The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 27, 1913, Image 1

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NO. 2
II!!.!.S!:()KO, OKI-CON, MARCH 27. I'JV.
s-. Milk Supply ' UitiWnwrr
It iwttcr lh ! Vrr
sos (Ml! Tt uv SUI. tUCTS
An Merc l
Slav I'Moc
j1, ('. Orth. milk Inspector mid
traveling rcpri-wnUlive of the
J'i it'll- rt ('lldeimed Milk Co..
with fatrie here mid at hr
rnt drove, wttt in town Satimduy.
lit taid to the Argun reporter
that the n""1 aupply March.
thi Newton, iit Utter tlimi it
aiit the correponding ieriod
hi year. "I do not know that
there art m many mrv niilk
co here, but there are many
mur who have on or two coah.
than UNual. Thin i due to the
fad that many iple have
U'Utfht amall trait, and are
keeping ono or two row on
them, and it i a matter or fai t
that where iople keep but one
ur two dairy producers they a!
way crowd them to the limit, to
tret ajt nint h profit a ouble.
It meanN, of counte. more iihi.
hut it payathem to keep up their in Iteedville and Aloha
district, where we formerly had
only a idub, we have len torced
to put on a regular wagon, due
to the fart that the Shaw-Fear
iMtiple have aold many Htnall
home in the pal year. We had
a Kood ftea-ttin laitt year, and I
think thin year will be the ban
ner for production.
It Rkt to me an though Wash
ington County l getting into
shape for more prterity. and it
in going to I due to the cow,
the mamtay of the small farmer,
ai well M the lank acctmnt of
the big dairyman."
Mr. Orth has Uvn with the
company aeveral year, and he
known the county belter, er
ha pa, than any other man in the
The young men of Iteaverlon
met in the Mtinte building re
cently and organized an Amuteur
Athletic flub, electing as officers:
Arch Chrisholm. President; John
fornley, Vice-Pre. : Victor Km
motm. Sec.; J. L Hardy. TreM.:
L Wolfe, Sergantat-Arms. On
the start I!fi member answered
the roll call. The Iteaverlon Club
ha joined the I'ucilic Norlhwet
Association and in strictly con
lined to Amuteur Athleticn. In
their irymnaitimn in erected a
large boxing arena, punching
hags, exercisers, etc. The club
will hold monthly entertainment
in which the -nl Amateur talent
from the Multnomah, Columbus
anil Krooklyn Amateur Club, of
i'lirtlund, will take part.
John Vdernn. f near On n
co. wan arrested Friday nieht by
(Miner Mcliuilluri. for drink m
liipmr on the Ore'Kfi Klritne
truill. I'ederHttll IllU'le nil Iiltrlnpt
to rm upe while on Third Street,
but wan caught by Chief ;i.n. r.
Meridian tired several shot i ul
the Iteeing mail Ufore he wa
ruiitured. He wat fined tS by
Judge Smith. or given the alter
native of half that many unit
in jail. Mlicer l.illis. of tin I )re
irort Klectrie, u out Saturday
to lieur the cae. He nax tin
ctiinpany ii determined t' ht'
drinkiiii; on the trmn. and tl
law ui'umit the infrii" lion Mill
! enforced ut all titii'-H.
lotrr Hut- I lunilriil Ivst-nly
Aire N-:ir WiUh !l.irl. on S. I.
ror nale r.rifs f"r tiiitt-lun
S. II I. KedK. I'.arre-I i:.k;
f I. .Ml t r HeltiriK' of 1: ?' " r
Itaby rhitkefit, 2 eenH
each: S. White larhorre. 1
per U,Vt l r !; baby chiek-t
0 centt. Will do cii.ttom halt b
itnf and furninh ei'i'H of leading
varietieH. Atfent for the
McClanahan incubator. Semi r
iiueNt for catalogue by ixwtal
Alito have h me White Inborn
ctu kerelN for itale. JL K. Muiih
rnoor.Oretico, AddrtttH. Hill: lro.
Iloute 4.
Mm. John Itwe. of North HiIU-
Urti, had a narrow tHcape fnun
KeriotiN Iniurv one titifht last
week. She wan tm un fleet rit
car. and when it win pinsme.
Carden Home a nn k mm hnrb-d
thmuk'h the window, watti rinn
fraicmentH of khm Hplinleni in
her face. She wan wearing
irlaiiKtm or her eyeN mivhl hat
U-en Neriously injured. Sam
Zurcher. of near Cedar Mill, wat
arreitttnl fr the act, and it wan
naid thut urcher hud U -en
thrown otT of one train and tin n
laid for the next one to commit
mime violence. The crew caught
.urcher and turned him over t
the authorities.
To Cortland -
From Cortland
... n m
...a m
....a in
. . . a in
... p m
. . p m
... p m
. . p m
. . . p in
a m
.a m
a in
p m
. p m
,p m
.p in
. p m
a m
200 corda of fir wood to bo de
livered at the. nlant of the Com-
I'ttny in IlillHboro: 60 cordn to Im
tlelivered on or before June 1,
I'JIU, and the balance during the
Hummer as needed. Address,
Kverfresh Company. Spaldinjr
Jlldir., Portland. 2-3
M. F. Powers, of Aloha, was a
city visitor Saturday.
Hx-County Judjre Stevenson
wua down from his Gales Creek
home Friday.
For Sale-Bav mare. 3 years
old; welKht, 13()0.-lnqulro of
AiiKUBt Wenzel, Keaverton. H. 3,
J 1 f . . m a. 111 1
j nines sou in ot iteeaviue. anu
li miles north of Kin ton. 1-3
Wm. F. Hess and Anna K.
Callahan were married, March
10, 1913, at the home of J. C.
Callahan, ltev. A. A. Burris officiating.
I (taw Cordwd, leH Up to 12
uichcN in diameter, fence railf,
and boartU of all kiiuln. into
tovcwiH lenitths. Will t-'o into
the country. Write, phone or
call on me. Carl Skow, corner
Hth and Fir. Hilln!xiri. Oregon.
Phone. City Ki.
The cold Bnap tif last Thursday
and Friday bniuht to memory
the cold wave which swept Or
on a few years ao. March 12,
when the I alifornin tntMt in Uu
court yard lst nUut four inches
of newerowth bv the biif ireet
It took two years to vret the dead
Hhool olf the Uivurhs. and the
rel of the scald, or freeze, just
... vim wish to term it. remained
with the foliage all the timt
There was l'imhI skatitur nt tht
time, down on the Uittum and on
the leverich Ijtke.
All imrties knowillk' themselves
indebted to the undersigned will
i call andsfltle. Payments
can Ik- made to either O. K
Wrntik nr the undersik'neil. J. K
lUirwick. Keetlville. Ore. HVtf
15 V Peters, formerly of llills-
Uiro. now an attorney of Port
land, was toast master at iimeet-
inK of the alumni of 1 acihc Cni
vi.pitv. in Portland, one nik'ht
tt.N.k There is talk of a Port
land organization of nil w ho are
graduates from racmc aim nuv
residing in the Koso i.ity.
For sale: Thoroughbred Whib
I j.irlliirn I'L'L'S. fl fur l'. or ft
per hundred; also hens and Jul-
u.'m ueeond Dell Irit' at
l tn ""n ........ , r
n;iiul.r,i in lr Fmil Stark.
Helhnny. address Portland. Ore
Koute 2. !,--;
Julius Asliahr, of South Tunla
tin u'tia in fawn I' ritliiv. lit ri1
cently received a ostal from his
.il.t home in which ho was imrn,
an.l the ehureh across the street,
built decades ago by the money
contributed by Oucon Catherine,
of Russia,
Preer's Karly Standard potato
seetl for sale, rotatoes maiun
;.. iu .i,iva SAotnethimr new. lunl
Homethimr line. Have ntmut U)
bushels. -Geo. II ItaRley, or ap
ply at Oak Cove t arm. 1511
Clyde Kichardson, who spent
. . . . i rti..iiititi
ms uoyiUMKi uays new "".
tuna in town Saturday, before
fimirt fill hirt clients. 1U
has been practicing law in i on
land for several years.
The Grand Marca is the most
wholesome "two for a quarter
amnln un market mililO in WV
Kon, by 10. Schiller. When you
indultfo In a trood smoke buy a
Grand Marca.
Mm Ouinn visited with her
huBbnnd, an enRineer on the 1'.
II & N., at Wheeler, bunuay.
w it Will.. nf Oak Park.
was'ln the county seat Saturday
Jacob Trachsel, of Orenco, was
up to the county seat oaiuruay
Lee Sears and Ferd Hartrampf
were Port and visitors, rriuay
di an lie II j N.i.f Sliu up jl the
l' a 1' ta-c
arrv A. A'lU.-r "n. ; i "i I ; :n i-1.
imih r ul :i ' .i.inui i irtii M..
.it.- t!,.- ( r of Cum.
Iti. rV'-. eanie nut tulli.l!
other il.v In pav' t;i i n a li
ui-re traet oui' om t !, t !..t
Stewart i,um in ar V.,t h 1 1 :-!.
and :t i told t!,:.t. I i i l:nd v. ;i
:ir:e-;..i t-ioii.-U ear I ,. I
Invi- t ii.-a! i '!) I..i .'. ! that a !- d
U'M-d by ll.irr.. a1.. I l.vuna An
derson ba l I"', ii ei ' it- 1 at
SjHikane. Wa.h.. O.-t. 1. lltl
before a notary I y ti.- name of
Clan.:. Hami'to'i Paxton. with
A. P. Cox and M .' ti-; Kre.-I as
itiii-isi-s. I'he ii. o.1 cum rs tl.
property of the I. ' tl.i 'i Harry
Anderson to a n.c tv. but It;
owner savs he n.-ver kne.v an
ll;car ar .mi : an. sa riot in
Si.k:iti.- at tl.i.t tini !!' pro
nounci s tl.e li.-n! a for-.ery.
I be land in q : -tio;i
.!v worth l" r acre and
inav ! wnriii more as Hm a-
soon as the So'itl.eri! Pacilic is
e eriri let .
It l tho'lht I'V W"!T,- tii.-it per
lt:ii ln-al iiarti.-s tniht havi
made the deed and then inadi
their eta-Aay. but the strand
feature of the c-i ... i ; that thi
(':ir!s.i!i has never been h round
the i'are, nor .1 s any one in
the iN-eilville-Witei; lia'el Sec
tion kno.v an ( i tr Carlson,
AnderMiu has a teriar.t on
the iilai i all the time and has al-
vtas riceis.d las rental. I
say be was surprised v'oes with
out sa it: l', for it wou.d surprise
almost anvotie in moderate cir
cumstanees to !';i,d twenty thou
sand dollars worth of property
.leeded awav. lie wul at ollCi
enter Suit to I'et title quieted
k'tlASOM.k S kM Cl.V
I he Oreeonian of Sunday con
tained the follow inc; statement
.merit the Kev- l ik'.-ird road:
"1 t.nd that before 1 w:i. electe.
Countv .ImUre the nunibers of
the Portland Auto Club appeared
before the ( ounty t curt am
stated that if the county would
nuv SlKHKl tow an! the inprtive-
inent if the Ke-1 u:anl roal tin
club would complete a sin tch of
mad. ri'ini.r it a macadam f.nis
the nruposed utrelch iH'in
aUmt eivrlit miles in U nvth. The
court ay r.ed to this, and opera
lions were at once commenced.
Hie Countv Court of Washing
ton Countv has contributed some
thinir like .f.t.TS and the (
has naid out fti. Jit I S!, and tlicn
has been atsiut three miles of
road dressed with rock. When
ever the outsiders pay enough m
to complete the enrht miles, ttu
nresent Countv Court will come
ibroiiL'h with the ha ancc o the
nromised &tNm. but not In-fore
w ill state that I never at any
time nromised that the County
Hoard would finish up the rc-
m:iininir live miles ot road. J he
law is nlain on this subject, and
the on v promise I over made
was that road would krct its just
proportion of taxation'. I realu.e
as we as anv one the importance
of this road, but Washington
Countv has myriads of small
bridges to keep in repair and re
build, and taxes are hiuh. We
nre readv to live UP to the old
agreement of the Hoard, which
was solicited bv members ot ttu
Portland Club, but we cannot at
Ibis time iro anv further.
"In the two districts through
which the Uox-Ticard road pass
os there are IV.) miles of road, and
total tax amounts to about floH),
which would entitle the ciirht
mile stretch to about &UH). r ur-
iber than this wo cannot iro. ox
cept to live up to the old promise
of the Hoard -and tins we are
ready to meet when the original
eiuht miles of road have been
completed. Mr. John Nyberjr.
now a Commissioner, was me
VV!I4 rlw memtfer of the Hoard
deleimted to deal with the club,
and ho is here at all times to as
sert the trutht illness ot the
statement ns to the original
Vnr sale: Team of six year old
marcs, weinh K(K) and 1 UH).
X.iiind and true. -Ceo. Lennen,
Hanks, Koute 3, residing 1 miles
north of North Plains, on the
Argus and Oregonian, $2.25.
( has. Ilickethier, of Olar
Mill. wa.i up b th; hub Monday.
John Ka-sseliaiim. of Shaly
Prook. w an on the street Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HoHU'tk-r
and child were out from Port
land, the first of the week.
Tell your electrical troubles to
The OaI hlectrtc lA. I-tl
Virgil Pavis and Will Parety,
of U-yond North Plains, were in
to a n Monday morning.
Now is the time b have that wired. See the 01 Klec
trie Co. 1-tf
liussel Frost, of Panks. was
lown to the city Monday alter-
l'red Peterwm. of near Cedar
Mill, lias installed a sawmill on
the Nickurn place.
Mr. and Mrs. William Sehul-
merich were in the city from
Farmirigton. Saturday.
Fancv Hard Wheat patent
(lour. tl.'X per Back per
barrel, at Vaught's. Kvery sack
W. J. Hutner. ex-county com-
inissiuiier. was up from his Ilea-verton-Cetlar
Mill ranch Friday,
on business at the court house.
Have vou tried 1 loyal Club
Coifee and spices. If not, why
rmt? Km moll's, Second Street,
Pythian Pldg.
Horn, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
TupH-r, of Portland. March 21).
I'd:! a son. I he vounir man is a
vrandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
I'upper. of Hillslwro.
For feetl. bran, shorts, oats.
hav. etc.. iro to Jacob Trachsel
and Peter Kiedweg. Orenco. at
the livery barn. 2-4
The Faster dance. Saturday
evening, at the Hillsboro Hall,
wns largely attended, and was a
decided success. . Toelle 8 or
chestra furnished the music
Mice vounir tirime steer meat
Have you tried us? If not, why
not?- Kmmott s Market. Second
Street, Pythian Bldg.
Ward Downs, now exuerting
county iKRiks at The Dalles, was
here Sunday, the guest of his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Do not foriret to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
10 cent smoke - no cough dust
in the Schiller. 12tf
C.erhardt Gootze. the Holstein
breeder, of beyond Hlcwming,
was in the city Friday.
Henrv Pecker, formerly of
Chehalcm Mountain, was a city
visitor rnday.
.lames Harrington, of Vancou
ver, with the jsorm KanK roaa.
was in town Friday, the guest of
his nephew, the Argus reporter.
Several thoroughbred Poland
China Ixiars for sale. Oak Cove
Farm, or apply to Ceo. It Bag-
ev. 4ott
Mrs. Sadie Tate, of Gaston.
formerly, died at Portland, last
Fridav. The funeral took place
Surulav. interment being at the
cemetery near Gaston.
For sale: S. C. White Minorca
eggs, setting ot io ior i.ou. j.
H. Trachsel. S miles out Hills-
Iniro, Ore., It 1, Hox 75. 1-3
Attempt of Attorney to k-t Men
kcpreivcil VMtlmut Avail
E.h Ci(ctd aa4 Cvatklioa rllui'J
I Curalli
George and Charles Humphrey-,
brothers, were hanged at Salem.
la-st Saturday, paying the penal
ty for the murder of Mrs. Klia
Griffith, at Philomath, over two
years ago. It will lremember
ed that the Fall after they mur-i
dered the Griffith woman they
moved to Washington Omnty
arid bought a place aUn e Rinks,
buying from Kev. Carrigus. The
two men were quiet, unass imir.g
fellows, and were considered
more or less recluse. Portland
detectives were on the hunt for
them and in some manner found
that they had trailed to this sec
tion. Geo. Humphreys was the
first to be arrested and he con
fessed to District Attorney K. li.
Tongue. Two days later Chas..
the brother, was brought to
Hillsboro. and confessed the
crime, corroborating the broth
er's confession.
Later each tried to repudiate
the confessions, and their attor
neys sought to make the author
ities and the jury believe that
their admissions had been se
cured through "thirl degree"
This was futile, and neither
the court nor Gov. West believed
this estimate of the alTair. As
matter of fact the onlv third
degree used on either wa3 a doz
en, long, black cigars, and these
were used on Charles. He was
an inveterate smoker, and would
tell of the crime a long as he
had a cigar to smoke. He re
lated the crime, not only to the
authorities, but also to the Ore
gonian representative and to the
Argus reporter.
Both men were degenerates in
its last word, as was evidenced
by the treatment of the dead
body of the woman.
The Humphreys have never
paid the balance due on their
farm purchase and the land w ill
more than likely revert to the
holder nf the mortiraire.
judge Campbell the last of the
week eave Jeotha C. Garrigus a
decree of foreclosure against
Humohrevs. and the place will
go to sale. The mortgage was
for $2100 and interest, and Mr.
Garrigus was given judgment
for a $250 attorney fee. Garri
gus will more than likely hid in
the place.
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel icK
and don't hnow what is the mat
ter. Never Delay, see the doctor.
Hut if you know what ails you bad cold
k'rip, catarrh, dyspepsia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
come to this drug store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today:
The Delta Drug Store
Are You Thinking
Of opening a DanK Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
bank DSD
i i
Private desks for writing your business
letter, for drawing your checks and a 3
big free telephone list in a private
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modern conveniences.
Your patronage courteously received.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Mailt and Tnir,
I'Yed Woldridire and Miss Zula
Thacker were united in marriage.
at Hillsboro. Ore., March 18,
I'.ti:?. Judge W. l. Smith offici
ating, iho young couple are
from the Hanks section.
The Southern Pacific schedule.
as now running, is as follows:
To Portland
McMinnville pass'ger. a. m
Sheridan train, a. m 8:3S
rillnmnnk train. D. m 1.07
Corvallis overland, p. m 4:57
On Sunday, the Sheridan pas
senger does not leave Hillsboro
for Portland until S:oO.
From Portland
Corvallis passenger, a. m. . S:'J2
Tillamook passenger, a. m . 10:tH
Sheridan Dassencer. w nv. .r:l l
M'Minnville passenger, p. m 0: !."
For sale: White Leghorn pul
lets. Also several incubators and
brooders, latest makes. J. P.
Adams, near Jabez- Wilkes place,
south of the City Park, Hills-
bow. Wtl
The funeral of the late John A.
Foote did not take place until
Friday afternoon, owing to the
f iet that a brother telegraphed
that he would be here from the
Middle West
For sale Holstein bull, regis
tered. "Notherland Butterboy
Homestead." 3 years old; gentle;
tine sire. Will lead anywnere.
Inquire of Gerhardt Ooetze. Cor
nelius. Ore., Route 2. Phone,
Hill line 552, Hillsboro or Corne
lius central. 2-4
The John Wohlschlegel saw
mill, near Scholls, had a narrow
escape from hre one night last
week. The blaze caught tn tne
cnwilust. and wa9 raoidlv en
croaching on the mill frame, and
it took the crew several hours to
extinguish it.
Letters to Washington County
people from relatives in Eastern
Or.n'on tell of some losses to
sheep bv reason of the snow and
cold of the last of the week. The
cold snap caught the sheep own
ers right in the lambing season,
and there were a few anxious
James Hocking, who died at
Orenco, March li), was born in
Illinois 7fi vears airo. He moved
to Kansas in 1S75. For a time
he was a resident of Grants Pass,
moving to Orenco about a year
Mr. Hocking was twice mar
ried. Five daughters were born
to his first wife and three sons
and two daughters to the second.
All these children are living in
Oregon. They are: Mrs. John
Frisbee, Mrs. S. Peterson, Forest
drove: Mrs. Charles White. Cher
ry Grove; Mrs. Milo Kelsey,
Scotts Mills: Mrs. 0. Olsen. Port
land; Mrs. Leo Sams, Bonneville;
James Hocking, Orenco; Henry
Hocking, Forest Grove; Mrs.
Claude Armstrong, Grants Pass;
Mrs. L, Thomas, North lamhill.
Pure-bred Buff Orpington cock
erels for sale; also a dozen mixed
pullets. S. F. Goodwin, one mile
west of Hillsboro, top of the
hill. 52-2
Well. well, but wasn't that a
strange mixture of weather
which prevailed the last of the
week? First a little sunshine.
then a cold wind, then a little
rain. There was yanety enough
for all.
(o N G SOO-1 J A
H...... Jfh
too -at- r y
1 I"1F I
Of your children by giving them an early
start iu life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
are always closely associated. To
the man in the office or the man
in the shop, a few minutes may
mean a great deal. If your watch
has been repaired and clean here,
you can always depend on it to
get you there at the right time.
Ask those who have tried me.
Sec my new stock of watches if
you contemplate the purchase of a
new watch.