The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 24, 1913, Image 1

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vol xx
iui.LSW)K(),oki;noN, aprii, 21. mz
NO. 6
oitHHtiaMl lad Tcmk-r k'e
ir,.lln at IMcl Watltlnclon
hov n. v. our AS TlHSrmStIK
SUr nJ Slrlpr
AU.ut Nixly n.lf teudrd Dr.
ml Mr. J. i Tu'i- 0 rTij.
turn at the ll"tl Washington,
Friday veiling, the function
inn in honor of their return frin
trip h loii'l and Pari. The
dining rvtoin wan beautifully dc
orateti with titreanu rn, an. I the
U, were infuKe with cut
tl.ivu-r. At the fMt of the ta
ble vuw an outline map tf the
two hemHj.hereft. with
ru," the only town on the con
tinent carrjing a bai-Kgrwund
t.f w.U-iHiie. It was unimie, ami
ttelik'hted the aUnibbtgt.,
ll.m. H. V. Gate, of Portland,
.n-Milel a toalm:itr. On hi
right were ir, anl Mm. Tamie.
Hie. ami on hi lift wi re Dr, an. I
Mm. C. J. Smith, of Alexander
Court. 1'ortUunl. Dr, Smith hav
j h if ten abroad on research, tin.)
having met with the Tamieiin
when they were in nmon.
The reonse ta 1 1 1 toaalx
-re with the nte of
welcome to the gin -t of l'iir.
The rettni" were:
Geo. 11 r.ak'ley,The Lawyer,"
Mr. lingley reminded hi auditor
that ihegtlebl of the evening lia
alway. taken an interest in the
cilv and in more way than om-
hail gone into jtartiurwhip with
hi adopted city.
Dr. W, D. Woiht, reiHiiiiliiiif
to "The Politician, iail a deli
cat conu'lnnent t hi medical
Hon. W. N. Barrett, with
"U" m hist silject, romjilr
rncnted Dr. and Mr. T.oin" u
utm the e-bm in which they
wire held ly the thotmand of
Washington County H-ip!, and
' facetiously aid that the "liiw"
thee diiyn wn largely Umg left
to )r. U'Ken, of tTaikanm.
W. G. Hare, in answering to
'T he Orator," watt at hi UL,
and hi remark were in the hap
piest vein.
I'r. Krwin, with 'The Doctor'
a hUmibject, covered hiiitiloted
tune with delicate humor.
John M. Wall, w ho w a charged
with weihling the "Big Stick"
inileimK nUiccitcie,!ide hIcjiimh!
the subject and dwelt uixhi the
jterxonal cmiat ion of the host ami
iuwteHH and the community.
Dr. (!, J. Smith delivered a ten
minute titlk on generalilieti, ami
complimented )r, and Mr. Taut
ienie iqon the cordial welcome
they were receiving.
Uev. F.van I'. Hughe, who has
just returned from n trip to ling
laml and Wale, electrilied hi
hearers hy an impromptu talk,
and tohl thelilof how good it felt
to U an American cilinen, and
how much more one appreciated
it after a trip abroad.
Dr. Tamienie, nt the close,
feelingly reHmndetl to the cor
diality that marked hi home
coming, and promised to always
keep in touch with the town
wherein In? and hi family have
no ImiK resided.
The menu wa one of (he heat
of the luwtelrie.' cuisinett, ami
waa worthy of first place in thi
judgment of an enieure.
The mimic for 11m evenimr w tw
rendered hy Mi. Kmmii Topper,
wno presnk'd at the piano.
Mm. Ak'f Yertn n I'urdin ha
filet R trwH complaint hi circuit
court. coiitentin the jilfadinif of
her former hunhand. ( ha. A.
Ycrjfen, that a minor daughter,
aUmt (He yearn old, Ik ifiven
into hi cu.Htody, Th Verjfen
were divorced month atro and
Mr. Ycrk'en wa eiven the cum-
o.y of th. Imy, Willanl. The
ilecrce Hail nothing, however.
aUmt the little virl. Mm. Ycr
k'en' mother kept the child un
til mt Set'tcmU-r. when Mr.
Verjfen gained toiH-Hiou Y r-
.'i ll Uiell filed It motion ttklllk'
that the decree U re-oM-ned and
he K'ven the care and cimtody
of the eirl. Kdna lillen. Since
that timo Mr. Ycrvren married
Cha. I'urdin. She now wauL
the chihl and prone to fik'ht
the claim of the father. The
Yerk'cn formerly renidod near
laurel, whew Mr. Vcren i a
hopti rower.
For sale Kk'k' for hatching
S. C. l I. Ked. llarred l:kH
tl.f Jmt Hettink' of J5; $; M-r
px). Italiy chicken, lij cent
encn; rt. i Miue ik'norn. i
l r l.'i; JT iter IW; lahy chick.
Id cent. Will do ciiHtom hatch
mif and furnish vge of leading
varietie. AKeut for the famous
Met'lanahan incuhator. S'til re-
lu'Ht for catalogue hy Htal.
A I ho have Mime White M'krhoru
cofkerel for Hah'. II. !'.. Ihlll-
iiemr.Orencn, Addrcn. Ililhihoro,
Uoute I.
'I he fact that iltloro alone
ha practically one million dollar
in deposit in the variou hank
certainly HH-ak well for Wash
inuton County and it rcfuHirce.
forest drove follows with clone
to three quarter of a million,
and the neveral other Lanki in
the county run thej'rand total
up to a total of two million dol
lar reslinjf in the nafe of coun
ty hankintf institution. Airain,
it must le reniemliered that
many in the eust end of the
county hank with Portland. Tak-
it i an index ot
Supt. Karnc Say that Over
IMK) I'upiU Have Participated
Cuart tottm Croli J In Capacity
Hear Voaa(Uri Cuolcol
County School Sept. ItarneH i
hik'hly elated over the succchh of
the county HM-llin content which
closed in the circuit court room
in thi city, last Saturday after
noon. Thirty-eik'ht districts had
rcprcia-titativea here for the fi
nals. Sixty-one schools partici
pated, the past three month,
and when the i more r sinllers
were litninated the winners
were hroiik'ht to the county seat
to try for supremacv.
The first prize of J 10 c;ish went
to Harold Knox, of Sco;:in Val
ley, near daston AHert Hatch,
teacher w ho met and vanquish
ed all comer.
Pistrict 1U, having the hiuhest
average for three months, was
awardid a silk llatf for the school
house. In the fourth irrade con
tent. Pistrict No. 8. b-isyville.
Henrietta t'ase. teacher, won
find prize, a copy of the "Soni
of the iatrk."
The fifth and sixth trrade con
test also went to Pistrict ID, a
copy of "Mona Lisa" lcini the
trophy. Pistrict . Minnie Pa
vis, teacher, Hillsdale, won sec
ond prize, a pamtiiuf, T'rincess
ouisi-. " The sev enth and eighth
wrade first went to Pistrict .VJ, of
North Cornelius, Clara Walker,
teacher, and the premium w as a
mak'nifici nt panel painting, "Sir
Sixty-one schools out of 101
e taken part in the sin-Mimr
nvf it ail in all it i an index
stability that few countim of our L v
impuistiioii can imasi. contest. The attendance edited
l nun' eiii-ilivmiit i sties un to 12 any schiml exercise ever held in
inches in diameter, fence rails,
..Hid Uiard of all kinds, into
sUtvewiHul leiik'th. Will it into
the country. Write, phone or
call on me. Carl Skow, corner
Klh and Kir. Hillshon. Oregon.
Plume, City IttL
Ualph Imhrie hit suhI Maud
hiihne, wife, fordivorce. alleging
conduct contrary to mutual hap
piness. They were married in
l'.NCi, and have one child, aged
six years. The complaint ask
for the custody of the child, and
agrees to care for it. leaving it
with Mr. Tlu. Kmrick. and
for its care. A stipula-
I ion ha U ensigniHi wnerein me
femlant take $Si0 in settle
ment of property rigtits. wim
tin. univision that the mother
an at interval visit the daugh
For sale: Thoroughhreil While uini iuT.ra. SI for Or W
iHr hundred; also hens and pul-
td- unn Hecomt len irue hi
lillslmro in lUll-Knid Stark,
telhany, ad.lress I'ortland, Ore.,
Washington county.
(ki:o.N r.i.i:crktc twmns
ioule Z
SonL Turner, of the W ashing
ton-Oregon Cor)oralion. siaies
il!t the comimnv will have it
ho work will most likely w ij-u ,, , , : hul, cajf Hi,v,i )y xhor-
to contract, .aston want Nim , a , from 0 A. C; 2i inch
i reeK wbut, mini ' Ktm e inker wagon, top. ouggy.
. . . t ..... iwil miLih - - . .
that tne company , ." wwlv new: douhle-seated sur
rey; set uhl work harness; set
With compliments of the Season,
Ity J. K. Johnson, the Pho
togiapher in Your Town
Swrtt Spring, now htirsthiK int blimin
I'lifoliU lief vt'nliirr grnnitt
Anil Nutute He mnilliily,
To have hrr Itrnitl v canard.
Anil niy, lfnrt! Ilia ncotrliliiK ".
Your miff nMIH )m (nnnnl,
Cull toiiinl m JuliiiRon't Studio
Ami ( yuur hrmily cunm'il.
In't wnit ntitll advancing Age
K.ii-iuU hit wlllirrinx hand,
Befnir, nt Juliiiion' Picturr Simp.
Vim luivc your licnuly ciinniil,
. Now is the time to have tha
hmise wired. See the Owl Flee
trie Co. 1-tf
John Overroeder. of Quatama,
was in the citv Saturcluv, tho
Kuost of his daughter, Mrs
Henry Delsmnn.
W. P. Cnrlfr vu)m hns con
dii'-ted a milk route here for sov
J'rai years, has bought out' the
P8. Williama' route, and has
To Portland -
From Portland
4:50 ...
. a m
a m
a m
. u 111
.. p m
. . p m
.. p m
. . p m
.a m
a m
.p m
. . p m
. p m
. p m
a m
luring our bereavement, the
tleath arid ohsequii of our win.
Alma liogers, and return esin
iuI thanks for the U autiful Horal
Mr. and Mrs. L ('., Hriers.
(Vnelius. Ore.. April 22, 1'JlS.
I will sell at the lirown Livery
Stable, Main St. near Fourth, in
Hillslmro. l-tftnning at 1 p. m..
Thirty head of registered and
gradi-d Jerseys. 1 he foundation
lock for my herd came from the
West. Lynn. Cary, Withyeombe,
and O. A. C herd.i. among the
iM-st in the Valley. With two
exceptions the stock i young;
most of the cows being from 2 to
I years old. and idling from 25
to .to lb, of muk with tirst
alves. There are 13 fine calves.
ranging from 1 to 10 month old;
2 line young rcgist-rcd bulls, one
10 the other b months old. the
m ma
young stock 13 sireJ by Maro
Marigold, whose dame made 2 J
lb in one day and had a record
of W) lbs. butkr H.-r year. Ten
of the herd are registered; the
rest, almost full-blooded grades,
and have been averaging nearly
13.00 jier month jier cow. If
you are looking for beauty and
utility combined, you will find it
in this herd,
Terms of fab-:- Under $20.00.
cash; over approved note
for four months at 8 tcr cent.
E. II WatLs.
kumco H. Stcpheni, of Wealthy
family. In HilUboro Jail
Uelc la Olficert Tkal be ki Bob
M Maay Railraad Campaaict
Pt'ltl lC SAI.I;
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic auction at their farm 3 miles
. 1. t . II.. I X ......Ik
east Ol Odious ami I nine wmm
of Kinton, at 10 o'clock, on
Puiv horse, 7 years. 13(H); brown
L the comimny win nave n - () j.,. fl.08n cow 4
, Creek Supply for Hillslmro JWJ4 yrs fr;,sh in june;
er in tho mains by next July, j w r vrtt( fre8h in jline;
. .......I, ..ill nuwl likelv Im let .. . . . . ,. ' 1 .... .1 1...
to lay mains to that place. It is
willing, however, to sell the ttty . harness, new; disc harrow,
wnter nt n low rate, and daston , , r , ft nf 1 1 :n
may Imnd to put in a ciinilating LHM, witn (jbl and single blocks;
system, similar to Cornelius. njatform scale; 2 garden drills; 2
1 . . . . . 1 1 1 . . 1 i .
)reer'8 Karly Stan.lard tmtato shoaU. atmut tu. e
for sale. Potatoes mature and share
inOOdavs. Someth ng new, nnu leiepnone "
somet I ng fine Have about 40 gar; about 3 do.en ch.ckcns and
11. ... i u.i..i.tu iv uii. (ii iiir- 111 lii it-n nrvi ii.imv . v.... .
lUSMCIM. view, ic i'"h'.ji - -: ;. , , t
. . .1.1. i L'... mention, l.uncn ai inihiii.
piy ai uhk vovC 1 . - f . Au 81ima ftf $lfl
Unless all signs count fornoth-Ln(i unjor casi; 0n all sums over
inir Washington County is gmg ktn six months time at 8 per
mtn the I,oiranberry business . o tier cent discount for
u ith a vengeance. A visit, e- ,iish on sums over ?lo.
tween hore and Portland dis- Clarence 11. Snider,
idoses the fact that many farm- cdenn 0. Snider.
era nretmtting in this proiuaoie j f Kuratli. Auelionoer,
C. E. Kindt, Clerk.
berrv. and some are going it to
.... Ml ..... Kilt.
the limit 01 live acreu. in
ry is very productive, and there
ii always a goon marsci, 101 11.,
For sale- Several incubators Company desire to
i lidMMlnrs.' latest makes.-J.
mnL-n Mill tracts with growers for
i,.... ......... t M""v . - r
p Aihims. near Jaoez wiikcs twentv-five (2ti) acres more 01
of Citv Park. Hills- The company wil
I . 1 1 V. . . . ' - " ' m. . m 1 IM.L. V .. ....
I r. ft fr 1 ' ...
Iiiiis Zueger, of Newton, was
in town Monday.
Sheriff Keeves made a trip to
the Spring Hill ranch, Sunday.
lk'ti Thurtiher, of alxive I .loom
ing, was in the city satuniay.
Tell your electrical troubles to
The Owl F.lectnc t. 1-tf
(ieo. H. Keenon. of aliove
North Plains, wa. in town Mon
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Cordon
stient 'Sunday up in the (Ja-ston
Paniel Peaville. of Oak Park.
was over to the county seat Fri
day, s
J. W. Uaynard and wife, of
near Scholia, were in the county
seat Friday.
P. I. Liliigard ami wife, of
Laurel, were over to the county
Seat Friday.
J. C. Smith, the Forest drove
liveryman, wm down to the city
Monday morning.
Alex Gordon, of near North
Plains, was in town the first of
the week, greeting friends.
John P. Koch, of south of Cor
nelius. was a city visitor Mon
day morning.
J. J. Whitten. of West Union,
was a county seat visitor Satur
day morning.
C. L. Crocker, of Newton, was
in Monday taking out some rock
for a new foundation for his
Adolph Ilonzaik. who has lived
for 11 vears on his ranch, south
of Oak Park station, was in town
Monday morning.
For Sale -Thoroughbred Huff
Orpington eggs for hatching.
Setting of 1;. f 1.50, or fb per
umdred.-Mrs. S. H. Pavis, Hea-
verton, Ore., Route 4. 4-b
John V. Connell went out last
Fridav and bought up several
carloads of iotuUes. W hile the
nrice s not big still it means
something for growers.
For sale Gelding, gray, 4 years
old. sound and well-broke;weight,
1050. A. .abler, at Helvetia,
Hillsboro, Uoute 1, nine miles
Cms Kleier. of Chehalem
Mountain, was in town Monday.
He reiwts farmers very anxious
to got their crops in out his
Uouirh lumber. 16-foot lengths,
all widths, constantly on hand.
S. II Cogan, Hillsboro, Ore., K.
1. 3 miles north of town, on u
1). Knrnham Place. We sell at
$9 per M. b-17
Pr. nnd Mrs. C. J. Smith, of
Alexander Court, Portland, were
guests of the Tamiesies last t n
j .1 c....rt.l.i.. Tlino fnrmnr
lUmi II. Stephens, alias Har
old Martin, alias Desmond, was
arrested in Portland, Friday
night, and brought to Hillsboro
Saturday and lodged in the coun
ty jail. He wilt await the action
of the grand jury on the charge
of robbing the Oregon Electric
at Tualatin, April 11. Stephens
admits that he stole 170.90 from
the station and went to Portland,
where he appropriated the
white way" until Special Agent
Lillis, of the Oregon Electric.
and Archie Ionard. detective
with the O. W. II & N. deprived
him of his liberty. Stephens
cashed a $20 spurious money ex
press order at the Clyde Hotel
and a $40 order at the Union Pe
Kit, IJoth of these were Wells-
rargo orders written by himself.
Stephens confessed to the act.
and told District Attorney
Tongue that he had committed
robberies w hile in the employ of
various railways. He says he is
the son of Harrison Stephens, a
wealthy resident of Montreal,
Canada, and alleges that w hile
at Mcdill College, of that city.
he was expelled for neglecting
his classes because of drink.
Stephens told the officers that he
had worked for the Manhattan
Elevated in New York, and that
when he was on the Gould line
he robbed the company of $310
and left his "I. O. U. for the
amount pinned to which he
wrote: lour system is rotten
Twelve hours per day and $15
per week.
Stephens is highly educated
and uses language eimal to an
Oxford graduate. He states
that he worked for the Canadian
Pacific from coast to coast, and
ascribes his downfall to the fact
that as a boy he always ha
ready money through allowances
trom his uncle and his father.
He claims to be single, and ex
pects to come into quite an estate
later. He is aged Si years.
Stephens is much shaken over
his arrest, and alleges it is his
first confinement He denies
that he ever stuck up an individ
ual, and avers that the railroad
companies are easy.
4. -a
If you don't want to conic to town, just phone your
order in and it w ill be promptly attended to as if yott
called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders
and you can et a prescription made np very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to watt till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
llexall Uemedies by Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra
The Delta Drug Store
Are You Thinking
Of opening a Banh Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
n a x k ODD
i 1
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic sale at the Cove Oak Farm,
known as the Dudley Mill place,
61 miles northwest of Hillsboro,
J miles from Dersham. on the
United liailway. and U miles
from lioy and Sehieffe'in, on the
P. 1L & N., at ten a. m., on
Thirteen pure bred registered
Holstein cows ranging from 2 to
9 years, 12 in milk, all to freshen
in Fall: 2 pure bred registered
bulls, one 5 yrs old. one 7 months
old: 4 3-yr-old graded Holstein
heiters. to freshen in Fall: 16
graded Holstein cows, from k to
7-8 Holstein, all in milk, to fresh
en in September: 2-yr-old colt
I yearling colt, span black mares.
tiand 7 years old; sucking con.
lizzard feed cutter, milk cans.
cream separator. Babcock testing
outfit, milk cart, and other arti
cles too numerous to mention.
Lunch at Noon
Terms of Sale-Under $20,
cash; over $20, bankable note, 8
per cent, 6 months.
(Jove Oaks da
Geo. R. Bagley.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
o fnrnmh the seed at cost anu my
K. L Moore went to Portland, six an, ent oi.
tn ciui thu neavers may uer umcn
r 'V"""."" , M. M.;ia Jnnt. in
wtn , m. r.-: -V0 take lmrt in this, nd-
one 01 me ol-hi-iu1o...m -.. 7-.-r - r,nmimnv. Knald-
u Kinrihuwat anil nersonaiiy urcaa a -- -r -- -r-
knows Vnumter of players on ing Building, Portianu, ore.
each team.
thoroughbred Poland
u - rink Cove
l,nina uoara o. w , . t th k 0r many
Farm, or app.y 10 ueo. j kind(y a88isted u8
dnv nnd Saturday. They former
ly resided in Pendleton, where
the Doctor still retains extensive
interests. He will specialize in
Sam Stott, well known at Gas
ton, and now residing at Port-
InnH u.')14 no t. to the citv on legal
business. Friday. Mr. Stott is
an uncle of Frank S. Myers, who
was named a few days ago as
nnstmaster at Portland. Sam
has always been an independent
in politics, and his leanings have
. , . i .1... . t - 1
always uecn wim uw reiorm vw
Alma nosers, aged 13 vears, 3
months and 25 days, died in
Portland. April 19. 1913, from
heart trouble. He was the
voungest son of Mr. and Mrs. L,
(1 Rogers, who reside at Corne
lius. . Besides his parents he is
survived by the following broth-
era and sister: Dolph. Willard
and Grover. Oak Point. Wash
Arch. Hillsboro: Harvey, Forest
Grove: Daniel. Cornelius; Oscar,
at home, and Mrs. Ned Kogers,
of Vancouver, Wash. The funer
al took place Monday from the
- 1 r 1 a
family nome at t-ornenus, inter
ment being in the Cornelius
E. Hyde, a prominent Forest
Grove capitalist, was down to the
city Friday
Private desks for writing your business
letter;-for drawing your checks and a 2
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courteous received
A. C. SnuTE, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main and Third, HIIMMtro.
v. y.
j . , f
1 ',2Hi" 4 ir A
loo -3 ' HI- 4;
o4tl- .Iff 4
Of your children by giving them an early
start iu life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
.1 little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
$1 to
Neat little clocks in brass, gold and silver
plated; mahogny, metal and glass cases.
Eight-day time and one-day time and
A pleasing gift or card prize
wrmolidated the two.