!' - " The niLLSBR II I I.LSBORO, OREGON, JUNK 5, 1913 NO. 11 1 1)IS W. HILL Ct nil I PDfl II Hi PARTY on MLLODUIIU Fl let Men Well Wh tlwuty and County HHIofitH' COWKUL CU B k M. u W. H'lt. virtual preHi.Jeni r a a t . . t)- Cr. at N-.rlh.-rn luuway. . . . ...... .. :l. hi imrtv if y llf (M' I II) mm - VkBy in.n '! M- UI "' Ln.-ut-iliHl.mik.Tn, rriday tnor- lK.( h-h of M hour of th' lnUmir.iimniTvial The itiiitf k-' iilU nu n were met at f j,,H,t by u committee and t.,theb.;iutiful rluli Mom. er Mr. Ilill wn intmdured John M. Wall, and ml ,.nty minute Uik. Mr. 1 1 ill viw.1 hi hearer that while H m i.ut a big railnud con wti' ) r. hi company hud ,,,. mum' notalilt' cUcnxion. uUy the Kiiifi-iH' ami (Vvalli witlnti tli I'twt twelve ntM. II 'l lht when the ginecr went out '"" might mjiwh'1" aoroething; when tin !',. a located you could have aMurance. hut when the ulrpt commenced work you t, i.-.-n. on the linn being ill. .- Mil of how tie it'll a rtiitml interna in thi Heellon j can of tlio fact that it wax tin hi ad vice that th board of rector of the Ilill line bought' . I),..,..,.. I't.-tri.' Hi I. n.l n here tin.) tMkf over Wnh- L't.m ( ount y ami the Hlaim-lle lli-y. an. I when he armed, late tin itn ling, the New lork Ita.l ..ri..-. they would t invest. Mill BHhiM lo lell imof tint wonderful ihflioii. lii'V listened uikI then rrvlet eir (iiiiiiin, ami took over the (upertie. Mr, Mill congmttt led th'' '!u! on Ihfir handsome nli nx'iiii, fth.l thanki'il them (r the attendance of over fitly sine men. He toM Ihrm ho a tfoinjj to HMitl tln'm mv inJmu- fmtniul iirtiirvH for if alU, an. I then tol.l thorn mtif tin- Orrtfon Klwtric ilil I hWp HillHUiro m l thinir It milj not Ih' tin- fault of the ill lino. I'rtniilftit Yotmir. of thr S im. l'orthiii.l Si S-att1t I li 1 1 -iay, nui.. a I'ivp minuto tnlk. ml t"ll Iiih ntiilitors that lit' w u lore than I'l.-aHoil with th of tin- Drct;on KliTtrif. W ml Mr. Mill I -.th nK'nl tlmt liw wa tin lioHt piinrf lino, nile fur mile, that tlio nyHtom iwiuhI. Imlimtriiil Avont ('trnham no. ure a ,,t if litfuron ami ilatiL i . . .... . . arm nayt h.. iinnki ho enn liuiil n m sawmill fur IlilUUro ih ho has reiiutH for lix-ation ovrry nvk. lit wnn hurtnno(l whon Id thai IlilUUint win within a ew miloi tif lirty hillionrt of tint t, anc tlmt trains woronlroatly .ai.l.M.. I 1 . I . . .... I K IIIKM IIITO i or lumiHT lnanufactiirt The mrty cniiHiHtoil of the fol lowing nolalilrH U W. Hill. Clmirmnn. T.ront it .i iNortlu-rn v.. St. Vim : J. II Yountf. 'n-Hi,ont. S. . & S. Ky. 'ortlan.l; W. I). Skinnor. Trf. Mr.. S. '. & S. I!v.. I'.irlhirwl: I'. L Howo. IVi'h. IiniK'rial Klo- valor Co., MplH.: K.l. 0. Uico. first Nutional Hank. SU I'nul. Minn. ..I. IHIi,,!! Nl.trliUiHlrn rusu:o., St.l'aul;K. C. l.oody, 'H'n I. Illllll.r A.rl 11 M Ifu i mini. . Smiltnn. Awi't en. trt. Al'L ( N Ifu lvr. iBnair.w.tintham. WchL Indus. hmn. Aim c m u ..utu. A- J. Daviilmm, Supt Oroon Wwtnc&l!r,it,Hl UVh.. Portland; n. m. I.lllil.T I lii. if I.'...,h flPam lloam. l'orlliin.l- A C. A .1 . ' " nnm. Mipt. Mill vo 'owor. t) KV. :. I) lu ti.... (!.... - om.r uivh, u. Ky,;C. A. """"is. rave inir ninlp.mn fl ftry.;w. J. Cluno. Socy. to J. N'ltn lo CiiiilrnrloM boat.j )i(s Wj, ,(e r,lC,iv0(j j jw County Court of Wushlncton --ui urc. at the court rMm K. n.SapiinKton lati Saturday rvoniiiK tilod an injurirtion raHf ai'amst tho rIkii dintrit of Konttt Cnno. aokini; ontoiM-l frm tln-ir dolivrnnir UhhIh in tho Hum of fcLVXK) to Morrin Hnithrm. hrokom and Umd Iniy. or. Thin tnonoy wax U havo --n umil in tho rornttrurtion of a now imIkkiI ImiMinjr. and Mr. Saiintrton ulli-w'tn that hidii wore not advortioi a tho law pro wrilMH, and that thoro In no war rant of law for dolivorinir tho Uuidrt. SnH'iiiyUjr. bIU-kih that tho troaHiiror of tho county - and tlmt tihVial in Sainirton nnwl advortino thonaloof tho hond. or tho action of tho Uuird ih nil. Tho Hoard han alroady lot tho rontrarl for tho liuililinir, and tho liUMctni-tit ix comiilctod. Tho law rhani;od TuoHilay m that tlio Ixwrd hax tho advertising in ita own handi. hut advortiHintr U tt ill a noeoHHity. iColinoil woman, wi'h hoy of year, dittirox jmitHin a house ko Mr for widower with ono or twochildren. on farm. AJdrotw, iookeeN-r. in rare of ArjruH, in m-aled onveoK I In not tele phono 0,'lioe. Silax ('hri-do'Tcrnon UnUl hia new llyinir machino in San Kran rintii Hay. lout week. 1 1 it now invention U railed allying Umt. and it roU on tho water like a duck. When ChritotTerHon tok on a pa-weiik'er, w ho wax an ex pert on aviation tho latter wax in douhtx ax to itx leaving tho wa ter. Within lex than KM) feet the loat left tho water with won- lerful eaxo and ratttdly trained itx elevation. Thix ix one of tho t)n-xof Uiatx ordered hy Amund- w-n. trio Arctic explorer. It Ix tho lintt xuceexMful llyinjr Uiat over ronxtrucU'l and t'hrixtolTer- xnn ix now in lead of them all. Tho machine axeendx from and h-xcrndx In tho water with I em trouhlo than a duck. It ix alxo itpupltod with ico runners, ko that it ran U nxed in polar ex- loration either on lee or water. For aalo: Two xiniflo huK'tfiex. nth ruhlier tirex; one oiH'n ar.d mo top. Optn hiik'k'y nearly new. ami nax larK'f, roomy inat. lop huiity ix in paid condition. I'nll at tho lloy utoro, on tho l IL&N. Walter Wanom. of Middleton. wax Monday adjudk'eil insane and ordered committed to llieaxylum. The yountf man l.x only 19 years of aw'1', and hax a common school education. Ilix find mental hrcakdown took place ahoul throo week auo. and the past few itayx ho IxTame very violent xi far ax control ix concerned. When axkinl to write hix name ho wrote the name of a jrirl whom he hardly knew. Ilix father and Milex K. Ilainex ltniii;ht him to the county Heat, and Or. r. A. Hailey examined tho young man. In all protmhil ity n month or two at the State Hospital, at .Salem, will tiring lim around all right IB ID0:i BAPTIST i r The !rnnd Marca ix the mast wholexome "two for a cniarter" moke on market made in Ore gon, hy 11 Schiller. When you indulge in a good xmoke tuy a C.rnnd Marca. 12tf The Steamer Anvil, which went aground in the Coos Hay ctmntry, a few weekx ago, hax heen taken from the Hiiit. and ix in goKl con dition. A brother of Jack and Harry Hixxner wax chief engineer on the lioat. Wool for sale Good four-foot fir. Will deliver for $11 ami $3.25. J. II. VH'lker. tWneliurt. Ore.. li, 2, Telephone, Oak 555, txime liux Central. 10-13 Herman lVahl wax in from the Oriifin l'lainx ranch. Saturday. He atatex that Germany is away liohind the times ax compared to the United States. Ilospent hut aeven days with his mother, when called home. Hough luintHT. 10-foot lengths. nil wlilt hx. con.xtanl v on nanu H. 1L Vmsim. IIillHhon, Ore., K. 1. 3 miles north of town, on C I). Karnham place. We sell at $9 jht M. c-n Mr. Schotnfeldt, who has been in luminoHX here for over a yenr, departed this week for Josephine County, where he lias mining in terests. Ilia wife accompanied him. 'or sale Several incubators hmndors. latest makes. J Adnma. near Jabez Wilkes ce, south of City Park, Hills to. w" llnirmnn. of Racona. was Vown the last of the week. He in.l i hut the roads up me .mtninrlnlo-Hncona mouniain II I I IMI . , getting into shape ao mmuer be hauled down irom ma " )o not forget to as ior iller when you want a goou cent smoke-no suuku uu II"1 Hi W Orianlied at Weal Union. SUty.NInc Ycara AKo rMUU NAlf:H W fN.D HONf l tS lr m4 kitpui Mm ArlUIca l railk Tbrir riaidMif The Woxt Union IJaptist Church wax organized Cl years ago May 25, and the church building, which wax erected by William Kano, of Forest Grove, after or ganization, still stands, with but few repairs, a now roof and new foundation - but still the same house of worship. Albert Tozier recently gleaned the names of those who signed the constitu tion, and gave them to the press. They were: Wm Ileagle, David T Ia-mx. Henry Swell, Alexan der Hlovinx, Kldor Vincent Snell ing, Ninevah Ford. John Holman, ThoH M Kamxdale, Sarah Knyart, I'wix UneU-rger. Mrs I.ineber ger, Terry IU-aglo. Wm II Hall. John and Oavid .achary. Solo mon F.mrick. Henry Travelley, Washington and David Ix-nox, John White. Allen W Hall. Wm Porter, Mrs Harnex. Henjamin Kitchen, Maland Hrock, K II U-nox, Wm Higgins. Kit Ilarper, Lucinda Heaglo, Iouisa. Mary Ann and Klizahelh l4nox, i'atxy Holman, lavina lllevins. Adelia Suelling. I.ucinda Hill. Hrazilla ('onstablo, Lucetta Kmrick, Lucy Davis, Miranda Jones. Joseph Davis, Alex W Hall, Susannah Porter, J II Johnson. F.llener Hrock. Mm Kitchen, Mrs Wilson, Mrs F.lizanne I a?, Mrs Johnson. The articles of faith are nine and include the belief in the de pravity of the human heart, the doctrine of election and immer xion of the body as the only proer mode of baptism: Article 1. We believe the scriptures of the Old and New extametit to lie the word of ih, and the only rule of faith and practice for the church of God. Article 2. We believe that rom eternity Jehovah alone sub sisted in three ihtsoiis Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Article 3. We believe in the depravity of the human heart and that man hax neither power nor will to recover himself from the lost state in which he is in iy nature: that Adam fell into sin and hix osterity in him. Article 4. We believe in the necessity of regeneration or the new birth which is elTected by the Holy Spirit as the agent and the word of God as the means. Article 5. We believe in the final iiersoveranee of the saints and that God gave unto them eternal life and they will never lerish, neither can any pluck them out of his hand. Article fi. We believe in the loctrine of imputed righteous ness, and that the sinner when Kirn again is clothed with the rightiHiusness of Jesus Christ Article 7. We believe the doc rine of election as taught in the tible and that it is God's purpose of mercy, by which he chose some of our guilty race in Christ to everlasting life. Article 8. We lielieve that mutism is an ordinance of the gospel and is to lie administered tn liolievcrsonlv and that immer sion of the body in water is the nnlv nrnnor mode of baptism. ' y . f - . a i Article y. we oeneve me lrd'a auuner is an ordinance of the gospel and only such as have believed and have Deen Dapuzeu are proper subjects to receive it AUCTION SALE rhrt.iindersigned will sell at pub lic auction at the Wiley & Den- nU Stabe. Second and wain sir...ix. Hillsboro. Oregon, at one o'clock p. m on SATURDAY, JUNE 7 Twenty-two head of extra fine dairy cows, all heavy milkers, graded lioisieins anu jeraeva, v of these are fresh, with calves at side: and some are coming fresh n nhnilt tWO WeeKS. AI8U ec ... - . Holsteinand Jersey neuercaivw, 1f mnnthx old. Dairymen have a fine chance n nxlpct tfood milkers. All .w nnttla are in first class con dition. No postponement on this Thia hprd runs in age from three to seven years. Don t the omiortunity. Cows can be inspected day before Bale, at barn. , , , , Terms of Sale-Cash in hand J. Schntauder, Owner. John Vanderwal, Clerk. C Sorenson. of noar IIoelville, wax up to the city Monday morning. For sale, cheap for cash. 10 foot corrugated iron roller, tel escope frame. ZtnaWood. 8-tf Philip Hergert of Blooming, was a city visitor the last of the week. Jas. Churchill, of Galea Creek, wan down Saturday, on a School district division case in hia sec tion. Peter I Iosco w went to Dallas, Saturday, to visit his daughter. Mrs. D. P. Patterson. Percy Iing and August Tews, with their families, motored to Albany and return, Sunday. James Gibson. Mayor of Ueed ville, was in the city Friday, tak ing in the exercises. Philip Shea, of near laurel, was a city visitor, Saturday af ternoon. Dr. and Mrs. Lindsay, well known here years ago, were out from Portland. Decoration Day. Mrs. Frank llallard. of Port land, was in the city the last of the week. Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. lackey, of near West Union, May 31, 1913. a daughter. Ervine Hurk halter, of South Tualatin, was a city visitor Mon day morning. Jas. Loudon, of above Hloom- ing, was in the city Saturday. He is recovering from a two weeks illness. Dr. C fi. Brown, of hirtland. accompanied by his son, Hoy t was in the city the last of the week. J. C. Bochen. of near Orenco, was in baturday. He is con templating a trip to Kurope in the not distant future. Mrs. Wm. Gaetter, of laurel,! was in the city the last of the, week, enroute home from visit ing at Forest Grove. Frank Weisenbeck was in the city Monday. He and hix family moved this week to Oregon City, where they have bought a place. John Fischer and wife, of Che- halem Mountain, between Laurel and Sherwood, were Argus call ers Monday morning. Mrs. Adolph Siegrist and Mrs. D. B. Kmrick will entertain the CotTee Club, Saturday afternoon, June 7, at the home of Mrs. Sie grist, near city park. Supt Turner reports that many farmers are calling for both water and light along the line of the company's system in the county. Mrs. Peter Boscow and daugh ter, Miss Stella, and Miss Jennie Archbold spent Sunday in Forest Grove, guests at the W. M. Lang ley home. II. A. Johnson, of Hillard, Wash., is at Keedville, visiting his uncles, Julius and Frank Wei senbeck. He is a fireman on the Great Northern Railway. Mrs. J. 0. Robb, wife of Dr. Robb, departed Sunday for the home or Mrs. r.ari rowell, or Gaston, where she will remain for an extended stay. Wm. Penny, of Gales Creek, was unable to give $1,000 bond for his release on the charge of cruelty to animals, and was placed in jail to await his hearing. Contractor Hewitt has been moving a granary for Frank 1m brie, near Orenco, this week, and is also moving a house down in that section. He moved three buildings last week. I saw cordwood, poles up to 12 inches in diameter, fence rails, and boards of all kinds, into stovewood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, phone or call on me. Carl Skow, corner 8th and Fir, Hillsboro, Oregon. Phone, Citv 822. A. C. Winney, formerly of above North Plains, now ranch ing above Corvallis, was in- town Fridav. He is here to do some painting for Zina Wood, on the ranch. A. v. has Deen appoint ed by the Benton County court to look after the roads in his district Ronald E. Britton, of North Plains, where he ia agent for the United Railway, pleaded guilty Saturday, to giving liquor to minors. Britton was tinea ou by Judge Campbell and paroled as to servitude sentence. The voting man is not yet of age. himself, and the court felt in clined to be lenient Britton testified that he made about $85 nor month, including ms express fees. The Court gave him a nice little lecture,- and the youngster went on his way rejoicing. OEUCECOZllIiS HIS CM I COURT Judge Campbell Rule That Tim ber. Qrowinr. ia Keal Eatate SAWMILL CAN CUT NO MOtE TIMBER Oa Place t4 lac Marlf fee. bet Caa Urn Waal ia Dawa m Basel C J. Cowaniah. ranch owner near Connell station, on the UflTted, won a signal victory in circuit court, last Saturday, when at five p. m. Judge Campbell de cided the growing timber was real estate, and gave a verdict for plaintitT in his case against Boeckli & Langhard. E. T. Pre ble et als. In March. 1910, Cow aniah sold Boeckli & Langhard 80 acres of land, which they stated they wanted to clear up and utilize for farming purposes. They paid $1,000 down, and gave a mortgage back for $4,200 at 6 per cent interest Boeckli & Langhard a few months later sold the timber on the place to Preble & Reese, and a sawmill was placed on the tract They cut about a million and a half of timber, perhaps, two million, and there still remained from one to one and one-half millions, when Cowaniah brought suit to enjoin further cutting on the ground that his security was being im paired, and that the defendants would then abandon the land. The defendants. Preble et als, fought the case on the ground that the land would still be worth the mortgage when all the tim ber was cut. and that further, they were within their rights be cause Lowaman had tacuiy agreed to putting the mill on the place. ICowaniah denied sanction, however, and the court held that such sanction, in any event must be in writing, either in the mort gage or on a separate instrument Judge Campbell told the de fendants that no more timber could be cut from the place, but that they might saw all down timber. Preble injected into the case a party. Miss Nellie Todd, a sten ographer in Allen R. Joy's law office, attempting to show that she had invested in the mill busi ness, and held that she was not made a party, and therefore should have her rights. Camp bell held that under a Supreme Court decision, in the Beaver Timber Co. versus Eccles, he could make no other decree. PUBLIC SALE I will sell at public sale, at the Hawthorne Ranch, three miles east of Hillsboro, beginning at ten o clock a, m., on WEDNESDAY. JUNE 11. Team mares, 10 years, 1500 each; team mares, 5 and 6, 1400 each; team mare, 4 and 5, 1450 each; team mares, 5 and 6, 1300 each; mare, 3 years, broke, 1200; span horses, 8 and 9, 1400 each; gray mare, 15 yrs, 1000; 3-year-old fil ly, unbroke; 2 fresh milk cows; 2 bulls, grades Holstein and Jer sey; heifer calf, sow, 3 shoats, 2 binders in good repair, Deenng and Milwaukee; 2 m6wers, hay- rake, 3 wagons, good repair, 3 buggies, 3 sulky plows, 3 plows, 2 disc harrows, several sets of work harness, 2 sets single har ness, set dbl buggy harness. Mandy Lee incubator, disc plow, lot farm tools, lot of chickens, and numerous other articles. Lunch at noon. Terms of Sale Under $10. cash; over $10, six months' time, approved bankable note at 8 per cent Two per cent otf on cash over $10. John Bettis, Owner. J. W. Hughes, Auctioneer. mMw TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If you don't want to come to town, just phone yonr order in and it w ill be promptly attended to as if you called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders and you can get a prescription made np very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and Kexall Remedies by Parcel Post Prepayed without extra h a wcra The Delta Drug Store I REXALL STORE I i Are You Thinking Of opening a BanH Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oyerlook the mod ern accommodations at the American National BANK I I Private desks for writing your business letter, for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. Jfour patronage courteousy received. A. C. Shutk, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier I American National Bank Mate mmd Third, HIIHboro. SOUTHERN PACIFIC The Southern Pacific schedule, as now running, is as follows: To Portland McMinnville pass'ger, a. m-6:52 Sheridan train, a. m 8:38 Tillamook train, p. m ..... . .1:07 Corvallis overland, p. m 4:57 On Sunday, the Sheridan pas senger does not leave Hillsboro for Portland until 8:50. From Portland Corvallis passenger, a. m....8:22 Tillamook passenger, a. m . 10:00 Sheridan passenger, p. m .. .5:14 M'Minnville passenger, p. m. 6:45 Sam Dallas, of Galea Creek. was in town Friday. Mr. Dallas is auite hoDefuL that the Hill neo- pie will eventually build their line into the Galea Creek Valley. Ml (O N 0 400N O ) sou 1 I Hit ! & 100 -fc- ' ifl. 1 St 1! INSURE THE SUCCESS Of your children by giving them an early start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and procure a Recording Savings Bank and a Savings Bank Book. Have them save a little at a time and deposit with us. We We will pay them 4 per cent, on their savings. Their success will be insured. SHDTE SAVINGS BAM EXCLUSIVE FOR SAVINGS r A WATCHl makes a most suitable birthday gift. Moreover a good timepiece is something which renders its owner valuable service and is cherished by mauy with a cer-s tain amount of sentiment like - - a faithful friend. If you buy a watch, buy a good one, for an irregular watch is worse than none at all. Let me show you somejreally good ones that I am offering at remarkably low prices. LAUREL M. HOYT i 9 he Schiller. .1