The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 15, 1913, Image 1

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iiiusr.()R(),oki:r.oNl may is. lois
NO. 9
i . Ui,:; . ,
rtcrrJ Ma.Crmkk Slr Satur
day Nljhl UmiMll
At. cuttMr stot im immiND
T IMIkc-t Marlia J
JiIiIl'i Ciinitibt'll wtui in (nun
Saturday, and heard the caw of
C. A. Ym.i'ii. nNkinif for thirmt-
ttxly of Km little daughter. Urtl
aImhiI 5 yearn. Yerircit was di
vorced from his wife in 11)12. and
MOM fclVI'tl till Custody llf till'
not., older than tin pirl. icrper.
mux L'ivi'ti Kim decree l.v default.
and after the wife attain married
tM iifi the raw ami applied
fur tlx ruhtmlv of tin' daiiL'hter.
hillct.inp he wanted to keep the
Walter Martin, a
vtnriniiatl. I'll"''
the M.Cor
niit-k More, Satunlay hittbt. "!
n.bU i the "how riiwea if over
i ft v watch. Martin ma! hi
w ay into tin buildmp ly oieninp
a rear window, and mint Imvi
Ucnina hurry, for within two
or litre feet I root wln-rc In
crat.!'.! the walchai. were never-
.1 r..o..lred dollar worth of
ring, i-"""' of which were di:t
tn.m.k Theae rinp were in a
drawer, and fn,m Indication
Martin did not look around very
much. H mut hv prablel
the watche and mu'lf Im pet
away in a hurry.
Sunday ntorriinp, Mtrtiu ar
in Portland, un.l I letective
llellyer anil Howell mi'ipiciotied
Martin f hcinp into Honielliinp
rroukril. Thry hhadowe.1 him
until hut-tadi hi way into a
iw.lrv afore. Kintt and Mih"'i.
when they walked in on the thief
just in tun toee him hiip wi"'l
fifty watche n U'tf counter, oi
fenm; I hem for nail.
Tli.'w nlace.1 him tinder amul
and in few mimiteit In admitted
that he hal rble.l a store at
HilUUiro. Captain Itity called
thr llillidoro H'lthoritii. nnj r
orlil the arrit. It a not
until after th telephone nuKHak'i'
wad ren i ve. that Mr. Mot'ormu k
knew hinntore lnl Imimi i-ntenil.
" SluriiT ItifvtK hrouuht Martin
tothmrity Momluy aflernon.
l ill Arc I'rrlrrrril in Several In-
tantr, Mowevrr
FUivbaurr H Nri ltn j , J il ihnr
7 InK I) Hit II 7 W lltu.ii J, 1..
Mrarliam 41 5 A II 1 ' I 17 J" I i
Slokril'iity it v I M li'a i u J K
lUl'lrn j', J.. lit. II. i'. M ;( I Lt.Mll
H 75 l C Twl'-r J7 V M irjlijr io
A Kotuf l H on K"l.i'iv,n t Vi Arthur
Knoi 4 bl J I! Ili llui.M 7 J I) J liu
on lt K; II J Krttton l I. .
mn J s-i J K trrr n S 'Jr.nll n
ilrfumlcr JH is I. imit M it it n, AMx,
IVIri J7 jo Carl I r J A t Kiui:rr4i u
(Wo Ctrlmaa J Alfn'l I'.'-fu 6 Clii
(l.nturr H J'llia ll-t o 11 $ t I. .') Iknt-
4 i ! ll-krr 57 si V K K U
I'illiS (2,000 SUIT
live Day of IJtiratktn Tniis
With Verdict for llaintifl
iiiieKintr lie waniiMi io me - , - -,, . , too ther. Mm. Ver. n. AH . M-.t ke C-.PcU. i..i. T'Zik la'"
W ho Hille.piently W'lt.e ( hnH. Qtyt Cog, Board TunUtm Mill Co is '" A kc"tll
A. I'unliu. wan in rourt with her ' s H C; kntrt .. . M.. u
... .1 - .. ... .. .1... V m" IIImi I. lit Co 7 )w k krllrr I f) I' V.
iiiiiiner. in snow inui irrKin 1 1. .. . i. ... - i
..... ... .... ITIu. f.iiintu l-.i.r.l nwaniJ mvfn I afullov IV I. M liurl! m ., II J. .).. r.
roui.i ,mi iae care in ue nine - - ; 6 . , c,;.,.!, , , M.
Kirl. I.ut the jury kpiN-anil to con tracts last Saturday after-
lliink that the father wouhl lo noon, part of them brioVcs,. and
..... :.... .:.. .... I . . .... .... ...
me riKiiv liimK. im' iweir ,,ar f ttli'ITI llllrt. lilt' NiW I1T
men were out aiut l. minutea. ii,,..
.. I Il ....... I - I "
n u.'ri iiii rtiiiiu-ti fi-r.ii. .. , .
awanlinir the child to Mr. Yer- l'ra" !r'" l!'
v'i n. Yeren in a hopi?row-r of fo.Ui.IJ; J. W. l.oodin, r;J. h.
the Ijiurcl Hection. and Iwam a Uirnun, f.VKi.
a n. Kind Grflarl. till' K !:.t
U Fnli & t M H K.ji int.... 4 t
K Th' nil - U II T in 6 i , K .hvnj
l-jiiiiLinri.t fit 17 V A li Mi l' ulnar t
KH i,! Kll'nt'l .'l l .icv I.ik I S5
K I. MK'urm.rl. 6 v l' t I unvrt to
li t Brail K Cu J5S i1 Avl. iu t iiioh
Tflrvrnt.h to II.
Grand Jury Witw -Arthur
KnierHon $1 (' tar J .hnr.on
No contract wan made on the Ml HO. Ilol.t Canin G ho. I. Hunt
I. a,.. .... ..if...
.. . . . 1 1. . i .ir.t.n im ii. fi iinrr.i.i
. i7 .. f .. , limlire. an llie court ronciunea ? , ,
two I'ortland attorney apK-ared , . Wat row. IC II ( -rawc, A h'onard
for Mr. I'unliu. An amuMing the fill could the iK-tter. J.w. ,,.W IMIU. II WyatH-a
im id.'iit of the cane wan the fad Inun.r wan given the work for 5 jjo; jjp, Jt-rs, Dr I'.r.khank.
thut the niother in law swore $i:iG!i, Wyatt & llou'an liddinjf UU-r Cyphers, H I, Ula an. I
Yeriren never helei tlothiil the r,,r jijiiii llurt Wyatt. Dayton .Mayn. I 0
with Hritten. J J Wisrncr. J K IVter-
riiil.iren. when a rnifK.
her in.lorHi-ment wan pr-r.l.H. $ Umnnx. $.'); Ursung Mn I.ittie M-H-Iames U.k-
, Mwore hhe never iw he W1W awnril(.j ,ht. rolllra,t man, .limer. Kane each .1 4) and that it wan nut her vhitfrl I'.ridk'e-KeaHi.n. r. Witnenw Circuit Court
eii.ioremeni. n in n iirrMt-n, (, .. r,r.x ,,r,. SLate VH t; I Nav or- Hankin
nhe refusi-.l to write her name. , ' ,'.Nr,' . ' 7-1 '(). I. (I Crihl.rG W
!. i .1 r. I l'i"'"K. '". t,..v...
I lie nailKllier uiia-rvanni m.i.i i
it wan her mother' niirna
To I'urtlaml
31 M
H l'J
Fniin I'ortlaml
11:1.1 .... .. ......
4. .VI
II 22
a m
a in
n m
u in
p m
p m
. p m
. p m
p in
. n m
n in
a in
. p in
p in
P in
p m
a in
...i-.... I Mi .Hi Wat mils II tdi. mm Kic u-
imitiuiw l ' . . ------
CamptH ll Kill, near laurel - H 20. May lioman K. J no
II, .,,. jr. VVvi.ii t'lm- IirHtimr I Callahan Ml. J , alladan l.Jvi.
-)., Il.ii.'i ui-nr irlajutin iM'fore lMl- l-orminir triven contract. Mrs K L Kenworthy 12, lUlchel
have it pnived to your Hat- Cable ftilS.. Watruun H 20. U la Watrousn.20
. . .i . . n.. .. :n t-. .:. I ..nun.. t7 1 1 -1 C.ihi ( I Sli i.'in mill wife each 7 ,9i
Hiaciion inui your iruuui.- m 1 1 1 ,, fi . -y . .,
l. r..liev.l l.v their u. At the Goo.lin nt eiv.-d awurd. Mrs b b ( a kins, .Mrs ManranU!
" - ' - ' - - ar . , . , ...... aat A I 1M (..... . . I I l.,u I 11 l
present .lay. t-. many irlanse .Sprmir Mill Mil - wyall & inv owrrn. name ., ,,.,n ,.,
.. ' ... . ....... i. .r..i. I i.mi.n.r tll.'.o - Iroiiri eneh 12 20: r red Watrous
are nolo Kimpiy lur-iimu imim- vu". i'.oui.k. ar... ,, . ,,. , ,. , t
out of them, without any regard awanK-d to I-oisumr. Mrs Jean Church. ! I arr, II I.
totheryin What you nwsl is Wrnntroin r.ridjre - Ileasner. Johnson. W iIIkt ; Mchldowney. V
' .' . ... i ti'ft hi. i L' l..ita i'MM". I'JI- Ihiinnn Cl'iOVH t-rim vea ca l.'Jt):
a thoroilk'liiy WMMHi. immmi i.h.i. oi...i.i, v.. l-. i c " , I.. .b Vtvi.ri ,
ion mitiiMtrted ty the nccensary i,rsunjr, in. ueawmiT Kiven .-.a ..... ... ... .
.. :.. - .i,m iri.h.,n ni rui' P .u ft l.nran, fin. aii'i.i-.-.i rai-'"""-.. " P" .... . r: .... I tr C A ll'nll,,, J
. . s .. at. a ..... i ii .1 ir in. I rn .a ..n f a rnnm mi.bii.j.iiiiiiii.. nil nv . r
anil reputation. ir. i.c iu nR. -- .
explain why your eye need IJeasomT i'ct contract at r iyap. i . , . . ah v . -
. an. ...i...- i : Ij l..i. W'ai .- hi U Nor:i Smilh. ( '. ( arniitH' .
f inttert ailil l!IVe you every pnau ii, imi.-i uu., iaiw., v w.., - ' .:. . .
i 1 , ..fiu v.ii will tret fnm. ti.alin. $2.M: lrstinir. :-fi. Ir J S I .shopmen 3 2; M h za
I . . ... ..... n i .. . r n
I li.-ii IW More than 21 yearn
i a iu.rii.rire is ttfhitnl lusmcthiHls.
Consult him at Hotel Washinn
l..n Kridav. Mav 21. to I o'clock
only. Ueim mU-r day, date and
time hunt. Sore of lIillsUro
, a
AlU-rt Whillaw, ot New Imtit,
u-riai L'mntiHl a oanile last Satur
ili.V It'll I iillowed to eo on his
Younir Whitlaw
cut a man down on the Metzucr
tracts, in a ouarm overauoK
u c
Claims were allow ih as follows: Smith. Mrs Kho.l t
I ..tit a.f a I .. r
.1111. iv j uim ni .i
W ill M.ijul l.uioii nmrrr I J" ,,. . . n ci ..
... " ' t ....i rJ r.. Statu v Cramer-- Mrs S attorv
l lllMl 1 II.IUIW T.l H PJ.l". 1.II.I. V "II I ' -
j k Kra-m, .liriMi. r. iirc...v! " and Frank WuiU'l t a Vs.
1 C A..irK-tt.ilrp l.rr mi. I. oi .i6 StaU vs Wolf M S Schrock 2
iv I ...,Lim l.v M,llwll..a . Wt kT.kl.. . t . a.) . ta .v. .
II SUiHer. Nipioa olI crt z
State vs lleisK-r Cha Lnmkin
Cliaa A l.liiVln. U collaH-tloB... . l6 JO
k.. I Urli.n " " .... 4S 3
11. I l.'.ll .V... ..n ti.ll . rvH
ii ai i. .... ...I . hn. tnlnn.l 1 A I nml r.'lr.n
II r t.r.lll I' m-l Ill.llll . J t ll'llS ... . l
..IW.IM-IUMIIIon,a iH.i an)., ii.m-c y. i. 'S j'.vcrosi
u,..iw.i.d A: iu run ai-it.Mii mint ui I H
W'.lit'ai' tM(t II
IIIk) t.ivriv C. CMinlT ro.itl 6 no
t'.laaa , I'lmlliutiiiii. ritx-nar re
rpi.lrr't i.lln-. J I' ollici? 14ft
iiriiriui.r iir.iin oincrr 10 wi ... . .
irmi., o. .,.. ... -"""I j .,,,,, hii.w. . o r. Iiowes passes are' death
Whitlaw Hentenml , , yea J VrS;,."::;::: ,S to headaches. Ask your jefoh.
in inecouiuy ji. -- J II Jk. ul a r ip .bool iip f l.M S bors.
iiai in u iiv'ii Main w inn. an riwi a a.inrr.,., w w
Mrs 11
ruli'h .1 GO. Plnrenco liii'irin
Mary Mathews. Manchc ltnpley
cacti 3 2W.
at the March term.
Notice is hereby triven that my
wife has left my lied and Uwrd
without just cause or prov.M-a-tion,
and I hereby warn till per
sons not to extend her credit on
my account as I will riot U re
Hjtonsible for uny contract
ed by her.
Alfred Mrickson.
Mountaindale, Ore., I. O. Al
dress, liankt, IL 3. 7-U
Thitrsdity, May 22, is Dr.
iiwv'a date for Forest drove.
Albany liran.l of buller-the
hest poinp. at tlreer's 2 I f
Tell your electrical troubles to
The Owl Klectrlc Co. 1-u
Now is the lime to have that
house wired. See the Owl F.lec-
ric Co. 1-tr
llurrv Cline. of near Laurel
wan over to the week, prectinp
I)r Intl'n'u irli.uunu i..linVii Hint
. . (1 t.l.....1.t I . ..
tense facial expression that comes
irom eye strain.
J. A. Ilowen nnd wife, of Port
land, were In the city Sunday,
cullinpon friends of fifteen years
apo. Mr. Ilowen is it linotype
man on the Orepon Journal.
Mrs. C. T. Younp and dauph
ter, departed Sunday for Kalis
pel, Montana, the trip lteinp nec
essary owlnp to the health of tho
latter. They will remain indetl
nitely. Drecr'a Uarly Standard potato
Heed for sale, l'otutoea mature
m 90 days. Somethinir new. and
Humcthinir fine. Have about 40
bushels, Geo. K. Bnpley, or ap
ply at Oak Cove Farm. 45tf
Ml- n..,t O II .'III.,.,..,.,
miu mini O, il. VI.O..dCa
ter, of Hillaljoro, departed over
the II ill lines this wetfrT, for Ce
dar Gap, Mo., where they own
property, and expect to reside In
the future hut tho Arpus wi.ll
waper they will bo buck to Ore-
Ron inside or two years.
tempered younp fellow, nnd ttside if I. IVrklin. trconlrr aal amtrip.Nn o
f...i il...! ui n nrettv eoo.1 citizen c 1 l""B' ro,l,, cottn ,a
from that IS a prt liy SsOOO rui.en. Tl,,.,. , h .u,. Unitnr.. 6 o
Jutlpe CamplK'H paroled him io- K c , tr; cll!lk ,,,,, ,',, .aar.jij
cause ol wnuiawa win unu jm Njiwrn. co cuiiioiiiiirr.... sj to
child and Whitlaw promises tO C A Hunlry. cmt Ml an.l eiprnar. $S
i . i.A.imik iit.m nnw nn. J
" l xl J m v sat: s "
II' ... -- . ( n i'nl i.ifHiii I y
tirday evenilip lor IMew iktk. iuc g v Mmr, cmiity a...Hi upi..,ii!i 90
lI Tt'lrphitiw Co. e.irrrnt -p,... 90
111 circuit cuilit X itt
court , 6 50
K A Vnllry, lnlr raat , 11 00
l-lwrr II .Sniilli. jil S no
I'acilic SliUWinrry ik rrmttnp Co,
Mr. nml Mrs. Llovd Turner ant
son. of Portland, were puests ot
relatives in the city, bunaay
Mrs. C.uv Stockman and child.
of Forest drove, were quests at
the II. Ilarrinpton home, the
past week.
IiOt for sale or trade. On
Raseline Street. Ton true Addi
tion. Will take horse or cow as
nnrt navment. A harirain.-Ac
dress llox 1S, Forest drove, or
a.t-.twtt ail lur till Ill l It I flllil. .. a.ui I T Ynnnc Hillstiorn for
GlaM ik I'liMlltoite: , rrcor.lrr of. 94 Ml particulars. 8-10
It ... I. .1 . 1 U.a li nA.inlii aiiit'tnf mil
Juhn Urtt, brunt. ... u 3l IT. linuiis ana wue, were OIH
spirrinie A jwihirr, trM. .-"95 I Sumluv, jniosU at the homo of
titfin niiiHi. writ' imtr
,,ch month to the ahrrilT. and if nSi&c.
he shall fail to do this the ollicer r.aie'S
u niiitiori'ed to linmr in the re
calcitrant The wife waited in nit court from one o clock nfi..r four to ih the parole
granted, and then met the hus-
i i ......... i it... ...nirr i-nrri.iiir
Whitlaw snvs he is poinp to turn ' ' rvrr. V""VlT,rou" I Z Judire Keasoner and wife. Dr
, , i - ii iiiiriiBiinii. ail bib azanars.. .......... aiu.ii ... ......
II 11 Wjatititoll It at nit 4m il . n ran (Jralts thinks Hillslwro is tm
........ id L a iv.iiiil urlc . I . . . . . . .. I , . . : .....I.n-f i .1 1
K i, nuxuraiiit, pciiou pujnuun-c ji iiruvin; wtuuit i iuiij .
will. Tnt oi liouph lumber. 16-foot 4enpths,
cimi .t I'ruiliioiituir, aut tty i 7 75 1 all widths, constantly on hand.
oim & I'oi.lluminie. iiteiiiT oiiice o hi t Hillsboro. Ore.. Ii
Cieax-e ill Chrmkal Co. c h an.1 jail 4 ' i n mi,w nnrth of town on 0
Ui.McCormick.awa-.m-r'ioiiicc. 4 js D. ramham place. We sell at
. 1-. il. ll.H.llwt.att.ia. ( iM rJ I CT I t4t- Ml It- I i
IljUk 111 I'V r - - - 1 Ilium . 1 i M'Hl".iv vi aji jJVl - "
dress Itox lSii. Forest l.rove, or iiu. lunrpttuicm, nncm -.Frnw.j. 7s ... . . j d at
. ... ..... r.. il. i. linu K mi. rn ihhh limi Q ml mere Will l oiv, u.ii'vt i
see J. 1. lounp, itiiisuom, 10. ,;:n' ,,,,. i,,' .),,,!,, n.,n rriven bv I.N
particulars. I ku-i. K H Sehitieluer, j N (lrati, c I iiii.i. Saturdavl Mav 31. Tick-
fw,,,o is crettimr busv on side- Rlt.". T.ZU. 1 "rf'Jets. inctudinp supper. $1. Finest
- .... I linmi ivaii ,.,....,.... ...... . I , r .,..,....
walks clear out in ine coumry. wciinKtion 54 t 4s uv ot iiiumc, i-. ........ v.,!.
It is said that money has ueen Kmuiott $1 cum k koomiij j a iica.,o anti spiennm rviii'Miineiua .v.
raised for a walk out . to Vm. 4s H c V.... Come and have a poo,
Mrs. Anna Lurch, of Portland,
mnrried to Fred Lurch in l'.RX).
has sued for divorce, allepinp
h..r h. deserted her six months
later. Mrs. Lurch has quite a
I In 14 a irood work
' 1 : " . ' .11.1.1..
er. Illlt las Ull lliuoiiiiooa.-iv-
1 f.. Btiln or trade. On
S 1 ni L Ton irue Aildi
tion. Will take horse or cow as
.mri imvment A barpain. Ad-
Ci TipctUal la c Appcakal ! Sv
prcMc Coarl it Okc
'he Commercial Hank of Hillslxt-
ro was late Friday eveninp jriven
a verdict of $2,000 and interest
from March. 1912. in circuit
court, after five days of trial
his w as a suit broupht for col
lection of a note piven by Crab-
tnc for etock in the Peoples
Store Company, the stock havinp
been gold by Cook & Clark.
brokers. In all there are out-
standinp notes to the apprepate
of over $3,000, piven mostly by
Tho defense was triven ten
nvs to anneal for a new trial.
and it is stated that the suit w ill
tie earned to the Supreme Court
I he Peoples btore went Into
.ankruptcy durinp the past Win
ter, and the entire stock wa3
taken for preferred claims.
Sam White, 01 Portland, for
merly of I5aker Citv. defended
the action, and Tonpue & Tonpue
were attorneys lor the bank.
For biirh finance the store bus
iness had the Mississippi bubble
w hipped a to frazzle, and the de
fense rested its case on the al-
i-tration of fraud. The bank
contended that it loaned money
to the payees 01 the note in poou
faith, takinp them as security.
The jury w as out but a few min
utes, and it is reported on the
streets that the first ballot was
ten to two for the bank verdict.
.Indi'p k'jivnnmnrh. of Portland
presided at the trial, and the case
was stubbornly contested at an
times. The jury:
J A Moore, S F Goodwin, Chas
I Itamford. Ii C Vaueht Lewis
Sapert Martin Vandehey, R B
Collins, Herman Kehse. jacoD
Milne. Uichard licamtsh, J S Mil
ler. G W Mondurant
The Southern Pacific schedule,
as now runninp, is as follows:
To Portland
McMinnville pass'per. a. m.. G:52
Sheridan train, a. m 8:38
rillamook train, n. m 1:07
Corvallis overland, p. m..' 4:57
On Sunday, the ihendan pas
sen per does not leave Hillsboro
for Portland until 8:50.
From Portland
Cnrvnllia nassenirer. a. m....8:22
Tillamixk passenper, a. m. .10:00
Sheridan passenper, p. m....&:l4
M'Minnville passenper, p. m 6:45
If you don't want to come to town, just pbone vonr
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if you
called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders
. . 1.
ana you can get a prescription mauc up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent ont by the
earnest possible return man.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
liexall Remedies by Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store
Are You Thinking
Of opening a BanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American Nate!
i 1
Private desks for writing yonr business
letter, for drawing your checks and a 3 -big
free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. ,Ve can make you feel at home
for we harve all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courteously received,
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
FaW, HUHhmmo.
ra.seu lor a suVc-joiA m.h.. m.x Hrhiin. nr
Cuddv place, and as far north as n rh,eM6j; n,llnn schtuiiit am
.1 . It J' llhlM Un.. T V I l(W. I I L till... a". 1 O -.t ki.
lilt If. la llill v t JRHf nilUIC i7H lit 1. u i'iiuinnini int
V" . .... . 1 1. - III. 11 a. a. . I i U a T I
convenient for the boys in bad c H uichard
weather, but when the weather wnSt.rrrp 1on((
o .ii'o nod the machines are work- u. n..Aryui4o. Wanii Co NVwiTimci 10.
iiip. it will make little difference. AMitm-m .nil collection cf tnxet- t f (oniestic troubles to tell
k . r.eirbCofi.8l.wo. New Hbrri . .
For sale' Tlioroupnureci vnue t v comniu. innune a wamtiiigion -. r
r,..rl,orr, oirtrs. SI for 15. or $G Comity New. Timn 3 45- o Clinton W. Pease, aped 74.
per hundred also hens and pul- '86 dW at the Forest Grove hospital
lets: won Bccond pen prize at state vJ A Miu-w D Smith ju.ticf Saturday, after a prolonped ill
- . . . . a I a"...l. I. . . ... .1 .a ill... . f . . I a !. 1.. . . I . J .u
II sboro in liHa. DiarK, irea s oji, w mcwHiimn u i no83i ne iormcny rremi'U m
llethanv. address Portland. Ore., , UZXZ Portland and Albany. He was
SSl , 52-9 ,tto!iVyJ7Urr-W9vv ta, i., the father of My rtle. Pease Hat-
.. . , . i f ciaieiica YoiitiR 76, C R tln i 50. field, who died March 11. Mr.
Karl lappen closed a term 01 Cllttl MiliinK Co 13 45 tinuboio Mcr- penso has been failinp rapidly
school above Timber, t riday. and C(Mllile 6? j,,, coiwttc o tihw 1: that timCt xhe funeral
is visitinp his sister. Mrs. 0, F. l'rk 50c aiintoa , Fa. 66 9. ' . , Mon(,a
Do not forpet to
Vnnci if. .iirniiniy
.Intin Din Dr B C Senr. ulivsii'lnn f.
. 1 1 . . . . .i. 1. .
&SK lOr BINT lolinaon, u iCHras, wu acn 7.
o 1 ill ,h .. limi von want- a Hood Aniiel NieUm-lMr Unklater physi
Schiller when you want a , te Ha!lt,lullwr, wit , JOt
10 cent smoke no eouptt oust cl;M M.iuimi-ifr it win phy.i
in th Sehil er. l-stl clan .. wiltiMWi, lr CumminBa no.
..." I , 1 , m 1 . 1 .1 . I. .
, ... All UUHUer, I' .vtit ecu 3 u
i,ni . nnaien. 01 1 A'liiei vine. 1 Unar -ur a 1 l ni iiri it
was in the county seat Monday wmcK-"Lul!.,w.7 .
" - 1 11,.
moininp. w,
the Koarantee ha Roea W11" Thoilip800 M Allen Ric, aS 8oM TCo.
1 Th.1a.t1 a a rPAQOn. I 1 .. -. ...
1. 1..111. ,.v.-.
M Mini .Tnmpa Hpffi?9. of laml tt 40 Chal K0011U uOCombllt
v kin . ttrtiun In theritvl Vn.l ami hitihwav-Clwi GelterBf
Jllllllllll, inviv- .. , . .. - .
Monday, on probate business. I $M r Muidock j 50 f I B'0" M B
took place Monday.
tLirninn IVnhl will arrive in
ttiilatlinm next Sunday, returninp
from his trip to I'.urope, wnere
he visited his mother and broth
er. Mr. I rani expecten 10 re
main in Germany several weeks,
I..... ... .nll.,. VtAn.11 aiiili.unlv
Will V. VICIer Lr viuaaiua-.n j I UUl W 3 lllll."" iia.ui; nuuuviiij,
llonnlof iuroM Tualatin Hotel 3 Jol
nn Qlniint of tho death of Mrs.
' C OUTorU 6 5o WashiiiRtim Hotel and p ThJ romain3 have )0en
embalmed and the funeral of the
wife will take place immediately
. " ""u". Prah . ine remains
Dr. Ixiwe s plasses aonot neea - Ytianie B
a irnnrantnA that ITOeS With J ...... .. m
upon the arrival of the husband
nn,. fnthnr. Mr. Prahl was at
la 1 1 v 1 - -
his mother's home but two or
three days, .
Min 1 H. Fair, aired 49 years.
was buried at North Plains, last
Sunday. Mr. Fair leaves a hus-
innii nml several chi Uiren. one
was five feet tall and weighed
ISO pounds, the larpest woman
in the county. v
Fred Heck man. of Bethany,!
was in town Monday afternoon.
Wanted -A pood family cow.
State cash price. H. ta. Cooper,
F.dw. Hope, of Farminpton,
was a city visitor Monday after
For sale Several incubators
nnd hmoders. latest makes. J.
P Adams, near Jabez Wilkes'
place, south of City Park, Hills
boro. ow
rhns Tz-iisicrnonL formerly of
Gales Creek, sues Emma Lousip
nont for divorce. Charles says
that his wife left him several
times without lust cause or
provocation, and that he is tired
of fixinp up homes for her only
to have her take a hike.
Rentriee Steier has sued Louis
s.t.-inr tor apnaration. alletrinfr
that Stejer had been divorced
from another woman and then
wedded inside of the statutory
. mi i . ll
six months, tnis. sne auepes.
makes her marriage with Stejer
invalid, anyway, but she wants
the court to say so.
Mrs. Joseph Altman Saturday
vni. t hA intellitrence ot the
death of a brother, Lew Howard,
a well known citizen of Joplin,
... .a aft
Missouri. Mis moiner. mree
brothers and two sisters sur
vive. The Hillsboro Bister, and
John Howard, a brother, of Wil
lamina, are the only relatives on
the coast
( o N GD 00 - o ')
1 'Sit '-ft I
1 m
Of your children by giving them an early 1
start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured. ,
Tpyiiig to Igg
without proper glasses when your eye
sight is failing or defective, only helps
to ruin your sight. Wear glassts that
will rest and strengthen your eyes and
t make reading a pleasure.
Let me show you how much I can im
prove your vision by a pair of properly
fitted glasses.