3 B6K t M h NO. 18 VI.. N A fflDER Of DILLEY DEAD III 1HE GROVE . ..I III. lilt I nv a v rai ii.i si inn i i I f la.ltliia ur , .Hi It'll Ih. i tat. v. ,'! lln- f me'd dice July 1 l'.'i::.:if ;til ; w i t l-n II 'mint v. Indiana, and ihe farm until ! , .".II lf ilV', II' , ,i wav to Ita- F.l !i i mi; mi iiu-.ini Mill"" 1 ' , ,1.. .1 at 1 1 pit.it. t t i t -m "fc t,.r .1 ...i I hit"' in II " r.-iii.ni- I thin ." 1 lllll' "' ' mfiivi the liu' ,. ; . i t a few Kit'"1 i Calif.. n i.i j-i-l.l mines I'l the ...I I !l!li:i . ll 1 (nlci'li ral.le ii . . . furl I nl ntn;'. Ik' hit'le. m U.i ! i' . I"'' CuntY. in Km ,! t!, . .a n .f lil!.y wa i .... Iiillli. 'I .li l. I I ini, ,- !,.!. in.ini"'! I" ',1 vi '''. the wt'e l.iito'" "! I,l.hi, where tort, in I"1'1'' ' " 1 U.fii I" ll.-- union, !' 1 will, !!' '" Mr. v ll-lli and maio ,....'.' Hi II. iiil. r'if i t w a ll'ltl'l' IV. Mr I ih.- I. i'l a I"' ' i all mi l' Y a I in . i l (.ui.t i, and was i ' I. , in- I fm la ltd" ,'t il an.t chanty . I MiiN MikK PIs Flam t, walking nil the hf- Mull. Im-hh' a the wai rt ii w 1 1 if W til. i a, num.e. ;n :i tin nil r ill I i'l-. A. I . A. M , t i Ii r hi I !.' i 'I' l' l"f .,. . 1 1.,' film r.il t'nk , Mini' I' tin' ii'i 'i'ir''" ',!.i ih ii- f r.itt-rti it v . i 1 J.m-ph I'.i al, a il' tit i'l I mi-' t I ,tn i lay tnj.'lit 1 tin- ii lll'llkl tl lllll' ill I I'll !,t. I ni t tirui' aii'l F Friday. B'iil had ta' Hit tit lMll. it 'III.'' I w I. ill- t In y w rri- I ra . Inland a il'iul DEATH Of KiSa WiLCQX:' a' in iii'-ii a in,' ul i, ii i l am I'itt li 'l. I In- ( a . . i,, ' r Hi'iilil i" t "'il an. I !i 1 1 i ' ; i l.ul in ; ttiii;' n il ol t! . . . h , ! hl i (mil rail;'!. I, .n i ij'll it ii Ihiii m I, nut mil. ill tl.i' ,.,r ln i-U. In- iihimaW ! i an, fn-.-lll. tll-'l il'l.l I II t. i t'l i'l t t-;il lurm-il tl.i in 1 r s I tin' li.i'i'. Willi tin" ri'tiiiuiiiii Ii'!'-, I. .1 i 1 1 in a ii i ml. in j ii in;' I,i . I.iji, hs. yi liu' liltti liit t iia! ii ; it i i u-i r' lliat iiii'iln aS atti n I.i' i WiiiH tiuu.iiil. I'.' iil a i lirn i llitt hi-i I inn, anil vs a hi I'..- I in. i v. , r i -. !i 1 in I I i . 1 1 1 1 . t 1 1. ..I I 1 it I AO i.i I I i lull i : I I! I I ' rv t iii'iH- I Ml . i I II V,' I! II II- ai.. in M.iiii.Iam u- A wlii'u' it'iilf vnin i I iiU'li. It r i I i'l In' i .-'ii.- ;i'.' ' lull' III I III' li! ii. il .. . l'i Ii. Willi lilt rn'i in. I i I i ;' r. ihhiiIm r of v ar . I In ., .;. mini win vrry f"t, l i'l !, -r atn a!A:ii 'Aii. Ii'ivi! nr tra IIU'. tlll'l tH'l W ll ll it.UI'lllii.' I.ii !! (trinity li- lu m r I Ihiin w In n Im I iii'I a I. ii n w a of i In i l fi.l ill -I"' -it i. : . II i lil t ill liU 'Till-. Ii' H . 1 llV'l. I tiraii'l M.ui .1 I .iii- .Jillii' "t A il f nf il ' ' itinki' mi niiirl i t ma I- f'll. I V I'.. Si lilil' r. ' tM'liH'i' iii ii I'll"! -mnS. I' a I Ciiit.il Matva. l'n , Amtin U'lvtu't. i "i ' - i ;.---. i I favt lli.il tin' a .l,m,'t..'i ('. j. I l air. In m- i. . at I i - at . I II. is l iiil. I i l' ! v-rv i 'ii i " - i i liiinr.i-. iiii'l ;i'i i-:!'iil .i.i ii' Ml. i- In liil'i ilM f l-'M i ' il'i m il .. i.-i t.-.l .-xl.il.it. 1 li.-t.i.l'i'.'. In. .'in il 'iiiiirl 1'iA ar. t" tlHH' 'li-'l.'l '. ii'i'l Mi'. I'-iiv I'M II ! I , A. L (V'MTii, of fii-;ir I'.i tliatiy. h iii Muri'iiiy. ami h (. will i if i liavi- I.U tl.n-Kjii r ri-a'ly to .rat". J. N. Miili-r, wl.Ji.'H si la.4 lilan- tn-ar Oak Turk, l.-avi-s tliii ,-, i. k f'r riaUkani'-, where lie .- jctIh Id lorat'-. Mr. ami Mrs. .I:n,n-i r.. tiftlirt. . h'l ciirtii- t' llil! lUiru (rniiiNf lira ka. la-t AuihI. r-t lrut-l j their t'ltl'li'ti weil'hfi, a few I ilhi r i il l, -I U','il. iri't Dtitic-t. who l,:u Ix-cn .virkitij' at Iil!'- (nr several iii'ii.lliH, hits rvMneil liin hsi iiiiii. tiii'l wan in lliil. lor the lir t nf tin week. r.i'iiverlon home nf i.Ia-iieri-.l. with 1.0:5 ! ai-n-.H tf lati'l. Som. small fruit !:i!n U-rries, tirn' t':ir.i-n b(k1. ;"l.iikt-n park. Win. Cutiley, n.MV.Tt.iii, Ore. U '3 1 A lar;f numlNTtif M'Misi' rnem- i SI I'. .r Sa! rmillli, GEIJRIICHES ISut three failures at l-ast Ouar terly i;amination MM K WT F-VEAK - ONf. I ll F Balam.e ul Clj. of 57 Urate iiietnpt Slandinn lor I a r. I !! ntn I- A i , , t. i I ! I I t,.' Ill ..i'l in I l i' ii . i' !v' r h. r; an i n ' . - tti- In he rllil't V ',. It I' A il ; II, u-- I I ' ar ii ' Ih in In iilti lul the hitf rlarnhake pull i . 1,1!' hy the onl'-r. l ln; Jxiys reiKirt ii splenJi'l tisne, arid an irtituensc crowal, 4 I r. K. M. Unhinson. of i'ea- wrluii, wa.4 in town Monday. Ih' hil.i liei'tt Very id. lionised for i ". ei-iil iti'itiUis, an l -a that he ha lu'eti iitiahle to attend to tiiia h of his niedical j.ract'nT. 'Hie yrand jury room U-ats tli I avla IdH. anywav. ihais one eoinforl for li.; Sv". en men coop- , ii (he Hi'rk eiiiluiv' hiiv hevli, lallle. I.;::, h.., sx. Kin apt i ..r rn.l.n la- I I ail. ..! . ., hi. ri p. Ii'.i.. I'.itti. in. il k. I la 1 wi . k hie eU In li..tr.' I iiii''i' e.l Iii I mil Ii t had h il'i h i l!i I on prii'"4. I'ritiie l' i-r t'.p s li .'J w itlt hlilk n( 'leer ' :'' .'it V.V" iind h n I la li-ni ( lr. i'"'i ! t r-i al tilt, iiinl i.i'AH V Vn f. ill !. i'.l. I . il'i In ell U keen il.-mai.il I. .- hut. her eat tie e- p. rial and hi -if eft. Sate w re li ' Ilia!! ipiillilllteH i i lln w a-t eumparal i vel v tdinrt . ow V Vn I'1 i.'S. Ii' ifei". V..'."'. I h"ll ' I'lllU .VfJI t'l 1 1 Itfhl . iihi-'i at !l. li.H' lliarl.el w a-i Htea I V t' t hie lnii.l nl elril line .id al ! Jo Friday iihu'Ii nil, nf li'.'hl ,miii. s:il" i 'I .'.il S.Mind ..u'k r-i hiiv e -ft! lmvei i oil Ihe llliir I I he lij' hi run w a-.' .inn k I1 i a tn I. . I" I''. in ,' lit.. I I 1 n,i I V,i' I tll'i! I I. I I Ihll 'I her f.,r eh.' ly eo.s mud'- i HIippU I ".est r " '.' I I ..i.1 I'l li. ill,. I II . I.uL' r. Imif . tin', ! !t 1.'. I., lieeli ll ki t ,'lti. ly iihiui Ih'.I, Swine prices are ii.piiieiit ly nn a heavy hit i i :it lea-t t'nr I he pt eSeltt. Slu i i hmi'ie ii ;ilieV;i hits l.een nil week. Iem;ilid f.rlolll tiHittmi iind liiinks li;n I'een liv'ht and Ihe (rade lias shown no siirn nl impruveineiit wh:iteef oer pii-y urns week's market. A lib I Till top n (' a; Hume el'.V fond Ktock sold tit that ptici'. I'fiiiK' lilliiit: ewes tit I, w ri Iters at i .'Si and yearling al I .rOare e ti' ine iiintaliutis in tin1 million lll l;lt. h'l itON I I I Vlk'lC Ik'MNS Pm I 'link i I hiit w I.. m ;i!! i ph .-d an I readv (nr the i it..r Ihe i.nii.U's slmA will I"' :i rev latl'iti. i Mrs iiiit .1. I 'it-, i ; an.! w il -. ! j r.itvt.'ll. Were ill llf ll"l' I Vi,i li J itii'ti'ti, Sain.lit . I hi ir -mi. A i I. I ;i is, td t i'k I 'mint , w i w ilh Ih.-iii. hautu' pi t am . d ( runt I 'eii! ra! ( li einei. v. I., n- i hits a mIin k ranch. I all . r an.t h.ni ihi'iill' d S;it 1 1 r.l.i fi.r 1 1 r i : i ville, and Mr. Ihi.i'. i'i'i'ti..i .i her lininc in !tloii. 1'i.r sale Several in. nh a'. ' ill). I hl'midiTS, l.tt' t lttake:t. .).' I'. Adams, near .lai-z S iH place, Hnillh d I'll) I'ill'k, llliir l-.r... -'I' !hi i .. ...i.. it. ii I I '. i.i,. I . ,n,. ! mi ,1)11 UIH lllll .lll'l iti ''I .if al-.e Hie Inn, pa thrmieh Ihe eitV SalilldilV, eliloilte Imllle from a three .l;i s I'cd.inv trip n er on the I r:tk iind other lil lilllionk OMItltV tr.-itms. l.ltliolli . ... .' . -il,! i.ays Kiev l.a.l line ie-iiini: an me tune. I'nr sale, i hean for ca: h. i' f.mt COirill'itled ll'ii'l f. '!!'!. I' l cope Ifiti'ie. .lliit .w I. S tt .- ! I" i I 1-1 he. I i.t t: u tor r. iind : ii''e lil np. any. I i.'.l'e l u!ii.' a :!,id and , and the t i-iifn-.',rl had ;!. Mi--.-, ;..' in a 1 1 I hm in Ihe l'i.! an t II- !: I'-d-u- Inleil , !'an. .t , s-.rl. ' I lie -A had a:i We.',. Ih- , i . ti.' 1 .;. tit I i-O. f Ihe i. ami 411.- Thirty applicants out of a tla.as of fifty-Reveri writing at On? last luarterly teachers' examination wert? succi-ssful, on; irtttintf a life diploma, four receiving fivt year certificates and twentydive earninjr a'rs lor on year, The entire clasH of .17 sliowcd hut Uiree failures, the twenty vent to IillamooK. Sunday, four extra having written for exempt trade standing. The successful were: Life certificate-Irma M. Vose. Five years -Minerva Frazer Brow n. Hillsloro; Carl F. Orover, Dilley; Sister M. Lucile. Beaver ton; Sister Mary Ucirina, Iea- verton One year-Kmrna Iliehler, (Vtrnelius; Olina Deford. Laurel; Frances lU-illv, llillslioro; hlhe M. Saue. Luira Hazlitt. Maud F. Kniuht. Forest Grove; r. J. ( le I ni at tht court house, charireil rno. Toledo; Alma lluth Ktce .i . i- . ... r.t li. -t. i .if l . i e W illi liiKlliK c.ire oi uie tuisijeeus uilisooni; itveiace. iormer- f the community. ly Mt Vernnn. Wash.: Mrs. Stti- i :.. I la Hinman, Sherwooil IL 4; Mrs, PKorei r "V.-' ------'' t YourOrte i:,;' . ton. Montana, and Uie Miss- (AIife Jf- j i s V.ola and Soplna llaumann. of '"''H1 .,an. V,11'.1 T Portland, were quests of Mrs. 1 vTZ A. ltu'. Sunday. They report f- 1; rt.n b-w.s I-inham. IH'ait'imil 1 w 1, innti-l .wot. thai their linthor, theodore. well know nin the Cedar Mill sec tioti. is now a prominent con tractor at lloiiolulu. Sandwich Mauds. I reii ,i, 1 1' I ! that t, -! tl. i't To I'm tland f. lM li f.'.t H: !,", In l'. Pin :t r,r, I'.I:. !i;i..s r roin 7;H ... !I.H7 U .S., . U:'JH ... I: IS .. :'J-I ... 7;.".H 1):L'2 PJillil .; Poitlainl . it tit .it in a in a in . pin p in . p in ..p in . p tn . a in , .:i in :i in P in p in p in ..p in . p in a in I ONI I P.I I I 1 . 1 . R "onald K. 1,(11, and Miits Pn'ii trice Puller were united in mar niiKe at Spokatie, Wash., Tlturs '."iy. .inly li, p.Mii. Ihe urooin :i Hon of Mr. and Mrs. P. A 'Oiitf, and Ihe liridi' is wel known here, liavintr Piuuht in the hik'h M'hool last Winter. They w'll .emaiii in Kaslern VVJishinvr ton unt il Novenilii'i,t when I hey Wl K r.itMt to Iowa, where tin Kfootn expects to enter the Uni versity of Iowa. wa 1 ! to lake !,-!' Of li, ii-r w:i; P.urdet! I childr.-ii , Pert). a. I P.ii.hi; t.--tti' i . , ! ! t ie.t,,;. a th. iii. a. in p. tak. '':! W'il'i , the el'1 M-u-.t V. ,"V s son. an ... v , , , ii a a-- iit'ii'phtnc at h-r cut Pit- itor iind .'feed, illld ii.'.reentents nothef was u. t!:e fat It--.aiiilfiith- citt'e of Alfred :md the three 4 of w hotn was tie. Mis. Alfred .11'. orced the I Ihe Will pru- l. th It !h. ol lllll; IS L'i I Artis and Journal, $2.25. Aut'iist Tew s ami family le ai led for Netai ts and I ianhaidi. the last of the week, lor an e ended outllu'. lltev Weill in the tnai'hine. via th' lititmle londe, Ihe IlillslHiro Putnher Com pany lias just installed a line new planer, of the larger size. Ha' mill hits orders ahead, and i runnintt full time. For sale, cheap: ' Urivimr and itddle iMinv, liin kskin, aliotit ten 1 . . .i ii years nhl, very entte. nnni I trucks, near .lolinsnn Pros, saw mill, four miles south Imh'h, Mrs. K. M. McDonald reltirn- ed to her home in Thorp. Wash., after a few weeks' usit with her sister in law, Mrs. P. . iMc- Kiitney. and other relatives. Cnl. li. W. McNutt. of t'orne- Itns, is down at N'iisiuc, wiu'te he will remain for his health un til aUnit Septemlier I. Ilesvv work team for sale. P.o CiS. Forest Urove, Oregon, lioute 1. lil'' Painters have heen putlinir a coitt of the revivilier on the cornice of the Hotel Washineion, litis week. Diinceat W. 0. W. Hall. North Plains. Saturday evenint". July 2(5. Toelle'sorcheslra. Tickets, .fli'i, ineliidiii),' u line supper. Mr. ami Mrs. IV re v l.onirand little son started Sunday for a vacation "t Netiirls, e;oinir over in their Ford. Clues. (Jrahel. of South Tuala tin, was over to the city Satur day inorniiiK'. Henry Brocks, of South Tiialii tin, was in the county seat Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. .1. T. Fletcher, of Forest drove, were county seat visitors Friday. F I,. Manes, of Chelialem Mountain, was Monday. re-r I'O t" in th. :.' ihhi I in of the the (','fe el sum of the tins to In ure Buxton; Marirueritte Morrisey. Marcclla Morrisey. Cornelius; Thos. F. (lill. Oregon City; James F. Forsythe, Gaston; James II Jack, HillslKtro; Kunice C. I'ost. HillsUiro Moosers won Drain; liov h. P.ierly, Beaverton, three out of four ol the contest U. :i; Nellie h. Wooil, J. Augusta lit. ted at the l illitmook clam- Siller. Ilillsboro. hake. Sunday. Dr. . v.. l'tt- teiiver won hrst and second in the Pal Man s race; Ilios. and Nick Williams, Butcher Bendel im I Thus, liiiymond won the . . I k. . I men s reiiiv race, ami Airs, .louu TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If yoti don't Aiini to tome to town, just phone yonr order in and it will !: promptly attended to as if you called in jk.tso;.i. We sjicci ilie in "Hurry Up" orders and yoti can 'c t a prescription made up very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the earliest pos.-dl.e. return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and Kexall Beme.iles hy Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra charire. iMMMMAWMMMMMMMMMM The Delta Drug Store RLXALL STORE j. s twi t jl a mm . Are Yovi Thinking t ririliiiirVrmiiirfli CAWI OP THANKS We wish to express our thanks to our kind friends for their Boeker won the first premium in sympathy and kindness during the ladies cotittSl for Ion ir dis tance throw inr of a hasehall Thev were nwa-ded substantial premiums lor their trophies, Mrs. Boeker savs she won Iter trophy hecausc she had lieen in traitntf.r throwinir missiles at chickens when they invaded the p.o. k. r earden, north of town. l'.vrv man who travels the countv roads should read this- iind oth-rs w ill, of course. List Ihirsdiiv tit'-'ht the Jackson the illness and oliseiiuies of our brother, Carl T. l ounir. F.mma Yonnj. Mrs. C. I liosantler. (). K. You n jr. Frank Younjr. SOUTIII'KN PACiriJ The Southern Pacifie scltedule :us now runninjr. is as ionows: To Portland Of openiu a I5anK Account the one sure mad to best business? If you are, do nut oyerlook the mod- r em acL-ommodatious at the : American National ; 0 13 HANK Private desks for writing your business letter; fr drawing your checks and a J big free telephone list in a private , ltooth. Privacy for your safety deposit lxi.xes. We can make you feel at home I for we have all the modem conveniences. " Your patronage courteously receive. A. C. Shuti-, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier. American National Bank H Main and Third, Hillsboro ' m s- s. ir C '' case of :'.'. iHki the ha! another lien to .nce, to the s-m : W I!.'. i i i.'i ii iii- trout wit'idi-itivn in tnatiua'.'.e, the descend, with the three eratid dituri.ters. P man T. Vilco. it hrother of Ceo, Wilcox, was made trustee of all the property, and he built il iHHl home for Mrs. Wilcox and iluu'.'.l. Icrs, but they did not hunt remain there, W . N. Bar rett, of this city, w ho drew the er.-milfather's will, iind also se cured a divorce for Mrs. Wilcox, the dead eirl's mother, s:tys that the murdered Mhs Wilcox had received the jvtvatest portion of her estale. Attorney Barrett says thitl the j'irl showed evi dence of more than average tal ents, and it was this that caused Lyman Wilcox to buy property, under the terms of the trrand fat Iter's will, so that ail three of the i'.i'.iiidchildren could have an education sit. Fneilic I unversdy. Bv the body was a note "If there be truth. 1 shall Iind it. The theory supporlinjr suicide is the supposition that the first party who found the body did not report it. but instead, emp tied the chambersof the revolver iind then clumsily replaced the weapon in her hand. The mother s:iys that the daughter had bought a revolver, Siiyintr she wits truing to end it all, ni? "poor people had no riirht to' live." The Denver coroner insists that tl is a niuruer case. Geo. Wilcox, tlu' .ei'anill'ather of the j'irl. was interested in the sawmill business in North Wash- roitniv. nn i t i ti' io TualaU: McMinnville pass'jrer, a. m.,n:52 torn, south of town, mijrht have Sheridan tra.n. a. nv S burned, with a eonst.pient loss liHamfk train . . m 10. , . , . , .I,.. Corva is overland, p. m . n S",' l , f ; r t ekictJn On Sunday. McMinnville pas- ',,"1"ti: "'" ' U '.tl" L'1!! " semrer .Ws not leave Hillsboro oi I. .X. utai-ei. ,, ...eu oe , .. R P . .1 ..,.(...... m the ovommr 1 w " - l'r 'Cirahcl noticed a lire on the 'rom Portland bridge tloor. ;tnd extinjruished it Corvallis passenjrer. a. m ...8:22 thoroughly. He said that some Tillamtxik passenirer, a. m. .10:lK) one had attempted to nut it out Sheridan passenjrer, p. ni .. 5:1 1 before he came alonjr. and the M'Minnville piussenjrer. p. m f: !." first piirty had stamped it out at Durirur the beach season a pas one point, but in so doinjr had semrer train will leave HillsUiro scattered the brands to another for Tillamook at 2:27 p. m.. every place, a few feet distant. Some day except Sunday; and a passen one had carelessly thrown away ,r.r will arrive from Tillamook a cigarette butt, or dropped a every evening at 8:."5, Saturday match, and tne aeinxsus on me excepted. hrii l'o. its dry as tinner, soon catnrht. Had it not been for Mr, Grabel the structure would have 1.. hi. , i-eitneei I to ashes tiofore ,., r,.i- it vvnnlit have Uen County Si'hool Mipt. Lames IS ; ..oiiVi., t,. leie.. ihrim-n wnter arranjrinjr to hold a one week onthebla.e, even if it had heen Normal School at Hil sboxo this discovered. If von are traveling' l'"11 Jllst lMfore the schoolsopen , ,t .we too much rare with The object is to present some of "vour inau hes. cijrar or eijrarette the new books just adopted for stubs.orin emptyiuir the bowl of use in ine scnoois. aim 10 jnve your pipe. COUNTY SCHOOL Nl-WS n city visitor hy m. WOOD WANILD Sealed bids will be received school clerk up to (i o'eltK'k n. Aim. l'.d.'t, for -It) cord of first class, old jrrowth, jrreen fir, 4-ft. wood, tn in" delivered on school eToiiiids not later than Oct. 1, P.ll:t. Board reserves the rijrht to re ject any or all hids. C. V). Hedjre. Clerk of School Dist. 48, Wrash. Co.. Ore. SIII'.kMDAN HURNS I the hejrinnuijr teacher a start in rijrht direction. The instructors so far an nouneed are Mrs. Minerva Brown, who will have charire of the primary work; Prin. U W, Burtt will instruct in the Palmer method of wntinjr; Jas. H. Jack and B. W. Barnes will also jrive instruction in classes to be an nounced later. State Sunt J. A. Churchill will be present one day if possible. All teachers of the county who are interested in the school should correspond with the Superintendent. 1 he slojran for the W ashinjrton County teach er this year is better reading, vntinjr and spelling, . t . . ncl I A A ft C Ml i a i It -x Iho business district oi Mien- A. A. luorriu startea ior un- in Yamhill County, hurnetl tano, Monday, wnere he wil l'Vid.iv nu'ht. the maze navinir load a government iransporta started a from gasoline stove ex- tion outfit for the east slope of tngton htiti being known as the Nelson-Wilcox Lum ber Company, lie was eccen tric, but always had nn open purse for the wife and family ol his degenerate son, who had been in several asylums, and who was eaten by alligators, in it Florida stream, two or three years ago. Argus and Oregonian, $2. or. illusion. 1 he loss is estimated at practically a hall million dollars. Several residences were also burned. Fi nest Haas, son-in-law of J. W. Jackson and wife, of North l'lains, lost his drug stock, which was one of the beat in the county. ;oo 00 ' 2 1 i ' I: -CHf '. - -j - i INSURE THE SUCCESS Of your children by giving them an early start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and procure a Recording Savings Bank and a Savings Bauk Book. Have them save a little at a time and deposit with us. We We will pay them per cent, on their 1 heir success will be insured. SHUTE SAYINGS BANK KM'l.t S1YF. Koli SAYTNl.S r the Cascades, and then take charge of a government survey, seven thousand feet above the sea level. Al. and his crew will be up where it isn't so everlast ingly hot, and it will be pretty work in the timber, for there is but little underbrush there ex cept along the creek bottoms. "The jjlowinjj Ruby should adorn Tl.oie who in July were born, Then wii tlu-y 1 exempt anil free From love's ilouhta and anxiety." YOUR DIRTHSTONE The Beautiful Ruby If your birthday falls this month, the Ruby, oue of the most beautiful of all gems, is your lucky stone. Alone or in combination with cither diamonds or pearls, it lends itself to beautiful effects in all forms of distinctly personal jewelry. Let nic show you my special selection of July r.irthstonc Jewels. Some pieces are set with fine Purmali rubies, others with synthetic gems of splendid color and luster. LAUREL M. HOYT J