The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, August 14, 1913, Image 1

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ii Hi
B iLrf
t !
Um.L; i:ouo, OUKCON, At.T.tST 11. 1013
NO. 2t
. I..- Mr.
krJ Ml' " ' " K
ail,t I'.M-MKlil llIMH
in itiiiMsnuowiiN
i .i . i
Wiian fitting lv thf
VI. Aoo-lmg her
t.,,,1 anil I'HjI.I) I. I !
niii l. nli!i' l woman nf -r
. "ii ...''. nf iieewas lurked
Bt -oh-rv hit. 'Ihuridax
II .. I".l... Ml,. I L.I.I
Wouidx n-al I' ri'lii V murmur! Dr. I . A
.i r ...
cV i x.'tnunt "I I m mi
mty and iit I h rt t iinri
L urd r. d ri'Hiiiii'.ti l to I h
V,. Ilu pital fr the nane.
Ilil. an. I a nrik'hU.r w oiiian
t.i tin1 Imu hi u
ml Ih.
i . i
Mill- I'I Illf
r lln re
i - .... . 1 1 ...
Si'il lio iif.HVMT, ,-i riiiK 11141
bn-tliii v, was w r"iur tii' V I'if'i
V with i i'-tii'ht. ami. alli-r
Laird all ti'i'tH to !. I l.rr to
sk, hr lulrtu'r impii-vi-d
f i i
til a- peculiar, i.nev
lu-r hud. and dually p r
V,r, I i r In I'll I" their home,
re sin wa kept fur the
thl. Mn i ill l..l i- as imti
iiinl Itidav morning h-
1,1 l.rr In til' t nlHit M ill.
Human Mi'M- Mil IiIhi' lit'
i. niniru' fd.e rami- from
Ln," In n placed in tin'
Wy t'V tin kIhtiiT. hIii' sai I
twiinli-il ti i''i, I'ul wanted t'
ilk, th. r than Ihis the a
t rvmaiiH d quiet all !av I- ri
, It f 1 1 1 ahHM I'Tl lI IHI question
J ! the altt i ii ! i i .i :.irian.
tl'MllrlltiV llUil JIIHl r. ii iTfil
n mi altark "f ai iu!ui,. aii'l
liHi's n an f!ii'aM' froin tin
t lintr,.-,
I,ar!.-t (' I a
Liik Mian f n mi I'lltslnirli, I'a.,
Irking (ur a Mr. I"alk, if iinir
tmilH. wan liiuiiv'lil in I luiri
iiilit. millrniH' frmn ju'iilc
aiulii.ha ainl tunticHiikt.r-'M,
U'l juiif ili-hNiiiiti'iit wluli' lit
Irk, ami Iff t w illi an a im-r
Hlinnlili-r, Uiny al'Si-nt all
I liurnlav. U Ih-ii fniniil lit
is i-tmftiHfil, ainl a In- Im-1 r-
Ilini'Jrlf H frai'ilu! lit-
pill! v: i i ia.'v, In- w:n i vamint il
l'r. !ai!.'V. I'ri.lav ii)"iiunt'.
Iilnll'li was rational, ainl aiil
as 'J I vt an of av-. nml had
w iff and tun Hiuall rhildn-n
fk in Wt-it Viri'icia. Hi-'
jthiT lnt-s at ritt'dmivh.
r. I'.hIi-v loiitid that tin-
linL' man wan sain, and l.n-
'li inolhcr vvih i lti-raihfd
Hint slu- tniidit iin i.h- fnnd
.Iom-,!i M. ;.m i ih. , (,!, ,
at hm hoiiii- in ar ninn r. . ;.. I . i
l 'r i-la V i littiv'. and ui v ;, ,
t. l-i'tiiiln-. In I i i si t, r, M,
lu rdorl!. of, ' .t,.,
1'lait i. Saturdav. Ih' w a .. . !
khoW at Illi! hnro i T.r . r
hi ll tin- Km- i l.iimh !il . (
tl.-d h. ri'. II. w.v a ha. I,. ;. r, I
and ;n in Si'i.lian.l. .-
Ii':hh thf f.ilSns ii, c ., t. r . avl
hrnlh.T: Mr,. .1. K. S. f.t. !, r.
wifr of tli- lienor of;
Mri, I'. Ilsn k mi-ham, '.
lord. Id aho; Win. K' ai l M. .
I liinna I 'li-rdorlf. ol North ,ia!a
tin. I'lainM. I h- I h. i , -a a s l.ij,
in d to thi-4 fur h;i ial. am
mli-riiii nt f.ilinAtd in ti,.- ,''i n!. I, 'n i t
I hiiit ii i i ini'ti-r-, . in ar North
I'hiiiH. IlitiiHid was ot war
of ai'i-.
I 'Tr
foe me posh
Salir nl Un Ills .iii.l Mi.isurt
! Ji.l W Minn lull of Court
will U'.ul I $'
Harry Hamilton. Kay Jatksori,
ar! (li-f ii. Sam V.'aik r. Jai-k
i.atta. Hill and MoriTici- Jcmjilf-
ton. Harry Hamilton, Ualt.-r
K .r'r.r. Orin 'oiiro. ()-cari
I! irns-.vnrth. V V M lildowm-y.
.h.l.n I horiih'irvr ai-h 1. Mn
Ko:'t Mrn Ki-mon fa 'J 0, Ha ri
!i-a conih.-. Claud Nolan -a .r (),
O i ar Kni-r ' I1). Jrm K Ihirint-,
!. I: I r. t. Mis MiDanit-N. Ma-
Auburn Machine Uun Amuck
at Dairy Creek I'.ridice
: I'.i;
t i I nl Hum, ti
Sr inn ol Ci'iini
' a; i:,.-a'
I ri iri-si-nt Siiri-l!a i or-. I
not sold in hloia U i'I tall a!
hoiiu-n mi ri itu I. and do I he
httin. and ti-at h ho-.s to a ir: I
and rar tin- tor t , ( r tailor
i d mad'- In nn a-nr.- t or . t , pi
t hiding tht- lat d fr.-nt la. f. Will
an i vpi ru n. i'. t .-r-. ti. r m ni. .
rt lit no inoiv than hii'h t !a ror
ii,ii I
' ''!
.Montoini ry t-arh 2, Sophia
:'i I 'm rnat h'-r. S MH '', K'-n I'ar
. -ri I Ian Ward, John I riday t a
I H I r. da S'-wart ' Aivina
and Otto Hunpr. Il nry Stott
. a i Marl llarjK-r 1 T'. Mr Todfl.
Win Krown. Anni- 'IVchan.
I!. , i'i C-liano t at li l! ). Maud yt-ars. was almost instantly kill-
l.i.iri;- ton.- 12. 1'n-d I'apiM t. t'd in an automobile accident at
Tina Slid In Bridge Rail, killmt Pa-
ntcf and I sjurinjc A mil her
L W. WWlrutf. aevl alKiut 40
f his ret urn to his faniilv.
i 'i m ic s.M.r.
i' iiinlfr-tiviii'tl w ill ki-II at mill
salf at ht r farm, thf Kstatf
llanii-l I',. CtNitH-r. 1! inih-H thif
itli of Kaurt-I. on tin- old Mr
r plart-, at ten n. in., vn
"i t'olts, 5 moiitlirt old. out of
liniiin and I't'tTlit-nm ri'iristiT-Mir-;
11 head of em.-i, S in
Ik, all to he fn-sli from Novt-m-'
ti March ; out1, a lu iffi', fn'sh
s Nov. 1; all arc irood Ktock.
r'' lii).'lt irntdf .Icrst-ys, four
hn-d ( itiornstys. 1 pun Livd
"nam, 1 pure broil Ib'lsti-in, 1
rni-y -llolstt'in, oiu Ayorshii't'
all h u y inilkt-rs; Jt-r-'
lifift-r calf; (! briMid kows, 1
'Ji'ct to n-iristrv. extra law;
to litter thin Fall; 1 C-mo. lo-
f'l ' liina howh, II fi ino. shoals
U-ino. hi:h; one Kratle I'oland-
1'iia ami t'hestt-r White boar,
plunr; : tloz. r.hick Minorca
Ickena; 12 vt, Walter A
xiu lliower hm l.i, Ssiiiiii'iiii'
P1' drill. .Idiorso disc: Oliver
ille.l l,lit,i I...... .1 !
- -. , 11,11 i .III , u tl'llil ll
KIIIS. 2 htirmi (Millii.-ilnf Ion-.
and Kinirle: lot small
tools and niimeroiiH other
CS. I .oni'li nt mm n
h, ......
''Him of wale --Under $10.
i . -
"lover. SIX ninnth.t nniii'ovei
ite, at H per cent, interest. '
Mrq Nln Din I'mmiuo-
Iministt-atrix Kstate Kan'ie
fflT, Itecensed.
J- W. Hughes, Auctioneer.
M. Mil !. ( .,1-L;
Wiris. Ueichen. of l'hilliim was
the county seat Fritlay.
Jotin Ironside, of near the ('or
Jliiis Pass Hection, wan in town
Jlm McCallen of l.'ni-ni-
?tii. was iii u,(, county seat
Prs. M. A. l'owell. who 1ms
viHiiinir her daughter, Mrs.
(k lledriek, of Seattle, lor u
?nth. returned home Saturday.
m H pun na f. I m - tori . :ii i. i
.M. I), ('audi.-, till!
aid Ja.k-.oii Striit'. I'h'.ni- No
.S, .'Jltf
J. M. loiidoii. thf'. t mar:
on Iowa Ilil!. iiu-a'-urii on r : p
fffl III iH hlot'kmv' it 't. I n!;;-I,l
In thf ,ri"i-t. Sat'ii Ia. -."in
Ann ri. an Kanm r oa, i ta.i. r (I an
tin- (,'rowt r. I h.- traiu '.' a r
I i a . and w a ni f. . t and --i
in. hit tall, and from ti..- I.. -a it.
lilt II WfTf heavy and will lill.'.l;
thf if Id hi, mil. I y ti.htv or
inn. ty hushrN to t! ;,.'i'.-- a '
lint' irld for iiiiiihtaiti fioun!
i'ram. Ihf y rain is on t-xhihi-lion
in tin- I 'oininrriial t'lub)
If oit want a ran;-.- that a!
Ihf world for the tiionr. tali on
I hi', id I'ol'WIII, l'..ll)k Alll .'N
I'uildm. and st-e his l la its
Kaiii'f-i. all Ih.- way from i'S to
j.Vi. 1 hfse are the hfl raiii-fs
i i.f pla.'fd on the tnarki t in ('all in and re Ihrm.
Thf city t-niiiit il nu t Saturday
iiivht and pa-'-rd upon and a. -ri-plfd
thf Mt.rtl hliMhS of
rm kolilf pawniriit in d ro-n
plftr.I l.y Contractor I'.n.n- Cor
doll. I lie pavt lllf lit IS COHHII'
hi tttT all tin- time, and the more
the travel the better thf road
way. Mr. (tordoii is loading bis
plant for shipment to Condon,
and he expects to leave for that
point in a fe'w days. Mr. Cor
don I ns made many friends dur
liuf his earof residence here,
.in, I all will reert t his departure.
For sale; Keitister.-.l Jersey
hull. It years old. descendant id
Win. SchuluH-rich In-rd. ?"i".
Cit-ntle and verv easy to handle.
Must t hanv.'e head of herd. I..
C. I'.rown Kauch. Cornelius. K.
..wallill. 20 1T2
!. N. (Ireen, uh assessed the
SherwiHid and I ualatm sectioi: ,
lini-,lie. his work last week, ami
returned bis assessments to the
ocal otlieo, Friday afternoon.
lie savs that owuur to increase
. i i..i..
in values, linn me many im.h
now lieinir Hold, the job is no
tv a m ....
sinecure. Mr. i.roen soon l;o.-m
iii the vallev to build a hophoiise
! w 1 1
.. r 1
r !'
, r
r ti
. . t ,
.! I: b
; Ilafdv t a. h 1. Harold Jensen. J
i. I hornhurh. Henrv and Fred
I I ii", I Carl Miraeh- lliil 'Ifmnle.
' , ton. (ih n Tumbli'Son, Cecil Al
ii jhert, Dan Vand.-hev each '.' :'0,
A ' has K.-ilinr 15 'ft. Win C Walk-
(.-r, i a-H uuson. inos mram ea tracUir. who is
i 1 V, l.erett I.runsvvorlti i).
I Cra-id jury jurors A!o Kun-
. vi vii u... : ....I
( has "Vanlloreu 21 0), KorTn for the (irove- a,x,ut with
1 by; -on is in. Alfred .wiener the billowing passenger list: I
!2I 1". Jacob Schneider 'J LH. IM W. WootlrulT. his brother-in-law;
i Murphy 20 S". I'rady Chowninjr, a Forest Grove
. . . . , ..I l I II II i i
,1. Si't-cia mrors. Ileitz vs Smith "ariier. ami uusseu rrouiy anu
I N Cnhle. J A I hornhurL'h. Iianey o. isnara.
i: c
I i r
mt v.
the east approach of the Iairy
Creek bridis'e, one mile west of
this city, on the Baseline road.
Friday evening, just before nine
o'clock. J. K. P.lackburn, a con-
building a resi
dence for . H. Mchldowney,
at Forest Grove, left Hil!sixro
If you don't want t conic to town, just pbone your
order in and it will !c promptly attended to as if you
called in person. We socialize in "Hurry Up" orders
and 3-ou can ;".t a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
PKone that order in today.
t.d V
at I
V, k
I 'i
i ..a I i i
I . r -.i.t
, ' - i i ! i
; 'i- V;
( I.-, i- (
ll, .
.1 C
.'I . i n
in I :',,- k
Mr, .',! I
p. r n ov Iii ii
ii. r of court.
I !a .1 J..!,',
month in t,!
rant, to he t
l'.ai'.ev. For- t.
.1 1 Fi .! -r
l r l.'W i I to
on road .No.
i i . a -a ne An ! . -ed
lo I: ll.
; I i
' i mt;.
or i a
' ;rtl
n ,-
iWf.1 ?1."
ii thi r er-
. . '' to
l per
w ar
,1 i:
I.h at
Vi's to
'. 1'..
. en -.' w a
iv.-t-n. C
. 1 .arn-rov-and
r. oi't
meet and i
i ' K-hse each
Circuit court jurors, coroner's
in, I uet. Con Newman or K
Nurom.'k v Wm Oi-lrich, I! I,
l'rirker. Koht Schm-i i-r. Ira V
lian.ll-v. Verne Curry, J K
i rarik each ?1.
Witnesses John I-eze, Alex
lln-s. C Jones. John Mackaro-
witch each 1 .V), Dr Wooil physi
cian li. 1 F Karn tt T m, IVn
t.,n I'owman taking testimony
7 2-!.
Jurors. Thos A Kobinson .1 0
Frank. N I. Woo-iard. J M Hut-
l-r. F 1 Wcbl.t r, Geo Peterson.
Ii Schemer each $2.
Witnesses - Flmer K. Parnell
As the car-
neared the Dairy Creek bridge it
attempteil to pass Alva Km rick
and wife, who were enroute to
the Fred Hey wood place. Black
burn claims he did not see the
buKKV. owinir to the dust, and
the bijr machine crashed into the
left hind wheel of the vehicle,
tiirnintf it completely around.
P.rakes were applied, but the car
was under such speed that it
skidded to the planking and turn
ed partially around, the end of
the railing striking Woodruff
over the heart, breaking three
ribs and throwing him to the
bridge. He died in a few min
utes after Dr. timer Smith ar-
On and after Apr
Kexall Kemedi-s !
1 w.i w i',1 send out prescriptions and
Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store
I'o'.'.iw in i! c!a-:iis . r- allow ed; j
l''.lr'l I oil .!,;', lit I. "Ill . f .-
I: I. 1 . ike .1 .-. . x;- .. . . J i- V'
II, -e.,.,, I ,. ', .,;.!. 1 in.
I I I Hi,. ' r n: .-. . x; . . ".lis
I i - 1 1 t , , ,,', ;.;.. , .; a ,-; .-. -
I I..- tl. : !!,.. tt n; !,; i'i ..
W lin V! ! I ! t . I. ''.' ,'l , .
II W I...H,'-, ..! , i 1 l'
V it I'-m. : i!l. i- . ! I" I i'"
I Ii j , l- . '
lvl v 1.,-n, ilni .'. j a-i . .-,.-'
W e !l l' ' 'I'. I'i' ' nil .l.. '.,
III, i V ! ;', ii' l' 'Ml ii I i . I "7 IS
v' A I I.t!-. trfi )..
l l 'r-.-lirt. e.. !!,' l! 'I S
I Ii i . l I. n. I .x It l-'t: I I on
v it x 1 1 ll., .'oie, i-t .- ioit..i;M -i
llil.xli Iu,l, ;, n.l, r'-i -I'll."..-.
I .11 .rut f X j ' T '
W iii Tii) i. i.el.T , I, x(- '-' "
ii-it-i ,-x I'ni.i'i.-'imr f ii i '. "-. ...-s ""
WeV. i V t , I'uV ... " J Tu
!. ! C I.." .', r rfli. .n , IJ it
, lit. hi r...,iMi!' Ii.ns.'ir, 1 ; j 1 1 . ,S ts
!!. 10. J H Hoffman W Geo rick buggy, Mrs. Kmrick, whose
hnan Ti. J F .immerman health is delicate, jumped toward
W d
tm b
1; 4 J ), C I,
is ' , Mi lUi Ii
, ; ., 'i .U J
mi: h. I' C
;,-Ii.-( M-H ivi-i-x I
1 !, i.rt X'1, -MiT". Il
ia. .H it, v:. Mi !' '.''
J,,lin'ii ;x.
t ,, mt In i i -.I- hihI fv
I'ii.itiM-.i ' .. I n ! H i
mil x. Ii:. I.I C .-s Sx.
., t ji ,, W.i-h Ol,-,: C
Vi ti- S i'i Cli .i i'lll C In I
x . hi 1 1 .i T s...
t iiiri'til r.,-Mx - Thr liniii 11.1.1-i-in
i, I''iii; !' i l .". I'-..- SI it
l oiiliiM.; C' 5 (, lil,!-.-. .V. I'ltiillioiliuie
x n
I ' .-H'lmn it
i' (, Hi
I Co 6, f, C
for a friend, ami he will proba
bly remain until After hop pick
For sale: Two Jersey cows,
well-bred and fresh.-Sigmund
F.uiyer, on Springville Koad. one
half mile east of old lVthany. P.
O. Address, Holbrook. Oregon,
Ut.ute 1. 21
Threshing reports are coming
in daily, showing good .i'lds.
Gene Delplanciie. of near Cen
terville. thresheil l.ri bushels to
tin' acre, while Jos. Cawrse, a
mile or so distant from the Wun-
derlich place, turned ojit II
bushels per acre. This shows
what old Washington County soil
can do when conditions are right.
For sale: Indian Kimner thicks
ami large strain of big young
geese. Henry Jaeger. Garden
Tracts, west of court house. 21
G. G. Nelson, of P.aeona, mail
carrier between that point and
Huston, was down to the city
Friday, on business. Mr. Nel
son says that the fern is very
high in the mountains, making it
.... ..i. i .... . l.,,.,i i it, ml
i li ici il loi iiuy oof iw.- . I.. -
ami reports that very lew are
being killed up his way.
Anton Ghristener ami Simon
Herschey have appealed from the
lines imposed by Judge Smith
upon conviction of mile of un
wholesome meat, ami the circuit
court will now have a turn at t he
case. Their bond was filed r ri
day last, ami the appeal placed
on the calendar.
.1. II. Wilkes ami family went
In Cnn noil Keach. below Seaside,
Wniimhiv evening. Ml'. Wilkes
retni'iiiiiir Tuesday evening. Mrs
Wilkes and children exited to
remain several days.
l--iiv ti"f I I W Kim'i fit'5. II
(', imi nl Ji, dux K f.i'-ll !.-. J V
M.U.iU il ;,". K M l'.'i'l IV, C I'! Ili.Vf
is, I' I' t'.olni ;s, I' I' liiiiii 5 y, Ii
N t'.ir.-n ;i.
I'l.liMxl flxxcaxiif nil. I I' I ill Wllkt'
fxl, I' II to II, vlicti, H.'lH l"iiiuil,iU, Ntr.lii
W'ihkI, Altlu-n ll.-mi'i.t- r.trli 5.'
Ooiailv p it I ino - Vlnti-iuo Yiini(-,
f;H, HriiiiiOi W.I ! s. A Uv ,. Print
I't'iiU St" I .sx. I'f K'i'li ii!. l, il.ii- Tr.i
Co ,i I ('.'.win l.l. .I'" I'.illi tli- 14,
Mini. 'ii A I'li-i'inim ' IS, IH'" Mere Co
.'.) y
I'.iiinty i-oott - lllo'i Aula X- (i o;t)C.
I'n f 1 -x J , Illlklmrii l.intv I'.' , C I'I
IVii'luiuill IS, I'. I Kni illl S, .1 II tiiow n 1,
Uti.l;. s U I-' Ki Kiin.-r jf-uO .S. l.-vo-vrt-ii
l,lr C11 17 S-', lll'ii l.'.i Co U7 ui.
,i S l.mstitiK .vi.t. II W'i'iiittoiii si .S, ) 1;
Wnlils.lilrnii in. is, t'.mmr Koxvi-ll
- U "s. 1 1'"-1 W-ilUrn
M ill- Ow- Stun- vi Un' f illowittR:
llnll'itmn t-l ill. I'.ivli.r it ill, I'txm-r. I 1.
I'orl.t-M, t'.riim-n, I'lulip ti illino, Aiiilri-as
1 hiiiiiiv, C.ill.i ti, Jut l,r-iiii; ,lr; W l
Snntli j f"t 4S.
Sluti- OitM'it - Stale- v-t tin- f.iltmving:
lli lliiinn rt ill, l''.p.-r, I' .I,w l."f
niiiK .Irj Win Mi-l Jmlliui iMtiMntili H i.
IIiwi'n nml liiidiiMiv Iliiiiuiu.ii.l Mfi;
('11 JS( j, Viilvulim- Oil Co 5, Ui-nll xS;
Cn US S-S, I'tiutitt i it Mill Co 15, Kii-en
i'lii li'ui 1 V 11, A V Iti'l 3.', .I..I111 Nv-Ih-ik
II 57, I nto' Wolf t v l llay.u.S:
xv A lln.l;.-i Sus, Cmisl Ctilxi rt ix: l'liinu
C.nfS 3S, Hint l.l.r Co jyi 70, .1 M Hint
175, 1 1 i r 1 v 11 3,s, .Urol' 1'olu-r
ijs, S I' K R Co 2.SH .'S, I tlo Triinsfrr
Co it") So. lllui Men-Co lN nt, Art'uit
Kiii-n IS 75, PCnnxiii I y Willi Mil xv
iiinU'ini lit ( o J 75. i.'-tl """1 I. s.S,
llllllillil Stl'llltl Ixl'lIlT Co .l 15, xx tsli Ott-
I . , ii '1 It kl'ir .V I I'Kt'llS 2 .,x. .1 f
' ' ' .. .... . L' 1 ...
l.OIMIlie K'O, I' XX I.IXl-tllliiU- ti) 1.1, I,
lluiHt- S( 70, Mitelti-ll l.i-l!tx Mmi-rlo
I I S-i. Sti vrns Itrtm I'i 4. II r Ktuliiiu-t
lS 7.s, H Klinn.r il.t; .f, The S wilUrs
" I iVV
Witnesses, county court. Stale
vs Dan Ward et al-John Miller.
Henry Olsen each $1. Fxpress
Agent F G. A F Sexton. Oscar
P.urnsworth, Joe Lenneville. Jack
I, at ta each W 20, Henry Kruger 2,
Albert liunning 2 00.
Grand Jury Witnesses--Wm
P.lack, Ula Hanna, Hugh Smith,
Gilbett Potwin, Orin LaCourse,
rived on the scene. Hradv
!rs Ileile Parnell en ?l 10. C. F Chowning was thrown over the
Iraves. C P. Shumway. W W rfhtss. and aliirhtinir on his head.
a ll ... . "I .i l.l" ... . ... . .
a vers. i , .lonnson ea i on. ur ha,i his nose broken. - i ackburn
I, II Smith physician in. remained in the car along with
Keels and highways Frank Prouty and Wishard, one of the
l'.arr ?1, Geo McGee on (i.i. John latter injuring his hand slightly
Ib r!) f.7 o0. J M Hiatt 27 fio. F When the car struck the Km
C lo
I o!-.'.e
7 o0. J K Hayden :',0. (' K Meach- the ditch and sustained a few
.!-.. i it.i i u . ,x jxii ' . ii : .
am .it .si, j j Mievun ;, u c uruises. iier injuries are noi
N'. lson 12i) 12, Ambrose Schmid- severe, although she suffered
!i:i Ti. II T Johnson 10, J F GrotT considerably the next day. The
I o'l. Andy Kostur r.lll (W. Chas husband wa3 not injured in the
Johnson 717 '.H. Chas GeitxT- least The horse ran up to the
g. r Ll!',.'. to. Alf Pieren 1, G W city and was caught by bystand
I'.rown 2 iiO. 'lhos Murphv , N ers
irson a. I. D Ilite 2 ;0. , Mur- The entire rear of the car was
H-k .". P. Flcischauer 10, D C demolished and the tonneau was
Stokeshury ;. Arthur Knox 2.50. practically torn from the body of
I) 1, Smith I'.l Iii. AbU) Peters the machine, lhe left hind
lOTi. Grant Mann a, A 15 Todd 15, w heel was torn to fragments.
I () Johnson IV.l '.Hi, r , Hrown and so great was the impact
lh'.l tl. Kichter (ill Oil. I arl when the car struck the bridge
ll.-r lotto. J N HolTman 3S0 97, that a 3x12 plank was broken.
. . , . . .11 , ... t i .... I .i'i a . . r .i li,.. . I . i .
Woil i.ros i r.'. jonas ixionne ine ures iainy uusierea mt
17 -o. And llockman IS 73. plank, showing that the brakes
i Continued on 1 'aire 11 ) were set as hard as possible.
Coroner ira w. uarrett neia
an inquest Saturday, and the
jury, aside from declaring that
death was due to an accident.
I'he undersigned will sell at pub- rived no blame. Blackburn and
lie sale at the I'.rown reed Sta- the two who were uninjured
hie. on Main St. near 1th St., testified that the machine was
IlillsUiro. at 10 a. in., on going about fifteen or eighteen
SATURDAY, AUG. lo miles an hour, but others swore
I.. i ii . i i i
light head of horses, weighing tnat wnen tney icu town ana
t S I V t tit ft.
Are You Thinking
trVVJffia . I '
Tit i i' i'i f r i !n "i -f rm i iA mriMi i
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you arc, do not overlook the mod
ern accoinunxlatious at the
American National
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for draw ing your checks and a 3
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We caa make you feel at home
for we have .all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courfeoitsy received,
A. C. Siiute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier.
American National Bank
Main and Third, Hlllsboro
car i t t i x x u it m m :
ii'-om-nxi i,.f 100 each, aire from reached the Baseline road they
1 to 0 vrs: 10 head of cows. 6 are were going with high speed.
i'...,ci, .inn- ion! .t will h, fresh in Blackburn says that owing to
n,.t't...r- .I", iiead of sheen; Bain the dust he did not see the ve-
vv"v.,. - - r- mi i l r A
wa.'on It! inch: de hverv ton nicie unui ne was ngnt againsi
,...,,n- i-ii k- eurt: sets work it, and that he sounded his horn
harness: set single harness. Kmrick says he did not hear the
i' o .,r v,)!..-Under to machine at all, ana neara no
10 .1 mixnthn time nt alarm.
ix' ...,nt' nor rent, ntr for Woodruff is a member of the
cash on sums over $10.
Otto Gauguin. Owner.
J. 0. Kuratli. Auctioneer.
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
Argus and Journal, $2.25.
Mrs. M. L. King, of Gaston,
was a caller at the county seat
Andrew Hockmann, of Beth
any, was in town Friday, on
business with the county court
He brought to the Argus otlieo a
line lot of fruit, free from scale
or l 'lulling moth.
Do you want your hay baled?
We have a hltv ton. daily, capac
ity, baler. Call Herb Miller,
Farmer 112, or address Hillsboro,
Ignite 5. 19-21
Mrs. H. K. Sehmeltzcr depart
ed Friday for Chicago, via the
Oretron Klectnc and Hill lines,
and will visit relatives at West
l.ibertv. Iowa, and at Valine,
Kansas. She expects to be ab
sent a month or two.
A small blaze at the Gates
power plant. Friday, called out
the department, which made
splendid time getting to the
scene. The lire w as extinguish
ed bv local hose, however, by the
lime the apparatus was on the
ground. The damage amounted
to but little.
t. ..-wj..,i'Wi.i'iww
a ,n: O ioox o ) J
- 1 QA
- - l
-- r. - ' c x - " I '
Mixweorder and a member of the
Order of Railway Conductors.
He was working with Blackburn
while awaiting a position as con
ductor for the Portland, Eugene
& F.astern. He leaves a wite
and two children in California.
The county commissioners went
to the scene to look at the road
way, which had recently been
repaired, when the bridge was
overhauled, as there was talk
that the condition of the ap
proach might have been partial-
y responsible for the tragedy.
Woodruff's body was taken to
the Hillsboro Undertaking par
lors, and prepared for shipment
to Portland, where his mother
resides. The remains were ship
ped Sunday morning.
lhe jury which heard the case:
Carl Bunsen, August Tews, J B
Wilkes, Mr Cornell, L J Uush
low and C A Lamkin. Deputy
District Attorney T. H. Tongue
appeared for the state and con
ducted the examination of wit
It is the general idea of auto
drivers that the speed was great
er than claimed by Blackburn.
Emrick and wife are to be con
gratulated that they escaped so
Of your children by giving them an early
start iu life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bxink and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
tu )f
For sale, cheap for cash, 10
foot corrugated iron roller, tel
escope frame. Zina Wood. 8-tf
The latest fashion in watches for women is the
real small ones. They are tiny, but perfectly re
liable timepieces. They come in a great variety
of cases plain (for monogram,) ornamented, set
with jewels, etc., from $i?,oo up.
Just received some fine selections of new patterns.