The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 29, 1913, Image 1

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kill.. XX
NO. 11
Before you cm i
,ulh..ritk ConlrnJ It
). take. liUil Nl TaoJay. Mi
V Mal Nate Ik Piper
. . : . i-
IV crop l J'!"1' nmrrwKm m
Vahhiiift' (4"t"ty i t' l
,,t(it ho tar a outmde been
t,. inm-crnctl. 1 hud who mar
V tin the ntiiHruline side of the
. . .. :n -fi.. I,..,. !t I'll!
i in i rut i. in. "
mil.j.H t l to a medieal maml-
aiion l.v a regularly licrnwd
. .i
.livnii i in. ami a UiorouKri over
laiiliiu'. in rder. tummply with
lhohUim.. will require a iy
inn-. Thin, if ooiirw, will work
i hur.lthip on the pnw-ctive
I ! ...... .... m mm In
Vf-mnii w no jiiin
'ortland. unci rum out to irel a
. .. .ii.i i ii.
ii-fii' ami in nniwi mi ttmn"
n. Ili' Mill now have to hit
lillhlmro on the hmt car. iff t In
V.ani" and wait until the hy
Vrian ran rrrl in the aftrticion
kr fvi'i.injf.
Tin law rmlemplat roverinK
vi iii-ri mi' riuiirwiinir
V'i'i w lial'l' to have a htfary
I. ' ... it til a
ill li. altli lo lilit t hii.irr-ii. anu
t i.Iivku -inn ran nut t hurk'e tu
xor.l fM. "I ! statute haii
' . .........
but- rla'Hf HayiiiK mm no t-iiari'i'
an ! made win-re tin irnmin
kuliK't-n t. ha Ion if lnvn a Met".
4 of Portland ih-oiiIi rotiti'in-
a . t
biatnur inarruiir. nno me mm-
i . ...... i.i. i.. . i ... i .
tirr art1 imn in it- nmn,
Mr. ami Mm. Uufua VYairirener.
f N'WHrt, arrival Friday, for
mount a viMit with their chil l
ren In WaHhinirton County.
hey will vUit at llillaboro and
Kin tun. and then ko to Newberjr
or th atate (. A. It encamp
ment the middle of June. Mr.
Wairirener for years waa Mine
Ibwt at the Hotel Tualatin, and
the VYairirener family baa many
friend in thia section of the
There will be a biir dance at
fclhany Hall, riven by L M.
Kuril. Saturday. May 31. Tick-
I j ... u. ........ t LV .
" '" "ui-i i, ii, r iiimii i,..i i . , , 1.
fmiiK .J 1 wrn. "re- y
aiidHiili-ndiilrefwihini-nUaerved P11 lu ""lucky final fiiture.
in na'i. ime ana have a irw me yur I'JU promsiea to ait a
ti'ne. Ihlah rerard for liiiuimnii and in
wm. i.aiuier. or laurel, waa duatrial Dromn. A reiiort ust
team, and the Uya won three nc 'UUt lhlt fpwU fr
atraitfht iranu-a with the Bfamin'a Koou year were never better
N'nintr. I ha. hHd. with the throughout the ractfic northwest
urner ore. la me manager, territory. Sale and colk-ction
id the Uurelitea want iramea. LM .t u ..:...
..!. ..I... L. . .1 ,,,"I,U,KIII IK"IK
iw ih i - mil iim mi irili i t . . ii .i
thai anytime If vou will wrii anu. uw 01 an. im
idione Mr. Field. proapecta for Kood croj are ex
I Haw ikiIihi nn In iote""'t.
inrlun In diameU-r. fence rail. An Indication or the confidence
and board of all kind, into fplt In the ; future i shown in the
lovewood lenitth. Will ifo Into announced expenditure of about
the country. Write, phone or W various cor-
rall on me. - Carl Skow, corner lrationa in and about Portland
Klh and Fir. HilUboro. Qrvuim during the current year on im-
J. Cowaniah, of near Cinnell
Utmn. on the 1IhiIhI. wb
.... .i . .i
innikMil l town me i.ui oi uie
I i. ... i i. i .... .. .. i
cvK gni' UIM iiur un mi
lanity iharife. towaiuah ha
! trotililo aUmt a mill on prop-
trtv furmiTly N-lnninnv to him.
ml mi In. h he llil a niort-
3k''. and ho had a not in wtiil
itifyinir "no tmiin., and L
. I'relili', w ho manau'e the mill,
lid he ali hail a lilunly envel
h- tack i to the fence. (w-
niah untiled when thii evideiMT
h iinxltued. Urn. Ilailey and
Liiiklatir were the examiner.
linl it erm the whole cant wan
iiuiided iiikhi fear of the former
Arn-r of the land. It wa ad-
rilttil tiy .Mm Nellie imiii. a
itennirrapher in a law olluv, that
iln' fart Unit t'owaniah bad at
me time U-en in the asvluni
ikU have had home Marinif on
Uie fi iir. She tentilied that In
IikI ai. he would "fix" them if
liey rnt nny more timber and
auled it from the place, and a
w ilayn nif. he put a fence
itiw the mill road. (Waniah
ka.1 very nnu h intereHted in the
Ivulenre, and waa not at all ner-
mm. It niiiM artHl a thmiirh he
lli'iuitht he wa within hi riht.
n the Mprinir of I'JHl (Viwan-
ah mild 80 arre of timlnT bind
in John ItiM'i-kli and JohtvIJinir
pam, ine nirr haso nr co 'Tumult
.'i.ISio. Th.y paid (Uiwaniah
l.tHXi down nnd irave him a note
ir KJim, due in hix year, and
lerured by a morlirace on tin'
Impfrty, a the balance. Thee
kentlemen then Hold the timln'r
f F. KeeHe, F. M. Hathaway
ni h.w. Pre be. who bu t
Pllll (III tin' Sli.iiwi
piotithH tik'o Cowamah brou;h
initio enjiim the inillmen from
ptmif any more timth-r on the
irouml that hi Hecurity wa
Pt'inir engendered. .The defenae
mintereil tiMn the Rround that
land wiiiii. be worth S'JIMucr
rr wiui the t m her nil taken
. r . -
I'll HIIM the hint! flnni-orl nnrl
Iiihmitled Hlli.lnvits from n mnn
rll allied he had talked with
owaniah uml he had huI.1 he
f""!'! tint cmmiiler nn nir..i nf
l,,. " v
'-Ml per itere for kin oulf iuaA.I
"'"I. lllCV lllli'irinl In nnu nvnnt
i,..i .i . .
'l inn nihil with llw. I m m
1 . IVI VIIU tlllllV
pn. I'fuur rliwi' tit 11. a !1niAi
Wilwuv. vvi.iil.l I
nvii nui ui
I'M) U T 1H 10 HI MivKf Knunn4
Li ii HI .nrftiiM
oiiurs. am im tlw.u 1....1 1 ik.
""rent promptly they asked the
J-"! nun iic m,t Binned.
""i.Tiiun aiieirea In hi com
"amt thai thev
r-. .Minion i(.,.r ,.v iiff hut one
"Mi ieei Htanclinif.
."waniuli mill ha hrnlhnr
were both in the asylum at
" "i mime i im miM i mill
w' r reienwd as cured.
'hone. Cilv tCL
William Schulmerich, of Farm-
inn ton, dearted Friday morning
r a month a lecture trip up to
tntiuli (4ilumbia poinU, on the
raner River, where he will vwit
a 1 . .a . a a
inrnirm inmuuim and irriurr l', h nlptt Bhnu.n n
on dairying. Thia ia Mr. Schul- ,k f w it m r
.1 :l t k.l . " ' v-"- v
mrrui un nnuai nn x v. content, it appears that Oregon
iiominmn on a line muwion. lie lnm. . hiir mm
na J""1 aUte. More than five ton of e
growing rapidly in n. u k.u1 aeed corn, enough to olant
I rviT' Karly Standard potato 1.000 acre, ha been distributed
aeed for aale. I'otatoes mature tree or charge by the company.
in IX) day. Something1 new, and while the Southern Pacific ha
Homrthing Ana. Have about 40 distributed more than two tons
Maya"'1 Cm'rt ,K'xt Saturday
John Welch and Kd. Thomas,
.'. 'waverton. Wern nn fo th
y Monday afternoon on pro
te buauioB.
Itumper Year Is Premisrd, Judg
ing I'rom All Indications
Naaalaclarcra Beay asl Ctf Priccla
Wert Neer Better
provementa, extenlona and bet
terments. Itank cleanng show
la gain every month over the cor-
resonuing months of former
years and 1913 looks like a big
year for the whole Oregon coun
Tell your electrical trouble to
The Owl Electric Co. I-tr
Henry T. Johnson, of Shady
Urook, was over town Friday.
A. U Grebe, of I-aurel. was in
the city Saturday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. K. L Maies. of
ChehalemMountain. wire callers
in llillaboro, Saturday afternoon.
Now is the time to have that
house wired. See the Owl KI-c-ric
Co. 1-tf
W. h. Pegg. the Ik.-averUin
banker, was a city visitor Satur
day morning.
For sale, cheap for cash, 10
foot corrugated iron roller. t
escape frame. ZinaWood. 8-tf
Dr. C. W. Ix)we. of Portland,
was in the city Friday, on pro
fessional business.
Wanted -A good family cow.
State cash price. II. (1. Cooper,
Chas. Davis, and wife, of
North Tualatin Plains, were in
the city Friday afternoon.
Fred Goetzeand John Kmhnkc,
of above 1'looming. were down to
the hub the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ueliel, of
above Mountaindale, were in
town Saturday.
Alfred Guerber, of Helvetia,
was down to the city Saturday,
on probate business.
J. VL llennett, of near Orenco,
was a Hillsboro visitor Saturday
Money to 1 an. I
Located on Third and Ma
Office phone, Mm (
Score was Six to Four In Fairly
Well Played Game. Sunday
Oppoiin Pllchera Strike Oat Eiffel Mca
Eaca-Pkclpe BrtakJ Fiafer
bushel. -Geo. It iiagley, or ap
ply at Oak Cove Farm. 45U
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nelson en
tertained four tables at Five
lundred last Thursday evening.
iefreshments were served at
midnight Mrs. F. J. Sewell won
the ladie' first prize, and Mrs.
W. Conned won the booby.
L Moore won first and W. II.
ay lor won the booby on the
masculine side.
Wood for sale-Good four-foot
fir. Will deliver for 3 and
J. H. Vwlker. Cornelius, Ore,.
I Z Telephone, Oak &55, Come-
iu Central. 10-13
additional. This seed will be plant
ed throughout the racinc North
west and means the corn acreage
of this year will be twice as
large as last
The battleship Oregon will not
be used a a target by the navy
department if thi state can help
it Kesolutions strongly protest
ing against this action have been
adopted by many organizations
and a petition, as long as the
famous battleship itself, has
been signed and forwarded to
President Wilson by school chil
dren asking that the Oregon lead
the naval parade through the
Panama Canal.
Dr. Smith made the trip to
'ortland. Friday, in his Hupmo-I Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Campbell,
bile, in exactly 40 minutes, and of above North Plains, were in
then made the return in the the city Monday. Mrs. Lamp-
.. to L . I I it .0i
name time, lie went in on meioeu was enrouie toaaiem, wnere
Cornell road, via Cedar Mill, and she will visit with relatives.
ti limit II Wmlkor iitare lie I K. Keeder, 01 1 ortland, was
una 1 eur. i , ,, i n ...,.,
VUOC tunc eiinnci vi nic iiuu.-ic
.. . . . . ,1 . 1 . . 1 .
Mr. and Mr. J. J. uaruey, 0r KeDreentat vesat Sa em.
aecompnnuHi oy airs. n. r ... .
nan; ...IK. rr ...u muM ,: from
Itenenei, 01 iiannu, wrre in wmi - .0an IaCLiki WnMaw
the last of the week. J. J.thinka three JJP Me Inug.
hiscomiwiny has about aa fine a Wh 'there f. t the
.king hop prospect as any yard wyium ... -.v v...-
in the rountv. Ir
I M w t
.. . 1 i ,1? f.. 1 ik. I Mrs. urace McAllister, 01
lV"mwZ?:Xl U Grande. Ore., visited
witiinN. ronnuinuT vn uaiiu. . . ... . i
ti:n ' w it Sunday wun Mr. ana wrs. u.
r 3 mi! north of town J" f Vto. She hu bn
J lH r M Cal and is returning home after
It J. Pranirer Friday and Sat-1 a winter's stay in the state or
unlay loaded a car for the Mez I flowers.
Pemn. Idalio, where he nas The city and county have
iHHight a farm. He Is a son of I, , in8Ued anotherdrinking
ars. Ij. II. t ranger, Alint-jn t(w.ted on the court
vest from Illinois, lastK
aamiuii ftiuvnr) anil Main
... iiinn r.
('nil. He aava he will have torrU . ..i
, ..... - - - ... mm B IIR 1 UU 1 1 UB III Tt III 'VJ n Bwa,i vif
haul his firewood a distance oi and Js an evidence of pro
ftf teen miles. ffreaaiveness. They cost about
Several incubators tSS or S40. fountain, material and
, ... - - i ' . - ,. ., . .
nn.i Un om latent makes. J. labor, and are wen worm me
. . ...... a I ' .. . t
p a.lnma near Jabez Wilkes' monev. fercy ung conneciea
place, south of City Park, Hills- the thirst abater,
boro. otr I c ut LoUjon Wn0 is down in
mm i r. A nnloirate and little! Florida, writes Clerk Luce that
daughter departed Friday morn- he expects to come back to the
ing for an extended visit wiw coast, as ms ume is oui. uuiw
relatives and friends in Southern He sayn his health is not the best
n,i kofftPA returninir I dnwn in the Florida section, and
will go down to the snasia coun- mat uregon .s kouu ciiuuki
trv, , him. although he may make a
Do not forget to ask for a stay down in me w
SU hiller when vou want a good country.
10 cent smoke-no eougn oust r, Bremer, a oepuiy game
in h Sehiller. 12tf I u,nfln. known in the Gaston
ill o-w. - . a .
Hurt Wilkes, now with the etion. went into a camp o0ur
timber eroii. for Clatsop wunty Tday nd found the7 had
with headauarters at Astoria, "?".. niwn. n5 uaA
was in town the last of the fi
aiaoii viHitimr re atives. wiuieir. - L .
here he visited the Wilkesdredge tnem w.
up on Gales Creek. L-HarM him out of camp. He
John Powell, who has been I went to a telephone and sent
tusv-btni in the Santa Fe train! ,; fnr assistance, and when
from Npndlea to Bakers-hamitif ahpritf arrived the four
field, arrived home the last of men had lifted their camp and
t Li a tuauilr ah tk visit to hia motnl(wnA tn nther fields. Hremer
er, Mrs. M. A. Powell. knows the men, and will have
. ... . n i I iham arMatud aa soon as he 10-
J. W.Jameson, oi ,nw"M"77nnm
waa in town Saturday. catea them.
The initial ball game was played
on the Athletic Park diamond.
Sunday, between the Knights of
Pythias and K. O. T. M. teams,
the latter from Portland. Con
sidering the practice the locals
have had, the game was fairly
well played, and a near rally in
the ninth which was ended by
ttunsen flying out to second,
came near tying up the score.
The boys were weak on the bat
ting proposition. The K. O. T.
M's. left the field with a score of
6 to 4 in their favor.
It was a game full of accident.
K. L. Moore was struck on the
knee by a bounding ball; Dode
Ik'ttis was4 spiked, accidentally,
and Catcher Phelps broke one of
his fingers, Moore relieving him.
Freeman and Harris each
gleaned two hits when they were
badly needed, but the poor bat
ting by others clinched the game
for the visitors. It was a good
in. L-game, after all. and worth the
UJ money. The crowd was not very
large, put ine management made
Dwight Sweet and Alice E.
Clark were united in marriage.
in this city, by llev. C. H. Cook,
Saptist minister.
Chas. Miller, of the Arcade
itrict was a city visitor Friday.
le says that spring work is
bout over.
II. II. Hall, one of the old
timers of the Shady ,l5rook sec
tion, was over to the city r rplay
J. T. Ilnoks. one of the early
settlers of the upper Vinelands
section, where he has hewed out
fine ranch, was down to the
county seat Friday morning.
Jos. Bishup, of Helvetia, and
Christ Grand of West Union.
were county Beat visitors, Fri
day, on business at the court
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hickethier.
of Cedar Mill, were in the city
Saturday. Mrs. Hickethier will
go to Salem Decoration lay. and
Chas. will visit Harrisburg. Ore.,
after an absence of thirty years.
The Women of Woodcraft will
give a dance at W. O. W. Hall,
near Cedar Mill. Saturday night
une 7. Tickets, including sup
per, Jl.uu. lyerybody invited.
H. Snook, of Snook & Traver.
the contracting firm on the new
'orest Grove school building,
contract price, H,UUl, was in
the city Monday morning. , He
resides at Salem.
IL K. Simpson, of East Hills
;oro. thinks he has the champion
strawberry patch in his section
of town. He says he doesn't see
how the berries are going to find
room to grow and ripen, so thick
are the blooms.
Wm. Haase, of Iowa Hill, was
in town rnuay morning, ine
hill people have had a hard year
on the Bale of potatoes and that
crop is generally a source of
much revenue to the lootniii sec
Sam Stott one of Oregon's
pioneer lawyers, and i. w.
Thompson, hi brother-in-law.
were in town from Portland.
Saturday. Mr. Stott is an uncle
of the new Portland postmaster.
F. W. Mvers.
Julius Cafmeyer, working for
some time on the John Kamna
farm, near Farmington, last
week bouirht a ticket from Agt.
CooDer. over the Hill lines East
and sails Saturday from New
York, on the Lapland, for Ant
werp, Europe;
P. W. Craig, aged 38 years,
died at St Vincent's Hospital
Friday morning, May 23. He
had been ill for some time. He
leaves a wife and a little daugh
ter. The funeral took place
from the M. E. church. Satur
day afternoon at 3 o'clock, and
interment was in the Udd rei
lows Cemetery.
Those who take an interest in
the fitrhting game were consider
ably agitated, Saturday, over the
fact that Luther Mcuarwy, con
tender for the world's champion
shin, was killed at Calgary, in a
fia-ht with Pelky. The blow that
caused death was the famous so
lar plexus punch, discovered by
Bob Fitzaimmons.
little more than expenses.
K. of P. K. 0. T. M.
rhelpa, Mofe....c.......... IUye
Moore, Ilrxlcl,
Nelun... ......... ...I f .........Forl
Brown .,
I) HclU.
Bunara .....
AalerDa,Gotleifauf f.,
Harm I b...
Portland I 0014000 06
IlilUljoro o 3000000 14
Strike oali by Bctlii, 8: Coocannoa, 8.
HiU by K. O. T. it., 8; HilUboro, 6.
I mpiret, CkmUUkI ami Heater. Kaae
on ball, nrltia, 1; toucan non. o: a-haar
bite, Saafet, llayea, alarphy; doable
plana, Knglra to Taylor; Hardy to Shafor
to Taylor. Freeman and HariUeacb gut
aaao3 ba.a,
p a
f b....
..........C f ....
...... .Shafrr
...... Murphy
he City Bakery will pay $10
for a name that will best describe
the good qualities of the famous
twin loaves sold over the counter
and by many Washington county
The contest will be open to any
resident of the county, nek
your name and write it on
sheet of paper. Inclose the sheet
in a sealed envelope and leave at
the bakery on Main street
There it will be given a number
and the corresponding number
written with the name on a list
This will prevent the name of
any contestants being known un
til the award is made.
All well known makes of bread
have a name, uur bread has
made a reputation merely as
City Bakery Bread," but we
want a name that will best de
scribe it and its good qualities.
The shorter the name the better,
and brevity and description wil
count in making the award. You
may offer as many names as you
want but each must be in a sep
arate envelope. The contest wil
end May 31, and the judges wil
announce their verdict as soon
thereafter as possible and the
money will be paid to the winner.
The names of the judges are
Mrs. W. 0. Wood. Mrs. J; J
Krebs and Mrs. Susie Morgan.
Hugh H. Carey and Eva Letitia
Dersham were united in marri
age. at the home of Mrs. L. O.
Dersham. May 22. 1913. Kev. 11
L. Pratt, of Portland, officiating.
Chas. Grabel has returned
from British Columbia.
Thos. Murphy, of above Moun
taindale, was a city caller the
first of the week.
Mrs. 0. B. Scofield returned to
her home in Portland Friday, af
ter a short visit with her sister,
Mrs. Marv Malone.
Sunday was the warmest day
of the season, and autos were
out in full force. The roads,
barring, a few chuck holes here
and there, were like boulevards
M. ' Cantwell, of Clackamas,
was in town Monday, enroute to
Tillamook, for a short stay. He
has not been here for two years
and says that he hardly knew
the town. He formerly lived
above Mountaindale.
If vou don't want to come to town, just phone your
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if you
called in person. Wc specialize in "Hurry Up" orders
and you can get a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All orders arc sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need tefwsit till you come to town
Phone that order In today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
liexall llemedies by Parcel Post Prepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store
Are You Thinking
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not overlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
' 1
Private desks for writing your business
letter, for drawing your checks and a 53
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courteously received.
A. C. SnuTE, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
iJMf Third, IMfMkofO.
I? --- v "ZVwl
f so -:fv
Of your children by giving them an early
' start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
It Has Boon Said
that in no other individual feature is the
culture of a home more readily indicated
than in the family silver.
The silverware sold by me is designed for
permanent wear: and the weight and
strength of each piece guarantees it a per
manent place in the family history.
Let mc show you some of the new pat