The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, July 03, 1913, Image 1

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hillsboro, orixon, jui.y ., 1913
NO. 1S
ly IWmi'I HIJ ? Sal
LrJav mJ Owl rail
KaaJnJ fU.IIara lor IUII( M
Ltunty riiiiimifwioruT' court
n..-:i.m S:tlurilay. til one
1.. tirst i u nitive action WB
Lmint S ii:ilr W. D. Wind
,. it i! of county lieailli
r i r .i i'tiii "i
V.nxl h:n thi ill-t fr
yijirs. nod )i appointive
w 3k tu expire in it few day.
. 1 1 ..
Lntwo bridge and nil nn'k
f1.riiia :i.l;iin. I'ti bid and
l,non the bridge were?
Lnmc'' . Mow Farm-
IJi-nnirn-r ... I'J
CknIim IN'. II
K. was uwurdcti the
hut li'i.l ill lvin jtlHt HJt
a n- run ii iKcmlilo lilrt ma-
rim I'.n.k'e and Fill, on the
!bv. k W A lUh'f fsui
IjiiHiim' USfi
ltnV IbMae were awarded
r rutk hauling in District
I, 111 tin- Tualatin m-elum.
,urtntn wan the only I i I -llm
lu'iinn wrr nceeiiled
hi bid ti!t: Firt nuarter.
jits; s mud iiiart-r, lV; .'Ird
r. 1m-; llh quarter, lUk-;
lard r. :LV;l'.lh Muarli-r, lV;
narli r. IV; Mh quarter, fill
; iUh iiarti-r. Tm renbt,
ilf I'.rm.. of ( Wnt'litiK. were
llu' i-oiitriirl for li;iulini
butm-u No. .. 12 and 27.
I pru i h a follows, leing th
pst quarter, liK;'Jnd iinrtT.
M quarter. IV; Itli qtinr
!o: f.lh utiarter. IS'-c:
jbr, ."A-; 7th quarter, !Mc;
liuartt r. .i.v,
H 1 1 r :u-1 . r Ijirsuni' u n it run J.
Ii.til Julv S to finish thi-CralT
V'l'l li. I'. i;. ii;ioin-r at lrivt-n
July IS tn romnli'tc tin
iu'i t hriilni nrul fill.
William (icijfrr ra wn
It'll t 1 -f f tr Jlllllf" UciUMMMT,
hlav inoniiiur. uixm iK-lition
. I!. SinUt. nskinjr that a
rlinn ! iiiiiMintil. (o-ifrr
liK-lurcil iiihuni' in I'Vlirunrv.
Hailcy i-xnmininir jiliysician.
mst. a I of tu'inlinir tin1 in
to tin- nxyltim liowns iilanvl
liart'c of Lincoln (o-ivr, a
r. Stoke wh.h hot lv
!i itr r, ami ho v't carrion
y Khoi ju uh UnIv, t, II.
k'ni'.lr. aiM-nn'il for StokcH.
Mam lii' Latu'lev for tin do-
Misx Ijuivrloy tloclan-d
tin' rt'lativi-H wt-ru not mk
for a K'lanlian. anl contcml-
hi' W!W 111. I u.i..l. n I..
lr'liri,st'iitalivo. n ho un on
I'lari', iitU'iulintf to tiirt own
ikh. Mr. Tonirno Hl.nttil
client liml nn action for
avr s, iiml u wanted a Kiiar-
it'P"intei so ho nuilil linnif
fin without fear f lejral rr-
lio niirt took tltirt view of
matter ami ntate.1 from tlu
f li that he would nptioint
r i-iniey ask cii that Attor-
uniii he iiiiiMiiiileil. ami the
Ft ri'siiiiiiilcil llmi ! uMiil.l
'"lined to aiMint Lincoln
V''f. IhereiiiMin Mihs Lantr-
Md that Mr. Courerdid not
f fact in thnt capacity. At-
RDM I .......... .t . . I ! .1
l . "iiue men nsKi'n u ine
puveswou i tile a iwlition Hot.
- - 9-. v. ...... ... -
"nn iiu-Ho facta and ask
"j'l'oiiilrnentof a guardian,
Mihh l,antrlov consented.
i". SlokeH was in court tn hop
lca taiiKle worked out. He
now jirocecd to bug for dam
A. Thornlmrph. prcBident of
l-'irCKI l.rovo Mill n llitnk
rn m a deed in trust was ex
l,,ft ly (icitror. the dnv hi'fore
wn.s declared insane, was also
ty" v l he deed was nccom
P"''! "y a contract to stand for
rimary payment In case
Kl' cane hecame n disability.
V' sale - Several fnenlmtors
oriMll ei-S. Illtnuf mnkod .1
, --'i ov iiinntot v
ft'iurm, near Jabez Wilkes'
noun, of Citv l'ark. Hills.
wry Temeer and Mr. Patter-
. 01 i ortland, wero quests of
P . Hoth arc in business in
t. i,. trriM, in iJiurn. wax in
town Saturday. A. I.. U taking
reat deal of johhiiiu. Kml
naturclly, theHe days, over an
'iiwhU thut hi.ened to him the
other day. While workinif in
the hruMh he f,t w.methirn;
wnjfk'ly fc'oinir up one of hid
truuwin lef. He had vision of
rnttlettnuktu and other replihn,
and caiu'ht the intruder with
the irrip of a itiant. 1 1 ix wtn
came to hirt help and together
they extracted a panting little
lizunl. uUmt nithl inchen in
length. The intruder Ui-ame
friifhteni! and took to the lintt
dark place for nafety. After
this (IriU' intends to tie the
I il torn h of his overalls, or wear
high top hoots.
The (Irotier St Itowell (xi.. nl
Scholls. has a large supply of No.
1 dlMirt tile, from :i to ( inches,
on hand, also, a large supply of
building bliK-ks and brick. Any
one wanting larger sues of tiling
for the coming season, place
your orders before July 'Jith.
We also have a large supply of
dry rough and dn-sxiil lumlier
and a large supply of dry ship
lap. Your orders will receive
lirooipt attention. P.O. Aihlress
HillslNiro. Ore., Iloute 2. I'hone
Si holls, I. Line If,. 1.V17
W. T. Kerr, of the HillnUiro
Mercantile, returneij Sunday
from n trip to 1'rineville and
other Crook County txunts, and
says that that sH-tion hat a big
lot of rain laxt week, lie saw
John Ileitis, while at 1'rineville.
and says that Ileitis had a lot of
alfalfa don in the run. and was
kicking lea'.lKe he had left the
wet U-lt for the dry U-lt and
i'tiii found old Jupiter l'luvius
doing business in haying time.
Mr. Kerr says that jxitato rais
ing is getting to lie a big factor
up there.
I represent Spirella corset
nol sold in stores. Will call at
homes on ropiest, and do the
lilting, and teach how to adjust
and wear the corset. Our tailor
ed made tit-ineasure corsets, in
cluding the latest front lace, with
nn eMM-rietuvd rorsetier service,:
cost no more than high class cor
sets purchased in stores,- Mrs.
M. K. Caudle. Ilillslioro, fifth i
ami Jackson Streets, I'hone No.
rS. fiutf
John II, Stevenson, son of
Ion. li.O. Stevenson and wife,
of Cales Cni k, has been apoint-
el municipal juilge by Mayor Al-
Mr. Stevenson is a native
son or Washington iuniy, ami
a graduate of I'aeilic University.
He has a line law practice, and
las handled some big cast's in
the Uose City. John II. has the
congratulations of all of his
Washington County friends.
I saw cordwisxl, Miles up to 12
inches in diameter, fence rails,
and Umrds of all kinds, into
stovcwtiod lengths. Will go into
the country. Write, phone or
til on me.- Carl Skow, corner
Hlli and Fir, Hillslsn, Oregon.
I'hone, Citv H22.
The Washington-Oregon hs-
ple have built new carrying lines
in the Ihlley and (Jaston sections.
ie od line, lunlt ly Senator
llaim'S, fnipiently went through
fields, and the present company
. m ... . I . .1.
secured irancnises aiong ine
county nuid so workmen always
can have access to the h1c and
wires without trouble.
If vou want a range that bents
the world for the money, call on
Oavid Corwin. Hank Annex
Building, and see his quality
Ranges, all the way from $25 to
$55. These are the is'st ranges
ever placed on the market in
HillslKiro. Call in and see them.
Lewis Unnes rolled the rock
for the base of the l h. tV r.
roadls-d on Main Street, the last
of the week. He used the en
nine owned hv t ho county, ami
u' l i'h has been in use on me
street work here.
.tr snle: Two single buggies,
sith rublK-r tires; one open and
one ton. iipen uuggy mnj
new. and has large, roomy scat,
Top buggy is in good condition.
Call at the Hoy store, on the 1
U. &N.
Wm. Sehulmerlch. of Farming
inn was in town Friday. He
duva fhnt British Columbia has
been over-deveiopeu ana muv
mtmn iinrn Limes are ukuiy w
ouertnke that uortion of the Do.
minion. He says Uregon neais
them on lumbering ten to one. -
Tnifon nn? Uav mare, white
ulrin in fill1 e. weighs about 1200,
r.,n white hind foot Owner
orove property, pay charges, ad
i.iiuinir ete.. and take same
away.-Inland Klineman, Grove-
land, on United uauway.
Thn Indies of St. Matthews
church will servo a warm dinner
at the jrrounds, City l'ark, at the
Mirn Can Neither Hunt Nor I lh
in Orron
llamr lirinf Mr tad Marc
5lra l aid Vcar
Oregon game laws are growing
more and more stringent each
. . i . . ..
year, arm now ine alien ran no
longer fish or hunt It now be
comes neeecsary for a foreign
Imrn ierson to at leant take out
first paerx U fore he can enjoy
the pleasures of Izaak Walton or
emulate Oaniel ISoonc. This is
news to many, and news that
might save a line.
The limit of buck deer for the
season is thrs, and each hunt
er's license has three coiiion8 at
tached, one of w hich must Is at
tached to each deer, when it is
killed. As the oH-n season for
deer is August 1 the Argus pub
lishes both the alien regulations,
as well as the sct tion on the cou
Mins. which follows:
"L'aeh hunter's license shall
hate attached to it thnt cou
jNins, and when such license
shall legally takeorkill any deer,
uch ierson shall immediately de
tach from his license and attach
thereto, in plain sight, the prop
er roiiiMin, date, anil sign his
name to the same, and the cou
lm shall ! so attached to the
head, or skin, and in cose it is
desired to carry such deer as
baggage or to sell such Hkin or
mount the head the coupon must
accompany same and shall 1m
kept attached to such part as
long as it is preserved."
Clerk Luce states that where
licenses have Ist-n issued without
millions holders will le given
them tiMn presentation at the
C-ounty Clerk a olliee, in H'mon,
or by mail.
'ollowing is the rcort for the
Union stock yards. Portland, for
week ending June 27;
Keceipta for cattle, 1525; hogs.
27STi; calves, 278; sheep, 4SUT;
horses. 2:1.
Cattle market steady to strong
ill week. The general run of
steers has ls-cn alsive the aver-
ige in ipiality, the bulk selling
$7.75 to $S.25. Several loads of
California grass cattle sold at
higher prices. The steers in this
shipment brought $H.75, heifers
$S. and the calves $"J. Outlet
has IsTn very good and the mar
ket seems to U on very sound
basis. There is a ltoor demand
for stockers and feiHlers on ac
count of high water.
The hog trade surpassed all
records since 1910 for a single
week. Prices made a sheer gain
of SOe in seven days. Market
otR'ned strong Monday at $8.00,
which was a 2iw gain over the
previous week, and ny rnuay
top ipiality light swine was sell
ing strong at $U.
Transactions in the sheep house
have been very few due to the
light nt'eipts and slow demand
or mutton. xtra choice yearl
ings are worth $1.75 to 5c and
ewes 11.50. The lamb trade is
in very fair shape and prime fat
Soring stock has had a irood out
et, prices ranging trom o to
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to all who so kindly ten
dered aid and sympathy during
our recent liereavement, the
leath and oUswimes of our
daughter, tho late Miss Clara
Mr. and Mrs. John Mink.
HillslKiro. Ore., June 30, 1913
The Southern Pacific schedule,
as now running, is as follows:
To Portland
McMinnvillo pass'ger, a. mf:52
Sheridan train, a. m 8:38
rillamook train, p. m i:0T
Corvallis overland, p. m 4:57
On Sundav. the Sheridan pas
senger does not leave Hillsboro
for Portland until 8:&u.
From Portland
Corvallia passenger, a. m.
Tillamook passenger, a. m
Sheridan passenger, p. tn
M'Minnviile passenger, p. m. 6:45
Ttorn. June 25. 1913. to Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Vanderwal, of
above Banks, daughter.
D. 15. Leisy. ot South Tuala
tin, was a city caller SatuHay.
Thou. Talbot, tf Cornelim. vta
in tow n Monday.
Carl Sorenson. of below Ki ed
ville, was transacting business in
town Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. C h. koontz
visiteil with relatives in Port
land, over Sunday.
Now is the time to ha; that
house wired. SeetheO! Klc
tric Vm. l it
F. K and licrt lUw lt. Si-holln.
transacted business in the city
M. Suhbauer. of C-ornelius. was
a county seat visitor ti e last of
the week.
Miss Km ma Tupis-r departed
Friday for an extended visit at
(iolderidale, Wash.
Mrs. Albert SoIIergcr. of above
North Plains, was in the city,
Friday, on probate buini -m.
For sale, cheap for cash. 1)
ftsit corrugated iron roller, tel
escope f rae. Zina WimhI. H-tf
Wm. Hamelmann, of south of
Cornelius, was in town Saturday
Ikm't forget the warm Fourth
of July dinner - better than l.xst
year s at the ground-, by the
ladies of the Catholic church.
K. D. Tongue was one of the
starters at the Country Club
races, Carden Home, last Satur
day afterwxin.
First-class manicuring, sham-
looing and face massage. - Miss
Mary K. Wilcox, Hillsboro. every
Thursday. Phone, City 57. In'
District Attorney L H. Tongue
has purchased a new ( adillac
motor, and has already hiarned
to steer the machine like a sea
Dance at the new Helvetia
iall. Saturday evening. July 12.
First-class Portland music. Tick
ets. $1, and ten cents per plate
for supjier. 1116
Karl Luther, of the Southern
'acitic detKit force, has l)cen
nursing a nice little case of the
mumps, something that he evi
dently missed in his boyhood.
For SaleTop buggy, good as
new, rubber tires, will sell bug
gy and harness for $S0. Inquire
of Mrs. L A. Hood. First Street,
between Ilaseline and Oak. 13-5
Peter Vandehey. of Verboort,
was in town rrulay. He is suf-
ering from an attack of rheu
matism, from too much work in
the wells of the county.
Taken up: Three Jersey heif
ers ami one Jersey steer. Own
er call and prove projerty, pay
charges, and take same away.
Martin Vandehey, near Newton
Station, HillslKiro, Route 5. Iio.x
Ht. 15-17
Dr. Ci. W. Tape, well known
to many Hillslsiro people, has se
cured a two year contract to
manage the Hot Lake resort, in
Union County, and took charge
of the place June 15.
For sale Holstein bull, aged 5
years, eligible to registry; quiet
and easy to handle. .1. u Crock
er. between North Plains and
Mountaindale, on Cornelius. Or.,
lioute 1. 14-16
GalH Kssner and Geo. M ench
ain, of alxive Mountaindale, were
down to the city Saturday, and
took out a hay-tedder, which
they will use when the weather
Liough lumber. 10-foot lengths,
all widths, constantly on hand.
S. II Cogan. Hillsboro, Ore., II
I. 3 miles north of town, on C.
D. Farnham place. We sell at
$9 per M. 6-17
Valdemar Lidell, administrator
of the estate of Hans Nelson,
has tiled his final account with
Judge Ueasoner. lie savs he has
over $800 in cash, after all claims
are paid, nnd all debts cancelled
against 10 acres in trus county,
and several lots in Columbia
County, and after rigid inquiry,
has found no heirs, either in this
or in the old country. He wants
to deposit the money with the
county clerk, and turn in the
deeds, together with all tax re
ceipts, to date.
Raymond Ewald issuing the
Hillsboro Garden Tracts for $2,
304.67 and cancellation of a con
tract to purchase four lots in the
Garden Tracts. Ewald says he
has na d out $772.27 on the lots,
with but about two hundred more
to pay. and has built a $1,500
hnncralow on the property. He
says the company represented
that no house was to be built on
adjacent property to cost less
than $1,000, and this agreement
has been violated. He wants his
navments back, together with
the money expended on the resi
dence, plus taxes paid.
Authorities Estimate Loss at
front Sii to Eleven Thousand
Diialcrelt Party is City Is Slnifhlci
Out 1st Taaflc
That the Uross Construction
Company has suffered a loss of
from six to eleven thousand dol
lars on the contract for the new
Hillsboro school building goes
without saying, if the. estimates
of conservative parties is worth
consideration. It was the gen
eral opinion that when the firm
was awarded the contract that
the bonding company was taking
a big chance to have to pay dear
ly for the premium they received
w hen they wrote the bond.
The school board and the con
tractor cannot get together on a
settlement, and as the district i3
amply secured by the bond, the
directors are passing the buck up
to the bonding company to do the
A disinterested party came out
from Portland the first of the
week to endeavor to get together
on common ground with the
board, and decide upon a course
ot settlement, and then the
bonding company will get busy
and wipe out the debts against
the I'ross Construction Co., and
give clearance to the structure.
There was a constant running
fight between the builders and
the board, and the directors de
terminedly fought for the letter
of the contract As a matter of
fact the price of construction for
the type of building was too low,
and nothing but loss could result
PlbWkj m- v a mm:
The athletic smoker at Beaver-
ton was well attended last Sat
urday evening, and the events
were pulled on with satisfaction
to all. The decisions were as
Myers, Brooklyn Club, decision
over Dressinger, Beaverton club,
four rounds; 135 pounds.
Hill, unattached, decision over
Hewlitt, Multnomah club, three
rounds; 115 pounds.
Hardy, Beaverton Club, de
cision over iwatngnt Multno
mah Club, four rounds; 145
Malone, Butler Club, decision
over Underwood, Columbus, four
rounds; 125 pounds.
Carlson, Columbus Club, decis
ion over Conquist Butler Club,
one round; 135 pounds. Fight
stopiHHl in the first round by
Officials Jack Helser, referee;
Dr. Kenneth Long and H. Geor
geson, judges.
A horse drawing three small
children in a buggy became
frightened near West Union,
Sunday, when an auto approach
ed, and ran away. Contractor
Lorsung, who can use but one
hand, the other being injured,
drove his horse alongside and
told the little boy to keep his
horse in the road. The animal
was finally stopped, when an
other auto approached. Lorsung
motioned for the oncoming ma
chine to stop until they could get
the runaway quieted, but there
was nothing doing. Arrival of
a farmer stopped further trouble.
however. Drivers of machines
should be very careful when
thev meet children driving in the
country, or there is liable to be
a fatality.
Daisy Bowman has sued John
H. Bowman for divorce, alleging
cruelty and non-support as well
as desertion. She asks for the
return of her maiden name, Mar
shall. The husband is supposed
to be in Southern Oregon. They
formerly resided north of Hills
Franklin Thatcher, of Thatch
er, was a city caller, &aturaay.
His community now has a good
macadam road nearly all the way
into Forest Grove.
Postmaster Cornelius has in
stalled another section of lock
boxes in the rear of the postof-
fice lobby.
J. W. and W. C Jackson, of
near North Plains, were Hills
boro visitors Saturday afternoon
C Waibel, of Helvetia, was in
town the last of the week.
R. Tschanz, of Helvetia, was
in town Friday.
Erwin Ritter, of Bethany, was
in town Saturday, on business.
I i ,v
ll Mi'
A I . T I
5 VV:
If you don't want to come to town, just phone your
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if you
called in person. Wc specialize in "Horry Up" orders
and you can get a prescription made np very conven
iently m tuts way. All orders are sent ont by the
earliest possible return mail.
- No need to wait till you come to town '
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and.
Hexall llemedies by Parcel Post Prepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store
Are You Thinking
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oycrlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American Nations!
bank o
i i .
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks rand a Tj
big free telephone list in a private
. booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home .
for wc have all the modern conveniences.
yiour patronage courteously receloeet.
A. C. Shute, Pres.
C. Jack, Jr., Cashier.
American National Bank
Main and Third, MKHmoeOw
' i -
50 r-
Of your children by giving them an early
start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
. procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
For a gentleman's high grade,
17 jeweled, finely adjusted
in a 20-year, gold-filled case.
, I guarantee this watch to be
an accurate timekeeper.
This is only one of the dozens
of watch bargains that I am
Largest stock in the county to select from.
, celebration, tomorrow