The If H - - - ? TOGO JnllLLSB NO. tf. iiinsr.oK(),()Ki;r.oN, ji:nk id. mz M M cTTmrm mt pivq I (vrkitur..i.k.wn.rnriiinDir nniiucypcnnu I 'a.rnj'lH'ko.'- 'jijr''' wai CflRPQT fiRflVE Wlff k l) rUHMKK-KI UN I'-'" c.-rtih.ate for a nlllm lilliflllll lllll II III! a city visitor r riuay. 1 1 UIILU I U UILIIIIL IjIlflinUlllUliii wimw WORLDSGAKDhN SrUI a ...a ft lull will Sii!"1 ' W SI Sill 1 1 HUM U IN 1Mi:iMll ,(4I Villi" Am-Hrl I Pt T.Ik Hc l'ttnUI Clufc iftv of I m flub and a catlerii.B from tl. ranche heard M " ..rh,m. with the (,r-nl .Northern, Bl'. Friday i-venin. Mr. i hamlH-rlaiit I mi agricul tural uti.l horticultural expert. I. i nut in ay wm' a Uk ' 1 ..... 1 ! went in the Dakota i' . . , Hint made a h.i.ce; 1 til faniiuiK' where others failed. He ranching from A t -. ami ti W add res wtl replete Uh jnl.-r.nL I'" ' ,al w" mi'' Valley ww caimi-ie oi mwlainmg a greater .uiaiiou t t acre than any other country j tin world, au.l that t he climate umlHoil were un.-iUii!U-.l for pro. Iiuiioii. Hi- i.d.ocalei rotation ,. t . - at... !..... Ii, 'f.ktt l''. a I 8i"i'K no ' i"i- f i .t I I..... ti,. t. ..),). -rf nl HUT. a"' I" ii"" Innate h l-l Svuore in ir n- frU He wav we lave it natur al livestock Kcrtinll. ami lliHI c.u- lie, hi n hoi." and nheep w ill Knw better hire than in the rtmiitry eat of the mountain!. II., in!. I Low On t'uii Mheeti can 1.....1 i In Km?!eii idieeii for i - - t I ItroMtli. Udh of inime ami wool. n.,1 nhiled how ureeun Hliei a. i,i i .me center In-1 vmr p - . . ... . t the I ilk' latl-l Hh4 h I'l I'l Hie Mi!iHHHii Valley. II.. ank.-.l that Ihe rl il. awi ai fanm ri. ritcourave the On on In n mi'! for a irreater 'io- .l.i.'h.m nf tivi-4toi-k. I rllllU how ih.. 11.11 lim-4 imnuallv f.hiiui twenty live million of .ro.!tn H l,. iliu m.h' of tlie kiH-kies, hi In-lit that we f.niiiil .iHluce thin ourrn-lvcji. I'U rk I. nee turneil down a for eit;n iihiIicuI ci-rtilicate lor a rtMi-tiv liri!ei;ro(iiii, the last of the ttt'i-k, anl the yotinir man wai lorrt-a to w- a local jihym- ctan. Ihe law reiiuiri-n that the fxamininv; hyician niunt te lit. I litjlul A I li.i It.. f ft. !.'. I. ... 111,1,1 HIHV . 1 cannot make i'hi-kh-h an to rri'i:-jrii laWliiii I'avriiK-nt Saturday i . : it i 1 ir.iiiini. iH-ni-fiiirwan1 an up I'ortl.iml. I'.uKi-m-A lintirn Start - lit-anl Wnv exainmeil (y a lhymciari (nun anotlur county tnUHt ul to have a w urn Ktaleiuent hy the countv clerk of that iartictilur county Hhowm that the iliyniiian i: licfinu-il to practne. ami thin will then make IIh- ch rk nafe in inuanc. (!li rk I.KVMII liltlUS IIIIWIIN If lt.S In I J I nruH'ir MiCI)iboJ Cunlrri With Ihe Cil) CumhuI AdolnTi Kut:hmanti. nf Wt-st Union, wan in tg n Friday. C. IL Mead, of Springfield, was in the city the first of tt.; wwk. IL l'ubol. of West I'r.ion. was I in the city Saturday. Mrs. Alice Cut tinir, of Kinton. iwaH in the city Friday. Wrn. Schendel. of n nr l.lixim- mif. wan a llilmlioru visitor the laht of the week. (;. llellaire, one of the old imard of (Jk-ncix'. wai in town li.ld l'ni'irii'.r J. II. McClv IIh-cnrK naie in inKiianci . i nrx ' - U:..,nP,i.lV i ...... - 11...1 .... i.. .i..., I miiinU and M. II. I .till. iirtMistant oaiuruay l.iiT niijn ifiui. Mv i. i mini , would lav groundwork for fraud, chii f i-nt'inier of the Portland. John Kwhrikt? and A lam H. r- Anyold piecu ot pater. Kiined Hut ne & ' rn Railway, were r "., "',V,""lV "r here Saturday, and held aeon not, woiiui pan inrouKU ami ine . ,, . , l iw evaded ferencewith Mayor r.auley and , ' . I, Ihe city council. akintf that the ..... ... i i.. .... J- uiit .....i r.i company U- permitted to lay lu..i,. ..t. r.-ou. Kt m.d do th.- eratute liltHks U-twii-n the rails fittint'. and leadi how tondiut on Main Street. Ihe gentlemen and wear the corm-t. Our tador-Lai, they wi-re t'oin to make a I made to meii-'uire corrn w. in cluding the latent fnmt late, with an experienced rorselier Hcrvici no 1 1. 1. Ill I OMM iiim. The County Court util receivi luU and award contracts, on Sutur.lnv. June IS. l'.H:l. nl 2 l. in fur t In follow-in if work for Waihinirtoti County : lur hauhnu' nH-k in I load li trirt Not. l. :i. r. 12 ami for tnacadam work, bid to U made on lirt ipiattcr milt and each miniHwiv. nuailt r mile to Kill nii'o-li-r. i ' - . . . Fur hauling Z.U ynr.H of nu k. "' - - ' trcrt, of iK-yond I.loomin,', were city vwitora Saturday. Sam J. lLafTetv. of .Mountain dale, was irrevtinif HiilHlmro friends Saturday. J. Moline. of In-low Uci-d .i! was a citv visitor Satur lay. lie is road BUtx-rvisor in his section The ball rami' U t .u n Hills- cwfit no more than hiidi class cor- Hi ts purchas.-il in Htoren. Mrs, M I. I ii' i h mm. l'i i t and Jackh.ui Stret ts. I'hone No. Ml. Wit The Mihsi-s Clare and Madtfr inhne returned Sunday from a four monthH visit with relatives and friends in California. They yisiti-d with Mr. nd Mis. Med M'hcr, at ls Angles, and with an uncle of Mr. Iinhne, at Santa Ana. and travi-led hun- I reds of miles in motors. Wal- ti-r M-whi-r n turneil to Oregon with them, and will make an ex- lindeil visit In re and lit lot Hand, The yoimif ladies wire much pl.-aed with their visit, hut are clad to l?et hack to Oregon. th. ir trio made them acuuamted with llie'ooil roa.Hinllie nmiiu, and they t- of makinif 2 miles in nu auto in one day, with hut three or four miles of road that was iml macadam or paved. I saw eordwood, loles up to 12 inches in diameter, fence rails, . . i ii i i . ami l;irti4 oi an Kimi.i. uu kIou'WoihI lent'lhs. Will ki into lie country. Write, phone or rail on me. i an Mvow, cornet Sth ami Fir. Ilillslioro, Oregon. 'hone. Citv H22. STARTS BIG SUIT Auks lor One-lialf ol Thirty Thou- nantl iKillar From Husband i t I ... I . I I . . . . . permaneni rauieu. anu one inui nm (melius was cal!e would not ru ed tearinir uii evt-rv olL Sunday, owinir to the few months. They want t6 weather. thoroughly roll the earth, then t)r. I II. Smith the first of put in plenty of crushed ris k, week tH-rformed a suryical roll this, then top with cement, ,.,.,..; on Mrs . 1. rum hit. whose and then on top of this lay their husband works on the 1. It. & jrranite. Vrmis.sion was Knint-U eo. I t. i . -e. .. l l ,.o . t ..i ror aieioii uuv , yni w TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If vou don't want to come to town, jost phone yoar in and it win dc prompuy aucnucu w a u t in person. We specialize in MHurry UpM orders (-..,. nu nj a mnrliraw on l.inill A . .,r nu n Klnrleil til work " "" " i ' ' . ' '. ' "i' ---- .Vnril-.v mnrniniriii front of the new. rubU-r tires. Will Pell butf- amoUntinir tor2).0iW. She claims .v1 .-. Inquire that McGreer is worth at least I ,' r. ' I , ii . I 1 1 I, I .uj. I ..I. ... nnA kn f l.iiiiliihi.- .mil Mr MeClvniondn ol Mrs. i n. iioo, i o m on-v.,, arm biic auio uuc-iiui. l.itulithn. and h r. Mi D moil is ltwrliiu. and ()ak. 13 5 nf ih, uer month nays the work win ( ruHiieo as - . . . . . .7.' .k.'D;t nn, r ... -II. i I I . II ... ,.T .1... IlllIMUIl V LKTllUlilK bllv ouiu ui.m llM as immune, uroern mr new i j, v. juiiici, oi tin- nnuw V,U, " , ' . ... ....I i I .. . . . . . .i 'mi nffnrni'V !.. work trains to eyl the uiusnom district, was iiown id ine ciiy ' . . . .i i i i.. . . .... i, i Airs, iuii.iret.-i iid.1 aiiuwuti ii- work o-u oi uieway uae ocen Saturday auernuon. ui oiet-i w - . . f. with the comiany. and it Um. who came out from Fort-M'rk ?!le f ..f.l . u-ill U. I iiit a matter of a few for a nhort visiL . tiiey nwi uuiiia iiww . . , .i . i..... i . . monev. in the brove. she was SVS W l 0 PKOCIKI D IN BAD FAITH Allrxc Tlial She Wi Mhki !( Sif lag Pipcn Mrs. Addie McGreer. of rorest (Irove, hai sued T. H. McXJreer for divorce, and her complaint brintles with allegations. The McGreers were married at Wood- burn, Marion County, Nov. 25. 1'jOi. and they later moved to Forest Grove. She alleges that w hen they married her husband owned property in Wasco Coun ty, heavily mortgaged, and that with financial help from her, and workinsr together with the end in view, the property was held nnd the mortsraife tiaid ofT. Then. she alleges, in l'Jlli. he misled y her and prevailed upon her to 'rjlO Jjeiia J-irUU OIUI C sin a deed to the lana in wasco .-T. . L.. ..-,.,. l.lntr a un ef her II DFY AI I. STflR t husband by a former wife. Mc- a order iaut.u iu yviJvi" - - - and you can tret a prescription made np very conte- ieutly m this way. ah oraers axe fai wui j earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order In today. On and after April 1 we will send out preoption! ana Kexali Kennedies by Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra charge. I'.irdand and Corvallis will linked with rails. Cot MY CLAIMS a t Are You Thinking al- Tlie county court last week lowetl the follow intr claims: llr I .'nl ill mil Jfi Ul A W l'.ryniit. ref litj licenselMiMiO Court house eviK-HKes Ilillslio ro Merc Co $1 Fi, Pioneer Wood Yard IK'.. II F Schmeltzer PI Koad and highway - P-eall & Vm $2T i-"i. S P l K haulimr ns k 2S-I fill. .1 K Zimmerman 175. II .1 Keenon 75. J A .lohnson 150 '.). .1 () Johnson 221 25, J II llolTman III 75. F C ItH-lle 211 75, J U llavden ln'7 fiO, J J Shevlin MS sTi. K l llite217 Moliiu- li.l !: G I'.ailev 21(1 25. F I. ltr,.wn 1:1. K Munlm-k 2115 21. rtnK ('.eilK-reerrrr f5. II Fleiwh- J i-i-,""",""'. i Iit. 17. :il miles: for hanlin)t U,.na( im-,vase this year are tfood rik m same Hariri ji m . I . Twtl .;,,. XMi,.,e, v or const ruction ol unuee nnn , - - . ,, Taylor Ferry mad. wt of U; . rubU-r tres; c m, m. Mi. rwoiMl ....... ,.. .a hirfi. rmimv seat . or bn.ur nt C'-u L ,Ul condition. meenM nous nm. cann.nk - - . i;oV Kto.v. on the P That tlie tlairy business in Ore lion is tfrow ini? at a trementlous rate, and that in value it far ex ceed the state's next largest crop - livestock - is the statement r i i .. . t I I.-.U..I ('.iiiimW. Ill .-il.lli' ii.iii j inui i ". i i- if - : .t i :.. ...,..ii iucn... 1 1 niier itl'.S. A ! Knox 41 . ,i . .. i i i r .i .iru .niim 151 Oil. V Kic iterSI M. ill CI II. in am .'t ii.ii' j "-,,,,- ,..,. I ii- . . ducts for PJ12 was Yymm J T Melloy U tt. Alfml Pieren w hile that of livesttH k was 215. Ceo ( otuclman i.i .50. All) 117 K!l. 1)1. Smith 112 07. l.oou.o"o. ii.K.v.. - - ii-nneviue nnnn-iiin iiiihuik H. &N. to a statement by lct.ii.. i:-im. Warden I'liilev, i, .. ......... . - nlHint 11.000 Chinese pheasants will Ih libcratetl this season in ixmiik loirci Kit- with certilit'tl i ' ...... -..I check in sum of 5 n-r cent, of bid. I'lans and Hpecitications may 1' seen at the ollici of the Conn I 1 I Hi I iFll lit ri.r ttui iit nil Iiii4 lulukiil Irani of them iroinir to ' II jl H HIIJ III IIH '.'. I IU""IV - - i 1 ' I ii i! i. ..,.. .... ,i. ,r. im em oreuoi . in atiumoii I .. r ....ti. .... H I Id lll.-r.'IIHI' Ul 1117 Ml.'"- - y oilier oi ipiiiiiiipii" " ""' - i. . .. .i t ti ,.r I lr.niiii. a tout i.oo". I'Oilrl, ami liaiCtl UIIS .Hllie u, pimmn." V . -o l I I vm m yoW)K trout will 1k liberated by the state nsn nincuenea. Mil ICI; Ponirli lumlnT. lU-l'tKit lengths. ii ,. ;.niw e.umtiintlv on hand. . I "o . """ , i .. . .... . i. The article bel.nv was refused S. U. Cmran, m .. v. iml.lication in the Cornelius I n- 1. ., miles nortn v i .t iik .i .i.t.i i I i ...... ri.i i.k nt i a rn luiiu nuui I" 111111 WHS IIMMIIH I" . 1,.. Armis. It was brouuht in ns u per w. a naid iidvertim-nient. but tto clmiye w as made by the Anrns Pub. t'o. .... ..mi i ... it., i .u. ..t.:.. . . W, IIIUSiKiru iMioeruiMiiK 2:1. U F Keasoner VM l l.onion Htlw Co I) 15. AbU Peters P.) 'Xt, f.r. Kel-inn 2S 12. A Kostur 50. I I. i:r.iiT5 Thos Murnhv 10. J M Yanderanden 11 05. 1) C Stokesbury 20. C K Meacham 41. c.rtint Mann 5. J II Hever 22 50. Ilarrv llohinson 45. II t Johnson II 2T. I. W Prow n 40. C Her 7 50 SOUTH URN PACIFIC U-en shifting its lowinir railway Lure anj lhe furmshinps. Mc tract alove P.uxton, and the mill rir.,.,- n.fusintf to put un the has Uvn running short time mnnev for these necessities. She awaitinir completion of tno f,.eth..r navs that McGreer ol- of tlie change. ! tn htr corresiKindence with friends, and threatened ..k.;.. a. l ima tm.iu.rtv mi Third if it w ere not stopped he would V III III nun r-"l I ... , nnd Oak. ami exiHt ts to move in tret out, and he wouldn t pet i. i... ' l inn ui nu nv inern.sio rouie. eiuier, noil iu iiiuv- nu.- ........... - . i.:... .. ;ii,;-. f.m. , ..t nr shi asks that .Mcureer oeen mciiim CTiiiiiu ...v ...... j the clerk s office, where lie isnoinin irom ReuinK nu ui ms lU-puty. projierty until the court can set- Taken u: Pav mare, w hite llt'at,on . . . . . hi I.. - 1 imvin wiiit n I LI llllli. .'".'V. w..... . nrovi nroiH-rtv. nav charires. ail vertiHiiiL' etc.. and take same . I Veoman Idcre. No. 2!S. I. 0. away. U. and K lineman, lirove- o. F., was instituted at Isorth nm un Ihnlt'il itai wav. iMamx a-st Satnnlav eveniniT. Arthur Shute. the little son of and alxut 2.3 thrtlinkers trom it... i oi..... i niiisiiiini wciil utri iu aoiow m Mr. ami .,fm, u ;- officers are ucuuuy - . , " " " ivii.l Paulson, noble irrand : N. II Krnsi CK .racu re-r .i .ay e,e- -- -. (V w Moo mnr. While wneennK up uo ",r .. . ovc ,raailP(ir.rL le tried to iret oil the sHlowaiKP"'v i. r"'rLJ.:r i.' 3 . . . ..1 i i 1 1 :in m 11 nnipr. waroen: jjinc ami iiKm u ne.uiei. i'i . i.i - i u n.t:n at..n.l...l the vounir man. ..nine, conuuciur, y. i . "vv " !!.. ,.;n I'hoo I la vw I. S I i t i iinwiui vniv. - -' - - Mr. nml Mrs. HiiKh H. ( arev. , Jacksiyn. L. S. N Of opening a BanK Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oyerlook the mod ern accommodations at the American Nattel ODD BANK i i Private desks for writing your business letter, for drawing your checks and a fl big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. -your patronage courteously rtceltmt, A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier- American National Bank Main mmd Third, WBrtwi. a a a. a a a t i K ('Alt I) ed bi Morris Prothers. Ihe suit hers shirte. by I'i. . wippn'uvv" ,f n... i:..!.. iu.. i. ,.r ('i.rm.liiw. forced the attvcriisemeui., woo... The Southern Pacific schedule as now runninu, is as follows: To Portland McMinnville pass'jjer, a. m...r.:52 miii-iil:in train, il m H:!8 rilhiinixik train. i. ni 1:07 Corvnllis overland, p. m 4:57 ii., (h. Shei-iihm n:.s- 1 a miles north of town, on t. Uonirer does not leave llillsboro yyuttei. at I or I oriiailll llll III o.oo. 0-17 I li'i-nni Portland , i ..... ... n.i f ui.i.ivii in!, ii nrvn is n issenirer. a. in . o.i-i ll.e I'oreni. vntn 1 ... . . i, ui.i.t,..i nn mlver- Tillamook nassemrer. a. m..l0:0t iriCL lilrtt e-i pirn' " . . - r V fc . r - .i... ....I.. ..r i w i..i- ilfin nuimniror. n. m... .1) 14 i iu..i,iiiir inr Liie ninu vn ....... i r.--. , - . . . ...H.l privately contract- M'Minnvillo imssen;er, p. m- (:4o . . : . . mi : MISS MARY V.. HINMAM ki u... i' ..i. .i I t ihii i 1 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 it i'ci i iiii: tun i i m . ? - desire to state through the Tri- accordiiiK to law, must be made M'ws Mary K Hinman. daughter i .. . .. .. . r ii... i ..r .1... lunula lire Hold. I..r il... !.... Al....o.m II nmmi died mine, that the seniimetu oi me ih-ioiu m oi mu unc nii . article published therein about Woou for ale four-foot nt the home of her mother, June the corresiK.ndent who reports " wi,i deliver for $;! and $11.25. 12.191:1. She was aed (.2 years. .... t... m..! . ..i.i ....j ' ". .. i ii .. i ..m.i. .ii i nt Hi-. nml ihi o not. robust, had been ii uiui.ivic inui. i!i mni'Hi -J. II. voeiKcr, ..on. ifi i - -. n.-,-u vviib nu .. ... i .. u fi..b r.r.r. ii-iu. t ill tint, n short time, nermoin- min. V lllll imeini, nun, 11 n i- I e U'llUOlie, vi v""i - - Mrs.C.race TibbiLs. Mrs. W. P'- mrt Central; 10-W er nnd the fo low.njr brothers vii.i.. VI-.. n,.,i.i Mrn. WVK . . . , nnd s ster survive. Oliver Hm- ii . ,7J,.'.V"! V;: e ""A ' Jutke McCnhey, ot tiusion, - - Klletishunr. Wash.: Dr. Mi-a " "Ve, " A was down to the county seat me CaP, L inman, I a a llf .lf 1 IIiHl, 111 tnu .Alta Wolfe. Mrs. J t ...... ivir3 i. vv I'i'hii mm m. urn ,vv ". . rev M : m ;;1. : "iWUia what his inemis are saying mornI i . I .. . . ii i .. M-.i I I,..iii fur osisih. 10 irmier, ftirs. A. r.. Toner, mm. Por 8iui-, t,uyH - - ,. U lhi.rh vira r. (' A or. f,w,i eorniLrated iron roller, vei- siuxs-Kuiur Vol'f Mrs. last of the week. .lu.l s d Mrg I Merrill titinkir of joining the bene, lie s r K Vorfond. i's M Mor- inafewmonths-utleastthatis Thefmura, took ,,,ace is. i. no' , ,. i nre savinur. i A. II place Satur i. i uirn. ivirs. u. vj. toon uku couuKaw-w "" ; -' u Mrs..). II. Stephenson, Mrs. C. escope frame.-ma Wood. 8-tt P. Piichiuuui, Mrs. C. U. Me- , j,etcher, of Forest Grove, ClaiiL'hrv. Mrs. M. L. Ilammiick, miwter in the of Portland, were in the city u Saturday, enrotite to the Mrs. k . 0. Persham home, near North .J .... . . I rlains. where they visuea over oi Sunday, lhey win no to una- miK.k before they return to Port- J I I . F laiui. I W H. Souls and Pearl Pose were married m 1'ortiami. ine last of the week. Mr. Souls is well known here, and his hrst wife was a prand-daujihter of the late Pen Cornelius. Souls is now a deputy in the Multnomah County Clerk's ollice. U S lluson was in from his south-of-Cornelius ranch. Satur- dav. The Cant, says that the . . . . . . .. . -i simple life beats uuiunnji rau- i-ondM over the t'ascade moun tains. Mr. lluson was chief en the N. P. when thev built West from the Uockies to the coast, and hold the position many years. Miss Fern llobbs, secretary to r.ov. West, visited with her nar ents. Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. llrt i Vnrlev ' the first of the wf Mia I In bhs is one ot Un r,v wonien earniniT a salary of $;1.1KM) per year. As she is ad mitted to practice law, nowever, the salary is not out of pro portion to the services renuereu. Dr. A. Miles Taylor and wife, ot San Francisco, ana l. t. w.aih.rr.d nnd wile departed If VUVIlt t i Tuesday in Dr. Taylor s auto lor Tacoma, where they will visit J. 0. Weatherred and lanniy lor a few davs. lhey expecteti to make the trip over to the city of destiny in a day, wun ease. While over there l. . win mini up John Day and wife, and other former Hillsboroites. lehelder. inner iruard: IL .hr. outer cuard: J. Scmit i V.G.:C. K. Korn. U Va gnA -ll k. a. WL r.'s.' ji'u. ; . candidates were init ; d one of the features -ibis suppen The new Jl meet every Tuesday. ' : . " Russian killed .. I' id sky. a Russian, apred 28 vi 4 as almost instantly kui- i Orenco, on the cut-otf. Hirilnu mnrnino'. bv an Die, current He and several w, V were clearing a road foii KOrejron Nursery Co."s ii1 " 1 sixteen blasts were t,.it n WT. The men were over; Wailn a half mile front Oit nd a hugenxit struck the .tension wire, which war, car, V121X) volts, tearing it fitXi I tie on the overhead.) fl 7y i it V w : it ii ir it i .t i ( o m O oo ) C- '"rU' ioo rim: MM tvieitnt Tur ci irrf CC " iDJUrvLi nib jwvvww - ". Of your children by giving them an early 1V start in life. Denosit $1.00 with US and i rj, procure a Recording bavings Bank ana 1 At y a Savings Bank Book. Have them save "S Tl t .... vu. mu. .wm.- - " - - - I ; We will pay them 4 per cent, on their .11 f,Mnrrc T1if?i- cnrrce will V Insured. A lv wv.vk.M , savings. V-t! 3DTE SAVINGS BMIK EXCLUSIVE FOR 8AYISHS Mrs. Labcll Schollield, Mrs. ,'"w:he'n that profession was 1 li, .I.. M Wl. In li hir. UliyS " I'CO v"" J..,n mi .-inn, mi n. nt. mi.i , ,m iM3 Birpn mi s, ivna u"" u enee Kemn. Mm. M. K. Fries, ... n, hui of the .. :. ... ... . ... to ineco iui. c"" . ... nil., iti i n. in Pertha Killgoro, Mrs. (1. Vickera. For sale Several incubators i"""V V . i week, irreeting Irieiuts. 'ni-cher. now working t i ii" .. ami br,: h e t makes. J. at Vancouver, wa ... w ; P. A,h.m .b.l..- WilkesMtothocouniyHeai u.e .r j; .1 !'""'.."-.. . ,MI. ...nnlr nlOlltetO litUUC mill uace. mm in C.i v 1'aiK. Jims- I ' v" ' ee l.iiu t ra liitlveB. The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Utief, of near Newton, was the scene of a quiet home wedding, June 14, 11113. when ineiraaugn- ter, Alma, was united in niarn ..r. io Hurt F. Stiles. Kev. B. Clarence Cook, of the Baptist i. niiiniiiilnir The vounir llHIIVHl U"'I""M . . eouule will make their home near I . . ... l Af - 121. lua haa a ioi uauas, wneio mi. uwi" fruit farm. Tha nhenee of canines on the M. I IV . i street causes one to smile when one thinks of the talk that was going the rounds some weens ago when the ordinance weni in to etTect. Occasionally a farmer's dog strays into the city, but not often. A dozen yeiping curs. scattered over the town were ai ...cvo in pvidence months ago, but Hillsboro is now truly and agreeably a "dogless town." mTW ii. iJ"lcil ovor wire ana oetore ne could be taken away was burned so badly that he died witnm nye minutes. The werdict of the jury: "We, the jury impanelled in the above matter, find that de- mot hw dunth nn the Ore- . V ti.' V. V ..IV v " - - - - - gon Electric railwaycut-olf grade about 4 mue easi oi ureneo. Wash. r,o.. Orecron. on June 14. 1913, by coming in contact with a high-tension electric power wire owned and operated by said li'lnnlrii liv C.n. U1V...I . .T Ami ao find that Raid accident was not caused by any fault or neglect ot deceased. Virgil L. Parker, J. E. Frank. Ira W. Handley, Verne Curry, Wm. Oelrich, Robt. Schneider." Some People 1 ( rthn Ireland, of Forest Grove. wm a visitor Monday mni-nincr Hp was fortunate enough to dodge Sheriff Reeves, who was looking tor jurymen. Come to me or go to some other regular optician ana gei ine ngni glasses iu mc uisi Others patronize the traveling faker or go to the danger counter, get stung and then come to me to repair the damage done. Your glasses are your eyes if you need glasses. When you are misled by misquoted values on cheap frames and flaw filled lenses yon not only cut the value of your eyes, but your person efficiency, and the danger counter men, and UJ traveling fakers laugh at your stupidity. You buy efficiency, comfort, glasses made for you and you alone, when you come to me. LAUREL M.HOYT , H, 4 "I I t I' uoro. on i ,.b