the follow- K ti'lc;rain after the npecial m ileiiarted from IIiIIhIkum: "All member I'orllund newM- H'rnicii a imrtv now on ;;.i() ll tnu Uiroutrh Willnmette falley united in extending tin1 Ji'wt cordial thankn In the luini- less men of HilisUiro for their Jno nception and their free janilod hospitality in Hhowitnt im fmr viiHi unit rupnllv unnvuitf riimlury country nnd it! muni olil renourceH. The till ton-brief lay we enjoyed in your city wan " HHttmiHliinir revelat ion to lisi. jnrticularly m iiidicntiii what pe cominir of ranid IranHiiorta- Jon will mean to your immediate jmmn of the Mnlo. I in the electi-ie aire, of which !'ere just experiencing: only the awn, wo reel confident that t ho 'Xt few Veiirst will menu onion- 'd Krowth nnd protfrosH for vmi 'Wry i,.,l of iictivitv n. which four development work k lieinn greeted, We d8iro to Hlnte nn pilatinurly thnt wo feel tho Pmiiik' of the Fortliuu., Hnjrono f 'stfrn nlectrio lines will wor f"mi wnnuers lor your com P.u"'ty in the near future niiKinK you aura in for vour r-"Miuti courteaies. wo arc jratetully yourH.W. P. Strum r'K, t.r tho Pioneer P. K. & V 'vciers. I wnnf in M..rTT" r..r. V . ; : ivni, u lurui oi nom r w ucroa, close to HillHbom r term of throe years. Kef PPcea uiven.W. S. TilLon "isoord, H, 2. 20-22 U low Tualatin Monday Chas. ('asUtd. of Tualatin, was a city visitor the first of the week. For sale, cheap for ca.-di, 10 foot corrugated iron roller, tel- TbtX pre Thin In Sli.f Klioa frame. - Zina Wood. 8-tf John Schaer. of afxive Moun taindah, was down to the city Monday. For Sale: New John Deere Ironclad wairon, 31. C. J. Hatf Kerty, Heaverton, Ore. 22 5 Ti.ui i;i r..,rr,.rt v, Uro. tak in-K' them urn order of M-IKemiM-r i. when 0f tne fmm an t.x. the cfiurt from th? IWys 1 rain ol, Contrail Miy I im Court l irt l ixcd I'.ail at $l,(mn, but ktduteJ to Hall That pakims swiN roR DHJM;t r.M Envs Sheriff Rttura Daa Ward and Oica l a Car to County Stat Sherisr J. E. lUwvts late Thurs day afternixm returnel Oren la Omrs; and Danny Ward to HilU- C ,.. I 1 I ..r i nal. and had jumped to the cm- lh' U:'H,"n"" '""W 'H-ra-chiMon that it was a fresh han ,"" H 'IV '" tne city of Forest penintf. Thuii (hi'Htory cont'irnm C.rove a twenty days test of cicc the old legend of the "three Irie current, the H.-rvice to con black cro. ,iflll(. unlll n vou want ii ranee mat l ats the company will make a propo- tended vacation at Newport injr Schol at Salem, to which .I;-; ,..h,'y,r HUi,m 10 to Kx-Cunty Clerk F. S. Field... they had been committed by n.i.i.i.M.. ,..,. 1.... i.w o..ninu f"rm:m current and h t the city of Fortland. was in town Satur- Jud'e Ueaoner. Just what will Uanp-H.'ttll the way from I'i'i to ditrihute it; to furnish current day, accompaniwi by his family, be done with the Ixiys is con $'m. Thi e are the Ih-kI rannen under a franchne from the city, New five-room bungalow for nocture, but they are KtiSI held eer place.j on the market in taking over the plant; or furnish rent or sale, haenhoe. Ierms. under the old warrants of d-!ir l! Call in and Kee th. tn. M)W,.r and jH-rmit the city to -DiinninK-Frentzel ,umlr Co. qucncy The ori-inal complaint Mnbel .Iiho.-k I'.irthiml lum hold its vtem. Win. Wt'illle was in Sunday, charged that both boys mis rep re H i. dll. I' James for divorce, al- The tet is mad.. fr.H.f rlmnw with hid Bon, Henry, who was sented their ages in order to get l. gmg that the hiirtband re.pnred to I it In unrk Hi n ini-fn:.! In Ink. Ulntii , ,.r n -K num. nyiii.imr I . i,-.. u in l. r.. ,.t !.. a 1..1 i ...:r.. IW hen the court discovered that hoiH- at ItH" I Washington Street, niuniciiial Hvstem as now oner- nrf .laiurhter. Mrs. Morrow, the egislature nal I'Kv..e.l vh i u-ii.u ii -.i 1,., ..ii.. i i,.,r I .i... i 1 . . ' : .i .i' putt as John l). liickelel or '.. " ""' "'"i""1 ""!"!' T" ijaurei. were in ine ciiy wie , , nn(i if, tm,,,f roe v. i if ! eL'es hi' 4 uur in iiiw 'uri't i.riivi. in at. it uui I f ..... L- ........ - - ...... v 1 VI IV nvn ll i.t"!1!. an. nhe wants ?.ii r- U economy in the long run l tie test is made I ree of charge ion ouh, m m j, nan ouir. n o...! . j the city in an endeavor to operated on for adenoids by Dr. liquor, and this alone gets them ; m the people that their ser- in serious trouble if ejove:, aire immune irom commitment Mrs. C. K. Deichman. of this to the training school the order city, and Mrs. M. M. Bridges, of Was rescinded. Portland, accompanied by her The court first fixed bail at daughter, Mrs. Charles Naohand. J1,(kk) each, but the parents departed for Ilockaway, Satur- rather demurred to this, and day. for an outing. stated that thev wou d not nve itf .nil Mn m tnrm Sr nf bonds. They said, however, that I " 'I il ...i i ..: i i.. : ... u from selling anv real or personal h-osal that can not in economy be Cornelius, were in town hatur- w ,,'s '". . Htate until Ihe mot is settled. rejected. day. Mr. Sturm is very proud um wou.u w iur Ul .. .. . . The ten! is l-in wateheit with over some veterinary work done iniswiiaui-riii uuhik u or hale; .egis(erei Jersey . . . , . . , ., .... ... the court and an order made manent alimony, and ?l'i suit I he company already furnished money. I hey w ere married in some piwer in the town, and a June. l'.12. Mrs. James averts few lights, and they want either that her husband has property in to get out of the way, or else Va diinv:lon nnd l illamiKik Conn- take over the entire lighting ties and IV i acres in Kansas, and system. Their officials nay that -he wants the court to estop liim they will make a business pro- bu'i: a "ears :z::r:iYtrA m t h n, by l)r-lUm of this city- TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If you d i n't want t- coine to town, just phone yonr order in and it will be promptly attended to as If yotl called ia person. Wc specialize in "Hurry Up" orders and yon can j;et a prescription made tip very conven iently in this way. All orders arc sent out by the earliest pos.-ible retnrn mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On ar 1 after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and Uexall Remedies by Parcel Post Prepayed without extra eharpi. The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE ;s .3C M X X .st-wx.. Win. Nhulmerich herd. $oil, C.eiit'ie and very easy to handle M ist change head of herd. L . . . . I. i . i . . it i. irown uaiicn. lornenus, L'lbnvallill. 21)22 Sam C.rove, working for the contractors putting in the maca dam for the city, in the south east of town, badly crushed his w ish to throw rocks at municipal lighting say that there is no com parison between the two services. The proiKal w ill U anxiously awaited by the citizens of the college town. Are You Thinking irm.ic sai.I; reducinir it. Mr. Ward and Mr. Born, to Wilbur Iieidel and iaCourse thereupon signed a bail wife, formerly of Hillslioro. now hiond and the two lads were re- nf Velva N. I).. Allir. l!t. 191!i. allnncrwl fn nntwnr in court, when drill iti tKlllfl tiiin llUi i,I.Alitit9 U'ltll tK..m I .1.11. I IIIO v.. i'ivvik. lH7 ttUliiUI IL1C3 flUl VII. Ill, and they are very proud of the The IaCourse boy went to new arrival. Portland. Friday morning, and Inmiia P.i!11i nf mill vwt the Ward boy went to Forest u anna ttvdtji iivm it. -oa ion ha vino- n kuht urove tne same ai lernoon nf m.,m,v in hi household. All 1 ? cnargeoi ueunquency says 1 I I .. fll .. II H.II...I "' ' f . . ... .IV. l 1 1 l,l ll.U:-!,,,,. on! hand one d iv last week He was " "- ot tne lamuy nave peen amicteu r- - -- - - m ZZm M X"n "f Dairy tWsat his place on the with the exception of Mr. Keilly. Banks sakxin keepers that they . uni.M.iihk a waKon wo. nn j- r't.rrv road, near Capito , . were of age in order to follow the earn startj-d; ratchmg h, J Mr an, Mrs. Ealy liucll dc- lheir k,nt of drinkinjr, and as hand I C. . cn he U.t om . the VKN.Kml.VY s,,..r 3 parted Tuesday to make thdr lhi3 punishable by a heavy ,., and the v,hec. Dr. y I.UNhM'Ai , h IA I, J home jn 0y8lervllei washing- fi the case may end with this - ,.iii. .(.-...... .I 1 he uouiiii. nut iinriv-iwn oairv cows, irraueu ..n .. v,;k ,j liAn f mi thin - ?.t a I A 9f k4 Of opening a DanK Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not overlook the mod ern accommodations at the mencan national U BANK 3 s ivs it may l' necessary to am putate one of the digits If you haven't Heen our sbx-k .f ilrv eoihls. come in and see it. We tnav have what the olh rs haven't You never can t -(.reer's. ' Field I '.ncineer Met My monds, for the P. V.. & K. electric line, Ilolsteins. and ,H.ninsua which runs from II wa--2J of these co t0 w-illapa Harbor. illapa Attorney S. B. Huston and JOSHPII M. ROSS Jerseys, graded irrailed Durhams now milking: most of them to f... I f I l..t.,K.. I.t Mnivli 11. "II 'WI1" I ..IM.l... ,1 I 11 ll 1 Some fresh now. C.ood milkers. f tarl, of I ortland. were out Themany friends of Joseph Mor- andmostof them young. Take Monday, attending circuit court riaon llt)S3 were sh(K.ked and Oregon Kleclricto Kyan place. 1 hoy were aceompanietl by W. ffrieved to hear of his sudden d then j mile on lay lor Kerry .iatvv. 'Meath, the evening of August s, an Koad, Terms Lunch at noon. of Sale Six months' . . . II I . I . 1 I .. .. I. I I .. - u w us in 111 ' ciiv sionuay moinno!, tune, approveu nanisaoie nine, n enrotite to Forest 1 1 rove. He .K.r ivnt. Three Kr cent otf that the gaps are U ing for cash closed us rapidly as possible, in order to have the line in opera- 011 ns soon ns the l-ourth Htreet nd is completed in 1 orliaml. thinks that the jhiIcs and .. i... :...i. ,n. ..I overhead win sism i- hhm... in this city. id. wife. Just as os askeu mm onesti.m - ' w hat bm an auto lire- blew up in I font of the American National. ho wihhi-cutteranswu-ed: "I don t know maybe it wius tho duel oi po- (Miris Balmer. Owner. B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer. John Vandorwal, Clerk. UNION STOCK YARDS associated with Garden Tracts ieoplo, a year or at hid'home neaP Voilmer. Idaho 8l aP' He had Uen in Voilmer that day Hugh Smith returned from the and talked with many of hi Tillamook coast Friday, and friends there. Ho was appar went on to his Forest Grove ently in the best of health am home. He savs that Hillsboro expressed himself as never leel and Forest Grove are well rep- ing letter in his life. In tho reson toil over on the coast lino, evening he partook of a hearty , , . . , supper and then went out and .1. L btannard. engineer for assi.rned t0 each man his place in the Washington-uregon torpora- tie harvesting ot his bountiful linn nn.l Mr Knvnkin. rnnsu tintr . ci ii.. :: r.,- . . ifciw.i.M.iM .'. - j - . p r ,-.-.? niiri v iit ri I lit' ill! KceeinlS lor tne wook nave neen. nn.nnour fnr the same firm, were I.. l n.i r u.i.. , k.. .. i . .. .. i. . i . i m. i . i." . . . . ......... - i inp nmni ne caiteo im uci ua m- I he tamous k.mi leHe P u i al io, i i ; u v. in town Friday, contenw witn in' t .,ain in his ,eft sit!o. uies Iho nii m. ji.-o; sneep. .moo. no.. - I Mayor Bagley and otner CUV oi- m,,,,;,,.,! ass stance was called. epl at l.reer s. rainy neavy ru u. iu u. (lcjal3 .. ,d Jone for h; A wixwleutter from Garden un' wook wiin nainraHu o y f h Tualati rt,,ief aml in les3 than two hoVirs .. . . ...., ,.. ern sin . rew .. c . --.-.- , , . . . i. , . .. . j ...i . -., .line cu en ai im . . . . w antiennir rom a nroKcn leir. ne naa imsseu nuu me uuak r ,1:. v to buv a corset for his ,"v " - -.... ... , , t k novona ' . ... .11 I '...liner KliTlilV lor 101) Lrraues. uui . .. '.. . 'I . LJI ! " ' - - , .. , u.hi e on oadintr timbers, nr. r unerai services were neiu in going lowe -m ' "'" Krwin went out and reduced the Voilmer, Idaho. Sunday aftor iaIIu'v1 ntie LoS sold fS fracture, and William expects to noon. August 10. to give the Ida- 8.25 to S.:W. Inver grades 7.50 use cruicnes iur u- to X Choice cows and hellers ynia nx.noA hv Mr. and selling around fi.25 to 0.50, with Mr3 j,'ran. lng, of north of lower grades 5.75 to 0. A wide rneillS( caught tire one day Private desks for writing yonr business letter, for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a jpnyate liooth. Privacy (or your safetr""" boxes. We can make you feel 1 j for we have all the modern convent- c lice sh.M.ling at some escape. Mr and Mrs. Paul Hood, of range of prices between choice h st :ust at the noon hour. 'erndalo, Wash., were guests of um ordinary stulT. 'rne occupant, Mr. Angelo, raised Mr and Mrs. Sells, oi roresi A Dig uociino in me iwk i an alarm, and the Uook ooys, Irove, tho lust Mr. Hood nccomi ho friends an opportunity to pay their iast tribute to his memory A procession over a mile long at tested to the high esteem in which he was held in the ' com munity in which he had lived for sixteen years. All that 'oving could do was Your patronage courteously receive. A. C. Shutk, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier. American National Bank Main and Third, Hillsboro s 3J. -m . c 'ar ..m : m"mmi . . .... .i . . i. tone. Light liquunuion ai wcok s close A l,t.-i f fholl S Giirvpv. KniKIUS in iymi.13. the Voilmer Lodge, Margaret Tho sheep market strengthen- ing corps under A. A. Morrill, of His sister ft irs m argarei ..I a itUe for tno six day period. Il.Mlsboro. reached thiscity. Mon- Buckingham, of GitTord Idaho, ed a little lor in . wx oay pinou. turn , accompanied his remains to Hills- I Heavy receipts wc to Thursday ing stc wethers ewes :?.50to3.85, j . i u. '.. i . r. . . o.r " - , - nanus auu nenius f the wrt'h. ket with tops going iron o-J neightwrs. went over and soon done Mr. Kosswasan honored mined mr. nous x. Hi. wilti a general wi'M unue.- h,i 1 1fl , azo extinguisnen. k., f I" "" ' . . , l I . I - . . l.l' . !.. I, I."" - ' " I'illUVI Ul k on one of his olhcial trnw i io lillsboro condenser, naiuruay. l'he six yoar old son of J. H i ii r ...... I u-liilit iilav . ttiiimi ni " J t-'" ing with a washing machine, the .n...r il iv severeil ins iihu'a in. ...nn., id's riirht hand. Dr. Klmor Smith dressed tho wounded mem ... .....I un endeavor lo save ll'l , Hll.l " ' tho entire linger. George Stevens, wire nnd son, to 5.50. i m- ,.,! Mrs. Klmor Johnson '. i C.reswell. Sunday, for A CARD I I'wit vv ith Mr. and Mrs. Goo. mi'v recemts the tirst Ot tnO aaV. 1 e OUlim neuueu iui mc " - . - , . J ky.nd Si P fa.Hy well molnUins 30 or 40 miles distant hreftM Thursday. Some lam bs com- from CleKlum. Wasi. consisted um U in tht fannly plot at X forward with slow outlet at of six pack norses ana a aouy.e . ady pricls. Prime yearling team. In the crowd, besidesNlr. ::n at Vhl sexvic ;the selling 4 to 4.35-choice Morril . there are two H.1 sbom- THOr?n SHDTE SAYINGS BAI1K HBHBBMBaHBBBB American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,428.81 BanKing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit, Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. Presbyterian as- services. Tacirart They write inai tney .,u.,.io v..-. v.. are at the snow nne, m memu . . , ,, .,nrt mncre. and that snow fell Joseph Morison Koss is the eld- there last Thursday. 1 John D. Koch, of above liloonv ing, was ti..,t ; 1 ' wnv "He has one for prompt of the Ibiost oat crops on the hill by tire. this your. m- Mm V.A Schulmonch 1 from an extondea outing at Kockawav and Gari baldi. Pago Gardner and wife are en- vncation in camp on hock country. W.H. Taylor and family have est son of tho Rev. George and Kliza Monscn Koss. He was born in New Bvth. Scotland, in 11 known here and in the vear 1851). and died near hoartilv recommend John Van- other sections of the county, was Voilmer, Idaho, August 8, 1913. iin siernng from his he developed hnua tnirether and in 1804 cross- mnnv noble traits of character 11. A. Withycombe, led the plains to Uregon, ana which gained him many friends Schulmerich. making tho trip in A Rnd liberal settlement of Wm. A. Montgomery, of Port Mr. Stevens' auto. my os9 Dy tire induced me to and, well known here and ir . . ...... in i....,hi; u i-.uvimmeiiil Jolin van- nther sprtions OI me coiiiuy, wa: in town . Mon i lav e dorwal agent of the Pacific aKUestof his pioneer friend J. Being endowed w iiSntf TSw in States Fire Insurance Company, T. Fletcher, of Forest Grove, the qualities, inherited ,l .U! l ?K ul has one for Pi-ompt settlement of losses iast of the week. Thev were Scotch ancestry, i Hillsboro, Ore., Aug. 15, 1913. Wm. Ravnard. of near Scholia, was a city caller the last of the week. i i a ir.mnAn ri .iiriiMiiim. wus Ol Hie wct-R. Our line of sweaters have ar- 25 y . n. iiiy ioi .1. . ...,:.,, I wtrml Come n and see them. lSffiiS knd GwltaldU thev are all right-Greer s. oneh Hrnve three yoke of oxen and made him a general favorite from 75 miles beyond tne mis- among his tellows. contributed, souri River, being six months on . . kA A The visitor is a son 01 J. &. Liorsung, ine oriue cou- Capt A. Montgomery, and 49 tractor, is wearing a broad smile viun hack thev were on the Big these days. Mrs. Lorsung pre- iupi in Idaho. The two sented him with a son, Aug. 15.,finiira had a crreat time 1913. and this makes his family tnlkino- over the old trip. On a baker's dozen of children, seven Aug 27, Mr. Montgomery will boys and seven girls, lhe fath be 73. and Mr. Kletcher was 73 er i3 51 years of age and Mrs June 5. UjQrsuilg wa iv laav rcuiutuy. FREE For several years I havt been experiment ing to find a method of removing the tarnish from silverware without the aid of silver polish, acid or any poisonous liquid or powder. I am pleased to announce to my custom ers that I have discovered such a process. It is simple, sure and quick, and will not cost you a cent. To my customers who will bring this ad vertisement, I wilt explain this wonder ful New Discovery, FREE LAUREL M. HOYT