TO InlflLLSeaiR niusi'.oR(),()Ri:r.oN, jlxy 10. 191.1 NO. 16 XX The ! TUB GEIS S3 1 six 10 mi Som Wallace Nolan. aged M year. i tried to never fen artery in hi wrist, last Friday morning, loom! an ttltl razor. II W an inmate at the ronnty farm, ami for five monlh ha lieen rrowing ! pondetit and irritable. He made lone slash at hi neck ami then CITY OF CORIiELlUS ASKS FOUR TH0USA!iD Send in Hill lor forty I'cr Cent, ol Property T I ike Sa.. 1 CLAIM IjaaV aa4 Clcrka at IkilUa Maawf' t ar Taalati. Vale tint -...i I'rUav I concluded that he would trv Lh W r ' ' It rial runt IL urn liu.v.i...l . ..... . . v a.l I 1 . - . UHIT UISA1JIIW TBI IK - - ....... . . 1 VI 1 K n BALL I ............. . .. .... ... I M Bl II""" " I t 1 lurmrr auiempw. in ! r Miiniiii-ii iiiiii mr nan- nuikMily. .Saturday morning, and ad- I total! tti i I ma ti I tea. it. a Clt a l a. M , i imi iuiimihiiiiI' III hi IV allWlC idlMknay lll.wi.iiai fr il.M n.Mnu U.n N'lilnn la a mm nf ! S N..ltin ..... iii .. .'.... agS me eame m ig AiuiniHiri pioneer no Scllleu (in July I. i i 1 k n - - . . - - i. . . .. ... i . . I liH. ItK.I ItNtlllilrtt&'kll.Mlil.. utlu. I .. . . . . . . . . I & I """" ! -n iy me roomy rutin iasi ween The city cites Chapter 54 of the 1(.7 MiMiuiiin Inu'l uj Ant lu..-il v .1 ....J I I, I'll rflietni Ullln hi. liuilh I,., u.d a n.lnn, -..... " -' ..".I., ana KtaM & J"la r.f.Um-U l .Sunlit j f f i jo. Wm Mc,uilUn c f J r. Stale Mar McAtnl.ea W l Smith hprrial Jiiioi Minb Term iM.itr tWfKlt K I. AM-! . Chu ov, T M Krrt, Ii V hniilliline t-u l 0. Tianarrttit Hlatr Vaea Slate SUn- nai.-r.cil UfUi. Frank A j I'aluialrer, Prtrr l;nmr, Hir.ltrll. ju.ora, i H il !. ra. Ol.f Itablbrim, A M Hn.-n, it arairt, rath I 5". Current expenses- Can Bate- nun m) iwirinonj Ifi 2-. ( &. lYudhomrn.' Vi, Him Merc Co .I 7. l-i Tel C Si 7r. CrejM-ent Chemiral 0. .1 H l . I -I II.H.,1.... Ir,.l.......,,l... I IT ... I.. I.. J f iw-rvin , Hum"""" "' i-Vjurneiius, we., jui i. it. "i"7fk ir i. I .. ul. ii... ,.i. The On'jron GERI'ill KiS IJEETWCORMS SyiHMl Compriaet the Conxrcfa- lkn la Twa Slates lOKTV FOtt PASTOtS W SLSSIWI L SlacW. ( BlaoMaf. Pruiaci" Over Ike Caalcrcace. The City of CorneliiM claim i .1 . I .. u I u .. I .. . ... ...i .i i iriv iMppini a.r tii.a iin.iiirru . ami I'" iri ii'iia iiniminiii mini nuini wnere inei-, ("... nv- i" "i" i 4.. ij. .ft I.. .1.1 1.. lu 1.1 ....... l.u.Ml...l 11.. Id. r..w ui v M ..1.. .1 .... 11. ....... I I .. . . . . r. ... away lin 11 iy "'' '" ;. ' iw Hi ,m uiMmmni I.ndifeH-Johnson r.ros .i, ,,f i.. fot.r. Uay Y,H" LintH. lie wax a little U.y. ami ha ,itrbl tl"' i'"1 ,,,w ' nUayaln-enmoreor I.-hk nervmm. ui then relievinl Iiy Mn mtln ,, WM t natural C K I'ottn W 21. livt-f reri l,!.r .1.1.1 . Ill 'I ' . I f.r XI,.. Iitiii. Id . 1 i.. Mfttriiir iiiriuir tti i imii t. i.i.t HftiiiiftitirnrM I i.iuiiii. a 1117 iiintj in iitfin v trie r k iiiwi - - !. " .-(..MMii-111 1 . iln. ti'..i : ..... 11. 1 I ii.m . . tci 1 1 .1 .. .. ...1 n 1 lllt.4 Wert few anillH'i over n imiiiiiK um. lie v i.m i nun inr iniui hiick''! mw iivinir rniiuren. one turn dun to CornelitiH was Jl;;a.;5. living at Wcnter. Idaho, and one wilh f3W ,(j Th. t.,aim at ( entraha. , . .. ariMn from the aw making ! . . ft 11 . me i.nmertv iwiweu i-i.. ai .-.. ..f ih-...!-ial.l Srliolht, hajt a law aupiily of No. , . . . . mr in ami K'"i'"K l" 1 Co Vfi 51. J II (Van IX K WenHtnim 217 Zi. Itoads and hii;hway-Ami ri i: and Washington iistrict of the German Kvanjfdi- cal Lutheran church. Missoun Synod, held the tenth annual .mi. a I convention at au reter a uimer- can Surety ( of N Y $.', I. M an church. Cornelius. imro. Ciaii n. ami (Wneliiw only Clalu-tt l ly rat'ifeJ lainir. run l'i"K' the Wuel. P to ern.w Kalri'. Ulh l.nif nml ihroAintf. I or I , tile, from to 10 inchin. m i . I. ... I i . . I . . .. I I . I itimf iif tltM Inv fj. itu liu.i v.i.i n tt inn iv w in an on iiann. a mi. a larve nunu v on", "v v, " " r . .. ...'iir .-ll I. l.!l. A... I' 'I'll.. UM(I if in tt In u in iiii.miI in Im-alH tint the loriunra oil numnni. oiikh ami uru. Any-i m.-h ihevimlinir team. Uiewantinif larger hIzi of titinir I tt the nty of Cornelnm r - . , . . I ... a . ...... At.. I i .- ut swill I 'll to nrxi iiaiM'iyotir. oniem all tightened lilt and We also Uuell 13 4. J W WeHcott l'J W, II I! Johnson 22 ). H T Ituxton 22 2. U (I Keitcr 17 V. C (I Iteiter l'J 40. W J Williams 12. J W Kyle 12. Mohcu Mc(y M. M Tibl.iU :i. UuHalo Meam .loner Co 7 10. IU-all & C) 24 :w. Chas The openine aermon was de livered by Itev. J. Miller, of Fort Wayne, Ind., vice-president of the Kirieral synod. The speaker urt;ed adherence to the scripture dextrine of justification by faith, is place shall tM V) er cent, or all M . i .u... I 1 .. ... Vl .. In. ... . M .... I ... I . f. . I I tell ire JU V Ilin. l"l'ij miuiinim the the ISoy II. J N laihinson ih .,. j i. witnout the deeds of the law. L Mineman 5. DenUm l.umiH r x steuln-, of St. Peter's, who 111 .V), Henry U-e n. ,jstrict president is presiding at .'51 50. IIImi I'ower A: Inv (j l.y . n!l lUKminns. Stevens I Iron 5. IlaiUay lvuip- president Stuebe read a doc- lum reiiHtereii no more ury and lap. tbled in W the K of the laraent rMwd ever Athletic rark at- pn a a . II II I i . II .. a . II utm mid inrrr won 1 1 1 iw iuuir rlHlflil ' IHIMMMII lMiUKlqn, f, ilnT u in baiting lit U-yn, a ii . i. . 'l a a 1 a I . I . a. a! I I '..I l have a larjfe mipply of couiuy rouri m.ius uiai me law ment (V) 15 70. Coast Culvert A: lrjna r,ater on the first petition th and lumU r constitutional. Ihis would Hume Co 170 50. Nelson il'I Lf the Lord's prayer. "Hallowed pcr cenuoi u.e r4J z K K,njrer hi l . r i; u hie Thy Name." He declared TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS Ii you don't want to come to town, just phone voor order in and it will be promptly attended to as ilyon called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up order and you can get a prescription made up very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent oat by tne earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescription and liexall Remedies by Parcel Post. Pre payed without extnv charpe. The Delta Drug Store REX ALL STORE routth a large mipply of dry iihip- Yotir orders will receive mean state that 40 tax, school .. . . i ... ii .i - ii i . rumpt attention. P.O. Address " r ia wou,,, . tax. indigent, (Vjfiin :w. J S lrsunk' 13 ir, J chrr Itehrmann. of Corne. u Htrut k in the thnmt by Ul fr.m a foul, the aphnv Inif him n Hie Auam a ap- ihvinif him a bail twenty W ( laud nk, the leri Vr for Cornelius, was also k in the pit of the slomurh batted ball, durintr prartit e. for a Mhile it looked its Vh he were out of the jrame. rher Martin, of P. U., twist W (4rm-lius. and K. U Ivrauk'l.l for Hillsboni. Alexander timpirtil the SOVIMI.KN PACII'IC Phone tM paid. 1 here may tie lilitfalion 15.17 over the matter, Judges of election for Tualati Mrs. (J. M. Camp, of Mow inrt,n loration - K A Ivldy. I. I Sholln. was pnwt rated at the West fall: clerks --Jon Schamoni celebration grounds, Fritlay, ear- at,d Walter ThomiMon. ly. from takini? too many heal- JMit No 577 established as ache tablets. She w as sutTering j.r rejiort ot viewers. from a terrific headache, and to t,wd 570 County audits 45 relieve it baik the alsive numlier 0f the $90 damages as ht reinirt of Aulde's Aretanalid comisiund of viewers. S 1. Show, lien Itird- tablels. which nearly Mopped .n e a ,0y the remaining Hri. heart action. Urn. Wood and fax refund petition Sewell I jnklater worked on the cane for t.Htate disallowed. an hour, and finally cave the pa l Kin-order's fees. June, $472. f5; tient relief so that she was able Clerk's fees. $450.15; rewirts ap proved. i,i o Ii Hayden 10 12. David Wenjrer mre doctrine n K :W, Thts S Wilkes 7 50. John through faith i liarry 4 50. Frank Maitland 15.- The synod en " 05. J Q Johnson 154 (KJ. W S Iiai- eation3 and aU Southern Pacific schedule, iw rtintiing, is as follows: To Portland inmill." iniHH'irer. a m .,f5;fi2l' idan train, a, m K;.1H inook train, o. m. . Jallis overland, p. m to le taken home Saturday. 1 represent Spirella cornets not sold in store. Will call at hom on renuent, and do the fitting, and teach how to adjust and wear the corset. Our tailor ed made to-measure corsets, in cluding the latest frunt lace, w ith an experienced corwtier service, ruel no mow than high class cor set iuirrhaed In store.-Mr. M. F. Caudle. HillsUro, Fifth and Jackson Streets, Phone No, r.u i tr that in this petition we pray for and right living in Jesus Christ embraces 20 congre- (rallrina nnrt ftlmut 75 mission sta- lev 3 25, J II lirown 4. Mary tion ministered tobv 44 castors inman 45. K M unlock 5. I,W ,n,i ,.hrht teachers of narochtal House 0. James Churchill 12 50. schools. Four pastors and one Nelson Hdw Co: 31. K r Kea- teacher were received in Wed- winer 4:12 05. nesdav'a session. Two concrega- tinna have ntmlfed for member- Ward Downs came down from Lhin Fossil, to remain over the Fourth. Tne nuestion of whether a Frank Peters, ot Portland, was field secretary should be appoint- in inwn the Fourth. cd to facilitate worlc in tne nome , ., mission neia was reierrea 10 a Sm. lioucsein. of aUtve Moun-I .m:..IM, taindale, was down U the county The of directors of Con Beat Saturday, media ColWe. Portland. reDort- Miss Mane and John lunzai p,i that institution in llounsh Are You Thinking jj i H i 4 Of opening a BanK Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oyerlook the mod ern accommodations at the -1 4 American danlen Home, owner Kobert lirown. vacated as per and Miss Sapp. of Portland, were condition in every respect nn me ciiy me rourin umorr vj iiru . . n. ... ror nuie. viu-mii ni nuni, i foot cornigated iron roller, tel 1. m escooe frame. Zma WskI. 8-tf w 1 petition. Western I h' tit ion for cancellation of (Maims allowed: UilUUxo Mnc Co. t b rip During the past year 18 students were enrolled under the tutor ship of Professors F. W. J. Syl vester and u lilankenbuehler. Nine of these men entered the college last September and four were graduated in June, the graduates will continue their studies in the East The chief "l"r"i'ftt"l"'lru,m .WVA Ualph Williams, of llainier, 1 iT. r.I'!.i.. .ilL .JJZ.'"" was in town last week, in at uMrr.,courwof 4 v tendance at the celebration. M.tlir Wlta. ilrp wtvir & tiea boon iK.a Rwi iuit-r. ii cir ri"!!!!!- ft house wind. See the Owl Klw- punxe of Concordia College is Mikt M.rtrii. ii ro ct " tricl'o. 1-tf to prepare younjr men for a theo- U I w-ifl, 1.1 an .ul inriir nr rl...- t ool ... I : l Id. .unml 1 1 .1 1 ...1 c r. ti' .r. r reuit court wi convene in iokicsu iruiuniK. uuwvnc .a 1 L Ah Aba aaab T ial I III UIMini .1111 V 1 . H 11 11 n lllll I " - .. w - in., ui a tip trctVle'r. t w 45 eomnlement of jurors. its school to such young men, as . . . . i- 1 ..... . i i j . : . . ., o .. i . . ii mi I . . . .. i l. I I r. ntiwi, win hi. ui i tti ... ... iscvn, a Knuriai cumauuii, i.i i, .,i .iiiiiii. in.- u.t-I Wln nut uncie, -". rJ I j Appl'K!'. jail. IP 6f...' J r iiimh mn leave uuisooru Nuiimm IS on me nMeuraietl itrnton Huwiuao. lurtira coun 4 m over ortland until K;.ri0. around which a few years K c l county cieik J17 i ,ua ww.i, to remain until after ago there was nothing but arid - - Z the Fourth. 1 1.. ei.. 1 -.l i- i..iiiu iiimii. 1 . . r . 1 ...... 1 . 1 . 1. .1 . a j u.ikii unu. o- " .""-j r'-'-t- 111 n Kraannrr. mi rip co iwikt h "i rranK r nsoie. wiin ine inuer- "1 1 ... .t. ...... .f ...ham. f.- ipri.l 1 ..... n tl . 1 . . . t. .... Hi-mil "n iiiounuini i mi." ijtio jtiitik, . t - n - i SOn shop, fteconu sireei, una pur- r 1 j gatinir. and the country is bloom- c a, "' J chased the Cornelius barln-r .-..,.,...,..,..,,,.., t , ... r.iwinig aiBi",'i.-p - j . ...i M.. nm t u .. ... R. ir.l IIIK ll"- 11 ui 11..,,.. v und Mill H7ISlSnOU. ami UW niwmmil hiuii- 11111 ill- iiii-im-iiui-i. ii. ill. ii. 'Ml 1 ii, r ... 1 liring the Im'hcIi season a pus . ..,.o..h-i 1 iilioru umg ueparnn iu"- vbur 1.07 day evening for Nippel, Wash., iritaiiy, ...4:67 where he will take a lawition ,.i';I,;r,k" ..:n.. .j .., ti. ... 1. . ... i. ...... l.l I r. lietw as it can. all end July 8. 1 4 i 11 . ana bank Private desks for writing your busines letter, for. drawing your checks and a J big free telephone list in a private ' booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for w e have all the modern conveniences. Your patronage courteousy receipt. A. C. Shutk, Tres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashfcr. . American National Bank Main mmd Third, MISHkum: From Portland Iallis passenger, n. ni monk pimsenifer. a. m ulaii passenger, p. m 1 SCHMIDT ORCBE fc. a -iik a a . . . Ter train w in leave ililisism) Iillaiiiook nt 2:27 p. m.. every except Sunday: and apassen- will arrive tnim Tillamook fy evening at 8:55, Saturday Jpted. I saw conlwoiKl. poles up to 12 jphmt cr. iraciirnri board 9 " day morning, rh. in diameter, fence rails, Xi,' Dr. W. Ii. Hare and wife were id Uwmls of all kinds, into K B ts.,lri,iKteB. co utaa 75 out from Portland, Sunday, f IN miYS JUST IN TIMI2 m, nr.. July 4. (SiMcial.) - giving a contract for sugar oiiys ago. It It. Coodln. inch am stovewood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, phone or call on me. - Carl Skow, corner Klhand Fir. IlillsUw. On-gon. Phone, Citv- H22. John Kostur, formerly of Bux ton, started for Connecticut this u-wiW to v sit tils oniiner. !", guests at the J. C. Han ranch, tlat Ciawlall, ro awa-taor 100 oo II t; vmtTiii. aeiii urpuiy vi .. ,, c. ,,ntortaininff NrllrW.ioil.nVlalaaarauorhc 14 " '" llart 1 milling. KiiaWiikr. " " " 41 ooi i Schniitko. Mountaindale, Kii. iwrhru " and N. II. Jones and John liftis, ..".S'.V...t i woo of alnne North Plains, were in i! k HniKM, rwi.l ilrpuiy i the city Saturday afternoon. 0 K I.yll. belli deputy "r I..IIK M..U. ilrn Mrir ni " Alliert B. Schmidt and Miss Louise M. Grebe, of Laurel, were united in marriage in Hillsboro, Judge W. D. Smith officiating. June 28.1913. They will make their home in the Lhehalem Mountain section. OR I. (JON ELECTRIC TRAINS Dance at the new Helvetia To Portland- 0:24 0:59., un laiHinir nirniL navn hi HavHi thi Hlato mum money. ki laaa.i Amn oWJilff I Ml DO I 11 all Vulllril'lV VI II 111 t .I1IIV I' IV'.l who Um Kht frm baiK in wew M t , Port and music. Tick- io:49 Kngland. several years airo. He fc ,.,,,,,,, cierk otuc. t cvs te. cont3 ,H,r yate .a pxnert to lie absent all Summer. w l wi. w iie.iih ..iiurr j 05 eta, JI. ami uiiunis jnr piaie 1.1 ....,.... 1,1 1 4 U Keaaan. altn'k inaprctor I oo for Slipper. 14 10 3:55 0:15... a vl tM.u.ii .l.u-k lintiettor., If voil want B range that OeaiS i, Bump, lep a.arie 7 00 1 non 1 n.,mrmnt,n.of the Hun- ccepied the bid of a Port- the world for the money, call on i c c..e..irp r:v"L":",-? LJiii, nhnvn Hanks. 8:20. - ... 1 ' " . . . a labt.-a.jMWJaK.ail I tkaB rl muil...M 1 V 4Tvr 1 wri ail ev ....... ------ I nrni iur furnish ng state n- Dnvi.l Corw n. Hank Annex -- ,JOO - . ,,, ..:. cntimi.v en- 'J:o- itmii i with sugar for the I itnil.iimr and see his Ouality ,,.u bix moiuiis. 1 lie pr ce was Ifnnires. nil t lie Way imni w Slirrwonl Newa eei, aupi .t . 9 .. ... h 4 h i t 7 .lvj a .... I - . . ' 1 a I .a a. . II.- - ai.ia.l nl II It I llv fclv II a'" Til 1 . a . I ' r ' . . . I a - ...i. ... l fl II II I 11C C141.1 i3 inv 1 "II . ' " a imnured jKHimK The $,V). These are the Ik-si ranges a SnTir' 1 '"r.... '"r' .MH,m" IWlBlwro. n am. M K.II.I. I'echia. " " .... H - , . , 2:28 f...i-i tne WHO e amount, I , ull.o nf Olaaa rtuiiaonime,eimi I "":T" . ' ,, , .'. .tiS f. asa result has saved $140 Mr. and Mrs. Karl Wallace, or h f all widths, constantly on hand.-n.M rA.i .V. l; n"ra . .MU: n..-il.....l vii ted thehstof the ifllrf-Chaa OaMner lio. AW Trrrk o i, ..,, Millc Mira. Ore.. It fi-1 KngcSir:; awasA Swr. l(Jomlin. 'The state is lucky, near Farmington. Mo i, Neiann n,i7ae. JCoiMt. D. Farnham place. Wesel at i now nnoiit ramilies that buy Vor Hale-Several incubators so, wonon . . - f .......... ..uanv.uen, and brotKlers. lau-st mase.--. mntmt vi."-. T. E. Todd, of Cornelius, ll Ailnma near JBOeZ . ...., a fcv Arlhnr erovooai. lllll I IV VUL lim iv. i. " -f-.v i. ,v. JURY I INDS (UIILTY . .'. " ...L f i'ii Pork Hills. LV.-. .L.- ii.iiw.ri Ralnh Kmer tinir wood Monday momini?. Dr, oiace, auM. - V.f e -rr , N C C.nip., "Cev sewed the wound, and M K Huck each b. Clicuit Court WitBeaaei boro. at:... ll.K l.'r.n.lia returned to a wees vinii, wiiu ... k ' u.r Beicui eac Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knochs. lto , c of Cleone, Ore., Max will take a vacation on the wood splitting for awhile. ry in Judirn Smith's rniirt urdav fiiniwi la . " " ' moon nil nvnx j P A. ( hristener. North Pluins XCnerS. iruillv of ni.llimr nn. y. ... (Minimi ......! It ... it:.. , ---"...v iiirni, wt'OtHV IMH-1 .. l.!! ft Attornev Tono-iinmit nn llr r...n k'r..l. of C eone. Ore., w I A. P,uii.y, state Senator Las oiit over Sunday, and went ,,,, 0ua Roaal, U. WimkI and Dr. While. L,.t tn look at his Helvetia ranch stale v Geo la II, ta 1. 1 t I ! I A.a.liit arH t 20, G ...., oi neaun on ice r. he tore returning. 4, citiiunviieh. p llieHe three nrnfonu nnn. I . i ...:t nf State va oecawnu . r- j it 1 fn swore t bit in ,K?1 Peter Nelson and wife, or - shybayiich loaade-Df F who was picked up near llelve Imea nf lii in U,tir 0,,irrJ Portland, were In town on the Llj Ch..oim.B.r . I tia. in a demented condition, and r "'mi ui me cow exnoaea ion :, .L .t- niiU mn rrtendai . .. n. r.iu. .n.ii " j it. CA. n.l. llnlatnin hull ncrod h I mm- ..mow... ....... . w VaioarT o MonK'. years, eligible to registry : quiet .. i it. -i.l I i ... k.m.ll.i .1 I I ,rivlr. , Henna numirj, mm rj iu iwuuii.. . v i Millart-B. Opal Wil-1 North Plains and M)"u Mountaindale. on Cornelius. Or., F N.yloi-Kt Diwa. " . 14.16 the Slav cow exposed tor ; t nMimA fr ends " v.:.' .. n. a r.ii. ami uiao .. i.- i.. . ronrtn. kiccvoir - i nu iow.ih.u-i'i .- . , "Nwnoiesome. Uiner-r,."- n, T Llnklater each f 5. Wltneaaea ysicjans tcHtified that they did at the Kround9' . Sexier S p 'prbta"Wit M Todd. 1 "unk that the flesh would be First-class manicuring, snam- lt 0 price each j 40. . 1 Wholesome, and that tho nh. nn.Jn .nil fnee massage. -Mi8S Traaacrlnt 8ute Cil (SUte W Weg- :r)-W V Smith jnatlca feea f 05. wm wnoiesome, and that the ob- pooing and face massage. Jon to it would bo purely Mary E. Wilcox. Hillsboro. i cnycoloRienl. was killed every ner) 16 Mcflalltea to fcN 1 W M IM1 three weeks be Thecow In ques- Thursday. Phone, City o . " irPurr. .. Hantv.-chriat Jenaea perhaps some tWO L, . u M' nf Oak Point, .itneaaea each 1 80. befori ah ,.. to ...E'r" IX,"uov! "- XT-wth Stat, va Wm Pemiy-W.D snow ji rve calved. Th7. J .111 Wash., was up over v. c Ww McQuilUo c r 13 10; w- nsulerable at entinn beea, VW a" " beaKa, Filed. Stewart, wwt "-y" atA 11 j n . : ; . 1 ion mn rmmp. 1 a a... v k hiecnv a. aivciim ' Mick a iimuii...! ....! Vlro- roner W8 OUt f rom Hnaget eaco 5 5. Mat.. f."ivu;u, oniwiiiBI "".'. .1- I AlAla va John UOe, Klcnaiu v. - ?t the warrant. I Portland, .the Fourth. ' 8UU " lon committed to the asylum, June 10, died at Salem, July A. ne ceased left about $300 in one of the Portland banks. Mrs. Hansbrough, aged 70 fell and broke her left rm while at the celebration o-mnnds. Julv 4. Dr. V. A. Bai low attended the fracture. The injury is quite serious, owing to her age. She resides near Sew ell station, on the Llectnc ami ..ami a m -a m - pm pml ..pml -pm .-pm am m m pm .pm pml .pm pm a ml drove celebration grounds. Friday evening, and ate at night his horse and bug gy were purloined by some mis creant who drove the rig to Helvetia, where the horse was turned loose, after the bridle was taken off and placed in the rig. Some fellow thought riding was cheaper than walking. Todd recovered his horse through the Sheriff's office. Haying commenced in earnest all over the county. Monday morning, and before nightfall thousands upon thousands of acres had been cut The clover and timothy were never better than this season, although mucn of the clover is badly lodged. C. A. Yergen, who is running a hop yard over near Aurora, was over to Hillsboro to spend the Fourth. , 4 - Argus and Oregonian, $2.25. cMMAt SAVINGS BANi? , mil ' ' J1 Us. , ,0 UCCESS them an early 00 with us and a hugs lianc ana lave them save it with. us. We cent, on their will be insured. SHUTE SAVINGS BAH F.Xn.l SlVF. FOR SAVIXUft $14.60 I For a gentleman's high grade, 17 jeweled, finely adjusted WATCH in a 20-year, gold-filled case. I guarantee this watch to be an accurate timekeeper. N This is only one of the dozen of watch bargains that I to offering. Largest stock in the county to select fro LAUREL M.HOYT . i ft , Vt-'Jt tt U nl . ... i ,uit .11.. , ' f i: " J I n