The yB I'm- 'm''7 20 Argus. JnllLLSB HILLSBORO, OREGON, JUNK 12. 1913 NO. 12 c0GE CAMPBELL SETS ft! COURT CASES ra ,a Mat Hr I ''' Saturday and h. t I n ad rn. ,1 K." i.f circuit curt. yiovkink' iJ transcript of th- L riM Ft and irl-rn. r . . k,.t fr triul Jttt'own-ii tt-nr. J1"" 17; Slat. v l'- witi. Cr l't'.. ll. atiT vnOurk & '''k. Gurur i-rd.-rcd ti r lrl for Vty on J 1'". ,rt.n vs IWown. mine n ),c url r; dt-eree grantfd. lolinn v IVttu- ll.mie .Mu ll pin 1 itirm"i dfiYnd t K,v.n until Jly tu.r .;r.- Km,!.- vi t. judgment en- H- UII.ii partition rti-ifH-nuor-K' fi-.i ullvfl: K. B. Wu.'. f I"" '''1,, t re. f 1 s. nlt-rtf Hfitftrti iv rt t l. It'tunU. IvUsir I i ni.n. i nriii J. . r.;tn-. Wulloy v Mu!l..y. $2ri.wln- ,. Pliunli'l rt rumpliiwn Kirk out in urt n. imvimi uw W t.i hi.' amendtil rtimphiint. i U l.iv-nirt. rhargf. with liini: ".rtn? chfk ut C O. i & '. ttre. l-'HVHl t!ru', .r.mlit up from jail tmd a.l.d nl ifuiliy, and trial nl .t lalT. Wree of divorce 1'r.nuiM in Win- y l-kt Portland r;iH.-; j. r v SU-jt; tl.-faitlt in ( i v ('mr. krnvti lloitnvk v limy. el k; K I an.l II A Ktinitlt vtuh hrs Jiu oli h-a!ii;iT eliil Mil IMI kN l ACII C it S"ulluTn IVilie nchi -dule. now running, in as follow n: in Portland k-Minnvilli' pasa'ger. a. m "J rt.lan train, a. m -s llaimmk imin, ti. m i d irvallU oviTlami. . ni . l:.V On Sunil.iy, tin' Slifriilan w. (iiri-r iIm'h not Ifii vt llillHlmrti I'ortlan.l until 8:.V. Froui I'ortlantl (rvnllin itasHcnu'tT, n. in H;1T2 Slaimitik iiaHm'ia'fr, a. tit . . !. cruliin luiHSi'tiitrr. I. nt T' H I'Minnvillo taiKi'iiu r, p. in ti:Ji imii s Nor mi:an ii hp ni'w liipior law, pnhilitinK KlWIIkt of llillltir (Ullsidi' tllf i'f)rttiratt citiin linn liml many jpan-lmnillinir tho lunt fowtlavn. aiMTii iH-til HtlnrncvH rlaim Hint lis in tin way iipplics to tho I'il't a vum f Immt rn a inft pure liil Hiniplt r a ulann nf any ml of liquor whtTo tin donor if tho poKilion, pure unci mmpli', host ami thi'n'fipit'nt a iruost. It is ht'ld Unit the law wm li'ntit only to Htt vvaMion of pe luw whiTt' licoiiHO can not bo tainod-for inntanoe that a rty could not hoII n nanilwii li a meal ami chariro nn extra fw for it and thon 'Vivoaway" liiur in order to evado tho stat- to irihiliitinjr tho salo an mich. lhis fonKtruction of the stat- Ite would not then prohibit pie- ic imriifH, or a Iwlierman Kivmtf )irit-rrHtorer to bii friend. he same attorneys miv that ph a law, if read to mean that fit' could not Rivo away a tilasi if liiiior as luwt, would be an in- lasmn of persona riirht irunran pil by the constitution of the Jiate. Hie Pulilishinur of the law. if r'aa to mean that one could not iveaway a kIiiks of liouor as '08t, would be an invasion of ersonal rights Riiaranteed by ne constitution of tho atato. TL . . . . ne puiiliHunif of, the aw Mimed h Rreat deal of comment ii over the county, and may Jiave boon niiiLiiur Imrnl iiwmirv nio inc. status of the statute. I BUW Cnnlwiwid lu.lnu 1111 in 1 Pncht's m diameter, fence rails, pnu ixmrds of all kinds, into J tovewood lengths. Will ro into "io country. Write, phono or Pll on me. Carl Skow, corner "in ami nr. 1 kbori. Oretrou. 1 hone, City 822. Marl Newton, was a city visitor Mon day. Martin Bays the crawfish R n bUing ,intly (,pWn ln John V. l'ftiiits. of nt-ar Ohm. and ir. V. A. An-di'-MMi, .f Wfittport. Ori't'on, wtro in l'in tin I .tut of th wi t k. y'lrnU of llarrv Shaufter and T. I'iIumt. Mr. I'ftNiLit knew Mr. Marsor ba. k in llolmoHlVin ty. ulun thfv wore boy totfi th or. and ir. Andopton and K. II. t.rrd Rrow up toRfthrr in the same Mttin. Thy rxinn-t to lM'at (uunrvilifre in the Willum- tte Vulloy, and after npotnhnif a day in Ibe eounty. i-njoyiinf an uoto trip all ou r tbo farm dm trit ln, tht-y loft fur KuRotie. Tor nalo: Two ninirlo bujfk'ieH. Uth rubln r tiron; one open mo top. Upon biiifRy noarly now, and ha large, rmy wat. lop lmjvry in in k1 rtttidition. full at tho ICoy Ktoro, on the l 11 .t N. Mr. an.l Mm. II. (J. Cuild, of Vale. Ore., arrived bore Thun day ovciiii.K for mtay ' vimt with Hon. W. N. liarn tt and family. I ln y dt partod Satunlay morniiiR for ('orvallis and will vixit in Ih-hIoii ami Lincoln Counties for a hhort tmio. II. (J. was former ly t ditor of the ArRtin. lie Kava that the town him unproved won derfully cmto he left, and that ho it (.'lad to i' t t down to the alley whore he can see verdure that i Krovn.l Woo. I for Male (Itxnf fourfont tir. Will ib livor for tl and t.2f. J. II. VtM-lktr. ( Viriiflius, Ore., l 2. IVIophone, Oak lV, (xirne Inn Central. 10-13 Mr. Ilplanthe Sr.. of near Coiit. rville, was in town Satur day, unj callotl on the Argus, lb- returned a lady's haiulbaif. liil a Mot k n'o, which contained a Hinall Hum of money, Rld rIbhh oh and a doorkey. and the entire tonttiiU wore returned intact Mr. Ilelplatiche picked it up on the ro;id. where it had fallen out of the machine. Hough luinltor. lU-f.iot lengths, nil widths, constantly on hand. i. II. (Wan, Ore., It. 1. :t milt's north of town, on C l . l- arnhum place. We Sell at J'.lptr.M. G 17 Mm. iWa Noihardt Crtwby, of Wont Itntte precinct, wan the 1'irxt lady voter registeretl in Wahhington County, under the now law allowing women to rvg itt.r an.l vote. Mrs. Crtwby tofUiiiod that Hhe was 45 years of age. was Uim at Orland. Ind., an.l that she reaide U'tween l arniington and Scholls. lor sale Several incubators and brooders, latest makes.-J. T. Adams, near Jaln-at Wilkes' place, south of City Park, Hills Uiro. 5tf Mm. Hannah Vincent, Grand ("hirf of IMhian Sisters of Ore- gon, und Mrs. I.ittletle.l. oi Hitlainl; Mosdamert litKHlncn. Morgan. Slolt and ltltH-n, oi Yamhill, were guest of the local Pythian Sisters Temple, Friday vemntr. Mrs. Colleen vmiieu Sat urday with her sister, Mrs. J as. So well. ti.t. fori'ot to ask lor a Schiller when you want a Rood . . . . .i, ,i,iaM PI COlll ItlOOKO " Oil .-UUK" ii the Schiller. VOX Th.i I .ii oavintr suit over at I'llliimix ik has U-en set for hear oil' on June IS). Judge Holmes as aske.1 the supreme juorc io name a sitting circuit juuge, as ... u'lN notintf as attorney for me Warren Ctmstruction lo. Deiore I... una iiniiointi'd iudge. The case has attracted quite a bit of attention in municipal circiea. I'oo mile, chean for cash, 10 r.u,f ....renifittoil iron ro Her. tel escope f rii've. - .ma Wood. 8-tf 'rank Uushlow. who has leen . wiiin.f Ins brother. L. J. Kiisn ..... u..v..r weeks, denarieu i.'.i,l .v loominir for Seattle and n .o I'ltlls. . C. where he has interests, I'or some time lie has ...,.n nss st nur in tho manage- i r ii mil o and landed inter est ftr a tug synaiciue on uie Dominion side of the line. tf von want farm wagons, Iuir .ri..s imolements. mowers, rakes, etc.. call on K. T. Turner, at Laurel, Reneral merchandise and 12-24 grtH-eries. Peter Meeuwson, of near De p w s visiting mm reia iiv..s'nt VerlMKirt. lie was here w v..!irs aifo. and was in town with bis cousin. Tone Hermens, Monday. He says he sees many ohanirort here since he went fcast. Herb Matteson, of above Gas ni. uM.y in the city Monday, Herb says there will be fine deer slayinR in the mountains over on tho Trnsk, this season. Snrvovor Morrill has been working down in the Tigard and up in tho Caston sections, run ninir linos, the past week. NI.Mll Ronnott of bevond Lau som PMC SUES dun.' s PRnn n r Ak Shrrlfl Itccvca to Accrot Money an Tai or Show Cauic P I OK til All Vi JLNH UTM mptaj DtKt Not Waal U Pay Special RaaJ Tai. illMM l.Mfl Jtr I If If V , . .1 w .1 1 more explicit, the tax agent oil in s....ll.r l'u;r, l'.m,.r,., an Buei oui iwni oi manuamuH asklnir the circuit roort toraimcl ecior, io accept m. (..ia as a . m . a. a it W f I I... 1 1,.. 11114 ........... I . I rnent on mad betl. rollinR abx k and detol tfrtiur..! or kI.ow ouh.. w hy he w ill not so do, in court, - r-- - - une Ifi. Thia turn is the tax ouunue 01 me a per cent, reoaie a 1 . at M a. 1.1 nd theaiMvia roatl leviea. which m.i,ml. i f 1W. 01 TI.- r T.. , , vw,- plaint an.l petition Uh'S not set out the abjection U) the road UX. nor IS It mentioned in any re- MJH-ct, but this is the bone of ....i..,.t;.. I iwiiv.ini.iii, 1 ,1 . , .v 1 , . 1 I heir tax agcntofTered the Ux ounter a drail for the above Hum on March 14. just a day be- fore the reUte IchitstHl. Sheriff teevti! w as rolleetinir the mMH-iaJ tax from all others, and refust-dL",,'r'"',M",1nc!f r ZT,Tt,. 'i ioic inv uiuiii-ii-u l.llt-va nil-I i.L. 1 1... I, enit mnnsirucmi oy me county Court He notltled the COUrt, but is answer was that he was the l.ut I IUI l,u u,.,.l.l .u,l m.U flat. ,.t IIIHI II Tv.ri liv 1 1 i r - lltill W I a . a . .1 aiu. an.l II.Hih nf thd n hMi and I ,im...t ,,.n tl.o t.,tr Thai isiiniiiinu hnd ttaiil ii,A lav M ' ' 1 on its contract lands, but noth- ing aside from the $lH.7.r5.(IC P endor hasU-en taken up on oth- taxation. The P. It A U.A" nd.r .Southern Pacific control. ibs not paid its tax as yet, this matter being held in aboyanceon ie other issue. The P. It. & N. Ux amounts to 7.4.8, of hich $973.00 issixt ial road tax. Deputy District Attorney T. I. longxie Jr. accepted service for Sheriff Keeves, so that it was not necessary for the coroner tol serve the writ signed by Judge Campbell. CIHINTY COURT he county board Rranted the ehalem Telephone Co. a f ran - chise to set twles and stnnR wires, with the usual restrictions. Petition granted application of KoIhtI K Brown, to vacate sub-division of lx)t 22, Garden lome. Miss Mattie Wilson confirmed as deputy county treasurer. Itoad No. 5i(. tH'tition h. Ii. 1. Z . . . a a Martin etals road ordered es tablished when petitioners pay $K) damage as per viewers re port. The billowing claims were ai owed: M C Car. ilcptity aamaof yt oo Ja II Jack, al co arhuol ut Ill 4$ K B SinKlon, aal co tivaa & rip 75 4 .1 II Cotiaa. I.ll.lifri..... iS yS Mattie W 1 1 ou, clerk aawaaur oHicc 60 00 Max Craiidall, aal CO aaaraor lot In . IVrklna, recoolcr J7 S" C K Lytic, deputy aMeamir 71 50 CUiroce YouiiKi poor rrm... 75 00 n r .u,ofli::::::::: h w Barnei. co acbool mpt i u 45 1 oto McGe,coiBrtyoi r & a 49 j wuhrimina irantj. achooi aupt of 18 oo It . I I-.-- J. .Ii atlai Ii aunl nl ft r a I K n Webb, n bool aupt office is oo I L II Batlliom, ttiucaoonai uoaru... 7j i n iiiMh . " ... ir1"' w - 1 . .. -."I loaColiBell. " ... I bo S" i.!' "J 12 " 11 C Atwell. co froit inspector 4S oo J 11 Brown, co court.. J oo i V!t'''0"! ".P:.7oic lobB Nybert.' ' " ... 96 sn C E Pelchniau.coct 900 Waib Co Newa Tlmea, co ct 0 10 0 K Detchman, co ct 6 00 Hbo tivery Co, aiieriff. to 50 J K Reevea, ahetlff I9 9 J C Applegate, boanl ol prlaouera.1 54 75 C A Umkln, liter olbccaaaeaanieBi 76 00 Hbo Ueery Co. coroner'! otttci.... I 00 .1 M McKoliert. deputy aaeaaor.... 41 001 J C Appleaate, dep aher., 00 iKMiupVor.; S Joa llowna, ctr ci juror jgoicms iviunw... j ... John Teuipleion. wit plr ct 7 ao the South Tualatin section. Juron J TltompaoB ID. Al - UnRlce 7 ao, Frank Maltlauil 8 60. 1 II Mmmii ad m t Co each 8 40, Chaa Kiuiiiti and orover uouiua ava o. r.r.nil Iuit Witnenei A Cle mens $4, aVrrRT.utw.u. c.rt gchuTtV,'. c5.. Smith, BWjohniou. Miiea Hayiiei each ; Ho?. Fogel. Mri T .cno.. aon. Walter Kooinson, nanj u...uc. t ice t B ting, A P chrlaunaen, Dr P M Carateni. w c Oifford n a; Duff Oavia, Juo Ouetber ea 3 80; Fred Atjacher, T H '''haio ' ea 4 60; C B Klnut 4 10. Wlinntea Circuit Uourt State - " ...hl;- KiLt.. ...) fin: Htatt vi Herbert Cramer. A W Siegrlat 1; cost no more than high class COr State vi Bvereit, Fred llergert 3 60; .tj, nilrcha9ed in 8tores. Mrs. """JJi&tTZJLSL aTmikt ' C Tor II. )4. K Crcil HuKh 6, V. K Srhtwllwr 96 7v V. II Kol.Ua 1. C B Hurbaaaa 4 '. Ilu(h hnllb 4 yn, C . Mrarham lo. J Kunrtuaa to, J Hot nil lcW 1, laa Cttatcbill 6 y. John HrClataa 60, lvrvtra to I ut. II U S hturlluf 1 50, Joba llrrb 14 J 5. ) 1. Hyfota a I M Iloaahttc 1h 4. Cuatl Cultctl & Vium Co lW 11. R H UuU ma 10 Ho, K ( Krtur II, B rlrlacliaurr IN. C C llanrurk I Jo. Brail Be Co ji.j'j. C Ii kritrr 17 70. Taalalm Mill Co I J y, Kowvll Riot 60. K l Hcttlrn 64 K Y Krawiori liH VV, foraat Crovr ll.ti- liK Mill Co 67 J4 Catra of Inaantiy Frank Krrttrn lr Wowl and I. ink latrt eatb S. i W MrHia-nry. A M I'ort rr, Cna W rtriiit. wltitraart, rarB 4 40. Wattrr A Wwm-lH K A ail-y i. t A Uatrtll. Mltraiiayara. .,.rn o. on,k.iuj R. I.l til W. St. ai . Si Vinrrni't lioapiul w Iella UiBK htota Q, W K Tatior n 50. 10 15. Current riprnara HilUWo Trl Cn W 35. lltlltlo ItKlria-BiirDi 4. js I ( Aurl hnttw riwniraWH til Tumr IhlMio- . . . ti. II 1) Schultr 1.1 75. to I1itmr Ik Vftttt t MrFar Unr 7. Wh Ort Corp 4 10, W. II M"r ton t v. Cirwat .brminU Co 4. " lrar.actl-M K It.irk .j f l.y , . . u I ..m f 9, 1 U I....M. u. i h.tiry Smiib. s U ani A.i un, poar., tacb 1 y IIDrWt. CirTnil IWU MIU t 8j. c U Johnaod 6 Arthar s ihtaiaa 6. Mate m ioiioinK: urn . V II Martin. lUvrntwt, Wi!m( Slr,lh,K. I) Sdlllh i f li He w... m-i . , r i.t n. mi0. loK Karum. Martin, ItavtBMrt. 55 Cirruil Court Jurora-R CVanxht n, " f tMlm9. J i. Hman krrae 11. Ilrrniaa (, K 11 Col- una ji, Aim nruiinK 13, ijtwii. ,-uirii i, iUltl,r,, . 4Urn vairur 14. , , .. , - . . . .... s r c.owUm is, to a Moote i. kuh- '! iw-aniuhii.lirttif V Kimbkmi 9, ivi s,,uU ' J V.lertB.Irr !,lt1 Jro' -,rcu'1 vo"n ' "" - r-i 1 u M.IU I'. W lO.n.lmanl Hrh It v,,u ,,Yrrn-) N (ir.W.Wtu llaar. C Krt.w. Carl Wat.l. r. F Smith tin. Woi Nri.n. 11 o watt rach y. v l(orll. Win nUiiitrocB, ian r.uia- h,1,r rrh . . ... . . f 'nautHnit'd I n 1 1 vol 1 ffal V I 'lr VAjrunn n hmjuciw i a n.iv" ers - u l" 1 igaw. m ij Hargrove. r IcetHi. j as uewiii, j r. uu- , Oa la It . I l "n. J w iigaru. jumrs. eacn i. 'Wcrs, y n rrm-nmu n, , n 'n wiinesses. eacn 1 ou. M Carslens, pnysician, io; ira & Iiarrell, coroner, 10 10. County Poor farm -Laurel M Hoy t 90c, I-orest breve Under- taking Co U0. Morton A: t reeman 50 55, Hlo Merc U 2-1 w. iu Lbr Co 6 70. W U lk)nelson 21. Jos Collctte o. okiiuon i:ij:ci kic trains To Portland 6:24 6:59 a m a m -a m a m p m p m pm 8:45 10:49 1:19 13:55 6:15 8:20 pm pm .a m .a m 9:b8 From Portland - 7:48 9:07 11:47 a m p m .pm p m 2:28.. 4:48 6:24 7:38 9:22 pm pm a m 12:30 H T. Turner, the laurel mer chant was in town rriday. Tell your electriCo. troubles to The Owl Electrical l-tt John OpiH'nlander and Wm Schentk1!. of Cornelius, were in me CUy munuuy iiiumiiiik- e. w. nant of udviiie. was up to the county seat Saturday afternoon. J. A. Kirkwootl. of Reedville, wna a pit v ealler the last of the I II Ir oh KeTIUlt. 01 Helvetia. .... . . ,. was greeting friends in the city I Saturday c llejm. of Portland, was out to Hillsboro the last of the week. attending the sale of dairy cows. .. n. oiupe is acini bus ukchv f0P the Oregon Kloctric while S. Qm)cr j3 taking a vacation. r . .... , Bom, to IiOSter Hawkins and Jf. . thfi v m Kelsay home. . ,lln-2 into - an Dan Leisv. of South Tualatin. was in town Friday. He report- I , ,,, i ....... . ci I W. nay nam wa o.c... visitor Saturday, and while there t pni ea on some oi uic move aw 1 n:ia iaf tn oip hour thinira were being conducted. 1 represent Spirella corsets . . . wi caU gt . homes on request and do the fitting, and teach how to adjust Bn(j wear the corset. Our tailor- ed made-to-measure corsets, tn- i.,Ji K luteal front lace, with .." '" . an exoer enced corsetier service. M. EL Caudle, Hillsboro, Fifth and Jackson Streets, rhoneNo, tk:g i.:eii beat LOCAL KESS UEH Marry Suiter Pikhed For Viiitors After Third Inning WAS TOO "TWISTY" FOt THE LOCALS Siorc la Dobmm haiaf Wai Eithl to Sit lalcrealiaf Game The Portland Traveling Men marched out to Hillsboro and captureti a game of basetjall against the local business men. ast Sunday, in a game that was full of thrills. The locals put up a good game in spots, and had the visiting aggregation downed six to four until Suiter, the former San Francisco pitcher, was permitted to go in. when he blanked the boys until the game closed. Dr. Smith got one good hit on the phenom. and the boys would have beaten them any wav, but for some ragged field ing. Kd. Morton was much pleased with the showing of the business men's team, and thinks he can eat them on a return game. luck Freeman pitched for the ocals and he was not hit to hurt With luck breaking on the field ing Hillsboro would have won the game. The Hillsboro line up was: Catcher, E. L. Moore; pitcher. Clay Freeman: 1st base. Phelps; 2nd base, Frank Pauli;3rd base. larris; short-stop. Brown: right field. Hubbell; center. Dr. Smith; eft field. Moyer; right field, Da vis, substitute for Hubbell, when injured. Geo. Alexander um pired. The attendance was some bet ter than it has been in the past The Traveling men had agreed not to pitch Suiter, but the Hills boro boys agreed to let him go in. His best work was at throw ing at first although his wide curves were more than confus ing. Suiter's fielding was not of the best. NEW QUARTERS The Hillsboro Undertaking Par lore have new quarters in the GranRe Building and are ar ranging for the best equipped business of the kind in Washing ton County. The entire floor on the west side of the hall, over the Hillsboro Furniture & Hard ware Co. has been leased, and a la'e chapel wilt be installed in the rear, where services can tie held. Every convenience for ob- seuuies has been added to the commodious rooms, and when completed the company will have a modern establishment in every respect HERMAN MEETING To The German Speaking Friends of The German Speaking Society, of Cornelius: Notice is hereby given that the German Speaking Society, of Cornelius. Oregon. will hold a special session at the home of John Oppenlander, on June 15. 1913. All German speak ing people are invited to attend this meeting, i'lace. one-quar ter mile north of Varley station, on Electric; two and one-quarter miles west of Hillsboro. Gerhardt Goetze, Pres. Wm. Schendel, Sec. Cornelius, Ore., June 10, 1913. EIGHTH GRADES Eighth Grade examinations of pupils of the county school com menced Monday morning, and less than one hundred are par ticipating, a large majority being from those who failed at the last writings. Dilley school makes its initial entry for the year. however. The examining board is composed of J. H. Jack, Miss Martha tiechen. Miss Udyth Pechin. C W. Burtt and Miss Bessie Simon. Leonard VanLom, who has been on the Bailey place, west of town, for five or six years, has sold his personal property and lease on the place. Leonard may buy and locate here, but savs he thinks he will look around over the Northwest for a few weeks. On Saturday evening passen gers out of Portland for the 8:30 train should bear in mind that the Oregon Electnc will run from Jefferson Street only, not leaving the North Bank, on ac count of the parade. A new drag wood saw for sale just finished. C. V. Bloyd, Third IJ)"y iUUl TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If you don't want to coi:ie to town, just phone your order in and it will 1 promptly attended to a if you called in person. We spccinli.e in "Hurry Up" orders and you can ;ct a prescrsj-tiun luade up very conven iently in this way. All orders arc sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will si-nd out prescriptions and liexall llcmedit-s by Parcel Post Preayed without extra charge. The Delta Drug Store REXALL STORE ewe a a-v 1 ma 5 j Are You d 1 Of. cpeuin; a Danh Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not overlook the mod ern accommodations at the American National HANK aCZuiiSaii' iTm''i"lilrTiil3 Private desks for w riting your business letter; for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern couvcuiences. -1 Your natronaae A. C. Shute, Tres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier. American National Bank Main and Third, Hillsboro L - a l : J Ban mmm , ; -r -.: 2 "ai 'A Tr -1 1 y INSURE THE SUCCESS Of your children by giving them an early start iu life. Deposit 1.00 with us and procure a Recording Savings Hank and a Savings I?auk Book. Have them save a little at a time and deposit with us. We Wc will pay them 4 per cent, on their savings. Their success will be insured. SHDTE SAVINGS BAM RXriXSlYR FOB SWINUS awe. WATCHES Some of the Watches most attractive,; features of my well selected watch stock are the prices, the quality and value guaranteed in- every one Watches WATCHES LAUREL M. HOYT f ... I :'A 111 VXl sax x.x a Thinking -K. I t courteously receive x m. ar-m.JKv Watches Watches Watches Watches Watches Watches Watches n t m ii ft M m tf tf tf t m tf tf tf. $ 1 H rel, was a city visitor Monday 'x .A k'nn. lil FlUU. OUU and Maple Sts. Sf-iz afternoon. Kuaua aau nia;wj -