The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 13, 1913, Image 1

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Tr ii
nin.snok),()ki:(;()N, march ij.
f : 1 ;
Ut nrnicinu MCAIIQI
ytll ULululUil niuttw
.. ............ llw Mat kit
lif iiuiumis"-
ImbtiMM SIU Mill
14 di I'W'l
tlMt' i"
pout court I.viii"ti t ! i t
j.v,-rf.m-iit mi t Lav.- ?2 M
,r.- I'T rli,',',' "'
. . .. ii .... it'ii- mill
Vtlt"' llK 'iui
..,,. il li lu.lll HI
L(.n.,n f Wil'hinift.MI """)
I I I ... IIU'I " "
I lhr w ill l"1 great
loiiiU-t cirri.. lh
...t... i '.. 1 1 . I i.i.
until""1 in"'" "
mU-r ('".. tho W '"' I'"'1-"
vuriou olM-r i ninnr.
ith lioiipr;u I' iii','l-''"'K
Ihi l'aiui"t:i riiiHii. i" '"
ln u..iiiiiir ran:- " '' "' "
,1 hldiiu.' a'"tii-i"ii ii'Hi
iatn.ii.k coiiln. Aim.
nUllV. the "nlli"""
nn.iiry ll.iviiik' m willu'iii U
In- In rr Heme bnnlier-naii.
H , ii, "ld hull
l, ri-it III I.H MAIliill liilttiiirs"
raiU'iV I uhiIm t nmti bn
tun! lh v an t In.' th.-ir
k. mill 1-t.mVU t' -l cuMini
tt,.. Kll "I ' '''
-. i .. r ...i ... I-.. .....l
lil i"1 llillil"" '
ii- holdings, ami iii
1 . I . . I. . .! I
litt-rgrlUI. lli' H I'M lift'ii'iK-'
ii, In I'h.rrv t.lve. I hi ll
r mill H" hlM It lutlli.Ulli'll
)ini'Ut. uii.l Hi'' ! 'l ,"M
lnii-Ji.d, ami wlxti 1 1- tmr
. . i . . .. :ti i .
hin. rv ih umtall"! U'i win "
h urn- hi? n .ml m w. rwini).
A l. al liinlx r muiiT in
)b Aivhi. Kriil.iv. tliat tl.' U""i
Hiiow mi in InmiM-r. ami nri'ifou
kull n-ap I ho liarst inmi linn
JorM arl.
I'nr tul Kin," fr haUliinjr.
S. t'.'ll I. Uoil. l!arrv.l rk;
II r si ttinif nf !.; jr. r
Vt. Huliv rliukin. lii ont
l arh; S. Whito h i'liurnK, 11
l-r I'.; $.' iht l'K; I'uliy chirk..
In ri-iit.. Will do ruNlom hatrh
na' am) furninh Ik' "f I'-ajlinj;
arii-ti. Ai-'ont furtho fgniou
Mrl'lanahan incuhator. Snl
iUiit fur ratal) vio !' wtal.
AU"i hni' n itno Whito !?hirn
nrkt ri-U for naif. IL K. Hun-uiiMir.Orr-nro.
Aililntu. IlilUlmn),
U'Hlt.' t.
W. IL I hun.o. of IjiMtna. Cal..
rfcrntly m-nt W. (). lionrliMin
l;iiHMirt fnm tli Mmican Ko
lul.lii. I hi littlo iift of jiUrr
;i!1iw i liiin to travrl unmnUntt J
in Ihc laml of tho Miintrzuma -iiiiU
hh ho wcro rtturht hy tho
n U-U. I hi' iaiH iuol
prinr to Mmlrro' ilnwnfall. and
Mhi-thor or not it would U of
wilm at thiit tiinu i an oM-n
iiiMtioit. I ho intrumiit
untt'-n in tyin-writrr in Spaninh,
:unl h i l tho Ht-al of Ktato on it
Viewer Appointed on Three New
Itlfhway t Survey ami l.tKale
Cl.t Iftv AM) Kl COKbl K IMhlkf I I I S
Lf Ut el CUimt Aydilti
Coiialy rather
County Oiurt. Judk'o IU'aoi'r
ami ('oinriuHHiotur Nylrk' and
larili Saturday, adjourru-d thr
WHHion of court oviT to Wrdni'M-
lay of thi wifk. aftir a thrr
and half day Hitting. Tho fol
lowinvr lunino!i wa trannacU d
Ordorod that ifcial mad fun
in lUMinct Mi. ii turnoJ o r
,h :ts
Tho South.-m I'unln- .".riniinio
as now runninjf. H ioiiowi.
To I'ortlatid
MrMmnvillo paHn'iror. a. in
Slu rnlan train, a. in
nilainiMik train. I. m
( orvalli ovi rland. l in
On Siindav. tho Shi ridan
ii.iu'.-r- ilmH mil ran1 iiiuiHiMi
for I'ortland uiitit H:.Vl.
Kruin I'orl land
fralli i.iHunv'iT. a. in SlTJ;
TillamiKik ia.iHi ia''r. a. in l' m
Sheridan iaim'iivr r, in o.l j
M'Minnillriaswniror, . in "i "
I't I'd K SVI I.
Tho undiTiit'iiod will hi-'I at puli
hr auction at hn ram h. I uulo
east u I'rm'ri'SK, nnd i intlo N.
V. nf Mrtwr Station, on Ihi'
Ori'von Kli-i liir, at Ion a. in., on
F.ifc'ht hirh i-indo .lorsi-y rows;
2 yarlintf hfilir; ri'islorod
Jrr.i v hull, In) Hi. r.'ipiii'itv
Stiarpli'Mri t'n-ain rjiarator. hand
or jMU'.i r; :mi Ih. Imttor wtnki-r,
lu-al. Slmldard rhurn. Thin
lu rd of row s is I hi' soli d ion d
yi-ars of hrfnlinu: fnun full
IiUmI Jrrsoy hulls. Tho asl
Wind r tin y havo iivcraKod Hlbs.
of huth-r inr work M'r row.
Can ! sri'ii nl any tinio jirior to
Tortus of Salo $10 and under,
rash; ovi r, Ii months tiino, hank
nolo tioto, at S prrrriit. Jl T
cent, oil for rash.
Thus. P.rnilloy. Ownor,
J. I'. Kuralli. Aui tionror.
II. W. Scott, nt l-Wost Crovo,
was down to tho rounlv nont
Si'vrral thoroiiL'hhi'i'd I'olain
China Uiars for Halo. Oak ('ovr
Farm, or apiily tn (ion. K. liatf
loy. .lfitf
i'.. . Ilanlmir. tho jiistiro up
tt IJaston for muny niiions. was
in town I'riilay. on Imsinoss nl
the lomi' of justiro.
l'uro-hri'tl IhiirOrpiniclonrork
rrcls for Hiilomlso a doon ntixoi
imlli'ts. S. l'.(!oiMlwin, ono milo
wohI of Uillshoro. top of th
hill. f2 2
Mrs. Klmor .lohnson wont to
t rrswrll the last of I ho work, to
ttont tho bedside of her hroth
JT, (it'o. Srhulmerirli. who was
"I with pneumonia.
. For mile: Whito I,eirh(irn pul
ots. Also Reveral incubators urn
hriMMlers. Infest makes - .. 1
Adams, near .labez Wilkes place,
south of the City I'urk. I'lln
1 Haw rordwixdl. tHilr Ul to 12
imhi-s iii diameter, fence rails,
md Umrds of ull kinds, into
toi-iK lengths. Will ko into
llu- country. Write, phone or
all mi me. Carl Skow. corner
th and Fir. IlillsNin. Oreifon.
I' City KZL
John Kamna. the Karniinvrton
rancher was in the last il the
wei-k. lie and Mr. Kamna will
t-.i to HtmiM' thi Summer. tart
iiik' Houif time in May. They ex
iMct h motor over (Jrrmany,
Sviterland. I'.elk'ium and a xr
lion of Kranre. John say he
i uiect to find wme nmd that
are road over there, even 11 no
has to hunt up tho famous stretch
nf highway built by one Julius
preer' Fjirly Standard jxitato
K.-il for sale. I'otatoeH matur'
in '.) dav. Smielhinf new, and
llie think' fine. Have aUut 40
bunhels. C.o. It Ibk'loy. or op
ply at Oak Cove Kami. 4otf
W. IL Pavie.of Hank, plead
e.l L'uillv last cveninir. in Judite
Smith's court, to the charge of
killinir two deer, back in Janu
arv. 1912, He was fined $).
His brother. H. A. Pavio. was
lined $.V for x'rmittinir sawdust
to urecolale into llollister trtn-K
tributary of Dairy, it the
Schramel & Pavie Itnw. sawmill.
I'or Sale -A oOacre farm, half
cleared. room house, barn. Mh
in k'"'l condition; and outhuiUJ
Hies voiinu Iwarinir orchard
'i!ir Ktiition and town. Want
to sell on account of old Bk'O
do help. Write 15.)x K. City
l.ute fi.
J L. Hartlelt. formerly of
near Ciiiston. now mamtk'or of
the A. J. Kay hopfarm, at Witch
I - j-.-t was in the city Saturday.
arrompany in Frank WeisenU-ck.
Mr. I'.artlett says thai ino ucu
. 1 Farm is now Mrs, I .
W ( lillette's, of Portland, and he
has leased it for n term of years.
All pat ties knowinir themselves
. . . t . . i. . .....I..M.i!,..i.l ..'ill
linlelileil in ine uiun-iniKinn
.lease rail and settle. Payments
an In made to either U. h.
Krankor thoundorsik'ned.-J. K
.rsvick. K.H'dvillo. Ore. .kvu
Harney the Hoaverton
orchardist. was up to tho city
Saturday. Mr. Uw manuiac-
lures the Aetna Pranil oi spray.
and has sold onmik'h of his article
o load a vessel in the last lew
Tho Crand Marca in the most
wholesome two for n nuarier
moo ke on market made in Ore
mm. bv K. Schiller. When you
indulge in a kihkI smoKe nuy a
Irand Marca. lii
The Ladies' Aid of Scholia,
.. ill huve n soria evemnir. wun
i i.mLrram. at the Artisan Mall
..iw.iu Saturday eveninkt. March
Anei on su e. lsazaar. coiiee
and refreshments. All are in
,bw. Smith, an oldtime Cedar
Mill bov. nnd who Still OWNS
property down there, was in the
i. i. Krar.rH. ..f luaiaim. a n n riniirD mn rn
a niy v -tor Salurlay. ULU iHri 1 Lll lUULLU
John Schneider, of Phillip;.
wa a city caller Friday.
J. S. Myers, of north of Oir-
fieli iH. was in the county wat
L J. Creps and Mr. Mills, of
llank. were in the county seat
William Tiederiirinn. of Mow
iJea.ertoii. was a City Sat- rume Wardca Deaie Ike Slry. But
l. It. Wheeler and wife, of
Aloha, were n town Saturday.
on l.u.MlieiS ai Wie couri iinu.
b Ih.
ILVJ IWef-lVitM at l.nd of 111
t ishinz l.lne a a Ik-coy
Would Voa or I
F. C. M.trholl was out from
Poitland. Saturday. kjr-etin-
.1. Hills, of Iwyond North
Plains. vas in tie county seat
It isn't very often that anyone
drive one over on Game ani
ens Geo. W. and Chas. Uumll.
for they are known far and wMe
as the boys who catch violators
of hunting and fishin; lawn-
but a story reaches Hillsboro
from Patton Valley that is rich.
by ex-county clerk Hailey upon the cmrt bouse.
Ifoinir out of olfice Ih? turned into J. V. Marsh and son. H nj..
Ihw lon,l Hitrirt fun.! wen- m from (Ynterville the last
Ordertnl that the county road "f U e w,', k
as mt ptitioner paying one-half ror sal-', if taen
of th.. ilamniiH im4..K4.'il K:iid lV Marrb ! Jor J COWS." h.
I I,,. i. i ,f I'-ifl.m V:i!!fV M
.'. . , i . . I Tk I'.iuui.ll Ij.i j ,l..nv it l.;t sn
in town rrmav. on rtusim;- ai
I were we itame
K'titioners t have ?M dayn
w herein to liipiidate.
Ordered that Ualeiifh
son. Ole Olson and Surveyor Mc
(lee survey and locate proxK'd
County ICad No. .1kS. petition ol
Ko'tcrt Johnson and others.
Ordered that Frank llowell. V,
A Plieth and Surveyor McIe
view and locate promised road
.So. 5i0, H'tition of John Conzel
mann et als.
Onlered that J W Huuhes.C H
Huchanan and Surveyor Mc(ee
view and locate pruiioKod road
No. fo7. tH'lition Tanner i t als,
Nickersnn. eriiorna. Or. J-'t.
lUriiiaii Tiflemann. of blow
would yoa or
The tale, as it comes to the
county seat, is that there is a
rancher up on Patton Lreek who
jrenerally has trout for breakfast
every morninir. and it has been
impossible for the jfame deputies
to tret him in the trills of the
Leiui-riim. was a cuy oaiuruay , jt js gai(i that the tA.0
moriuri. In.ll made a cornoact to watch
Fnni Stark, fi thany. n a for him. and land him. if it took
February at $.772.15. and Kecord
er Perkins reorU'd fees for same
month at $171.1(0.
The following claims were al
low id:
V. h Stiieiiigl", co lira. mUi . oo
K.I t Mir, rlril. 1rp. m!, rp-3lH IJ
tt B kraasurf. ru tu,!ie hI . .ml i
CA Hol, co cm mlli.iirr ji Hour, ifl.ii lK-r SIU'K -HU JHT
j..iin sirn. co couiuii.i0t.f , . 71 ss liarrel. at Vauirht . hvery sack
llu1....rol...7v.,i . ' " U.n:.r:.nte.-d
Argu. rominiuKmer co ,v uiipllr hi nu "
KC li.t.u.irtit.n eoik.i7. .k. j. j i'ortt,r, the hopcrower,
M.iJ M U..Ur. ja.rnilr coutl ... s ' W P...nn.,,.r of Forest
visitor th hist of a week. For three days they
laid in the brush close to the
stream on the banks 01 which
the farmer resides, and it ap
pears that he caught sight of
them. After hours of patient
waiting, the story sroes-of
course. Geo. and Chas. will deny
it-the farmer and his son were
seen coming to the creek, each
burdened with a fishinjr pole.
Here was the chance, and the
Kussellu aid to themselves
"Wa'ia rnt th m nt lnstl" The
Peter Alm-juist and Henry farmr 9mi Mn had their
Miller. 01 Ik'Iow Aewwin. were i:a rla c waters of Fat
county neat
the week.
W:ti. Welch, one of the Heaver
Ion district, was transacting
business in town Saturday.
Hubert Thompson, who first
wei.t to Cedar Mnl in In., was
up to the city Saturday.
Win. Hurley, of Virginia Place,
Clerk t Luce ri'inr ted foes for was in town Saturday morning.
U' k;ivs that Virginia 1 lace is
rapidly getting under cultivation.
greeting friends in town batur- h.n 8trpam. and in a minute out
Fancy Hard Wheat
m.i cr.n.uii. -thee ... lot 4-U'rove. were dow n to the city the WiiMiti, " ' biw last of the week
K l) MrmOKin. it ram coml 4
AlrtCU'tt llor, njTttltig I'foplc
Sioir Co gruml jnrv jm
II K I'nimtMI. court houM- "5
t)I Mwlflc to. cvurt btMiar 1
i;(xl Year Kuliltrr. e h rirnr.lo 7i
llilllKro Trl Co. e Ii ninr..., is its
K U IVrkliii. rrcwnlrr ist 8
M C Cae. clrrk In office uf County
8 llol .SuS . ., - Jo 00
I C A l'lri;tv. ilrp !im(T ilfjr
txwnhni; piiMtiirr .... .I'M $
Pr V A iUilcr, Intaue l .
S k Vlncrnl. Iirnllh nllirrf 10 00
T C luiilcy, u roll ciiriuiun ai $
Smokers want the best -there
came a w hirling, shining object.
patent t the end of each line. The
Hussells were going to close in
when one of them suggested
that they had better wait until
they caught several, as they
seemed to be biting finely, and
the evidence would be all the
stronger. A minute passed, and
each landed another shining,
w riggling object; then another.
I I la C. .i-l I .t1l .It.ti.inM . mi
r V" f. " Street, Pythian
fore call for a Schiller or a Grand and another. When they thought
Marca, when you want to see the each had canirht about a half
blue w reath curl. .i.n tK nmhpd out of the
brush and said: "We're sorry
and W.J. Gregg, of Loisyville. to say it, but you arrested.
are adding to their acreage of The old gentleman slowly moved
htms this season. his tiuid of Climax from one
. . ... cheek to the omer. ana replied.
iMce ouiik iTime Mvvr iiruu ,l
11 ... If I nit Ml. n uai o mv niauci iv
"V: u ' . ' T' " vou fellers dippy? We aint
1 r ' Y '
Whenever you or any
member of your family feel sich
and don't Know what is the mat
ter. Never Delay, see the doctor.
Hut if you know what ails you bad cold
grip, catarrh, dyspcp.sia, or the thousand
and one complaints of the human body,
come to this drug store. We have a
remedy for every illness everyone com
pounded from the formulae of successful
Come in for one of these cures today
TV1.0 Tlcalfc Flmirr Qfio
Are You Thinking
ttajjAi a 1 s m as mtjr.:
Of opening a Banh Account
the one sure road to best business?
If you are, do not oyerlook the mod
ern accommodations at the
American National
B W llarnca, K'luK.l an l't .Ir4 .1"
Kiel Datura, lax refuuil .'. t4 5
Mary T Clriimiii. irfuml ol lai.-a. 4 Cmi
K IVu liman, com court 15
l-'anhlnn Stulitr. co nuiit 4 S
J II Drown, cm coii't 7 J"
A P Wilkci, caae ol rvr 4 00
Coltnite t nilrrtakiHK Parlor,
of Kr l" t
4 75
i 1"
9.1 5"
.VI 75
4 6,i
4 90
F. Purdy.
ketehin no fish. upon invest
igation they found the two had
been using some bleached beet
Pythian Hldg.
I N ki.liloaoli. liriiWrt
Owl lllrclrie Co, c n
Mia iiy Sloan, cir cl wit -
(, O Slcwn,
K O Alll.n.
('.lava & Pruillioiiiiiic Co, mrrcut
rip, trraa ollice ...
V II Shulr, tax Col, ahrr ullire...-
C A Lanikln, lax roll
I, A UMillcr. election
V V, Hilla. rVciiona
Win Mctjulllaii. truant ollicrr 10 71'
llillatmro Tiantlcr (.0, Irtihl t i)j
IIIm l.ivrry Co, achool mpl i oi
V U McPlicrn, iirofcamoiml er. 75 i
Oro liallireath, election. So
It M Siiiilh, witnraa 1
ui Ihi1piwiii1iiI. aiifiiiiira . A IK
J110T Klce, cir et rmihI iur.. .. 1 50 Monday.
Hon. l'.nu.
ow ns one 01 li.e nno places ai nhs. about eight inches in length.
the mouth ot ration auey, was slightly curved, and the way
in the city Friday. thev wriggled, turned and tlash-
ii..v.. v.. ir....i linvni t'lnb ed in the sun made them look
,".. . .. , ...1.1.1
c.nv.i,, ,..i ir not u-hv exactly ime mose uute wuitu
V'VUU 1 IIIOI IJ"V. "vi aj I - . a.
ntV Kmmolfs. Second Street, things tnat smeii so gwxi m a
trying pan. nuxea in wun a m
tie Hour coating, butter, pepper
Private desks for writing your business
letter; for draw ing your checks and a 2
big free telephone list in a private,
booth. Privacy for your safety deposit
boxes. We can make you feel at home
for we have all the modem conveniences.
Joar patronage courteously receive.
A. C. Shute, Pres. C. Jack, Jr., Cashier
American National Bank
Main and Third, HIIHboro.
k TT K ": m:X -- S "M M X K
J. J. VanKleek. of below Kin-
and salt. When the boys saw
ton. and breeder of Jerseys, w as the situation they concluded they
! had lost out and hiked for Gas
ton. They deny it vociferously.
but who wouldn t?
II C Atwell, co fruit liniwctor..
Jna II Jack.tchiMil anperviaor....
Cliat (ieilwrncr, biiilj;'
C.i-u Lariiirrinann, tax fund
O A Plieth. luMiie wotk
J S Lomnnir, liriilne...
6.1 5"
-IjS .VI
.. .11 s
.. $ Si
- 75 xl
. .11 00
iv Monday, making tho rounds
for Hlake-McFall & Co,, and pay
ing taxes.
,F. C. Miller, of the Arcade
District, above North Plains, was
in tho city Monday, on probate
business connected with the es
tate of the late Mrs. Anna G.
C. R Holcomb, of I'ortland.
was out the last of the week, af
t..e Hiiendinur the Winter in Cali
fornia Ho niav reurn to that
state ami locato after a few
Mm. Nancv Johnson and
.iniiirhter. Mrs. Frank Holcomb,
of West Union, were Argus call
ers, Saturday.
Vrederiek Johnson, of Farm
imrtoti. was uu Saturduy, paying
McNamrr llrs, co cimrl - 00
Klualieth Hlsnon, ik-liool aojit of... 50 00
(Continued on Pue 3)
To Portland -
a countv seat visitor the last ot
the week.
Geo. Galbreath, of Tualatin
and Kugene I 'ant. of Keedville.
were in the county seat batur
Fred G. Hoidel. now ranching The undersigned will sell at the
at Summit. Henton l ounty. was Second Street Livery Ham. Hills
dow n over Sunday, visiting boro. at one o'clock in the after
tnemls ami relatives, returning n0on. on
rhe WiKHlmen of the World rt ot mire bred and high grade
.... . 1 . 11 - r- :
w ill have a social time at k reus jersev dairy cows -four register
Hall. Saturday evening, March ett covvg. all in milk, three of
15. The entire membership is them young; registered heifer.
requested to no in attendance. g m0nths old; 2-year old regis-
Consul lonimandor. tered Jersey bull imported, from
For sale: Thoroughbred White J. B. Stump herd. Monmouth;
Leghorn eggs, $1 for 15. or $6
per hundred; also hens and pul-
From Portland
9:54 -
a m
a ni
a 111
a m
p m
p m
P i
p m
.p m
a m
.a m
a ni
p m
p m
p m
a m
Hunch for rent245 acres, 70
acres in cultivation, 35 in alfalfa;
comfortable house and barn, or
chard, running water, well and
windmill-in Klickitat Co., Wash.
Inquire Telephone Main 144. or
address Hillsboro, Box 333. 50tf
lets; won second pen pme at
Hillsboro in UU2.-Emil Stark,
Hothanv, address Portland. Ore.,
Route 2. 52-9
Geo. Laomermann. of above
Panks. was in town Saturday,
enroute home from a trip to
Portland. Ho says the sawmill
business is looking up nicely, and
he expects a. big run for the
Hunger mill, in which he is in
terested, this season.
Relatives and friends of Geo.
Schulmcrieh. Creswell, were much
alarmed over his condition, last
week.- he being a sufferer from
iinuenioina. He rallied about the
middle of the week, however,
and was out of danger by Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. Etta J. Brown has sued
Andrew M. Brown for divorce,
alleging cruel treatment for
number of vears. The Browns
have been residents of this coun
ty for about 20 years, and the
husband was night otlicef for the
city of Hillsboro, tor a lengthy
weeks registered Jersey bull
calf; eleven high-grade Jersey
cows, all in milk, young, and in
good Mow of milk coming fresh
in August and September; four
high grade Jersey heifers, com
ing two years, freshen in July
and August; some of this herd
have had the tubereulein
test, and all are healthy. This
herd has its foundation in the
registered stock of Wm. Schul-
mench. ot farmington. noted
for production. Subject to in
spection at ranch North Tualatin
Plains, at any time prior to sale.
Also one 1100 lb. Simplex cream
separator, used but 3 months.
Terms oi sale Lash at hand.
or bankable note, nve monins,
at 8 per cent, interest.
Geo. Hiersdorf, tjwner.
J. W. Hughes, Auctioner.
(o St 2 SOOV ) )
c --iV .
aoto foL 4
Of your children by giving them an early
start iu life. Deposit $1.00 with us and
procure a Recording Savings Bank and
a Savings Bank Book. Have them save
a little at a time and deposit with us. We
We will pay them 4 per cent, on their
savings. Their success will be insured.
For sale Six fine brood sows
and one boar past two years.
Inquire of J. H. Hanson, Hills
boro, R. 2, Box 7, or E. Peterson,
Gaston, K. 1, Box 60. 51-1
Ben Patton and wife, of Olson,
were in town Saturday, and at
tended a session of the Grange.
with au entertaining book, an easy chair, fine
light, and good sight.
You will not get all the enjoyment possible
without all of these essential featutes.
If your eyes or your gkssss are not quite
correct let me put them right. I have the
necessary equipment and experience to do
this accurately and quickly.
laurel Jfl. Jott
uro. 1UI
I taxes.