The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 10, 1913, Image 1

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HIM.S!:OK(), OREGON', APRIL 10. 1913
NO. 4
Ihlnk That rrmrr Wllh l'r
SlmpW iVrdft Need not I rr
txismo mnn mas siimiimivi
Ut Tint Ul-W Vrlrr la
ISMic I Italy
Came Warden Win. L FinU-y. in
.lisi-wwing Section II. f the
Kttm lawn, oitll,l to public in)
tic by the Argun and Orrgonian,
wnt Uy lln-mrr, one of hin
tftiutiti. on thi mibjcvt, and
hold that the m'attiT of "high-
way" referred t in th tatoti
ilmn not hold w to private r..p.
rriv. or. at lraiL iiiai nut oiiuf
will not adhere t this feature.
rvi'n if it means all utrearn and
all lands. He ntat that
thr tfrm."valiil.fMHtinir right."
hanirtlhtf Indian Mgnon law.
anvwav. o far a overflow and
hiirh-water-flow lin- are ron
reined. So, then, farmer iied
not fear that their grain will !
Mr. Finley'a letter follow:
'"I notice in a clitiiny from
the Orrgonian, from 1 1 ilInhiro,
published on April 1. that Home
of the farmer In Washington
(Vwnty are ohjerting l a iteelion
of the new game code, wliicli
u (.aimed at the lat eMon of
the legUlature. The aulwtance
of this rode in that all Mreamii
flowing through any public land
in the Mate hootd U regarded
u i.uhlie highway for the ur
iMMten of angling. Although the
fiint part of thin nee I ion ivud an
if this might U ai'jilie to all
river and wtresm. whether pul
lie or private lan.N. 1 will nay
that the intention of the law i
not torlTert ulrenm through any
private land, and the flrt part
of the aeclioit moat inter
preted in conjunction with the
latter part of the law, which nays
that the provimorm of thU act
"Khali not interfere with valid
minting right." It ii the opin
ion of ac'veral lawyers, who were
in the legislative n-wemhly when
thin wa pained, that this nee
tion does not elfeet the righti of
any stream flowing through
private land. It i the intention
of thin department loRorontdrue
thin law, and not to take any
stand different from the law nt
present time. I dndrc to state,
emphatically, that fanner in
your m-ction of the country need
have no fear that thi kit tion of
the law will U uned ly our de
partment to interfere with any
right that they have nt the
present time."
iiu un.iersigneii w ill hi n at iui-
lie auction at his place at Witch
Hazel, on the S. P., junt west of
Keedvllle, at ten a. m., on
Gelding, 8 yearn. USUI; nmtchet
team geldings, 10 and 11. 21H;
three head graded Jersey cows.
one fresh tnd all in milk ; trot
aow and 6 pigs, broNl how to lit
ter May 1. Chester White Umr,
7 mo; 3 head shouts, 2 doz Hrown
leghorn chickens, steel whec
truck with Hat rack; light wagon
with spring, buggy, uiiuf t- and
Me; Chnmiiion binder, ( ft;
Homier iliac cl rill r Decring mow
er. 4J ft cut: hay rake: Star disc.
nO-tooth harrow. 14-inch Joan
leere plow, Bulky ; 12-inch Oliver
piow, narrow, harrow sulky, iunti
roller, llH)ver Ktato digger. good
n new; cutt'vator, Myers' nprny
pump, with 111) ft Iiohc; ImriMion
hayfork with roites and pulleys.
icklo and tMl grinder, grind
stone, roller lawn swing, set
heavy work harness, set light
hack harness, buggy harness, 3
10-gal milk cans, all household
furniture and other articles too
numerous to mention. Lunch at
Terms of Sale-Under $10,
rwh; $10 and over, six months
time, bankable note, at 8 per
Frank Weisenbeck, Owner.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Tell your electrical troubles to
ine Owl Electric Co. 1-tf
Nets .Inhnumv fnrmof mnvor n
Forest Crovo, was in tho city
sum may.
, Now is tho time to have that
House wired. Soothe Owl Elec
trie Co. 1-tf
J. W. jfackson, of near Glen
COf urn a in OnlnJnn I
W, has IIvpH In mA n town huilL
thrive, and then almost become
come deserted, within night
nis home.
J- A. and Mildred Ford, hus
band ami wife, of Tacoma ami
S-alt'e. have sued J. M. and
IJzzie Kennely. who own prop
erty HO aerea-m Itmton pre
cinct, asking that the court com
pel them to make them a deed of
the Hux ton precinct land in ex
changtt lor a d-ed to two Iota in
a Siuttle addition. They also
make a tender of $175 into court.
which they allege m the balance
to he itaid the Kennedys on ex
change of the two property hold-
ngs. I hey allege that on Nov.
IH. I'Jli they all enteral Into a
written agreement wherein they
were to trade, ami the Kenredys
v;ias of tvq pioneers
Ijirkla Urynold i:lale. $H,SMI,
(Iocs to Hi kclallvc
Lallcr Lftwi fM. I liner, md SI liih
l Other
ators. chicken wire, farm UwAi
f all kind.-i. some household fur-
iture, I5alcoek milk tester, har
rows, spray outfit potato planter,
Stover gasoline engine and pump.
loppvrand pulper, pulleys, belts,
tc. and many other articles.
Also a $ I'M) piano will be offered
or sale. Lunch at noon,
Terms of saleUnder $10,
cash; over. C months time, ap- iujnr. pon tin thih mi itvoiuh
i . lj . . . : . ft i - - - - ....
proveu now, o 't cenu miermu
Kenneilysran not give asulhcient
Two wills were filed in probate
were to have $.rjOU upon passing within the past week, the teita
of deeds and abstracts Twenty- torn being the late Larkiu Key-
live dollars was paid down and nobis and tho late Littleton l.ind-
hitv aniiHV iwivifii, vu tiiHsau HI m l'Mun..h u' u ill tuna
coinpiaini seu ionn inai aiur , . , hi
.i... i . ..i k-.i n ... t.. . ii made about a year ago. He di
the Kenmnlys refused a come rected that all his hjlls and funer-
through with the signed instru- al expenses first be paid, and h
ments. Tho J-ords asks that then cave his neohew. I.arkin
iney nceive uamagm in case me Jr of i-.-Lh.,,. clintv. whom he
names asexecutor, II. ink); broth
llisbm anil A luir.jiil In
tt i m I v i t loam oi'M t
ror saie ;.ggs ior iiaicning ... , . tl M
1 .Ml im-p aeiiimr of !.; itl i r amo amount to tneir living
- J " - " - " i r . - i i . . . . l .......
IX). Italiv rh ekena. ll4 cenU neirm. i ne uaiance oi me emau:
l i a iih a ,t . Aal itruttf r t t at ixl at ft v 1 1 .4'iflCii I
(11 (, If III 1 KHOI I'D. 1 " .
M-r 15; V wr 100; baby chicks, brothers and live deceased bih-
10 cents. Will do custom hatch- snare anu Bnare sine, in
ingand furnish eggs of lemling order to make it plain, however.
varieties. Agent for the famous " oeciued mat inu neirs musi
It.-!' - I.nn in.-n ml.ii- .twt r... 1 HVIHlf in VTUVT V k'ev ally Ul
,,,,..u r..r . .iniM i.v iMMiin I me omiKTiy
Al have s-ine White I'ghorn i.uuewn jnusay. woo
e.y-k..r..ia f.,r .!.. -It V. I inn, last wifK in trie &oum tuaiaiin
section, gave Slixi to a son, M
If.uiin J imer. l w iJijaawi iioorgejvnui-
. . ,, t. . mench, granucnuuren, ana i to
jo, r, aj..-H-..ii. wenera. i a--wen- m! daughter. Flora, and the bal-
ger Agent oi me a. I . linen in
ance of the estate, real and imt
sonal he gives outright to his
w idow.
Show Day Will Soon he Here
Oregon was in tow n last Friday.
and while here had a talk with
Fred Schoiuiiurg. who goes to
licrmany this Summer. Mr.
Scott is one of the memlters of
the State Immigration Hoard.
winch has a fund or JoU.ouo tor AI. li. Iiarnes mg inree King
publicity for the state, and he Wild Animal Circus w ill give per
will aee that Mr. .Vhomourg is formances in llillshoro on ihurs
laden with literature for his day April 21. The coming of
trio. The Hoard will have ties- this show is eliciting a great
criutive matter printed in Cer- deal of interest and enthusiasm
man, ami II arrangements can not only w un me nine ones oui
e made satisfactory to the Ixiard the arow n uih too,
and the visitor Mr. Sc horn burg There will be 3.j() animals with
will make visits to several r airs the circus, each or which is a
in the Faderland. this Fall, and nerformer. Among them are a
II them of the glories of Ore- herd of elephants, camels, royal
k .! . . t A' . - . 1......
iron. M-Mtiies disiriouunir me Lknira i mars. iHima.s. iM-ar.
pamphlets. leoards, jaguars, hyenas, zebrxs,
I ttw ...r-ia.l .... m i? monkeys oi every Known species.
nches in
t t 1
anl lmrd
ii ... ..i ... if:.. :.-iever ctniewwn o'ouiHlil iKlliriMM ii in irn iiiiiii ..... . .
and offered for exhibition either
me nuiiiir. liiin-, ihiimi- i
1 1 i wk,i -.I . .... ii monkeys of every known species.
m '.J t nei Hils dogs and ponies. With this . show
I.?11 i! I'l " evercolUcUHl U-fore at one time
lin this country or abroad.
More than half a hundred
rvi ' heart-stilling acU are presented
i. i ii) at c&( anJ every performance
all on me. Carl Skow, corner
Sth an
Senator Wl says he has re- in steel arena.s, under the direc-
eel veil several communications ion or the worlds most ccie
frm parties in other counties brated animal trainers.
asking alsiut the status of the Without a doubt the most
fishing highway law. The in- dangerous, death defying, thrill-
tention of the State Came Ward- intr and unxligious act ever of-
n to recognize vesttnl rights in fared to the nublic may le seen
the matter will U welcomed hy with the AI. U. Barnes Circus.
nil w ho have lands that are now t is the act of llerr lioth with
and then oversowed when the his twenty man eating forest
water is high. bred African lions.
ah ........ l H.iu'mir f in.mastiviH. I A few of the many other fav
nil iflllUM nuoniiiK nnm,'nv- i -ti i ....
i.,.l..l.....l . h....n.l..rKr,Ml will I OritC BCla 10 W BCPn Will IH? UUU
lll'K Mil M i .FS" - ' I . i i . rtl A y nnl
ti..M .a 4uniuinlri OI IVOIHTI, iUUdllUIl aim
in iiftH t uii w ' J - .
can i'
: l,
' I .III K III till' lllllli I .-ilHillltlt w I . . t.
. i. i.,:n.. iw ' and his herd or Mamcse eie-
w" Ilhanta. Miss Ethel Hondo and
C. W. HIiHim and daughter her educated Arabian stallions
I I M . I . ...
were up irom ik'iow nrwwn, wnicn periorm in unison wun a
Saturday, lwcnty-sevcn years ,0n, bear, dog and a moiiKey
aLr. this month. Hloom and the I'ant Enirlehart and Prince Cor,
Argus reporter worked logetncr gom, an Orang-Uutang, who
over in me Muun luaiaun coun- noes everything dui ibik.
try for Joe Hare, who was then tJach and every performance
running the Ervine lturkhalter I w ill be under the personal super
place. vision of !Mr. Harnes who is best
made to either 0. E. troupe of bears. Capt. Stonewall
r the undersigned. J. E. and his sea lions, Prof. Emery
For sale: Thoroughbred White known in every village an. nam-
nrhorreLrtrs. SI for 15 or $G let of any size in the United
r hundmlfal!, hens ami I pub States and Canada as -the ani-
uo Keond ien orize at mal master or America 3 groatst
! : itoLm:i cais snowman. una i n"- oi.c
llinsiMiro in w.i. t.noi ...... j:,v.f vvid.
I .1 I I....... !., 11m IHIIOW LllUb B UIIHIVIIV. iiiiii
iieinuny, uuiiihi.ih.,v,1 i.m-i ..vl.iluti.m-i
Wind No thieves or
Win. Kidgely, of rorest Grove, I,rnf,i(a are allowed to travel on
was down saturuay, lasmg oiu anvone 0f the ZH railroad cars
a fishing license. Kidgely is one nee(jec 0 transiwrt the show.
of the veterans 01 the CIVIl war a nrtrirnniia. eliUerinir. stn-e
- am kvrM'VHw1 r""w- ----, ------
who still finds Bolace in the pas- nftradt, headed by military hands
time of lzaak Walton. will leave the show prounds at
Dreer's Early Standard potato 10:30 o'clock on the day of th
i .- ii Pntntnea mature Axnioil Oil. renormuiicea wi
mil. I V ' I DHIVi .... I , Art JO . Mil
: tut ,).. .,u SomeihinirMiw. and be given at ana 8 p. m. in
something fine. Have about 40 doors are opened one hour pre
bushels.-Geo. K. Bugley, or ap- ceding me perioruim;c
ply at Oak Cove Farm. 4otr
i:,.i.-,l P Wilnu nafiidnntBt PUBLIC SALIj
1V.I...U.U lit f, II-J,
tho tin vers tv of Washington,
Seattle, is home for a week's va- The undersigned will sell at pub
cation, the guest or his iatner, jc sale at his place, on me isor
w V. Wilev. He returns Sun- w:ck Acres, on Baseline Road
day. ' half mile south oi urenco, ai ten
ne. I. O. Clement of Port- a. m on
innH Ore., anecialist in diseases SATURDAY. APRIL 12
of tho eye, car, nose and throat, M U50 work an.
will beatthe olllceof Or. R. M. g 11 k in mik 2
vMU,in ll i ahnro. Saturday, """v w "V ti..J r u o
iiiirrui, " ' 7 " I fppsn now. Da aiico irwmmot w
April 12, from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. JXr;l5olstein heifer, 5 months
wiihiir MeKldownev. with tne nA ruhber-tire ton ouggy, ai-
National Bank as mnat new: single harness, double
cashier, was a Ilillsboro visitor lwork harness, 2 shoats, 110 each:
Friday, attending me ayioricream separator, miiK cans, mon.
trial as a witness. cart, wheelbarrow, piows, cum
Share I Good Kotk Itoad Ac
cording to nrurct ol Koad Ast n.
Wm. Musgrove, Owner.
Cat U Ul Oal ! Bat ky Pacilic Mifb-
way Btfrt, Jal !
For several years we have heard
nothing but kicks in the Multno
mah press about the condition of
Washington County roadi Mult
Geo. Icnnen, of vinelands,
a -1 .
wxi oown lo mo county aea.i
Frank Ing and wife, of north
f Cornelius, were in the county
seat Monday.
1. 1 it... ii..:- i ..,: r
looming, were city callers the
ast of the week. i counties nave ueen gleaning uou
Mn-ri.ui- At th HnoiiBi Par. It. while ashington County
ytf I itMd iiiuin fsaMftst Into Vt A li! f ti
Bonaire, llillsti'tro. April a. vji., i" "-' w
Austin Phans, of TortlanU. and water. In the recent report or
iensie Van Horn, of Washington the Pacific Highway As3'n, it
County, lU v.Cook OfTlCiating. mflBriiMm that Wahintrtnn
For sale Gelding, gray, 4 years Count last vearexoended a vast
l.l. sound ana weii-oroKe.weignt, ,mount mre than ita r.roior
a, 't . I I . 4 a '
"'.-a. ;ar er. .' tionate share according to valua-
niiaiwru, iouic . .....c linnf. Multnomah hni la valua
OUt. 4-0 ;nnnt TK Kl fft. anrl U'aah
For feed, bran, shorts, oats, ington County had a valuation of
ay. etc., go to jacoo iracnsei ii3.yjy.713. Multnomah has zsi.
nd Peter Kiedweg. Orenco, at 19 miles of rock road, while Wash-
the livery barn. 2-4 ington has 82 miles, giving th
rnrmnM . h . 5nt.l in county a great prepnoderance
the game laws should read the percenUp e Multnomah last yea
State Game Warden's statement expended $370,007.13 on rocj
n another column in this week's nV-V.-
I (911 tllwnn Lira hirrhn ava
is'ie. -: :-s: -rr i " :
I). M.McUuchlan. masU-r me- being done-and yet the "ginksV
chanic, was over from Albany. 0f Portland still keep throwing
Friday, and w ent on out on the gratuitous insults to us. anl
lw iv in. to iook over tne roil- jf we niily y we nave fr
WW. nsuted them. I'au Fee V.
Thi? Oregon Electric ex uects writer on auto matters, recenll
sjn to have the Orenco-United took a trip through Clackamid
ranch laid and cars will be and Marion counties, and th-.s i
operating across from one line to what he says, comparing the
. . m i I l - -.I. ft!.!. L. I
the other in a rew weeks. roaas wun mis mucn aous'
ltex-Tigard road
ror oa.f-inorouKouivu uim '.i, : :b . ,t ,
been impossible
erton, Ore.. lawte 4. 4-6 ... - M ff ct:i
a wonder to me how we ever got
of Phillips, were in the city Sat- through. 1 used to think that
unlay. Mr. Hiegy has hammer- the liex-Tigard road was the
iil iron as a blacksmith in his worst in the Northwest-why.
section for a number of years. that is a dream of a boulevard
r:.vo I. Ithter of nap sh nr. compared to Clackamas County
wood, was in town Fridav. He roaaa, and numerous nignways
If you don't want to come to town, just phone voor
order in and it will be promptly attended to as if yon
called in person. We specialize in "Hurry Up" orders
and you can get a prescription made ap very conven
iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the
earliest possible return mail.
No need to wait till you come to town
Phone that order in today.
On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and
Itexall Remedies by Parcel Post, Prepayed without extra
I The Delta Drug Store
anK Account
to best business?
1 oyerlook the mod-
xlations at the
between Salem and Cottage
Grove. I simply can't conceive
of any road being worse."
says that his section is growing
right along in population and
T. M Davis, of North Tuala
in Plains, w as in the city Mon
day. He savs there is plenty of
wattr in Mother Larth. eyen 1 he undersigned will sell at pub-
though the rainfall is short lie sale at the Cove Oak rarm.
J. T. Powell and family de- WV ! P'ace
parted this week for Umatilla. "'"l3 "
where Mr. Powell will again go
to work for the O. W. II & N.
ltailwav Company,
For sale: Team of six year old
mares, weigh louu ana nuu.
Sound and true.-Geo. Lennen,
Punks. Route 3. residing 4 miles
i miles from Oersham. on the
United Railway, and U miles
from Roy and SchietTelin, on the
P. K. & N., at ten a. m.. on
Thirteen pure bred registered
Holstein cows ranging from 2 to
un. u, iiiiiuuiK iiiinoin . m : ii. ,, ft i
north of North Plains, on .the
I Kill Id rt K. vm eA nnA 7 mAnfha
UUIIO vii v v j s viu, vuc mull VI lo
C. V. Graln'l, who has been old: 4 3-vr-old trraded Holstein
over at ancouver, . U, sever- heiters, to freshen in Fall: 16
al months, conducting an ever- graded Holstein cows, from to
fresh plant, returned nome &at- 7 Ho ste n. all in m Ik. to
urday afternoon. I en in September; 2-yr-old colt.
1. C. Nealigh. of Beaverton. yearl.in5 colt, span black mares.
w in lou n Mon..av Ho hn 6 and 7 years old: sucking colt.
hu Scholia nronertv. and Blizzard feed cutter, milk cans,
- r 1 - . I . tt. I . ..
will reside in the garden city for cream separator. caococK icsung
., ii hi .. puini, mim cari, ana oiner aru-
v...., wnm. f roi,,.:iia cies too numerous to mention.
.iv.i.v., v-n,inv, I ,,U V
ll' .1 ... l.,of ...fttoU n UM'll"' "I l'll
l lino. . iiiiiii. uivi .ii tin wa
Terms of Sale-Under $20.
cash: over $20, bankable note, 8
per cent, 6 months.
Cove Oaks Co.
Geo. R. Bagley.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer,
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for drawing your checks and a J
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. Wc can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shute, Trcs. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
d Main and Third, HUHmoro.
-m 3
attend the funeral of his brother,
the late Daniel Womer, of Lau
rel. He also visited a few days
with his daughter, Mrs. John
From March 31 to April 7. just
a week. County Clerk Luce is
sued LVU lishing licenses. This. Peter Almauist ot near Rwd-
of course, is but a fraction of ville, was in the city the first of
what has been issued since me the week
.'n.-f nf ! i-ii-ir a nil tn ivhnt I
in m ucmni hntwoon now and Frank Bennett, near Thatcher.
the close of the season. The was n town Monday, on probate
county gets no compensation business.
from the issuance of these bits Representative John A. Chap
oi imic paper, anu iuc wur, la man, 0i near Miaaieton, was a
theretorc a mailer oi cnamy. city visitor Monday morning.
The jury m the case of Frank Several thoroughbred Poland
Goldstein, a Portland business China boars for sale.-r Oak Cove
man, versus the I'acinc Home Farm, or apply to Geo. R. Bag-
Mutual bire insurance uompany, iey. 45tf
. .1.1 Tl .. f . I
was enmM i unw g o DaIIai, of Ga,e3 Creeki
7eJ"7". "lK";B 'S was in town Monday. Mr. Dal-
IS? tAWZS 100 costs of L" 5"
the action. District Attorney E. swl,on lur 00 Cttra-
K. Toncue acted as attorney for T. R. Imhrie. well known as a
Goldstein. The company dis- Hillsboro and vicinity resident
puted payment on tne grounasif0r many years, was out from
that the piainun uia not nave Portland, Monday.
. A L!M ft.tA.1. I
goods from one building to an-L JZ? Si s5e! HokS
.kii r.nHstBin nwvpd a.k sale of Registered Holstein
Vu"; i," j namiaainnr fmm dairy stock, in another column,
HUll. IIC !. v........ ..V... . . w .
Keenv. whom he suoDosed to be ior iYiay x.
a duly accredited agent of the Married: Robert H. Montgom-
Mutual. Anvwav. the jury be- ery and Margaret E. Jackson,
lieved that Goldstein was entitled both of Hillsboro, at the home of
to his money and voted the ver Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Kerr, April
diet. '3, 1913, Kev. Cook officiating.
(a N C2 AOO J
1 Sift I
Of your children by giving them an early
start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
j Watch
17-Jewel finely adjusted movement in a 2o-year gold
filled case. Positively the best watch bargain I
I have ever been able to offer. In fact you
will wonder after seeing these watches
how I can sell them at this low price,
which is at least $5 below the
Market Price.
These watches are guaranteed in every respect, and
are perfect time pieces. I make a specialty of watches.