The InllLLSB NO. 10 lULLSBORO, ORKCON, MAY 22. 1013 VOL XX i up' uiinni DWUUa PEI1SI0II ROIL SMS JUNE 5 Will I ", "M Vwrly tums aiw:dv pit cmiri Thi- Washington County widow K,,,Hi,.n nll will n Mart ax a innll. r of liinlory ami uriiwiiuon, nil it i rtimaUd that tliU fa UIv of miirt to children, un a.TKia--r year, will r-h thi univf from l.a $.5. .nnuallv. IVluw HI take f fwt Jutf 5. 11 jruvi.lfi that rv-ry woman ho i widow, or win huttnd U mi iiMitat.' of a tai.. I nut ilu t in. hlialt rmivt numihlv for tlt fintt child under pattH-n theimm of 110 nr month ami for i-arh othr child tm.h r thai nite th aum of $7.oO tr month. Am.U lrn l'". "' hunl-aii'l i physically or mentally ....i'ii f..r rtmlimiourt laUir to hui- l.rl hi family hit It l worst- for a woman man in-wic a hIh' shall romt under the ui.i.ia'm iM'hition law. No on atn-mrt to know jul how many widow th-ro an- in Ihf rount y whom- children nrv -Imtlv .li iM liili'llt m n hl'f HUI i..ri ! ho manv have huHltnnd in the H-n or at th asylum. hut it loom up law, Juki ihe warn., whi n you U-K'in to tally olf the count in yiMir own iHnnmunitiin. If 1 1... uumiin Hhull have Hntm1 income toward uijrt of thi tin court U to deduct Jnhii Itetti and aor. Jtu-ol. Chat., Win. ati.l 1'larenre, have traded their ljton-1 farm and other roimidi-ration for liKO w ren of land up at Hay I'rti k, Crook County, Oregon, and will mum take ixWKfHMion. On the .liu there are- two running Kln-amx, with an irrigation ay tent. One hundred irni of al falfa nr v row in ir finely on th .it' rant h. and there is Utttom land auhjint to water for ai re more, a jmrt of which they efcpee t to m-ed rtent year. There are several hundred aere in cul tivation IM-Mulea, ana the rent I .'ti?e l.nmh and bunch trraH pas ture. hirty-ftve head of horneM and l.Vl head of nUwk m with the urchaMe, and it will require alt the tune of the father and four aon to run thi idace. They eniKTt to raie atm k and do i?en- erul farminif. The lU-tti family iav iM-eii here several year. and have done well. Their new ranch lay within nix mil of the railway. thi from what the county munt give her under thi Icjtal mini ininif. Several havi already i.lncet their application lefor Judir Jti atoner And th l-wrd. and o far th majority hsv coim from il.i. went end of tho fount y. Mn. Kmma V. IJuhi'I. whune hiwlmnd. Tlw. KukmcIi. or Pilley, March fi. i OUf of the lirt to apply for thi mioit. She has 'I children. H of whom come under tin? ixmnion measure. She uv that ah ihhhH tin money and want to know what ah immt ilo in order to ket her war rant. Her manifct of birth dhow that thi atork viilel the home ri'jfularly every two year, without fail. Judue Ueanonf r i doinir all he ran to krell llOW H the CMK'UHe. havinir marril a widow to a t;al.-! Creek man. r'ridav. This will Have the county tl7.oD iht month and thi 1mw receive.! ! fur hi wrvici' Thu thi" county ha clTtH titl awivintf in this one cane, for I ho widow ha.I two rhildren. Tim court w ill insist on Hk'i eiaminatitin. and it will ho in ten-HtinK to Het how the mutter wilt h handled. Women Kettin relief fnm thi law must have been resident when the law pa.HHed-o "carpvl-lianRinK" will not ku. oii ooN i t i:c i kic trains SEKIOR CUSS 10 GIVE COLLEGE PLAY FRIDAY MuJcnta to Slate "Aunt Jane at Cotlctc," May ZS Blltf.ARSAl.S (ilVE UMID fKOHISE Ptiy Ha tUrta PrrMitra TIkhkibiJi at Tiiaca Wila Swiccn There will Im a bik' dance at U-lhany Hall, viven by L M. I'.ti. ll Kuturduv. Mav 31. Tick- i t, includ'ntf upjer, $1. Kineat or mimic, iH-Ht ol nianaifcment, and Hplendid refreahmenU wrvitl in had. Come and have a .' I time '.. K llunaen. Friday, received a telegram announcintf the death of hi father. Dr. C. I'. Ihinaen, at Winona. Minn. Ir. Wtunen (niHKtl away lat Thumday eve nintf from a Htruke of paraly'Hi. He had tieen a practicing tdiyai- cian for manv year, ami wa a Itraduate of Heldelbertt LniverHi ty. (lermany, and completinl hi medical course in I an. Ir. r.unen wa a linifuixl of note ami a writer ol many valuable treatine. He leave a widow, Mr. Jeanelte Hunen, and one a . a a 4 . i t a ; . I on. Ix.tlt of lliusuno. luinai took place at tlaleHvilie. Wi.. where he practiced mwlicine for many years. a1 for ale or trade. On Ham-line Strei-t. Tongue Addi tion. Will take horse or cow a part payment. A bargain. - Ad Inn Ho ISil. Foret (irove, or ie J. I. lounjf, lliilHiioro. lor particular, H-10 lfc K. Camplill. of Schulk was In town rruiay. ne Hiaun that he recently received a letter from II. C. CampUII. the well known railroad man oi CorlianiJ. now travellim in Kume. When the uncle wrote he wa kfoinK imi.i the Turkish tmrt on a steam- ship, and he said it wa neces sary to have a itovernment cruiser pilot them through the mine in the celebraUnl Hoiorus. The lliirh Shoo stu dent will statfe "Aunt Jane at Colletfe." at the Crescent Thea tre, Friday evening, under the auspice of the senior clan, and the rehearsal irive pnirnise of a performance that i Unind to pleaH. Mis Heatrice Hutler, one of the teacher, i director. and she ha jriven the cast of characters a splendid tutelage. "Aunt Jane at C-olletro" has apieared thousand of time at the close of schools and colleges, all over the United Statin, and it I a very pretty conceit, ana worth one' w hile. The k'etieral i.ubhc is invited out to see what the youngsters ran do in a histrionic wav. A number of the characters are well known to Hillslioro twople. having leen Itefore the public in several well known school plays The cast of characU-rs: Jimmie Cavendish. A llah-rah Imy Donald ln Tad ttheseldine. The Clleiret ut- up wani viiKes U-viticuH, The Ace of Spadi Gladwin Douuhtv Major KiltH'pper. The Head of the Military..-Uussel Mornan Professor Snacharrib I'oiu). The Chairof I'hilolony ClairWilkes Scotch MacAllister. I he hnott-all Catdain. ('ha. Deichman Shorty 1mjr. The Ubiquitous Freshman tdvde Mason Mis "Jim" ('hanninir. The Cirl From Dixie Alice Smith Marjorie llaviland. The lollem Widiiw.. ..... - Francis lU'illy Mrs. Hatrsby, "Ma." A Popular landlady Henrietta Kruper MiM June (Cavendish. Cavendish & Dean Faye Schnniler Mr. CliH.patra I'opp. A Faculty Tvim I'hoeU l'errine Miss Twik'k. A Kellc of Other Day baycSchroeiier John D. K-h. of a!ve Hluom- inp, was in town rnday. John Herb, of tanks, was in town Saturday. Tell vour electrical trouble to The Owl Klvctnc U. l tf Adam Sii. of n ar Klmonica' wan in town Saturday. Mr. and Mr. (ii. Hancock. of Forest Grove, visited in town Friday evening. Now i the tin.c- to have that house wired. See the 01 Klec- ric Co. 1 tf Jai-oh I!a(Tetv. of Mountain- dale, wa in the city Saturday afternoon. (i It. Kraus. of Corm-liu. one of the opuIar teachers of his section, was in the county seal Saturday. Ttie Wilkes Garatv thi.-l week Hold another rord auto. (e Schulmcrich, of Creswell, k-inj; the buyer. llerlf-t Matteson. of Gaston, was down to the county .... t t i seat rndav ailcrnoon. tlero Bay that aeodinj( was iiite late up his way. Joe Harrinirton. w ho is a train man on a run between Portland and Th Dalles, visited his par int. Mr. and Mrs. II. Harring ton, this week. For sale Several incubators and hmndcrs. latest makes. J. 1. Adams, near Jal'. Wilkes place, south of City l'ark. Hills- Uro. - oti Wm. Tuntwr ai'ain nsumed!his work a ianitor at the court house, Monday, after a weens wrestle with the grip. ueo Doughty acted in his place dur ing his illness. lltM'sh lumber, lfi-fout lengths. nil widths, constant v on hand S. IL Cogan, HillslKiro, lire., li. 1. 3 mi es north of town, on C D. Farnham place. We sell at $'j jier M. V17 l'Jchard IL Crowthers and Mrs. I.ydia Aker were united 'in marriage in this city frmay. Mav 1(L 11)13. Judge Keasonerot fieiatintr. The is well known in thu Gates Greek Sec tion. and the bride has teen a resident of Forest Grove. SEVENTY-SIX PUPILS EIGHIH IE l.hchly-Nine failure and Ninety SAcn I'ats Conditional UTTI It WILL WKtTE AGAIN IS JINE Hiltkbora lti Nwnbcr Pait- With Fret Grave Nut L.t for sale or trade. On Itascline Strwt, Tongue Addi tion. Will take horse or cow as oiirt imvmenL A bargain. Ad dress itox IHrt, Forest Grove, or see J. I. loung. numooru, un particulars, II..., It V. Purdv. of Gaston, is to retire from farming, having traded hi bttf ranch Tor the Abraham Store, at Forest Grove. Mr. l'urdy, who wa in the city last week, say he is going to try living in town tor a lew y ears. He ha acquired a resi dence in the Grove, and for the time !cing w ill conduct the mer cantile business. UNION STOCK YARDS The Portland Union Stock Yards Co. give out the following tor tin. week emliiiL' Saturday last: lieceipt for the week have been; cattle, 1S1U; calve, iw; hogs. 4312; sheep, iVJ; horses, To Portland - 6:2-1. 7:1! 8:41 . 10:51 1:10 3;M 6:21 8:111 9:b8 From Portland 7:47 ., 9:54 11:45 : 2:1!) 4 Jit). 6:2a 7:3ft 9 22 12:211..;.... a m a m a m a m , p m . p m .pm .p m ,p m a m -a ni a m ..p m . p nt . p m ..p m .. m .a m IOK 9PRAYINO Tn PlifPflnt Diutitnl, ItU Tt 1a ')H for nttrnvimr foe thn eixllinir moth -it should read: "About bix or eight dayH after the blos som lias fallen I use '2.1 to .1 lb. tll'M trill oruiinnin itf I. in. I tn flit . ... ninviiHtu V, iv .... n gallons of water, adding alsmt f gallons of standard strength lime and sulphur solution. The itrst is for worms and the latter for scab." Tl. ..-!..! 1 -:..!.. ...... I U' ' iic viiikioui iiriiciD lean o instead of "3," which was error. Do not fnpivnt vnil ulioill.l Use from 2.1 tn !l uniimlii nentrnl arsenate of lead to 50 gallons of waier, WantedA good family cow. "wwj casn price. it. u. cooper, "luuuoro. Mreer'a Karly Standard jsitato . I It .,.... .. .nlllrJHt seed lor saie. i ouiun-o " ;.. m .l iv-a Something new. anil something fine. Have about 40 bushel. -Ghi. IC tsagiey. or ap ply at Oak Cove Farm. 45tf Gov. West has appointed Mrs. IW.ea Heed ItarlHT. Of rort'Sl Grove, as one of the representa tives to the National i.riaruies Conference, to be held in Seattle, in July. Mrs. Harber is the wife of liev. Harler, the Congrega tional minister or the college town. Wood for sale -Good four-foot fir Will deliver tor W ami -J. H. Voelker, Cornelius, Ore., U. 2. Telephone, Oak 5Wi, Corne- linu Citntru . lo-lo r Nukon. the Timber-Ba- V, , ..v.. .-. - cona mail carrier, and who has hi'en Bimerv sor for the Mountain district for some years, was down to the city rnuay. n says the mountaineers are hop ing for a spell of Rood weather so the roads can be uuuzeu ior heavy hauling. iv. .mi to nsk for a jw mil. i"ihv , Schiller when you want a K i.- .i "n.imrh Hoar iu ceni smoRoow -s" :., Schiller. 12tf III fcllV fcV n..ii,iH 1 S frsunir re- porta that he will tear out the bridge at the Graf place, near Hethany, about May zh, Mia me road will necessarily be closed for several days. lion Plind a Parker visited jura, vjima. v.. D i her parents, Mr. and Mrs. r. i. Lilligard, near liaurei, io of the week, The cattle market reached the pinnacle of this year's business hint Mnndav. All existing Paci fic Coast open market prices tor beef were broken when live loads of com fed steer went to the killer at $'.. A few cows hnuurht i7.HU. hut ottering were scarce. The general run of prime fed bullocks mild ?H.M) to . iu ...wid enlves nrt stead v at $!) am bull $f..2f to $0.50. The teif shortage is acute and fails to till th. eonstnnt demand from anxi ous buyers. For steers. 18.75; cows. $7.75; calves. $U; bulls. $(1.50; are conservative tops in il.n entile mnrkeL which is firm. Swine prices suffered one of the severest slumps of the year on Monday and Wednesday. To tal l.w wns 45c. Tods were just steady Thursday at 8:40. A week ago hogs were selling around $9. Keceipts were enor mous and market was giuuen. Auirust lioveirren. the founder of Cherry Grove, was down to the city Monday morning, on legal business. Mr. Uvegren's company w ill soon be oji rating t in lamest nil in wasmngion County, which will add consider ably to the good-sized village ne has created in upper ratton vai ley The Oreironian savs that buy ers of Southern Pacific land prior tA the court decision for rever sion are not in any manner af fected by the decree, this was in nnswer to a tiuerv by a llllls Imrn subscriU'r to that paiwr, In other word the inmx'ent pur-chfisei- will not have to nay the government $2.50 kt acre, and he will still hold his title, just me same as though he had ptocured it trom Uncle Samue 'C Dr. I-owe, Friday. Mi and Mrs. A. Pautmeier. of i " ---- - - -- s near Farmington, were city visi tors Monday. J. R McNew, of Heaverton, was up to the county seat Mon day. in Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Strohmayer. of North Hillsboro, May 17, 1913, twins, a son and daughter. Kay Emmott and wife have returned to Hillsboro to reside, after an extended stay at incw port. Robert Harper and wife have ...u u.i!m llillaltnrnnroncrtv. and will move to other fields for the iirnuont. W. A. Tupper. secretary for the Portland Civil &erv ce torn- tuna nut Sunday, the llliaaiuu, .,- , guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tupper. The road supervisor is getting . i ,if mui nerween ijoine- lius and the Scholield place ready for macadam. With decent weath er it will not be long until there will be a rock road between I Hillsboro and Forest Grove. rWimn F.lertrie officials were here Monday and signed up the loirat nirreemcnt to DUt in a PTOIV here their line crosses the public road, near West Union, the company was d..lirrod from building their grade across the highway, as there was a seven loot cue ai that noint. and they failed to ui.m on to either nhmk or gravel . "... i.i the approaches tne iuii wuun oi I, jx nv This the court determincHl should be done, and to protect the county two deputy sheriffs have been watching n.'.riita nnd one in the daytime to ... i niw-Knt thpcomnanv irom lean ing from a sneak." After two weeks of holding out, the papers were signed the first of the week and the embargo removed. Supt IT. W. I!ames Saturday mailed Kighth Grade diplomas to 7 graduates, w ho passed at the exams held last week. Ninety- seven failed on one or two branches, and will have another trial in June. Kighty-nine tailed outright. Hillsboro lex! in gradu ates, with Forest Grove a close second. A list of the graduates follow: Ditt. i. ILirnr Schoro. Mark Phclpa; U-srlurr C C Allof, Lorncuiu. i tt! ciiiuir Hrtni. Maurice van irklp. tun C'.riflitn. Vr'.mTiMoo. Lurt I'ayton, Uren TKKrt. Clifford Pay tun, Julia Mintr, Mnm Marnier, nt kcl Cailrr, Atlta litmell. Oliver Uray; Urncher. Mr. M C Owe. IlilUboro. I.t. 9, Ue I KrlMilir. K I Birr Batebtl iler; teacher, J l McOIwmmi, HllWioro. I ml ii it. Willie Rale. Alice llam rick. VUljle Schullt; teacher, ) B Kraut, Canton. lul. it. Ilorolhy t)iiet; teacher, Geo S Yatet. lUnks. that. IS. Vera Krheflcr. Camilla Mill. Kvelyn i'atton, Mille Famme, Lucile MiK''. Franctt Taylor, Jnaeph Ijootma, Knceil ToM. teacher, ii K Inlow, For- eat irove. I hat. l6, Altta Hoolenpyl, Howard M HarU; leacher. All-ert Hatch, Gaalon. lif,t. 17. Geo W Clark; teacher. M llonhaiii, Slierworl. lhat. iH, Alice hrickann; teacher, Karl K I'laher, Sherwood. liiat. jt l-juiie Giiitin. lov Came: teacher, Anna nKimpaon, Ilfrato. Ihat. 6jl. Itonrthy Potta, Mary ThoinpaoD. Irene Martinajai, Gtailyce ll.-artU-T; teacher It I, inaiaon. Iht tt.Kdna Bailer Aeacher. J W Pea- C'urnelina. lhat. 37. Harry Richanla, Alice Ker haw; teacher, Calvin C Cloud. Beaver- tm. I Hat. xS. William Meade; teacher R L Wann, thenco. Hint to. Iwrence Brown. Aloi i Sclitechl, VirRil Meyer; teacher. H C lixl.l, tleaverton. IHl. ii. Ruhv Revnolila: tear her. Le- lab V. Chaae, MounUioilale. IHaf Pred Cole; teacher. Gertrude Baitey.Sherwooil. , ifi it. Kenneth Mmum; teacher. Lena Giatihorn, Laurel, lhat. is. Stanley Sumtnert; teacher. J C Ryan, tleaverton. I 'ist. 50, Walter Jaqattn, Max. Ben nett, Carl Hanaen; teacher, Bernic Tt'iiev, I.autel. Helen rfahl: teacher, Clara M Walker, Corneliua IMst. 54, Haniel Uehrer, Rohert Lyctin, 1'anl Ihnlire. Clara laeiri; teacher, Mra. r Hie Area, uoiomc.. lit. 61, Otto Ricbcn: teacher, Mat Reeve, Bitnk. IHst jj. twne Thornbroe; teacher, Mae Pitrwaler, Sherwoal. 1 Matt. 77. K'lna Huerefe, teacner, Anna Moriiwiev. Cornelias, Dist. SS, Anna Gallweathjj teacher, .r.h A Ikinnhtie. Sherwood. Diat. 89. Agnes Rulir; teacher, wsier Mooherry, Hillsboro. I Hal. 90, Lyla Short; teacher, Ines t Wyvel, llnnks. thst 9J, Ctherine Braml; teacher, Ivs C rctersin, llcaverton. I Hat. 94, Asa II Crltttthe, i rysiai Ki.lgr; teacner, ionise a iiuoer, oeavcr ton. nui. oe Marv Nicol. wncelot Ken IVwey Patten, Manraret Fnhrer, MiUlreil Nichol; teacher, Mtunie iiavis, II. .11p IHst. . Anthony Vsmlerbei; teacher Sister M Agnes, Porest Grove. IHst. 99, Celia Willis, Florence Mott, Prank Buckley; teacher, norma c t. Vnm.l l.mi-A Hist." 106, Howard Means; teacher, Margaret Rickett, Itillsilale. fmmm TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS Tl rlnn't u-ant tn come to town. lUSt Dhone VOttf order in and it will be promptly attended to as if vou called in person. We specialize m "Hurry Up" orders ana you can ect a prescnpnou mauc up very wutu- . . . . . 1, 1 . . 1 - ,L. lently in this way. au oraers arc scm oui uy iuc a a earliest possible return man. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and liexall liemedies by Parcel Post, I'repayed without extra charge. The Delta Drug Store REX ALL STORE i 4 4 4 m a a J i i Are You Thinking Of opening a Banh Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oyerlook the mod ern accommodations at the American Nation! BANK C 3 Private desks for writing your business letter, for drawing your cnecks and a big free telephone list in a private "' booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for we have all the modern conveniences. your patronage courteously reeeloed, A. C. Shuts, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main mmd Third, MStaftOPO. -CSAVINOS BANK N 3aoo , 0 &C.o jjjjaaa I so -n-' . Hi-; t s Wilkos has a dredce m.v,ii nn a (arm iihove the Watts' IIIVrVAV 1 'll w- ----- school house, on Gales Creek, that promises a revolution in river drcdcinir. It is nothinp more nor less than a current arcane, on.i tbi wnv the little contriv- ance can move nravei is noisiow. It consists of two scows, lentrin- ways with the current, between ,.,u;nh am twft i rides, loceiner. V, lll,ll - , . . - ...Ma ihnn tln SCOWS Widths. w mv , ni.... - and when these are let down to it., ittnm th current does tne (,l!U UVIIwiti ... . 1 . rest Mr. Wilkes will in a snort, time have the channel ot uaies mrvimit ontiro v. thus pre venting cutting away valuable farm land on one side of the t.. Mnnv river men have taken a look at the dredpe, and all pronounce it practical. The A-.r,,c r.iim-tir saw it work Sun- day. and if it can dredge the Willamette liiver, on a uirite scale, in the same manner it can .. o nil 'in nol in Gales Creek. the invention will be of untold benefit to the government. Vnr snip, chean for cash. 10 fnnf pnmitrattHl iron roller, tel escope frame. Zma Wood. 8-tf Mr. and Mrs. John Fueey. of .... . . . Phillips, were city visitors Mon day morninjr. hmidtand E. C. Mul- loy, of Laurel, were in town Mon day mornmjr. r..w Hnlhrenth. of Tualatin. was in town Monday, on probate business, settling up the James Eaton estate. INSURE THE SUCCESS Of your children by giving them an early start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and procure a Recording Savings Bank and a Savings Bank Book. Have them save a little at a time and deposit with us. We We will pay them 4 per cent on tbeir savings. Their success will be insured. SHUTE SAVINGS BA11K EXCLUSIVE FOR 8AY1SGS Viriril Davis, one of the pio neers of the Shady Brook section, was in town the last of the week. .VwnVi Wilson and wife, of Doty, Wash., arrived last week to attend the bedside ot Mrs. Wm. Wolf, mother of Mrs. Wil son. Geo. Rigiren, Mrs. Wolf's brother, also arrived from Yam hill County. Mi nnrf Mrs. Geo. Schulmer- iVi nf rvpawell. came ud Satur day evening for a few days visit with rolntivea and friends. Geo. is looking none the worse for his illness of a few weeks ago, and says that he finds plenty of work keeping his big uresweu rancn in shape. Jerome Palmateer was out the inct nf thf week, after his return from his trip to San Diego. He states that his son, Lome, is on the police department at San Diego, and the force averages over 200 pounds each. Palmateer is the second in weight The Baby's i Unsteady hand can grasp firmly the curved handle of a Baby's Spoon. I have several styles in Sterling and plated that will withstand rough baby usage, and the spoon can be preserved as a memento for after life. This is only one of the many gifts for the baby that I will be pleased to show you. LAUREL M. HOYT 11 a J