The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 31, 1913, Image 1

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f 1 It II
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nil u
" " " M() a
ini,I.Sl:KOtOKKC()Nt Jt'Y M. VJZ
TH.. .
h rnn llin I Hi.- County Cent .M..nd.i, :
v.m-i nil iii iihl i
I U iiHALtno to
I cm P (If RHflRIHflRHS
UHLLui - ltl) Suti. ,,.,, lhll Mr.
I if I v Ih.llar
4 11UII"" -
iiUM,,k M... S.IU Caltk l Br.
l mil ! StjU
lAi. v
. l
lil "
I IU'" i
ll.lV. I''
It he I'
,;,tlirl . "f " :"" V'dr
i i .. . I, .ii I anrii ; alt' uf
at ! !. tluifl
;i,h1 Utd. bed 'H'
cattle cmcing front
Mr, Chalmers is ""
'. i i i known iM-i-i.-f
I... V...l),.AiH
;SI,i.rtl."ftr. in "'- "
In- l i4 sate, I In'
Seottidi I-truti
i., i,, i i .ii ii v "
. ."!' Hi1 I'f I'"
, . I , I i .liri 1 III ut
land .-"""'
ii... n i i i.ur
.mo- at m-
I i n. bidding a tpiril.d
throuchout. S.:.'H
ll"v'. . .. i . t 1,1 l.v II
. ,L , . m l.:i'l,. .". ....
( l. filial!, V llsoili in.
1 . . . II IV I
.i,r- I 'loWT, lieu.
,1V Vancouver '
' .' .. i .. i., u .ii,
I Si. Ufll loan
Win Sli'-p-
, I. William
Hi.- Count v t'o'ii I
tdilpped U l"t i'f I'l l ' tar ' ;
r.-.. i.taci. s to I.. I. W. -If
lualatiii. fur u in i" 'to,,' up
tin' (inilitV exhibit tn I..- M iit P.
tlx Stat. l air, tl.i-, I rl. Mr.
We ,lfa!l I th.- rieht man m t!
ru'lil l.Ia . ami 1 in' .t;"i i ""'
I ustk t fur him rv.-rv il" a- j
i. lance t r f n tin- '.rat,;-.', 1 rum i
the farm, t i uf hi M-cti'.n, ad !
trmii all lhi unity eotntuen aal i
uf vaniat ion i, I ! uhi f a "ii
(,. i!l nut v-. t tir t I'M."" !
tlu- I.n l. u! tml'lii' f'lh l . i I i
r.tuntv m-vt-r ha.l 1 H.-r
lr ..- t i, an. t!,T- i i a a i ' I -rani'''
( jiiu. a l i. iiatuial ami
iiianufai tiirvil. f rum '..hi' ti t"
(hi..-;.-. If Mr, W tlaH ha.l tl,.
liiKiu. aal -itiirt In "'li'l ai r
. , .i i ... i
11 1 ll.C . i: lai.' t I'll.'l- IM-J.MH1
aiiv iluiiht.
hf f. .1. ral pi'nuiifi.t ha
hruiH'ht Mill ufaiii t If.-1 I'- '
, I, j, 1, ,,im- Co.. a!;",'im' a i"la
turn uf th'- Mm rm-iu l.a.s. m
l,..-ri'lt,L 'Altll I'tlll-r CUM! KIM'- i.
itiil.-iM'ii.l.-iit. in ri tiai'l uf ' ""i i
jMtitiuti. !(" ' nit H ihr. i li-.! j .,
iH'ainst th.- Wau.Hij'tuii i uuiin i
I i li .hu!ii- t'timjiany, "i llni. ! .
r. ;v i Wa !ai v:t'ii t'nntly, a- i
in." uf Hi.- ium.aiiii"t in th- mi r i
p-r, AtiHWt r in K t t 'I I'V th-
.- i iii.i.i.' uf a f'v
w . k'4. It H a! .'. I h.T.
th.- In al ru!ii.anv H u'A ii
I.H-at iai'ital. rntiivly.
. .... i i,.., .,.;-. . innnTii niiiimii' iimif lip j
lie llr'h Nh'MiI nam! will II uuiiik wiiiiiiwv
taki a vacation troin in.unn lions
until S''tfifi!-r 1.
li'-avv work team for Kal
Iii) hi.:, aiiJ NuiiM- Kititc 1.
N.uv li. in,' vit.-a Mr. and Mr. Claml
,f l tlrov', visit
ii tut: k vi r
I Ml '.OAS likIS 1
..IJ .11
On ii. t v
Si. I
. II 111
I ilH'
A -ir
Wa I.;
v. i- :ii
; .i t-A n.
J Si.iri'i'C
lhav i r,
ilTil .. !
! t dan cum ' i
ll 'l'i ar
i' ! 1 a , ia t .
i a;; uv.-r
! n i ; I hat i
UiS I" ' "
I'urcst (irovc, Or.'on,
K. Smith,
I r l I l'.rm:u vllt. il ri' .'it I VC3
in 1'iwn r rioay.
Fur .-a!u, cheap fur cuh, 10
f-K.l cnrruitaU-il iron rolh-r. t-l-i
r i uM-fra'" ZinaWmxl, H-tf
(;,.,. Harms, of Mountaimlak
wan transacting' buniticris in th
. 4 l.'.,,..U.
ICII'H.iy S'.H, ,WHV.'.
Mr ami Mm. ('. C. lthoa'l'-s.
l'it Master li. I. Crneliu Oct
Ortkrt I rvm Washinrton, I). C.
H..n.lrrd llullari Limit o (hK
Munlh - Five HundreO Tulal
l'(wt Master lJcniamin 1'. 0rw
Huh Momiay received word from
I Mr. and M". U.. un. '-s, . c that the
' uf 1 "t4 Hi h, Uiro. (it'iiarieii run- - -
'I' I
. d. ;i
1 i ,
i 1
, i , . ,
. .-r
I, as
ut to I-
l it th'- ii'iality
t" i
( )
n i
Scut I eh l,K'Ii'"-.
,,,,r,, I'urtland
I r.r.Uii h Mi'.dt
i;,id,. l'u"il
S..'Hi h l-.rn, Wm Uuddy
Si.,.,kimi Cruum. II laddi.
c i, I'.ir.h ll.'urv I'l l-
s.'..tti..h r.i'-'in ii. ih 'Nuli-
! ..ii. am uiivcr "'
v' ,.n,h r.l.niiiiur l.u-c VI., i:.h)!e W
.rK Crunch Mlidrud II. Wll- Itad.Iv 1;V
I..-'. .. I, hidv la.W'in K.-nn.-h:""'.' Cuhc H. I. K. Na h
ui,. in
I ,:, h h.l, Wm Uud.l) !..
t.,,l,i, n Wundcr. Wm Cmldy p
hni. Cranih Mildred VI. F.
W. IM.r un 1'
h.ri c S af.rth. S illiam
! ,,l,u ,11
Fnt'll li h'l n.' Flutter
1 1,.. l..i!..Aint' I'tilU w.-r.
Il.iihn L'-ader II. h
Sl.aik. v. I'nrtiand V"
lualalm t'hi.l 1'
Fnv'li ili Huron, AU Fversun,
M'.iitesui.o Is"
r,.hJi I '.iiiiMi II. I., Mey
er h. While Salmon. I"-"
owi.tiuN 1 1 t:c i wiw muss
dull .! I.!:
i.ut 1 a . h'-a
...... n. II..-;
i i., ! i h ar to
1 I 1
I lu,v pnee.-i la l vi
1 rn I Til,'.' f
Traction etii'ine nu n w ho n-i , t.. t !,n,k h a u
the county roaih nre h law r--1 (,,r - . e :m
.1.IM-...I In carrv mmiic h'-a.v! .Mcrch.v.t-; a'.S
..i-.,,l n ilh ih.-ni. fur l'lai'iii,' on 1 n i.i t
,d i-
I 1!
tin' Ihmm of'e wlnil ,ali ar
. . . . I ' . I
. ' ........i l li. i:iw w is a'-' f.i 1 1 , i . , i
i'.. ii.ut tl,.- .h-ckinf would nut l'i trait.
i-"' . , .i . . i
rut up, and the p!anm' "i i n ; i ui;u-.i a '
planks aNo act :h s.treiiUien-jciil-i. Wa-hif.
iTi t the fitructures. A- vet's , ,-is are rmt tu
,.-. tiun h;Hii threhher, and en 1 ...:i"'.e ! mt;
n.i ;t IVi It" ! (". I I III' 'i H H t "i .11 .
ciiusuin.t lull
particularly when they cro
a . , .
lolli: iH lliue i"i ui
if tow. n.
Call. r.-at Ii. nl I ua
uui in town Mundav. ami
mnt at.'aim.t WuNhnii'lun
('uuntv. a-kiiu.' the court to "I'." '
title to her place in that
. ..ii....... ih-ii tlsu court IJ
a i
p. r ci id. are
riiu'W W ill
a, ia-t .- a-l.',
..;.a;e. The
I ave not i'is-
!;d I hey ,-eein
can't, prevail
, r ti,.- county
, j'tHHl, and j
r a hi;' trade I
re hein con
ic, tr the s-tate,
h-.-A.-wr, nt 1''
'ton ( 'ouuty vi c.s
in;' to the future
lar'.'elv, and it
! a eon,!, stiif
MM,ro. ueparieu nu .-, , . -,,
r . A ........j t... til 1 Il.-ti-rVT.UI J trrrj u'4
in', ' .!av lor a 1 uiunun m wi" - , ,. .
i Fr inciico and oth.-r Call- soon reacn nitiswro lur uic
i, .Ifun.ia i-itiU. Utallation of a imtal saving
' . I.. tr..
I- i... 1, ,-.n . Hin.-ri ucks hank, wnicn will ue rt-auv in
.IT HI Mi' .
I....I l-.r.u. ulrain of hit.' Volinir l,uin( on Sl'OUTntXfr 1 nt
..),..' ...?- --- - ' -- ,
l . I .. -.. 1.....,.. i ... I . . . i a L .. ,
.'iH'Se. lienry ..''.
Tract, west of court house. .1 hat th(? j(.nartrnent has
LditofSparkx. wtrn ha-i written i comparisons where these
IT. . of i-orest (.rose, for manv . .
m. nthH. wan in town Monday is iounu v..w
, , , manner interfere with commer-
, , .. cial banking. The advice says
11,1 V L l'4l I il.F
We ha
i! v.
Fanner Ui, or address
k'.,u want your hay bald , will bank a few
a hi ty ton da. ly. ( M ic- with the pot office where
,a!er. tall H'-rh Miller. ... , t reinilar
If you don't -v int to c.r:ie to town, just phone your
,..,1.., t rrointit v attctldca lo as h yuu
called in jcro i. We s:-ciili.e m "Hurry Up orders
...... . nu ? :i r,--f scririioii raaiie uuvciv luunir
ieiitly ia this ,iy. All orders are seut out by the
earliest os.v.niu return man.
No need to wait till you come to town-
Phone that order in today.
On and after A,.
Kexall Ken,-
... i
i i i .. u.i! und nut orescriDtionS anu
j i arcel l'tt, l'repayed without extra
W '
i this -eaon.
cunivi. .noMi.w
" paclte
hi.v, and
hold up
it,, hold
hit rL. rt-mit't . .' ....i. ..i lu ,
vrthu.d is p. ; ,(:1.U(Hl.i ,la coach f.ol.l.iTifce-:
IhiHia the Haute .1.1 i. ,...,,,!, interest to . " r
ruck on a 'penady -i
Kid." the nuturious out rtc':.-i border
if hi; hind, no louver
the H-adA-ood cnach,
I .t.-iv.-r ru.d t..t':-S'IiirerS
uii their hand- under
hcin,' r I !' I with
they will not ko to a rejruiar
bank with small sums.
w,,,r.,U..,l Hnllnni a month
I tyilC IIU.IUIVU v,.,...
For Bale Several incubators js the limitation of deixwit, ana
and brooders, latest makes. J. f,ve hundred dollars 13 said to be
t . .iitu riiitr .lain-. Wilkes' mnvimnm of deoosits to one
ulace. south ol taty 1 arK, inns- customer.
po " me IH'Hiaiw aic nut v.t.v..-
,-, ..rMinit the Warren to roll in very strong as this sec-
liliamook, rrii.i i punv. mc , . , ,. fnPr.., a,
. ni ; take ti ace nanuieu iu mc s..
i:ul, Sepiemuer that mt
For Sale - lU averton home of much of a tax. judiontf from the
s rooms, plastered, w ith 1.03 experience of other post offices
acres of land. Some small fruit where the savings institution has
and berries, tint! vrarden skiL U'en adopted.
ci,:..i..,n u-.r-L -Wm. ("onlev. U..r..tnftirp a nerson could buy
1 IIH IM.ll .... ... " - , .
i. r. nw lS-Jt) U mr.n..v firder iiavaule to nim-
u- i w-.ll lfl Sund iv eve- self or herself, and later cash the
'I'r ntn 1' trb ra Ca! o order, but the banking business
! KiLlrtrandw l will put an end to this method.
( - - , .
remain until CH'pieuioei.
Mrs. Wall will return with her
i. .. .i......i
The (IrandMurca.s the most The Southern Pacific schedule,
' . ..... . t .- .. ,..r" ;.a now running, is as follows.
syliuiesome iwo mi .)'"" . --- -
The Delta Drug Store
a. w x x x x x m.
Are You Thinking
Of -.air....: a BanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
To Portland
To Portland
f. '..' I
(', ,'i'i
lo ui
I !'.
:i ,v,
r, l,.
S 'Jtt
'.Ks .
ixn I'uilhtnd
7 Is
;i o; ,
1 1
I IS '
hi! I
'I "'
p ut
P in
p in
, a m
.a m
a m
p m
p m
p ui
p in
p m
a in
a, that has been airci
court l-forc. two or tt.ree nuie.
when Hancock was nherilT.
There are some mighty line
draft burses Uung tied to the
chain along the public square.
il...m .lavs, showing that it puys
Private desks for w riting your business
letter; (or dr.i .ving your checks aud a
hi- free telephone list in a private
Wth. Privacy for your safety deposit
lvvi We ran make vou feel at home
for we have all the modem conveniences.
the ( d :,c of t!;e:'" more prosaic
ilavs. and the reproduction of
,. nf th.we thrdlmg events in
thcperfurmaiiceol theUklahoina
t. ,,.n wild West, w hich exhibits
to brced to line draft
Monday. Aug. tLli.
hiiht will be received by
ScIhmiI Clerk lip lo ti O Cioeh p. mi.
Aug. '.I. CUT, for ID cord of first
class, old grow III, green lit". I It.
wood, to be delivered on school
grounds not later than Oct. I.
Hoard reserves the right to re
ject any or all bids.
(',. Fi. He.U'O.
Clerk of School Hist. IS, Wash.
Co., Ore.
To the Herman Speaking Ameri
cans: Notice is hereby given
that, the Herman Speaking Soci
ety of Curneliiis, Oregon, will
hold their next inecling at the
home of llenrv t'o. on the
C.recnville road,' Sunday. August
o. CUT one mile west of Ver
boort. All members t f the Soci
'ty and (iernian-speiiking Amer
icans are invited to be in attend
ance. Win. Schenilel. Sec.
Cornelius, Ore., .Inly IM.
(' had
the following in its "Twenty-live
Years Airo" column: "Venter-
dav a Wiiwhiiuriiiu ('onntv I'ar
nier brouglit in a load of hay t
'inddard and Fra.ier. He had
only nitched out a few forkfuls
when a Mongolian pheasant
about half irmwn Hew out ol tin
load int.. llwi ulnhlu W11S
faught by George Watkina, who
.... .. '. . ' i.
...I...- .1.;,,,. lied catches tne e
in Uf . 1 1 ...
H the line lot of mules that are
.-c.-miunallv driven to the city.
, few cHi-s ai'o a muie was ,
,-nri.tnitV in this seclien. ano
,,.hit U I'.ailey. id aliove i.nxmn.
was aUtut I In- only man who ap
preciated Hw "liie ol the lone
eared boys.
.1 P. Slapleton, of Vancouver.
Wa" h . was in the city Sunday,
enroute home front h trip b I n
i,,.,,,,. f Mr. and Mrs. .1. 11.
ii ; i. .,r C.iles Creek, w her.
he went after his wife, who was
visiting there. .Mr. Staple on
I , .....I raided oil! in the
M US ."'. I. . ,11
V, i Uh.i t section, and links
there is no place like old Wash
ington Counts'.
)r Herbert W. llegeh- ol
Portland, was in town Saturday.
While here he tiled suit in circuit
,.,,,,,-t, against f . w. "
T'hnber. asking for iflS-lJt . and
.. . ... i i .,.,., in ines.
hleil auacuiueii.
The claim was lor medical ser-
V ices.
Fur sale: Two Jersey cows
well bred and fresh.Mgmun,.
Cutver. on Spru-gyi ie Koao.u,,,
half mile east d old Let Unity, l .
,,. Address. Ilolbrook. ( regon,
i . .... i i.t-i
Ivouie i.
.1 W. Uavnard. of l'l"w l';,u
rel.'was in town Monday. He
:.. .i... umniliu' learn m the
WHS HI CIU ........r. - .
Moose relay race. nt. i ua ..o.m. .
C,..,,l ivf ins cud Ol
Wet'K "KU ui.
hos. Uaymond, as reporieu to
I he press.
John Tunzat and sister. Miss
Marie, and Miss (ihidys in;
I'urtland. were out, oiioo...v.
Mr. and Mrs. Tunzai, win i
n,,.rty bore, have moved he.e
lur permanent residence.
John Uebel. of above Motin-
. i .i . m Moik av. lie
tainuaie, - ,
.i in... nf below Witch
I.. IS. IMU.M.I, - .,
.. i .n. Mundav. Mr.
i till having faith in the
hop business.
Itmvlliv departt
., ... ..f n. .....k for Rupert
ine utsi m iu , . .
.ii... i.. i.iit liur sons and not
lltaiio, ui isi .- - . ,,
i daughter. Mra. Lois Mitchell
; j-.i.l to cr. ate a sensation.
Fur the purpose of the drama,
it U announced, a i:eiiuiiie old
time Dead.vood ft aire has been
secured. The driver is one ol
the oriental WYils-Fargo mes-eit-ers
who, in the lanmuure of
tune. wuuUl rattier m'ni
n,.,,i ..'it Siinn ut mo out
i ii. ..... - , .
i r ....... vv no
senilis auo lu'.Mi. "
ride in the coach have actually
had the experience of being held
up bv Ux'der bandits. The stage,
drawn by four army mules, comes
dashing' down the arena. As it
turns the corner, tut ttieseconu
lap a band of marauders dashes
out of ambush, surround the
l. .,!,,, I tl,,- driver, and com-
coat in i""' v" ,. , .,
pel the passengers to aiigm. i
is all done so quickly that there
is no chance for defense. The
passenvrers ate relieved ol their
valuables, and the sale, contain
inn an express shipment of gold,
is thrown out upon the ground
and blown open. Just wnen u
seems that the bandits will es
eapewiththoirilbgotten plunder.
there is thesoundot many imrses
feet, and a band ot scorns aim
cowbovs. led by I ol. .aeu mm
hMl the famous Oklahoma ranch-m-in
in the role of the shntl.
net into the picture. There is a
short, sharp exchange ol shots;
those of the bandits who do not
ill are captured, anotner onvei
Joseph II. Stream, of rort'St
drove, has sued his wile, nunan
Stream, for divorcement, lie
says his profession is that oi
barber. Stream says he is will
ing that tin-wife shall have the
community property, but does
not sav how much or little u is.
For sale, cheap:
Driving and
i n., uun'v . buckskin, about ten
.sU(. i- .... . -
ni.l vei-v eent e.- Henry
'Crocks, near Johnson Pros, saw
mill four miles soutti oi inns
ulro. w-a
The Misses Kdna and Alma
WiHtster, whose father was in
business here in the early nine
...... .....r.. unests of Mrs. W. C.
(iiiVord. of the Hotel Washing
ton, Thursday ami rruiav, re
turning to their home in Fresno,
Hal., the last ot tne ween.
Hm.tI, Mnrehinson. who has
been engaired as druggist at For
est drove for a number oi years
departed this week for Scotland
. 1 . :.l. !.; .,l..l! II
....... i win n i aLiin,
.' lo eel back in the cooc
old U S. A. alwut Christmas
it......,- viilcor. of Port and. is
.,,,1 fn 11 Uit W ith his daughter
Mrs. Lorcii Jackson, tiarry was
the first superintendent of the
water and iiuht plant, which was
installed here in 1S91. and water
was turned on Nov. 27 of that
vear. lie held the position for
many years.
llenrv, ot the l'ort
vv.. - - ...
rtn Unn.tnv. McMinnvuie pas
senger does'not leave Hillsl-oro
for I'ortland until s:oo.
From Portland
iKj ti"uj4pntrpr. a. m,..-s:
W"illu - ,n. in
Tillamook passeneer, a. m . .io.w
Sheridan passenger, p. m -- o:Ti
M Minnville passenger, p. m
lv.piniT thA lti'ich season a pas
senger train will leave llillsboro
for Tillamook at Z.Zt p. m every
Jay except Sunday; and a passen
ger will arrive from lillamintK
every evening at 8:55, Saturday
I I - - .
A. C. Shutk, Pres. C. JAo-
American National
Main and Third, Hillaboro
Receipts for the week have been:
Cattle, 13VT7; calves, nogs.
nr-. -taan illl.- horses. U).
Ifcl, nilV.ll',
This week s cattie martvei na
been one of the most active ones
of the year. Monday nau one ot
the largest single day runs, con
taining considerable good quality
of beef. Prime steer iop w
steady to strong at $8 to?kS.Zo;
cows ami neuers .pi i"
with occasional sales 15e to 2te
higher. Cutlet is broad, and
fni nrime stlltT.
The hotrmarKei nas run who
for six days, jumping in price
r.- O 'lri n week sitro to 10. ue-
1 I Olll J.'iJ " " - f- -
u,',i li.inn nniisua Iv Iieht
and the trade has b?en unable to
n nniura fi mrk sunn v. ine
1111 I'Uioo ,v. t -
$10 price equals that ot lino,
w hich was ine nigm-M. nun
Ul -mm - V
i , 11.
Of your children by giving them an early
start iu life. Deposit $1-00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Hank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time aud deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
saviucs. Their success will be insured.
:., c.i.i itnted. and escorted ov
the sberill' and his posse-, with
the prisoner held at the ends of
i ho riders' lariats, the coach
......... it inn a iotirttev again.
Sialic on "i" '-r- .. - ,
ct.:., unt he renrot ucuon oi a
figment of the imagination, but.
it is declared to w an uc ...
..presentation ol a scene enacuu
emd.vds of times in the oui
davs on the plains.
A most varied ami imerosimK
.,..., ..ini'i, nt promised lor ine
Oklahoma Uaneh show. Scores
of Indians, cowiioys, cowgm".
Mexicans, t.ossacks, iiuii-uuui-
ers, cnielv-snots, expen ut
famous broncho-misters aim uu-
crs continne in a mh ".
1 l.. uimnnitr 10 ailVtuiUK
sum iu 1,1 '"'i , , .1,,.,
of its kind ever presented m this
country. A new and mammo h
street parade wm hi.ik".h-
Wild West Dav at. m:.w.
H h McCormiok. wife and
daughter, are enjoying them
selves ut Newport.
n iiivii " - ' - - - . , .
. . .1. . l-.i.,...- nf thu linmn
llenrv vauin.ui..'. ..v ' uet in uw niaiuij
laud PiVe Oepartnnuit, where he stlK,k yards. Liquidation will
i i,.,.i 'i Kerth for six vears, I ...,i,t,i,, i,n liirht. for the next
was out to llillsboro, triday, on fevv weeks, or until the annual
a Visit Willi Uis uiuniei, i-ivuiiii." j,-au rlin qi Bigs t'OUiuii;iiv.t-, Mum
VanCtim. Henry states that of sales averaged from 9.50 to
there are several Washington 990. Smooth heavy swine are
akiner e-ood in the
Va'iuuj ..' , . i ii i nruuj '""'" ,
. . i ,,f nf tlm lillQP 1 r, 1 . 1 .,.lfAn mniL-(.t hflQ
PUl'e UCpai liueiiv, v. i'"- I ine lOCUl inuimn iii.""-
i.n.. it....,., oinvu ami unsteaiiv. very
V. IIJ. I UlTH mvn ;-- -
H trrv Cline. wife, and two light demand tor euntr sneep ut
cidld - m' Ford Schmidt and fam- lambs and receipts have been
K l in Crown and family, comparatively smal . mostly yal
uy anu w , . otnfy Tnn nnntationson val-
f 1 -Hire i eiiai ietl monuuy iui u j. on,... -e -""; ,, . ,,.
I'UrtV via, the qraiolloytolto. Bj. tilt
l'onde Thov wi oe anseni iwo nuaitia sivn.iv """ """ ,v
Kondu t n ' ,,.v..,i,j: U,r.., tmm t 3 7fi and vear in US
i. ni'US illld W' V Sit Ultruuiui, unc i . "
WCeivS iuiu '" , , . . nr ... .vlmma nrimll
F ir View and KocKaway, anu at t. "unv
lbr"ou".h0,n Wil30n schItoRS
..... fa.v,
(.ontractor l.rucu uuiutm --.- .
l. ,on i. u ' it:n.,i. inb. A vnnncrmnn With 10 VearS 6X-
llCCtS tO llUlSIt Ilia Ulliauuiu ji...r. ----- - ,-,.,.
I . . . . K.t I li ,t nn.t n f th. nenpnefi in VVasnington tuouniy
olite t0,u L !i irJlr. ani mUi hnvinc a record of 21
wee ; SO Ktr lis Uitvci ia vuiiwi j oui"""' " . .. . o
I He will have a fevv days of graduates, and no failures, in 3
cementing tne euros, mm ""i" t""" .v .rio
Vh-'in up work," and will then sires position. Address '24-3 Ar
co to Condon, where his com- kus.
itany has a contract somewhat - 7Ilor
larger than the Hillsboro work. Argus and Journal, $2.25.
nTTfrmTrT niTTTlTfin DlHTf II
UliuiLi uniiuuM vim ii
DIAMONDS are the only good in
vestment that are as well a mark of dis
tinction and a luxury. A diamond
bought right is a v;ood investment for
anyone, but you must exercise judicious
care iu buying them. You should have
the same confidence in the jeweler you
- are buying from as you have in your
Every diamond sold by me is backed up
by my absolute guarantee.
iook ii nome.