The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 03, 1913, Image 5

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a IU uaf u;.f ?a. a
0 - AIIIIAill
rlknl ln W"' M-J by
la Ulna Norl
I MUIS HUI MH.I! IN 14 Cap. MtCaaa
,...i!.T l'luilH. imt WVt KfltiH-
iwj with annoying thf farnirni
k. had rl.ivt-r il n. plttivil
dig JinplrHHiin on ('apt. Mri'ann,
i ihi Korinl (rv rure lra k.
tjn n"'I the ,rarh hravy lMt
he atti'iidanre.
NotithnUnditig thi'He diH.rul-
irt liHTi WtTr im.iih- iriaai rteuix.
it. rv..... ul) u nit Mrrulrlii'il
,IIC - - -
I .. .. l I.,
jroni tin' nKnim, mm in un
Clare Barn. & ItarUtf y'ii Walla
AValla filly p;d to "at tin
conlof Pjiii ni!iu June z.
bi-k'irl lil finely, lull fi ll itnwn
hill tuH-oihl. musing iiu' nail
. ... 'ii :.. ....... I
unnidi-ring Hh tnuulilnni of tin
Thf 2.2T in had aoine
.nt.MHlfnt. a in uwh: ration
lukr, Burmwa& Barkh-y, 1:U";
.ilitt""t. lluUhlnaon. 1:10; An-
t a I ft i ! . I . I
m May .iiIiu k. an-rriu, i:nw.
Thf2;-i tmt: Swwt Geneva.
'u..rf,ll 1 -in;- Ora Mnv. Wilt.
Jl;litl; Seattle Muil. Harrows &
I Thvrt ill le Home giid raeett
VullfJoir July 4.
ftullit: TO liT-rili,
SrM bid will U received liy
hh undersigned up till p.
ii.. Monday. July 7. lUl.T. for
annulling all material and com-
Ming ready for wrujianry a
html building tn ! erected on
'ir Street. U twit-ii Second ami
Third. IlilhUini. Oregon. Plan
and iliriitiimrt may W seen nt
iny resident-!' in Hillrihoro. The
Wht in reserved to reject any or
lltiuK und if run tract Mhall !
navl a Uiiul will In mpiircd for
v thf ul performance.
Mark . Ijipen.
Pastor St. Matthew Church,
ItlldUmi, Oregon.
HilM-or... Juiu. 19. 19111
A pretty home w I'tMinir wan r'li-
uriU'il .Sunilay ovi-ninir. June J!.
1913, at the home of tin l.ri.l.-'i
n-fitj, Mr. ami Mm. J. W.
jKnofhH, North llillnlmni, wlu-n
Jtheir tlaiiKhter, Ccrtrtnli1, win
lunitiil in iniirriiik't' t lialph ItitU
ertn. of Portlnml. KfV. W. J.
VeU r. of thi M. K Chun h olli
ristiinf. Th rt'rcmony wan H-r-forniiHl
umtt-r an arrli of On-jfon
V,n mikI ft-rn. from which was
nusjx-n.lf.1 n ImI of mtu-n, Only
the rvlativin and a few invited
fripmU wen in nttPiidanci'. Tlie
tridi' w us Iwuutifully K'lwnt'il in
crpim nifxaline ami carried a
boiiqui't df cnrnatmtiH. James
MiKrlmi. w iih Krimm inmn. Tlie
Jhuum wan tiiMUfnlly dewrateil
wim UrcK'nn tirape, fern. rHe!t
and nmrtn riti-8. After thecer
muiiy lu'ht rcfreHhmentrt wen
pwrvr.l. Mr. and Mrn. Kol.ert.ion
will make their home in I'ortlnn.l.
Kuril K TO l om tITOM.
Sealed liidn will Im riH'eivwl !V
the ilulv authorized Itonrd of
school directors of School Pin
tnct No. l:t. Washinu'ton county,
up to ten a. m., Monday. July 14,
lor th construction of a frame
wh(i huildinir. 1'lariH and hmhm
ncatiorm can U mcn at the office
o clerk. The UmrJ reserves
the rilit to reject any or all bid.
a . , W. It. Moore,
SiIkk.I Ch-rk District Na. 13.
Hanks, Oivkoii.
The Ki.ntl,.
"in m int: m urn
w now ruiiniiiK, is a follows
JJcMinnviiirt passVor.o. m...
..urn, inun, a. m
iilluniook train, p. m.
wirva H overland, n. m
Un Sii.iiltiu i... uk...i.i
TuT ,H'S. not ave llillsl
uruumi until 8:).
From Portland
''HunuK.k passeniror, a, m..
01 MllltlVI l llliuunn.r...
. uniiK the heach season n
, every
Kr Will upriii., f- m:
ana... ',,YC iruni llliamiK)K
Jna Miltenberwr departed for
he u,!i.rare.,HC0- lhi9 wet'k. where
ne will ttibo a
Man 1 . imniuu nn uiunn-
mai in the (lolden
Tl. larKPHt assortment of
HillLa,ra,w hat9 evcr "hown i"
uwn to the r ii k n.0i u-
"6Ck "1 oi u mc
HI moo lllrarhxy ami Ani,,r,.
(hriarnvfr. nf Nuril. iii...
ere l.riMit'ht lwf,,ri. J
Smith lat Saturday, for trial on
rliarit or havmir en.m.-.l fr
ttalt a cow and calf
alletred to I unlit J. I. Mw kle.
Mate Hairy & rood (VMiimiH
nioner, preferred the charge and
wore to the conipluint The olT-
itprinif would have l-n calved in
two or threw wc kn. Mi. kle tea
tllii'd that he wait Ithown Ihr...
.piarlen of the row in the hIioi.
wareltiMiHe, and he confiNcated
the calf at the Hlauwhter houne,
and .rMinht it in an ev ide nee.
A jury lieard a portion of (he
ca-i Satunlay, and then
(K.i.eiin fit followed until theconi
inf Saturdiiy, in order to procure
eM-rt tintimony a to the fitnemt
of the leef in uetitii.n. The
calf wat "A" in Judtfe
Smith' ctMirt. and it wa'Mrinn
isl." except that ita hide was
Mt ill worn.
('. M. Kryder ha.1 taken charge
of the r.Nii.l.n' Store, and ha.i
rearranged the interior ho that it
U now the finent autioinbsl Mture
iii the county. Mr. Kryder ha
had a treat deal of en rience in tnerchandiHe. and now
lion the HtiM'k ho that a
Imyer ran almwt n I.M't his imr
hacit without the need of a
HalcHman except to make pay
ment. Mr. Kryder KtateH that
thousand of dull am worth of
new Block, of the latent stvlea.
have U en added to the already
lartte atck, and he invites the
general puMic in to insert the
new departure. A new feature
of this wtore is the handsome
window dUi.lavH. at which the
manager is an adept. Call and
look over this nplendid emjM.ri
urn, where the prices are always
North Plains will now irct
their mail a little after ten
o'clock in the mornintr, IhnxiKh
change niade in the mute of
tin Itvan. carrier on Itoute .'I.
Ilen-tofore it was aU.ut 2 o'clock
he fore merchants could K'et their
mail, and letters could not tie
answered until the next mail.
I want to rent a farm, with
anywhere from five to fifty acres
under cultivation, with plenty ot
pit-tun-. No objections to
some distance wit, t'-an irive
references.-A. I'-orrien, Hills!.
ro. Ore., Itoute 5, 1315
('has. Meiirham. of North
ItillHUim. is very t.rood ot a ten
days old colt, w hom' sire is Iord
ljvelace. the irrcat pai'er. who
raptured so many pur a few
years atto when he wan on the
circuit for his owner, h. It.
Ton true. The little fitly at dam is
a descendant of llockwood.
When wantim; an ice cream
soda, why not K't it at a modern,
in. ti.-diile fountain where the
sy rup is kept in nanitary wells,
pumed into the hum oy a sam
lurv numo. That's the kind of
fountain you w ill find at Kwber'a,
T O Tml.l one of the i.ionecrs
of the Frst (Jrove scli.n. was
down to the city Monday eve-
tunir. jrreetintf his county rn'ai
friends. He and rostmaster
tUirnelius had one of those old-
time talk fests and reviewed the
panorama of the past.
For Kent- Three and one-half
acres, all in crop; I mile irom
court house, on North Plains
road, near brick yard; J-room
house, barn anil ithhI well, at $M
mt month. Milch row for sale.
A. W. Marshall. IlillaUim. Or.,
Ii. I). 3. 13 5
(trnelius had a
new panel of Uxes installed in
the North end of the lobby, the
first of the week. This panel
takes up all the room in the
.resent quarters.
Bethany Grange will rive a
dance July 12. Tickets. $1, m-
ludinK Hupper. tine music and
new maniiK'emeni. r.vcryoouy
invited. H'l,r
II II. Hull and Kraml-
datik'htcr. Miss I'leta Cornelius,
of bIhivo North riains, reuirneu
the first of the week from a visit
with Mrs. Hall's two sons and
ilaunhter in lien ton county.
For Kent-Hoarding house at
Orenco. Furniture for Bale,
cheap. A Kood prwpoition.-in-ouire
of or address K. L Wann,
Orenco, Ore.
Mrs. I). P. Patterson and chil
.i.... nu muii nf Mr. and Mrs.
ill t il mv , ,,; !
Peter Hoscow, and will remain
until after the fourth.
Mau buniralow and
one aero of land (or rent or sale.
! V H " ,
Terms. HunnniK-r renuei uum
her Co.
John Powell, for a month the
nr kin mnl her. Mm. M. A.
Powell, departed the first of the
i. nt tha Mnuntnins.
ween iwr iw ,,
New five-room bunpralow for
rent or Bale. Sacrifice, rerms.
Ihinninir-Frentzel .Lumber Co.
n i.' unm nf Helvetia, was
VJ. Ii. iwi .
in the city Tuesday, on legal
Tent for Sale-12xl4.--Mrs.
Powell, Seventh & Railroad Sta.,
tAn Piamnn for vpars a rest
dent of Reedville, now of Port
land, was out to HiiiBooro, won
un'.i uinrlt nhirta. all colors
ndBizea,at the Peoples Store.
Parade lo Start at Ten O'clock In
th Mornlnf, Scumd and Uncoln
JJf J. D. Campbll. al OrrMi
Satakcr al ike Day
Hillsliuro is promised one of the
largest celebration crowds in the
iwtory of the city for Fourth of
July oliservanre tomorrow. The
parade will form at Second and
Lincoln, northeast corner of the
court house square, and its mute
will !-;
fcw n Second to Washinifton;
low n Washinifton to Third; down
Third to Lincoln; down Lincoln
to First; down First to Main;
east on Main to Fourth; south on
Fourth to Washington; east on
Washington to Seventh; Seventh
to Kir; east on Kir to Kighth;
Kiw'bth to Railroad Ktrcet; liail
roait to Ninth, and then to the
I be order of parale w ill be:
Kirst Oivision
Color 4-arr
Fife & Hrum (Vps
(rand Army
Uncle Sam
(endless of UU-rty
Strtin. I )i vision lland
Fire lcartment
Third Division -
Hanks Hand
Old Hoc Yak
Fourth I i vision
Fifth Division - Hitrh School Hand
Hon. J. U. CampU-ll. circuit
judge, will deliver the oration.
I'he official program will be
found in another column.
Sealed pmswals will Ih? received
y the understgntHl up to two
o'clock. July 18. 1913, and then
oMned, for furnishing Washing
ton ( ounty w ith the following
Forty cords of first-class, first-
grt.wth four-foot fir wood, to lie
delivered at the court house in, Ore.
Thirty cords of fir wood, same
specifications as above, to be de-
ivewl at the county uor farm,
near Newton station.
The right is reserved to reject
any or all bids.
By order of the (.ounty Court
J. F- Reeves, Sheriff.
Hillslrt), Ore.. June 2. 1913.
Haskell Ferrin. of Forest Crove,
and Miss Fsther Spillman. of
ortland, Uth Pacific University
Graduates, were married at the
home of the- bride s parents.
Portland. Tuesday, July 1, 1913.
I'he groom is assistant cashier of
the Forest drove National Bank,
mid a turn of Hon. W. N. Ferrin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker, of
Portland, visited their son, C. S.
Parker, and family, this week.
County School Superintendent
It. W. Barnes visited the Mate
Normal at Monmouth yesterday,
and in company with 2t other
county superintendents, was
lined by the faculty.
For Sate -Three-inch wagon,
nearly new; double work harness,
n good shape; S-blade disc;
new milk cans: tot farm tools;
18 acres good black and Winter
oats; 3 acres tine Winter wheat;
hand clover seeder. Ixnns Zue
ger. near Newton Station. Hills
boro, Ore., R. 5. 15-7
A rambler, by the name of
(leo. Fish, selling merchandise
down near Medford. was arrest
ed and held the other day. upon
the belief that he might have
robbed the Anderson Store at
the Grove. SheritT Reeves went
South to identify the goods, but
he had none that had been luted
un this way. He was selling
shoes from which tags and labels
had been removed and he retused
o Rttv where he got them. He
was released as there was no ev
idenceto hold him.
The citv council has awarded
the contract for the bitucrete
iinvcment on North Third, and
on Jackson, to the Bitucrete peo
ple, $1.48 per yard. The new
pavement has a rock and cement
base and then tine rock and
asphalt are added, so that the
surface closely resembles bitu
lithic. The asphalt is laid on top
of the cement and then heated
rock is surfaced on the mixture,
after which rolling ensues. It
Is said that it will make a street
that can be swept or Hushed
without trouble. The firm was
a little high in the upkeep for
Avnvpnra. but the council in
duced them to lower this teature
of the contract
John Heaton. of near Heholls,
was up to the city yesterday.
Mrs. Janey McK. Galbreath. of
Tualatin, was in town yesterday.
For Kent Furni.-dnil 7-rm.rn
house. Inquire of L. II. Wells,
or phone Main 11. l-"t f
C. Heim. now dealing- in live-'
stwk, was out from Portland
P.ig shipment of ladies' and
men's silk hosiery just received
at the Peoples' Store.
Boro. June ). 1913. to Mr.
and Mrs. John M('li-r, Hills
boro, a daughter.
John Scht. gel, of Banks, was
transacting business m the city
Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Mary Hoover, of Kosml.
Kastern Oregon, is the guest of
her ister. Mrs. F, A. Bailey.
Mrs. L C. Brown and son. of
south of CorncliuH, were in the
city yesterday, on legal business.
W. M. Hughes, of ()nk Park.
was a city visitor yesterday
SheritT Reeves made a trip to
Southern Oregon the last of the
Alex Gordon, of North Plains.
was in town yesterday afternoon
greeting bis county seat friends.
The Penples' Store are receiv
ing new, up-to-date gxn!s. daily.
Do not forget to see their many
Jake Schneider was in from
Ifisyville, Tuesday, taking out
a load of supplies for his hot
For Sale Twenty-five Duroc
Jersey pigs. 3 months old. at
per head. Ralph Wilhycnmhe, Ore.. K. 5. 15-7
The Knights of Columbus will
entertain with a card party at
Krcbs' Hall, Wednesday evening.
July lfi. Kverylody invited.
Cherries for canning, 2 cents
per pound ii you pick them.
Redmond place, Washington St..
between Fourth and Fifth.
Andrew K. Rye and Lulu D.
Mills were united in marriage.
July 2. 1913. Rev. W. J. WcU r
Oliver A. Todd and 'Grace Au-
relia Schneller, of the Sherwood
section, were granted license to
wed, yesterday.
Al. Wagner,-engineer for the
P. It & N., went out this morn
ing on the local freight, after a
week s layoff.
The talk of the cityalmost
3.000 pairs of new, up-to-date
sho for tallies, men and chil
dren. IxH.k at their large win
dow display. The People's Store.
Catherine Weir, aged 41 years.
uaugnier oi air. ami Mrs. Alex
a a. m m i
ander Weir, of hast Washington
County, died in Portland, July 1,
Men's suits-here is where we
shine. We have 200 latest style
up-to-date suits, just received at
the Peoples Store. Don t fail
to see them.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Devereaux,
of Eugene, departed for home
yesterday, after a visit w ith Mrs.
llevereaux' brother, U M. Hoyt
and family.
For sale Family horse, 9 yrs.,
1050; top buggy; surrey; single
harness. Rev. hmu Huber,
Bethany, Portland. Ore., Route
N. H. Alexander departed
Tuesday for a trip to Denver. St
Louis and other Mississippi val
ley points, expecting to be ab
sent several months.
If in need of fresh home-raised
turnip seed, Aberdeen variety,
will deliver prepaid by parcels
post at 45 cents per pound. J. C,
Bills, Hillsboro, 11 3. 12-15
A. W. Bryant who has a con
tract for yarding all the logs cut
by the Standard Box Vo., at their
new holdings above Buxton, was
in town Tuesday.
J. w. and uen marsn were in
from Centerville, Tuesday. Wal
says he isn't going to try to run
the auto, a;? he says he is too
nervous to climb trees and jump
fences with the car.
J. E. Cummins, a former news
paper man. now a designer and
builder of bungalows, was out
from Portland, Tuesday, looking
over the city with a possible
view of locating here.
L M. Hoyt returned yester
day from a trip to Wilson River,
where he tried his luck at fish
ing. He was accompanied home
by Clarence Hoyt and wife, who
mi .. ,,i;i r.. tUr
win remain u:.ui mw.-.
Clerk Luce has installed a fine
cabinet for the registration o
voters' archives, something that
has been needed tor sometime,
The next registration will be
practically double the old record.
because oi woman suurage.
Next Tuesday afternoon, at
o'clock, the Woman's Christian
temperance Union will meet in
the Christian Churen. mrs. we
ner will conduct a study of sev
eral of the new laws adopted for
the State of Oregon Feb. 25, 2(5
and 27, 1913. All the members
Bhould make a special effort to
hflnresent Visitors are hearti
ly welcomed. Press Cor
Order Made for Tualatin to Vote
on Incorporation, Yesterday
Mitt Will Vale la be or !W ta be a
Cily. Aafaal 1Mb
he commissioners court yester-
lav decreed that the village of
ualatin had conformed to the
aw, and that its citizens would
iave a right to vote on incorpo
ration, setting the date for exer
cise of the franchise for August
8, 1913. The order was duly
ntered in the archives of the
county after a long and arduous
siege of examination into the
aw and signers, with Attorney
Ilisha Baker, the Anti-Saloon
(-ague attorney, on one side.
fighting incorporation, and At
torney Thos. H. Tongue Jr..
working ior incorporation.
1 he voting part is settled but
alack and alas! the original
petition, with its proper file
mark, has mysteriously dis
appeared, and where it is some
one probably knows, but the
court officials do not
Just why it disappeared just
how it disappeared and just
when it was given its quietus so
far as being in evidence is con
cerned, remains enveloped in
larkness as let as the tomb of
Ilisha. or whether it took wings
and went up in a chariot of fire,
as another solution of its ab
sence, is mere conjecture.
Suffice to say, the petition was
not to be found, and when it
shows up and explains itself, an
other mystery will have been
So. then, it is now a question.
of "Petition, petition, who's got
the petition. The legal status
of the case is not at all in chan
cery for the board had the legal-
y filed document and acted up
on it out its loss is another
Church Meeting Notice
All members of the Hillsboro
Christian church are hereby noti
fied to be present at the monthly
business meeting to be held Sun
day. July 6, 1913, at 3 o'clock, at
the church building. Others
who are interested in the prop
erty belonging to the church are
invited to Ite present
J as. H. Jack, Trustee,
J. H. Garrett Trustee.
Sealed proposals will be received
up to August 1, 1913, for furnish
ing 100 cords of four-foot fir
wood, second growth, and 50
cords of good-sized oak wood,
four-foot length, to be delivered
at the school houses in Hillsboro
as the board of directors may
Peter Boscow, Clerk.
By order of Board of School
Directors District No. 7. Hills
boro, Oregon.
Iist Lady's gold belt buckle.
with pin. Leave at Argus office.
Mr. and Mrs. F.G.Mitchell, of
Portland, are guests at the G. J
Palmateer home until after the
The five-year-old son of Chas.
Church, of Farmington, fell from
a fence. Tuesday, and dislocated
his collar bone. Dr. ltobb at
tended the little sufferer.
Adolph Leuthold and Anna
Kohler were granted marriage
icense in Portland, the first of
the week. The groom hails from
Miss Minta Wilcox, well known
here years ago, as a child, suf
fered a stroke of paralysis at the
home of her mother, Mrs. Julia
Wilcox, Portland, and her life is
in the balance.
Alfred Morgan and Henry Lep-
schat have taken examination
for the position of firemen on the
S. P, and have passed, lhey
have been ordered to report to
Portland for assignment
E. Piatt and wife, of near Scio,
Linn County, are guests until af
ter the Fourth at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wolf, of
North Hillsboro. Mr. Piatt for
merty lived on the Griffin place.
near here, and left for Linn
County away back in 1881.
J. J. Smith and sons, Peter
and Frank, and daughter, Jose
phine, arrived here yesterday, to
remain until after the fourth
They made the trip down trom
Lebanon in two days, overland,
Mr, Smith and family are well
known in the north portion of
Dr. J. C. Bushnell, of Law
rence College, Appleton. Wis.,
has been elected president of Pa
cific University to succeed W. N.
Ferrin, resigned. Dr. Bushnell
is a son-in-law of Judge Hewitt
of Albany. He will take charge
at once, but will spend the Sum
mer months on endowment work.
There Is aome talk of organ iz
ng a company here for the pur
chase of the old fair grounds.
adjoining the city to the west
If the stock can l subscribed
wjthin a few weeks it is the in
tention of the promoters to re
model the grounds and erect
some fine training stables. There
is one of the best mile tracks in
the state on the place, and in
time it will he so suburban to
Portland that races now pulled
off there would come here. Be
sides this, such an organization
would bring many hors-s here
for training for the Northwest
circuits, ami this would mean
that many men would be em
ployed. Ladies: We give you the op
portunity to have your suits.
gkirts and long crats made by a
tailor, ani from the same ma
terial used in men's suits. Our
measurements mean satisfaction.
and we guarantee. Prices reason
able. Aug. Tews. Second St.
over Hillsboro Mercantile.
Higganbotham has been re-
eased from his suspension, and
is again pitching for McLredie,
of the Beavers. He ha3 been
winning every game since his
recent start It will be remem
bered that he was suspended on
their last trip to Portland be
cause he pitched under an as
sumed name at McMinnvilte,
against McCredie's orders.
For Sale Registered Guern
sey bull, o years old, in prime
condition; a good breeder; or will
trade for another registered
Guernsey of good breeding, as a
change is necessary. Also a few
choice, young grade Guernsey
cows. Phone 555 Line 15, Scholls
Central, or address Ferd Groner,
lillsboro. Ore., It 2. (
A little son of Mr. Hornecker.
of across the Wooly Bridge, was
held up for 20 cents w hile return
ing home the other day. The
ad was approached by the
stranger and asked if he had
any money. The boy trustingly
told him he had the 20 units and
the fellow took it away from
him, saying, "I'll take care of
Cow for Sale Large, high-
grade Jersey, to freshen in three
weeks; large milk flow; tests
high; milks alt year; calf is from
registered Jersey sire. Can be
seen two blocks north of a. V.
depot I. C. Nealeigh, Beaver
ton, Ore. 15-7
Judge Frank Klinemari, of
Lents, was in the city yesterday,
enroute home from a fishing
trip to the Nehalem, with his
brother, Jos. of North Hillsboro.
Frank says that the trout are
not biting like they did w hen he
was a barefoot boy in this sec
For the best values in hard
ware ot all kinds, call on L'ave
Corwin, who can sell you the
best at the lowest figues. Plumb
ing given prompt attention.
Second Street, south of Main.
Dr. F. A. Bailey had the first
Fourth of July accident case.
yesterday. August Wedeking,
while holding a skyrocket the
other evening, had one of his
hands badly burned. As there
was danger of. tetanus, he hied
to Hillsboro for treatment
Twenty penciled Indian Run
ner ducks, English, for sale, at
.5 cents each. Mis. H. P. Crom
well, Beaverton, Ore., Route 2.
Residence between Aloha and
J. W. McWilliams, working in
a South Tualatin hopyard, near
ly lost an eye the other day. by
being struck by the end of a hop
wire. Dr. K A. Bailev attend
ed the wounded optic, and hopes
to save the vision.
If you want farm wagons, bug
gies, implements, mowers, rakes,
etc., call on E. T. Turner, at
Laurel, general merchandise and
groceries. 12-24
P. J. Sonnen, ot Cornelius,
was in the city yesterday. He
has just returned from an ex
tehded trip to Canby, above Ore
gon City, where he says he saw
some fine country.
Wanted Girl for housework.
Witch Hazel Hop Farm. Ad
dress J. L. Bartlett Beaverton,
Ore., R. 4, Box 51.
Misses Freda Hansen and Faye
Rhodes, of Whitwood Court near
Portland, were guests of Mrs.
Page Gardner, this week. Miss
Hansen is a sister of Mrs. Gard
ner. We are again agents 'for the
famous Hazelwood Ice Cream,
and solicit your orders for brick
or bulk. Koeber's Confectionery
B. Fleischauer, of above Gas
ton, was down yesterday, settling-
with the court for his
month's work as supervisor.
If you want hardware, at prices
that are right just call in and
see D. Corwin. in the Hillsboro
National Bank Annex, Second
Services at Christian church.
Sunday bible school, 10 a. m.
preaching, 11; Christian Endeay
or, 7 p. m. ; preaching, 8 p. m.
Chris. Johnson and daughter,
of . Mason Hill, beyond North
Plains, were Hillsboro visitors
Frank Heesacker, of Verboort
was a Hillsboro visitor yesterday.
unr ictauu
F. A. HA I LEY, M. D.
Pbyilrlaa amd Sarfaaa
Offir:-rptaira la Sckatajatick
Ka.tiM!-mitbaa aatMar ajatta
and Hi mini Wit a.
PIhmm. offir City 3fZ; rial laaia,Cy M
OiDea aptfalra ovarTba Daita Dra; Miri
RtaMmaa laat af Co art ataaaa.
la tha aoraar of la Maafe.
R. M. ERWIN, M. D.
Sargcoo S. P. P. R. A , P. . ft .
Office la lb Ttratrm Slack. Tklfd aad
Main Streets, HOlabo, Orajga.
Office Hcwr 9 to it a. m.; I lo l ai at
t. nanfoa a ia la
amwerea on rm
vuuun. uract ovet iiuumn
Dr. W. B. CUNINr.HAtl
Calls Answered Day or Night
Iadepead t Pbaaa
OFFICEUpataira a Schalaerieh lata.
ReUace:-Baaelia Street, i
east of Soath Side (feast
iiotn rbonea office aad
Physician and Surgeon!
Office hoar 9 ton a. at.; stag p. a
C1U answered dav ot aivki Bath .
phone. Office la Aamicaa rTttiaaal
Baak, apataiia.
Boom 1 aad I Rkata Baltilaf
HILLS BOKO, . , IH mi.
e. b. xonaun
Office apiuir la Sckalajarkk Meat
Upstairs, A. C Shale Bldg, aad
UILLflBOKO, - .0B2SQ3.
Orncrt : Mala Btraat, oaa. Ooait 1
Office, upstairs in Schalaatricfc
Hillsboro, - - Oitroa
Office upstairs arar HUlaboro Nattoaal
Bank. -HILLS
Trmiesie Bldg.
I aad
Mala aad Third.
Upstairs, in Linklater DeltA
Building, Main Street
Hillsboro - - - Or.
Vktrkinabv Physiciaw
CM. 9. MasM ' a MRafJ
n ttaMa)
XtarMfrMaat waasajaaata)MaM
iiKttra. Xffliiiuai. Urlii la rt f
sta la aanaa artt aajyea stajaai , .rr
Raiftluflmliaeftni. II1I11H1 a 1 -Ja
frirfawlM aiM m nm'tStmm.
ra-earfHaeri Oaa a ass a B
Ml) Mkf ViaMsmb" "
Zrlrta: iarfiaU :i-7l
tu-2Hfha: Ml bm4 aa bVa,
Hmmn nu-aiT alianai alaMMiUi
ADnrntr. t.
Graduate Kansas City Vc i
inary College. 23 yean ft
tical experience. a
Offica, on Third St, oaa-half kJaafc'
of Mala, la Kerr ncaaaa
Office, Msla73:
Arutand Or;