The ILL BR vol.. XX i n u.s no ro, orison, aprii. ::. 101:5 NO. s s CATHOLIC YOUiiG FOLKS SIA6E A fo luur ol ImI InlcrUln ntrnl II Credent Ihcalr COI DV ITN MKUTMIM MtWS MiiU4 Willi Pilh. Vr.lcft Wt The young Hlf of tin Cathulie chim h ;mv u good H'count of thcmt'lvt thr t'renrent Thea tre, Friday evening, in tai?ing ft comply drama. "Tim Priro of flirt Honor," ami all h attend h1 - and il aa good iel audi ..nfrlt that they were given their money' worth. Arthur MiltenU-rger. the "P.euh" around whom the play centi r-d. was very god the oMtiim-r who wm taking care of $'.!. 2 IS for a niece, am! the way he Kariln the money and then lut il kept the audience in good humor all the time. There wat a touch of patho here and theie. when he thought that hi mm had ntolin the money. Will lelman, who had the non'a role, win rlevrr all the time, ami Mi r'loretire Wai 11, the nine. loru. who was finally won ly the young man. after thing had a(arently gone againnt him. kept her lm n mov ing all the time. The vidian. Ilarvev Hurtorl. taken care of by liwrge F.ngeldinger. made gol M the Uid man who wanted the money which he mole from the old man. in order to throw a cloud on the on. He had no more than ten the wallet, which the old m mi had intended to guard with a idmtgun. hut waa U'mixirarily called away, vrhen in turn a poorhoiiKe girl, twfriefljed ty the old man and wife, abstracted the money from the rascal. The poor houe waif. Jerusha l'iTW'. km well handled by MiM France IMxman, who made a hit all the time. The girl fmallv tohl how the money had been stolen after the Hon. in nocent all the time, had U-en brought back for trial. Mr. Arthur MiltenU-rger wan very Kood a the wife of her husband, and Hu.sLuinetl her art with a great deal of cle ernes nt nil time, particularly w hile defend ing the win even when old Kli liran to doubt lux honesty. John Uyan, ax Jimmy, the Iritthntan. wax good in panto mime, and a a bouncer wax xome pugilist. I'hits, Kitchie, ax Jus lr White, the coon, ww more than good. Henry IMsman, nx the hutch chief of xlice, made good for the circuiL All in all it wax a good whole Home (day, and all had their lines MTfectly. Vincent Kngeldinger. at the iiiano. wax a whole orvhestra within himxelf, and gave several rttinitierH ! t ween acU. The Catholic young eople are to I conuratulated uion their clever presentation of the idny. The direction of the play wax under the nupervision of Father Lappen. Will go to Ileaverton The cast will g to Beaverton Wednesday night. April 9. and the m t proceed w ill go to the neaverton Catholic church. Oregon Kiln oil U the age of 2 an givm a xnori prm tieai eouru- in agriculture and livestock grow ing at the Oregon Agricultural College June The inafi- agemcht of the Mate Mehool il ar ranging a camp for Uy from all part of the Mate at that tune, which Will follow the ti.e of the Ht iii ml )ear. I Malt of the plan have not yet U-eo fully worked out. but IL l. Ileilir, director of the O. A. I'. Summer xrhool, hax arranged for a new departure in the work and ! I lev en it will ! of great practical value. TliOKe Utti riding the courtM will U-hhiAii approved method arid, ax the instruction will Im given ty actual demon xtration in eonnertion with ten lay a camping miI, it will U- u wmnc of education preHetiting attractive recreation feuture. A prtlcctll W ill HtHill U' ItiMled by the college. A number will attend from thin county. I'or xale Fggx for batching S. i'. II I. Ked. Ilarr. d ll-xks II. .VI M-r xetlmg of .". $ M-r I'm. Itaby rbiekerix, 2) centi each; S. C White l-gbornx, II p r ier J(i, baby cluckx. 10 rent x. W ill do ruMoiu hatch ing and furiuxh rggx d leading varietiex. Agent for the famous Mct'lanahan incubator. S-nd re ijuest for ratalourui- by postal. Also have X Mine W hile Leghorn rockerelx for xale. U. I). Ihinx immr.t Irenco, Addrex. IlillhUini. Koute I. I'.x SheritT Hancock linlx that be Htill bus to threxh out a great deal of aftermath connected with the olhce. last week he was up to McMinnville, where be wsts xummoned ax a witness, and Fn day he was down to the county seat, a witness on the Cramer case. 1 xaw cordwood, Mies up to l'J inches in diameter, fence railx. and Uurds of nil kinds, into Mtovcwood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, phone or call on me. Carl Skow. corner Mh and Fir. Hillxltoro, Oregon. 7i..';r. EXPERTG. E. HAGKETT i ll your electrical trouble! to Owl F.lectric 0. 1 tf SOTHMI WN PACII1C 11m StMithorn IViflc scliedule. as now running, in as follows: To Portland McMinnviHe iMuw'ger, a. m f!:.ri2 Sheridan train, a. m H:IW T'illamook train, p. m 1;07 i-orvall h over and. n. m i:o On Sunday, the Sheridan pax Henger d(HH not lenve Hillslniro for Portland until 8:50. From Portland Corvallia pnaxenger. a. m.- K:22 TillamiMik pnxxenger, a. m..!0:(K) Sheridan nnHxenger. P. m .. i:i M'Minn villa paxHenger, p. m (: l.r WANTI-I) 200 corda of fir wood to lio do livereil at the plant of the (.om pany in llillalioro; 50 corda to bo ueliverwl on or before Juno l 1913, and the balance during the Rummer aa needed. Address Kverfresh Company, Spalding Hldg., Portland. 2-3 Fred Schoen Jr., of Hlooming was in town Friday. C. Vlohl. of Oak Park, con valeacent from a Bcrioua illness was in town Friday, L P. Spencer, of Honita, on the Electric, was in the city Monday morning, on business at the court house. Phone. City Mil H. H. Hall, of Shady Hrook. wax in town the last of the wei-k. Mr. Hall has just returned from trip to see hix xoii. F. F. Hall. of near Summit. Hen ton County. and he xayx that w hile it is a great utock country be likes old Washington County and its cli mate Utter. All Parties know ing themselves indebted to the undersigned will call and settle. Payments an lie made to either . v.. "rank or the undersigned. .1. h. lorwick. Keedville. Ore. IlVtf (IiHirge Madison, the cartoon ist, hax drawn a very line rural picture of the fishing season, and the draft ix on exhibition in the Hillslxtrvi Furniture Store win- low. It tells its own story, ami is a very creuuanie piece oi work. For sale: Thomughbred While ghom rggs, $1 for or $' . . . i i . . . i ... i x-r liuiitireii; also liens ami pui- ets; won second pen prize in lillsboro in l'Jll-hmil Stark, tethany, aJdress Portland. Ore., ioute 2. B-'-'J Fourteen China pheasant nmst i i i.. era in one uuncn were receimv xeen in a field within n mile or so of town. They are very plenti ful this Heason. and when the. season opens this Fall there will U' things doing. Preer's Hnrly Standard ixdato seed for sale. 1'otattH'S mature in IK) days. Something new. and mime thinir fine. Have about 10 bushels.- tieo. K. Hagley. or np ply at Oak Cove Farm. l!tf rim first crawfish simper of the season was pulled oil rnday evening, twenty-two men of the town getting away wiin ninny dozen of the crustaceans. Hud Knudson. below Scholls, has been catching crawfish with considerable success the past week, Portland and Seattle are the markets. I). C. Stokebury, supervisor of the Forest Grove road district, wax down to the city Monday. I). C. built some of Hillsboru s roads, and knows his business. Cornelius and Forest Grove were represented hero in nutn the last and the first of the week, attending the D Fverost trial. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crabtree, now at the Laurel farm, were in the city Friday. Fiditor Mnssey, of the Corneli us Tribune, was in the county seat Saturday. C. E. Korn. of Helvetia, was down to the county Beat Monday afternoon. Dan Lciay, of South Tualatin waa a city visitor the last of the week, Say lliit Work i.l C'tmnly lit In I. 'i I it Ahmo the Airac IIMlS All MUMV CCUIMH I UK I rrf Wcrr Nul Mm ami Only in Itjunj in Wrn( lumN C. I). nil !t, i.f Or, ( t ,. Saturday evening. M d ) , ; r. jn t on the Imk.u ot ii. r .;:;.;;.; : f Waxhinglnn Cmuty, c.'.itiii the last t rm of I.!!.. .', ;, , the pri-4-iit terma-i far a the tenure has extended. I b- wan a i ted by T. S. Wi atl.err. d. and com mends Mr.!,. rred's work Very hilily. After reviewing the Wink he - . "I find all the work aU.e the average, and you ha.e re a on to congratulate our:--!ves i wiii tuning a very eila-ient set f of. licers." t i i r.rrorx were ii-re at u ir.ere found in the tununt' over of money on tax rolls, a!! in very umall amounts, and tl.ex can ea-ily be n-ct itii d. 1 1, I'm- mi.i. takes o,'curred in slittm; the amoiiiits from road i!i. truts to ndiool districts, at.d vice versa. For instance, suj hi,hi;' a road district number should be llo. Mt,d there should be a school dis trict of like numU r. A two or three dollar debit niignt I r i to the school ili.striet of that number where it .should have gone (o ttie ru.'t'l oi tril l, lie commended all oifieers w ith this Sole exception, and gives the treasurer a nice luiijii t, at the same lime recommending a little change which Woi'.d be benclirial. Mr. lla. kelt is one of tin- real thorough accountants of tie state, and that In- commend the olhcials past and present, is a matter of pleasure, Uith to the people and to the ofliciril ' themselves. Mk'S. I Ol ISt - NASMN Mrs. lMUlise Naioil, widow of the late Charles K Nason, died at the home of In r daughter. Mrs. W. .1. Cuddy, north of Miikapsi, Friday morning, aged si years. 0 mouths and 'S davs. Sin' was I torn in Windsor. Maine, and was married to Mr. Nason at Mar. vers, Mass., in 1S.VJ. She cume to Ore gon in IS'.h'i, Her surviving chil dren are: Mrs. W. .1. Cuddy, lillslsnn; Mrs. G. W. Green tree t, Portland; Mrs. A. 11. Spnulding. I -ox Angeles; v m. h. NaSoll, ttoldtield. NeVad;l, ihe funeral was held at the Seventh Ihiy Advcntiid Church. last Portland. Sunday, and in terment was in the liOt.e rir cemetery. OkM'.UON I I I Cl kMC I k'MNS To Portland - 21 l.r 1 1 Uh.M 1:10 VI S:1H :,S From Portland :17 ::a 11:1". 2:l! I:.M) fi:l!:l 7:::r I).0' 12:1TI a tn a ni a m a in p m p m . P in p m p m a in a in a m I 1 h. .1. C. liucharian. of Corneliu. was in town Friday. Henry T. Johnson, of U-yond North Plains, wa,s a city visitor, Monday morning. Jocu-ph and t'has. Williams, of above Gaston, were in the city Friday. Now ix the time to have that house wired. See the 01 F.IeC trie Co. 1 -tf ,bs. IViiiiii-II, ff Connell Sta tion, on the I'nited. wa.s in town I'riday. -. John Templi ton. a Forest Grove capitalist, was down to the c ity Friday. Marion George, of near New U rg. was over Monday, con ferring with Judge lii-asoner. Ir. A. IJ. Hailcy and w ife, of Portland, wen- in town Sunday, gm sU of relatives. Fancy flard Wheat patent flour. $l.2T mt sack $l.7." r barrel, at Vaught's. F.yery sack guarantesl. Mr. and Mrs. John Hrandt, of Tigard. visited James Miltenlxr- ger ana wile, the last ot llie week. For feed. bran, shorts, oats. I ay. etc, go to Jacob Trachsel t 1 1 . ir i . ami h ut Kiei i wee. orenco, ai the livery barn. 2-1 Father O'Flynn, of Ueaverton. was in town Friday, the guest of Father Lnpiten, of St. Matthewx' Church. Several thoroughbred Poland China I mars for sale. Oak Cove l'a-m. or apply to Geo. IL Hag- ley . 4."itf P. F. Kavniond. of Portland, and A'ta V. Wright, of Corneli us, were united in marriage by Judge Smith. March 2S. P.I13. For sale: S. C. White Minorca eggs, setting of for $l.fil).- J, II. Trachsel. 8 miles out. Hills Uiro. Ore., it. 1. Hox 75. 1-3 August Irmler. of Cornelius, was in town Fridav. August has probably set up more farm ma chinery than any one man in the county. l or Sal-r.av mare. . years old; weight. l.".(0. Inuuire of Align t Wenel. P-'averton. IL 3. miles south of Ueedville. and 1 i miles north of Kinton. 1-3 Wni. Kvan. of U'isyville, was in town Frio.iy. Mr. Ryan has :L" acres from the Uusy home stead, and his son is trying dairy ing as a change. Pure-bred llutT (Vpington cock erels for sale; also a dozen mixed pullets. S. r .Goodwin, one mile west of Hillswro, top of the hid. 52-2 Hugh lingers, now with the Christensen liOgging Company, at Timber, was in the city the last of the week. He reported snow falling up that way For sale: Team of six year old mares, weigh llHX) and 1400. Sound and true. Goo. Lennen, Hanks, lloute 3. residing I miles north of North Plains, on the ridge. 2-4 Ora and Harry Cook, of Cor nelius, were in town Friday Poth are ardent baseball fans and hope to see a good season with the locals in the county The Grand Marca is the most wholesome "two for a quarter" smoke on market made in Ore gon, by M. Schiller. When you indulge in a good smoke buy a Grand Marca. 12tf Chas. Woseott. of Gaston, as soe iated with his father in the hardware business, was in town, Friday, and was one of those caught on the Everest jury. GIVES ICE EXPLORER E l amoui Arttk Traveler SiKn two Crafts lor two Airhi Will 1ST: ThT.M IN THE SOBTrl Aviilur CkrittollcruHi (iive Amadc tide 0rr Si frjntiit; Biy Amundsen, the Antic explorer, was given a rid' in a flying ma- hineover San Francisco Hay the other day by Silas ChristolTerson, the purMse leing to show the advantage of the hydroplane in Arctic explorations. So taken with the idea was Amundsen that he signed a contract for two of the ChristolTerson machines. The explorer gave Mr. and Mrs. ChristotTerson a dinner at the Fairmount hotel after the ride over the bay, and stated that with the use of the flying machine an explorer in the North would have a great advantage over the old methods. He w ill take the machines w ith him to the territory of the South Kile. and as the hydro-Aeroplane rides water like a duck, and lli'-s in the air like a bird, there will be no question of its utility. j his is of interest to Hillshoro liecause the aviator who closed the contract is rr.arneil to a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Piss ner. of South Tualatin. He is making the first flying machines to be used in Arctic exploration. A recent issue of the K.xaminer. of San Francisco, has an extend ed article, covering the Amund sen visit to mat cuy, ana nis lealing with ChristotTerson. and the story has photographs of the explorer and aviator, as they are about to take their night I I The Delta Drug Store I REXALL STORE ii KRKR-RITCHEY Charles A. Kerr and hunice Hester Ritchey were united in marriage at 3 p. m., Sunday, March 30. 1913. The ceremony- took place at the home of the bride s parents. G. W. Pate and wife. Uev. 15. Clarence Cook of ficiating. A large number of friends and relatives of the bride and groom were present. Many beautiful and useful presents were received by the young cou ple. Among those present were: Messrs and Mesdames G Pate, T M Kerr. W U Montgomery. Adolph Schafer. B L Jones. J M Goar; Mrs J A McPaniels; the Misses I .aura and Mamie Mc Daniels; J L Kerr, Uev Cook, leo Goar and Albert Kitchey. T h bride and groom are spending tew days in Portland. After they return they will take up their residence in their home in the northeast part of the city. CRAM Ik' NOT (it HIV MRS. LOUS TOBIAS Mrs. Ella B. Tobias, wife of Louis Tobias, died Friday morn ing at the family home, between Keedville and Aloha. Her hus band went to Portland, Thurs day. and upon returning in the evening, found the wife par alysed and unconscious. Or, Linklater was summoned, but upon examination gave no hope of the patient s life, and the next morning she passed away Two years ago Mrs. Tobias suf fered a partial paralytic stroke and has never been strong since She w as about 4 years ot age. She was born in Michigan, and was the daughter of Ldward Bartlett. Her mother's maiden name was Charlotte Merrill. Contractor Cramer, who built the now front in the I Vita build ing, was found not guilty Friday, the verdict being returned upon the direction of Judge Campbell. This was the case wherein Mr. Cramer was indicted for larceny by baillee of money advanced by Dr. Linklater to pay trio tirni which furnished the plate glass. but which was not so applied. The iurv: II Reese. G H West- inghouse, C 11 Bam ford. Richard l...nioli I. Ii' h'.mmott I.Sagel't. iiiiiii.ii. ... Martin Vandehoy, S F Goodwin. Kd Shuto. T P Goodin, Max Beh ling, Ira H Purdin. Born, March 31, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stuart, at Hills boro, a daughter. The little one is a grandchild ol both Messrs. and Mesdames Thos. Gheen and A. G. Stuart. The father is the well-known trackman, now at Wheeler, with the P. R. & N. Argus and Orogonian, $2.25. The new management is giv ing the linest of dances at Hills horo Hall. There will be an other opportunity to enjoy your self this Saturday evening, April 5. Toelle's orchestra. J. A. Harts, former editor of the Willaniina Times, now on the ranch, enjoying the simple life, was in town Friday. He expects to start a paper at Larayette, Yamhill County, in the near future. Mrs. S. B. Huston, of Port land, was in the city the last of the week, a guest of Mrs. W. N. Barrett. She attended the an niversary of the instituting of the Pythian Sister Temple, Fn day evening. Mrs. Huston was the first M. E. C. of the Temple. For sale, to make room-S. C. White Leghorns. Tancred and Wvckoff strains. Baby chicks, hatching eggs, liau Fireless brooders, incubators, yearling brooding hens, pullets, cocks and eockere s. II. 0. Delano. Kea verton, Ore.. Route 2; Elmonica station, on Electric. TO OUR COUNTRY PATRONS If you don't want to conic In town, just phone your order in and it will Ik: promptly attended to as if you tailed in jitrson. Wc specialize in "Ill'rry Up" orders and you can jct a prescription made up very conven iently in this way. All orders are sent out by the earliest possible return mail. No need to wait till you come to town Phone that order in today. On and after April 1 we will send out prescriptions and Kexall Remedies by Parcel Post, Prepayeci without extra charge. t Are You Thinking Of opening a Danh Account the one sure road to best business? If you are, do not oyerlook the mod ern accommodations at the American National bank c 3 Private desks for writing your business letter; for drawing your checks and a big free telephone list in a private booth. Privacy for your safety deposit boxes. We can make you feel at home for wc have all the modern conveniences. 3 Your patronage courteottsy receive. A. C. Shutk, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier American National Bank Main and Third, Hiltsboro MRS. Ll'CY E. WALKER Mrs. Lucy E. Walker died at her home in South Hillshoro, batur day morning, March 29, 1913, af ter an illness covering several years. She was the daughter of Peter Shull. and was born in tin nois. July 12. 1829. The family came to Oregon in 1847. and she was married to Stephen Walker, in 1849. Eight children were born to the union, four of whom survive Douglas, James and William, and Mrs. Mary Waite, wife of Geo. Waite. The funeral took place Mon day, at ten o'clock, and inter ment was in the Lewis cemetery, Farmington. Mrs. Walker was a member of the Christian Church, and was highly esteemed for her many noble qualities. SAVINGS BAN iJ, - ", Memo 100 - ' 5 L iS 75 2 "it. A 'i INSURE THE SUCCESS Of your children by giving them an early start in life. Deposit $1.00 with us and procure a Recording Savings Bank and a Savings Pauk Book. Have them save a little at a time and deposit with us. We We will pay them 4 per cent, on their savings. Their success will be insured. SHUTE SAVINGS BAM FAt'Ll'SlVK FOR SAVINGS J. II. Dorland, of above North Plains, was in the city Monday morning. r. J. bonnen. of Cornelius, was a city caller Monday afternoon. 't For Spring' Weddings Silver is always welcome in the' new home, but when you purchase Silver you want to be quite sure that it is of substantial weight and worthy quality, as well as of good design. I shall be glad to show you Silver ware in either Sterling or satis factory plate true to the period design, perfect in finish, that is made for long service. My stock includes everything in Silver, from a single piece for the table or complete Tea or Coffee Service, up to a perfectly equipped Cabinet of Silver for the new home. When you buy mlverwme here, yoa know yoa re buying Silverware of worthy finality. LAUREL M. HOYT 3C J 3 3 i