The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, May 08, 1913, Image 1

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    r :
YOl,. XX
lIIUS!K)R(),()Ri:('.ON', MAY K. 1913
NO. 8
Mrs. K Wi.lf. of rUar RWd-
ill. nt pleasantly Hurprised
by her friend and neighU.r.
lunt WtMlticHilay afternoon. April
J I, the M'r;iHiun Uirig lur f'.Mh
Rev. J. J. Conway, of Roy,
was in town Saturday.
TII your electrical trouble to!
The 01 Electric Co. 1-tf
John I I-rlU-ir. of Plooming,
Jat.ll. VIIonM llrltk 1 ltruh
Woman Writing Mayor ltuttll(hl
Hundred Hallirr I .a. I I riday to
American Occupation
birthday. Jin guetH enjoyed
Mia conversation an. I music,
and were xat.-l to delightful re-
ri hm.-iit w hi. h n ri- brought Crk-hrate
fur the - n t. Ikim present
were; M-H.laini'4 K A Wolf, I
R Wheeler. J I) Hunt. C A Well
Urn. Mary Ibd-ii. M M I .vail
A ftraall al Paalkllji JmI aa.aacr '.lrt, tt Jowrmend. M Hit.-hcwk
Tin Malrtaaaaial aaal V' ''''X "d I' Pkmanri
w I III . ti . ,
ih'm wi niuTnoon was uruw-
Mfllf III M ftiMi till iiuitliN itnl.firl.
ti.i it ttftvi in Ailvrrlirto linn i ..... i
attain U-rn proven in the i.articu- happy return of the .lav. Chami-a-ir. on the Willamette m ' 1 "
i-. ;.i.n.'M f Ih iiiu-k Mrs. i . . . ... .. ..River M.-.ri,.n lV....,iu ltt liVJ.I . II. Kecnon nnd wife, of
iB, - i iii Mir nan1 or irune. on ... i ... . n n.
.. ... n....i i :n- ..t t'..,..-i i. . . .... . 4.. .1.., i.i...... .t... i ... invyiin.i jwin i lains. were jiiii.
lUwaue piatm iohh, " .irii'i, longuc AU'll- ". l " iaie me u.iy win )lirii yinitoni I 'ril'i V
r - Mm l.illvx riHii!i-(l hear lion. ill lake hor-u or cow as MHlorv wan mili m iKirt ulum
. ' i ........i- ...... hart iinviucnt. A l.ari'ain. A1- iie i r i Th-o. VariKvkc. of tit Vtr-
,W , . .... hln-HM M., ST.. Kor.t ( rovi- or . . . w hoort H-ction. was m town the
hi.rnuwn. wm injure i.y iim- , ... Y illUl(,m f(ir l'nwinai Kov.-rnm.-m unm-r 1 f tho wi.k
. .....i: .... .... i . - . it... it..:...i c........ r. . t.
txpioHion oi k""'"" """ imrtinilar. H ID aiut ihuiti c i:;..r f .i
.... a at a . l i ia.ii. a t
UUV T..f...i. r,,,, i,....,.,,.m.. ia' "K. ,;""'r " Moh.lav. KU-vUuu , j
dil ahorlly aflfr thf airl.Unt. (iAf, HmrH..ty. uu.t Kri- ' A- M,,, k' 'N,,rlh Hain. wat fru n.lH,
Tht vki.low hal one rhiM. an. I May morninir to .lnv a l.rl of Kl"Mi JrH---tini i.y callitiK Auto ilrivt rH arc comin-rdina
U-inif tf ft a wi.l.w Khi con.-lu.Jr.l hlairy cowh. ov. rlatnl. to thf any- for a vote. M k. who at that the Cornell roa-l. via (Yilar Mill
was a city vi sitor Monlay.
lanilloril Mi!l r, of I'.ank. w xs
in town MonIay.
('haM. Ailums. of l.a'irvl.
mm J. I.. Milk MISTOKV viHititiL' in KaHt. rn Ornron.
F'rank Hill. Urn ami rai- l in
wa ht I rider nl tar IVita f auriaf the Cxston att'tion. w ai in tow n
lac I aiici Slate. Monday,
Jiule Kavanauh. of I'ortla'if', of jk-oj.I.. at ,iaH 'HTn BittinK f,,r J'1,1' ('amp-
Oiamjionr, on the Willanu-tle
Tint fur lutinc Men to ict out
I'mm l itikr Animoitirs
Orpaiiilioa Caa I licet Macb Goad lor
Cily of HilUaora
was up
him ami ix-Mti-titiury farms.
There were L'l row-12 reein-
t rel HolHteitiHIIInl 12 k'rae llol-
that ah miitht a if am fiiil a Ihik-
Uml by ailvrrtinitt She ae
. .1.. - ! II. .oU
CorainB.yieni oiur i.i " .I,.;,.- 1Hiri .ilU,,., lV i:,lV Wml
hKht, of lV.rtlan.1. who aent h-1, )r;,, St..irM.r'fri,f ,j.
(Irvirnnian, th H"-r .uhl..h.nif ,ha tu, )lir( l,.lH,. jn. WJ!,
me iMiuwinir nourr ai a M;irk ,:ul,,.r ,.,,,,
tneni io uif aiayor. , i,,..,! ... , ,i..s, ;.,,;
a . a . a . lit l . i
.Mayor Annwi uju.i i.oie. , tt,iaillfl M,
U. a I twa-iiB'M I'lli' I.
- aa hIiiiMo . U.iili.i IIiulI. I .".
urrr a u. Spring 1111 farm, uml Mi
liraritHi im-nrir i i-h rh. hale.n Hap. vi.i L.Kay. lt,
wnniHb p... . 'V, ' nn.l the .la Mill .l tlon.
roret drove. Ore., ha wnllen
Mayor (uhliitht akiiitr him to h or Hale: rlioroiivhlire While
find her a hutani. The Mayor lo'lmrn iw. fl fr 15. or $1
announretl that he will art a xr hutulre.l; ulso h.-n ami pul
rupiil for all atiilicatit who do I. t; won h.-chhI i.-n prize at
not deHire to enter Into nrirotia- in l'Ju. r.nnl Mark,
tion ilinn-t Mr. Lillye ay Itethany, a.Mre 1'ortlainl. (re.,
that her himUnd tmnietl to .l. uth Konte 2. ' 52 'J
lit . I m. 4 I.aaal. . 1
Hl.ruary in. inai ane i-i year o... . ,.:,,. ...i,..
old and would U a if.. true, i.,. -..i,,,:,,,, '....-.u ..r l.n u.l
loving wife." . ilw..r. KhrnhU'rv. and
time resided near th. Dresent iW tht best auto drive into thu
Kite of North l'lairi. Btepiml out l"'ty
oi me cniwci. ami. urawinif a a i..;.r,.i f,.,..ri,. '-.i..a
,. .. , . . . " - i n lR iiunriii, mi i ii n iui.i
line with the toe of In I.00L v..u B!.miil n. n nf l..ri.
aid: "Who' for a Oivide?" i...i -a n,,i 1.. ii iUw.r,. ih..
n.. l r ..i. . 11:. 1 .... . . -
ru imi urr nr uie unuei oiaien of the week
inw Hnie. incre wa a
Th notice caught the eye of
Jame II. Wilton, who wa mtrht
olficer in the city of Korea t drove
lie at onre calU-l on Mr. Lilly.1.
and a a result Itut rnday morn
inif. they came to the count?
neat and were united in the U.nd
of matrimony by County Judi
K. A. Moore and Kd. Spark
were the witnee to the mar-
najre, and th two Vere mad.
one In a ahorl and impnwive
The jrwom
has children,
tiit ila liwat
if tiia Lki.i.1 liia Uui'tlunir fin lliivc aUmt 10
un to Ihn ir.nui.lial i.nmieM'lfheM. (.. Hilk'ley, or np-
.,...iiy,.i in iha a i -.v.. ,,i ilv at Oak Cove Kami. I5tf
a n t v 1 1 iiiv I'vii i i i
the Portland taier.
tranxphiutins; them in th. ir fam
ily vard. tscnr Ki-lxay. who
hu Ui-n away fnm home fur
Home tune, found that hi yard
had tM'i-n lu1lv dealt with in
thi reect. ami I.H'ate-l some f
the miHimr pmiK-rty. Sheriff
IJeeve rounded up a nutnlier of
the younu'fler and they return
ct uie Hioieii nrucie. w un pro
fuse pnimine to "never Btfain
indulge in wtty larceny of thi p,t (;rove,
come on
moment of henitation and then
enough wulkt'd aero to Meek'
Hide of the line to declare for
American provisional irovern-
m.-nt ILSt rnday there wa
hut one Kiirvivor of that famou
mit-tiiitr there K. X. Matthieux.
now living in I'ortland.
wiiiumer nave always uiven
Meek the credit of calling for
the vote at the riifht time, and
in reroumiioti oi that Bervice
1'reKidcnt I'olk made him a
I "nited State Marshal for the
district of Oregon.
Those who are well known in
thi county attending last Kri-
.lav met-unit were:
T. I'. Goodin, of ntar West
Union, ha Uiught a new Ford
car, and i p ttinj,r into the intri
cacies of running the machine.
Mr. Susan Milt.-nUrgi r left
Wednesday to viit a daughter
and Ron at L'll'orle, Indiana,
She exjK'cU to U- akscnt several
Mrs. I A. Whitcomk of Tort
land, convalescing from a surgi
cal operation, is in the city for
an extended visit with her par
ent. Mr. an. I Mrs. II. L. AhUttt
Dr. k 0. Clement, of Port
land. Ore.. KiH-cialist in diseases
of the eye, ear. n tse and throat,
will at lr. I-.rwin oihee,
AlU rt Tojcier. now of Portland
and Salem, with a homestead at Saturday, May 10,
a. ... I
mi, in the Cascade lUnge. i., vin.. .,ri. n )W rrom thre
Kiley, a daughter i f,ve f.H.i in heightli. according
to the Itaality. Where the
Mr. Olive
of Col. Meek.
Mr. C. K. Shinn. a grand
daughter of Mr. Meek.
Janey Mch. Calhreath, of Tua
State Senator W. II. Mollis, of
i a w idower and Precr Karly Stan.iar.1 potato Uev. Jolly, one of the eailiest of ur the Kowlaii
The Argus' ex- for sale. Potat.w mature pionwrs. now living in Portland. tnal WB!' ln Uie my
t wishes for their in ti dav. Something new. and Mr. C. W. Purdin. w ho cross- ftitrncam.
ground is' lairly high, an j in a
shelter! place the hops are hav
ing a good growth.
Attorney J. A. Jeffreys, of
Portland, who is well known
iv if i..iu' u.. nf n,. inl here as In'ing counsel for the de-
son in wn pacii ij
The Southern Pacilk schedule,
a now running, is a follows:
To Portland
ed the Isthmus in the fifties.
Addison Itennett, in writing
of the meeting, says:
It .a nmv rt.....iaui.pu In num.
II. M. Pasford and sister, who tio three names-J.n. M.n'k. V.
en rarmingion a iew w yv v . Matlh eu and his next fr end.
ng, w n.te .mm. Adams vail.n,u. i -n,,, iatt.r twa
. i i.i
that ineyenj.ned uiemsenes im- M tmir nanu.a wjj show, were
tnensely in laiilomia. and irom ()f Krench descent. When the
nn l-rancisco wen enronte to ,nnlv ram farv iM.
Is Angeles. They scnt two forp lhe m.Htinir. there was for
i i .i . i i .. i'..i..i':i.. i .
day in me uoi.icn uaie-i .i,. irvr ,K.rjtKj a ao( ()f knowledge
McMinnville ui'ger, a. m T. 52 visiting all point of interest, as of 10W to proceed. Put Jw Meek
Miendan train, a. m wen a uie i niu-.i .aiesnimi i stt.,,,M.j t from the crowd and
i 1 that, where tl.ey were given wavink, a!oft m,nskin cap he
Pavtd 0 PoniHll was in town
the last of the week, enroute to
I'ortland. w here he will reside in
the future. Mr. O'Oonnell has
sold his P.uxton pnH.Tty, w here
he has resided for years.
The State Horticultural P.oan
has apiHtmted V. II. Morton as
inspector to look over all ship
ments of nursery stock, etc., re
ceived bv freight or express at
Ixit for sale or trade. On
Tillamook train, n. m
Corvalll nverlan.i. n. m 1:57 n Pass to see the die turn out
On Sunday, the Sheridan pas- twenty dollar pieces.
. a I . 11:11 .1 tl
eng T mn-ano! ,eave u.i.s.K.r., A ( f , m
for Portland until 8:S0. bvni owm minni(H Two
rrom Portland .....i ,,...,.if miles southeast of
Corvalli pasHenger, a. m H:22 liiilsUtm. on Karmington-Hills-
TillamcKik pnssenger. a. m . lO:(Ht iK,r road. Koute 2. Pox 1WA.
Sheridan pasHenger. p. m . 5:1 1 ML Courtney. S-10
i i a ... a T . ftii:
waving a oit ins ciKinskin cat) he i.asenne ireci, iongue aiuu
shouted: "Ix-t all of those who turn. W ill take horse or cow as
favor a divide follow me." Per- part payment, A bargain.-Ad
haps those were not his exact dress Pox 1S, Forest tlrove, or
words, but the intent of his see J. 1. loung. nilisiwm, ior
utterance was to have those particulars. t-u
w ishing to bii-ome a part of the
M'Minnville passiuiger, p. m fi:-!5
Jeptha Oarrigu. one of the
old residentere of the Hank sec
tion, was in town Monday.
K. E. and Bert Powell, of
S'holls, were
Nnu. la !. i!m iA Ihila ii,nt I tincntal
house wired,
ric Co.
Mr. and Mr. John Kamna an.
children, the Miss.s Petty an.
Ixna ami Master Johnnie, de
part Saturday for C.ermany, to
he absent Irom four to SIX
Their immediate desti
American government to join
his line, and those favoring
land to opiKise them.
I w ish I could picture that oM
vision of forces, I wish 1 could
picture the meeting, the person
nel of it. I stood yesterday on
Hough lumber, lG-foot longths,
all widths, constantly on hand.
S. Ii. Cogan, HillslKw, Ore.. II
1. 3 miles north of town, on C
I), rarnhnm place. Wesell at
f'JperM. 6-17
Ivery business man should make
I a ioint to attend the smoker
in tr.e iamiesie I.Iock this eve
ning, and !. one of the many
who will Btart the Commercial
Club to a field of usefulness.
lillslKjro needs a successful Com
mercial Club, and the only way
to get it is to put your shoulders
to the wheel.
An organization of this kind
will be of vast business import
ance to the interests of the city.
There is a future ahead for Hills-
ro. and it cries out for con
certed action by business men
and citizens generally. There
are many things that Hillsboro
can get if the business interests
of the city will pull together.
Hillsboro is now at the stage
w hen tK'tty animosities should be
laid aside and all should act in
concert for a U tter and greater
A good commercial club, with
a home for it members, w ill re
journ! to the credit of the com
munity. Matters of civic im
portance can be discussed with
mutual benefit to each and every
member and every citizen of the
city. We are no longer in the
throes of small "towndom."
I'he village period has passed.
and the day of better conditions;
the days when invitation to out
side capital should be extended
are here: and a good, live club.
with a desire within all to pro
mote the city's best interests, is
a necessity.
Come out tonight, and lend the
movement your supiwrt Let
by-gones be by-cones, and put
water on the w heel of progress,
Notice is hereby given that my
wife has left my bed and board
without just cause or provoca.
tion, and I hereby w arn all per'
sons not to extend her credit on
my account as I will not be re
sonsible for any debts contract
ed by her.
Alfred Erickson.
Mountaindale. Ore., P. 0. Ad
dress, Banks, Ii. a 7-9
TIT r31
If you don't want to come to town, just phone yonr
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if you
called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders
and you can get a prescription made up very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
Kexall liemedies by Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store
Are You Thinking fj
Of opening a Danh Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
Private desks for writing yonr business
letter; for drawing your checks and a
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for vc have all the modern conveniences.
yottr patronage courteously received,
A. C. SnuTE, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main mmd Third, HUHboro.
William Huntemann and Edith
Irene Olaine were united in mar
riage, Saturday. May 3, 1913.
Judge 0. P. lieasoner officiating.
They will reside on the Hunte
mann place near Oak Park.
It is safe to say
have worked more
that farmers
Sundays thi?
Pert Powell, of months. I heir immediate desti- tu, 8,M)t nnd endeavored to Uok Spring than for many years. A
In the county seat nation is Aehun. (.ermany, but 70 years to that day-day trip through the country the last
they expect to tour all over con- 0f a (aya for the Oregon conn- two Sabbath days disclosed the
time to have that uni-nuw -'"'"J7T - "V1'"', try. Try for yourself to bring iaci urn numoers 01 me tiiicrs
Seo the Owl Klec I hey will take their time and f 1 Umt Mstoric patmrinkr of honwt 0f the soil were plowing or seed
1. tf all points of interest. Mr. Kamna , 5, ,.:. , Sll(h m,M, ns jnir
An Ohio organization is again here who wish for
Bendinaout circulars asking lor lightful trip.
united support for a one-cent
letter postage rate.
. t 1 fwan, J """'""M'"' '""V . ' " "
ami mmuy ".n -..... -- . . na ns and estab sh em- tu fn,,niln tk ni ir,
........ 1 III KM Llllll 'Ml IIIV aMmv OlIIVV
lurea uiiu muni- iw . n uu.uhimi. corner is naving consitieraoie
Picture their dress. Most of nntnmnge these davs. Another
The C.rand Marca is the most them were coatless; many of will be pi need by the corner of
wholesome "two for n quarter them, like Joe Meek, were dress- (no (.onrt house square. You do
C. C.Smith traveling over the smoke on market made in Ore- od in the garb of the hunter and nPt nny sanitary drinking
state with a special reel for the gon. by K. Schiller. When you trapper of those davs-buckskin cup ns the little "squirter" will
motion picture plays, was in the indulge in a good smoke buy a shirts nnd trousers, moccasins on got the water to you without any
fitv Avar Qnn.luu ('.mini Marca. 12tf their feet, eoonskin caps upon trouble. The one now installed
- -J wvi uuinmj I l
their heads, faces unknown to h9 connected with the pipe that
lhe rnor. hair hnnirinir
over their shoulders."
To Portland -
1:10 .
If i? !..-., f iwiinn.l Unv Soehren. we I known at
t a 1 ULl'in. Ul 1 IIIV illiMi -
with Clark Pros., attorneys, in Hanks nnd (.reenville, wnsmar
I hp Vnn n..;i.i;.. ..r..u .., i. rie.l Mav '20 to Miss Helle t.
JlillHboro, Sunday, greeting his Enos. at Sacramento, ( al. I hoy
manu frin.i0 will make their home in I .ah for-
r t . . ' i if nia 's capital city, where the
ii'.rrejr. V? VBHl t . ' Y, n gro.m has a position ns manager
", oi me iuaiaiin-snerwoou -f . , , mimnv
. v miiim-u IH IHM r,- i .... on i
May a. 1913. Jm ira teasoner of- I have ior saie aiKiui o. ui
ficiating. bushels of drought proof pota-
.. . - . ... toe ear ier man me iwnmur.,
I eter lirnsHpn or nenr lle ve- .' - .i i t v f
a Thnluolill aeon. ll",u"'" :r. V
n..rn to Frank Waibel and 9:lS
wife. Hillsboro, May 4, 1913, a From Portland-
.1 .J AL.!l.l nMA mniTOt.jn
HOI). BIOIIHT anil cnuu nit- wmn m;4I
well, nnd Frank will be nine to 9:5.1
settle down to work in a lew u:
days. ?:W
For sale -Several incubators :
A-.. " 1 I 1 1. ....... 1. ...a Inlnul mnkos. J. I
uy, auer Deing operaiea on y mu uiuimni., i.v... ----- -- 7,.,r
tu- nn oi.ii. i Ailunw. near Jaoez WIIkcs ',l'
uren. lhe husband survives, place, soum 01 v.uj t a m
...UL . .. a II IJLI I '
ii,ii several Drainers ana Bi.neru. uuru.
many veara. Thorn is still a con
siderable amount of Spring work
out nm way.
Nearly everybody remembers
1011 Thompson, the Insurance!
wan, who formerly made fre
quent visits to Hillsboro. Mrs.
Thompson died In Portland, Sun-
feeds the Heidel building, and
when a faucet is turned on up
stairs, however, the force of the
stream is diminished and you are
likely to lose your "nip" on the
water, as it subsides into the
am cup.
B m At T ...In Air
" mother of a four-year-old child.
C.enira Mav Aker. signed n re-
P 1,1 lease Monday, before Judge Iiea-
111 soner. nnd noon her petition, the
pm child was adopted by Mr. and
p" Mrs. Rodney Hernngton, who
P m oriv-p everv evidence of afl'ording
the child an excellent home. Mr.
and Mrs. Hernngton have no
children of their own, and ap
pear to think the world of the
little one. It is such acts as this
that make this old world brighter
and better, and may the Her
rington family increase to the
extent that there will be no
small children uncared for.
a m
a m
a m
p m
p m
p m
(j2 Dr. Lowe, May 23.
Carl Meier, of near Leisyville,
was in town Monday.
Henry Wirtz, who has resided
at Oak Park for an extended
period, has moved back to Forest
tlrove, so as to be close to his
tin business.
Contractors are again busy at
grading and putting in poles and
overhead on the Orenco cut-otT.
Steel will be laid within a few
weeks at the most.
The Watt3 sale of Jerseys was
well attended last Saturday, and
prices ranged fairly high. C.
Heim, formerly of this city.
bought the most of the cows.
Col. Sam White, of Portland.
formerly of Paker City, has been
in the city this week, counsel in
the defense in the case of the
Commercial Bank against Crab-
tree et als.
Miss Conklin, teacher in Dis.
trict No. 105, near Scholls, was
given a dinner party at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. liaynard,
one evening last week, at which
thirty were present Miss Conk
lin departed Monday for her
home at Crabtree, Oregon. She
made many friends in the dis
trict, and departs with the best
wishes of the entire community
A trip over the county in VV,
(1. Hare's car, Sunday, showed
all farmers in the last throes 0
getting in their bpnng crops.
The farms are looking well, and
the roads are getting into good
condition. A big dinner at the
Hare ranch, near West Union
and then a trip to the foothills
alwve the Ira Purdin place, gave
one a better idea of what Wash
ington County has in the way of
( o N 2 SOOX 0 )
. A
100 , IjO. 1
Of your children by giving them an early
start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
Oar Pins
"0 CENTS 1X3 $10.00
Bar Pins are the most
popular article of jew
elry this year. My
selection embraces all
that is new in solid
gold, and gold filled.
' ' "