The JnllLLSBR0 NO. 17 Ill I-I.SI'.OR , OKJX.ON, JULY 17. 1913 I.., J i. '. Sit Namm are invomitiir fashion able for aut. them day, ami W not Uhind in tiom mrlatur. I r. l.inklatt-r rati hit Ituit-k ,Tick." and hi old International enjoy tin . . ! I I... u l,il.. It,.. 1.1. r ilU.'lui i'uiim'i, .ii. ! . ...r.u-v-41rlH'ral nl niarliinx si thf Willie id- ' " ........ ... lilt. I'lg " " u close their doors BURGLAR 15 CAUGHT AT ft BANKS' STORE I mo AtlcmpW l nl Si.hulimkh Kinloii l ast IliursJ.iy Niitlit " . .. I tn Oregon (Wporatiun. n-Tated limiltf M Nn ""' by Supt. Turtirr and Ihit M..I two I U Hiir- .i,.. h.en'- tmi ,r,, :ii,.'itim made rUll. , r.oruon of the new ' . .1 - .U ll.lKtM kit-. I" 1.U..T . -- tvk ,.! theidute and U 1 ... ,Ki h though thf y ,,,,1 .,,H in thf '"" Um' 1 1,,- n..a.n thry will get '. ...i..,.. on unexpired li- L a,,' I thai they mt ain f .'j run Mv 1'" a r. la l .a. i I., Ill III.' MIIWMI CK . 1 tt at.t.MlllA ... ... .... 1 I .1 .11 M I n.'-' .... , . t'l.rti -ii. r ..h. i uia ai I Art (ii.iimn . . . i i known lar ami win. a me "Yellow peril." A writ known auto owner iimr Scholia rail car "Girlie." When askid tin- why and wherefore hr wid '- . ......... i .. .. ... . r. I r ;.Tr. " Mcailm' uir iinn-u m... .'. " . r tt... ttw IMmat trrv rurttrarv. J"11' . . I.-.., .till. I I ...... V!. .;,..!! M,ru..l4 r'' . . .1 in Hi..r.Hi Will rail at U i'u',,rlM ' ' ... ...... 1.h. ,n riUMiL fend do tb' Sat.rd.v nftrrnoon - . a t;.ai.h 11W to adjust ) Ll-"' ! l'",r 11 . ' ,. and wrar the rt.wrt. Our tailor- l . . ! .U and ni Bt North , i .tinnra.ur rom. U, in- tnl. .at fnilit l:in- Willi ,.r,t dwlarinir. (' " rMritwJ ror. ti. r m rvi M mi itmri' than liU'li ciaHH ror- that in w.twr -. Mnl ,aw HaUn. imw . ....,, Fifth .... .. - - - and Jackson SlrtW. rhom No. Wt Wtf .ln.lira Kint'kinnrv. fornn-rly of Skani and SattU lian I i. IlillnUinj to rnidi'. and ha urrhaHl a tract in tin HillHUini Canlrn Trart. whi n h will MTimi-nt on ramintf rrlrry. H ha Unntht " thf low land. jut north of thf t-m-firry, and ha arranitrd to havr .i i.i.wl B.i.l whmiH'd of nil for- fiirn itniwlh. IU' think hi liurrhaita I idral rrlrry wu. an-i if it i hr will U t n-ulizr a , ,u,. , uciuirHrrd m(.t lhl. r. ,,,t l U.. a. ; r.. Haw mlt U, tl, ! v,. .i...r. .v . . , .lianiftrr. friirf rail. k,J hf.-f. Saliir, uy 71' , U ..f all kind, into i . i . m it i iikH a in ' ' - M A..rn- L,vfW..MIrnKth. Will int.. t. i' . .. ... i i.iii'iii' mi a inn ii'i i . . i . ni ; ai.. ........ .--- ...I,!,.. ,..u,Arv Wrilf. uioiif or havmv.i-.vw vvm? . n Tarl Skow. rornrr ,l"'HUl'"'n:.un,,:i r : k7 and Kir. H.lUlm. 0-m. C ... i .f n..v.ini. wrnl I'honf. t itV K- F' "I" ' '. . . . ... I i r-... th,. i.hi. . 4 it tin m virw Jtthp i.iu ramf ooo .... ft . . . i .. . ft I . . ........... It.ul . .....1...... I. ill IITkni I'.L.iliiu I 11 M kK t4IIIItlV. V.i M..-V ' I i .i 1 t. ..k aftrr his rS . I". - . , . . t... i.i,.t. 1 1 i ii.u liaMthoni In- n.'W rill 1 1 .' inoiiyaru. . - , y with int.-rrM. for If It Htan.i. piarf. i-aHl nj inr ruy. m" ki . .. ni. .. ill have lo itn that thnr rjtHirrn ur -Kon . iH-tition and vl a majority jllHt nni.lrltl a hay harv'-i i HRtarmtoi auaiia, lt. with ram. Hr will n-main hrrf wvrral wwk. look intf aftrr In lal intrnut. SIM KM. SIIUISIIKIU MN CM Mtf Id.hkrf lilt in Natm- ol lirnrrc Mi.ft I in Jtil in County Jail that Mt'irt'W a Kuitra-- n on.' stolr n from lai IVuv. rton :-.tor. TlnM-a-w? Uof him k I' uth.T. and one rarrly hff '" t i k it in thin wrtiori. If thi in th.; ra.sf Ktoli-n from thi; Uavi I'' rv th. ii thi rl.-ars uj anoth. r th.-lt. and an Mrlirrw Hay la parin.-r to'irh.-d thf bhrrwo.1 i-.lore au of the rohU-rieH f H'x U....L4 an- nrirover.'d exc-jit ttur Crdar Mill l.reak and thi wa prohuhly done hy the ran. owi.uon i:i.i:cikic I wains miHILlFR GETS 111 cut ill warn Sav. n More Will he Stand to Have Wile Lie Scluors SAVS HE ALWAVS FEELS FOOLISH Wwth Tea Tfcii4, aol Pick Ber nci lor Store Hair Cat V..I..M I., m.'ii ih. ir rwiuenU L thi will hrmv? in thf woman Ution. In many dislrirt hrre- ,r,- th wimi.-n have Hijnei n-titnm fr.-rly. ah ,( il,,' kii Uin men wre (J.-orfe MtJIr. w, who ha ln-rri ul I lit If l lliltli. OH Front Str.-t t. Portland. wula:d' ihtimtlav niifht radur.M at I'ank. where he ami a ion wi re attempting to ron u.e S-hulm-rirh & Kinton store, lie w:i lrt.'i.'ht to jail early Friday inoriilli hy bheril! Ueeve. 'A no crawled under the i-tore wlierr MrlJrew wa in hiding. Hurround . ... i i i f ii,.. fi liV a IHiHHe. .mil iiniiiK"'- hurlar to surrender. IL IL Kinton. one of the part- f..M aim watchinif the stori ii....' i i.n.l ;il mitt 1 1 ::',i ) t a ii men howed up. iie of them 12:) entered the ImiSdink' hy nieanno! n kfV. while Mrllrew Ht.MMi uard at the outside. Kin ton. watrhinvr from tl utide. miinmoned help, and J."1 Wilson r.-Hi-ond.-d. When th.-y reached il... wi.,r.. I tx-v found Mrllrew lit. n v- - - i ?till a. tinv: a sentinel. M.drew . I .. . ..I 1. ii, I, .11 lull K II- IIMIK U BII'U M !'. - - I Ion dniplH'd to the v'rotin.i as (,ut .auirnay. ,.a In. :t l ie ilxdi ol Mf- time JiiUslMiro inen-i- t'.r.-sx' eun. Kinton reuiriieu To Portland i'.:LM r.i.v.t s; r 1H;1'J 1.1 t-t - ;:i: .' K:J( :.. From Portland 7:H '.l.oT 11:2.' l:H 11:21 ." - ' 7::w ! a m a m a m a rn p m A man residing in Yamhill coun ty drove into town the first of the week, and tied his team on aj i...l- im.i Pullinir his hat .lo n nwr hi eves to avoid rec- 5' m otmition he made a bee-line for aj " ,nrU-r shoo. When he uncover- j, m leu nis iieiiu iic ti.n.vv. 4 aUmt the moat canianaeroua. . . I In. o Viir.llt I ;i in ornery snu riunu. ever seen on a man s Dean. Tut h.r nfT." said the man from the neighboring county. "I want to look like a white man 1 .. . -r a. I I airain. 1 ve oi one oi me u-eai, women in the country, but she i a. holy terror on a hair-cut. Yi v..n i twit married ten years i iii.ii ' r. " - - -i if l-i. m onn 1 Mrs. W. N. Harm and Mr. r"C" L Jt Jifl We've 1f. Mili..nlTeer viite. in Port- Mlt .t,,aan,t HrJ. land. Saturday. a m a m p rn pm p m pm p m a m t... i.. ... 1 1,., rn,-. I 1 1 i m u h i t i 1 1 1 1 1 l.H U.IK . " - ' , the ai nluiition will Ik' loun.l another ihh:" in thi '. i't hi ic si r. u.... ..I. inmhiT. KVfoot lenk'tli. wre ..""'fV . . . I. f ...fmildl&ll WtULIin. ll'in'M.-.-.j k,' Mon.lav. to n . " " a . ,..... Or.'.. IC ,11Illl(1u,. under thtM.WIir'nw w f f) c Vhtf H. i. did not nave in . ,,.,. Wt. 8,.l at her niemU'r of the Uunl wun i. fi.l7 i... a.. I,.. H.'iinti u'liH lani-n ... w ' ' ' II, 7". .1" I. I .... 'II..-. t-mriek. &t III' MUII1 Stm't barn. t.k hi first day of r.i- iir two years, last VHiii1. k. . . 'I., ...... ir tt,n he and hi family i ,i 1 1. .Kit in. on a black W I'll l " . iMKlition. He say w I f . . . . 1 n.i.l . . i i: ii.iiii.ui rrti. r viwt'n i'j Will m. II !U pillilir ' . . "" " nil rn at (Hit him r Unwell null, ui rnii. w.-rr - - . i, vi.K-k - ami nr mine " " " '" . . 1 i il,.. Irn. rhral Tlll-USI.AY. JUI.YV J- . ufnawholeholi ,r .,i..r in KW ' roiirhe. .1 . " .... .... ... . - .i uiav. r . . r;4, . . " ! i i .r ol -Rfveral incubator lichen laiMi'H, fMeiiHion uio.r, i i lfli,.w L i .;. . . Ln.l l.roo. ers. atrHt make. u. nencau.n.MH.K,,,,-.-. ., .".. ". , , Wi k08 fcntff. heater, ronl 'l neater, t A.iam-. -- . .. hM.lit... sii.v.. with three burn- ulace. amu i v oj c. U'iU. (1 niiir MiinmrH. 4 Uiro. liattresxe l' rotnfortrr. 12 lil- ft I ! .... t t.toxa PniL-on. of Yen r . . .1 miHn dws, 2 .lresser. commode, rtiK. c h the ruest lurtains. inattini'. H lump, wash ii,.nrv Mclnti . . . .... i mini.. -. friv inn mli'lii-r. illHIH' n:n..l..... r , . .. , Norm ninw i.NiK nir e s s. ei oi nm.- inms n.,..,i un atrfiut ten thousand a ol io fand now that we're well i.inl I '.rid.-iiicr. of West I nion, I Ciyii1 she still insists that she wa in the count v neat Saturday mUst cut my hair as Bhe did afternoon. when we were poor as Jobs w it .I..HV of Portland, was turkey. I rebel, but , younR 'man. . . i.... ,i,.r.' irnnw mat woman. his 01.1- u "V" " i w'Vw. oimriiv nis me uuubiucu. out"j - , win v-itiiniav Rne uiiu me mm 't-i......l,.v.. 1..t-tii.1 j (it V IT-1 . i .. ii.i. Ant Qcram .in n r ." .1 liitiniuiv: ii... '-. --- ii miitzr nvt?iiiv iia.i the idiot, and just how he missed U)fU w;H transartin;,' business an(J there'8 n0 stopping her. MrCrew i a wonder, lhe bul- : .oWI1 Saturday. Uhe rut iL and I've felt like a ii-t filtered the buiidinn wii.-rr i , . ,, . . , . Aa she carries . . i .,i il...l lriirn to Jonn iir aiw iw o. - MV rew was tdan.1imf.hul H' vn ... ,. ' , . .,,,., i,i:t lUnnnx. I had no resource. 1 latter dropped to the n;;'".i amu o - Uot up at four o'clock this morn- mlled under the store. Iheroh- UHon. k v her 1 was jrointf to Iht inside heard the shot am Mr. and Mrs..!, r. .mcwiii. o i .- ,oweP ranch. 1 did-and 1 .,...! nut the front door and Forest Grove, were truest of Mr. " , Hnn, f blaekber- made a break for the open. Jess an,j Mr. (I. A. Patterson, bun- and made a sUrt for Hillsbo Wilsoii shot four time at the ,.iy jt11 an the blackber- it....inir man. who returned sev- . f and L i.,,. I'm imini? to have a real era! shot, but final y mad. i is ,, lfonj .. 0f l nnUT, were town-haircut once more if I die .-scape in the .... ily Monday, on U'Ral ;n the attempt. When 1 srei ui...i- ai.kened the Milak'.' and " .u 1 " T;ntr tA Ml her that 1 r.i...... .-.- .. I IIUMIHI-B3. iiiiii: - - . - -. within a few inimite mere ri Anton fell into the mower and got my Wty or fifty men, arm.-.i io ir e 1K, i inV hairshincled. No more women's SI.erilT p., wanie. o o.. nu.rno.K. , her Delilah got one whack at hi sKMie teleiihoninw' from HillsUiw ... amj .jrs. F. traldree, oil TO OUK COUNTRY PATRONS If vou don't want to come to town, just plione your i i r. ...:n t.,. n.i-.mtiilv Tit(nflrrl tn a if von order in ana ' i""" 7. r called in person. We socialize m "Hurry Up" orders i , r.rf.crrint inn made tin vcrv conven- ana you iau jjh , iently in this way. All orders are sent ont by the earliest possible rcturn.maii. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. . ... ..! i .. pi nut nri'scriotions and SlSibv left: lYepayed without extra charge. The Delta Drug Store 1 nrv-AIl QTOR F. I M M . WISCHNOFSKE LIVEftMORE ..i i ...i.i.,;.ri,i nn.i iK'inir un aiH.Ul iiin.iii.".. -. able b get thf line walked UP tl... ...ntra station. nen in- C.....IK. .ruined admittance ll.'l .. . ,., ... ... ,,,. v-.l,lrv.. f ll'.climirlnn Pniintv'S nuuuj - I lance at nan. 1,1 une ui iimihiisw.. - found n!)1 ii,. KiirH 'd toli'laii.. Saturday evening. July prettiest weddings tooK P.ace at inir to trn i.n. . .tanks in an auto, aoconn.auieu I'.mv.i visiteii their son. I I V. I . f1 V 'lu,,i - - - - F. M. Orabtree. and family, near laurel, the last ot trie wee -' . ... IT. - r 11 11m I. a 11 T.M'lle s orchestra. UCKeus, me nome oi wr. nu ui.a. . ... il5 inclu.linir a Vine supjier. l.tvermore. when their daughter. ' l :.! i., nniioi-l in mar- vt.L- with her daughter. Miss i i i i Are You Thinking Mak'l Wascoe. J. O. Johnson, road supervisor, for the district below Witcii Hazel, along tlie river, and east. wiwin the city Ntiuruay auer- .ing utensil. 2 set of sad- ""JJJ j da'llirhl;r f Mr. Muller. . wringer, wiishUmrd. tub., " formery resided here, and iiuarH of fruit, vegetables, . .,, i.m, business. 1 .11.. ..I .. ...If I " Of "I - ciiy ami inner iniiigs umiium - ., in. to mention. John Wismer. of i vi . . a 0L..I.1 auuimmi L' inn hiincn ni iN.ioii nnisneu m iu-i.".- t,r Terms of Sale Ten dollnrs and lory in lhe northeast f'1,""""1 under, cash; 2 -r rent olT for lhe minty. and was in naim... . . ... . ' a. . . !..!- i.iu ,l..iml sheets, lit .asn over m; over io, o ui"." luriiniK ""i"', , , ... ,.i i i .1. o in. 1 1... ..!..... mit W ilavs. taking mii- uuiinunie nine Ml n iin vi-nv. inns m-.i teres!. J. W. Kirhy Jr. V. V.. Unwell. Clerk of Sale. SI'ANIiAKI) IM)X CO. MILL I mil ion. For sale, cheap for cash, w . intn roller. U'l- 11)01 ro;'u":7..w..!. s-tf ecope irainc. Deputy AppU'gate. A soon he arrived at me scene found the lay of the groumi Jeeves craw led umier uie .i- ture. and. turning ine n,., discovrnM Mel. rew. iucv..ew immediately said that he would come out. and usk.-i me " not to shu.t. lie crawieo ouv. . I,...- on. I !1 hlincll raving ari'Hiiui ...... . . noon. 1 .. l..irlilC U 1 of skeleton key, ami a - ... ,. . l(tH,n kit under the store. Lm,,w..d 'l.v the Rainier Land Slier I. Keeves enciieu u.e ... )or thenast few !'TltlhfffiKiTS nwnthV returned home the last Kir fin r K riS mornlnV f the week. Ionian t in? ibmlenbeck. of North and swum. - Monday, on . ;.. il,.i namv eillll-I !',,.. invimf ill al SUie a liuun'-" . , , , i . , ni-Umir several pairs oi si ana ioi m . from which the tag had been ,.i,i several niner . ii" Vliv 1 iiV IH'ii., , i such a shirt, etc t0 F.ugetie. and says that in his M,.r.r..w i a hint .o eai-s oi , , (... i no section wun ..iv"'1 ; r UiIhi.i v - - . eron nrosiH'cts ot wasning night prowler. , ;.... ton County. The only womu-r . ;, Iw . inU:ill,r's family have or ten shot !.re.i. mm ...;, V , . hills. aUwc Moun- wns not killed. r,,r tl,e Summer season. Incidents of the Capture Yi ! fr.Viuent rains, however. McGrew shot once at a bu lldog mako u lKird Of opening a BanK Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not overlook the mod em accommodations at the American National HANK ODD Private desks for writing your business letter; for drawing your checks and a J big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feet at home for we have all the modern conveniences. your patronage courteously received. A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier. American National Bank Main and Third, HHIaboro. Wm. I Seholls, YYi.hU.hW'el. of near has returned from a trip i . f, i i c. tin lie to pet. bu'iiitw !ii, " , . ,. i muKe u naiu .k ."- that was sent umter me .... .H....H. t,,tf to the camp. C .n l.-iVIS llllllll " Clerk Kdw. 0. le now IV.ieriv iin " . . sr!ii,rS!erSesX: I ill 111 li I IT. a 1ft ttililU HIMIIIL : - . . iu. i.m uuuipm il t oinpany. of Portland, with a " min...,,8 to nrepure an hig capital behind it. will have biity t o cast his their tug sawmill at ScholU'ld. etor with eligtuimy ..I ... , . ..... I hullOL. ttimve liiixiou, reatlV io operaic ii,,nlm l . mi.. f. liU,.Juin nf lultlKS. y tne lust o septemnor. ine m. o. . . " ct- .:n .. : . ..... ..A., i ti.. iu . i i kn ir nnt v seat &ai- siiii-r.u " . Ml!r,lll,.a .lului Council and lamuy weni 1MH ' . . ; ' to lV ckawav Heaen. Sunday, for effects, showing t at u w.w n to k , nrrtfd with U y... e -. . -- (ol aw aml vvi be robbery at he l.royo It was j os C mi famn .;.. m line ot An.U roii n . ivi ii & ThJ lU'rietor. and was left of llillsboro. on a desk in the store. Mct.rew gmith t :liniy) 0f Forest ontends that it was give.. ...... ;rovo camo to the county wan, . l.l... ... In. uiifi with html.. . l,.ioi...cj nml so. uuiloii nroimn The wedding .nnimnnv tnok DlaCe at 1-1 . V I V , 1 ' ' . , -i..i. in u u iMi:t ineweu- o tioiiv, uu.j " ---- ... ling march wa3 piayea oy ons vn I.ivermore. Rev. Horner, of leaverton. othciating. ti,., KruU wan beautifully gowned in white, and carried a m a ' lima UMinit oi carnauons. miso ' . l. Vt'a.Vinrratro nf Rlod- ueriruiic ii laii.iivi.n. .j it nitoitiui na nnofsmaiu. w ith Lyle Thurman, of Blodgett, as groiiiusiuaii. The house was Deauuiuuy m-v- 1 ...UK uvonrmin!) and now-1 urnvcu " i". ' " f..--..- . ers. In the spacious sitting room the wedding ceremony took piace under a large bell of evergreens. ........ i... i f mm trio ppuinir. SU'v l.ut-v tiviu , i The git ts were numerous a..u i. .:r..l A antandii-l W'pddim? neuutuui. n oF."" ,r " i ,..aa ofrvrtt immediately llllliici " .. . - I after the ceremony. Among those present were: ir .. n'U -.,0,0 W,al.nnfskl MlSSI Thurman. of Blodgett; Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Livermore. of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Liver nt Hiit.r Kva and Francis Livermore, Mr. and Mrs. Lamest t: .... Mr and Mrs. CtiaS. ri iiiki, ; - ,,, ,, Walker. G. W. and Roy Wells, f 1 .t.-.r. Ol IX'UU-.1 .. Mr. and Mrs. wiscnnoisne are at home at Ulodgett. $ - I" 2 - t .: INSURE THE SUCCESS Of your childrcu by giving them an early start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and procure a Recording Savings Bank and a Savings Bank Book. Have them save a little at a time and deposit with us. We We will pay them 4 per cent, on their savings. Their success will be insured. SHUTE SAVINGS BA11K EXl'l.VSlYK FUR SAV1NU.S contends ma.- .v "r ; . ujrove, came w me by the robber who w as with . him i g turilay on ;v business J it..,nWo. Funny how these K, ,.iu;Vvm Smith. nun win cut KHl.lHK) daily, ami u was nown wwwv - n , has heen euuiiined with modern Lrdav afternoon, on business ai n.....t.:. f 1 ........ I I., ...I l.r.lial iniH iiinc-y iii every iiepariuifoi. une cuuiv i"' Tl..... i . .' . riu iwwll . . mey nave speni nearly ?;hio,o"" u.r i miner land in the vicmiiy oi '. IIIIIIMT lilll.l ill uie vivioiij th( mill sit,., and have something like a.CiMI acres of good timber and. This timber will keep the saws running for eight or ten yrars. and thov r-xnect to buy more as timn progresses. The il... will moan a .IK K. ...... ..... -- - new town at Srholield, as it will Prmili.w u l.iM. kninilmn rP min jn the woimIh and in HawinK the lUmltor 'Vt fJliAnru nf l ti. rom- Oil. .- tmnv I C. WoodrtR'k, vice president; H. Culih, secretary, The com- lmnl.... p ....I eu'.,v i uirt inr many years operant a mill in K.nsl IWItnnil. i.,... kJ.lnilmerirh is harvest- . u,,""r,' "" nu ',.ntv. He ,ng up in ""- V.;.';, reiHirts a Dig env ui In that section of the state. i i LVanida nf Tualatin, Li. u. . w. ...-, , . . . n. ,iua riunstering Ihhv I11HV llinw .:. ..! r.u wBuo to the cotiniy seai Uat'urilnv. ... nr:l... l.nii anon M. IV. W V fill ,,a --- .. i .,ior title to a tract in "MwTerton's additions. Heavy work team for sal- t au Vnreat uruve, yiv" 1IUA ' Argun and Oregonian, $2.25, 117 111 Sam Eggiman, o near ce,ir Mil -Bethany, was m urday, on business with the county clerk. ai. oh.ov. . - . haps always lay w Vllow who is still at large. Jess Wilson lias some oie-m. of mind. His revolver was em - tv after shooting iu me umm robber, and when he was . watch- ll... ..i.l.t fl I lit IHIIIMIIIK. der which Metirew was hiding v t .u,...i iiniio TA he was alone, meur -his station am was abou to try a sneak, ami wuwi "'""' ..-. ostensibly to the tellowson the """". . i I. .,f Ch him other side: wai . on that snio-we .uvvf f i t. ui..M ' ivii'i iri'vv iiiutikiiv better of it and slid hack i.mler the building, nan n " chance at that time. he. too might now be out under the cerulean blue. Lafayette Davis, of Beaverton. says he is absolutely positive 1 I i.iivT t " " " , - . -..i ..:..:iVm smiin. me con run ."" . i c -.i. . !...,, n.i un ,ier. ituirn tumuli. it... p'inrher. and J. U bmitn, the liveryman. .: ;t ,.,.iii't next Monday and the old county seat will be enlivened to a certain exieuu l trial will be on Ciovei iii v 1 1. .i. . i ...i ..t li is? fMieeted that lilt' inn .v. - ... . , ,i m,m cases will be I.-..,,..-,i iv me vrranu juij Slater, of Sherwood, will go to tri-il" Pavonport, wno casneu snurious check at the Grove, will come before the court, and it is more than likely that Mebrew, . i.,j,d ctni'i. robber will also be indicted. As he was caught :.. n... n..f it w not, kc v mai ue ...:n Un.. n tna . for it is the vv III II... . " ', .., . ,1 n...ait.ion that he will plead guilty. ' SOUTHERN PACIFIC The Southern Pacific schedule, as now running, is as iouows: To Portland MMinnviH.. nnss'irer. a. m.. 6:52i Ahi.riHan train, a. m . . . 8:38 rniamnnW train, n. m l.Ui Corvallis overland, p. m- 4:57 fin viiinnnv air minn vine uua- VII .jv...v.v.j ... - . senger does not leave Hillsboro for Portland until &:w. From Portland s.AM..llics noaaanflWf A. T1....R!i2l V,oi v ai.u . T. TT. I Tillamook passenger, a. m.. 10:00 ckAvLlan nfaaaonirpr. n. m.... 5:14 1 kiimiuii -"p"i r- - - . M Minnviue passenger, p. m u.wi thp hpnrh season a Das- ill loava HiUahnml Sfllut.-i vi am . . - r . r, nmnnir or ' 1 11 Til . .VMrv IC.r X lliailiw'. m.w. f - . . r 1 . 1. I Anxi ovuimi Minniv:iina BiuiHeii-i ger will arrive from Tillamook everv evening at 8:55, Saturday i -. . excepted. $14.60 For a gentleman's high grade, 17 jeweled, finely adjusted WATCH in a 20-year, gold-filled case I guarantee this watch to be an accurate timekeeper. This is only one of the dozens - of watch bargains that I am offering. Largest stock in the county to select from. LAUREL M. HOYT Argus and Journal, $2,25.